Hairdresser Reacts To At Home Haircuts Gone Wrong

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hey beautiful what's up you look amazing thank you for watching my videos i appreciate you appreciating me and i appreciate your beauty emma hates when i wing but i still wink at you that's not true you hate when i wing i love when you wink at your audience i think it's so nice that it's oh i'm sorry i thought i was creepy i don't like it when you wake at me i don't mean to i mean it's a spasm okay well that's sad i'm sorry i won't comment ever i'll just feel like you just winged okay today we're watching people ruin their hair with some scissors people are gonna be giving themselves a haircut at home with some craft scissors and kitchen scissors and stuff like that i believe why don't we just go ahead and watch them and see what happens and um judge them as much as possible while still accepting them for who they are and their mistakes that they made let's do it [Music] is that like a vocal warm-up yeah it's a vocal i've been watching this guy on um tech talk who does um voice over things every like time he he read as a line he's like to like probably to like fix his diaphragm because it starts to hate hey guys that's what he does it's so fun first up we have a video you're like how have you been practicing that because you were like spot on you're like let's begin the video i have come to the decision that my hair must be cut she has really pretty hair really great natural waves also really blonde i like it a lot i don't think she needs it cut but she could she's in need of some layering or something to give her a little more volume on the top of her head a little dense down here but i don't think she's gonna be able to do that herself first step to anything would probably be to choose like meth that i'm gonna do that's actually the most basic of how to start something is choosing a method so i thought you already did that but i thought wrong so that's good that we're gonna do it now rather than never first step is to brush out my hair so let's do that really quick i really don't like how it looks when it's rusted it's less wavy but are we [Music] are we not going to straighten the hair before we do this there's a lot of reasons why that's so wrong when your hair is wavy and you cut a straight line the line's not going to be straight you know what i mean that's a bad idea and i don't like it my hair is really thick so i'm not sure how this is going to work so i've decided to put my hair in this ponytail and i'm gonna cut it you know what the ponytail method is probably the worst one you could have chose this is gonna give you a lot of layering and a lot of like like steps going down your hair and it's gonna make the front really really short because you're over directing everything's the front and all those pieces in the front are pulled up right here that means when it's let down these pieces are gonna be like that short the ones in the back are gonna be like that long too much over direction um so i saw on this video that you're supposed to put like a little tie down here where you're gonna cut it she's gonna cut that much with that elastic in it we're gonna do a little snip snip okay oh okay so we're not cutting that much off we're cutting literally an inch off preparing me for the worst at least she has hair cutting scissors oh wait what did i do those ends definitely needed to just go they're messy and split try what is that you miss one single piece i'm glad that she's not cutting it short because if she did she would have got that really ugly layering in the front this might be okay since it's just a very small amount let's just do some snips into it like this like okay thinning it out is definitely an option here we need a little bit of variation in there with links so we're taking it out now can't wait to see it okay oh my god that's what happens when you pull all the hair forward that looks really bad the ponytail method is never the way to go let me just tell all of you that don't ever do that to your own head because you will end up with a ledge of hair especially when you part your hair to the side it's going to look all messed up because one side is going to have a ledge the other side is not going to because you're pulling it all up like that and you're letting it back down she's gonna have a hard time fixing that really hard time oh honey girl baby girl baby honey that is a ledge if i've ever seen one let's take a moment to say rip to my hair okay r p what's that song r.i.p to the world and the bump oh oh oh yes yes yes yes i have no idea what the name is but i know you do r [Applause] i can smell it all the way from here what your breath okay you know what you are brad i'm a a breath of fresh air do you think you can smell my breath from literally sitting over there yeah i can you're out of your mind what you did you never you never noticed so now we're just gonna tie it up into two ponytails and we're gonna chop off the bottom here we're gonna have to choose where we're cutting off the bottom you want to cut off maybe two inches or so so right about here the thing is that you're pulling all your hair forward again so you're gonna get longer hair in the back and shorter hair in the front and it's gonna be all weird and gross i can't cut all the way through so i'm just gonna have to do some sort of choppiness we're still cutting our hair wavy in the wavy state um which is interesting so i think what we're gonna do now is do these choppy up and down things okay so we're just taking kind of random chunks out wherever we think is necessary whoa what a surprise i sort of like it though because i really want my hair to be shorter so it's gonna look really bad in the back i can already tell it's literally so long in the back and so short in the front i mean luckily she seems like she wears her hair wavy always so you might not be able to see the the messed up parts this side's a lot thinner maybe i didn't do it right this side is so much thinner oh my god what would have been better is if she took out the ponytail and well i mean the whole thing could have been done better but with the thinning moment um first of all you could buy thinning shears which is just like a little few teeth missing and you just chomp it away and you get rid of some hair you probably don't want to buy the scissors so um this way you just let go of the pony pull up some hairs and just cut into it not all of it at once it's too much hair for the scissors plus if you do that you'll get like weird missing spots maybe i can't really see what it looks like all the way maybe that looks terrible i feel like it looks okay though thank you marissa listen it wasn't the worst thing i've ever seen that is for sure wasn't the best either but i definitely have fun watching you and thank you so much for making the [Music] video i enjoyed it thanks marissa let's move on to the next video next video is by iris love unicorns um this is called cutting my hair short welcome back to my channel i'm sorry if my voice is shaking today because i'm so nervous for this video why is she so pretty um also her hair is really pretty why are we cutting it ourselves so i'm gonna start just dividing the hair i'm gonna divide it in half and then split each part into two again and do this four sections okay so we begin sectioning and she's doing good sectioning and i wanna cut right above here and i'm gonna braid this part oh whoa it just hit me how much hair she's cutting whoa okay her hair is really thick as well i like what's going on here she directed the hair down this way and down this way and she's doing four different sections she's using elastic she's braiding it all looks really good i'm excited i'm super nervous right now it's time for me to cut i'm gonna cut right above this one i can't believe i'm doing this oh my gosh i'm sad to see the hair go honestly it's too late to back down she's going really short good for her listen she's doing a pretty good job the only worry i have is that it's gonna be so thick when she's done it's all gonna sit right here add a lot of wideness to her face if she doesn't do layering and other stuff so two down two to go oh and we're done she looks so much younger she just aged backwards all right guess this wish i could do the same i just choked something i know i was waiting for that i just choked on my own uvula i hated that a little dangly thing explaining the back of my throat i know what that feels i'm feeling so happy and honestly i'm not nervous anymore because i'm loving it i feel like i'm like younger alright so i'm gonna show you all the braids here we go we have four braids now here she seems so excited about it so i'm getting really excited about it next thing to do is actually to dye my hair and i'm gonna dye it exactly this color she's dyeing it all dark i love the color like listen i love a good change but i also can't help but say that i loved what she had going on i have the hair dye here already mixed it looking kind of cocky brown muddy shade and i'm just going to remove here all right guys so the hair tie is all over the hair now so i'm really feeling this look actually my bangs are like pulled away right now i just washed it and honestly i really love it so far this is a change she just went from egirl to business girl i'm gonna call my mom for help and i'm gonna um shove my hair i'm just going to go by layers and really make it in a line really cut it in a line so it's correct and i'm gonna cut something like this as well to take some volume away i don't know the exact terms so don't come for me okay so mom's fixing it okay thank god because it wasn't looking too good hopefully mom can actually fix it so i just finished cutting the hair and i just blow dry it and straighten it up a little bit so are you ready for the final reveal here oh my gosh she's so cute i love the bangs she's great bangs did you wrap that on your face the entire time what's on it you haven't used something right here no the other eye i did not see that you're lying did you have that on your face the entire time what a mustache oh i must ask you a question it's really really a big change i also shopped my bangs a little bit just a tiny bit and i'm just feeling it i love it i really love it i love when it's just tied up like this and i love it behind the ear like this it kind of suits me i'm not gonna lie i loved her hair before but it is a fun change i missed that color that she had i mean obviously she looks amazing both ways like she's just a really pretty girl but i miss it i don't know two totally different looks that both work very well but i like it before better up next week [Laughter] i think it actually works up next we have a video by u.s up next we have a video by u.s japan fam this is called diy bob haircut for ponytail quarantine haircut for beginners try at your own risk you know we just got out of three weeks of quarantine and i thought what better way to celebrate than to give myself a haircut since uh you know i'm finally gonna be able to go out in public why not have a haircut that looks absolutely horrible spoke too soon girl she's like literally like oh that was last year like she ruins her hair just to like go on and then also it's like locked down yeah this purple moment is really cute it's cute i like the bangs i like the bob it needs to be a little fixed up hopefully that's what's going on today i'm going to try a new technique i don't know if this diy bob haircut is going to be that easy or it's going to come out absolutely horrible but the idea behind it is you pull it back and this hair will naturally see how long that hair is compared to here so it'll just naturally create this like a frame it's going to go really bad there's no way it'll go good because pulling your hair back into a ponytail is going to create the most jagged a-line bob you could possibly imagine like when you do an a-line bob in the salon it's a lot of work and it's annoying we're not just about to get an a-line bob with a ponytail i wish actually i don't there would not be a lot of hairdresser jaws but you know what i mean this look good again like i always do this blindly i may end up with a haircut to match my daughter who i shaved the bottom half of her hair last week okay here we go somebody take the scissors away from this woman a main thing she did wrong here was pull the hair into a tight ponytail that was like not the bottom of her neck it would have been better she pulled it down to here but up here she's gonna get all this kind of stacking going on you'll see it's gonna look so bad oh my god it's exactly the same in the front really didn't cut off any length here i may trim that up a little all right let me see oh gosh i don't think that came out very good in the back i can fill it i'm going to like trim this up here just trimming it up here girl no miss honey all right what do we think choppy i like it i like it the chubby in a pinch guys the ponytail bob actually works you're gonna have to still trim it because there's like random bits hanging out that were a bit uneven but for a choppy quick cut why not i'm happy that you love it and you obviously look incredible and amazing and you look like you're having a lot of fun doing it so why not keep doing it maybe next time you could implement a few new techniques maybe after you do that sort of thing that you just did you can take out some high slices and pull them out this way and then do a little trim and trim that way you get some nice better stacking going on and it's a little more streamlined and smooth and you don't have a bunch of like straggly hairs going on other than that great effort well those were some undesirable results from at-home haircuts don't do a drastic haircut by yourself you can maybe trim your ends a little bit or just do a little sun but let's not do anything too scary by ourselves okay if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do or write down below it's right there hit the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video and the like button make sure you guys text me add this number right here yes it's really connected to my phone yes i really do see all your messages and yes i will be texting back a few of you guys if you text me right now it'll also notify you every time i post a new video if you guys want to check out my haircare line x mondo hair you can do so at x-men o'hair on instagram and it is linked below actually you can also check out my color line that is all sold out right now you can sign up for our waiting list to be notified when our products get back in stock which is soon linked below is the website make sure you guys check me out everywhere else here on my social media handles all around me if you guys want to live your extra life make sure you check out my live your extra life merch that is now available at and is linked below here it all is it's so cute it's so fun today's instagram shout out goes to heather she says i have super curly hair and haven't dyed it since high school i really want something different but something that looks still kind of professional and something that won't look weird with my curls i was wondering if highlights and a balayage with a lighter brown color or burgundy will look good or do you have any other ideas yes that is such a good idea burgundy with balayage chef's kiss beautiful i would love it and maybe if you really wanted to switch it up a little bit do a little bang moment i love curly bangs make your hair a little bigger and fluff it up oh that all together would look so good if you end up doing it i would love to see it that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys so
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,989,036
Rating: 4.9524884 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To At Home Haircuts Gone Wrong, how to cut your own hair, at home haircuts, fall off, how to, at home, hair fail, hair dresser, hair stylist, diy hair, video react, gone wrong, box dye, brad mondo, hair fails, diy haircut, funny fails, hairdresser, hair color, how to cut hair at home, bleaching hair at home, funny, how to cut layers at home, hilarious, bleach fail, how to bleach hair at home, haircut fail
Id: GudiUYQxSjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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