You're Using The Wrong Brush For Your Hair Type

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hi beautiful something I learned very quickly growing up with a lot of friends that were girls also known as girlfriends not to be confused with the girls that guys date I did that a couple times it didn't work out for me and now we're here but besides that I found out that a lot of girls don't know which hair brushes do what which hairbrush is best for your hair type and which brush is best for your desired style I know I had one friend that would use a ceramic round brush to detangle her hair after coming out of the shower you know who you are and I'm scarred from that and I know she's not the only one who's done that so stop today we'll be going over some of my favorite hair brushes to use for both curly hair wavy hair and straight hair I also want to mention quickly that if I do not mention the brush you currently have then I probably hate that brush now I'm just kidding I don't know everything so if the brush that you use is on this video then I probably just don't use it in real life doesn't mean it's terrible doesn't mean it's bad it just means that it's not something that I find to be necessary or ideal for any hair types or textures I've used a lot of brushes in my life have a lot of experience with brushes and these are my favorites let's get into some brushes let's do this and by the way you guys I will do my best to link as many of these items I can below so that if you would like to purchasing these items you can with the links provided firstly let's go over some of my favorite combs firstly we have oh the wonderful world of the rat tail comb the rat tail comb oh this girl she's great for hair styling she's great for hair coloring but we're only gonna go over the styling benefits today this is great for sectioning hair for braiding this is great to get really nice teasing or back combing in the hair to add volume because the teeth are so close together you can really get that back coming really tight and it's great to get those clean perfect sections you love and that are so satisfying this is just a great little detailing tool the regular comb is 1/2 wide tooth and then half is ver very close teeth all right so this comb is ideal for haircuts because you can easily get those knots out with the wider side and then you can really perfect the hair and smooth it out with the closer teeth however it is nice to use for styling purposes because of the fact that you can get such a good grip on it and with the rat tail comb the grip isn't as nice and as thick as this one it just depends what kind of grip you want you know you can totally use this to backcomb pretty versatile tool great for many things just a great thing to have around the wide toothed comb oh oh the wide toothed comb is essential to combing out knots in your hair when your hair is wet this is great this is going to be super gentle on your knots it's not gonna pull your hair you can work from the bottom up that's important you're these really wide spaces in between of the bristles you're not gonna get much pulling it's gonna be pretty gentle on the hair this is also great to use in the shower with a hair mask you can distribute the hair mask nicely throughout each hair strand and get it very even I also love to use this comb when I'm using hair products on a client spray all the products in get all that foam in and get all that mousse in and get all that whatever you're putting in their hair and then brush it all through I love to distribute hair products throughout the hair with a wide tooth comb next we have a teasing brush or a teasing comb you can call it now I like to use this as more of a tool to brush out my teasing typically I'll use a rat tail comb and that I will use my teasing comb to brush out the back combing that I had previously put in with this brush and that's because this brush does a really nice job of just smoothing out the hair and not detangling it when you're back combing you do want to keep those tangles in there because that is what's creating the volume so this is a great brush to just go over at the top of your hair web and just smooth out that teasing and because it has boar bristle brushes it is great at adding shine and just gently detangling and not pulling your hair and also keeping the volume intact now that we reviewed all of the combs let's go over detangling brushes shall we now I'm sure most of you guys have a detangling brush at home they are amazing I mean it's a long time for people to catch on to this but Rush's that are really bendy the bristles are super bendable those are amazing for brushing out wet hair great for brushing out really really mad at hair because the bristles are so bendable you can really get in there and it won't pull out your hair and won't be too aggressive however I have seen people use brushes like this aggressively and it's concerning be gentle with your hair you guys you show your hair love and your hair will show you love back okay so let's be gentle with it and not put too much pressure and yank the hair when we're brushing with these brushes and again this is the same sort of brush but a different sort of handle on it these ones are great because you know they're still really bendy the bristles are really soft and you can get a nice grip on it these are pretty essential to anybody's brush collection great little items here thanks for being here okay and what's this hello hello hello hello hi cuties welcome these are ceramic round brushes these are all essential I don't think I could live without a ceramic round brush these are me thing I use these on most people okay these are ideal for that amazing glam blowout a moment alright because this is ceramic plated it is going to heat up and sort of act as a gentle curling iron because when the blow dryer hits the brush it heats up and then curls the hair so you're gonna get a lot of volumizing benefits with this you're also gonna get a lot of curling benefits with this and depending on what size you go with a smaller one will give you a lot of curl a medium-sized will give you less and a larger size will just give you a bit of a bevel on the end and a lot of body and a lot of volume you can also use these to really smooth out your hair sleek and straight just avoid rotating the brush a lot and use it more as just a flat brush it'll still give you a little bit of bevel but you can also use these to make your hair straight but it's never gonna be pin straight like how it would be with some other brushes will go over soon but these I really only use if I want the hair to have nice body nice volume or nice curl great item super essential probably my favorite you can really make any style with a ceramic round brush and also most round brushes come with this attachment on the bottom so you can actually part the hair without a comb and this goes right back inside a lot of people don't realize that these are here I sometimes forget but yeah that is actually two part the hair so you don't have to put down the brush or the blow-dryer and pick up your comb and it saves you time and effort the boar bristle around brush now these are natural bristles yes they are from boars okay these ones that I have are my absolute favorites this is the Ibiza brush a great brush they are a little pricey however you get what you pay for now we have a more bendable one we have a stiffer one but in general these are great to really smooth out the hair they take a little bit more effort and patience it definitely prolongs my blow-dry a little bit but I'm okay with that if the result is better I typically use these on people with a very frizzy hair very curly hair that would like a straight sleek look or a look with nice body and bevel but really it needs a lot of smoothing these also provide a lot more grip than the ceramic brushes do with this ceramic round brush it has a lot of slip wear these have a lot more tension and I appreciate that when I'm trying to blow curly hair because I need that tension to get that curl released these do not heat up like the ceramic brushes do it just takes a lot more grip a lot more strength and a lot more pulling the hair and getting it nice and taut to then blow dry and in place but the boar bristles are known to add a lot of shine and a lot of health to the hair these bristles are also known to distribute oils throughout the hair very nicely sometimes a very tricky brush to use but very handy especially for you hairdressers out there this needs to be in your tool kit and you need to get used to using these it's hard at first but it pays off great brushes I'm obsessed with these cruising our way through this I love it up next we have a paddle brush a paddle brush paddle brush is supposed to show up it's supposed to pop up when I it supposed to just appear where is it I actually cannot find my paddle brush anywhere I don't use it a whole lot honestly but it is a great tool I don't do a ton of straight blow dries with paddle brushes but if you're the type of person who loves to have a really pin straight hair girl use one of these a paddle brush the nylon bristles on a paddle brush are great for smoothing out hair and also the fact that it is completely flat and there is no bevel on the brush it's going to ensure that your ends have no bend to them and they are stick straight these are amazing really great for blowing out hair straight they're super easy to use great brushes all around I have like a million of them and I can't find one of them so that's good okay up next we have my most expensive brush that I own by landslides which is the Mason Pearson brush a lot of you may know what this brush is it is a whopping 240 dollars it will last you a lifetime so it's worth it but you know if you want to invest in great hair a great brush to have it's a classic brush it's apparently been around for over a hundred years which is crazy I don't know how that's even possible but all right well this brush has a mix of nylon and boar bristle brushes that is just the perfect length the perfect density all around a great perfect brush this brush is amazing for just daily brushings I wouldn't use this to blow-dry I wouldn't necessarily use this with any heat tools because maybe you want to take care of this thing heat is not good for it I actually don't know if that's true but I just wouldn't use heat with it I use this as more of a brush on hair that has already been styled or just people at home who want to brush their hair at the end of the day or in the morning when they wake up the reason this is so great these synthetic brushes in here do a great job at adding shine to the hair as well as of the Bora bristle brushes which is amazing for distributing oils throughout your hair strands taking the brush for route down is gonna make sure those oils get distributed nicely and you don't have like an oily root with dry ends a lot of the issues with having an oily scalp can be resolved with the proper brush because a lot of people don't know how to distribute their oils throughout their hair strand correctly flip your head upside down brush it out from roots to ends do it on the top really get in there and brush into that oil starts to dissipate this is also known to help with scalp circulation and stimulating the scalp for new hair growth all around just a really great brush that is just you know been around for hundred years and people have tried it and people love it alright let's move on the Denman brush also a classic I don't know if this one's been around for a hundred years but something like that I'm sure I mean this this one's been around for a long time too a staple a classic this is great for every hairdresser now this is a more advanced brush so I would recommend it for hairdressers however at home use it's a little more difficult but you can totally do it if you're like willing to try and learn this brush has an amazing weight to it it's so small yet they put a weight in there to weigh it down and make it feel very luxurious and give you a nice weight in your hand so you don't drop it I also just love the length the bristles I like that there's 7 rows it's not too wide you can get really close to the scalp it doesn't snag on the hair it doesn't pull there's also such a small bevel to the brush so you can get that really nice sleek and polished ends you can bring the ends under or you can blow to them very pin straight it's a great brush for shorter hair or people with curly hair that don't want their hair to snag on their brush you'll never get snagging with but also you get a nice tension because it has this rubber base on it to give you just a slight amount of tension so your hair doesn't completely slip out of the brush a great brush for many reasons and many uses and lastly we have the around paddle brush is a nice beautiful size as a mixture of the natural bristles combined with the nylon bristles which gives you great smoothing and great detangling properties also these are just great for that flat Beach wave look if you're trying to do it with a blow dryer you can totally get it done with this thing really get good with your hand and spinning it around once you can do this you can do anything that's it you're just gonna be able to do this again though it's gonna be a little bit more work because there is no ceramic component to it so it does not heat up a great brush to keep your hair healthy and smooth and shiny and add just a little bit of movement and now lastly let's go over which brush is best for which hair tight and what your hair goals are you trying to get your curly hair straight are you trying to get your hair wavy we'll go over that firstly let's go over combs her hair that is straight or slightly wavy a detangling brush is great to brush out wet hair however before you brush out your hair please use a conditioning miss such as oh my god that's so weird I have one it's called has Romania and for curly-haired people if you're trying to get your hair straight and smooth and that's your desired results use whatever comb or brush a wide toothed comb is totally fine or a detangling brush is good too because you're trying to go and blow it out later it's not really that important which brush you detangle with first ever however however if your goal is to wear your hair completely curly and in its natural state please don't use a detangling brush for brushing out your hair use a wide tooth comb this is gonna make sure that your curl stays intact and you don't brush it out and mess it up and make it all frizzy you're welcome now if you have straight or wavy hair and you have insane amounts of frizz you just feel like you have the frizzy as hair ever you're like get rid of it go with a natural bristle brush this will help a lot with that frizz before you blow dry spray some forcefields I swear that's all the product placement I'm doing today after that I'm done force field protects your hair up to 5 degrees Fahrenheit and also is gonna provide a little bit of hold a little bit of detangling it'll be really great for us make sure you shake this before you use it and also a little goes a long way don't tell me I never told you and then you're good to start blow drying however if you know your hair is not that frizzy but it's straight or wavy to start and you really want some bouncy curls well this is not well this could do it for you but it's gonna be a lot of work and you just don't need to our ceramic round brush this is great for making that amazing volume like I mentioned and you're gonna get a lot of smoothing on your wavy hair and you're gonna a lot of curling benefits on your straight hair so use this if you're trying to blow the damn hair and make it curly or very voluminous and if you have straighter wavy hair or you have very curly hair use a paddle brush to get a very smooth and straight use a tail comb to make partings in your hair this is great for braiding curly hair this is great for braiding any hair or making really nice Center parts or getting a really nice part for your ponytail we're just really smoothing out the hair with that comb because the bristles are so close together you can really get that ponytail really snatched great for all hair types and textures and again if your goal is to wear your hair naturally curly and you don't want to blow it out use a gentleman oh my god if you are a curly-haired girl and you don't own one of these they're just like perfect for curls they are made for curls you take that little curl you know when you have a little curl around your neck around your hairline you just go like this with it and twist it and twist it down and it makes that perfect corkscrew curl and just really makes it oh it's just so pretty looking but you can go around all your hair and go like this and reform that curl really nicely before you diffuse or air dry your girls just an amazing tool for curly hair people also people who have say a bob great thing for you it's a great brush for you because you can go in and give it a little bit bevel you can make it really straight it's so small you can get in those small places you can get it in that short hair it's just a really great brush for those two things and say if you have straight hair or wavy hair and or curly hair and you're okay with brushing your curls and you just don't want to do anything to your hair or you're in between days of styling your hair it's in the second day you just need to brush it out please use a Mason Pearson brush great for distributing oils like I said before great for just maintaining your look reforming way of smoothing everything out it's perfect for all hair types and textures if you're okay with brushing your hair I know you girls with curly hair you can't do that a lot okay I also get frizz but if you can brush Mason Pearson or anything with a mix of nylon and boar bristles and boom those are some of my quick tips for you guys when using some of these brushes what she use them for how to use them what hair types are best for which brush you know I could keep going on for days if you want to learn more please just Google the brush that I talked about it'll tell you every single little detail about the brush I don't have time to go over that today but I went over my most important thoughts about each brush and each thing it's great for it and I hope that I expanded your view on brushes and why they're so important and so useful if you use the correct one for the correct situation I swear it can really change up your haircare routine and make things a lot more simple and streamlined and it makes you guys follow me on all the different social media platforms cuz I'm everywhere men we got tick tock if Instagram we have Twitter undergrad mano NYC and we have a Facebook page and we have a snapchat show under Brad mondo also you guys can shop with these two products you saw on today's video at ex mono hair calm it'll be linked below also follow us at X mondo hair on Instagram we have a new product launch coming up very very soon we announced it so go check it out and that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching thank you for being here don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys this is glitterati are styling serum glitterati will deliver hold shine and lightweight hydration combined with the most beautiful touch of pink sparkle glitterati can be used on any hair type or texture we've also added argan oil and chamomile extract to help strengthen your hair and just make it feel and look luxurious
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,763,371
Rating: 4.9545221 out of 5
Keywords: You're Using The Wrong Brush For Your Hair Type, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hair, tutorial, hair brush, hair tips, round brush, healthy hair, long hair, brushes, hair brushes, best hair brush, wet brush, hairbrush, hairstyle tips, hair care, hair hacks, wide tooth comb, how to blow out hair, how to blowdry hair, how to style short hair, how to style long hair, natural brush, ceramic brush, Mason pearson brush
Id: lark2p8XTB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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