Hairdresser Reacts To Tiktok Bleach Disasters

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hi beautiful how are we today I'm doing well thank you for asking today we're doing one of my favorite things ever which is watch tic TOCs it's gotten worse and worse the amount of tic toc videos I watch in a day is concerning I now watch tick tock in place of watching Netflix I don't know what to do it's a sick addiction I need to stop I don't know what it is about it but it really intrigues me I've curated in my list of the best hair tik toks I could find this took forever I had you guys tagging me in everything and I was watching all of the videos and then I curated my list of the top videos on tic toc that are about hair and I want to share them with you today so we can have a laugh together and explain what one right or what went wrong in these videos I will say tick tock tops be most of hair coloring videos I've ever seen in my life they're worse than YouTube let's watch some tik toks together and see how badly these people watch their hair let's do it yeah I purposely dressed like a tick top boy today I just wanted to stay on theme no actually in reality is just how I dry stuff so I have my phone here I'm gonna prop it up on my computer analysts watch the first video uh this one is by a girl named hi Kayla Murray and she bleaches her hair and it goes terribly wrong okay so this one's not gonna have any sound because its copyright music all throughout her video but basically she wants to color her hair blonde - then go pink and she breaks out the Nutrisse box dye let's see how that goes oh she's beautiful brown hair I love that okay so we're doing some kind of hair painting method with our hands and she's basically saying she has no idea what she's doing which is very evident here oh and then she ran out of a box died because she started with her ends and it didn't have enough to do the top of her head so she ended up just having to like make do with the rest of the box color she had and this is the outcome this is what she gets and then she got more box dye hit a car and applies more on top and ends up with that kind of blonde hair moment now we move on to the second video of hers which explains what happened after so she's saying that she spontaneously bleached your hair and then she ended up with this a weird mess of blonde in her head but she actually wanted to go pink let's see how that pink actually went okay so it's really orange we love that oh dear okay it could be fine though her friends are helping her go pick C oh my god I have six Kim through all these videos but I have I've been like trying not to really watch them three which will I see them with you guys it definitely showed up as more of a red coppery pink and actually I'm really into it I think it's an amazing color on her I think it really works with her skin tone and it looks so good she actually ended up with an amazing result somehow and I'm a little confused by it but I'm really happy for her like okay we love we love that wasn't horrible the process to get to where she wanted to go was horrible but she got into a good place I think I think she's good that hair color really worked for her just make sure it doesn't fade back to Orange okay moving on up next we have a girl named Whitehead Taylor she dyes her hair with box die spoiler alert again okay let's see how that goes great we got four packs of new trees and when I got there crisis as I dyed my hair every girl and gay man ever I'm going through crisis I'm going to dye my hair it's just gonna happen it's going to so she's starting off with platinum blonde hair let's see what else she says I got two different colors dark chocolate and sweet Cola because I know my eyes super dark but I don't want super light so I figured I'd mix out and my mom's a hairdresser she was me really mad at me a lot of times bleaching my hair from ground upon but I'm sick of it mom she probably spent days making her blonde and now she's like that was fun for like a week and I'm gonna go back dark um and I'm gonna use bauxite where's your mom on this one if anybody knows anything about color you really should be feeling the hair with like a red or an orange before going dark or else you're gonna get a monkey kind of weird brown color that is probably not what you wanted we shall see though yeah we're done oh my god I really like her hair Brown better I'm gonna be honest like I don't wasn't really vibing with the blonde on her or just wasn't the right tone of blonde love the dark love the bangs it all could have been done a bit better um the reason why we try to not use box dye box say in general is so high in ammonia you don't know what kind of developer you're getting in the box when you're going over already blonde bleached hair you don't need any of that lifting agent in your color so what you're gonna want to use usually is a demi-permanent color or a very low developer with your permanent color so like a 10 or 20 volume pretty sure a lot easy eyes has like 30 volume in it that's the part that scares me is you don't know what's in these boxes you don't have any idea and you just don't need a lot of ammonia in your hair your hair is already lifted too blonde you're just trying to bring it back down you don't need any of those lifting agents that you're gonna get with box eye so that's why we try and stay away from that stuff because it's like a hit or miss usually it's a miss listen our hair didn't look mucky or green or whatever and actually didn't mind it overall though I do like the bangs I do like the brown I just wish both of them could have been done a little bit better or maybe asked your mom to do it for you I don't know like I mean she's a hairstylist why not ask her I mean am I missing something here um okay moving on next video is by it's just a Xia this one I have already reacted to on my tick-tock bream on NYC if you want to follow me yeah it was rough so I just watched a video on someone giving tips of how she gets color out of her hair and how was the ingredients so I said might as well try it I've been trying to get I don't even see it it's like blue it's kind of green no out of my hair for a while okay actually haven't seen this part so it's two parts I've only seen the second part but I haven't seen this and I am already cringing because her hair looks dry and damaged already and her hair is curly so it's always gonna be a bit more dry than other people's hair and that part you just pointed out that blue part that looks like over-processed hair that has like a slight bit of toner on it and putting more Lightner on that is just going to literally fry it off which may or may not happen the only thing is she's 10 volume developer and I only have 30 and 40 I don't know if that makes a difference at all but I've also been contemplating shaving my head lately okay let me ask you a question if there was no difference between 10 20 30 and 40 volume why would there be 10 20 and 30 40 volume well what would be the need for that 10 volume has a lot less lifting agents in it it's not going to lift your cuticle as much as a 40 volume well 40 volume would be maximum lift and 10 volume will give you the least you can go a little bit lower than that 20 volume is like you know a little bit of lift 30 volume is a little bit more of a lift and for you is the most lift we do here in America usually so yeah using 30 volume is going to highly damage your hair Dawn dish soap 30 volume oh I got to dip wear gloves because my hands are bleached now and don't be a dump so what she's trying to do is a bleach bath to get the rest of her color out of her hair now I wouldn't do a bleach bath on her I would probably go in with foils and do every single section because what she has in her hair there's so many different colors there's so much going on she has roots the roots are gonna return orange there's just me so much messiness going on with her hair after this and it's just gonna be worse than what she has now for so many reasons but yeah I would definitely recommend like going in with foils throughout the entire head and then probably bringing the hair back down to a deeper level I think what she has now it would just be a huge corrective color process that a Harris house would need to do in a very skilled hair stylist and a bleach bath is just not gonna be the thing for her today it's just not she ends up with this and then colors it again and all her hair falls out surprised and it looks worse than before oh oh it's so bad it's really really really really really bad oh girl put your hair in a damn ponytail in for two years and let's let that grow out or just shave it I don't know man it's gonna be a very difficult process to fix this but I wish you the best of luck however I will not be that one vixy it's a lot yeah okay moving on okay so this next one is a quick one that I have already reacted to you on my tick-tock page a button Sousa this needs more attention this is some of the craziest I've ever seen in my entire lifetime of being a hairdresser this one is by Aisling Amanda and y'all I went bald is her caption so you can only imagine what goes on here so she's using a high lift bleach with some kind of I don't even know oh oh she's bleaching one and then she goes bald why oh yeah she bleaches one side it makes one side blue and once I just falls out of her head completely she is not in the least bit concerned about what just happened to her what is going on here what is this stressed me out the first I saw it I hope it stressed you out - you're welcome anyways our next series of videos is by space boy and Maddy I haven't seen all of these yet so this should be good hi so and pretty much I'm gonna die my friends hair bleach my friends hair so this is the before she had highlights before obviously you could see on the sides and stuff her hair is pretty I'm working really going up come on man come on I'm scared for her Johanna and it's growing through now and she wants it blur blur in conclusion we've done the back she is now ginger oh boy how this is light and then this is brown a streak of brown and and this is light and then this is ginger and yeah we're gonna wash out the front and in like 50 minutes cuz there's only 20 developer so they use 20 min volume developer and bleached just just went at it basically missed a ton of spots and it was a mess the funny thing is that he's using kind of like good techniques just the application of the techniques is not the best she probably needs something more like a 30 volume on her maybe not on the scalp but everywhere else I don't know I had to see your hair in person but I mean she needs some kind of like foils she's some kind of incubation of heat there needs to be something there to lift the hair evenly and nicely you're setting yourself up for failure I like that he wash at the back first cuz he applied the back first you knew that it processed fully he wanted to rinse that off so didn't over process however he ended up rinsing it off and it wasn't processed enough using the right techniques and the wrong application for them I guess whatever let's see what happens after this we found a really like solid brown hair and she says like she wants to rip it out but I said oh my god why every time it shocks me yo have you ever seen anybody rip their hair out I'd like that yeah I've seen people rip out one piece but never like 20 pieces at once did you hear that sound why would you do that to yourself I was so shook when I first saw that I was like why I still AM I'm just like how did you just do that and she laughed about it how did her hair rip out that easily is my real question like what it has come out really nice like actually that's neither Madeline this is the completely finished look as you can see here we ran out a box colorant it's so like red and dark kind of color and then here is like pinky blonde it wasn't the worst application it wasn't the best for sure if she came into a salon I would show a little probably every piece of her hair individually in tiny little sections I would probably use a 30 volume on those dark bits of hair and then the rest I would either not touch with bleach where I would use like a 20 volume developer on them making somebody from highlights to a double process platinum blonde is a super annoying thing to have to do it's so tedious but the outcome you know was decent you know it's at home hair color what are you gonna get you know never gonna be perfect the result was fine let's move on our next video is by Maddie the Barbie let's see what happens I'm not sad no I'm not having a mental breakdown but I'm gonna dye my hair we are here the drive I was thinking about dying at Brown but like no we're gonna go blonde even though it kind of like is but it is we called purple shampoo that [ __ ] box I bleach loves more and let's get started I love how she points to you and the developer he goes toner girl that ain't owner is developer I definitely did something wrong way too much developer going to have to come back for a part two I'm starting at the end Oh Oh all right you know this is a bad idea okay come back it's part two the bleach is in my head like each is so bad but like stop it change aging creates little abrasions on your scalp which is then going to make it easier because the bleach is going to seep into them it's just not a good idea to itch just try not to do it you can pat whatever you need to do but don't itch especially with those claws of yours girl Oh looks bad so now like the dye okay she's using 12 so what's happening here is her hair was not a lifted enough it sound like a level 8 and it looks terrible and it's very attached II and there's a lot going on so now she needs like a corrective process to fix her hair great and she started off with beautiful hair so I don't know what happened why she did this but you know whatever now she's using 12a on her level 8 hair to tone it and toner doesn't lift your hair it just deposits so you can't go from a level 8 to a level 12 with toner you need to bleach it again everybody just thinks that purple shampoo is going to save their life everybody I don't know why it's not going to save your life it's not gonna lift your hair either so you can't go from level 8 to level 12 with purple shampoo up okay I'm giving a little update because um when I was in the shower all of my hair was falling out all the purple shampoos in I'm showing clips on my hair extensions okay wait like it's not that bad yeah okay so that's where it all ends Maddie let's just never den again that was tragic I'm so sorry but it looked bad not a lot of things went right there first of all I wouldn't recommend doing that at home I don't know what to tell you next time just don't do it yourself and do it correctly good luck fixing your hair oh now this next one just went totally viral and I thought it was really funny but it really doesn't have any how come but we're gonna watch it together anyway [Music] so what they're doing here is using a frosting cab to do their highlights wouldn't recommend it frosting caps you kinda just put them on your head you pull out the hairs through the holes and you lighten those hairs that you pull through with a crochet needle it's such a random highlight that it gives you it's never perfect it's never good that bleach seeps through the cracks of the cap and gives you like lines all over your head like tiger stripes it's all around just not a good idea I wouldn't recommend it but this was a hilarious I needed to share with you guys so now we have a cadet pinna more bleach fails so this one has copyright music on it but she doesn't say anything she for some odd reason is brushing her hair out while there's leech on it and I can't figure out why what she was thinking at this point when she took a round brush to her hair that already has bleach on it and was like I'm going to round brush my hair right now why are we doing that what is the point then she applies this other color very sloppily sloppy sloppy sloppy there's nothing good going on with this one just like all the risk and the outcome was this kind of like blue bang I don't know how she got there I don't know why she got there there's a lot of things I'm not no one here well if she likes it so do we right next time don't use a brush while your hair is processing with Lightner because when your hair is lightening it is a very very fragile state okay when it's lightening your hair stretches really far you could easily break it off you need to be careful with it don't use a round brush with ceramic bristles to brush your hair while it's lightening okay section it nicely get the lightener in there and you won't have to brush it through all right next time you better not do that okay our next and last tick tock is by lava ex-girl I've seen this one it's a lot judging for yourself so her friend is doing her hair and she cuts off her hair she's mixing the lightener they are dancing and applying a lot of light nur which actually let me like that she used definitely enough light nur on this now has orange hair she is applying light nur again which honestly I probably would have done too and it doesn't look like it's change color that much okay so they tone it and it looks like oh okay it could be good and then she ends up with the same exact color nothing happened nothing happened you like think the blue that the toner is gonna do something and then nothing happens she's fully living her best life oh my god I'm not a fan I think you're at a good place right now to then go maybe like purple or blue or pink you have a nice base to work with I just don't think this is the right blonde for you it's doing nothing for your skin tone I think another color would be really great purple when we go with purple since I'm wearing purple today I think purple would look really good on you take it or leave it all right honey nothing really good went on here well she applied enough bleach at least not a good outcome that's all today guys oh God that was a lot of tic TOCs a lot of hair bleaching oh well I hope you guys enjoyed me sharing my favorites hair bleaching at ticked with you today there are so many more if you wanted to see another video like this let me know I could do so many tic toc videos I have so many more videos I have a like a list of 50 videos in front of me right now that I want to go over but we just don't have enough time they're all really juicy a lot of stuff goes wrong on tic toc and people love recording it and I'm living for hope you guys found enjoyment in that and found some of them funny I know I definitely did and while you're at it follow me on Instagram and Twitter at the same handle brahmano NYC and we'll be best friends forever basically you know that's how that works also make sure you check out my hair care brand X mondo hair it is linked below you can check out the Instagram at X mondo hair we have amazing beautiful Fabio's hair products that will make your hair glow from the inside out and just make you feel good about yourself which is the most important part and that's all from me today guys thank you so much for being here thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,525,431
Rating: 4.9459105 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Tiktok Bleach Disasters, tiktok, hair tiktok, bleach fail, hair bleaching, hair fail, hairdresser reacts, hair stylist, how to, diy hair, hair dresser, gone wrong, fall off, at home, manic panic, brad mondo, video react, box dye, funny fails, 40 vol, 30 vol, blond hair, blonde toner, hair fails, jenna marbles, natural hair, bleaching hair at home, how to bleach hair at home, hair cut, hair transformation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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