Hairdresser Reacts To E-Girl Hair Color Transformations

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hi beautiful I'm gonna be honest with you I'm exhausted to the point where if I could take a nap on this table right now and just let the videos play and have you still watch it I would do that but um I'm gonna pull up together and just try and be entertaining usually when I'm tired though I'm a little bit more of a bitter people tend to like that so I guess you're welcome at I'm tired I don't know so today we're watching some girls give themselves a girl transformations and if you're maybe I don't know too old to know what an e girl is or just not trendy enough we'll get with it basically what happened was there was Goths emo there was scene and now there is a girl's back in my day we called them scene girls but now they're called eat girls very similar but just upgraded it's like 2020 we'll go with that I wonder how many people I just offended I don't give and if you're still confused what new girl is well you'll find out today as we watch these girls give themselves very colorful hair transformation it'll be fun it'll be cool I love a good girl let's get it started our first girl up given herself an e girl transformation is itis and my this is e girl transformation black and neon green during quarantine are you like a rhyme ologist or something like wait what what are we doing sort of they might get stained and I don't know if the dye resistant because I made a costume dye resistant Ella not guy resistant and they're plastic they will die so she's got some level 5 hair on top it looks like her natural hair it has grown out and then she's got this you know ombre thing going on a little level 7 moment went on the ends and she's gonna make the entire thing black with these two strips in the front and if you're not familiar with a girl style the strips in the front is basically what knee girl at vibe is like everybody has the strips in the front the money pieces but they're like colorful you'll see so we're using box dye yeah that looks disgusting oh she's mix it up we're getting prepared stop it well let's fast-forward okay so she has her bangs are the front pieces kind of sectioned out and a scrunchie that way she's in color which is a good idea [Music] that's definitely one way of covering your hair with color it looks like it's dry we can go with it we can pretend that you definitely just covered your entire how would that color even though you missed every it arcs me it really stick my head hurts me because it's just not that hard to put enough color on your head but for some reason everybody has to make it harder than it is I don't know if it's a cry for attention or it's a little bit of like stupidity but you know okay so I just finished with my hair dye so I've dyed all of it brown now okay someone else' bleach out of the box dye and now I'm gonna believe I am glad that she left the front piece out and didn't color it dark and then try to go over it with bleach seam is kind of obvious but I definitely seemed it will do the opposite where they'd like color it and then color it again for no reason good for her her hair is putting a lift nicely cuz it does look to be like her virgin hair on the top so that's good it's gonna be fun cuz apparently like 40 volume will destroy my hair and I accident Diwali on bleach so if my hair falls out um I hope I get more views I'm gonna oh ya know you'll get way more views okay her hair looks very healthy that I'm so she's using 40 volume which is totally fine in this application because her hair looks very healthy and she's only doing a small piece and it's all gonna process at the same time I'm not too concerned about like one area turning really white the other not turning very light or turning orange and red and whatever because she's gonna put the entire section on really quick and let a process at the same amount of time should be fine who knows so I'm using the Manic Panic for volume I don't know he told me to buy 40 volume but I know she just like typed in her hands on Amazon and this was the first thing I saw so I bought it I'm gonna mix a tiny bit I'm not like so mad at her using the Manic Panic Box I can't cuz at least Manic Panic tells you like what developers involved in it whereas like other kits will literally not tell you anything they'll just be like this is what you need and this is the one size fits all at least Manic Panic is like this is 40 volume I'm cool with that I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to inhale bleach so like I didn't go in my mouth well you're not supposed to you know when we're doing foils we tend to have the lightener more runny a little bit less sick than you would normally use the lightener in this case you can definitely make it more of a runny consistency because it'll help distribute throughout your hair strands if it's more runny if you're not using foil though I would make it more thick because it tends to dry out really fast when it's exposed to the environment to air so if you're incubating it in a foil or anything you can make the lightener more of a runny formula and if it's not in a foil you can make it more thick why do they make it such a nice color and tell you it's a creamy consistency is it like people work yeah oh I totally have tried bleach before it's wave I don't know so I had some we're not supposed to use before we always 40 volume but I don't want anyone in my face I'm gonna use anything I hope better end up on a brand mondo video actually I ever find use but at least like I get like cloudy you know every time somebody says that I think it's so funny I don't know that their how funny that they did end up in her Brad mondo video and I didn't need a mean - I didn't know that that they were anything that we're digging the technique honestly this is fine I would definitely section out your hair before doing this you know that large section she's doing could have easily been made into three separate sections and done one layer at a time that way the lightener just gets through all the hair strands and it's a lot easier for you that way or you could just take the lightener and scoop it up with your hands and just go like this and mush it around I mean you don't need to use a brush as long as you're wearing gloves the roots do go really fast so supposed to leave them right until we and that's what I'm trying to do but how long this we can fit on my hair so I'm just assuming I'm gonna go with like five minutes and then I'll do my route yes she knows that she's talking about it the roots process faster and look at how even it is you see that when you do it right holy actually works Oh Brad what um I accidentally bleached part of like this tongue little luck but it looks pretty good and even a bit green on the top it's gonna be a different color I don't want like one blender and considering that she's doing the young green on top of this it's totally fine if her hair is a little bit yellow because neon green has a lot of yellow in it it's just gonna make the color show up more vibrant and last longer if you're not starting on a white base you're starting on more of a yellow base and we're going in with the green hey I'm excited for this outcome maybe this can cure my depression today the foils not going to do anything so I don't think I would worry about green getting on your black hair the next day I just bleed on my hand I straightened it it looks so good oh great I am obsessed this color please keep it and for those of you who didn't know what girls were in the beginning this video this is an e girl hair color those stripes in the front it really does something for me I love I love it I love it I love it all I think you helped to cure my depression amazing miracle Oh a video ok let's move on let's hope the next girl has just as good of a transformation if not better our next video is by a even dyeing my hair like a Negro do you monetize me please thank you so much recently I have been getting the urge to diet my two strands in the front of my hair pink I think that is a solid concept and now I'm doing it because I'm impulsive and why not take risks if it doesn't come out good whatever all right we got quick blue bleach it's fine and we got eye on pink green selections actually beauty I got all the stuff let me show you guys what I got I got magenta those are really pretty I'd use those before in ion it's pink quick blue we work L'Oreal technique powder bleach I mix this in with developer which I have volume which it's fine for this scenario okay I'll take the 40 volumes in that my hair is in I think it's pretty healthy it's not damaged I haven't been really anything damaging to my hair I don't think it's going to be a problem I don't think so either but you do have very dark level-4 hair wow that's a good amount of hair to take down I think if you do too little it just doesn't show up and if you do too much the front half of your head is like a different color and it just doesn't get the vibe across I think like an inch large section in the front of your hair line is like the best idea for this look that's something a lot of hair though yes yes it does get him even girl okay so we're using the hand method where we don't use a brush which is totally fine watch Brad mondo he's like a hair stylist on YouTube he said not to like lather it on like bleach a need to put a lot so generous with it and I'm gonna try to apply it like everywhere that's so funny these girls mention me she said I'm not gonna lather it great I love that and she's gonna not be generous with it which I think she met I am going to be generous with it I'm glad somebody learned something from my video so I applied it over my head I kind of got it over here but I don't think that should be a problem she definitely used enough so happy about that she should have definitely used a foil to incubate and add heat to get hurt your very very dark hair I'm pretty sure its box ID or just colored black and you're gonna need a lot of heat to lift that color good luck you're probably gonna have orange hair but oh good we're applying more okay this is good this is good except you didn't listen to me when I say my videos don't apply to the roots at the same time as the mids and ends okay you're gonna wait and then apply to the roots so this is how this looks I'm gonna bleach it again and then woah yeah I definitely went red but that is red from my previous dye that you guys is what happens when you try and lift dark color out of hair it turns red hopefully the next bleach takes this out I'm glad she's doing round two she doesn't need round two maybe round three and I blow dried it this is how it came out that looks great I'm no longer high so I'm gonna smoke more and then i'ma put pink in my hair oh we're going in with color man that is fuchsia and I am obsessed that's gonna be perfect to put over that slightly orange color it's gonna look so good and very even I feel like somehow her roots didn't come out too much later than our ends I'm excited yeah oh and she's applying so much of it that's so good when you're doing a color like this you really want to make sure you're applying a ton of it really just with any color you want to apply a lot of it cuz hair really tends to suck in color and you need a lot of it there in order to not get any spotting or like lighter areas and darker areas everything needs to be very even and saturated and she's doing a very thorough job I approve of this okay so I cleaned it up yes a clean thorough color job I think the instructions said 40 minutes so i'ma leave it in for 40 minutes we love an instruction for it's the morning whoa I came out it's pretty cute it looks so good I have no complaint I think it's really cute I put on lashes I didn't oh now we have the full vibe going on I love it I love it I love it she looks so good and young and fun and cool I couldn't ask for anything better that came out really good and I don't exactly know how but I'm happy it did come out all right our next video is by my famiiy [Music] and this is called impulsively bleaching my hair to be a tick-tock eagerly at 2 a.m. Bram on to his creaking he girls everywhere I'm just watching a hairdresser reacts apparently I highly appreciate it I do love you girls so I want to be me grow up but that probably want a rabbit for me so hey guys um it's like I'm here and my family okay I got it gonna turn into a tick-tock a girl now I get right now and I'm not trying to say that to you know be relating and like self-deprecating like subscribe so relatable no like I think we all agree scenario today looking up her hair even though I could go to the salon but I just choose not to for the content this girl's hectic freaking I have like permanent black dye my hair right now that I got from the salon and you're not supposed to really bleach your hair after that I love all these girls she has any darkest hair of all of them she has a level three black hair jet-black hair why is it called a jet black what jets are black anybody can let me know it that would be awesome because now I'm confused I feel lied to Brad please react to my video I would really appreciate it this would make it all worth it I had no idea every single girl said I watched today was gonna mention me in some way I don't know why I find that so fun I guess it makes sense ah people know who I am I'm not as I think I'm 40 level developer you're never supposed to really use for to you but whenever use olaplex number one it brings it down like 10 I think so this is actually volume 30 okay so she's using olaplex and 40 volume and you guys know where I stand with all Plex I have no problem with it I don't know it does everything it says it does and 40 line fine it's totally cool the pieces that she's pulled out in the front of her hair line look a little judge I get and this is the right Brad mondo tell me please deny a mistake yeah actually it kind of does wall-e 40 can provide high lift but it also be really damaging I do not recommend using it is she gonna apply it to the birds first we should be tough guys watch my videos no applying it to the mids and ends first stylist does it but it's fine no definitely not it's fine I'm gonna wrap my hands like bleaching my hands - yes wear gloves this is people I just love that everybody uses like the brush with with the foil it's very cute like you're really trying really hard to like the hairstylist at home use your hands and then put the foil on after you don't need to like paint your hair with the foil the foil is just there to add heat you don't need to like use it as a board to paint the highlights on with but it's very cute I like it I appreciate it squeeze it oh I can already tell this is not a good idea does use gloves press this baby up and now we wait 20 minutes also guys be careful with crunching the foils like that it's okay but definitely not what we would do because when you crunch the foil is it kind of takes the lightener off some areas and makes it not very even of coverage because you're crunching all that Lightner into different areas of your hair the bleach will come off some areas and go to others and it's just not a good idea you don't need to like crunch it just like fold it nicely you know a little burrito a few moments later it's been 10 minutes I felt like it's been too I'm good baby you're gonna need to load sit for longer than ten minutes very well oh my gosh this thing [ __ ] though my hairstylist says he's off here should be like my virgin hair and it's not lifting so well that's exactly go-to hairstyle we opened the foils and we're like wow your hair is lifting so well that'll be 20 more minutes I'll see you then we'll do my roots in a second yeah definitely need to do like up here more I'm glad she's resat rating that's a great idea and she said that she already had bleached ends in the past so that's why those ends are coming up so light really fast and her roots are being very stubborn okay so my camera died but we're back I feel like she totally watches my videos and I'm so proud of her because she didn't apply the roots until the rest was sort of already processing which is so great which is so great you guys what the today's videos are so fun it's been an extra ten minutes and I don't want to completely like cut my hair so it's like brown right now yeah I'm still gonna wash it out and then we'll read bleach my hair feels like it's straw we will relief so okay first thoughts oh it's so dark stuff oh and very uneven Oh No No no still straight-up blab so we're definitely have to go through this process again I'm gonna apply some old punch1 to my hair dilute it with water though so she's applying more good idea you definitely need it more I need a wipe this I would have dried your hair first don't color wet hair it's not a good idea not really gonna do anything what you're doing is diluting the lightener because your hair is way open 10 minutes so much hack on it okay it looks like nothing's changed I have no bleach left like none I'm just ringing Oh twice in one session but like it had to be done oh my god and this piece isn't even supposed to be in it what am i what am i what am i doing what am i doing we're gonna leave this on for like another 10 minutes okay longer than 10 minutes please like 45 to an hour please please so now I'm like giving up on this it was going good until my dumb ass got the wrong piece leave this on for another like okay and stop bleaching your forehead Oh God but it's definitely patchy seeds like yellow up here with moves like the black strands and then it's like orange down here and then like brown pieces that I need to pick out and like dye back to black and it's just not going to well yes can tell was going so well in this video and Toby until now pieces in it that like aren't supposed to be in it you're supposed to mix toner with developer but I have 40 developer and says use 20 developer which I don't have she's in 40 volume to toner hair oh why does that burns because you're using 40 volume you can actually make 40 volume into 30 20 and 10 also by diluting it with water you're not really like supposed to but you can just add water into 40 volume without buying another developer it's not gonna be as perfect as if you're buying each developer but it works I've done it many times so if you guys can see nice and then up here the black and yellow I'm gonna die pink okay there's no way I'm just go for it I think it's light enough at this point but dry it you have to dry it in between colorings have that so we're just gonna go for it stop coloring your wet hair that does not look like good dark enough she's gonna end up with like rose gold probably which is like fine it's like a vibe and I'm gonna put this on the ends of my hair since I've like I'm out of breath every time I walk up the stairs I die okay she like knows a lot about hair you can tell because she didn't put the pink on her ends until the top has processed and that's because her ends are super porous and like very light and she didn't want the pink to take superfast in the ends and not on the top great idea okay so I just showered it still looks yellow because like I missed some parts but actually looks decent not pink enough I don't think and I feel like I should dye more pink also the hair is like ratchet and uneven I'm gonna read I'm gonna make sure everything is done no you have to lighten it again it's not light enough to take that pink color it's always gonna be slightly orange unless you go and do a darker pink you know or purple that's actually totally fine when I let go okay so I just dried it after like washing it out and me like it just doesn't it's not separated properly like that's all I can say it looks super fried right now okay actually looks really good why I was she a happy with this this is like the best-case scenario for what she just did to her hair this actually looks really good I'm shocked I really did myself a favor and made myself way uglier hmm guess he's going back the blue okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second that looked really good I don't know what you're angry about because you look fabulous you actually somehow made it work please don't go back to black and this looks great I'm glad you could pull that off somehow okay well I mean that kind of cure my depression today like a girl more than ever Mac girls kind of killed it and you guys that's all for today don't forget to check out my brand new products hydro mania conditioning myths and forcefield heat shield are he protected spray protect your hair from more damage than you've already done to it okay this protects your hair up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit you will not get any heat damage with this product also you have hydra mania conditioning mist this will detangle the out of your hair make it so healthy so men's well so shiny just a really useful product these together match made in heaven we also just restocked one of your favorites club kid dry shampoo you guys haven't tried it got your hands on it no and you guys can shop all these products at X amount of hair calm it'll be linked below for you and if you want to learn more you can also check the website there's a lot more information on there and make sure you guys follow us on Instagram at X mondo hair for updates on new products cuz for always release in products man it's just like amazing these products we make and follow me on snapchat tik-tok Facebook Instagram Twitter at grad mondo and when I see and that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching I'm gonna take a nap don't forget to leave your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys this is VIPRE smoothing oil this oil is a combination of all of my favorites it has boba oil argan oil carrot seed oil now what sets its oil apart is it really penetrates the hair cuticle it goes deep inside instead of just laying on top of the hair and adding a greasy film it's gonna actually go inside help supply nutrition hydrate and add a lot of shine
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 6,207,266
Rating: 4.9623318 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To E-Girl Hair Color Transformations, brad mondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, egirl hair, egirl tiktok dance, egirlĀ hair, egirl hair dye, egirl hair streaks, e girl hairstyles, egirl hair dye bangs, egirl hair dye tutorial, egirl hair dye curly hair, e girl haircut, egirl hair dye purple, bleach, diy, bleaching my hair, tiktok, tutorial, transformation, aesthetic, bleaching my hair at home, hair fail, haircut, hair stylist, box dye, fall off, Gone wrong
Id: OSuPUw_68ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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