I Tried Weird Tiktok Hair Hacks So You Don't Have To!

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hi beautiful you look marvelous today thank you for being here welcome we're doing one of my favorite things which is watch tick tock slash well that's my only favorite thing but we're also gonna try the tick tocks you guys if you know me you know I'm a tick tock fanatic I walk through life every day reciting tic TOCs to my friends who don't want to hear me talk about tick tock anymore I don't care though because tick tock makes me happy and not a lot of things make me happy these days so if I can get tick tock to do that for me then I owe everything to tick tock so I'm gonna watch several hacks on tick tock learn how to do them and then perform them on Miss many Quinn some weird ones some cool ones some creative ones many many hacks let's see if they work let's see how easy they are to actually do in real life should be interesting maybe I'll learn a thing or two maybe you will crazier things have happened in my life and with that all said I'm gonna stop rambling today and let's just get it started let's do it alright up first we have tinfoil disco waves trick I love discos and I love waves and I love tricks so this seems right up my alley baby let's see what she's doing with the tinfoil when the disco and the waves together we're using it into the horseshoe shape and just twisting horseshoe shape okay together and then just okay a little bit okay well that seems easy enough let's see how it comes out brush it through okay wait this looks hot oh my god what wait what that's how you do that okay wait I've actually never done that before and it looks really fierce she looks stunning with those waves those waves were incredible I love how beachy but also like not beachy and also glammy at the same time is glammy a word I don't think so doesn't sound right I'm excited to try this let's give it a shot shall we it's Manny Quinn Danny Quinn give her some highlights do you like them I feel like she was like too boring before this videos so I just like decided to just give her sign like oh girl I actually knew one side of her head a thing I don't know if she did like a portion of her head cuz I don't want to do the whole head as much as I would love to I just like Joan time me like trying to make my muscles look bigger like we're spending like a moment I'm gonna grab some tin foil tin foil Flatiron brush comb also I just found out the knife sparkly clips Mason Pearson brush got it alright let's turn this baby on its heater up I think she just like crumpled it up into this thing I don't know like I honestly don't know she didn't show me Jen you didn't show me that I'm gonna do one done here and maybe two on top of it might be too big of a section okay that looks good enough I think I mean the ends are definitely like sticking out a little bit but rome wasn't built in one day you know what I mean like that Sergio say I take that war relic it's not sponsored but I Reynolds Wrap if you want to sponsor daddy okay word I think she should have liked to like maybe three up here one more sit over and twist it oh that one's fallen out the hardest part about this is making the end stay in it's just not that easy for me do I know that I'm following the directions correctly not really but I think that works okay so now she said to tap it with the flat iron so I am just gonna hold it there until this feeds up and hopefully we have a wave after are you hot yet actually it is really hot all right let's keep working our way around Oh looks good tinder fools really cool you know that a lot of uses for tinfoil I just want to say I appreciate it oh the tinfoil really does warm it up huh all right let's see if this one actually set in place I didn't wait any time we're gonna cool down but the tinfoil is very warm oh it's a little bit too big but that's okay I really twisted this one up oh okay the ugly okay well let's take our Mason Pearson brush and brush this out Oh fine I should do a little back combing whoa let me add another one I think it needs more hold on I'll be right back once I added a couple more wait hold I said I'd be right back look at that one hello I got way better on it [Music] you know what I didn't do you don't I forgot to do forgive me I have sinned I didn't spray any forcefield heat shield on her hair this will help this style stay better and protect her poor hair god I can't believe it did that to her [Music] alright let's take them out and see if it got any better this time Oh Oh I went again let's brush this out while we're ready for the rest of cooldown this is so pretty it worked it worked it worked alright let's rush this out wheeze old Hair Spray alright for the sake of time I'm gonna leave this right where it is oh-ho I mean is it like as good as Jen's was what I don't think so but I mean okay it's kind of fierce like imagine a full head in this I really love it I'm kind of obsessed actually and for doing that in about 15 minutes that's not bad I would definitely get look better if I you know have more time here but we gotta move on but kind of obsessed kind of give this one like a 10 out of 10 thank you for this hack like oh my god it's so fancy and pretty hey let's do another hack shall we the next hack is of one that I have used before but I haven't done in a little while and I want to show you it's very fun and if you have extensions is very useful your favorite purple shampoo or conditioner do a couple of pumps of water yeah I'll do a couple more actually depending on how fast you want you can fit as little or as much as possible and then you just mix it around until it's all incorporated you don't want to have lots of like lumps in there just because they will collect on your extensions making them brassy alright so once that's nice and mixed in all you do it's really really simple is you grab your extensions dip it dip them in the water and you can see like it's already going it instantly changes freak out if you think your extensions look a little bit blue from the water because they're not and it's depending on how a she's don't just keep dipping it until it gets his ashy as it needs to be okay so that was the whole thing why don't we just do it for kicks cuz I enjoy doing it so I'm gonna fill up a warm bowl of water with some purple shampoo and we're gonna dip a hair extension piece because why not it's fun to watch all right we have my purple concoction here and we have a yellow hair extension this is the before let's give her a dip and let's see what happens imagine nothing happens I would be oh look at how white that was fun it looks pretty pretty to dip dip dip what he do looks a lot whiter to me mission accomplished you can actually do this for any color you want you can put semi-permanent color into a warm bowl of water and dip it the same way we just did and it will make the extension the color of the water it's a much more easy way to color extensions than actually like go on there with a brush and color I don't think I'm gonna blow dry the sky I'm sorry let's do this tri method look how much whiter it is okay fine I'll blow-dry it and I have a white beard instead of a yellow one honestly I could have left it in a little bit longer in the water and more times you dip it the whiter it gets but it looks really nice it looks like a nice natural blonde now I love it thank you let's do another hack shall we now we have this foe bang tutorial and it looks interesting let's check it out don't give yourself bangs first try this so she takes the piece from her ponytail brings it forward and then creates a foe bang okay work work she's trying to die it doesn't look that good then she teases bad oh and then she's doing some oh she's making a little top knot oh this is cute though oh hey okay you could have just told me it was gonna be that cute wait it actually looks like she has bangs with the oh now she's gonna top it off with a little headband oh that actually looks she has bangs what yeah that was pretty good I'm not gonna lie let's try it out she's back you missed them miss manette Quinn you did she said she likes her hair but I took it out now she's mad at me I'm sorry Miss Minnie Quinn but say hi to everybody I'm gonna take a hair bungee which is literally like a bungee for your hair and I'm gonna make a high bun her head would stay on the ground he did not move for five seconds for me pull us to the top of her head we don't want it to look too perfect I like to say that when I just don't feel like making things look perfect whenever I say that I'm lying lying to you and to myself this is I use a hair bunch of you in it in one side you twist it around make sure the hair doesn't move very sturdy and there you go she has a cute little ponytail in five seconds so now we're gonna take a piece home this out make sure it's enough for the bang that looks good Oh her hair's not long enough for this uh all right I'm improvising it's fine um I can't do the whole like bump back here like that girl did we're just gonna pin it down I'm gonna style these bangs really quick with the flat iron we'll turn this baby back on we'll get a little forcefield heat shield in there to protect against that heat damage give it a little bevel with the flat iron who doesn't love above you said before like side bangs I think because they're way too long for me oh [Music] she looks so cute so far look at her little bangs ah then she back combed this section wrap this into a little bun will you say hair pins for that hair pins are nice because they're just easy you have to open them up you just plop them right in and it's good with like teasing listen I did it in literally five minutes this looks kind of dough I knew that was possible but I've actually never done that style before do it if you want to do a little bang for a day um you can totally bang it out real quick with this little hack and maybe if you're breaking on your forehead one day you can just cover it up with some faux bangs I would if I could okay let's move on to the next hack now we have a little ponytail hack to make your hair look really long and luscious well being in a ponytail even if you have short hair it'll make your hair look really long Pony too short yeah try this all right so she does the top 20 first then the bottom Pony and then she lays it over and it makes her hair looks they're so long and also with a weird kind of like layer in the middle but that's okay let's see if it looks like I'm Miss Minnie Gwen okay let's do the top pony first to turn you into the side miss thank you very much how are you doing I know this is a lot for you to take in its I know I don't like your hair pulled sometimes somebody needs the other hair pull you're doing great I love you so much we're gonna make it the top pony war he'll quick boom brush it out Bunji it up I don't know why hair bungees I'm not used more often by just like regular old people that's like the cute little hop up on what I've ever seen okay let's do the bottom one we're making either pony underneath I'm gonna use a small elastic this time though because there's not a lot of hair on the bottom of her head is teasing boom hella cute let's do the reveal that doesn't look right let's fix it up uh did I try that hard on that no could it be much better yeah looks like she has to point tails I think this one needs to come up Oh higher but then it's like she doesn't really get any length if it's up higher oh is this really bad oh girl oh no I don't think this is working for anybody actually I don't think this is a good for anybody Wow our first fill of the day huh you'd be the judge is that cute I mean if your hair's not fake as hell you're always gonna see this underneath the ponytail I don't know it just looks weird to me all right let's not do that at home okay that was a fail thanks as many Quinn you look crazy now you look crazy you do and the next hack is the static hair hack and I had to try so I made sure my hair was extra static oh shoot face the both of you supposed to add a little foil for the base of your hair brush and then brush your hair like normal hair and it's supposed to get rid of this oh my god it actually worked try this and let me know if it works for you too okay so her hair wasn't staticky to begin with but we'll go with it so she put tinfoil on her brush and brushed your hair with it I don't know what the science is behind that but we're gonna go with it I'm not a scientist so I don't miss medic wind your back how do you feel how was your break time was good good good good good good good good girl back thank you for being here I don't know how to make her how to get out of a balloon I'm currently rubbing this many clinic on my carpet to make her hair staticky I guess it's working a little bit girl I am so sorry I came up with an idea I'm just gonna rub this bag on her head until it makes it staticky oh we have salad let me the static do you see that okay you can see on my shirt let's get my brush and let's get some more foil in here this one here it looks like she did something like this and now we're just gonna brush up the static I mean the statics gone I don't know if it was from the brush or it's from the foil I don't know somebody in the comments with with a little bit of a brain can you tell me why that works if it actually worked still confused still up in the air about this one I'm gonna leave that one on undecided I don't know if that works did I do something wrong I don't know I mean it seems legit for today's purposes let's just believe that word and be like yeah it does buy it even though I felt like a big waste of my time alright let's do another hack shall we someone do this let's say these are literally such a pain in the ass to get so I'm so excited about it they usually rip my hair out Oh oh my god yeah she's just burning the plastic off her hair basically but that is a very simple way of doing it I prefer to just cut it but we'll see maybe this will work out better so for this one let's just do this real quick I'm just gonna put an elastic really tight in her hair over here do you think this works the same with a flat iron because my flat iron heats up faster and I don't have any patience so let's try it so we have my elastic here it's very tight and we're just gonna tap some heat on and hope that it snaps off what could go wrong her hair burns into the rubber plastic I mean probably but might as well try here first it's not working yeah I'm just burning it into the flat iron now alright let's get a curling iron I'm so upset right now I just got plastic all over the inside of my father and that was stupidly expensive let's do it I hope this works this isn't doing anything it's gonna work honestly you can just take a piece on the side of this thing and just rip it open or you can just take a small pair of scissors and cut up one little piece of the side of this and look it just comes right off no need to ruin your flat irons I'm plugging your curling irons to do that that was stupid thanks for wasting my time on that one this says how to keep your high Pony super high I love a super high pony okay bend the sides of a hairpin push the pin oh okay that was the whole thing push the rubber band with the bent prongs sticking push the pin into your rubber band with the bent prongs sticking up guys I don't know what that means okay says in the comments lol sorry I'm making you new tutorials you just push the u-shape down into the air time I get it let's do it let's get your hair back into a ponytail oh another high pony for the gods so we have our hair pin here like the dude had it and he just goes like that and it looks like an IUD even though I've never had one of those I know what they look like somehow I think what he said was to just push this way down into the hair tie it creates like a little shelf for the hair to sit on boy I totally did wait that's so fun I kind of love that and now she has an extra perky pony that was simple I dig that let's just a low bun hack I love a bun that comes in a pair another easy low bun divide the hair into sections make a small bun and leave the hair stay camp repeat on the other side open the bun and pull into every button by pin to place okay got it got it looking pretty so far take the hair that's left wrap it around at the button bobby pin it into place now pancake your bun pinch okay okay kind of cute and seems awfully easy let's try it I'm breaking out Rapunzel for this one damn girl you got some hair this is Mustafa I've kissed mannequins if you want to shop down there link below this is some long hair I will tell you that much and it's all human hair let's put our two buns in really quick in three two one boom done okay now she opened up one bun with the other bun inside which is easier said than done here okay we got that put some bobby pins in here I don't have any light ones but we'll make it do what these brown babies doesn't look like the girls it's something okay and then she takes the remaining hair and just wraps it around [Music] I'm gonna say it for you it's hideous there is much easier ways of doing that don't make it come out with so ugly I hate this hack I highly recommend not doing this it's last hack the day yours I'm exhausted man they got my macho baby because without the match I wouldn't be here in this last one is a kind of a wrap around ponytail pack you'll see what it is so she puts the buy pin in wrap the hair around to cover the ponytail holder then put another pin in puts it through the other pin feeds it through pulls it through and there you have it it stays all day ladies and gentlemen that's actually a very useful hack and I will be trying it usually I use pins to hold it in but it's so annoying to use a pin you can always see them they're always like visible I don't know it's annoying let's do it let's bang it out it's a little half a ponytail real quick on the count of three one two three there's our little half up moments now let's do the hacking I'm gonna use a hair pin which is this kind of opened pin instead of the pin nose she used I think it'll be easier so we're just gonna slide that into the top and try and not get any hair in it now we're gonna wrap the hair from the underneath around the ponytail boom boom boom boom boom ba ba ba Wow now we're gonna take another pin like this and now we're gonna take the pin or any like that I think and then we're gonna go through this weave that through there okay so now that is in there and now we're gonna push this pin down through the hair and hopefully it comes out of the other side Oh again I knew that hacking existed I just never really tried it okay that was so easy well I have that never done that before I feel really played right now do you know how many times I tried in my career to in the hair around the pony and it never works there's no looks perfect why am I so dumb sometimes I hate it there's actually one the hacking today this is the best hack of all hacks ending on a good note man whoa that was on hacks I hope you at least found one of them useful and maybe you can use them on your own hair tweet me DM me show me how it went I would love to see your work and don't forget to follow me on Twitter Instagram and tik-tok under brad mando NYC and check out my facebook page and my snapchat show under brad mando and if you would like beautiful glowing healthy fabulous gorgeous hair check out ex mondo @x mono hair on instagram and also at ex mono hair comm if you would like to shop our products that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys this is electrified our volumizing foam if your hair is lacking volume lacking body lacking life get electrified this is the ultimate cure for a lifeless hair this will actually thicken your hair strands and also add that bit of hold to your root area in order to maintain your volume all day long
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,726,298
Rating: 4.9695678 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, I Tried Weird Tiktok Hair Hacks So You Don't Have To, TikTok, hair hacks, hairĀ hacks, hair hacks 5 minute crafts, hair hacks for short hair, hair hacks for long hair, hair hacks 123 go, hair hacks troom troom, hair hacks for girls, hair hacks for kids, hair hacks for curly hair, tik tok, life hacks, tiktok hacks, do it yourself, how to cut your own hair, hair cut, at home, how to, diy hair, hair fail, diy haircut, box dye
Id: NvR9W4r9ixw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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