Half in the Bag Episode 70: Transcendence and The Amazing Spider-Man 2

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half in the back hi do you guys fix VCRs oh my god it stinks back there mr. plinkus smells horrible yeah I know plus he snores too he's also not a very good cuddler hey since the city is paying to rebuild mr. plinkus house why are we still letting him stay here we don't stand to gain anything from this hmm you're right Jay it's a very good question you know what we need is another brand-new money-making scheme how about we try running a legitimate business no you know I've been thinking about it and the biggest money-making schemes around right now or turning comic books into movies hey you're right if some comic book movie ideas were just original scripts today they'd be laughed at but because the source material is a comic book they're treated with legitimacy for some reason even though comics were originally just trash whipped up to sell ads to children that's right jag you know I've had an idea for a comic book I would call it horse ninja that's so stupid yeah it's about a racehorse who tramples an enchanted ninja and then absorbs all of his ninja powers I figured Jet Li could play the ninja and Sarah Jessica Parker could play the horse oh my god that sounds like a great idea to make some money but how do we sell the movie rights well Jay we got to turn it into a comic book first and that's exactly what we're gonna do come on Jay we're going to New York City where comic books are made hi are you a comic book man why yes I am hey Jay this guy looks familiar oh yeah a comic book man did you once own a comic book store in Milwaukee I did so Rick what did you think of the amazing spider-man better luck next time remember him now hey didn't we shoot you to death with laser guns Wow that's not exactly how it happened again hey let me try something okay really got him that time yeah in any case yeah I used on that shot but you know I gave that all up I decided I want to pursue my dream becoming a comic-book artist real big shot in the industry I made it too fortunately they have been drawing Little Orphan Annie the black one well anyway we came all the way here to pitch you our comic book idea we want you to draw it you got a hurry to is I got to sell the rights to the movie companies what's it called it's called horse ninja what's it about it's called horse ninja no Cal do it but you know my wrist is really starting to hurt I want to take a break first you mind if we catch a double feature as long as you draw our comic book for us what movies are we gonna see oh yeah we're gonna go see movies let's see transcendence and Spider Man two please welcome my partner in science and in life dr. will cast on the path to building super intelligence requires us to unlock the most fundamental secrets of the universe so transcendence is about Johnny Depp as the lawnmower man and why did we see this movie Mike this has been out for a couple weeks now and it's flopping horrible I don't think it's about for a couple weeks I think it's been out for four days and it's already down to one showing a day I saw it had a rotten tomato score of 14% and everyone was saying is terrible so I figured all the movies that we see in the theaters are so great it's about time we saw a bad one and Johnny Depp hasn't made a bad movie since his last one mm which was called the The Lone Ranger so since he's on a roll let's see his next bad film and maybe I could catch some sleep this movie is is challenging you to stay awake for the whole thing a challenge that we weren't all up to the task for no it wasn't even like halfway into what I heard your story I made it about 25 minutes and then I just heard her oh yeah that's the thing is I got to a point where I guess we should say the reason so boring is that the story is not interesting the pacing is slow everybody delivers their lines in like a like a boring droll monotone the characters aren't interesting characters aren't interesting yeah it's like the dullest movie I've ever seen I don't even know if I'm exaggerating the concept is interesting some interesting ideas as far as that kind of sci-fi thing go they didn't know how they wanted to handle it though they didn't know who the villain was they didn't know if if dr. Johnny Depp was was the villain or if he was a hero or I was supposed to root for the terrorists because that's the thing it had drew kind of a lot of parallels with other kinds of things like um I got like a Jesus Christ kind of vibe um the science is the new I knew God and and he's healing the sick and the blind and you know everyone people fear what they don't understand yes and then even like there's like a Romeo and Juliet ending where he kills her oh god spoilers was [ __ ] cares and then many times reviews up they won't be able to see it's gonna be honest and she's trying to kill him and then he ends up saving her by killing himself and then they're lying in the bed together just like Romeo and Juliet are at the end and you're those tragedy you know and then and then the same spoiler same twist is that he wasn't a villain all along he was actually trying to save the environment yeah and he was him and it's like everyone got everyone got freaked out because they feared what they didn't understand and you know and then there was I would call it pretentious in the way it was all delivered well the whole the whole tone of the movie it like it was like a lowly it was like when you listen to people when they have trouble falling asleep and they put on that CD of like nature sounds yeah this was the movie equivalent of that where you just I was watching the screen so passively that I could have been staring at nothing that it would have made a difference yeah it didn't draw you in emotionally I would have liked it more if it were specifically just about the computer husband and the grieving wife and about what about whether or not that was his soul or if it's just a copy yeah well it's something smarter like that it's kind of like the aunt I heard there was a movie about the way we use technology and how it's taken over our lives in a way that makes it very human and interesting and then a different angle where it's not so we can't end a movie without bazookas and rockets but even that was boring everything was boring I want to say that like I was thinking that during this that this movie should have been called him and I made jokes about her not about the movie her but when we reviewed it was that that material in a different writer director would have turned it into action schlock and this movie didn't necessarily do that it tried to deal with something it wasn't like I'm gonna kill the world I don't know it was it it it set it up for a twist was that he really wasn't this horrible villain he really was trying to transcend everything but and it made the people that you were rooting for look foolish in the end which which was a twist and there was some action in it but I wasn't overdone it wasn't dumb action you know it wasn't a dumb movie but it was just boring well it doesn't help that the wrap around story that what they show at the beginning is and then the rest of the movie is a flashback you know how it ends yeah yeah like you know exactly where this is all going they give it all the way in the first two minutes yeah that they were good they do that don't know they were gonna both live together forever inside a raindrop on a copper sheet this is what happens in the movie imagine a machine with a full range of human emotion it's analytical power will be greater and the collective intelligence of every person in the history of the world some scientists refer to this as the singularity professor I call it transcendence so you checked out like halfway through right and then I found myself and I wasn't even tired like I can watch a movie super late at night but if I'm engaged I'll be into it it doesn't matter but I was I noticed I was starting to nod off and I was like I'm not I'm not gonna let this movie beat me it beat Mike I'm not gonna let it beat me so that was my challenge for the rest of the movie to keep me invested was just not falling asleep to the point where I had to just get up and walk out of the theater for a little bit stretched my legs I heard you giggling as I was leaving I said yeah I knew you would I know you had given off I thought you had completely given up I didn't think you were coming back that was the last I saw Jay bomb him for the night I did enjoy the movie more than either of you huh yeah you weren't horribly bored by everything I wasn't horror I was a little bit bored I wasn't horribly bored like I said I liked the ideas behind the subject matter I know that it was handled the best way it wasn't a terrible movie it wasn't terrible it was very it was very dry and dull but I do agree with you that it has some interesting sci-fi concepts I'm glad it didn't turn into action schlock which is you know which is what a lot of movies are now that that takes smart science fiction concepts and turn them into dumb clock so you're right on that there's almost the unfortunate part though because it's like oh this is an original movie is kind of an interesting idea but it's done so in a way well nobody's going to be engaged by and I guess we should mention that director is Christopher Nolan's DP and Christopher Nolan produced it I don't know it was just written by some guy that's actually what the credit said it only felt like was a like the first assembly cut of an edit of a movie where you're just taking the best takes and the best shots and just dropping him onto a timeline and like the most linear fashion yeah and then you don't tighten it or sculpt it into having you know ups and downs yeah give it a pacing it had no pacing to it yeah and then the performances all the actors were good in it but it didn't seem like they were I guess being directed properly because like what's-his-face Morgan Freeman just he didn't he looked like he had no idea what was happening now you said that most of the performances were good I actually thought Johnny Depp was bad and the way he's been to the point yeah well I'm wondering like have we just been hey this is the guy from 21 Jump Street this is the guy that got sucked into a bed and shot out and blood hasn't just been distracted all these years by all his silly hats you know what it is it's all on a silly hat yeah and he does a goofy accent and he even kind of did it in that like in transcendence it's not his normal voice he's doing something different so he can't even do a straight role without doing some sort of running jump is a good performer but he's not a great actor and that's my opinion and then it's like all these um big things were happening like so fast so go we're gonna come to the small town and we want to build a huge multi-story complex under the ground here okay one year later yeah well that's the thing who built all this and then he starts making robot Sambas oh my god they skipped two years but I think like the development of some of that would have been seeing that would have been deed oh you're the nanotech healing people it's like I think you're supposed to be rooting for like the idiot terrorists who want to bring everybody back to the Stone Age and when when I'm looking at this computer making all of these medical marvels yeah yeah why are they running against this yeah yeah well won't your cancer that's fine we'd rather set ourselves back he'd rather live on a goat farm they feared the AI would become yeah you're powerful almost like a matrix situation where it takes over the planet I'd have to say though after seeing the trailer for the movie where Scarlett Johansson uses more than 10% of our brain isn't a lovely trope that this hasn't been used before yeah there is grounded in reality it's not true they say that with the you know that's just like a myth or whatever like even if we use longer percents of a hundred percent of our brains we I don't know that's called epilepsy yeah exactly I don't think we would be able to do things that neo does if we could use 100 percent of our brains now that looks like garbage but like this at least it took material in a smarter way yeah yeah wills body is dying but his mind is a pattern of electrical signals we can upload his consciousness we can save him not like this assuming that this works if we missed anything a thought a childhood memory how will you know who you're dealing with Johnny Depp star I'm a scientist guy and I talk like this yeah oh I died oh no I'm gonna get it I don't give a [ __ ] how did he die I don't even remember terrorists shot him with a bullet laced with oh that's right radioactive material that's right the terrorists who are good guys have to team up with at the ends right isn't that what happened yeah so now we have the good guys on the terrorists so we're supposed to root for both of what were we supposed to root for them were they supposed to be a red herring we think we're supposed to say were supposed to be they don't know they were a red herring okay and then you're you're supposed to root for them look we got to stop this guy I never rooted for them incidentally well if you're anybody you're supposed to get in the mindset that Johnny Depp is bad yeah because he's mysterious and he's doing things and then he's putting his micro of nanobots into the water mm-hmm and then the one guys like they're everywhere soon is gonna kill us all and take over the world and then the end it's just like oh no I wanted to heal the planet I was like oh you as the audience got wrapped up in the perspective of the terrorists and wanted to stop Johnny Depp but in the end it's just a good guy wanted to save the environment as filmmakers they failed because the entire time I was rooting for Johnny Depp I hired time I was apathetic the whole time okay I and so they failed in that regard too I was rooting for a pillow and a blanket it actually matches up to the ending of Mass Effect 3 - two of the horrible endings are all technology is destroyed and the other one is everyone gets joined as the unit mine techno people half machine which are the two of the things going on in transcendence an odd parallel so the filmmaker said let's make a movie based off them so disappointing thing ever let's let's make a movie based off of the most poorly received video game in history well they made the most poorly received film in history rich Evans would you recommend transcendence lukewarm recommendation very little while I K fifty-eight percent approval rating from me fifty-eight percent that's all pretty good actually yeah I didn't I did not eat the movie okay I know I would not recommend it I can't remember the last time I watched a movie this passively I might recommend this to two dads that watch the sci-fi channel or the History Channel like nerd dads sure that you might get some enjoyment out of a slower paced kind of sci-fi movie as opposed to a loud obnoxious well you say slower pace that would imply that there is any Pacey I'm saying I I'm gonna go with the general thumbs down on this a general no recommendation then yeah I agree it kind of falls into that it just needed to be handled with a little more humanity you every day I wake up knowing that the more people I try to save the more enemies I will make and it's just a matter of time before I face those with more power I can overcome the amazing spider-man 2 is directed by Marc Webb who also directed the amazing spider-man this one also stars Andrew Garfield as spider-man and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy again it also has Dolly Parton as Aunt May or whatever the movie also has bad guys and fights and themes of family and revenge and love and heroism eventually the movie ends the amazing spider-man is an experimental film designed to test the effects of an experimental moving plotline on the human brain well we'll start with our comic book artist I believe his name is rich all the way from New York City visiting us here in Milwaukee Wisconsin to talk about the amazing spider-man 2 rich what did you think of the amazing spider-man 2 I I think the amazing spider-man is an amazing film it it's just so wonderful in every conceivable way there's the drama and then there's that that that man that plotline was just so tight and compact and you know what was going on at every moment of the film I will say this movie is and it should be an inspiration to aspiring screenwriters because oh now you understand that you don't have to have a plot or any sort of sufficient character motivation to get a movie babe we can all applaud the screenwriting hacks Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orsi who penned such hits as Star Trek and Star Trek into darkness this was as far as the script goes this was much worse than any of those and any terrible new movie has been done by these two you know what I thought happened I thought like like the studio Stoney had like they didn't know where to take sequel say like five different screenplays written up and then like the intern on his way to bring the screenplays all five to the executive you like trip and he fell and all the pages went all over the place so we just started like taking them all and putting them on one big pile and that's how the script got written yeah this doesn't feel like a coherent story this feels like a collection of scenes it's a collection of story threads none of them have anything to do with each other and just kind of happens I'm trying to think of what the plot was there is no plot there is no plot there's a series of there's uh Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have their little relationship troubles because every single spider-man movie has to have them breaking up because he's spider-man every single one of them does that doesn't it and then there's so there's that yeah there's electro who is Jamie Foxx who's the nerdy awkward scientist man just like Jim Carrey and that's exactly what I was thinking the whole [ __ ] yeah the part - yeah our guy Pierson Iron Man 3 that type of character he falls into a vat of eels electric eels electric eels and that somehow gives them superpowers well they were they were experimenting with cross-gen --ax and Hannah okay that falling into the VAT just makes you so [ __ ] powerful with electricity for some reason it also turns you evil because then he wants to kill spider-man because spider-man didn't remember his name was that his motivation why did he Olson hate spider-man because he had to yeah there was no overarching storyline there's just two villains become villains there's AI want to stop so that's yeah that's there's two stories now we've been through this before okay the next one would be Aereo's born right Harry Osborn there's there's blue electro man wants kill spider-man because he wants kill spider-man there's Harry Osborn is dying anyone Spiderman's blood because for some reason Spiderman's blood will cure all diseases there's spider-man wants to date Gwen Stacy but Denis Leary won't let him even though he's a ghost and then there's no payoff and then there's Aunt May becomes a nurse there's two scenes dedicated Aunt May becoming a nurse and the big payoff to that plotline is that she's at a hospital when the lights go out Peter Parker Mary Osborne you're gonna want to see this Oscar get you under surveillance why isn't that question of the day there's something you're not telling me Aunt May I want to talk to this secrets have a cost my name is Richard Parker I have discovered what Oscorp was going to use my research for I have a responsibility to protect the world from what I know they're capable of so the movie starts off there's a prologue that's like a flashback can I talk about that can I just stop you right here and go for it first of all this was this was the worst movie I've ever seen um it was so [ __ ] boring and and I want to talk about the prologue because I'm edge I imagine this movie opening going to be hazing spider-man - dude dude spider-man comes in it's like you crooks I'm gonna get you and then it opens actually with like a 40 minute long scene that's like the Bourne Identity on an airplane with people being shot and murdered Peter Parker's dad trying to upload his secret work to his secret lab under the ground through his sony vaio computer on an airplane and did that serve any purpose though that's the thing where we law doesn't do anything in the end once he find it did you know it's there you're saying like I'm a five-year-old kid and I want to see spider I see spider-man's foil a bank heist in the opening scene and and kiss one Stacy at the end of the scene and instead wicked oh I'm gonna blow the quantum virus into my computer and observe the and like what's going on this isn't a James Bond movie this isn't a Bourne Identity movie I was so bored yeah and I was angry because I was imagining myself as a kid the opening of your movie should be colorful and exciting it's a Spider Man movie have fun with it and it wasn't too brooding as much as the first one there are a lot of fun little spiderman quips and moments okay so here's here's the biggest problem with this movie though so that's the opening scene it has nothing to do with the rest of the movie for one thing and then we does though but then not really but then we get to after that is the exciting scene you were talking about where spider-man's flipping around and he's chasing after Paul Giamatti Paul Giamatti and his greatest role since the John Adams miniseries oh my god yeah the minute he started talking that's when I was like I'm done like it's little since because Paul Giamatti is a great actor and that was one of those things where it's like is he just being as awful as possible just to see if he can get away with it that is those handing it up he was so bad and then all the like that hold the tone of that whole opening action scene it felt like a like an old Power Rangers episode it was terrible and then cut to it keeps cutting back and forth between that like fun spider-man antics next scene Peter Parker on the verge of crying like the whole movie is that I I didn't mind that opening scene I didn't mind how Paul Giamatti was goofy and spider-man had his little little cute quips and he's saying silly things I wish to me I did that did not me at all exactly I thought the whole movie should have been like that but then it cuts to him like oh my god that scene where Harry Osborn goes and talks to his dad who's dying oh my god and it's like okay here's the scene do you disappointed the dad and I can become evil and it's like 10 minutes long and it's just them just talking back and forth yeah I start playing poker at phone I did it I started playing to hold him on my phone I really did I was just sitting there I was just so bored yeah and there are so many scenes of talking and talking and talking this movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes long oh my it was way too long what is his name the guy who played duh Norman he says a respect that's Chris Cooper he's a really great actor that's it I guess that's there anything with this movie Schaefer is an Academy Award winning actor it's fun but he was more cartoony in that deathbed scene than he was in the Muppet movie there's a lot of good actors in this movie that just [ __ ] what the future we literally can change the world what about Peter not everyone has a happy end how about electro is his origin similar in the comics to what it wasn't diggin they can you know you know in the comic books you know what Electra's origin is he's an electrician who gets hit by lightning and then he decides he's going to rob banks it's not be better than what's in this movie he's nah he's not a very deep character he's never been a very deep character he's just a lot of spider-man villains are just kind of bugs okay Sandman just wants to rob banks electro just wants to rob banks the Shocker just wants to rob banks I thought the Shocker might want to do something else did ya and did did Electro's power like once he became a superhero it closed the gap in his teeth what the [ __ ] happened he can also fly he's a physical body first because they show him in the morgue and he wakes up when he falls out and then all of a sudden he's just pure electricity got a little the power grid he got too much power or something I don't know whatever he is a [ __ ] really who gives a fit doesn't matter cuz that's that plot will be over in one second they'll cut to something else that has nothing today at the end of the movie he blows up but he's electric man he's he's made out of electricity he's been dissolving himself for half the movie yeah who cares if he blows up well their logic was is that a battery would explode but yeah he has known yeah and the body of that he's not a physical thing yeah battery's just a thing a liquid acid that transfers a charge from one side to the other and it blows up cuz overheats but he was just electricity yep okay sure and then I did why did they put the power meter on his head that said what his child balances us heart it has a little bar graph and the end it said it actually said explode better luck next time I hate this movie so [ __ ] much it's bigger than you Peter I made a choice this is my pie so everyone who's sick our feels to live in world without power merci I don't know how bad the sequels are going to be but they're not even have origins anymore because the one to the the magic room with all the supervillain weapon it's all there and you see doc Ock's arms you see the vultures wings and what in the next movie are they just gonna like hand them out to people or we are they even they they're not even to like bother with origins anymore just write you dr. octopus everything got its remand the whole delicious spider-man gonna get spider-man because you feel bad because he's got the spotlight now and study you and you're jealous that's your motive go hit him with your octopus ounce I love the moment in this movie after the big they're in Times Square that's the first big scene with electro and they fight and it's a big action scene and then they show Peter Parker he comes home and he sits in his room and for absolutely no reason you have no motivation whatsoever he decides at that moment that he's going to start investigating what happened to the mystery with his dead dad out of nowhere this is like his main motivation that I was like what is happening I think I laughed when he pulled the suitcase out and started doing research yeah like like how does that relate to him just fighting electro like what it's time for this to happen now yeah it was so random and and then Peter Parker he goes to visit Harry Osborn cuz Harry Osborn stab dies in the newspaper and he's like we haven't seen each other in 8 years since they were I'm assume they would have thought ok they would have been 10 but they talk about old times as if they were 17 and old yeah and then he's like he's he's my friend no he's not yeah you haven't seen each other in almost a decade now you're best friends and the only reason they even introduced him at all is so they can have him become the Green Goblin so they can do one iconic spider-man thing at the very end and it's the worst version of the Green Goblin ever Harry Osborn asks Peter Parker to find spider-man because Harry Osborn Lance's blood to magically transform isn't that what happened in Star Trek into darkness magic blood saved Captain Kirk yes anyways so he wants to Peter Parker he's like find spider-man so I can get his magic blood and a Peter Parker is like I'm just a photographer I just take pictures of him his eye and then Peter Parker good I said okay I'll try but then he gets in a spider-man costume and shows up and basically just tells him no I can't do it why would he say no incidental I show up a spider-man and be like hey I'm here yeah oh I can't give it to you by cuz you just wanted to be a day shows up just to be an [ __ ] what doesn't he know that no you know what yeah shows up to do that just so Harry Osborn has motivation to come back as the Green Goblin yeah it's so bad could just be like Harry Osborn to be like on his deathbed and Peter Parker be like I I tried calling him but it couldn't get him here yeah I do I'm the best I'm forgetting things I hate about this movie I am so wet Amy sighs can't you see just like Iron Man uh so now we're gonna go into spoilers we're gonna talk about the end of the film so if you know anything about spider-man this is not a spoiler at all sure it's like the most obvious thing in the world to me um I am assuming now that the spoilers have officially begun yes that you were referring to the death of Gwen Stacy mm-hmm that's not a spoiler cuz the whole movie I'm just thinking what are they gonna drop her off the bridge yeah well that's the thing is they get to a bridge she's on a bridge and that's not where she dies though well that I guess that's a twist yeah she die he dies in a whimsical clock tower with giant gears everywhere to drop her off of a comical clock tower which is in the middle of an electric power night and she falls like eight times it's the most comical sequence ever he catches her with the webbing oh they land in a gear she falls gay he catches her what the webbing and then when she's falling to her death it goes to slow motion dramatic slow motion spider-man shoots out his web and they show the end of the web it's a tiny little webbing at first it comes out like a normal web and then from no reason at all the tip of the webbing it actually grows a head it grows a hand and the hand is reaching out to Gwen oh no my web hand has to grab you Gwen his artistic license okay it'll break no it was stupid actually it unfolds like a hand it rig grab Center spider-man's desperation to savor its artistic license come on oh it's so Glenn Stacey falls through a clock tower well before this happens first they kill electro we I think we already ruined that that was before spoilers but whatever well good so they kill electro and then it's like oh that feels like the climax of the movie but then the Green Goblin shows up and it's like oh now we got to go through another fight sequence yeah and that happens and that's when Gwen Stacy falls and you're just exhausted and you want the movie to be oh god yes I'm so [ __ ] long do you remember what her car just crashes in and hits electro that's how she comes back into the movie with a cop car that I guess she stole she shows up at a cop car he's got he's got amazing electric powers and she's gonna help I can help i knows the grid she was there to shut the grid off or whatever how does she know the grid she's a [ __ ] high school student well give some leeway with comic book movies but these these scripts and I say scripts plural as I'm talking to two specific writers that are known for writing these [ __ ] scripts yeah these scripts are just junk they're they're connect the dots there here's a moment here's a moment here's a moment how do we get from this action beat to this scene to this yeah and it's just the most convoluted cheap easy way to do that even if it doesn't make any sense yes there's not a structure yeah yeah it's not a solid structure or a solid logic to anything it's just like yeah like they probably take note cards and say cool fight in an electrical plant okay that'll work for the trailer yeah kiss on top of a bridge this scene that scene and then they go on whatever [ __ ] this movie [ __ ] everything so rich would you recommend the amazing spider-man 2 oh god no Mike Jesus Christ Jesus Christ so why did we come all the way to Milwaukee to talk about those movies who cares let's head back to your office so you can finish that horse ninja comic for me I can't wait till alex kurtzman and robert Orsi write another terrible screenplay guys I've got a confession to make what's that I've already made the horse ninja comic book what how is that possible you see Mike you've stumbled upon the last unmade idea a racehorse possessed by the soul of an enchanted ninja seeking revenge upon an evil corporation hell-bent on weaponizing horse sperm that's good idea that's pretty [ __ ] good it's the last idea in the world and it's all mine I'm gonna take this [ __ ] to Michael Bay or Marc Webb or Brett Ratner and we're gonna make it into a [ __ ] movie a god-awful [ __ ] movie that people are going to see in droves nothing can stop me now soon you will see the world as I see it as a fat slob with terrible ideas now my terrible ideas can become larger dumber even more terrible ideas soon the world will know my wrath that the standards in Hollywood are so low right now but even I can make a movie a [ __ ] horse ninja movie and we're gonna shove Scarlett Johansson in there just because man who gives a [ __ ] we're just gonna shove her in the movie and we're gonna give her random lines her name's gonna be love interest and she's gonna [ __ ] a horse not so fast comic-book artist man I wanted the Klingon phaser a it's called a Klingon disruptor in a phaser whatever you to do no those are just toys right fire golem look at the way the skin is melting off his face
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,474,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, phantom menace, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, transcendence, johnny depp, spiderman, movie, review
Id: hfXWZmtJzXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Sat May 17 2014
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