Hairdresser Reacts To Natural Hair Bleaching

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hello beautiful you look ravishing today thank you so much for being here we're watching some girls with natural curly curly hair bleach their entire heads blonde now if you're thinking to yourself well that doesn't sound like a good idea well you're sort of right because natural hair is so dry and bleach dries out hair those two together it's just not a good idea a lot of the time the hair gets fried it gets wrecked it gets ruined in just some way shape or form but sometimes when things go right and the hair is taken care of properly magical things happen these girls get the most beautiful makeovers and something about curly hair with say highlights or very light blonde curly hair you can see all that depth inside the hair when it's so lightened which just makes it look so much curlier and fluffier and the light reflection is so much higher that the hair just shines and glistens so I'm excited today to see some girls transform their hair from dark to light let's get started oh yeah I brown hair now for all you guys would say hey brunettes well that's weird I am one of you no actually I started like coloring my hair darker and then darker and a darker and darker probably next time you see me I'll have black hair I don't know what's going on I never thought I would like it it's been like four years five years of platinum blonde hair and it was time for a change I'm feeling myself okay so our first video is by golden glam pyar and this is called how I bleached and toned my natural Persian hair from black to blonde we got a virgin here this could go really well really really bad but she does have virgin hair it's gonna be much easier process than if she had color on her hair dryer to doing this let's see what happens first I'm gonna be using this spray bottle that I got from Sally to moisten my hand I hate to see her bleach your hair because her hair is so beautiful it's so healthy maybe it's just time for a change you know you change our lives I'm brunette who would have thought that would have happened as I think of the tangley and saturated in coconut or you I'm not sure that there is really studies that say putting oil in your hair is going to protect it when you think about haircolor scientifically I'm not really sure oil is going to do anything to really protect your ends from damage because oil just really puts a coat of hydration over your hair and bleach is designed to really eat through your hair and anything that's on it in order to get into the cortex and remove all of that pigment so I'm not really sure oil is gonna save any of your hair or do anything really that drastically different to help it's but a bond builder would just putting it out there be sure to take your time with this stuff and to not use the comb you don't want to add too tape this cow that's also important do not agitate the scalp because it will burn by the bleach mixture you want to make sure and we're using blue flash I use four scoops of the bleach 8 ounces of dirty volume developer 30 volume is good for her she has level 5 brown hair it's pretty dark she's gonna need that good amount of lift on that virgin hair in order to get it to platinum blonde so far so great starting at the lower half of my hair making sure not to get it on my roots why worth the space from the scalp untouched because I'm going to bleach my roots at the very last stage that's why you do that you already know you've heard me say it a million times the roots process faster because of the heat from your scalp she's killing this I think the outcome is gonna be fabulous and I am ready for it it looks before I wouldn't be mad if she just left it like this I would love that the front of my hair have different looks incredible pearl patterns in the back and place the fight has more manipulation what I'm going to do the next bleaching is start at the side with the 20 not volume developer in that way great idea it will even self out without so using a 20 volume developer on her roots is a great idea because she doesn't need all that power that she put on her ends with a 30 volume because she has the key from her scalp to really push that light nur and lift her hair to a high level but she did say she was gonna start in the front of her hair next I understand she doesn't want to break off the back of her hair maybe she's gonna overlap everything I don't know the front of your hair is the most fragile most fine part of your hair usually so when you're starting there you're gonna get a lot more breakage and letting the lightener sit the longest on the front of your hair is not the best idea usually in the salon we hit the front glass if we're doing a double process like this so we're going in with another round of lightener okay now I get what she's saying so she's not touching up her root yet she's going in with the lightener again on all of her mid links and ends in order to get her hair to a lighter level and then after that she's gonna go in on her roots and process that after we might have a hair sauce on our hands right now I think this girl knows what she's doing and I think the outcome is gonna be great and before I started the second bleaching I covered my hair and coconut oil I love the trash bag and I'm gonna make sure we're doing the roots back roots really well we love the thorough job she is doing dude this might be an amazing fabulous perfect transformation I'm gonna start massaging it into Moscow Sasha girl my hair is really thick you know normally I would say don't massage it into your scalp don't use your hands to apply liner especially without gloves on where are your gloves do you need me I send you some gloves you know you don't want to agitate the scalp at all because Lightner is going to deteriorate your scalp it's going to wreck your skin so we really try to avoid the scalp as much as possible but she just has very thick hair and this would take her forever to do herself with it brush in a bowl I don't blame her for doing her hands okay so far looking a little bit uneven I must say what's going on there girl I hope she's gonna tone this with something good and then hopefully it'll all turn out just fabulous and grapes but I don't know who this actually looks decent now with the perfect glaze or toner this outcome can be magical this could be fabulous but I'm not sure if we're gonna get a really good toner here we might just use like purple shampoo or something I'm gonna guess but I've been wrong before and I don't mind being wrong again now the toner t18 t18 is just not gonna be dark enough to combat that yellow orange color you have going on something a little bit darker would have been great also t18 is like permanent colored putting permanent color over your blog it's just never a good idea I used to be t18 addict and then I realized just how bad it was for my hair and I stopped using it a demi-permanent color it's gonna be a lot more beneficial when you have blonde hair like a level 8 on her would be perfect not a level 12 10 whatever you want to call it all right let's just wish her the best of luck it would say hairline in the part that I made because she is using 20 volume developer with it it is going to have a bit of a lightning situation going on and then depositing so we might get a decent outcome I'm just still very unsure of this at least she's being precise girl she is working it and then I'm parting the actual hair and still doing the roots first t18 always looks so purple and dark when it's processing and then you washed off and it's like nothing happened what happened so the toner is rinsed out now still a little gold and what a surprise you can see a big difference it's definitely different is it good I would have to say no could it be so much better with a level 8 toner yes the Roman - level 8 on there you will look so fabulous all right I like it I just wish it was the right tone for her she is very cool toned especially with this makeup doing a more ash tone color we just would look so much more polished and incredible and we need to get that yellow out we need to if it were me doing your hair and we ended up with that kind of yellow tone I probably would I hate your roots with like it's level 7 neutral ash and then done your ends and a level 8 ash something like that to really bring your roots down and not make you like a total devil process I think you still need that kind of depth in your hair I think it looks really good with curls we're not at a level 10 next time a little bit darker of a toner would have been great and then your hair would have turned out perfect are nearly perfect but golden glam pyar you did kind of kill it I'm not gonna lie thank you for that video and let's move on her next video is by simply Michelle this video is called how to bleach natural hair at home teach me how to do it Michelle I can't wait sorry okay so we're starting off with hair that is pre lightened on the ends her roots look like they have grown out a bit and she is trying to bring it all up a few levels so I'm gonna be using the b2w b/w - guys I should have used 8:30 yeah we read about over profits in my hair you need that 30min on those ends it's just really gonna kick it into high gear and get that whip going and we love lifts we want the hair to just go we're done we're bright we're blonde ah however I like her sectioning I'm glad she's doing that bw2 is strong I actually love bw2 I haven't used it in years cuz it makes me nervous that their hair is gonna fry off but it does do the job very well so for this first time processing I wish started on those ends we love that the back of my hair first cuz the back of my head it takes the longest to process because the back of your hair is usually the most dense the most thick okay so she is continuing to go in now these are rather large sections she's using I'd rather her use sections that are a little smaller half an inch she's probably max that I would go cuz you really want to get that light now just seeping in to that hair we want plenty of light nur on the hair we want it fully coated if you want to fully drip in the one it's soaked in light nur we want to bathe in that we want it to be all over our heads like shampoo except Lehner doesn't lather leach does not lather okay when are you scrubbing your damn heads making these damn videos like what are you doing with that okay so she is working her way around we're gonna see what happens in a moment how good of a lightening job she did looks a little patchy oh my god Michelle you had red in your hair so red it's gonna be really hard to get out oh so this change is double real quick matter of seconds we can go from this is gonna be good this is gonna be real bad so she had red dye in her hair apparently um so now we're getting a ton of orange exposed because the bleach is breaking through that barrier of the red and it's exposing that orange undertone and then that is probably not gonna come out of your hair so good luck with that one we bleach my hair again yeah let's go back in for darker layers of my hair the more orange of your parts at my hair is just to try to get to a lighter shade of blond or kind of almost like yellow just because it'll be easier for me to tone towards the end of me bleaching I realized that I ran out of bleach so one side of my hair was a tad bit darker ah there's literally a black spot in the back of her head right in the front we'll always miss this right in the front I don't know how but everybody misses it there's a lot going on on this one head of hers and it's probably gonna be quite impossible to fix 20 developer for this just the like mixture in my hair was like gonna be good and I just feel safer so I let my hair trying to just do its own thing for a few days and then I went to the store and got me some color remover because I had a lot of bra color remover I know a lot of this brass was mainly coming from me having the red I don't believe that I have this point now that you've already lightened your hair twice I don't think color remover works on top of lightened hair I don't have a ton of experience with coloring movers I don't often use them I often use bleach instead there's some kind of chemical reaction that has to go on in the hair with the color remover and I think if you apply the bleach first and then try to remove the color after I'm pretty sure it doesn't work at all they fight with each other and it just doesn't happen 90% sure that that's true you should use the color remover before lightening and it was kind of like fighting all of that red undertones I was still in my hair just from like the hair guy oh it looks dark it's dark still and I went ahead and did this process twice I went ahead and read bleached my hair one last time the bleach stay on there that long I just wanted to help the side that didn't get as much you know the amount of money she probably just spent on this is enough to go to a salon she did like poor process of light nerd to color remover to toners a lot going on after rinsing off my hair and getting all the beats out I went ahead and toned my hair again using the I'm toning the well a charm toner and I'm using the color ta teens like the light as a blonde it's not gonna do anything you guys you have to have level 10 hair which is like the inside of a banana it's like a very very pale yellow in order to use t18 so I like to sit on my hair for about 30 to 45 minutes and then I go ahead and rinse this out my hair and this is the final one it does look terrible she is a very beautiful girl I actually really like it actually really okay so I actually really enjoy the sort of brassy Orange copper tone she has going on it really complements her skin it makes look so healthy and beautiful fabulous up until that very end point I thought this was going to look terrible she looks so good yes simply Michelle you good I love it she looks amazing all right our next and final video of natural hair being lightened is by fearless Tony and it's how to safely bleach hair platinum blonde how to bleach hair natural hair oh I don't got white hair more or less that's the title hey everyone let's just jump right into it sure I'm gonna apply coconut oil we love the coconut oil moment we do so you need a knock convinced that it helps Emily use the dirty volume developers so she's using cream developer on I am obsessed with cream developer and this is a newer discovery in the past year of my life cream developers are magical their lightning power is insane they never dry out they don't crumble they're beautiful they're amazing and I don't know why more people don't use it she's also using 30 volume we love it this is going to turn out fantastic I can already feel it and she's using gloves we love this transformation is gonna be sick you can do it you can do it you can't do it you can't do it you can do it oh no going back now well you could actually you can wash it off but I wouldn't have started in the front like I said before start in the back this is always where it gets the most orange and stays the most orange for a long period of time for whatever reason the hair is just the thickest here it's most coarse hair the front is most fragile do that last let's discuss quickly safety measures with Luke jr. here let's do it as you saw I did use the coconut oil the cream bleach the iron absolute perfection step 1 and also the sensitive scalp 30 volumes of the anyways I want control over bleaching process you're not too worried about 40 volume is I never felt like it did more than 30 it makes the hair lighten incredibly fast and then it just like stops I don't know I've never really found a use for 40 volume in my life besides like high lift colors that definitely feel like works a bit better with 35 I could live with 10 20 and 30 for the rest of my life and never look back I hardly ever touch 40 it's just not good for much if they're delivered whoo making sure I get 45 probably been good for her hair it was super dark you want to let that process for the max amount of time which may be actually it was maybe the directions didn't say 30 minutes but I don't know I would have left not 45 probably washes me let's see it lets see it yes it did turn yellow oh yeah it's yellow I thought it was gonna look really good please tell me we're late he's gotta bleed again oh we're lightening again we're going in there we're getting that punch a little more liner which is going to be perfect for her hopefully it'll turn out nice and bright white after the second round I'm not surprised she needed two rounds of bleed shear her hair was like a level four it was dark it was pigmented it wasn't going to lighten you could have already seen that coming the beginning it's a little better oh yes a little better that is a whole lot better and it looks amazing see that is a level 10 it looks great now she's ready she can use t18 if she really wants to however I still don't think that's the best idea but you know everybody seems to want to use t18 for some reason you know try something else I want to do is totally agency 18 and 25 oh god that's gonna burn using 20 vine developer with your toner is painful painful after you just lightened your hair and your scalp is raw you're now gonna put 20 volume developer on it your head is going to flake get that toner on there about four minutes in its thought it's tangling yeah try a little purplish oh and she's massaging it in all your pores scalp is going to hate you I like the purple she should done lavender full-on that would have been incredible oh dude that looks so good she looks so amazing at least one girl killed it I love that cut she has in this side too Tony great job on that you looked a new Greta bald you killed her girl that was so satisfying thank you for that oh okay so we saw some incredible outcomes well more like just one incredible one there's just something so magical about natural hair that excites me so much the more hair the better you know I just want to get my hands than hair and just touch it and play with it I loved seeing the transformations and they all looked great I was being critical of course because that's what I do all of them did a pretty decent job for it being at home that's not easy to do it's such a long and difficult process the last girl definitely know that I was impressed that was super fun to watch thank you guys for those videos and don't forget to follow me on tik tok twitter instagram i brahmanda NYC and don't forget to follow my hair care brand x mono hair and check out our new fabulous amazing products linked below at ex mono hair calm to get beautiful glowing fabulous hair and that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to lift your extra life and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,367,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondonyc, hairdresser reacts to natural hair bleach fail!, Hairdresser Reacts To Natural Hair Bleaching, brad mondo, hairdresser reacts, natural hair bleaching, curly hair bleach, bleaching natural hair at home, how to, 40 vol, T18, afro hair, curly hair, color curly hair, curly girl, hair fail, fall off, diy hair, hair stylist, at home, hair dresser, hair fails, platinum blonde, bleach with no damage, funny, entertainment, highlight hair, DIY color, natural hair color
Id: RC9fc2_wYHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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