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[Music] [Music] what's up my beautiful babes so there seems to be a little bit of a trend going on on YouTube I feel like there are so many more videos of people messing up their hair with color and bleach and I don't know if that's just a coincidence or the fact that I you know reacts to bleach pills but anyways you guys always recommend videos for me to react to which I very much appreciate in the last few weeks I've been recommended to react to two different videos about a thousand times and I'm totally gonna react to both of them but today I'm gonna start off with a video by a crater youtuber known as a beauty 101 by Lisa the video is called I bleached half of my hair off gray hair transition so you know the thumbnail looks very enticing according to you guys this video gets crazy so I'm ready for this all right you guys grab your popcorn let's watch this video together let's get it started hi guys you see what went wrong and why half of my hair burned off from bleaching Oh watching all right I'm ready oh you suck round 2 bleaching yeah and I sectioned off these two parts of my hair because they are the most dry so we're gonna do these last is this a hair science or ending this is a little concerned if it is to be honest girl I don't know if I'd even put bleach on her head it already looks like it's and this time we are compromised as white as possible without making all my hair fall out oh I wish you told him the truth right we're just gonna go for it and that's why I cut my hair I just posted a video girl you were about to get another haircut honey not one that you want a lot more throughout my grade transitioning journey Alicia's ready for today we're using the light the violet beast Beach with 30 volume developer me an old black set we'll bring it down to 20 not bad idea I'm still not mad like so she's using 30 bowling developer but with olaplex so it is gonna bring it down to a 20 volume which I mean but then she's putting it in foil so it's gonna kind of bring it back up to a 30 volume developer because of all the heat that the foil is gonna trap in so not the worst idea I've ever heard not the worst oh that's a lot of foils little sloppy sloppy oh oh just kidding those are some thick foils honey it's okay she's doing her thing [Music] having fun that'd be a little Kiki little Kiki sesh while doing her hair I'm just not sure why she wants gray hair to be honest with you let me let me just say one thing the gray hair thing it's over done I'm gonna say it I know I'm sure a bunch of you guys watching have great I have the gray hair thing it was cool it was cool a long time ago I first did the gray hair thing probably 7 years ago yeah and that's when I was coming out first coming out and it was super cool but it's over done and it's not done well very rarely is it done well and usually it just makes your hair look extremely dry and extremely damaged because gray it does not reflect light very well so it ends up making your hair it ends up making people's dry hair look even more dry and gross and dingy and it's just not a cute look anymore I don't know I feel like we're going back towards you know the golden blonde side I don't really feel like we should keep doing this whole gray hair thing yeah just had to say that I just had to get that out there and I know you guys are gonna hate me for it but that's just my opinion and again you do you live your extra life dude ever you want it's just my opinion so rinsed out and we got it to a perfect color yes right guys that breakage happens Lisa she's not even mad she's not even she's not even shook she's like this it's my hair all in my hands yes it fell out but I'm not now so I want you know this can happen so it's a risk that you take I still have a lot of hair on he is so D goth she's like I don't even care if my hair falls out I just want to have gray hair she is client goals to be honest with you we'll call that and so I was thinking like ramen noodles that when I first started this journey and started doing the first bleaching of my hair everyone was trying to talk me out of doing a full bleach like what I'm doing now and so I kind of got scared and I didn't do it and as you can see in my last video we just went with the safe way we did highlights but the brown or the the darker highlights in my hair would not pick up the gray so ultimately I wasn't happy with the final result she's really awesome this time I decided to bleach my whole entire head and if I have listened to myself in the first place we only want how to do this bleach one time instead of all those highlights and now three weeks later doing this bleach again while we know about Sarah probably would not have happened so probably trust your instant instincts girl her thesis snatched she's looking me young she looks younger than I did grow what's your secret honey what's your secret I can tell rakes off in different sections of your hair and that's what happened to me oh my god thank God she has thick hair and I didn't want it dripping wet but still just a little bit deal so for toner I'm going to colors right and I'm going to mix the colors storm titanium and like cake mixer but I'm so upset don't make nice layers she's such gold I love Lisa Lisa you're watching I love you you're awesome I love kind of work just on this part of my hair first and I'm just gonna use my hand to apply it it's looking that's looking good it's looking looking like it's taking very well it's not getting too dark all right I'm gonna let this sit for a half an hour and then wash and condition okay this is the final hair loss oh not of hair it's shocking but this is the risk that I took when I did this and I haven't even seen it yet I think I'm just most shocked because she doesn't care no risk I am going to let my hair dry and I will be back after I style it so here it's all the hair loss that I've had literally more hair than most people even have on their head I knew this was a risk when I decided to bleach my hair for the second time in three and if any of you saw my first video okay okay let's talk about her hair first there's a lot of things to touch on right now so not bad it's more of like a slate gray blue not mad she's super pretty I mean she could honestly pull up anything I think she said she was 45 and beginning in this video girl look I hope I look like you when I'm 45 synapse honey I mean her enemies didn't take as well as the top did but I think it kind of gives like a cool dimensional look no no I will tell you do not bleach over already bleached hair I believe that every single piece of my hair and you can see back here I didn't create this nice shag hairdo here the burning of my hair created oh like they broke off this is like a Buddhist oh off my head oh [Music] there's no hair in the background anymore I hope more doesn't fall out the color isn't bad though my daughter actually FaceTime me right after I had bleached my hair and I had it up in a towel and I said I have to show you something and I I went like this into the FaceTime video and she's like oh my god mom do you have any hair left she's like let me see her hair right now and I'm like no just wait until I fix it she's like no show it to me now so I took the towel off my hair and it was like just fried and actually if you like touch this hair movie you can feel where it was burned it's almost like somebody like took a torch burned my hair so I was so shocked to hear my daughter say mom your hair is your life and I said what my hair is one of the least important things to me in my life my life is so much more precious than my hair and was I happy that half my hair burned off of course not Wow okay that was probably one of the worst hair breakage situations I've seen in a minute that was intense Lisa good for you for having such an awesome attitude the best part is she understood the process and understood what the risks were and wasn't upset when half of her hair broke off and today's Instagram shout-out goes to Cass that is what test looks like Cass says hey I love your YouTube videos and I just recently found that and I'm obsessed thank you I love you so I've been debating this for a while now I want to cut my hair short and donate to cancer but my family and my boyfriend do not like my hair short with the new you're coming I want to put this crappy 2017 into the past and have a new meaning okay Cass hi 100% just cut your hair whatever like don't even tell your family or your boyfriend you're doing it they're gonna get over it well you should just totally doing a complete drastic change like just leave one day don't tell your friends or your boyfriend or your family cut all your hair off and like either go jet black or go blonde and come home and be like what and I totally think it's awesome and you want to donate your hair I think that's so cool I love your hair shorter honestly I think it makes you look more mature and it makes you just have more of a look instead of like I don't know long hair just kind of gets long and boring sometimes and like short hair use like an actual style you know and for all of my new subscribers out there first of all thank you so much for subscribing I appreciate all of you so much but also if you guys want to be featured in one of my video then follow me on Instagram Twitter and Facebook first and then go on my Instagram and DM me a a very clear picture of yourself with no dog filters or bunny filters or sunglasses filters because I need a clear picture in order to figure out what the best look is for you and if you've already studied a picture with a filter then just resend a new one and I'll relook at your message then in a simple short way ask me one or two questions about your hair that you have for me and I will answer them in a video I always love connecting with you guys on Instagram and checking out your profiles and I'm always liking and commenting and I love connecting with you guys and seeing who's actually watching me because I never get to see who's actually behind the camera who is that who are you to show me your face I want to get to know all of you and I love you guys so much and if you want to now show me some Christmas love or just show me some love period please don't forget to like my videos because it really helps me when you like somebody's video it puts their video into the YouTube algorithm and makes it so that YouTube will recommend their videos more often to other people so when you like my videos it really really helps me and I would really appreciate it if you guys could like my videos more often I feel like my likes have been kind of down lately and I feel like we can get them back up we can do this can we get this video to 50,000 likes I feel like we can it's kind of a stretch but I feel like we can do it and you know what if you don't want to like the video that don't do it but I would appreciate it if you did with all that said you guys thank you so much for watching today and thank you for always supporting me I love all of you guys I said that like four times in this video but I love you guys so much Merry Christmas Happy Holidays don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you Oh peace [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,743,555
Rating: 4.9631124 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO EXTREME BLEACH FAIL! SO MUCH BREAKAGE!, bleach, fail, breakage, hairdresser, beauty101bylisa, hair, bradmondonyc, twitter, awful, reacting, fried, boy, tutorial, instagram, facebook, omg, gross, bad, tragic, girl, hair fail, blonde, dye, hair stylist, extensions, horrible, gay, hilarious, diy hair, color, react, at home, reaction, bleaching, beauty, fall off, hairstylist, how to, shook, repair, cosmetologist, insane, hair dresser, 40 vol, genevinne, trans, cute boy, damage, toner, funny
Id: aKRsSx9g--Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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