Hairdressers Guide To Cutting Your Own Hair And Not Ruining It (mens edition)

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hi beautiful how are we today you look amazing ravishing thank you so much for being here today I'm teaching you how to do a men's haircut now I know some of you have boyfriends I not so much but I know some of you do I know some of you have fathers I know some of you have brothers I know some of you females have short hair I know some of you have females in your life with short hair so I'm here today to show you how to do a beautiful short haircut a sort of undercut moment the kind of haircut that I'm always rocking the very short sides with a bit of a longer top going on we're gonna go over it all today I've showed you guys how to do a long haircut I've showed you guys how to do hair color it's time for the men's haircut and I mean if you have anything else you want me to do let me know girl I mean I we can do a bang tutorial we can do everything why don't we just fully transform ourselves while we're locked in doors huh shall we it'll be fun so I'll be saving all my guys out there from an absolute hair disaster if you're a guy watching follow along so first I'll be showing you guys how to do a haircut on Miss Minnie Quinn and then I'll show you how to do the same haircut but on me and me doing it myself I'll walk you through both ways it'll be fun and hopefully you can do this haircut to somebody else or on yourself and not completely botch your hair but of course some people will still watch their hair and that's okay just make sure you film it and make sure you send it to me thank you and with that all said let's get cutting let's do it all right I'm excited you're gonna need some supplies in order to do this haircut now I'm gonna go over a few things that you must have for this and then we'll go over some additional things I'd highly recommend first of all you're gonna definitely need some clippers this is a cordless one you don't need something that's fancy but a corded one is fine anything that'll work like this and cut your hair is good you're gonna also need the guards that come with it they just go right on to the Clipper they snap on and it's just like that you're gonna definitely need these so if you have old Clippers and you can't find these you need to find them or you need to buy new ones these are very important in order to do this haircut that is the most important thing all right if you have that we can work with something you're gonna also need a comb you should be able to find these relatively easily even in the grocery store you must have one of these and the last thing you must have is some hair cutting shears these are vital kitchen scissors they just don't cut it I mean if you really have to use some kitchen scissors or office scissors like anything around the house kind of scissor you can do it but really not a good idea you'll probably end up cutting yourself they don't really cut through hair well these are good on to the additional things I highly recommend a pair of thinning shears so these are very similar to of these ones however they have little tiny teeth that cut through your hair and it makes it much easier to blend your haircuts you'll see these come into action later clips like this are highly recommended but not essential however they make your life a lot easier these little metal ones awesome for short haircuts and a water bottle to wet down your hair when it gets dry again really nice to have but not essential and these are the items I recommend having before following this hair cut tutorial and if you don't have any of these tools at home you can go to your local CVS Walgreens your supermarket most places have these tools available to buy and if you would like to purchase some of these items online I will link a few things below that are more on the relatively inexpensive side that way you can order them to your home and have them delivered and not leave your house ok let's do this Manny Quinn oh she's getting a shorter haircut today I know what you're thinking I'm Brad my hair doesn't look like that I don't get it why is this hair salon well I just wanted to show you how long her hair was to start just because it's more fun that way and I'm gonna go ahead and just chop off all of her length because it's really satisfying to watch and that way we have something a little more relatable for you guys to follow at home on your own hair that's probably not this long let's also put a towel on guys on your necks before you do this hair is very itchy or just take a shower after you're done getting a haircut welcome to Brad's barber shop where you get haircuts for free beautiful this is not the first step to doing this haircut unless you have hair of this length which is unlikely but I'm just gonna go ahead and chop the hair off real quick and you can just watch oh it's so fun ahh except it kind of sad because the hair is really nice but no well by all right you guys and we are done with the haircut this is the final look what do you think and you can try it on yourself at home good luck now that we have the hair all cut up look in hacked as hell we're gonna go to step one which is sectioning now I highly recommend you work on dry hair that is because if you work on wet hair and you try to use clippers on wet hair it doesn't work very well it gets all clogged up please make sure when you use clippers you're doing it on dry hair let's do sectioning shall we let's rake all the hair back first just like that so you're gonna look at where the hairline sort of bends off so typically men's hair lines even women's it has that kind of squared off which is like right there you're gonna go from right there all the way back okay and you're gonna section that break it up with your comb put a clip in there and you're just gonna clip it up just like that so super easy and if you don't have clips for this portion you can also just use water but just make sure you're not wetting this side it's too much kind of dip your hand in the water and wet the top and just like get it out of the way again clips are very useful but if you don't have them use water now make sure you're not going up too high if you go up too high at this point it's gonna look absolutely ridiculous when you cut it now let's move on to the fact we're gonna carry that line down the back and clip that bit you'll see that if you laid a comb on the head wherever the comb comes off of the head that's sort of where you want to drag that line down to and I'll finish the other side all so that way I can just show you the shape and you can go from there [Music] all right and you should have something like this once you're finished sectioning it is just kind of a horseshoe shape going around the perimeter of the hair near the top of the head from the part of the hairline that starts to square off you're going back following it back down the curve of the head kind of going a little bit downwards in the back and then back around the other side this is what it looks like I'll spin it around for you all right that's the hardest part and as you can see I ended up wetting the top of my hair that way I could get it out of the way a little bit easier and that is the sectioning please make sure you have that done correctly it's very very important this will be the structure for your haircuts [Music] [Music] now let's move on to the fun part shaving the head now is when the Clippers come into play let's grab our Clippers plug them in do whatever you to do and get them ready to go we're gonna first start off a little bit long we're gonna start off with a three guard pop that video right on there you're gonna hold the comb in one hand so the Clippers in the other you're gonna nicely comb the hair down get it all into place and you're gonna begin now what's important with the Clippers is to always do this motion practice that for me this motion up the head and off the head up the head and off the head up the head and off the head just repeat that as you're cutting up the head off the head you got it it's stuck in your head good so we can begin on this side of the head make sure the head is up correctly and we're going to go like this turn her on and you can begin up the head off the head up the head off the head oh she's looking like a cheetah now head off the head the head off the head now what that is gonna do is give you this a little bit of a beveled edge up here you see how it's very short right here and it gets longer up here that's when you know you did it correctly that way we can later blend in the top a little bit more to the side and let's continue around the head and do the same thing all over the head off the head super fun now you should have something that looks a little bit like this or exactly like this that would be ideal [Music] [Music] all right and now while I'm doing it on my own hair I like to just feel around in the back and make sure I'm not going up too high you feel that part where it kind of rounds off on your head just don't go above that point so I like to hold my hand on one side at the round of my head and then go up with the Clippers with the other hand to make sure I don't go up too high and I'm not completely shaving off the entire back of my head and make sure just like how I showed you I miss many Quinn we're going up the head and off the head up the head and off the head okay that motion is very important you're doing great stick with me here all right step three we're gonna move on to the to guard we're gonna pop off the three move on to the two the key here is to not go as high as you just went with the three guard we're making a gradient so it's gonna go from very short to a bit longer I'm gonna go up the head about an half an inch off from where we just ended our last line so we ended the last one up here we're gonna go about two here with the two guard and we're gonna carry that all around the head up to here still we're gonna go up ahead and come on I'm sure the head straight and go for it great job now you can also check your work by kind of just looking at it from the side and making sure everything is the same length you can look at it you can turn the head look at it be a hairdresser and you know really get in there it looks pretty good to me that's quite a nice greeting going on we'll trim up the rest of this stuff after [Music] now let's move on to the next step which is the one guard things are getting a little short over here all right don't be scared though it'll be fine it'll be it'll be all good all right now with our one guard we are doing the same thing again but only going up about the first inch of the hair and in the back we're going up the same you're gonna follow the line you made in the front all the way around you're gonna go all the way up the back all the way up to here with that one guard and you're still gonna go up the head and off the head but all the way around just around the top of the ear around that now we're gonna really get into that gradient and make that gradient really beautiful and perfect [Music] this guard is better when you make little strokes like this all right because we're taking off such a little amount of hair at a time you're gonna want to be more precise with it [Music] and the Clippers will kind of naturally come off the head [Music] [Music] all right and then check your work again that looks very nice to me that's nice round and there's no hairs poking out it looks really nice and clean and trimmed up except this part of course we're gonna fix after now for the detail work you can do this if you want you don't have to you can also just stop right here and leave it alone but if you want to make it really really nice and kind of more salon quality you can completely take your guard off and use it just like this you can also use trimmers but I know not everybody has that so I want to show you the option to use your just your clippers with no guard you're gonna go around the ears you can kind of bend the ear down if their ear isn't plastic like the one I have in front of me you're new around it yours just so slightly and just clean up that extra hair and then on the hairline you can comb the hair forward and then go in front of the comb and just trim off the excess hair that'll really sharpen up the hairline very nicely and make it a lot more clean and now for those of you who really want to risk it off you can go with no guard on your clippers and just ever so slightly taper the bottom of the hair that way you get a really short tapered look at the bottom into a little bit more length so I'm gonna show you that now we're gonna do the same thing I'm gonna show you without my clippers on you're gonna go up and out really quick up and out you're gonna really flick it or else you're gonna get some weird going on alright I'll up and out really quick up and out really quick and you'll get that really tight tapering right at the edges this is really scary for me because these manikins if you mess up girl it shows [Music] am i breathing while I do this no I'm not I am holding my breath this is really scary this hair is not very forgiving [Music] that's enough risking my luck today that looks pretty good and that is some beautiful trimmed sides we have going on there pretty let's move on to some scissor action let's get the hay row off just whack their face a little bit this is where the thinning shears are gonna come into play if you don't have these you can kind of skip this step it should be fine it's really not gonna like make a huge difference but it would be nice now that we have this kind of weird frayed edge going on we're gonna clean that up a bit we're gonna take our comb in one hand and our thinning shears in the other hand we're gonna put the comb underneath the hair we're gonna go on top and we're just gonna thin that out and blend it in alright this is very simple you just eyeball it you go with it you're just taking that ledge off alright you can even bring the comb up the hair as you cut you can really put a little flair on there once you get comfortable with it and that's much better looking see how this is right now this ledge let me show you what it looks like after see how it's more rounded now looks much better like that and just continue around the perimeter of the hair [Music] make sure you're always eyeballing it okay you know look at the front of the hair make sure everything's lined up good everything's looking good and in place go back and forth and look at it okay you looking great babe you're looking really really good here [Music] [Music] let's move on to the top shall we this is the fun part and good luck with this okay so take off the clip and brush everything back now you're already seeing this style a bit more now oh yes oh-kayyy boys everywhere are scared of you like hello we are going to part the hair down the center doesn't need to be perfect just get it party you're gonna take your scissors whatever you have you know your kitchen scissors sure whatever scissors you got and we are gonna go around the head what you're gonna do is you're gonna take a section you can take a pretty wide section we're not going for like total precision here so your first section will be like that your next section will be like that you just want to section things it doesn't need to be exactly like how I do it just make sure your section in some sort of way like that is fine one two three let's pull this section out like that and let's cut it off okay you see that angle I have there do it exactly like that now you can get rid of a lot of length you can get rid of a little whatever you're into just make sure you're cutting it in kind of a square shape and now you're gonna take your guide this is what you call a guide the first cut you do and you're gonna bring it back into your next sections and cut at that same exact length from the previous section that way everything starts to get a little bit longer as you go back because you're dragging the front section to the back everything is squared off just how I'm doing it and you'll start to get that very nice shape going on that has that kind of pompadour shape going on and we're just going to work our way all the way around till we get to the back and then once we get to the middle of the back we will separate off that side and then start working from the front of this side and meet the other side [Music] I've gone ahead and cut the first section on this side now once I have the first section cut I'm gonna take my hand and go like this I'm gonna see if they're the same length now they're looking very similar they're looking good to me they look like exactly the same length now I can proceed with cutting the rest of this side and I'm gonna take my guide and just follow it around like we did in the previous section and make sure you keep the hair nice and wet at this point we are shaping up it's looking good so let's take their comb it all back and we're almost done I swear we're gonna comb it back comb up a bit of hair in the center just make sure it's all the same length in the middle there's any high points cut that off drag it back comb it up out off the high points until you get to the back and you're good man boom that's the top all cut okay and the back should look something like that [Music] alright and for this at-home haircut we're gonna leave it there we're not gonna go too far we're not gonna do too much we're gonna keep it a little bit more simple and after this is all over if you want a really good haircut go to a barber or go to our hairdresser they'll do a great job for you I'm gonna go ahead and blow-dry this off camera and show you guys the results [Music] alright are you ready to see the final look she looks really cute or whatever she identifies as I don't know he is she they whatever I don't care ready for the final look in three two one oh oh girl you look hot oh my god okay so ignore the haircolor because you just have some highlights on this side and it makes it look a little cheetah print but this is the haircut wow it's so easy and it looks so good she looks amazing I am obsessed with this cut all I did to style was use a flat brush blow-dry forward then blow-dry back really quick till it's about 90% dry and then I took you know BDSM bomb by next mondo the thing I use in my hair every day of my life and I took a little bit of my hands it's this beautiful iridescent hair bomb and took a bit on my palm just like this and on my fingertips and got all of that texture really styled it in place added a little bit of movement in the front you don't want it to be too perfect I don't like that whole like blown out pompadour look it seems dated to me it's boring I don't know I like texture have fun with it play with it add movement and that is how we got this final look you can wear it down your face you can wear it up you can wear it parted it's a versatile look it's a pretty easy haircuts and it looks fabulous this can be for boys girls and anything in between oh I'm obsessed thank you miss Manny Quinn you look amazing you actually can survive another day because I love this haircut on you I thought I was gonna have to get rid of her after this but I think she's good I think she can stay Sascha's you can stay you can stay but you gotta get off my set at this point alright girl you gotta get off I'm so sorry that was really well I feel refreshed and renewed after giving myself that a haircut that was probably like the best I ever getting myself a haircut honest but I kind of slayed it like I'm not gonna lie and I hope you guys slay it at home on yourself or on your significant other or on your brother on your dad or on yourself if you're a female I don't know whatever you want to do with this have fun with it and the most important thing is be confident but not too confident but don't go in there like oh just do it go for it it's fun hair grows back men's haircuts grow back very fast in like two weeks so you'll be fine okay it'll be all good it'll be really fun and if you guys end up trying this tutorial out on your own head or in somebody else's please send me a picture on Twitter or Instagram or tagged me in a photo I love to see what you guys did you guys can follow me on Instagram tik-tok twitter at bremen oh my see and then I have a snapchat show and a Facebook channel under Brad mondo and if you guys would like to purchase any of the X amount of products in today's video the links will be below I showed you guys electric rain our moisture cream and BDSM my hair balm that is my ultimate go-to for styling my hair and it makes you guys follow us on instagram at ex mono hair to stay up with upcoming launches of new products and that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you in next time bye guys this is VIPRE smoothing oil this oil is a combination of all of my favorites it has Bo bap oil argan oil carrot seed oil now what sets us apart is it really penetrates the hair cuticle it goes deep inside instead of just laying on top of the hair and adding a greasy film it's gonna actually go inside helps apply nutrition hydrate and add a lot of shine
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,024,529
Rating: 4.9349751 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdressers Guide To Cutting Your Own Hair And Not Ruining It (mens edition), bradmondo, bradmondonyc, diy haircut, how to cut your own hair, how to, mens hair, mens haircut, self haircut, how to cut mens hair, mens hairstyle, aaron marino, hairdresser reacts, hair tutorial, how to cut your hair at home, at home, haircut at home, how to cut hair at home, hair cut, alpha m, cut your own hair, cutting my own hair, edgy mens haircut, cool mens haircut, How to use clippers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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