Hairdresser Reacts: Blonde To Green Hair Transformations

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hey hey hey those are love punches hi beautiful thanks for being here you look stunning fabulous amazing gorgeous beautiful just every one of those words you are those words thank you for being here what we're doing is we're watching people die their hair green a color that a lot of people don't like a color that a lot of people seem to be scared of seem to think like mm-hmm but green does not look good on me but actually green is one of my favorite hair colors it is so beautiful because not a lot of people do it and it's still just a color that hasn't been fully tapped into a color that hasn't been used and abused maybe 2020 is the year for the green hair we shall see so let's watch some people color their hair from blonde to green let's do it our first green hair color transformation is gonna be by Jay Pham her video is called hair transformation I dye my hair again phantom green arctic fox whoo phantom green sounds like a fun color that I am must see happen today all right let's begin okay so this is a professionally done color we're bleaching our roots okay that's what's going on here what are we doing I thought we were going green stripping out the old color oh it looks like she had some pink going on in there a lot of different things going on all in that one head of hers I mean definitely we're making progress here we're getting towards a beautiful clean slate to lay the green color over we're looking for a perfectly blonde beautiful clean palette to work with and we're getting there so far is do Malibu's DDL which is the direct dye lifter to kind of remove most of the color and next we're going to touch up my roots okay whoo let's get our clean blood [Music] there's still banding in my hair yeah it looks nice but underneath we're like your hair so light though don't don't do a color it'll just cover everything that we did but they're just so much banding I'll show you the back oh that would drive me crazy Oh oh we love mac and cheese okay lift me high enough and just like so that's really hard to fix and I don't know if I want to make someone go through the time of fixing that we never know what the colorists was really working with you know I didn't get to see her hair before the colorist went for it you know I didn't get to see every little piece of hair down here we just saw kind of the top however I don't know if I would have left a client like that oh girl it was catchy and honestly should have been a really easy fix but again I didn't see the whole head I only saw the top part and it looked really easy to fix I mean it just had some leftover like pink pigment and it really should been fixed with you know foils painting that banding putting a foil there to heat it up and get rid of all the banding and just using the correct developers on the route versus the mid sections just to like completely get this hair to a beautiful white blank slate shouldn't have been that hard from what I can see here but I wasn't the stylist working on it you never ever know however her hair does look slightly rough so I can see why she's probably gonna go home and color her hair green we'll see there it is we're going for it oh it's like an emerald green yo this is gonna look so sick on her oh I'm so glad she won with the darker color and honestly it's okay to for her to have yellow in her hair because green has yellow in it so when she puts green over yellow it's just gonna kind of make it a brighter green it's not going to affect the color and could turn a weird different color it's just gonna be like a more fluorescent green rather than a muted down like forest green I actually prefer leaving a little bit of the yellow in the hair when doing green hair like this I thought I'd sit on the blonde for a little bit see if I like it see if I want to work with it I don't blame her stylist like I bet she has really tough hair to lighten she probably has really dark hair Asian hair is known to be very coarse very hard to lighten I understand yo I can't wait it's gonna be the sickest color ever on her it's gonna complement her skin so much it's gonna like really just add to her vibe make her look artsy and fun and fresh and fierce and it's gonna be so to him good and I want to see it on your head immediately I thought oh it's dark dude it's dark she is separating into four sections she's going in those sections she's making sure they are all perfectly covered perfectly saturated it's gorgeous I'm very satisfied right now and I just want to sit here and just take all this in and just watch this wonderfulness unfold in front of me Wow okay J oh I see you applying like a brow the only thing I'm gonna say is I'd be careful with those ends but I mean she is using a pretty dark color so you probably won't see any sort of like weird variation between the color on the top and they color on the ends but if you're doing a lighter color on top of poorest blonde hair the top of the hair is gonna be obviously less porous than the bottom poorest hair really sucks in any kind of color sometimes you can end up with a lighter root and darker ends because your ends really sucked in that color a lot more than the Rouge did but I don't think she's gonna have that problem here but to combat that problem you can always make your hair a little bit damp at the bottom before applying the color you can also start at the roots and mids and then applied to the ends like ten minutes later after you finish the entire head that way the ends don't sit as long on the hair as the it's in the midst do but do you you know yes go for it girl go for it girl go for it girl go for it oh it's already looking sick I'll probably show you tomorrow show us blue oh why is it so blue holy crap why blue when i swatched it on a white piece of paper it looked green okay I'll see you when I see you [Music] yeah I think it's okay I don't love it it's two colors she took the words right out of my mouth exactly what I was worried about happening happened I was so excited for this one dude I thought this is gonna be like yeah like one of those moments or you're just like well I'm like wow that was a transformation she looks great and it really fails to meet those standards of feeling like it was the most beautiful color imaginable a lot of things that I also don't understand why are her ends blue that was actually the whitest part of her hair so why did the green hair color pick up blue there unless she put like blue in the color that I wasn't aware of I don't know but still has all that banding and spotting that's shining through her hair this is what happens when you don't work on top of a clean slate when you have errors within the blonde it's still content to shine through even if you put a demi-permanent color or a darker color over it your hair will pick up that color differently in different spots that are more porous and less porous so it created this all around like kind of splotchy you mess she still looks pretty don't get me wrong like dude you look awesome like it's definitely an interesting hair color it's just not perfectly done which is fine like whatever man and I don't know why I only use one color it's very blue when I style you like it's a little cuter where is my hair in more natural way but even then not really I don't know I thought I would try to grab an extra clip for you guys all think it's working anyways thanks for watching I really appreciate y'all do it I feel bad I wanted it to work out were hurt so bad next time just work with a cleaner slate before going green I still don't understand why her ends of all places turn blue am I missing something it's been a long day for me but I like can't understand why her ends would turn blue let me know guys if you're a hair stylist you know the reason why let me know down below I have no idea and I'm kind of interested that happened I don't know man I've had enough of that we need a good transformation here hopefully this next girl gives it to us alright so up next we have Stella Seanie dye my hair emerald green what's going on with your hair man what's going on with your hair tell me what's going on there it is gray and it looks dry it looks like it's just like it looks hella thirsty getting thirsty just thinking about it let's keep watching my hair shade and each time I have failed miserably I was actually really nice except it never turned out emerald today I'm gonna give it one last girl I mean a green hair color is comprised of blue and yellow to make green so I get the blue I just don't know why it's such a strong amount of blue I guess blue just overpowers the yellow in color I don't know I've never had a problem with making people's hair green I don't know why this is happening to all these people here is kind of this really like I like it I really like the color I don't like it so you should great it's got hints of blue in it but I'm also noticing that it's feeling quite a lot of course my roots are growing out like crazy and basically I'm just done with it obviously the first one today what are we you okay so the last girl just used that same color and her hair turned blue however I don't believe it's the colors fault I'm not blaming arctic fox I think that it's the palette but the color is working upon if you were to put this on straight I belong here which probably turn out very like Joe curry it's got no hands of blue in it so it's definitely not the color that I that's what we thought but my hair already is very it's quite a strong tinge of blue as it is I'm probably going to mainly use phantom green and but mixing just a hint watch out for that blue I don't think she needs any of the blue she already has like steel colored hair there's already plenty of existing blue in her color currently mixing a blue in might give her another blue haired catastrophe moment I don't want that to happen okay I'm going to be going in with my original emerald to die pea 623 dark blonde emerald by Schwarzkopf a pearl essence I'm going to mix it in equal rate parts with 7 volume developer because I literally just want to deposit the color not lift anything otherwise my roots are going to be too bright so we just discussed so that the color that you previously use which is the color that you're now currently using didn't work for you and turn your hair blue why are we now I'm switching back to that when we just talked about using arctic fox what am I missing here guys I'm going to go in with phantom green arctic fox mixed with a tiny bit of weight why why very slightly I'm going to see that as I mix it maybe this Schwarzkopf color is a little bit darker and she wants a darker colored green route to lighter ends that makes sense but I'm a little lost so here she goes with this color that looks very icy blue this is the Schwarzkopf color that she was just talking about that didn't work last time that she's now using again for no reason that I know of I don't know how we're gonna get a blue color over this dark slate grey color she has existing on her head I don't know you guys I just don't know about this one or any of these that is blue I don't know why it said it was green but it's blue she has a lot of talent with self coloring so now she has the green and I feel like we're gonna get this kind of interesting blue to green in color which i think is awesome hopefully this all works out in the way I think it's going to because if it does it's going to be spectacular however I don't know how the Greens gonna cover that dark grey I really don't know I really don't this is something I just don't know oh the hell bees so pretty if it works out oh yes wait I wanna bring you in closer I've been trying to give this exact hair color for the past three months I've dyed my hair procedure what's the best formula to create it looks so hot holy Pete I don't even know though how do we go from the hair we started with that gray dry multicolored hair to this beautiful vibrant shiny green hair oh it does have quite a strong blue hint to it which I'm very grateful for because the minute this starts fading I would rather it fades on the slightly more teal turquoise side rather on the straight up [Music] it's literally the color of my dreams I can literally show you inspo pictures that I've been one thing to achieve since day one it's lighting really isn't doing it justice yes it is it looks so good thank God for that video Stella thank you for that you absolutely nailed that color that was great my attitude has really recovered since the last video where it just completely failed this was perfect I love the fact that it went from blue to green it was just a great combination of colors that really complimented her skin her base her eye is her everything he just gave her such a boost everything was great that's all I have to say about that so pretty so awesome let's move on to the next video in our next video is by a girl named Jana Nikki and it's dyeing my hair green for the holidays I mean I thought I liked the holidays this is taking it to a whole another extreme level let's just analyze her hair real quick like we always do she's working with the same kind of palette the first girl was she has this sort of pink root and then she has these kind of yellow ends with the black roots it's a lot going on I just hope I pray to the hair gods that this all comes together well and it all works out so this is the color I'm gonna be using today it just so happens to be the exact same color all three people all two other people use arctic fox you must be selling off a lot of phantom green because that is the only green anybody will use is apparently and then I'm gonna be mixing a little bit of this guy Transylvania this is like their black color because I want to deepen the green to light forest green because okay just phantom green on its own this is what it looks like hey I know we've seen it already so it's a nice green but this is a little bit more Grinchy yeah I was going for it like I'm going for like more of a deep forestry yeah I think that's a good idea I approve of that for sure yeah forest green I'm nervous okay let's go ahead and just get started so I'm gonna mix up the color and see if we can get the right shade all right so this is what just the Phantom green looks like it's cream man a little bit just a blacks not we can just do a squeeze bottle that's gonna be a really great color for her hair especially to cover up all of this going on if excuse me I mean I don't know what else to call it is a lot of going on over here you did put a lot of Transylvania really dark now oh it's gonna be a dark green I hope I mean it's always gonna watch that right so even yeah even if it's not right sure in about a year it'll wash out hopefully does that look like it's gonna be the same that's not usually how it happens with dummy permanent color but we can bring any color is gonna be better than what I have right now liquid yes pretty crusty like this is the leftover color from the electric electric or electric orange whatever thing that I just did Koral super outgrown but at least this color will cover them up I'm gonna go ahead and say it this is gonna be so good for you Jenna it's gonna be so good it's gonna be so much better than what you have I wouldn't worry about it man don't sweat it it's gonna be so good on you we'll see though yeah I'm gonna end up bleaching my roots for a different color so Dean for that I'm always thinking like three colors ahead so even after this fades I have like a different color plan she's just all over the place Transylvania both have blue undertones so that's why my gloves are blue they must have very strong blue undertones because we've seen a blue moment happen on somebody else's head this color is apparently supposed to fade through the blues and not look super green and yucky like as it fades so hopefully do that make sense not gonna look too trash once it's fading like a faded green hair you know yeah no no you don't you don't I've seen that before in fact cuz then it saves you time after like after you do all the roots you just have to do a little bit of the end Jan I've no with what she's talking about so she is saying she's gonna do the roots and mids before the ends because you can go around to the end all at once and it's super easy but the real benefit of doing that is so your ends don't turn dark green and your roots turn light green you don't want that stone we want it all over beautiful color or darker roots and letter ends because that's how a hair naturally looks a bit lighter at the ends typically from Sun and you know when your hair grows out after the summer you end up with dark roots and light ends so that just looks more natural and prettier that way even though we're going for a totally not natural color but it makes sense okay I swear color the hair and eye color that hair Jenna you know she's going in there and she's doing a very precise color job it's what I love to see it's what gives me life it's what makes me happy my people put a lot of work into their colors wait I'm actually not hating it with it like styled and everything and with like makeup and all this I feel like it's a lot holy Shi that just made her look like a completely different human being and I love to see it I love a major transformation it's so fun to see however if I'm giving you a critical breakdown of your color I'd say there is a few things that I don't like about it it's a fun color in general the root ended up green and the ends ends in a blue but she is wearing extensions but the ends just look so blue oh my god I came to a realization oh my god the reason why her ends are turning blue and why the first girl's hair turned blue also at the ends is because like she said arctic fox phantom Green has a lot of blue undertones that when it fades it doesn't turn green it turns blue however when you apply to solid white hair you're gonna get all of those blue undertones showing up it's gonna really suck in the blue and then what's happening on her roots is that they're yellow because phantom green is so strong with the blues the blue and the yellow are mixing and creating a beautiful green color ha that is what's happening I understand now but yeah it's kind of sad because now we have blue ends again she looks cool though let's see what she has to say it's like it's like I feel like I look like I go to makeup school but without extensions I always have any makeup the green doesn't suit me like it's too cool toned it brings up this like these greens in my skin that I don't didn't even know I had these green under Oh No so this is not gonna be around for very long it's pretty much just for the holidays and I am planning on having a different color by New Year's I think it looks really cool but I'm not like the best thing I've ever seen on ok we just saw one major fail one major success and one slight fail slight success I'll take it man I mean the second girl she definitely killed it that green was amazing I love it I love green hair so much if you end up coloring your hair green send me a picture or record it or do whatever you want I'd love to see it green hair excites me nobody really wants green hair and salons everybody's very scared of green hair I get it it's definitely a look it's definitely something that you really need to embrace it's it's a hard one for what reason I don't know actually I had green hair once for like a day and then I hated it that's okay it was fun but those are all the girls turning their hair from blonde to green I had fun watching them I hope you guys do too that is all I have for you today don't forget to follow me on Instagram Twitter tik tok a prime out of my see my hair care brand ex mondo has dry shampoo dropping on January 17th I can't wait and you can find more information about that dry shampoo on our Instagram at X mondo hair and more product launches are coming you guys we are about to give the entire world beautiful glowing fabulous hair with X mondo and that is all for today thank you guys for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,610,068
Rating: 4.9505219 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts: Blonde To Green Hair Transformations, green hair, emerald green hair, dye hair, dye hair at home, dye hair without bleach, dye hair red, manic panic, dye hair black, artic fox, dye hair red without bleach, dye hair blue, dye hair ginger, dye hair pink, hair dresser, hair fail, diy hair, how to, hair stylist, box dye, fall off, jenna marbles, 40 vol, funny fails, hair color, hair transformation
Id: 51bJqcwkdW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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