Hairdresser Reacts To Impulsive & Drastic Haircuts

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hi beautiful welcome back to my channel thank you for being here your presence is always something I look forward to and having you here watching me is what brings happiness to my life so thank you for that we're gonna be watching some people give themselves very impulsive haircuts we have a girl that's going to chop all of her luxurious hair off we have a girl that is using Clippers she's cutting her hair into a bob with clippers and then we have another girl that's going to shave her head let's hope none of them are regretting their decisions and let's hope some of these transformations are good or let's hope they're just entertaining that's all I'm really asking for today you know I don't really have much to say today let's just watch the videos let's get into it and our first video is by Anna Ivanov and this is called I chop my hair off because I was bored OMG sounds like she made a mistake I don't know let's see what happens hey guys welcome back to my channel 7 kill me I have never been here before but I'm making the impulsive decision to cut my hair so okay I've done lots of research on how to do this I don't know how short I'm going to do it because I had extremely thick hair let me just say right off the bat ho holy her hair is beautiful it is luxurious it is so long oh wow that is some good quality hair girl give me that make some hair extensions out of it sends it over here I hope you're doing your hair and I hope she does cut it really sure like oh my hair is extremely long just like so much of a hassle at this point yeah the love-hate relationship because sometimes it looks good when I do stuff with it uh-huh do stuff with it like maybe once a month so the other days it's just this it's like pretty but it's like a little much it's doing nothing for her it looks like she's a blanket on her head a brown blanket covering that beautiful face and I don't like that I think I'm gonna section my hair into four because my hair is so fake I would have done like sex sex Shenzhen our her coz is blue thick um like I said before and she's not gonna follow my tutorial why aren't you following my tutorial I have also watched so many of Brad's videos to like see what he says about it I have an oval face and he said any hair works on that so it didn't really help me with my decision of the length I should do I'm sorry thanks sorry sorry I think I actually did recommend something for old faces I said anything looks good but I also said that I like shorter hair or something like that let's root play the tape you can really do anything because you already have the most optimal face shape for a female why not have fun with it and go more edgy style maybe add a tiny bit of angularity to your face with your haircuts while doing a blunt shorter haircut that's what I said okay Anna back off okay we're gonna put a ponytail I don't have a lot of hope for this sell them say that you should put like a safety guard so like I'm not gonna cut above this just yet I hated that she just put the hair tie in and then pulled the hair to make it go up you're gonna make the hair is like all out of place when you do that which is gonna make your hair like all uneven and she put the elastic in place and leave it there don't pull the ends and make the elastic go up I'm glad that she um and didn't elevate this section she just brought it down here and put the elastic in and she wasn't like over here and then dropped it down this could be okay probably not but maybe oh we're pulling the bag section forward felt like that was better than doing it what and looking like a rat I'm glad that she straightened her hair before doing this I recommend people at home if you're cutting your own hair do it on straight dry hair don't do it on wet hair or if you've curly hair cut it curly and its natural state now we're doing the cutting now we're doing and now we're going for the cut come on baby you're gonna ignore I'm so paling this shirt I don't know I wore it oh no oh yes do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it oh yeah this is getting everything I need today oh honey you go girl you go girl no I love a good enough well I guess I just have to keep going now just leave it there [Music] I hope this turns out good I hope this turns out good hi oh this is a good idea for her oh I don't know I'm just worse the second time oh I'm just a little nervous for when she actually takes the elastics out what it's going to look like I really don't have a lot of hope for this I never thought this day would come yeah nor did I think I was actually gonna do this you kidding me right now [Music] the last section fingers crossed that's good oh my god that is so much hair on my head I'm really scared this is the shortest I've ever done it crap okay that actually does look bad that one looks bad that one looks bad okay no this looks really good though oh you missed the mark a little bit but I'll I'll keep it to you let's see what she does to fix it it looks so much better oh my god I'm so happy for just like it okay time to see the back wait oh no that's bad could be worse it could have been worse exactly why do I still have a long piece how did this guy miss the cut excuse me sir that's illegal huh this is obviously longer I'm gonna start saying got to be more like that it's illegal this is when the colonies come in handy Oh combs are great for hair cutting yeah it doesn't look like you're using a comb by the other side so much shorter are you kidding I can't even do half-up half-down anymore [Music] she needs layers so bad that thick hair it needs movement girl or else it's just gonna be like a big mound of hair on your head like it needs some short layering like let's get into it girl come on let's do it I feel like this is good but grad I'll be watching this and be like no it's not the end so I'm not saying it's bad actually so thank you very much I am watching it and not saying it's bad so I think this is all for the video oh my word oh sure I really like it now it's gonna be so much different obviously hope you guys enjoyed me having a mental breakdown and cutting my hair I did thank you you guys enjoy okay Anna listen that could have gone so much worse I am happy for you you look great you changed up your style and you made a big decision to cut your hair and now it's gonna take like six years to grow that back your hair looks amazing you should keep it short 100% I think you should go even shorter maybe right here layer that good oh my god you're beautiful you look amazing and I am beyond happy for you pretty decent job I give you like a six out of ten on that one I mean that's pretty generous come on alright let's move on to the next our next video is by miss Stella Seanie we've seen you before Stella let's see if this hair transformation is as good as the last one it's gonna be pretty hard to top it this is called cutting my hair off with clippers no scary hello and welcome to hopefully a very exciting video I hope so scrolling through my old pictures and I was just trying to get some inspiration on what to do next in my hair career and I went back to this time last year I got my hair cut to like pretty much Qinling oh my god what that was so pretty that's one of my favorite hair cuts is the chin length bob on a younger person like ah it's so pretty I hope she does that exact same thing I mean wow that was hot yeah cutting my hair super shorts and gloves and straight on myself by myself using hair clippers oh this is a good idea I don't I don't think it's a good idea they're excited to see if I can do it personally and I also think it's gonna make it super fun you do cutting a one-length bob it is very very hard to do even for some hairdressers I mean it's very much a precision haircut you need a lot of skill to do it correctly and well and girl I don't know if Clippers you're gonna do the trick you're not gonna put any layering in there's not gonna be any kind of beveling in the end I don't know about this I can say one thing now her hair color holy is so pretty right now I'm obsessed like what I'm saying that knowing damn well that I probably won't really have too much control on where the is going to end up haha her hair is so pretty you're gonna see that the back leg she does so much to her hair and it's still so gorgeous why is your ombre flawless sorry I'm just want to appreciate her ombre real quick that is flawless she's beautiful fake hair fake hair is also much harder to cut into a bob because there's so many pieces the hair to work with and there's so much room for error yeah make sure you gonna make it harder on myself I'm not that great you think a mirror over here key to making this a haircut even plausible is having like a jewel mirror mmm so you could see what's going on mm-hmm but currently I have a monitor and that's all that I'm going to be seeing I don't actually have a nerve braid great be real nice Eric to the first orchid I could bees these are my favorite clippy's okay Ben let's start slowly [Music] this is actually quite a bit longer than I want it well I don't okay it's cut so they thought I'm going to be starved by sectioning off my hair and I'm going to essentially work from the back to the front I'm glad that she has a plan in mind that's always great when you're doing something like this I know a lot of these girls who are doing them too impulsive haircuts they don't quite plan anything Stella though my girl she seems like she has a plan I like that oh good she's making it perfectly straight before she does this that's gonna really help make this a precise haircut whoo that looks like so much fun I'm so jealous [Music] she also has to be careful while she's doing this with putting her head forward while cutting because what's gonna happen is when she puts her hair back she's gonna get like a layer of longer hair over the shorter hair because her head was over directed forward yeah that's probably not happen inevitably with this this has become like I can see it okay so she mentioned that she now has a guideline which I really appreciate that's really important that you follow your guide with the haircut that's the first piece you snip off you're gonna follow that piece around the head to make sure everything stays the same length great job Stella but this looks a little rough one side looks a little longer the other side and also it looks like a shark took bites out of your hair and left it it's a little rough I might actually that's actually not bad let's see if she can like kind of make it work at the end because this is actually shaping up to be kind of decent touch it anymore because it already looks cute though hey yeah oh why is she holding like that this is actually really cool to watch somebody that's not a hairdresser to try this at home it actually seemed decently easier than using scissors I'm really impressed with her back turning mirror skills doing it in the mirror is not easy except things backwards and she's really killing it I cannot just head to the back of my hair that is some major scale Stella major skill this actually looks kind of good what am i living in an alternate universe right now how is she doing this wait I was not expecting it to go this well I knew she was talented at hair but this is pretty good like a bit heavier in the back which means that the entire cut it's kind of like leaning back and I wanted to be oh no oh no and she's not sectioning anything okay she's going back in and trying to make it have like a line moment where that goes from shorter to longer in the front cause she needs layering and here really bad now cut the top cut the top cut the top oh there it goes cut the hair off cut the hair up oh my god with this color - it looks so good the last few snippers and we're almost there what's the finish line yeah I'm anxious to see the end what is going on oh no we keep going up and up and up what was the point of sectioning all that hair out if you're just gonna end up chopping all the hair together what's going on here okay put the Clippers down put them down no it does look really good okay stop it stop this is where all hairdressers go it goes bad is when they just keep cutting and then all of a sudden all the hairs just like gone and thank God thank God I don't think I really am like realizing oh my god Stella I love it - well I think it turned out so cute no I'm gonna pretend that if I were to like medium and Isaac America mirror if I get someone to tell me sorry hold on because I caught it I kind of myself this thing is really hard to control in the mirror on the back of your head sometime you get bangle is up for it down and it's like weird so I know it's not strange and I know that I'm probably gonna be noticing it throw it away it got rid of those dead ends girl okay Stella everybody you should be giving yourself way more credit right now because that was really fun to watch did an amazing job the cut came out a phenomenal that was probably the best at-home haircut I've ever seen somebody give themselves that was so good I think it's pretty flawless I love the shorter hair on you I do think you should go shorter though Qinling please thank you alright Thank You Stella that was incredible just like the last video you actually did talk in the last video I reacted to congratulations our next video is by a lizard right and this is called shave my head because I got tired of washing my hair after each covin 19 I see you chef oh she's a nurse thank you for doing what you do we all very much appreciate it I know what you're thinking she's being impulsive again yes I am yes know that I'm impulsive because I just recently quit my job of three years and then came over to New York to help out with Llorona buyers so why not do something else impulsive today I am another clipper shave my head I am just like so sick of having to cover my head it's so sweaty gets itchy and every day when I come home I have to wash my hair so why not shave it hotel I have to wash my hair like I'm running out of hair products it's annoying so I just like had a thought uh why don't I just shave my head they're just coming your bleached and I mean it's super yellow and Alex haven't been taking care of it oh my god it's so long I really just kind of want to get rid of it and just I'm sick of going to bed with it wet she's so annoyed with her hair that she's like this I don't need this trash on my head get rid of it we're done thank you goodbye that's the kind of attitude I want in life we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it this is gonna be so dope I'm excited too but nervous a little nervous I'm gonna do like small cuts because I don't know how much what are those what are those kids scissors oh my god she's really going for it with no fear I'm just excited for my hair to go back to brown and I feel like why not start fresh she's not even fazed she's not even talking about the fact she's to six inches off her hair that is really chic well I'm excited for my hair to grow back brown and be this link me to this is the most chill girl I've ever seen when shaving their head she does not give a at all I'm not like in my life impulsive like you know mess up my life like I definitely like do well in life I think when I have something I want to do I go and do it yes you are such a badass family watch my youtube videos so don't think I'm greedy guys I hate hate hate the fact that if girls cut their hair impulsively shave their head they're considered crazy what is that why can't a girl shave her head it why does that make them insane or crazy stuff with that no it's itself next time I shave my head get better scissors I mean I don't know if I'll ever do this again but or just going with the Clippers and just shave it all I don't know I were cutting in start fresh that's right this is kind of a chic look to look a little asymmetrical bob okay and half long well I'm here and I'll just see what I would look like with bangs I always think it's such a lost opportunity for girls not to do like different kinds of haircuts before they shave their head to see what things look good on them and like just try things out if you're gonna shave it anyways might as well just try everything right anybody that says that New York has no PPE I mean they used to not peepee but right now we have a toffee B that's not how you cut bangs girl that a many people are gonna think that I lost my and I don't really care that's right yo your hair it looks crazy but work I like this short cut though like look if it was styled either it's gonna be like growing out and like all fluffy like a newborn puppy look at this it's really hard to cry short hair really really difficult it kind of like pokes out if your hair straight it's kind of just like viveur doesn't want to do anything like it's a lot to do and it takes a really long time but you'll be fine oh it's ready to go [Music] go against the grain with this I'm trying to get it in the face first pass done keep going keep going keep going keep going oh my god she already looks good she already looks beautiful this is definitely look I'm glad she went really short too I hate when people like don't go as short enough and it kind of looks like a girl haircut get it good shave it oh my god what a transformation and a thorough job I must say like top notch babe she's a natural at cutting hair hair everywhere you go got it all yeah I think so well you really did that I feel like a new woman oh my god so bad this is great that is your look honestly just keep it like that forever you look amazing so cool great job oh my god those were definitely impulsive haircuts all of them came out amazing how are they all like really really really well done and really dramatic what a great day beautiful job guys so fun to watch thank you for making those videos I hope you guys enjoyed watching them thanks for watching them with me and make sure you guys follow me on tik-tok instagram and twitter at Brad Mehldau NYC I also have a snapchat show and a Facebook page under Brad mondo and I also have my beautiful fabulous haircare line X mondo hair at x mono hair on Instagram where you can see all of our new products all of our existing products and all the haircare knowledge you need to get beautiful fabulous glowing amazing hair that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life now see you next time bye guys this is electric rain or moisture cream this is a great product to help rebuild and restore your hair we've combined products like argan oil and wheat extract which is going to be great for those of you or looking for restoration and to refortified your damaged or dry hair
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,243,996
Rating: 4.958364 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Impulsive & Drastic Haircuts, DIY haircut, how to, hairdresser reacts, fall off, brad mondo, hair fail, jenna marbles, hair stylist, at home, diy hair, how to cut your own hair, diy haircut, box dye, hair color, how to cut hair at home, hair dresser, 40 vol, video react, hair fails, gone wrong, how to cut layers at home, haircut fail, bleaching hair, bob haircut, long haircut, how to layer hair
Id: PfixFvxuiHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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