Hairdresser Reacts to People Going to The Lowest Rated Hair Salons

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i was reading comments today and somebody called me moderately entertaining and i wanted to thank that person that is one of the nicest things anybody's ever said to me and thank you hi beautiful welcome back thank you for being here today it's a little bit of an interesting video and if you came here for me to bash on some people some hair stylist it's not gonna happen because i do hair just reacts and if you haven't noticed i never react to professional hairstylists doing hair badly and that's because i'm not here to pick on other hairstylists i'm here to pick on people who have no idea what they're doing and are not hair stylists because that's way more entertaining today's video goes a little bit in that um that zone of me being a little uncomfortable i am going to be watching some videos of people going to the lowest rated hair salons in their area but all the videos have the people's faces blurred out and even if i really go hard on these people i don't think that they're bad hair stylists not every hairstylist is good at everything and sometimes they overreach all right let's watch some people go to the worst rated hair salons in their area and get some botched hair color and hair cut let's do it our first video is by suzie guardiardo and it is worst hair salon in my city cringy okay so she went to the worst hair salon in her city there's a lot of things i would do for views and this is not one of them good morning guys what's up so for today's video i'm gonna go completely out of my comfort zone i am getting my hair done my hair is beyond dead like dead dead quick evaluation of her hair um it looks like it hasn't been colored to me and she has fine hair and so it's pretty good starting place for a good haircut and a good hair color shouldn't be too difficult so let's see what happens i haven't done anything to my hair in a long time because i am so scared to change like i love just normal brown hair but i think it's time for me to get some highlights done and that's what i'm thinking about doing i love plus it doesn't help that my boyfriend literally tells me all the time that my hair is boring and he wants me to do something with it i love your boyfriend because i'm going to be honest your hair is a little bit boring i'm excited to see what happens maybe it's not as bad as she's as she as she titled this video okay okay i lied her hair is thick okay so the stylist is going in with a balayage technique he is hand painting highlights in her hair using some paper to protect each strand that he's painting which is look how he's putting the bleach a little evaluation here i'm i'm not mad at the placement i love that he didn't do the top layer of her hair and she just put in a little title screen that said look how high he's putting the foil but because he took that kind of halo circle section out of the top you're not really going to see those high highlights because he has all that hair on top covering it so actually very impressed with the application so far i don't know how this is going to come out bad because that was actually pretty good from what i can tell here it's very similar to how i would have done it but we'll see if he really blended those highlights in to a natural hair color and sometimes people just too are too heavy-handed with it and makes kind of like bleed marks in the hair makes kind of like shelf highlights so it's a very artistic process doing balayage highlights and if you're not artistic don't do it let's see realizing there's no blood on the front of my hair yeah i would have probably done like two little strands up front because clients love that when they have those little money pieces right there oh this is what you want oh that's really pretty i like that a lot if she wants this i would have 100 put highlights at at the top yeah i wouldn't have taken a section a section out and left it dark because she clearly wants highlights on the on the top layer of her hair i don't know it's still not the worst idea i get what he's doing because when you let the top down the underneath is going to shine through and you're gonna see little variations of it through the top you'll understand once once once we keep moving forward i think but she clearly wants some highlights on the top and around her face so let's see if he gives it to her [Music] [Music] okay this title card she added in says someone help me understand what the [ __ ] is going on and why i didn't say anything well i don't know why you didn't say anything but i can help you understand what's going on he's doing round layering on you right now it's not exactly the most precise round layering i've ever seen in my life it's kind of like the lazy version of layering it's kind of like when you want that client in and out and you're just like trying to get through it which i definitely don't do definitely should have taken smaller sections and not cut so much hair at once because what he's doing is grabbing a giant section and cutting down all the way to his knuckles all that hair but what you should be doing is pulling the hair 90 degrees from the head cutting the top like an inch off half an inch off pulling it 90 degrees from the head from that angle chopping an inch off because that's how you're gonna get that round layering can we get a diagram up here this is what round layering is so you have to pull 90 degrees from the head all the way around and not just pull it out once and go snip that's just gonna give you a lot of like shelf layers and he is giving her some short layers honey the lens is still there i'm cringing so bad because like i feel genuinely bad for the hair stylist and not that i really should feel bad for him i just like i don't know he's clearly doing his best i don't know i feel for him i feel for both of them i'm just gonna skip the whole haircut thing because he botched my haircut and watch you get my hair cut and not saying anything really bothers me and it breaks my heart watching it he cut out my hair still got plenty of hair [Applause] is that the color i thought it was going to be more of a big whiter a little bit lighter i regret making this video he seems like such a nice guy her hair doesn't even look bad but then again i'm only seeing a video i don't really know what's going on in real life like i can't exactly see but like this also might be offensive but like he's clearly an older guy and i'm quite impressed that he even knew that technique on how to do those highlights like that balayage not a lot of older hairstyles know how to do that and he did good listen she looks better than before okay this is what my hair looks like so i'm good tomorrow to basically do it again because it's just not what i asked for and the guy was super nice about basically making me happy okay hold up first of all i'm gonna say to be honest with you i don't think this looks bad at all the highlights are actually really pretty i think the haircut is definitely old school and definitely way too layered the highlights are actually kind of close to what she asked for she just needs a little bit more of a concentration of highlights at her ends the overall tone is like almost there i'm not horribly mad about this like it could be better but it's like i don't think it's horrible to be honest with you she looks way better than when she walked in the salon and like there's some sections like over here that i feel like you're always gonna get a variation of lightness if i were that hairstyles i would also put her hair in foils but i can't judge this hugely because i don't know what was on her hair i didn't get to ask her questions have a consultation with her before i started you know i don't know what the hairstyles was dealing with but i don't think it looks because that guy is bad nice and like i said the fact that he's letting me go back tomorrow for free that is nice very appreciated that's nice because i just spent like 120 dollars that's not a bad price at all for a haircut a blow-dry and balayage you wouldn't want to know how much we charge in new york city honey you wouldn't want to know so this is day two of hair transformation she looks cute i like it like bleach is just like hit or miss with people's hair and sometimes it takes two times yeah it's sort of true i do see like some harsh lines in the foiling but overall it's not that bad and i don't think it's mommy-ish i think she looks young i think she looks again healthier cooler and better than she did when she walked in so it looks healthy straight but i hope when this is all done that i like my hair and if not i'm taking the l no i have short hair so i like i said i'm going to insert the picture of what i wanted and then this is what i received okay keep in mind i wanted balayage and i wanted my hair trans not short and the nicest way to put it it looked like i belonged an instinct back in 1990 like this look at the back the back is completely like there's one oh what happened okay it went from like i was impressed like i didn't think it was that bad to like kind of unfortunate i mean it looks like she had some pre-existing color before she went and got her hair lightened and like her ends clearly didn't pick up as blonde as her mids and her roots did because of that pre-existing color yeah she definitely needs another another toner on that because it looks like that toner they use has washed away and left her with some yellow orange hair and she needs to get that redone and then on top of it in the picture the haircut's really choppy really choppy but i showed the girl had all brown hair here and then just blonde on the bottom so i went yesterday to get my hair done and i didn't like the outcome of it so i told him like straight up like hey this really wasn't what i was looking for do you mind if i come in tomorrow so that you can make my hair blonder but i said i was still gonna give him the benefit of that and then go in today and see what he could do so basically today he came in and he just went bleach happy like he put bleach all over my hair i really really really when i tell you that i thought i thought that this was like the result of the first time and the toner just came off this was like her getting her hair done the second time to the hair stylist that did this um you seem like you are using new techniques and learning and it's always important for hairstylists to further their education and learn more because even me like always learning i don't think i'm the best i don't think like i can't learn anymore like we always have to learn so that guy sees her video or this video maybe just take a balayage class and you can get way better okay let's move on i feel bad all right so another i went to the worst review hair salon video duh uh and this is ishta's life so let's see if this maybe it is a little bit less um cringy than the last one hey everyone welcome back to my channel it's ishta okay so they're going in and lightning in foils i approve this sectioning they're doing horizontal sections which is going to give you very very stripey look like a very in your face impactful highlight moment um if she wanted more of a soft highlight i don't know which one she wanted but if you want more of a soft highlight i'd recommend doing vertical sections that way when the hair is down it just blends better and it's not as harsh if your hair starts out there you don't know horizontal sectioning for balayage gives you more of a harsh impactful highlight and vertical highlighting will give you more of a soft natural effect okay so oh honestly this is like again it looks like not the worst technique it looks good to me i mean nothing looks alarming this is exactly how i would have done it i mean maybe not exactly but like very similar let's see where does this go bad wait it's so pretty it's a surprise but i'm actually back at the salon and that's because i really wasn't happy with my hair you guys hold on one side but i'll give you my opinion in a second literally crooked so it's like half is higher than the other and secondly like the whole top part of my it sort of looks like an ombre that was done well and then grew out over the summer and like you haven't colored it in a long long time it just should have been like a lot higher up on her head it just looks way too low i would have not done so much highlighting on the bottom that way she still has some of that natural hair color going through dividing up the highlights to give a more dimensional modern look let's see where are we going with this stuff i did tell the stylist that like i did want it like at least up to here because when you dye your hair you want it to be like more blended but if you guys look at the top part of my hair right now it's all dark so it looks like i need to get my hair done so um that's why we're back at the salon and this is definitely going to impact um how i rate the salon in my city i wanted to start higher up because i remember you showing me with your hand and you said oh we'll do it around here so i was like yeah around here is good it's so dark and then i put my hair up in a ponytail or anything the whole bath nothing is done like i looked at many pictures so i can show you pictures yeah but also when i do go higher i don't want to like super blonde higher i want it like to gradually like fade to that color she's not being a difficult client and nobody said she was but i just wanted to make sure that's known she honestly is just asking for something normal something that the stylist should just been like okay yeah it makes sense like she wants it high up she doesn't want it bright from the root she wants a lighter brown than what she has now fading into a very light blonde at the ends literally every client wants the same balayage highlights even if they explain like i don't want it really high up i don't want it really high up girl you all want it high up some people just don't know how to explain well what they actually want but honestly what she's saying it makes a lot of sense to me and let's see how this goes want down achieved in one thing you can't physically do that in two hours okay this is a lot there's so many things to break down here first of all if they didn't think that they could do it in the allotted time you are responsible for explaining this to her that she needed two sessions or she needed to book for more time that is not her fault therefore they should just do it for her again for free because they did not make her aware that it would take a longer time however i do think it was very much possible within a two-hour time frame to make her hair that light it could 100 be done it wasn't like a corrective process she's [ __ ] highlights going to the top of her in two to head visits right because we have a lot of hair like i paid for a balayage on the color correction color correction is three times more than what you paid for let's not talk about what you paid three times what you paid for so let's not talk about what you paid for she didn't ask for a color correction she wanted a highlight okay so they're going back in again though their technique looks beautiful like the way she was the guy girl who was painting that the way she was stroking that hair was fabulous i don't know how this is going to come out that bad i think that they're just over blending the technique is there though like this is actually very good it's just over blending which is a thing that happens a lot that's what i used to do when i first started balayage painting like i used to blend till my arm gave out and then i realized like people don't like it super blended out these days they like a little bit of like dimensional highlight moments you know hey everyone so let's just analyze this real quick and we'll listen to her it's just over blended she wants balayage she doesn't want an overall one color she wants highlights visible highlights going through her hair this just looks like she she got her hair colored fully one solid color and then grew it out for a year like just stop blending so much because the first thing um that was wrong my hair was actually like crooked all right so i watched the wrestler video she doesn't really say if she if she was happy with it or not i don't know i don't really understand or maybe i just missed that part but it doesn't look horrible i just you guys know i already explained myself a million times and i really um enjoyed watching these videos a lot she doesn't look bad she just isn't exactly what she asked for and not exactly what i would have done if i had the same head of hair in front of me but to each their own um so i very very much enjoyed filming this video and being more educational and and sharing some of my knowledge with you guys about highlighting uh it's one of my favorite topics i love painting i love balayage i love it i love it it's so artistic it's so fun so i hope you found that entertaining and it was very informative less funny than usual but this is the kind of stuff that i actually really enjoy making is educational stuff i hope you enjoyed it also you guys i do have a new channel it's called brad and eric it's with my brother um i released the trailer already so please go check that out i'd very much appreciate it if you supported me on that channel do it if you wanna and don't if you don't and don't forget to follow me on instagram bradmondo nyc and my brand x mondo hair and thank you guys so much for being here and watching today don't forget to live your extra life and i will see you all next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 8,550,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts to People Going to The Lowest Rated Hair Salons, hairdresser reacts, bradmondo, worst rated makeup artist, worst rated hair salon, how to, fall off, bradmondonyc, hair fail, hair stylist, funny, hairdresser, hair dresser, diy hair, hair, at home, hilarious, jenna marbles, brad mondo, gone wrong, hairstylist, tutorial, video react, blonde, box dye, beauty, 40 vol, manic panic, brad, mondo, compilation, insane, haircut, hair fails
Id: pJVvesyzFs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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