Hairdresser Reacts To Quarantine Haircuts

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ha beautiful you look ravishing today thanks for being here you look in sexy and if you're underage forget I said that today watching some people give themselves DIY do-it-yourself 14 haircuts because the salons well most of them aren't open so people have actually been asking their mothers their boyfriends their sisters their girlfriends anybody they can find to cut their hair things have gone terribly wrong with a lot of these haircuts we're gonna watch so many different kinds of people get a quarantine haircut and I'll be the judge because I don't think any of them are gonna be very good I'll give them all a 1 out of 10 rating just for kicks and giggles and we'll see who ranks supreme who wins this battle of bests Quarantine haircuts 20/20 hopefully the last Florentine battle ever but oh let the battles begin let's do it up first we have she's my pearson and this is called at home quarantine hair cut long hair - short hair lesbian hair transformation I love a good lesbian hair transformation they didn't really say what kind of haircut they're doing but she is sectioning out this part of the hair and looks like she's going for something like my haircut which is gonna be wild because her hair is really long this is gonna be a huge transformation yeah ah they look so freaking nervous she's freaking out she's like don't tell your client you're freaking out ever [Music] she knows what she's talking about that's true you're doing this first not the back you want me to do that first you do it everything you have a plan oh my god you're on my hair oh we're going for it we're making our way around the head I'm so excited for this I feel like this is gonna be you know obviously a whole different look for her and really fun and she needed that hair gone that died she had on those ends where it was it looked like it needed help I like her natural hair color a lot more and it just looks much healthier now and good already the sectioning is a little wonky I will say that okay so she's going in and just cleaning up the hairline making it all nice and pretty amazing your service in a Wednesday Maria how long do you want this let's see oh thank god we're cutting it I was like I was really concerned for a second we weren't gonna do anything with that and yeah I would love to just chop off those dead ends what okay yeah she's gotten so much more confident since the beginning of this video she's like let me just do whatever I want I'm a hair stylist now and I know exactly what you want this is my hair salon why are you cutting it all to the side we're going for it whoa she looks so pretty with this shorter hair and makes her a face just look so much more angular and beautiful I love it what do you think for bringing the hair from that long long hair to this short short cut she really did a great job with having absolutely no experience I can't say she did a bad job she looks so beautiful I would have brought the top a little shorter and a size a little shorter but I will 100% take it this is definitely ain't and in my book you nailed it and as long as your client is happy that's what really matters and your client loves her hair so great job all right we have this video by soma Shia and this is my mom cut all my hair off how to DIY Quarantine haircut oh it's a how-to huh [Music] we have enlisted the mother for help with this haircut let's see if the mom has any actually gonna be longer in the front if you cut in the back but yeah it won't make it even we even in our occure but just to cut the bulk of it we didn't give you separate then how am I gonna balance this one was the other side I think I should together well me if I cut it in the same place on both sides gonna be even then how come in the video that's what they did yeah probably professionals no you're not I watch how to cut your hair at home mom listen yeah don't cut it all at once in the back that's just not a good idea definitely cut it in four sections at least or six I'm on some one side all right I'm sorry mom okay you need to put the elastic down farther you're like bunching up your hair right there it's just not gonna work that's good and put the elastic where you're gonna cut cut over the elastic that way the hair doesn't go all over the place and you can save that hair and you can donate it you put the elastic the same length on both sides that way it's even her head is also turned right now and they're cutting it funny okay okay fine so I want to shorten this for sure though because this is like the awkward like yeah I think she needs to cut it really short like matter chin I think that'll be good [Music] mom so proud of yourself I love it like at that place where it starts to curve around the neck mom's like we're not doing that that's not happening wait mom kind of slain what them this is so much better than your hair before oh my god it complements your face shapes so much better I love it this is my issue it's just like I really just want it like city like not now I'm gonna do that Oh mom's a hairdresser now watch out she's 3 I love your mom and then your life and then you come home when you see a mom is right this shade of the mob she's like hairdressers you know they they pull the hair and they go oh it looks good and then you get home and there's a long strip yeah that's the guy I was talking about yeah but then see this one just cuddled and I think no it's not this one comes here and this one kind of see that's not the same part I'm gonna clean up I'm gonna style it and then I'm gonna show you guys what it looks like okay who is this who are you you look hot and I put on pink good pink makes me feel beautiful I'm really feeling it and I'm sure gonna be much less famous honestly this looks so good so much better than what you had before I would love to see you styling with that really old end like curl it inwards do that very like old-school type of vibe oh it would look so incredible on you I love this hair length I think you should never have long hair again to be honest with you this looks great 10 out of 10 mom you did a fabulous job it started off rough but it ended up not being mad bad I'm listening it's not professional quality but I'll take it and they will savor it let's move on all right next up we have noir panned south this is quarantine hair cut 2.0 mom's turn oh god what are we doing to mom okay I want to go for a rat pill which is an option I thought about it like go ahead and shave it off I also thought about just like not fighting it and see how crazy okay we have this like 10 year old kid sectioning her hair out you got a start I'm young you know I started very young doing hairy that's what you got to do it's just this is how it is um this sectioning is iffy but it's okay Darian can look like I think mrs. Brady and the Brady Bunch you know how she had that like long hair in the back you yes miss Brady was so iconic for that a haircut so how short are you gonna go the longest just like what are we doing these for now don't even talk to him even if it looks weird just don't touch from like here down and then I maybe can do that on my own decision okay we're leaving the sideburns oh they're going short he's like what do I do with my hands you just go and you hold the head and you do a little stroke of stroke okay he's doing a decent job at best so far however I will say the sectioning that that ten-year-old child did was fresh to death and it looks incredible actually beautiful line work right there I mean it wasn't the hardest thing he's just had to put this section that was long up and she used quite a few clips listen you can never be too sure oh it's botched yeah you'll just have to clean this up a little bit it's not that bad but it's not that great it's its spot but not that botched as long as we don't botch it any more than what it is it'll be fine okay now the mom is going in and cutting those weird long sides [Applause] yeah I hear cut what is going on the mum's face she's so determined I like the little sideburn look okay I feel it I feel abide no I'm gonna true it's right I think it's pretty dang good okay let's see let's let's do like the full like yes yeah a cup way yeah well you guys have beautiful hair your son his hair why break it down the son did a fabulous job wasn't the easiest thing to do for sure and he killed it and I am happy I get this a solid I am satisfied great work yes the next video is by a team row and this is quarantine haircut my husband follows Brad mando's tutorial [Music] tutorial from a hairdresser who is also like a famous youtuber his name is Brad mondo and he made a tutorial specifically for this situation like me here down it's extremely thin it just looks fluffy because it dries Ruby and then I brushed it cutting this hair off is gonna give her a whole different vibe it's gonna make her hair look so much more full and beautiful and she just doesn't need those the strangling gross ends that is going on right now I mean it's just gonna be so much better for her I wanted to be at my collarbone it's a little consultation and tell your hairdresser what you want you need a little bit below that never wear my hair this just in case Brad watches this I want him to be proud of me I'm proud of you for even caring enough about what I think about your work that you're about to do yo he's doing a great job that this parting with the apex you talk about miss mini-quiz you got a lot for my video I am so happy I top your hair is flat [Music] [Music] that was such a good parting the way he laid the comb down like that and parted was so beautiful that's not easy like for a lot of people to part like that we don't need that he is moving that I am nervous what they're doing I hope I don't fail you guys I hope it comes out good he's doing such a good job you kidding solder it back on my hair and look finished product the precision is just immaculate it's beautiful I'm I'm satisfied that I could just sit back and watch this I could honestly just I will I will shut up and I will just watch I feel so confident that he is doing the best job ever and that this is going to look spectacular doing here I actually like the way my hair is straight better now oh my god we needed those dead ends to be gone okay now for the layering portion this might get a little bit scary dude I would trust this guy to cut my hair any day he's putting all the effort in this looks amazing Brad more like face framing for something that I know I've ever said that in some videos anyways I let me know if my video any more you think this will help Everland I didn't know you were so talented yes oh my god happy with this me too so good for summer it feels so light definitely not totally perfect I'm never ever here this straight sure he's not as forgiving so I think once I go in and curl it you won't even be able to tell it looks amazing [Music] that looks a thousand times better your hair color looks better your hair thickness looks better it's all around just a way better look for you it's super bouncy and feels so good I love it I think they did a really good job he really did okay so now we're all styled this time show the kids I had no idea I was getting my hair cut dude you killed it you girls are you took those scissors and you made them your you did it it was spectacular I couldn't have asked for more honestly you made me so proud ten out of ten oh man I'm just giving up those ten out of ten everywhere today well I am shocked at how great everybody did in these videos today I mean there wasn't anything too bad and people apparently can really slow haircutting with a little bit more knowledge these people would have done an incredible job but for an at home quarantine haircut these were spectacular I couldn't have asked for more my favorite one was of course by the channel team row because they followed my tutorial and just did a great job and I'm just so happy when I see people follow my stuff and it actually comes out amazing I get so happy that's why I make these videos to make you feel good about yourself and to have the tools to do your hair yourself well you guys that is all for today if you end up cutting your hair during quarantine send a video to me record it I really love seeing them and that is all for today guys make sure you follow me on all the social media networks Instagram Twitter tic toc under grad motto NYC you can also find me on Facebook on my Facebook page and you can find my snapchat show under Brad at mondo and if you guys want fabulous beautiful amazing flowing gorgeous hair you can check out ex mondo hair at X moto hair calm or check out X moto hair on Instagram to see all of our amazing products and a new launch is coming up very soon don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys this is BDSM arse-licking to find balm this is gonna be perfect product to finish any style you just put a little on your hands distribute it to the bottoms of your hair and you'll get that lived in a sort of cool texture we're seeing a lot of nowadays also best thing to use is for flyaways edges tame them down girl get them glued to that forehead you know that look
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,564,193
Rating: 4.9577413 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Quarantine Haircuts, bad haircut, haircut, hair color, hairdresser reacts, how to, hair fail, at home, hair stylist, diy hair, fall off, jenna marbles, hair cut, how to cut your own hair, hair dresser, diy haircut, box dye, how to cut hair at home, haircut fail, video react, hair tutorial, cutting my own hair, how to cut layers at home, funny fails, 40 vol, hair fails, how to cut your hair at home
Id: XRjwO-Eiye0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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