Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.8&9

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hello beautiful and welcome thank you for being here and gracing me with your presence greatly appreciate it today we're watching America's Next Top Model season 8 & 9 makeovers you're asking me why does your arm look like an hombre Brad well you guys this is what happens when you wear short sleeves a lot I'm sorry I don't remember season eight or nine at all I quickly looked at the pictures of all the girls in season eight and nine literally don't recognize any of them I don't know what the hell is about to happen with these makeovers I hope they're good and my last America's Next Top Model makeover video was such a bore honestly like nothing happened none of them got good makeover is like what the [ __ ] what is that Tyra really let me down I'm still not happy about it so hopefully Tyra can redeem herself today and give me some decent makeovers that is literally all that I want in my life I just feel like that's not a lot to ask for so if you could help me out Tyra Banks and give me something to work with they'll be great so you guys know the deal I am a professional hairdresser I'm gonna give you my opinion on all these makeovers today and we'll see who gets the best makeover out of the two seasons let's do it I feel like Moira from shits Creek would totally wear these gloves like this is so gay somebody asked me how have you my neck was with all these chains on and I would say probably like five pounds like this one's definitely happiest like it actually kind of hurts I can't wait to take them off once I'm done starting with season eight of course let's check it out let's see what happens well good morning who is a really good because actually even worked with Tyra since she was 17 years old Kimiko said we're not even doing this this season because every season the girl that I don't want people to see me with my hair we tracks out I don't come on I don't know yes tell me again give it to us we want the tire yeah so we're gonna take your hair long oh girl the hell was going on with her hair well thank god they're doing some that was a mess she'd better get a weave or something they're not gonna be a blonde anymore you're going to be a brunette oh that looks so good on her you have a wig sewn on top of your head which I have never heard of before in my life you've never heard of that Tyra wig it's coming it's like a normal thing but you're getting a we down to here they can Harley away these big beautiful acro yes we love a good weave moment face strong shoulders and hair just kind of in the way chopping it off you'll want a style cycle too oh that's gonna look so pretty and a girl with such beautiful personality beautiful sparkle beautiful shine needs a lot of beautiful hair down to here Carly wait she's getting away Diana you're gonna go blonde and even maybe a couple of weeks back to make it thicker Oh Felicia we were going to give you bangs too here follow that breakage that'll be all covered but we're not stopping here you know I'm not one to try and pick on people's looks but there's an elephant in the room I must talk about and the elephant the giant elephant in the room right now these eyebrows what happened there but yes Tyra please give her bangs and cover up that poor breakage in the front of her hair whoa it is looking snapped this is only one layer your next layer down to ear this is the only one layer Dionne I love your side ponytail I think it is so pretty but there's something else that will work for you too do you know the singer Kelis yeah you know how our hair is short right Sarah write you up a little bit add a little dirtiness in there cuz right now it's absolutely flat yeah please change up her hair it's like a middle school bowl cut like Justin Bieber ish I hate like you know saying that cuz everything oh my god even but what I like Justin Bieber like no not everybody looks like Justin Bieber at the bowl cut she actually looks like Justin Bieber with a bowl cut Jasleen oh I remember chef lean we're gonna have to bring that up so we're gonna work with that make it thick body and below Britney you're a girl that's handle anything long wavy red hair big and bushy oh and last but not least Natasha what you're gonna be getting is a Vidal Sassoon inspired cut it's gonna be a little shorter in the back and come and it's gonna be chocolate brown oh these are really good makeovers I'm so excited oh boy I'm gonna go a light brown brings out my facebook future is whoa that looks so much better the brown hair on her is such a vibe I mean the blonde is really pretty on her I think it really complements her skin tone a lot I think she really just needed a new haircut which thankfully she got however the brown I really enjoy it's a fun change for her and it really brings out the warmth in her skin and makes her look a lot more tan I really really enjoy this what's up 1b my head is right I love it oh they're relaxing I got my hair cut like this I'm loving it whoa okay she looks really really pretty with this shorter haircut I think the haircut she had before was like girl next door like whatever like yeah you're cute you're pretty whatever but after she had that side fringe moment it's just doing so much more for her face shape and I really like the darker color on her really makes her skin pop and it's gorgeous okay she's an 8 I feel you feel about I can't even clean the hair out of my brush Oh God don't give her fake hair yeah I have my hair dyed a whole bunch time to clean I can put up with it if I got into it learned if I don't have to be I am very happy that I'm going to get an afro I love how it gives you a little natural facelift I handled it in it in the afro k-map whoa photo shoots oh yeah I mean that hair before grow oh whoa you know what I mean looks like a grown out wig the hair after I really really loved it it just really works for her in her face shape it just looks very natural on her which I really appreciate but I wish they gave her some curly bangs she does have a little bit of a longer forehead which you know happens but the bangs would have covered that up a little bit and just gave her you know more all-around texture instead of just the texture being all around here around here have been nice also by topping off my hair but like they just chopped off all this anger we sent it off she's so pretty I remember her oh how many she looks the same whoa hacking her kind of changes they're meant to make a difference for you I'm excited I mean she got a mullet she said do everyone they said a mullet is for you they tapped it right on the nose and they said mullet Muller Oliver baby I love a mullet you guys know that and the funny thing about mullets is I love predicting the mother of future because mullets are making a super comeback right now I don't know if you've noticed but every wants Dan mullet and you know what I said for the last two years that mullets were gonna come back and then I want a mullet and I haven't done it yet and I just like need to but mullets are a thing man everybody will have a mullet next year everybody it's me the coolest thing ever I enjoy this haircut I mean it's very of the time period in the early 2000s I think this was it's very intense maybe the styling could have been different maybe like wavy would've been nicer it's a little rough I don't hate it I think this is styling is just really off oh actually kind of like her hair the way it is right now I'm kind of sad they're changing it right one it was very like rock star before they come to be wild anybody know but I remember this girl she was wild I assigned me bang Ana duck oh my god this makeover is 100,000% going on my best makeover his list that just changed her made her a model that wig before was not cutting it it was blending into her skin tone I'm so glad they covered her eyebrows if you're watching Felicia I'm so sorry but make him thicker though darker color on her splendid fabulous beautiful amazing exactly what I needed wow that picture first really pretty too I'm sorry I'm just like obsessed this makeover Wow I love your spirit to death and I know you got model in me I think that it proves Annie Luke oh my god this was amazing also not on my favorites list I mean the before I think it was just a bad picture of her thankfully they actually took before pictures this season because it was it was rough the past few seasons I definitely think she looks more like a model after I don't know she looks like two totally different kinds of models one is like could be kind of like a surfer girl a moment also like could be high-fashion the next one is like boom high-fashion baby let me give it to you high fashion all the way I don't love the bangs I like the dark hair all around a pretty good makeover I'm glad we're getting stuff this season we're getting makeovers rigging things it's fresh Thank You ty Rob don't give don't give leave that looks so painful yes such a long ordeal me kinda looks really terrible I think the short hair looks way better on her I think if they just gave her like a really short pixie cut it would have been a spectacular I don't know why they gave her this length and this red color maybe the red color is fine but the length and the curl is just something's not really adding up here something's not working out I like her short hair way better this was a really bad makeover I wanted and more so pretty she looks the same it's really pretty hair kind of boring but really pretty and she looks amazing it was long before but I did it myself but I really like this this is very it's very cute I think I'm gonna stay like this for a long time she looks the same boring she's Becky beyond like more weeds it's about eight hours to complete my new fabulous - I felt sorry for I know that hurt like crazy transforming into normal there are things that were really fighting here with your hair grated we've only come so high and then we had to glue multiple tracks in it's not taking you to that elevated look I would hate for it to hurt your chances in the competition right so with that being said we're gonna take the whole thing out Oh Shona is gonna do a really short kind of very Rosemary's Baby cut dude she must be in so much pain and now they're gonna remove all of them I would not want to be you right now I hate sitting to get my hair done that's wrong spoken in trauma dies your face looks ash looks so good for a minute so decide whether or not you want to own it I'm gonna own this hell yeah you are oh yeah yeah that looks so much better than the blonde I love that they cut it short the long hair it was just not really working for me either excellent day Porter for four give me more so that was season eight makeovers and of course I only had one favorite which was Felicia so let's see if it's either nine anybody can top that makeover the hard one to top let's see what happens this green is going to be a picture of what you look like now and then your picture is gonna morph into your new look that I've chosen for you so let's start with MBL we feel like when you're modeling in your photo shoot you were so elegant and an elegant woman can handle almost no [Music] images right here you know it's time for change and I'm fine with this change this is what Bianca okay Bianca with the we with the blonde highlights no I get it you are getting bleep so we were saying goodbye to purple hair she's here rid of that and because you have such a strong face we're going with Oh scary oh I'm just from Yale and I'm not in the modeling I don't know how to model cause of that we want to give you the edge that you deserve yeah sorry I can't take this seriously this morphing moment is a tragic mess so bad I'm so sorry darling but let's not do that you tried you didn't quite make it you're gonna get a weave great a weave she doesn't need it all okay [Music] Tyra loves these like asymmetrical pixie cuts just learn a lot of people it's really not that good of a lot we see this big baby blue eyes he's pretty big lips that one in the casting I've decided to take you to the very big next 10 million steps level it's cereal blonde hair Janet beautiful pictures but in person this bill doesn't look like a model I hear that your hair has been just a mess I got all kind of rubber some it's a little wig up in your head this is what we're going to do with you Oh what kind of looks like her hair now Naomi Campbell will give you some confidence IRA mentions Naomi I thought they didn't like each other you know you can be this catalog girl and totally work my fashion is not gonna come to you you have to come to high fashion oh that's different Louise books cut can save a commercial okay long straight hair what can we do with that this as you see we're hardly changing your hair go ring you're gonna get a little trim you're gonna get a little bit more chestnut-brown at it hey I'm making the platinum blonde oh good [ __ ] platinum I look like a streetwalker they think that they're gonna take that red out of her hair I can't wait to see this they're like oh don't worry we're cutting it all up I've been wanting to go short for a while the only reason I didn't was because I was convinced that I would look like my mom but then it was blonde and I looked nothing like her [Music] again she looked way more like a model before I say that all the damn time in this show but if she showed up on set with the the after look I'd be like what is this but if she showed up with it before like I'd be like great a blank canvas I can do whatever I want I can create with this but I get it it's a TV show they need to you know do something you've long been going bald she's so pretty I'm going blind I've never dyed my hair would be a smart blood I'm never [ __ ] with your smart blonde do that for you okay I'm really really really happy with a takeover looks more or less the same not bad I'll take it it's something they added like bangs and layering famous client Evan eat glue to our skin like up behind dad I love my wig and she just took it off and I feel like whoa oh good they're doing you tip hair extensions instead of a weave I'm the white girls because you know the white hair cannot handle the pressure of a hair extension sewn in to the head black girls hair can handle it we don't do we use on my people a lot I like my hair since it's much more polished but I mean really didn't do much to it so I'm not all like oh we're just like yeah I know I can rock a new look I really like the black hair it looks good Wow her body - no don't turn me straight no no thank you don't do that to me hot damn way oh they really laid that hair okay I'm Barry oh my god I'm Brianna this looks really good that little tiny baby bang they gave you with the straight hair with us the cut and this picture you look she's going on my favorites list I feel like I look so different that I think should be different I should just kick all your oh okay as edgy as I am but I can't yeah you went from having black hair to platinum blonde oh those extensions are really bad it was a big makeover to do in one day so I don't I'm not blaming the hairdresser they did a decent job for what they were given bring her from black hair to platinum blonde in one day with hair extensions I don't want to be that hair stylist to do that I mean she looks good she looks cool but girl your hair was not edgy before I mean they definitely made you as your so take it let's talk about Bianca her hair's not gonna go block exactly yes she's got a permanent and she's a colleague a positive a perm out the bleach she's got so much breakage with bleach her hair's gonna fall off in the sink I think you should start your treatment process and we'll figure this out I don't know what they're doing to me and I feel like I'm left out she has a perm she has red / bleached hair remember when I said in the beginning they're not gonna make her blond there's no way exactly what I expected and I'm glad for something hot she just looks hot it was like okay makeover I I do I really liked his short hair on her and she looked good I mean she's a beautiful face I'm glad they pushed the hair out of it to see more of her face it was just really painful at first because the braids were so tight it just felt like my scout was bleeding but I'm happy with it it's pretty Wow again great body oh she's gross more or less the same a little more length a little more luxury it was nice it's really important to both Tyra and I about the preservation of your hair because it's really really damaged and you need to start fresh so I do is for Shauna's gonna cut your hair oh yes ken has offered us these medical wigs with that you know the the latex edge it's called the lace front that's what we're gonna use on you and shoots okay how do you feel about that you look upset tell me [Music] girl you need to shave your head you need to I fell so that was all you saw was the tears respond from her eyes girl your hair's holding on for dear life let it go I would have went bananas because that's a big change this is a motion like this is really hurting me I feel defeated I never cut my hand drastically online there's a shot I wasn't expecting I'll be like ok I know I was so nervous coming here there's like ah I'm gonna show guys with your hair I love it I got myself welcome on a level of confidence they can't wait to bring connect go to Chantal beautiful not a huge change but gorgeous [Music] yes lace 5 it just doesn't make me feel like myself okay wait what they look like they just put on her head um I don't know but Bianca you're one of my favorites list without the wig like the shaved head we get that up here like it's so beautiful with a shaved head so much better like it's gonna take some getting used to it really changed oh not you have a strong neck Dora I'm beard oop yeah you are definitely not your average girl next door anymore this is a big change I don't know it's like a bull Chi Bob situation I don't love it it's like interesting I'm glad they switched up her hair to something a little more interesting but really not loving it that looks like a haircut you get on set for a photo shoot as model rather than a cut you show up with you know those were a lot of makeovers oh so my favorite makeover from season 8 of course was Felicia she was the only one I really liked such a fabulous makeover she looks amazing with that new hair and then from Season 9 I loved on Brielle's and I loved Chantelle's and Bianca's hair but there can only be one favorite out of the two seasons and that is it was Felicia Felicia oh my god that hair before was a tragic mess the hair after again yes they saved you girl they did that for you and it was incredible that was my fear makeover by far wha-wha-wha Wow yes ten out of ten checkmark five stars boom yes I love myself some good America's Next Top Model makeovers and that pretty much sums up the makeover for today make sure you guys follow me on all the different social media networks including Instagram Twitter tic toc at Brad mano NYC you can check out my facebook page and my snapchat under Brad mondo and of course make sure you check out X mondo hair at X amount of hair calm you can also find us on Instagram at X mondo hair we have an upcoming product launch so stay tuned for that and also I want to mention one other thing you guys ask me all the time what hair products I recommend out of the selection of the X amount of products we have and now I can give you guys a personalized recommendation with our hair quiz you can find it it's linked below it's also on our website homepage this quiz you fill in your hair type your hair texture what your goals are with your hair and anything else you are concerned with about your hair and it'll recommend four products for you that are perfect for your hair and what your desired look is even though I can't answer all of you guys that quiz is there and it's been helping people a lot and I'm so excited about it we worked on this quiz for so long check it out go take it let me know what products you get all I want in life is for everybody to have a beautiful fabulous amazing hair to make them feel more confident and look like a snack that is all for today thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life I'll see you next time bye guys this is wave tech wave phone if you have dull lifeless hair you have no wave in your hair or you have a ton of wave but your hair is really frizzy and the wave doesn't stay very well this is for you it's also amazing for those of you with straight hair who want a natural-looking wave and don't want to use any heat tools
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 6,127,379
Rating: 4.9398522 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.8&9, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, americas next top model, antm makeovers pt 9, antm makeovers, next top model makeovers, cycle 3, cycle 4, ANTM, hairstylist reacts, hair stylist, Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.3&4, tyra banks, cycle 16, fall off, how to, jenna marbles, mood color, jeffree star, hairdresser reacts, brad mondo, hair fail, 40 vol, box dye, cycle 8, Cycle 9
Id: Q7jioIeljws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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