Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Shaving Their Heads

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hi beautiful how are we doing today thank you for being here you look amazing stunning fabulous or usual before we really get into things today I just wanted to say one quick thing a portion of the proceeds from this video will be donated by me to the World Health Organization to help fight everything that's going on in the world today and there is quite a bit going on as we all know so if you could like and share this video it would be greatly appreciated and if you are able to make a personal donation the link is right below on where to donate the funds from this organization goes towards developing vaccines tests and treatments for everything that's going on right now as well as supplying gloves and masks and equipment to frontline workers and if you would like to learn more about this organization you can click the link right below with that all said why don't we watch some girls including miss Joanna CEDIA shave their damn heads yes whirring oh my god did you ask for it literally from Twitter to Instagram to my emails to tik toks all the comments have you seen Joanna's hair I haven't watched it yet and that's because I was waiting to watch it with you so today we're finally watching Joanna shave her head along with a few other girls and it should be a lot of fun a head shaving is always a good time it's always a huge transformation and I love transformations let's watch these videos and let's see what Joanna does to her hair let's do it all right and of course first up we have Joanna senior ahh the angel that is Joanna let's watch the video this is literally how my Thursday has been so Thomas Coco I did my physics homework I sat on the sofa and I just thought about what I would look like with a bald head since the world is an absolute channel sounds like typical like Johanna thoughts I thought you know now everybody's home I'm at home no one's gonna see me well I mean well except for 3.1 million people I've always flirted with the idea of just going bald for a very long time yes she has day I just gonna fight the bullet her and I talked about this when I was doing our color she's like one day I'm just gonna shave my head and the day has finally come and I'm honestly like not surprised for like sort of actually she went from having really long hair - having blond hair - then me fixing the blonde hair and then her shading it oh my god I just love how she like really goes for it I'm gonna be honest in the beginning of her channel Johanna did not strike me as a person who would be like let's shave my head now we're here I'm gonna look like a potato I'll look like Steve Harvey if it ends up looking bad well I mean Johanna we needed to do something with those roots so I'm glad you're just shaving it we all know you weren't about to fix those roots she's just going for it man okay so now the fun part all those hours of color work we put into another rug I'm that's okay I love it this is so fun you know I'm gonna go first one after this and I expect to be extremely fast dude I'm so excited about this I love a good change she already looks cute like that I kind of dig this like really really short Bob maybe we should have done that and then like shave it later but like the shaved head is so fun dude we are going for it this is so pleasing to watch I am so happy she looks so edgy oh my god Joanna yes edgy I'm living she's shuck I love it holy crow she wasn't right for the first time it's amazing yo she went from having the longest hair a year ago I am me - what this is nuts I didn't think I don't love it it's amazing can I just say Joanna has a great head shape beautiful could not ask for anything better this head shape is fabulous 10 out of 10 a beautiful potato and I love it now the real question is did I let my mom know that I was doing this no oh no oh my god oh my god I'm nervous [Music] [Music] yeah you got that oh that was her mom's really you know at the end of the day it's just hair it'll grow back in one week I'll already look different so if you're gonna freak out please jump also I would like to just personally call all the youtubers who bleach their hair after I did last year now that I shaved my head I'm expecting you to do the same - I don't want to shave their head then I'll have nothing to react to anymore just be a bunch of head shaving videos and how kind of boring is that don't do it please keep your hair please don't listen to Joanna I'm happy that's all I have to say and congratulations Joanna that's such a weight lifted I feel like when you have a shaved head I just you're so free I did it once in my life it was fun it grew back that's what's great about hair it all goes back I finally watched the Joanna video you guys you can stop now and let's move on to our next girl up next we have Sarah Teresa and this is shaving my head wow what a detailed title about is this has been such a long time coming or the new ChaCha's welcome here very excited to have you as they got more bang y'all just get to share moments like this you get to go through life kind of together I'm able to share just stuff that I'm up to like shaving my head that is what we do in today's video so why are you washing your head why would you do that you have such nice hair are you joking me if I did an Instagram story with the kids look oh yeah let's let's just get rid of it okay my hair is really fine it gets really damaged really easily I see that for her I do which is one of the reasons why I bleached my hair all over today she's so pretty my heart has mild weak quickened and B so I guess I'm not that nervous what still looks like shaving your head come on it's not even like nerves I feel like it's excitement its Indrani Lin rush it's fun that's what you get when you shave your head I mean when I did my I never had a shaved head before and I was so nervous if I would look like and I loved it and it was like so relieving to do it I'm so happy to see that a hair falls to ground honest it looked a little bit dead and a little bit yeah like it was a lot of work and she has a beautiful natural hair color and I must say she's gonna look so pretty with shaved head I can already see it go go go go go go vain for me and you can obviously tell because I'm shaving it all off if I was vain about my hair oh she should just leave it like that with that little mullet in the back oh I love a mullah if you guys know me you know I love a mullet the only haircut I haven't done and I'm thinking about it if next time you see me I have a mullet I'm not sorry I want to live my mullet dream out I'm gonna do it yes bro so when I shaved my head my hair will be Pinet again but as you can see my hair is a stunning blonde shave still I learned that in cosmetology you know what when it comes down to it it's just hair and hair grows oh she's a hairdresser oh we love it and also let's just really remember it's all inside right like it's not the outward appearance that defines your work it's your inward self and it's your heart except the outside can help bring happiness to the inside so goes back and forth but definitely the inside is she looks so beautiful she's like glowing incredible who needs hair you know some people I mean if you have beautiful hair please don't go shave it off ah Sarah I love that you look incredible your eyes your skin everything is just like oh like with that shaped head yes I 100 approved not that I matters I love that I was beautiful thank you let's just have fun with this today let's just watch a ton of people back-to-back and let's just see who you know how does the best shaved head I'm sure they're all great but let's just go through it all come on we're watching Mickey cielito next and this is going airplanes bald buzzing all my hair off stop just do it come on I wanted a buzz cut for about two years now oh yeah it's time girl time to do it I was waiting into like I got a job so they come in discriminating against me because I'm bombed and who's doing that not okay and I contoured my forehead a little bit cuz I have a big-ass forehead and this is gonna ten times worse imagine she doesn't like it like Oh cuz her hair is so good right now can it get better like it doesn't really matter but like her hair looks damn good she's over and she's like alright we're good oh my god that's so much hair oh this is so cute isn't it crazy how much hair can change your look like it's so wild to me it can just change your look so much and all she's doing her and I was just cutting her hair off and she's not even shaving it yet and she tore looks good completely different person already and I'm living for it oh she looks like a movie star is it just me or she look like a complete movie star damn so exciting and she looks amazing yes barber skills okay come through why is she gonna bone spot right there no oh no going back at this point please nobody let her have hair ever again this is her look she looks like an alien princess Barbie and that is all I want in my life is to look like an alien princess Barbie so I'm gagging oh that was incredible oh let's move on to the next round alright so up next we have Rachel Cooke shaving my head on Instagram live rachel is a model and she is stunning I think we're just gonna see another shaved head that looks just actually incredible [Music] changed my life it really is like she has beautiful hair though like a lot of if you can't tell she has this beautiful natural waves that I'm so upset are gonna be gone but it's gonna be a whole new look and I'm excited about that so I watched this guy's videos on what Rachel welcome to hairdresser yeah but I don't know I'm gonna try it I'm gonna cut this one okay yeah that is true it is way easier just take the Clippers and just go through the ponytail cuz there's so much hair that you need to break through and it's just really difficult with scissors so going through the Clipper it would be way easier Oh Rachel cut below the elastic that way the hair doesn't go all over the place the elastic is there to keep it all together you see oh my oh she's such a badass I love it I love it see how we feel when we see your actual you don't know what's on your scalp as a girl especially because you never give it to us Rachel she's doing it she's going there I love all these girls I want them all of my friends like oh so cool Wow stunning oh my god oh my god oh my god yes you look great Rachel I like the link to looks very nice so there's a hair this is me I feel like I'm just like proud of myself because yeah I just oh my god she looks so good I'm so just like really focusing on what I want and getting myself that is really like powerful clean it up a little bit and then I'll take a shower make sure you guys can see it [Music] Wow her eyes are popping out so much more now Rachel congratulations stunning all right moving on next girl come on let's see how many girls you can watch shave their heads today my green closet this is college saving all my hair off 24 inches my god her hair is so long and oh my god you have the prettiest natural hair color I've ever seen ever I've also always just thought that bald women or women with very short hair are really beautiful yes I've always really liked it so I think I'm just ready for a change there's also some societal things around long hair that I really don't like that you know long hair is what makes you beautiful or feminine and I think that's pretty ridiculous my hair is I agree be at my waist I've been growing you know what I guess about four years essentially since I'm so happy she's shaving it it's too long man yeah that's a cute length had like an undercut shaved she's the thickest hair a way to get used to it a little bit I'm definitely feeling this weird mixture of nervousness and excitedness but stop rambling and let's shave it off dude that's so much hair I'm so happy she's donating it it's gonna make a wonderful wig for somebody I love how she's not even nervous she's just like going for it [Music] she looks wild yes leave it like this believe Somali you always so fun of it oh so like like oh I'm sure you just went from the longest hair ever to this on my other hair so luxurious I want it go go go go go okay so this little section yeah you always gonna go pretty short when you're shaving your head or else it just looks like it's a grown out shaved head so how many like a three or a two is probably good oh really satisfying to have those big chunks of hair long yeah so this is something that is kind of really interesting okay the way it feels II felt like my head was very square um and I'm really seeing it now you really don't have an idea of what your head shape is like it we signed it is I've totally seen people shave their heads and they have like bald patches in the back or a weird grow they're like their head shape is like a triangle it's very interesting whatever nobody's perfect don't have any regrets I thought I might I thought I might feel bad choice I had honestly a moment when I was cutting off the point she can't stop touching but I'm pretty excited you're gonna be very happy with that decision it's gonna be so much easier for you if you're gonna wake up not do anything to your hair and it's gonna save a lot of time all right Wow your hair went from so long to so short in such a quick amount of time alright let's move on alright and one last video and this is by Isis Mendoza and this is shave my head going bald show us how it's done in honor of every person in my family who has suffer from cancer every kid going through this hard moment and every person dealing with hair loss you angel oh my gosh she's just going for it she's not even putting anything in ponytails not cutting anything just shaving it I hope she's donating it though the whole long hair holy this is I said that a hundred times this video but I am so excited dude oh this is so satisfying this is so satisfying I want to do it or do it for her give me the give me the thing do you want to yes I love these husbands and boyfriends supporting and doing it with them and doing it for them it's so like awesome it's so fun [Music] he's shaving it he's going he's going and that is a big-ass ponytail of a lot of hair oh that's a lot of hair very very heavy hair and I'm so happy she's gonna do it yeah she does I just can't baffle like going from having that much hair it's like having absolutely none it just must be so exciting and just such a huge change and just a huge sense of relief [Music] oh she's fully shaving it she is going fully oh my god this is awesome what a badass yes I feel amazing I'm not nervous anymore I'm excited to start growing my hair I going to remind you I'm doing this with st. Baldrick's brought the ball for the kids kids that suffer of cancer kids that lost their hair and I won I want them in everyone else of course with a hair loss illness I want you guys you reform okay bald is beautiful yes thank you for that that was such an amazing video I'm so happy so my favorite part about these videos wasn't even the actual transformation it was the amazing reasons why these girls were shaving their heads and I don't know it was just so powerful and exciting all of them seemed like they've had a weight lifted off of them I'm so glad and all them lovely and had such a great experience it really had a deeper meaning than just shaving their head it was it was everything you don't have to have long hair to be feminine I swear these women are a prime example of it beautiful very feminine and just fabulous and powerful with a shaved head alright guys that is all for today don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends don't forget to follow me on Instagram tik-tok Facebook Twitter everything a brad motto NYC and follow my hair care brand ex mondo hair for fabulous people amazing hair products that will just make you feel fabulous beautiful and amazing in confidence and if that is all for today thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to stay safe and live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys hi beautiful this is Project X our everyday shampoo Project X shampoo is perfect for those of you with normal hair who need to a normal cleanse this is not a heavy-duty cleanser this is not a lightweight one is perfectly right in the middle it is going to get rid of all the dirt and debris in your hair without over-drying it she is gonna be your best friend
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,748,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Shaving Their Heads, brad mondo, hairdresser reacts, how to, fall off, hair stylist, at home, diy hair, shaving my head, 40 vol, ruining hair, joana ceddia, women head shave, hair color, box dye, long to bald, headshave girl, head shave, headshave woman, women with no hair, hair cut, I finally shaved my head, Transformation, long haircut, how to cut your hair, DIY haircut, healthy hair, bleaching hair
Id: yV85a0gn6Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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