Hairdresser Reacts To Quarantine Hair Dye Disasters

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how do y'all how you doing today you look scrumptious hi beautiful thank you for being here it's remarkable to be lucky enough to be in the presence of somebody so remarkable looking thank you thank you today we're watching some people do some quarantine haircolor we did quarantine haircuts and now we're moving on to color dude whoa somebody tweeted I mean yesterday that I must have a lot of content because of what's going on in the world and I just want to say yes that's true and thank you guys for making all the content really appreciate it whole Wow and today is a sponsored moment can we get an applause whoo today's video is sponsored by honey thanks honey thanks for sponsoring you're my honey so what is honey well glad you asked me I could hear you through the screen online shopping should be easy right so why is finding online coupons so hard it shouldn't be and with honey it's not honey is the free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them to your cart 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you that all said you guys let's watch some people watch their hair out of board let's do it oh I got my horse how do they do it there just watch no you go like this and they go what are they trying to get oh the trolley cat but get the cattle what are they trying to do when they wrangled things in just like wrangling things like what's the point honestly though I've never felt better than I do in his hat it's just the truth like equals some poison it's like whatever you know it's like not a big deal maybe me working our first video ladies and gents is by kylie iris and this one is called boredom made us impulsively bleach our hair fail and the first comment is bleach doesn't lather brad mondo i said that once or twice before and I will say it again I will say it again and again and again welcome back to quarantine quarantine incredible decisions report you know what that means it's time to die here 100% I will say her hair looks really good if she did that herself I am impressed all those lungs are closed right now so we won't even go to dye her hair but we're like you know bleached on his head and I think I've wanted this for a long time yeah I just it takes so long to achieve it because I'm literally like I've black hair dark hair we should go on this girl's whole head or just oh what the infamous ticked off bangs round that's kind of ugly but I'm still in it it's actually really cute pray for us right now by their hairs because they're having a mental breakdown would you say we're at that point I'd say we're past that I think we've been past that point for a while I have passed the point of a mental breakdown like two months ago I am fully embracing this new life of isolation is the embrace going well I don't know but I'm embracing it uh well this is gonna be hard because she has like one inch of roots her hair is black level five and they are trying to go platinum blonde at home with probably very little supplies oh it took us like two weeks for the supplies to come in Sonya's biggest fear is that we're just gonna follow all the hair dyes pleasured salt out professional fifth grade and insert a picture here okay what yes I'm so excited for you she's gonna talk about how we got to this point what made you want to just have white hair and why do you think I could but arable choices so your friend doing it maybe will be a little bit better just cuz she can see the back of your hair no it'll pie be dead after she's using 30 volume this has been under my cupboard for like four years honestly it does last a very long time it's probably fine oh I love a good trash bag a moment yes she is uh she I need these girls is my friend I love people that don't get socially when they're my clients and I like do whatever you want and I'm like for real whatever I want like what if I made it your hair green or yellow would that be okay they'd be like yeah it's fine I'm like what Warren JH it's orange okay you think orange is okay you're like literally anything you want what about a rainbow are you okay with a rainbow and they're like Brad whatever the you want and I'm like well okay you should've just said that in the first place do you remember like third grade when people would like cooling dip either hair they really destroyed people still do that crying please don't let this unfold I want touch your hair is your hair fall out so weird now that every just mentions me in their hair I don't know why that weirds me out I thought I was just like in my own little corner on YouTube and now it's like I'm not anymore where's my corner and when I go back to my corner it's like a missile launch like what got my next I look good I'm great Oh what do you call that hair color cheetah print Kylie did it that's completely me keep it you're done and then it goes back up like five seconds later keep it right back down can you put your head down and I'm like oh there's like bang her head against the team I'm sorry I shouldn't do that we have I'm you're living for this technique looking great she sections oh no I lied I hate this technique no no no no no no no no no no no no no I know it's all white should we do that yeah why is she doing that why are you dumping the bleach on her head I understand guys it's like fun it's like fun it's like oh my god like uh-huh like we might become her hair but like do you really want to have bad hair like he's not the goal anyways she's dumped bleach on her hair on her existing blonde hair Plus her black roots it is going to be all different colors all throughout her hair and hopefully your hair doesn't snap off I love how we're gonna leave the roots and now it's just not me windows can always like Brown oh she's gonna do a shadow right now we just love my hair I wish this is how we did it the hair salon Oh it'd be so good for me because I have no patience sometimes I really do just want to take the bleach and just dump it on people's heads and just be like I'm sorry but I'm not sorry because it came out good like I don't know I should take a lot of work listen I am so happy I think that she put so much bleach on she puts so much on it is like a creamy white film over her hair that's exactly what you're looking for when applying Lightner the second brush one in my hand okay I'm glad they use foils this is gonna help warm up the hair and make sure those ends get nice and light and the roots get light except it's already light so I would have probably recommended not using foils on the ends and just using it on the top of there to heat it up and give it to process faster to match the ends of your hair but that's okay we can't be perfect you know what the happened Oh thrown the right mine is like one of those tricolor popsicles I got blonde brown orange we got a neo Paulton ice cream situation Oh finally the one thing I don't know today is how they're gonna fix it oh she better not overlap that bleach again I will tear apart this computer I'll tear apart something did we fail this girl does it give us yours it's only your boobs yeah this is nice this it's like a nice white okay orange this is what I like to call a hair fail this is why you don't dye your hair and possibly and Quarantine but guess what we're gonna turn a hair catastrophe - I don't mean the worst haircut - you're going to fix this okay we tried the Sally's hair dye professional mixing room no we're gonna Walmart box guide this and they just see it go even more orange in like dark it and I have faith we're gonna fix this like how did I miss that oh yeah we're gonna be sectioning this timer Oh dad why the oil look the yellow just pops out round two begins I couldn't do it twice and good no there's no way I mean Lee she's just doing the route this bleach like it was shampoo yeah do you know why guys do you light doesn't work like that cuz bleach doesn't lather we just lie there I think we're gonna make a bleach it lathers so I can contradict myself before somebody else does time for toner oh my god just to prove that toner really does fix everything [Applause] we fixed it Oh covering this part down here cuz it's oh I wonder they toned way over mine again but I think Sonia looks really good hers is like a white actually platinum I mean it feels like hey it's honestly not even that bad yeah I think it looks good I feel like we did a good job is it perfect no is it AG we're both yeah this is a quarantine color I accept what's going on you know the roots were a little yellow still the back has some spotting the other girl her bangs are kind of you know multicolored still but these issues can also be resolved with a good toner like a root end formula instead of just doing one thing on the entire head giving the roots a little bit of a dimension would help a lot but that also involves a lot of like technical techniques yeah sure whatever will go with that let's move on to the next video our next video is by Kylie shell and this is quarantine maybe bleach my hair someone called Brad I bought some box day and today we're gonna make me blonde so let's see how this goes okay so I guess we just pop it on there for 40 to 60 minutes it's not me it's the Box die no like I just like hate box die for just like no reason it's just that you don't know what you're getting in the formula and I don't know why people wouldn't like bleach powder bleach doesn't work they then turn to box I and think it's going to help the situation somehow I don't know what the logic is behind that that's not how it works you don't start at the roots I don't want to start at my roots that's how you do it though but not the front of even my hair I'm gonna start at the back of my hair cuz look how light the top of my hair it is you know it's going all over your hair right if you put it on top first it's on the top longer and I'm already light up there yes you know this girl watches my videos when she said that you know it that is correct you wanted to sit the longest on your ends I also want to mention guys I seen a lot of people doing the ends first and then the roots after now that they know that cuz I say it all the time however it's important to let the color sit on your ends for at least like 15 minutes before then doing the it's not enough to just apply to the ends first you have to let it sit longer on the ends first and then go back and apply thirds she's looking like she's doing a good job she's like really like you she's going in there she's raking it through you know we're applying a lot of product it looks like but the only bad thing is that if this is box color and it looks like she's colored her hair before so it probably won't work there's bleach under the brown so there's technically already bleaching my hair it shouldn't be that difficult to make my hair blonde so color doesn't lift color I've said this many times so she just said she has blonde under the brown you can't lift color with color you can't the box dye is not going to lift because it's not bleach I want something to happen I wanted to be good I want to have fun maybe like this will be strong enough to just lighten her hair no matter what even though it's color we are putting more and more all we got we got the bag on good I'm glad we're incubating so the brown the va's in my hair wasn't my actual hair color it was dye and underneath that was platinum blonde so I think that's why it's a lifting so quick because there's already so bleach in my hair if we're lucky the brown she has over her blonde is just a demi-permanent color and we'll just lift out just because she's putting a developer on top of her hair and those molecules will just fall right out hopefully and she'll be nice and blonde my roots are just like totally oh ah that's exactly right I was gonna happen this is currently this yeah grab some toner - not sure and we're doing it again with more box dyeing with insane amount of ammonia and a developer we don't know the level of I love it I put some herbal shampoo in and I'm gonna go that sit in there for a few minutes I'm scared by mando when we need him I'm over here ow I need it I play here feels like hey AHA and I still have some pretty brown spots right it's actually not so scared to brush it it feels terrible it looks terrible it looks a little dry it's a poor decision on my part you need some prismatic glow in your life can't go back so who knows I might put a color over it I don't know the world we never know well the world will know because you ended up coloring a pink which is the next video let's check up on the update and let's see where she does the follow up video is called quarantine made me cut and die and my hair pink don't worry Brad I want to let you know something I am very worried this pink does not look dark enough what looks better actually I take that back okay we just washed it out on this floor it looks and I take it back again it was not dark enough but now we're gonna cut my hair actually though the color is not bad because it goes from like a deeper pink to a lighter pink and I feel like it'll actually look really nice I mean once we came on this girls incubator the first girls I think carry the second girls it in can turn and face me let me do the face that's all I have it's actually kind of cute I like it way better than what she began with so we're on to something good my hair day I finally came in this is what we're using cotton candy that it's not gonna be dark enough either okay that actually looks kind of dark so that's okay this is gonna look so good though it's also important when you're using doing permanent color to wash your hair before using it that way the little holes in your hair are ready to be filled they are nice and cleaned out there's no oils blocking and the little crevasses your hair and it can really attach to your hair strongly I think I think you look so good this is what it looks like dry it's not really shy up as vibrant as it actually is but like it's super vibrant and realize but I kind of feel like and look like a pink highlighter and I don't this is her color this is what she needs to always have this is it she looks so good with pink hair whoa oh my god whoa that was weird maybe one day I'll figure out what just happened but like I don't think it's today I don't think today's the day thank you for that that like kind of cured my depression so let's move on never last quarantine haircolor moment is by Taylor Cyril Cyril bleaching and dyeing my hair like an e girl in quarantine we're gonna be cutting my hair dyeing my hair pink dyeing the rest of my hair almost black whoa strands in the front I did my sisters like that yesterday and it was so cute but I'm gonna do a chunk ooh fun so I'm gonna do pink 40 volume developer and I'm gonna be cutting it too I'm using Schwarz Schwarzkopf and it's the shade dark chocolate cool that looks like your hair color already but because let's say I were to do the pink first and I was like whatever and then I did this on the rest my hair when I washed it this could possibly bleed on to the light parts so I'm gonna get the dark of this okay so we have it brown in the back now 30 volume developer 30 and 40 together it makes 35 yes that's true because I don't think you're supposed to like completely yeah I wouldn't recommend it yes that is such a good idea all you gotta do is add up the two developers so 30 plus 40 is 17 divided by 2 that goes for any combination of developers you can add up 10 20 30 divided by 2 is 15 which makes it a 15 volume developer you can do with any developer combination and then the bleach I got my favorite bleach is the Wella color charm I love walnut color sure I really do this is good it's Birkin pink oh we love our chick Fox make sure it's all Vicky aadmi I'm excited and she's making it thick that is such a good idea so it doesn't dry out really fast no these gloves are literally stained pink from yesterday typically the thinner the bleach is the faster dries out and Alessa processes starting at my ends starting at my ends Brad mondo why does everything smell like fish I'm starting to think it's my coochie looks like we missed some in there I don't even know and I really can't tell it turned out exactly how I thought it was ah shoot oh roots oh that's good okay well I mean it's a start hopefully she's bleaches the ends again and put some in foils again and just gets everything evened out the only thing I'm upset about is I got this piece right there little bit of bleeding over there huh I'm gonna blow dry this okay gonna have to bleach against my hair is screaming right now your hair will be fine I think I'll be fine I really hope that those ladies enough I will not cut my hair off period I don't think it'll fall out oh we're just putting the pink right on okay well that's also something we can do maybe the pink will be dark enough I now have a bag on my head to go over that yellow hair going to leave it for like 40 minutes and I will it'll be more of an orange a pink probably like a coral though I guess I'm just gonna sleep on this and then in the morning what though I don't know what happened I don't really know oh I'm pretty it's not good it's pink so so what I wanted can't really complain it's definitely pink tan and hopefully whenever I get ready later I don't hate it and I hope that it's cute please this is how my hair turned out so happy with it I think it's dope and this little strand is so cute I just pulled it over to the side it makes my eyes super blue I feel what it's going on today how are these girls doing this that looks incredible you look so cool I love it so much better than what you started with oh my god I'm obsessed yes this is exactly what you needed I actually love the brown color you put on the back I think it's perfect to complement the pink in the front I love the placement of the pink I think it's so edgy so fun and so young and so cool great job well that was very surprising and how great all those came out I mean like the first one you know it could have been a little bit better the last two though whoa holy smokes like Hello that was what I wanted that was it you guys all did a really great job though for doing that at home with limited supplies proud father my girls did it alright guys don't forget to follow me on all the different social media networks Instagram tic toc and Twitter undergrad mando NYC you can also find my snapchat show and my facebook page and a Facebook group under Brad a mando I think also make sure you check out X mondo hair comm if you want beautiful fabulous amazing glowing healthy hair it'll be linked below or you can go to X mono hair calm and also follow us on instagram at ex mono hair for updates on new product launches happening very soon and if that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you next time bye guys this is forcefield our heat shield forcefield will protect your hair up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit not only does this have P protection and technology in it we also have conditioned properties and hold properties so that way your hairstyle will last you all day and all night and feel and look incredibly healthy and beautiful
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,315,905
Rating: 4.9635715 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Quarantine Hair Dye Disasters, hair dye, hair stylist, at home, hairdresser reacts, hair fail, 40 vol, fall off, brad mondo, gone wrong, how to, hair dresser, how to cut your own hair, hair color, box dye, hair tutorial, diy haircut, bleaching hair, jenna marbles, how to cut your hair at home, how to cut hair at home, long hair, cutting my own hair, bleaching my hair, 30 vol, bleaching hair at home
Id: PwqU_Whu76g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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