Hairdresser Reacts To Bleach Videos Adressed To Me

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hi beautiful today we're watching videos addressed to me a lot of i'm sorry brad mondo's are gonna happen that makes me think that there's gonna be a lot of hair disasters today so hopefully it's not too bad but i'm definitely looking for a laugh today maybe a little hair disaster might be kind of fun is it bad to say am i not supposed to say that and saya also wanted to just pop in and say hi today say out of your fans she's like i'mma go to sleep now i don't want to do this daddy look at this big girl say bye to everybody bye guys today's video is sponsored by care of care of helps you find the right vitamins personalized just for you care of is formulated with clean ingredients and they're very transparent behind all the sourcing and research that goes into each of their products care of holistic online quiz makes it easy for you to know which vitamins and supplements you need to achieve your health and wellness goals they ask you questions about diet lifestyle and personal health goals in order to make a customized plan using their research that is completely tailored to you it's like getting a one-on-one consultation with a nutritionist what's also great is they have an eco-friendly mindset and all their vitamin packs are compostable here's my little care of box it's so freaking cute look at that pattern oh um it says hi brad and all three of my vitamins are in here i have a two veggie omega vitamins in here because i am vegan so it's just to make sure that i get all the appropriate nutrients we also have another vitamin in here that's really cute looking it helps with my cognitive health and making sure i'm alert all the time i just pull out a packet every day and just take one and it's super easy we also have these cute little extra battery packs that you just put on your tongue and they dissolve in your mouth and it's just for energy throughout the day we also have this super berry powder that can just be mixed in a drink and i love this stuff it tastes so freaking good and this is just to make sure my body is all in order and good and it also maintains great vascular health you know we are in the new year we're in 2021 i really want to make it a priority this year to take care of my health and wake up early go to bed early and that's what i've been doing and it makes me feel really good about myself to just you know pop those vitamins in and know that the inside is working great and that's the most important part is when you feel good you can take care of quiz and see what vitamins and supplements they recommend for you right now with my link right below and make sure you use my code bradmondo 50 for 50 off for your first month at care of and now let's get into things let's watch some people ruin their hair let's do it [Music] up first we have a video from a channel called shots shenanigans and this is called how to removing color with bleach bath turns to fail brad mondo enjoy the laughs i hope i do enjoy the laughs and i don't cry at all today i'm gonna try and attempt a bleach bath because i don't want to full-on bleach my hair but i just want to lift my color out because i'm going to be adding color throughout the bottom of my hair i'm not going to be applying it to my roots only to my midsections and down to my tips i think this is a great idea it looks like you have a lot of buildup of some kind of toner or something over your existing blonde hair and you need to get that off it's like a little like making it a little dull and a little multicolored and i'm not really feeling it this whole look you have going on it's not exactly for me and if it's for you then girl get it for some reason i feel like it's not for you either okay typically you're only supposed to use like 10 or 20 at the max i really want to get up to a 20 because i want a little bit more of a lift i'm going to dilute my 30 with 10 to bring it down to 20. all you got to do is add the two developers together so 30 and 10 and divide by two and that's when you get what developer it turns into that's kind of the rule of thumb hairstylists use so you're getting a 20 volume when you add 30 and 10 together i think that'll be perfect though 20 volume is a great idea then i'm gonna add some violet crush i really don't know how much purple shampoo i should use i'm trying to use this to try to tone it as i bleach i don't know i have to say i've never used a purple shampoo when doing a bleach bath seems interesting seems like it would work seems like maybe not at the same time as long as you get that lathering moment going on it'll be good and yes guys this is the one time that bleach should lather i don't know if you ever thought i would say that but this is it okay hopefully you guys can see i added this mirror and we're sectioning i love it i'm just gonna be bleaching from here down and i gotta go fast i guess worst case scenario i'll just dye my hair purple i went ahead and i just jumped in and already screwed up because i touched my roots like i said i wasn't going to do girl why are we doing the ruins and then i decided it was a wonderful idea to go ahead and get my top half too that i swore i wasn't going to touch because i wanted to get rid of that stubborn yellow awesome look how precise i am making sure it's saturated with bleach i think it's actually a good idea that she did that because it was all kind of looking a little bit of a mess by a little i mean like a lot it was kind of awful all right let's just cut to the chase here we get it you put bleach in your hair i want to see what happens next typically we apply a bleach bath on damp hair it would have been better if you had applied a little water there that way you get that lathering she kind of just applied this as if it was just regular bleach without shampooing it so it was kind of no purpose of putting the shampoo in i bagged it i'm gonna let it sit on my head i'm glad she bagged it that way we can keep the heat in and process that lightener faster and allow it to not dry out as fast so we're gonna get that moisture in there to keep it processing and keep it going bleach loves moisture um i washed it out and again it lifted so well i really think that the dilution didn't work yeah it's because you didn't do it correctly but it's okay um i'm toning it now with this stuff it's like lavender moon so it's like a light purple i'm gonna let this process for about 20 minutes this is what it looks like it did really well that looks a lot better still not perfect but i will take it there's still that hint of yellow and this is where i royally ducked up i should have gone with the t18 instead of this and with uh well as zero five zero and see what happens i mean worst case scenario i'll have like blue silver hair why are we using zero five zero that's like literally blue pigment i'm 90 sure it's an additive for other well it colors so you don't actually use that as just your only color you can but it's really to be combined with other things like t18 if you need extra toning properties your hair is about to go slate gray i have learned my lesson oh my god yes i did we are never using that toner again it's not even blue it's like mucky gray honestly one of the worst colors i've ever seen please fix it somehow okay i am going to have arctic fox uh ritual and wrath mixed together on top blending down to the bottom to arctic russia's purple rain a little worried because her hair is already gray um and she's gonna put purple over it so it might be a little mucky looking but it might be fine it's okay to put purple over a gray color you know they're not gonna cancel each other out they're actually gonna work together but i don't know what's gonna happen really but she's still sectioning and i'm happy with that you know what's all i'm asking for these days it's just some sectioning top part is that maroon color it's dyed it's sitting i'm gonna let it sit here for like 30 minutes the bottom part is purple i'm scared you guys ah what the [ __ ] oh my gosh you guys it turned out so pretty this was the best mistake of my entire life i'm thankful i learned a lesson and i got outside of my comfort zone and let me just tell you okay i think i speak for all of us when i say what the [ __ ] how did we get here and why does it look so good you look so fun i want to be your friend this is your color your hair looks so healthy this is one of the most gorgeous transformations i've ever seen that was in total accident great job oh my god so sick the next video is by meredith reeves this is called brad mondo i am so sorry i'm scared mom take me home today i am going to be dying my hair again and i'm actually really scared because i am bleaching both sides of my hair one side will be pink and the other side will be green okay listen i've done this look before it was cute however girl you've got a lot going on with your hair and i just don't know if you got the talent to do this babe you told me use this extra strength powder lightener we're going to use this and she said use 40 volume and she said don't use a lot of it i told her i don't care if my hair falls out that much at least you're setting yourself up for success um because your hair is probably gonna fall off why are we using 40 volume 30 is just fine darling okay so we are sectioning slightly so again i'm happy she is however doing something very wrong and i know you guys might not know this but uh in this case why are we applying to the ends first those are the lightest parts of your hair girl you're gonna want to apply it to the roots first because your roots are really really dark or else you're gonna end up with dark roots again and over processed ends that are going to fall out i hate this for you we just need to hurry up and bleach this part so we can rinse it out i don't want my hair to fall out please i don't want to miss no spots you're gonna miss spots have you seen the way your friends are sectioning your hair and the ends are all dry and they're trying to section it's such a mess okay can we just rinse out the bottom leave the top can we do in the bathtub girl i feel like when you rinse off the bottom let's go take some at the roots though this is so bad look at how my hair looks right can you please can you please help me finally lifting my blue color i took it out of the bottom because i really didn't want it to make my hair fall out i'm very happy that she rinsed the bleach out of the bottoms of her hair because yeah if she left it on it probably would have been risk p and now we're waiting for the roots to process i just hope that she leaves it on long enough so they aren't pissy piss piss piss yellow the colors are these colors the green and the pink if you have yellow in your hair i'll just make a really bright green and the pink it's more of like a golden pink which is also fine these are good colors for the scenario that we're dealing with right now there are so many spots of dark hair you literally had one job and it was just to put it around the primers of your head here you got a bald spot now no i'm not joking i don't know when you lift it up look wow you see is that not a bald spot i think this is really light right there girl it's the black your roots like your hair is black right here so it's gonna probably why is it black she goes why is it black because you missed all the spots you didn't do anything else this green color is kind of ugly i said it i got it out of my system i said it okay guys so this is my finishing hair look for today we had to mess up somewhere there's yellow right here and then there's a little purple back in the back but you can't really see it that good i'm not mad at it i actually think it looks pretty good i don't think anything is wrong with it but it is really dead it's giving me holiday vibes christmas tree next time i would like more of like a hot pink on you with more of a turquoise on the other side if you didn't tell me it was pink and and whatever you else you chose i would think this is green and red let's get those roots colored properly let's just section everything out from bottom to top and then do a nice different variation of two colors okay thanks so much and uh yes thank you for saying sorry because i my feelings are hurt you're still beautiful though i love you okay moving on next video is called i bleached my hair so you didn't have to sorry brad mondo it failed and this is by annie forever never thought i'd be saying this but i think i'm gonna try and bleach my own hair and i have to do just like one side of the front or both i'm just so scared it's going to go ginger because you can see right now all the different colors in my hair okay we are doing nice sections very very small we're starting at the ends i see you've been learning and i appreciate it however i do always say put a lot of bleach on your hair so clearly you weren't taking notes because this is the tiniest amount of bleach you could possibly put on your head i mean she's being very thorough i have to say and we're putting a foil on yay and it's looking uneven very uneven okay perfect to be expected so i'm just gonna do my roots now and just hope for the best so she left the mids and ends on until they turned a little bit like yellowy orange which is what i would recommend and now she's doing the roots which i think is such a great plan i don't know how this is gonna go wrong i mean i feel like she just has very stubborn color in her hair that's like not gonna come out which is kind of sad because she's doing everything right that was a very chunky section she took out though that's like a lot of hair it is light but i don't know how to leave on any longer because it's already been on like 40 minutes or more what i would have had to do is foil every single little piece and put so much lighter on it that way it never dries out and you get the maximum amount of heat it would have lifted it perfectly a little bit of damage this way you know you're just gonna have to do it multiple times until it gets really nice and blonde i don't think it's being light enough oh i know it's orange my love kind of interesting that her midsection is so bad and her roots and ends are really nice looking oh we're putting the purple right over the orange that way it turns mucky gray perfect unless the purple's dark enough to cover which probably not okay this isn't finished like it is bad but it's not that bad please like because i just want myself for a dramatic time doing this that end shot i get your vision you just need to lighten those middle sections that are orange again do the exact same process on just that middle part lighten it nice and bright and then tone it again and actually you'll get a beautiful color you actually did quite well for the palette you were working with and everything that was going on with your hair so bravo but also like no no better luck next time i don't know what this is but okay all right so we definitely had some hair disasters today i feel sad for some of these people today and hopefully next time they learn their lesson and maybe don't do it themselves or do it better next time if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do write down below right there you can also hit the like button and the bell icon while you're there that'll be great make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media handles all around me we can have fun we can hang out on social media if you guys want color like mine you can check out my hair color brand called xmondo color it is linked below you can also head to xmondo color on instagram and if you guys want some amazing fabulous hair care you can check out ex-mondo hair at link below and check us out on instagram at xmondo hair make sure you guys text me at my number right here it'll notify you every time i post a new video i do really see all your messages and if you guys text me right now i'll be texting a few of you right back i have an amazing gorgeous extra life merch line and now available it's all right here if you like to shop it it's linked right below so check it out today's instagram shout out goes to katie she says hey brad my hair is so so boring i used to be blonde and thriving but since lockdown it was too hard to manage and i went dark brown loved it but now i'm bored i have warm undertones and want some color but no clue what to do i am picturing a beautiful deep mahogany like a really really rich red i'll put a little reference right here i think that would look incredible on you plus when you lift this dark color off your hair you're gonna have a lot of red to deal with so you might as well just go red if you end up doing it i would love to see a photo of it and good luck that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] so you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,924,499
Rating: 4.9732022 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, sorry brad mondo, Hairdresser Reacts To Bleach Videos Adressed To Me, fall off, hair fail, diy hair, at home, box dye, how to, hair stylist, hair dresser, gone wrong, funny fails, 30 vol, video react, hair fails, tiktok, brad mondo tiktok, xmondo, xmondo color, worst bleach fails, hair color fails, hair dye fail, t18, bleach, blue hair, pink hair, purple hair, split hair dye, haircut, colro hair at home
Id: _-HRUq-b7o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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