Hairdresser Reacts to Antonio Garza Bleach Fail

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[Music] what's up beautiful are you doing today you look stunning Oh youtubers have blessed me with another pair of video it's been a really good month I'm excited there's almost like not a lot of things in life that make you more excited than when youtubers like dude on hair it's painful yes to watch but also very entertaining so I'm here for it a level of entertainment in my life and we're gonna watch in 20 Garza's today do something to her hair and probably ruin it I've been getting harassed for the last two days in social media by Internet Garza stands I've gotten tweets emails DM everything you can imagine being like you have to react to her video and you guys do you think of crazy do you think I'm not gonna do that do you think I'm actually gonna sit here and not do that for you of course I am alright let's watch any Garza so I'm here on then Tony regards this channel says I bleach my hair myself and this is what happens and I just want to take a scroll through the comments section with you guys where I mondo having a heart attacks after all the pre she needs to Antonio Brad mundo no one DJ Khaled and Brad mondo another one if we're so close Antonia I bleach myself this is what happened grab on him dies no one Brad mondo Antonia blonde hair Heather slightly disappointed in the fact that she she did this herself today but you know what it makes for great content so let's see what exactly happened when Antonio bleached her hair herself and hopefully it's a decent outcome I've been waiting to watch this with you guys so let's freakin press the play button and no I thought that came from my soul and my being I'm like this is very important thought I need to document us now you see this the internet might never see this video but if you're seeing this video that means I have made a detrimental risky and almost life-changing decision I need to have at least once in my life is bleaching my own hair I feel like she does need to experience herself that way this can never happen again just get out of your damn system Antonio don't do it again I think this might be a good idea just to get it out of her body I saw join us Vidya she just bleached her hair and I was like okay if she could do it I could do it like if she is courageous enough to let your own hair and I've been thinking a bleaching around here for the while now might as well Joanna's hair didn't come out good Antonio it didn't also Antonio you have so much hair seemingly from what I can see here you have pounds and pounds and pounds of hair you are gonna miss so many damn spots girl it is gonna be a situation oh oh we got quick blue we got quick blue we got mix match developers great idea oh and we got t18 you can't do any bleaching at home without GI teams so quick blue it's gonna be one of the strongest most hundreds bleaches you could possibly use it's severe it's a lot it's gonna really get into that hair it's gonna really light and it's gonna really like fast it's gonna get in my hair and goats isn't the worst combination of products I've ever seen so we're working with what we got we're seeing what's gonna happen it might be fine it might be bad I don't know but that's okay cuz I'm here and you know what it's fine [Music] yo antonio has so much hair is actually scary for me what extensions are basic tape ins you know how do you operate life with those nails how do you do things I just don't understand it just seems like it'd be really annoying today see my the thumbnail or title might be preaching nightmare I'm excited at this video sponsored by no one so I miss having dark hair so I really wanted to go back to black hair or like brown hair I think just a normal brown hair but I was thinking why don't I like blonde hair what is so deep in me that is making me not love the blond hair cuz one side more fun and I was not having more fun Antonio you look so good as a blonde honestly look really good to brunette too but I think the belong x makes look a little more like whoa like like I don't know I feel like the blonde looks really iconic on you though really does I don't think her hair is gonna fall off I do however think she's gonna miss a million spots and I have a developer for my age I don't think she's actually highly prepared for this this might actually not be the worst thing ever well I guess I should try to use gloves but I don't know how because I have a 12-inch yeah oh I kind of always wonder why hair so actually I've never wondered that but hair cells never wear nails because they just get ruined you literally cannot wear acrylics actually we well my mind is so powerful there's a lot of people wear acrylics to the salon to do hair like a lot of hair stylist and I actually don't ever I've never actually thought about how they wear acrylics with gloves Antonio this is groundbreaking stuff how does that work I'd be on scared right now and like I wish I wasn't mother should be I am so that looks it worse comes to worse I'm just gonna not do the back I'm already like I hate this already okay are you supposed to get on your scalp I don't really know but like it's there so it's like oh my god it burns already out of initial thoughts um I don't think I'm doing it right but like it's not like doesn't look about wrong so it's like you know can't be that wrong am i right wrong and I know what you're thinking Brad she's starting at the roots that was right oh my God all the time today would be a day that you could start the roots because there ends very lane she's trying too late in the roots except however here she's doing a retouch and she doesn't exactly have retouch Abul hair she should've got highlights a heavy heavy heavy highlight or a heavy heavy heavy hair painting the only time we ever do the roots like this is when we're doing a bleach into home which is when somebody has hair like it's already bright bright blonde and it's fully one color and you get that really harsh line of demarcation when your hair grows out then you're gonna start the roots and you're gonna paint them like that Antonio your hair is highlighted it is not fully one color even though it kind of looks like that you can tell that it there's been foils in there there's been low lights there's been high lights there's a lot going on and so if you make the roots all one shade you're gonna literally have a root that's all really really bright blonde and then the ends are kind of like not as blond and kind of like variations of blonde because they're highlighted though think your roots aren't highlighted because your roots are just single process lightened it's just not gonna look right and I don't know how that's gonna come together Brad mondo if you're watching this I do apologize you just sent me some like of your hair stuff so it's like I'll just use that and my hair will look great at that so I'm sure glitterati link below I think it's actually fine if you ruin your hair because glitterati will just save your life I think I'm out of a job now because glitterati is just gonna save everybody and I don't need to anymore but is that too much like I think it is and like my hair's gonna fall off immediately what are you doing my favorite part is that she's like painting the hair very gently like it seems like she's really gives a [ __ ] about this and she's actually genuinely trying to make it look good going right on the route and then painting gently on the end to kind of like smudge it down color doesn't really work like that the only time you should use like a painting technique is if you're doing it like from the ends up not from the route down cuz then you're just gonna have like a bright route and a little bit of ground in the middle and then bright blonde and this ain't the right technique I don't think they don't realize how much work it is to color go in hair it's honestly really scary okay my hair's not that weak though like I don't think it'll fall off no your hair looks like hell effects like that's cool [Music] I'm gonna give it to her though this is really precise she is going in in every little section and it is quite beautiful she honestly looks like she has a really natural talent for coloring hair hard partings are divine she is doing a great thorough job however this is not really the right technique for which is true for she's looking for if she did want to go all over blonder from roots to ends in a salon we probably go in with foil and foil out every darker piece in her hair and then once everything is one solid color from about like an inch from the root down then we go back in on the root and paint that all so it's even and then you'll get a very very even platinum blonde color but again that's a very difficult thing to do under itself actually it's probably impossible gonna need to like go smells enough this is like where we're at right now I'm gonna do the back and I'll be right back pray for me actually like why did you not do the edges of your hair you just leaving the edges out yes Mara no you're actually letting it marinate I was joined I would say this might be the worst decision I've ever made like when I was looking at it before I put it in this like housing I was like okay this is horrible I'm definitely concerned there's always black hair dyed black hair dye is always gonna be on the market it's always gonna be calling my name so it's like if worse comes to worse I can just fix it all dyeing your hair from blonde to black actually is not that easy I know everybody thinks it is everybody things like I can just put black color on my head and I'll just be black yeah that might be possible sometimes it's not but often times and people do this at home and they go to the store and they buy a black box tide to go over there blonde hair that's actually not the right thing to do because once you have blonde blonde hair you have no penguin left in your hair you have to replace the red the blue and the yellow in your hair and no just get a color that looks like it has a lot of depth and looks natural and looks vibrant say if you throw on like a brown ashy box tie on your hair first of all you're gonna get a lot of ammonia in that you don't need it your hair's already lightened do you all you do is tone it back to dark so typically you're gonna want to use a demi-permanent developer for that and then after that you throw on like an ash tone brown you're probably get a lot of green in your hair because you just fill in the red and the yellow also in order to get a very beautifully done color to replace the blonde you previously had that probably made no sense to half of you and that's okay wait it actually doesn't look bad okay so actually kind of like semi confused here because it actually doesn't seem like this was gonna be bad I think she put such a light coating of bleach on her hair that it's not gonna end up lightening that much therefore it's not gonna end up making like a humongous difference therefore it probably won't be that bad I don't know how long she left it on for but seemingly she kind of just like painted the room very lightly with some bleach I think it's just gonna look actually kind of [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah oh you handle looks mad stripey man I don't have a lot to say here I this was gonna happen and I knew you good idea and it pretty much came on as bad as I follows Mike I'm sorry this is how I shower this is really really really bad but like it could have gone worse I think I knew it I mean of question me I'm like impressive myself as if like it wasn't like the easiest thing to tell her that was going to happen this is what I was explains you guys she's got a light band a dark band and a light band because she painted her roots and then feathered it 3d at rest of her hair and also she's really dark hair naturally lifted to orange because you're not using foils you want to lift it's got a nice pure blonde you're gonna want to use foils man oils are made for incubating giving the hair heat it's on the scalp and for keeping your sections clean [Music] brownish-blond mixed with red so it's like this is going to be so hard to fix really really hard because now she has all these different variations of light dark and light and it's all just like mixed in there randomly I would literally need to go in and pick out every little piece that she missed with oils and that is a pain annoying process I've done it many times and I honestly every time I've done I never wanna do it again but then I keep doing it because I mean you're done you're like oh that was silly worth it that looks my hair did fall off so it's like I'm like just like God you know he came through a little bit what in the fudge you and Joe and I missing the sideburns what is bad she seemed I bleach it again isn't she you know I look like a mall rat for now I'm just gonna let it dry and see what happens and maybe tonight I will just bleach it again cuz I'm compulsive and don't care about my well-being see you then I'm okay this may have came up worse than Joanna's hair did but I mean that let's be honest here I can't fix this so many hairs dried a little bit now and honestly like I don't hate it like it's like it's not good let's get that out there that like this isn't good and we just have to accept it like it's not good but like yeah don't tell me she's gonna leave it like this so do it also another way of fixing this would be to do it a full full full full highlight and then in between all those full highlights ain't the rest of the pieces that you didn't laden with a darker brown color and no get a nice variation you'll get a nice depth and you'll get a full-on nice blonde color and that'll give the hair does for an opportunity to fix all those in the spots in between his will be in foils and you can kind of go in and paint every little dark spot that you missed and then lighten the rest of the hair there's many ways to fix botched bleach jobs and I have to think about this one I wasn't trying to fix it myself as much as I would love to do it for the content you know what I'm saying do it for the vlog no I didn't book appointment tomorrow thank god the person is my hair had an appointment open because if she didn't I would be stuck with this throughout my vacation this weekend that looks so bad whoever your hairdresser is I am so sorry so sorry [Music] I'm not gonna lie guys I didn't think that it was gonna be this bad I'm thinking like what my reaction would be if I were her hairstylist and then she came back to me a couple months later with this I would just be like you're a [ __ ] [Music] honestly the warm honey blonde looks so good I mean she looks great her hair cells talented they're talented from what I can see I don't know I can't really see much but talented it looks really dope you know I notice a pattern here Joana bleached your hair before she had to go somewhere on a trip and then Antonio bleached her hair before I had to go somewhere on a trip Antonio you're supposed to mess up your hair and then take a trip to New York to get it fixed how these things are supposed to go thanks Antonio for the content that was amazing that was actually really good and all I think came out great you pour herself oh oh girl oh she had to go in there she had to go out of there and she had to go all around there to probably fix that it ended up looking great you look fabulous that's all for today guys make sure you guys follow me on Twitter and Instagram from my sleep my hair care brand Mike's mono hair on instagram check out Brad and Eric my new channel with my brother link below if you guys would like to purchase any of my merch or glitterati it'll be linked below for you so you guys so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you oh thanks that [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,166,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts to Antonio Garza Bleach Fail, hairdresser reacts, brad mondo, brad & eric, hairstylist, I bleached my hair by myself and this is what happened..., joana ceddia, antonio garza, james charles, react video, funny, hilarious, hair stylist, how to, fall off, diy hair, hair dresser, hair fail, at home, 40 vol, jojo siwa, brad mondo joana, brad mondo joana ceddia, gone wrong, video react, box dye, i bleached my hair, bleaching hair at home, hair fails
Id: wlTdPozsmv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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