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hello beautiful and welcome back to my channel today what we're gonna be doing is just the usual just watching people over in their hair and also looking at myself on camera Reena I feel like I could not look any different than when I first started this job can we get a side-by-side comparison Marcel can you just like editing a little side-by-side what happened to me am i angsty again I don't know if I ever lost my teenage ranks like I literally look like a little rebel child right now and I don't mind it I do like looking emo again I feel like I'm digressing like I'm getting older but I'm also like trying to be my little teenage self still is that how aging works I guess I'm okay with it I know you guys think I look at it and you like old Brad are new Brad cuz old Brad was a lot new bride is even more but I prefer new Brad alright enough about me cuz nobody cares so today perms some people love them some people hate them a lot of people are horrified of them because of bad experiences they had in the 80s and I I feel that a lot of perms were very messy in the 80s and it got really out of control and a lot of people just got their hair ruined by their hair stylist because you know what believe it or not perms are very very very hard to do sometimes harder than haircolor is to do so when I see people do it at home I'm like dude okay one thing doing hair color at home it's another thing doing perms at home perms are literally science man and it takes a lot of experience to a really good perm experience that I don't even have okay it was like a year and a half of Education and I still don't know how to do a perfect perfect it seems like an easy process but I will explain it the entire thing as you've watched these videos and tell you exactly why it's not as easy as it looks okay but you guys let me just bore you for one you guys Boltzmann asking me to do a giveaway involving glitterati my ex mondo my haircare brand if you don't already know what it is and that is what it is I have a hair care brand and I'm very excited about it you guys like to enter the giveaway I'm giving away three bottles of glitterati to anybody worldwide and all you have to do is follow me on my Instagram brahmanda my see and follow ex mando on Instagram at X mondo hair here is the handles and then like my most recent picture that has to do with they gave away you'll see it it's the most recent post on my Instagram page she's gonna like do whoever you want comment and on April 11th I will be picking so you guys would like to receive literati for free possibly then go enter it's super easy and fun oh my god giveaways yeah are you guys let's start watching prim pals let's do this [Music] and our first video is by Tara Mammon our hair monona no air and it is called I tried to perm my own hair fail alright girl let's see what happens at least she put a little bit of thought into this at least she contacted a few cosmetologist and asked for their advice I'm a little concerned however why those cosmetologist said it was okay oh my god by the way I totally forgot yo I have a different hair color I know I'm sorry I know a lot of you guys like this bright colored hair I had a heart attack after doing it it was cool for like literally an hour and then I hated my life I didn't feel like getting stared at every second of my life as if I'm getting West stares with this hair color I don't know I hate attention oh my okay just what I thought I'm ready for this really excited okay yo already already she is doing very bad so there's no end papers involved with this and here first if you don't know this they look like they're used to keep the ends rap while your perming the hair and if you don't you can have a lot of issues with having hooks at the end of your hair or your hair could not properly curl at the bottom also when she's twisting it up the hair broad you need to make sure all the hair is evenly distributed on the hair rod or else some spots if there's more hair in one spot the waiting solution is not going to fully penetrate the entire hair strand has a lot for me really bringing back memories okay so definitely ever try at home please don't but also please don't so I'm not even gonna say what I was gonna say because I don't even want you do at home I don't I don't want you to do at home I just want you to not and also I don't think she's putting a lot of thought to the placement of where she's putting these rods in her hair we'll just keep watching all explain later know okay I'm sorry to keep stopping but another big thing first of all I don't really know what kind of perm she's using but you're supposed to be going on wet hair I don't know why your hair is dry I'm 99.9% sure you don't ever do a perm on dry hair I never have I never seen anybody do it on what on dry hair that's just how it works what is going on girl I thought you consulted what happened to the consultation with the cosmetology I'm sorry so much information in this video if you don't like information just don't watch this video goodbye but if you do information about this keep watching cuz I'm gonna keep stopping every five seconds and I'm gonna talk a lot this frizziness whatever it looks like on the rod like if it looks nice and pretty and smooth and clean that's usually how it's gonna come out pretty nice smooth and clean he's not smooth and clean and perfect you're gonna get some frizzy frizzy frizzy curls like it's gonna be really bad like you're gonna end up perming frizz into your hair so that's really just a bad idea okay alright stopping it again we're talking about types of perms okay this is gonna be a very informational video so this is where it gets really complicated it's been a minute really gonna try my best to give you the most accurate perfect information possible I did research before this video to make sure most of the things that I know are correct we have acidic priming solutions we have alkaline perming solutions and we have exothermic priming solutions BAM we got those three all right we're gonna go through them real quick acidic perming solutions are generally the most gentle firming solutions at a pH value of 6 to 7 normal hair strand pH is a 5 so if you're pushing it beyond that it's gonna be a little more harsh so if you're pushing it to 7 pushing it a little bit but it definitely goes up higher than that with alkaline perms so acidic priming solutions are made with glycerol mono thio luckily my cosmetology teacher would be so proud of you right now basically an acid permit is not gonna break as many bonds as the other perms would which is gonna be good for people who have previously colored their hair or have dry hair or having a little bit of damage in their hair but I would really not recommend you do any kind of permit your hair is severely dry it's not gonna look good if your hair's healthy too like moderately dry you've colored it like once or twice it's not like bleach blonde or anything you could probably do it but otherwise I would not recommend it like I could not do it on my hair my hair would be so damaged okay almost an alkaline perm has an approximate ph value of 9.5 so it is definitely bringing up that ph very high this should not be used on people of dry hair or have previously colored hair this is for people of virgin hair very healthy healthy hair who need more bonds broken in the process in order to achieve the waves in this permanent solution we use ammonia Messiah Clank luckily which is more harsh of course than an acid perm then again like I said this is best for a normal healthy or resistant hair so if your hair super thick super healthy this will be the permit for you and lastly we have exothermic perming solutions which are self heated worming solutions which can be either acidic or alkaline and I'm not gonna get into that because it's a whole nother thing but it's complicated a lot of information so she is using an acid perm which I would recommend for her so I don't know why she's saying that's wrong because she's previously colored hair her hair looks a little dry usually blonde hair is so acid prime would be good for her and an exothermic one would be best but I don't know what she's using she didn't really say [Music] no she literally braided the top of her hair I have never tried to do a perm with braids that seems a little risky and inconsistent okay wait still bad when I tried it was hard like you guys I'm telling you there's so many steps there it is so hard to do even for somebody's train to do it that like doing at home is just like crazy to me it's a lot of time a lot of effort if you don't rinse the hair for the recommended amount of time after use the permanent solution after use a neutralizer it's not gonna work like you really cannot do that at home like it doesn't work like that oh and this poor baby oh god her hair looks oh I feel for you no don't do it [Music] babe to a job to a child that would not happen okay this is another misconception with perm oh it is an education day on the Bravo mundo YouTube channel perms you're never ever gonna get a wave like this these beach waves this is not what a perm is gonna do harm is gonna give you a natural-looking wave you're still gonna have to style it it's gonna give you that style support but it is not gonna give you beach waves nope you can do a beach wave perm it's not gonna make your hair like this though it is not a thing it's not gonna happen for you it is just that's how it works so cut it oh my god I'm so excited she's gonna feelin it's so much thicker and it's gonna feel amazing oh listen it look good long - it looks cute like she needed the job it looks very cute I'm so happy for you I love it at least you got a haircut I think you needed it the perm don't ever do it at home again girl don't even touch the box put it away throw it away don't ever look at it again don't ever do a parm again if you were thinking about doing a perm don't ever touch that thing but at least after today you'll have a little bit more knowledge about how to do a proper bonnet so one more video today we're gonna watch it and we're gonna do it and this is by clever style we're doing guys wait there's literally a box that's called home perm that is probably worse than the boxes that say like at home ombre a home perm there is literally no way of doing it well unless you've had experience yeah please don't do it at home oh my god they're literally using a book no clarifying shampoo nothing they're just going right in what is put a hot towel over your head yo what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he's going on somebody tell me I don't know what this is I know comment was okay so they're doing a very tight curl which is gonna be amazing for him I'm very excited yes it's so hard man makes me cry every time okay oh my god this is so dangerous - like perming solution if gets in your eyes you can go blind they're just like boo let's make a bun [Music] [Applause] okay here's another thing more education tonight also you can leave it up to 45 minutes they said but you should be checking the hair strand every 10 minutes or so just be super anal about it you can check it unraveling it very gently and checking the wave pattern to see it's there and then putting the rod back in and adding more perm solution to it you need experience to know what a nice perm wave looks like before you rinse it out you know but you should be checking it every 10 minutes and that is the way you know if it's done or not he probably needs like 15 minutes on his hair or 20 because his hair is already lightened like you said before and she doesn't need a lot of time definitely don't do 40 minutes please tell me they didn't do 45 minutes okay check it see they're not gonna know what it's a car looks like oh please don't rub it please don't ever oh no no the hair is still setting in place you can't rub your hair after doing a perm no you'd be so gentle with it because your hair is still setting into place let me do a quick explanation when the waving solution is applied it swells the cuticle and the perm solution enters the cortex of the hair and then basically a bunch of chemical stuff happens inside the hair strand and it forms to whatever the hair is placed on so if it's on it round surface it's gonna form a curl if it's on a zigzag surface for some damn reason it's gonna make a zigzag you feel me on that one and then the bonds are rejoined together in their new position to form the curl and that is an explanation of how a perm works for idiots okay oh stop roughing it up damn literally ramen noodles it's like the worst thing in the world [Music] moral of the story today guys don't parm your own damn hair don't do it and if you do want to perm your hair and you go to a salon for it please investigate hardcore find it that person who specializes in firms because it is difficult and even some most experienced hairdressers don't know what the hell they're doing so just do your research that's with everything now like just doing research don't forget to you know enter my giveaway because it'll be fun to enter and you'll be fun to win one thank you guys so much for watching today and don't forget to leave your extra damn life and I will see you all next time peace [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 6,497,183
Rating: 4.9300294 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO AT HOME PERM FAILS!, bradmondo, hairdresser reacts, hair stylist, diy hair, how to, perms, beach wave perm, permed hair, perminent wave, jenna marbles, gone wrong, funny fails, fall off, break off, bad hair cut, hair colorist, brad mondo reacts, bradmondonyc, perms before and after men, perms for short hair, perms for medium hair, perms gone wrong, perms on white girl hair, beach wave perm before and after, beach wave perm long hair, reaction video
Id: lRYnfAj_-W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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