Hairdresser Reacts To Dreadlock Removal Videos

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hi beautiful how you doing today you look ravishing thank you for being here and joining me on this lovely therapeutic satisfying day that we have planned here today we're watching some people brush out their dreadlocks the dreadlocks they've had for several years that sounds like the most exciting plan ever there's something about taking out those matted twists in your hair and releasing that beautiful flowy straight or curly hair that just gets me it hits me in the right spot but today we're getting some free therapy which I definitely need more of yeah so let's watch some people brush out their dreadlocks and check out the transformations let's do it our first video today is by Lauren both E or Wolfe with the silent E I don't know girl you tell me I'll see you Lauren this video is called removing my three year old dreadlocks it took five days Floria what the hell four and a half too many days to be doing that let's see what happens and I'll try and keep this as quick as possible but I feel like it is really important show me your dreads show me your thing clean dry so you have dreads that maybe you can learn some lessons from this when I got my hair put in originally and it was extremely long put a picture here whoa heavy really good-quality hair like always had long hair then my dreads shrunk up to about here again a photo you can also swallow that is really pretty it's crazy how much this shrunk I was not expecting that much shrinkage so they just were this short but really heavy because all the hair got sucked up you know sounds like it'd be very aggressive on your hair a lot of breakage it's all I'm thinking about that's it something dropped out I just fill out a few in it looks dope I approve so I was left with this really long thick full set of dreads that were just incredibly heavy used to actually hurt my neck all the time whoa I was like watching a band or something my neck would literally be like hurtin and I'd have to like sometimes hold my hair up wouldn't be like oh hell no there's no reason for that no and then came the problem because they were so thick and dense but I couldn't wash and dry them properly the outside was dry and but the inside was just still moist thing that needs to be talked about because yes you're hanging up moldy so I'm taking them out and then we're gonna reach me high that looks like it weighs 85 pounds I don't blame you for being very uncomfortable with those dreadlocks in your hair I really like them kind of sad to see them go I understand why then we're gonna put them back in and we'll have to add some extensions because I have lost a lot of language she's taking them out and then putting back in oh oh she's really gonna go there okay holy crap those things are major how does her hair fibers even support those things they look so heavy and we're starting to work on getting them out now they're taking a metal thick and just going up and working through that hair oh man this is going to be a long process actually it's a five day long process according to her title she needs like four more friends helping I hope you paved your friend to do this with you so many days oh yeah I love her hair color by the way it's absolutely fabulous it's such a nice shade of blonde and I'm pretty sure it's her natural hair color which is a rare thing for people to naturally have that hair color it's so gorgeous cue all of the comments saying Brad it only likes blonde people it's not true so stop oh look at all like the fuzz and the hair coming out of each of those strands she's gonna have so much hair after she's done with this piled up but being doing this like 10:00 in the morning I'm doing all that night didn't even change out it's just take my I've been doing this literally like an hour and a half two hours it just takes so pretty long yeah yo I'm sorry but you have so much work to do I'm so curious to see how much of that hair is her real hair I'm pretty sure most of it is extensions but it looks really long I don't know why she didn't cut off the extension part first and then start unraveling that would have been a lot easier because I feel like she's just going in and like trying to undo those 20 inch long extensions for no reason when she could just cut them off but we'll see what happens um we've got like 20 like 21 ago I think one like the other two this is the pile what the hell is that it's yorkshire terrier it really does look like that but I'm gonna have to like do all these deep conditions bleach 8-point torn the extensions it's not her natural hair color red me hey attach the extensions once upon a time I thought I was high maintenance Lauren takes the cake oh my god she's gonna take them all out put them back in bleach your hair all in like one sitting for five days without changing their clothes all they change clothes thank God no losing the women go go go you guys got this you guys got this you guys got this you guys got this come on come on oh thank god we got three people on it now we got three I'm done crying oh this would make anybody go crazy I don't blame you it's looking really good though we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere I'm so excited she's like changed out different people every day three days straighten out here we are you got this you got this let's make it to the finish line watch you just run through the finish line you know what I mean oh she's so upset I feel bad man this is really taking a toll on her making a hair mask by prismatic glow next time if this isn't the most wild process you've ever seen I don't know what is um basically what's happening twice and it only changed some reason and I've told it three times and it's still bright yellow so I've got three Brad soon I think this one's gonna work but yeah so my hands bright yellow so this is not the finished product but I just want you guys to just to see so let's have a look I know I'm pajamas by the way so oh oh and I actually think it looks better on a camera than it is in real life or maybe I'm just used to having a really thick hair but as you can see it is still like long technically first of all your color looks good I like the kind of gingery blonde on you second of all your hair is not kind of long it is down to your butts it is very very long and it looks very very very good Wow there was a transformation Wow Wow okay well the length is like really really thin at the end yeah you're going from those things I probably have to get it could tolling there yeah and because this is just pointless so you can see where I used to just like bleach my friend and just leave the rest right I'm pretty like yellowy strawberry blonde now well that's just that's just like oh oh my god it was so dark before no what is this experience that I do not wish to repeat it's just insane what why is that and done all sorts to it and raked it out and it wasn't washed in two years it's actually it's not dry or anything at all it's actually quite like moisturize it's just that the ends are very thin there's no split ends or anything actually they're just really thin and from all the hair I've got rake it out I just looked over to my right and her next video upset I'm not getting dreadlocks again I'm so glad she's not gonna do it again even though it looked amazing I don't want her to ever have to go through that struggle ever again dude that was nuts but the outcome was so incredible her hair looked stunning I actually like the gingery kind of blonde with the brighter blonde on top I agree that she needs a trim for sure overall I think she looks beautiful and I think was worth her time and congratulations Lauren you are free from the dreadlocks that weighed you down for a long time and you look amazing alright let's move on to our next dreadlock removal process video now we have Anna's world and this video is called combing out two years of locks two years did me a big change big change fire hey guys and welcome back to my channel I show them to me like me with every decision in my life do it should I not do it should I try not to be disgusted because I have like they have been told they I would be so much prettier if I didn't have or like that's not nice I don't understand what the obsession was it's all aggressive they were literally so aggressive that's not very nice of your family I think you'll look beautiful with or without logs but I still want to see them I still haven't even seen your hair down so get to it [Music] [Music] I took it out there so pretty I'm excited though to see how curl your hair is what it looks like when they all are taken out and all of that good stuff I'm very curious what her hair texture is gonna be like is it gonna be super curly is it gonna be loose curls we don't know yet I'm thinking it's probably gonna be a bit of an afro moment maybe not maybe a little bit more tame than that but I love curly hair so you guys know I'm excited about it make sure it's the wet [Music] grab your conditioner okay so like this like what's dumb like why can't it just be swearing I'm just going to show you wet the Jetta should I take out and you condition you can do it we believe in you she's just gonna use the end of a comb and do this is about to take four years dude she needs one of those Komi is that what the was a lot of pics on it I want to see the pile of hair she accumulates after this - that's always the best part oh look at that hair yo she's got some 4c hair it is beautiful oh and it's pretty long I like this look she's going on I like the half dread house not I'm almost done and it literally takes an hour to take out - no oh my freaking gosh and I were four - but I doubt that would be going because she was gonna try to help me and then we're gonna lose track of time again and then we're not gonna be able to go to miss another days I said that this would be therapeutic and satisfying which in a way it is however in another way it's very anxiety inducing because I just want these girls to get it over with to take their dreads out to be done with it and it takes so many today they just get like five people to help you with this or else it just takes too long it's too long man oh she's so close to the end she's so close to the end do it do it do it yes I want to see it washed and styled badly so very badly her curls are delicious all right so I just came from school I just got my life just just let it go I love this look she has going on and she's feeling herself show us the hair show us the hair this bag is how much hair loss Hey because [Music] how is that possible no ill oh that is another person's head of hair it just goes to show you how much hair naturally comes out of your hair in a matter of two years look at that pile that is so crazy to me it's just crazy how fast your hair regenerates and there's always pieces coming out there's always pieces growing in and you never really see it that's the weird part of it all and wow that is a ton of hair that was a great transformation Ana you look incredible I love your hair both ways a but I think you're really feeling yourself with this off this new look I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna send that out there oh and thanks for sharing this with us let's move on to the last dreadlock transformation next video is by Ashley Postell what is up Ashley and whoa it says a whopping 6.3 million euros that's a lot of youth let's see what's going on over here hey YouTube welcome back to my channel today my name isn't YouTube nobody's name here is YouTube oh no you're talking to we will be taking out my little jetties they are little for quite a while now and I think it's the time to take them out okay you think I don't wanna watch them to my scalp eyes like bumps on right and it's just ready my scalp is like please like let us be ready to have these out of your head please I'm not gonna lie they look a little bit messy just put that out there alright I'm gonna give you guys like one nice look at what they kind of look like and stuff whoa and people think that they're real like a lot until I tell people that they're not real people think that they're real they're definitely not real dreadlocks they're faux locs which means they're just extensions really like put in the hair and wrapped around her real hair anyways let's just get straight to getting into this I think I'm like so attached to him I just like don't want to think about that seems to be the theme of today's video all of these girls are like super attached dreadlocks for some reason and are very not really wanting to take them out and they're like grasping on for dear life I don't know I think it's maybe a security blanket I don't know cuz I've had so many different hairstyles and hair colors in my life that I don't really feel like it's ever that sad for me to change my hair but that's just me a lot of people have an attachment to their hair and I totally understand and appreciate it I have two bands on there so I'm gonna snap the other one oh my god oh so she just like wraps it around her hair puts a few rubber bands in and that's it I guess I want to avoid like being unhealthy to my hair whatever just trying to keep it healthy as possible even though doing this hairstyle the friends general wasn't healthy for my probably not well okay it's definitely not healthy for the root follicles of your hair because there is so much tension being put onto your hair otherwise I feel like you are in a protective style so you're not washing your hair you're not using any heat tools it's being very protected from the outside elements so in that instance your hair is probably gonna be healthier lengthwise except the roots might have a bit of breakage and a bit of damage going on maybe not too much if your hair can handle the weight of the extensions so it might be actually good for your hair oh wow okay so that's actually a little bit different than I expected I mean those are literally just like braided into her hair completely there's nothing wrapped around anything I guess her hair was kind of wrapped around but that was way easier than I thought it was gonna be and now I want dreads it's the one cell I haven't done is dreadlocks and I've always wanted them but I don't know probably not her hair looks very shiny and very healthy she's going at it she's pumping away she's getting those threads out and we're working through come on girl you got this I'm gonna take like 30 minutes you are worried about it taking 30 minutes try taking five days to do it like the other two girls thirty minutes that'd be like a joke we took them all out and you're gonna see we got these like funny-looking poor hair looks gorgeous synthetic Jay Larson now we're gonna brush through these curls hair loss we have which will be a lot because you lose like a hundred Shane's a day or something like that yes a week I'm gonna lose about seven hundred strands of hair a year so I cannot be a lot she's only have you them for a week that looks incredible I love me too I love it it's a really adorable her hair is so long to the end result week over enjoy box is this much that's not a lot long I'm really not like oh it's really not like too too much just a lot of hair yeah but I was expecting a lot more and you know there still is probably somewhere here is like just sitting there ready to come out but hey I ain't mad at it it just feels good to be able to like it and touch it I don't even know maybe because I missed I'm like the type of person that massages my scalp like very often that it feels like really rewarding to project I don't know I'm gonna get a shower get my natural regular regular hair back alright guys again I'm gonna get up and go whoa whoa I was dreading taking out the dreads and stuff I did miss having like my hair wow she has beautiful hair lay again and I have thin hair but hey you don't have thin hair I'm gonna be honest with you you have fine hair but it is not then and it is luxurious and looks like silk it was a good experience I'll do it again and I wanna tell you guys something really kind of strange that I noticed um tell us my hair feels healthier that's not strange I think that at all I was expecting it to be like unhealthy brittle for some reason I didn't use any products I just washed it and like it probably doesn't look healthy but it feels really healthy and it's kind of strange to me it was in a protective style you weren't using any heat you weren't watching it it's that's great for your hair and also your hair does not look bad it looks amazing I'm sure everybody watching right now I was like wow your hair looks beautiful Ashley you wild if you guys think that like hair style somehow did something good for my hair let me know yeah it did the end even weirdly feel healthier incredible transformation I wasn't expecting your hair to be that straight and that beautiful and that luxury isn't silky and long whoa that one was a really quick one I was not expecting those to be all just completely extensions and it looks great round of applause for you Ashley congratulations on you look I think it's great I think it's great both ways one week with dreads one week without back and forth you know why not changed I love it those were major transformations I had so much fun watching those do you guys any great transformation like that is so exciting to me even going from regular straight hair to dreadlocks is exciting going from dreadlocks to straight hair is a little bit more exciting though oh okay that inspired me to do your thoughts and today my dry shampoo club kit was released you can check out club kit dry shampoo by X mondo it is linked down below so excited about that and thank you guys so much for your incredible support on the product already so grateful to have you in my life so grateful for all you do for me I really appreciate you being here and make sure you guys follow me on Instagram Twitter tik-tok at Brad mondo and wife C and follow my hair care brand X mono hair for amazing fabulous hair products that will make your hair feel better than it ever has before and that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 7,340,949
Rating: 4.9014897 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Dreadlock Removal Videos, taking out my dreadlocks, dreadlock removal, taking out my dreadlocks after 10 years, taking out my dreadlocks and surprising my mom, dreadlocks, dreads, hair, how to, locs, hairstyle, hippie, box braids, brushing, long, white, dread, taking out, beauty, tutorial, faux locs, locks, curly hair, combing out dreadlocks, long hair, shaving, washing, wash, lunarwolfe, luna, morton, before
Id: UuBQOn0o6Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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