Hairdresser Reacts To Bleach Videos Addressed To Me

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hi beautiful welcome to hairdresser reacts you look incredible today thank you for being here thank you for joining me and if you're new to hair just reacts well hello welcome I have not introduced myself in a long time I'm Brad mondo this is my channel welcome subscribe for sure if you haven't subscribed already this is hairdresser reacts where I am a licensed hairdresser who has a lot of experience in the industry I'm here to give you my opinion and my input on what happens to the girls i watch in these videos most these girls completely ruin their hair some of them do very well but nonetheless it's quite entertaining so welcome to hairdresser reacts if this is your first time here so today we're watching videos that are in some way shape or form a dress to me these girls either took advice from my videos did their own thing and said sorry Brad mondo and their titles or whatever all the titles have my name in it I'm interested to see if they learn anything from watching my videos or they didn't learn anything at all and they wrecked their hair we shall see today what that all said let's do some reacting shall we let's get it started our first video is by Tia Tidwell and this video is addressed to me what in the bleach film health hi Brad mondo oh well this sounds like fun I mean we're doing bleach we have a fail and something's gonna go damn wrong and I think she wants me to see it I'm watching it now okay - yeah Oh perfect looks like when it's wet it's already looking rough okay we like that my hair is fully coated in coconut oil right now because you're not supposed to fresh clean hair but it's fresh and clean what do we use them right color brilliance cream we love that love cream Lightner yes yeah they're gonna gross another boom boom she's killing it so far she's killing it and she's actually using a toner she's not using t18 which is a permanent color this is going so well so far yes I love you what if she's not for that I wonder she's doing highlights what we do Tia is so prepared for this color this is going to be so good I am so ready however I think I should still expect the worst outcome possible because you know you just never know and also this is addressed to me probably a fail you know so we're definitely starting off with a strange color palette right her ends are light her roots are dark she has spotting going on all at the top of her roots it's a little bit messy so in order to balance this out she's gonna have to do a lot of work probably use a different developer on her midsections than her and get in there and get all that dark stuff out first maybe you just can't put bleach all over the head all at once in this case cuz it's gonna end up really light in some areas really dark in some areas she's gonna be all over the place so Tia fingers crossed that you don't just put it all over your head all at once please don't do that where we start and girl that's uh-oh we're taking small sections okay what are we doing with the foil yes Tia this is a great idea why is that a great idea the root process the fastest because you have heat from your damp scalp Oh see you were so on track until right now stop it she is going over the ends those ends are already so light you don't want to lighten them any more yet you want to get that dark patchiness in the mids of your hair out before you then hit the ends with light nur we want to get our palate even right come on I think we're putting 30 volume over those already lightened ends that should be a disaster made in heaven it's that all the product you're putting on girl put more product on your hair okay also when we do foils in salon we are taking paper thin sections typically or if we're not taking paper thin sections we're really putting a little ton of light nur on that hair just smushing it in making sure it's on every hair strand here we're not doing such a thing we look like we are not getting all the hair strands so we are gonna get a lot of spotting and I can't wait it's going to just do the mid-shaft of my hair and then do my roots of my endless and technically I've already why did you change your mind she like knows what she's doing I don't know what's going on here oh it's like she has the right ideas for these things but isn't executing it correctly what a damn suprise you had the right idea with going on the mids first but you didn't end up doing it now we're taking the foils out and we're now going on the roots after however this root you have is a little too long the heat from your scalp only really hits like about of your hair so anything below that is gonna not process as light as the other parts of your route and typically when we do this whole like routes after situation we are doing like paper thin foils that when you just go in between the foils we don't actually take the foils out that way those ends are getting the heat from the foil and the roots are getting the heat from the scalp and that way at all process is the same she's getting the back of her head quite nicely this might not be like terrible after the toner I feel like it could be kind of cute you can have roots that are lighter but hearts really refer to when you're doing like a darker color and the roots process lighter because the heat from the scalp and you end up with like a red or orange root and like dark ends that's more of like a harrowing situation this is more just like your your roots are processing lighter than the rest of your hair is situation and which that is most definitely gonna happen to you her ends look pretty decent okay we're onto something here I mean I definitely see a lot of Reds a lot of oranges out of blondes a lot of stuff going on in one head I don't know maybe she'll pull it off somehow I don't have much hope oh okay her roots are white the bleach didn't take have to say you didn't saturate your hair enough I would have gone through like six or seven bowls of bleach to do your hair yeah I maybe more than that and if you did saturate your hair enough it wouldn't be moving like that alright it should be creamy on your hair it should be like thick I can still see through that light and on your head to your real hair so we didn't put enough on actually more is more in the situation okay oh well looks a little damage growth I'm not stressing though well you should start now oh no no no no no no do not hit those words ever again do not do it oh so her hair's wrecked man once I rinsed out the second batch of bleach uh-huh good old purple shampoo everybody thinks it's gonna cure their all their symptoms we're onto it next video next video where she continues to lighten her hair and she uses t18 overnight take great and now or here I guess I might do the Platinum we're twisting in the wind if I don't like my blonde after take the coloring products away from Thea immediately somebody who's close to her please take it away it looks really good at the root at least holy she really cut all that off oh it actually looks a lot better with the ends cut off okay so now we're toning [Music] so what happens with ti-ti means it's permanent color and it sometimes just overtones hair right sometimes there's no real helping your hair not turned gray unless you're really experienced with this you know the upside about that is if it does shrink ray it's usually just a cast of gray over your hair and once you shampoo it once or twice it usually goes away and turns more white than gray so I wouldn't worry too much about that because that is easily removable I'd rather my hair be gray their orange that's a good idea so we're working around the head we're putting that t18 on she's hoping for the absolute best I'm here expecting the worst because t18 doesn't work on hair that is Orangemen better the level 12 toner and it's not gonna do anything I'm thinking it's gonna turn her roots gray and her ends are gonna stay orange we've seen this time and time again yet people still swear by t 1800 she's so over it and so am i my roots are the blonde that I want the rest of my hair so here's my theory Oh your Rogalla T what baby give it to me I got the argan oil hair color intense color and shine superior conditioning 100% gray coverage permanent color cream I don't want to bleach my hair again because I don't want to risk messing up my curls beginning because you can see like way back there not conditioned what they're back but my face this color and use a 30 volume and hopefully it like lightly lips the yellowish color doesn't lift color technically that's against the rules you don't put color on top of color to make it lighter you only make it darker or you tone it that rule is sometimes broken by Hair Stylist and sometimes you can do it this isn't one of those cases you need to use bleach you're not really in my eyes saving your hair by not using bleach again you could use bleach with say 20 volume and your hair will be fine it can take a little more lightening because your ends need that extra boost in order to get that orange out but here now you're using 30 volume with color which is still pretty damaging to your hair it's also high-lift color so it has a ton of ammonia it's gonna really lift your hair cuticle open it really wide and cause a lot of damage so I don't think that was your best idea you should use bleach again because color doesn't lift color as I said before starting this this is the only thing okay so your hair actually is savable right now what I recommend is you could own hair cells but also if you're not gonna do that use a level 6 or 7 toner on your roots spring that color down a little bit then it tone the ends with a level 8 ash that will knock out a lot of that orange and still leave your hair blond but not overly blond which will give you a nice beautiful natural blond color it won't be platinum it won't be roots to ends light but it will still give you that feeling of having really light hair and it'll just look a lot cleaner just go to a salon and ask for like a root drop toner and they should help you out and they'll fix your hair but that was a lot holy yeah you went there I feel for you and never do that again and scene alright let's watch one more video addressed to me this is called I've watched every Brad mondo video ready to bleach my hair ok cool uh and this is by Herman yard TV so basically I skipped the intro what she did was she went to Sally's with her friend and she's showing us what she got from Sally's and she's about to bleach your hair powder Lightner okay cool perfect perfect perfect [Music] well I've t27 toner 30 volume developer I also got this is not to you conditioner and shampoo because apparently whole color wheel thing you got it amended so that you don't have brassy and yellow in your hair so she's working with a great palette here her hair short she's thick hair this should be very simple she's setup to do very well here there's not a little ways that she can burn her hair however we have seen time and time again even if there's very little ways of ruining your hair these girls always find a way of doing it technique ok so far actually so good even though she's ditching the brush but I understanding it's really hard to using her own head she is not lightening her roots first because they process faster and she's working on the mid sections and ends first that is great and she's definitely not applying enough lytener way more than that come on girl forget the brush forget the sectioning go for it at this point I guess ok it's starting to lighten we're putting it in like shampoo because bleach apparently lathers which I didn't know that stop combing the lightener through your hair it's not good for your hair your hair is in a fragile state stop combing it it looks even though this could be very good hold on you just snuck that in there didn't ya she just used one of my tricks that I mentioned I think in one video a while ago which was when I put you know plastic caps over clients or my hair when I was platinum I would spray water in it that way your body heat will basically create steam in the bag because the bag is wet and your heat is coming out of your head and it makes a steamy concoction that way the lightener doesn't dry out as its processing and you get that steam going on in the bag to make it process faster this is good this is really good she took notes while watching hair just reacts besides not applying enough lytener you need to have a kicked on there that seems to be the thing that people always get wrong even if they get everything else right they don't apply enough later and you can tell it didn't process enough she knows she did something wrong she was she did something bad Tomatoes pancakes so she's bleaching it again that's what's happening which is good because she needed it because oh my god so what I ended up doing was I put it on back here first and most a couple spots bleaching I let that sit for like two seconds and then I did the rest of my head again you should let it sit longer than two seconds but whatever I'll take it still got quite a bit of yellow in it that's also what the toner is for after I wash it I'll show you that before I put on the toner and then we'll see what that looks like it was then that I questioned what have I done that looks cool actually it's like kind of about that style she has going on the beautiful toner that I am hoping it's gonna fix this probably not since your hair is a level 8 right now and that's a level 12 toner so it actually doesn't look that bad I like it a little bit I washed it with a couple shampoo nothing but the purple conditioner in however I'm gonna leave this end for as long as its own those out of your hair please the only thing that's making me feel better at this point it doesn't look that bad it could be so much worse it's gone no it's okay I think I just need to get used to this I think I can look at this though I think I it's not okay to change remind this is dried and it doesn't look bad so I'm gonna go get my hair fixed right now oh she's getting it fixed okay cool oh they're giving her a root yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes woman I love it I do too and then two weeks my opinion changed all right so here's the deal what do you mean your opinion changed oh it looks like me it's just too loud and I look back at pictures and I miss my brown hair like now I know how I feel about it it's the reason I waited this long to change it was because this was coming in the middle of Tovar of daily conditioner extremal red and I can tell y'all right now that was a real bad idea and I've always kind of wanted some right in my hair so what I'm gonna aim to do now is extreme red just went to a salon to fix your hair and it looks so good my beloved we've seen enough let's just fast for it and see what ended up happening what she ended up with this red Brown concoction she made up that I'm so not looking forward to oh I can't do any more I can't take any more these videos have been too much for me today carrot orange stop talking I don't want to hear it anymore I've heard enough god damn it Oh My Jesus her hair looked so good with the roots and the blonde and then ended up copper and spotty that hurt me deep down that really affected me cut and see we're done here all right guys I am fully over it those two videos were so tragic and they were also addressed to me so thank you guys for at least entertaining us but also I'm gonna need you to pay me for damages you've done to my mental health I can't think any good things what you hear them they both had a good understanding of how it's supposed to be done and how to do it well but neither of them did it well because you know why it's a very difficult thing to bleach your hair of yourself that is why Hair Stylist exists makes you guys follow me on instagram twitter and tik-tok I promote my shot my hair care line below at Expo no hair comb and also call x1 our hair for new product launch is coming up next week and that is all for today thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 6,184,213
Rating: 4.9526243 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Bleach Videos Addressed To Me, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hair fail, hair stylist, how to, diy hair, fall off, at home, hair dresser, box dye, 40 vol, hairdresser, gone wrong, manic panic, 30 vol, hair fails, hair, video react, funny fails, jenna marbles, bleaching hair at home, fail, horrible, natural hair, breakage, worst bleach fail, split ends, T18, how to bleach hair at home, bleaching hair, James charles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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