Dear Dyson, $500 For This?

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hi beautiful so Dyson just released a $500 flatiron now this flat iron is cordless I have come across only a few cordless flat irons in my lifetime and none of them are good actually they're all are terrible and they're all very small and they don't work for a long period of time and they don't heat up well and it's just a disaster all right you know my whole life I was just like why can't we figure out how to make a battery power a flat iron and a curling iron and a blow dryer so I'll have to wrap those cords everywhere because they just get everywhere I want everything cordless okay if we can make smart phones cordless then we can do the rest so Dyson it did just that with this by the way today's video is not sponsored I'll be giving you my very honest opinion of this tool now I've already reviewed the Dyson supersonic that is the blow dryer I've also reviewed the Dyson air wrap and now I'm reviewing the Dyson Corral does it work I need to know should you be dropping a whole lot of money on this high-tech Flatiron is it gonna benefit your hair is they can make your hair stay healthy is it gonna speed up your hair care routine and make it more efficient well we're gonna be testing all the capabilities of this brand-new Dyson Flatiron and to see if it lives up to all of the hype it's been getting let's see what this Flatiron can do let's do it oh my god hi how are you sweetie thank you for coming on my channel why don't we go over the specs of miss Corral over here so this Flatiron gets up to 410 degrees you have the options of 330 degrees 365 degrees and 410 degrees Fahrenheit because we're in the United States of America of America and of course this can be pulled off the charging dock and used cordless also though you can plug it in if you really want to except to me it sort of defeats the purpose of having a cordless Flatiron but that's up to you now this also is a magnet so it's super easy and if anybody steps on your cord it'll just pull out and won't pull it out of your hand I do appreciate the magnetized charging a lot because there has been so many times where I'm in salon and people will step in my cord and my flat iron will go flying across the salon it hits somebody in the leg or the face or somewhere on their body and it's not fun why don't we place her back in her charging station now this next thing is a little bit controversial right it's chargeable right a flat iron needs very heavy duty batteries in order to charge and be used only through battery power so obviously you're not gonna get five hour use out of this thing you know it's not a cell phone this thing is producing a lot of heat now it does work for 30 minutes on one charge so a lot of people I know have been saying I can't do my hair in 30 minutes with a flat iron it takes me an hour an hour and a half and I'm like okay girl well first of all that's way too long why are you taking that long to your hair I don't care how much hair you have I don't care how frizzy your hair is that's a long time to be taking to do your hair okay and I'll explain that further later now thirty minutes to me is actually fine I don't typically ever straighten anybody's hair for more than thirty minutes unless they have 4c hair that is down to their butt which is like doesn't happen thirty minutes is pretty much fine for me and then you can just place it back on the charging dock and before your next client it'll be charged back up again I don't hate it I do wish it was a little longer just in case but whatever you can always plug it in if you really need to it's not that big of a deal now you can lock it and store it like this then you can open it like that here is a plus and minus button it's very simple to use you just the plus button if you want to go higher in temperature or press the minus button if you want to go lower super easy I also love that they didn't put the buttons on the side of the units usually when they put it on this side you accidentally turn it off I always accidentally turn flat irons on and off with my fingers while on the flat ironing if the buttons are on the side or I end up turning the heat up and down it's really stupid and annoying and I hate that you don't know why people design the buttons on the side of the damn Flatiron it doesn't make sense no it's a really sleek design I also noticed that it doesn't exactly open up as wide as I'm used to with flat irons usually they're a little bit wider than this they come much like here which honestly hasn't been annoying to me at all I've been using this for a few days now just so I could see what my initial thoughts were before making this video I also want to go over that it is a bit heavier than what I'm used to and by a bit I mean it's like double the weight of a regular flat iron when you're going like this on top of your head yeah it definitely feels a bit different have I gotten used to the weight yes I don't feel like it really has affected me negatively I actually don't mind picking up heavier things like I'm getting a workout in while I'm doing hair at the same time so like it's fine with me now one of the coolest things about this flat iron is that these plates here they actually move you can see all those little grooves in the plate they actually Bend around the hair so the heat is dispersed evenly throughout each hair strand and the hair doesn't kind of widen as you go down the hair shaft which happens a lot and you'll see it later on in this video that it does make a cool little difference than that and they are using copper alloy plates I heard they're good but that is why they are that chopper color because they are a copper plates now usually flat irons use titanium is copper better I'm not sure but will be giving it a test today and maybe we'll figure that out so now that we've run through all the specs of this piece of technology let's try it out on some frizzy hair and I have a couple of miss many Quinn's for that okay so our first test is gonna be with our new Miss mannequin over here and she has some hair going on right now this poor girl it's looking dry and a little frizzy but that's okay because we have chorale over here to hopefully save this bad hair day I obviously haven't or anything I have done no prep to this hair because I want to see the power of this flatiron without actually blow-drying it first typically I would blow dry first I know that a lot of you guys at home do not blow dry your hair before straightening I feel you I know it's a lot of work so we'll be going from very curly to very straight today now I'm gonna prep her hair with a coarse Viper by X mondo because we love hydration and curly hair this is going to be so great to smooth our hair and not weigh it down but add the necessary hydration and a lot of shine to her hair we really want to get a lot of hydration in there before we get started that'll really help protect the hair and help it straighten out now I want to add double the hydration it just hydrate hydrate hydrate so I'm gonna add also electric grain my moisture cream we're gonna get all over and our hair already feels better smells so damn good if I do say so myself I mean look at that that's just with my products I haven't even started straightening it yet and it already looks ten times better now before I section out the hair I just want to show you how I'm setting this so it's fully charged right now as you can see here I'm gonna press the plus button and I'm gonna heat up this flat iron to 410 degrees Fahrenheit now I'm gonna start there and I'm also gonna try later bringing the heat down and seeing how it works maybe we don't need that much heat for her typically I would actually use like a 450 degree Flatiron for hair similar to this because I really want high heat to really get that coily hair very very straight and as I'm talking it's already heated up that was like one minute I love fast heating times I hate waiting for my flat iron to heat up it's so annoying this thing just really heated up very fast so we're gonna take our comb and we are just going to comb it out really quick we're just gonna do a nice section [Music] all right and let's do our first pass with our Flatiron and see what's happening here and now don't be alarmed with how much smoke is coming off our hair that is totally normal I put a lot of product in and the product is just protecting her hair I also put a heat protectant in there before I started and holy crap um hi this is pin straight with one-pass okay so they weren't lying when they said this was gonna heat up to 410 degrees even on a battery charge like there is no core it's like I can do whatever I want with this right now so we're just gonna give it another little pass and I am just impressed it's just so cool to me that the hair it does not kind of get wider as you go down the hair strand you know when you feed the hair into a flatiron and all of a sudden all the hair is kind of spewing out each side and like getting caught so that doesn't happen with this because these plates are bendy and not super stiff it actually can hold a lot of hair in there and it won't spew out of the sides that's a really really cool feature and I'm like kind of very impressed so far let's quickly do some more sections of this hair and let me get a real idea of what's happening here okay it is gliding through the hair I don't feel like it's gliding any more than usual though now I'm just going to keep doing one pass because I actually feel like that's all she really needs is just a nice slow pass through the Flatiron that's the secret guys go slow don't go like this when you flat on your hair it's not you don't need to do that you're gonna get a better result if you go slower with a flat iron and the fact that I didn't even blow dried this hair before I started and I let it air dry and now it's becoming this straight I'm actually like so shocked [Music] so I'm doing one pass on every section now ah dude this is actually kind of incredible as you can see the hair has been straightened now as you can see we've used a little bit of battery so far I'm going to bring this down to 330 degrees because I don't think we need it this hot her hair is straightening very easily and it's looking incredible okay so we are now down to three hundred and thirty degrees it just notified me so we're gonna take this and hopefully it still works and it's looking really good of course it didn't do as good of a job the hair doesn't feel like it's burning at all I definitely think I need to bring it up just a little bit maybe two three sixty five I think would be good for her hair now typically I would have to bring the flyer up really high and or to get hair like this pin straight and I feel like I don't need that which is really cool and of course we always want to use the least amount of heat possible when flat ironing our hair that way our hair stays healthy and we're not just frying it to a crisp for no reason I know a lot of you guys do that you can also feel the plates kind of moving as you push down on the hair and know there's a lot of smoke don't be alarmed I feel like 410 was the best situation for her hair it really is cool how the hair is not sliding side to side I think that's the coolest part so far and let's just finish a section off [Music] so I kinda wanna take this entire section run through it just see how much hair this Flatiron can handle at one time I'm gonna take a very big section and Flatiron it so that definitely wasn't as good it was definitely like snagging on the hair and I don't know where it's really snagging I'm used to its sliding more through very nicely it kind of does pull which is unfortunate because I honestly haven't found anything wrong with this until that kind of happened it definitely flat irons very nicely I mean it is still shiny beautiful the hair doesn't feel like it's been overheated and it's been really nicely smoothed out as you guys can see the difference between these two sides is incredible I didn't even blow-dry this first and it is so soft but I do have to say that the only downside is is that it snags a tiny bit on the hair thank you for helping us today with that demo we're gonna move on to our next girl who has a bit of different hair and then after that we'll try and do some curls in some waves with this iron and see how they work out now I'm at about halfway on my battery right now so I'm gonna try and move a little bit faster that way my flat iron does not die while I'm doing this but hopefully not oh hi baby this is miss Manny Quinn from my perm video um as you can see I brush on her perm and washed it a few times so she is looking a little frazzled I know some of you guys out there have hair like this that isn't too curly it's kind of in the middle and I just want to see again how this works on hair like this so let's prep again with some oil and prismatic glow you can also spread with one or the other it doesn't need to be both I am just being extra because that's what I like to do okay let's go a section and go for us now there's a lot of product in here and don't be alarmed with the smoke that does glide through the hair nicely let's break this down a bit it's at 410 let's bring down to 365 and let's just give a bit of a bend to the hair instead of stick straight okay okay okay I don't know for some reason I feel like it's not working as well on this fine hair it's a little bit difficult to get to the root it's really not very hot even after you touch it right when it comes out of the Flatiron and for those of you who flat on your hair a lot you know that it's usually scalding hot like if you touch your hair after it comes out that flat iron it is burning your hands this is not happening I don't know what the reasoning is why it's not burning me but it's not it's a little bit hard to get all the way to the root with this because it is a bit clunky the plaits don't really come out to the side of the iron there are like a centimetre in so you can't exactly get up to the root like I would like to especially with people who who have very very curly hair and you need to get that root very straight it's not gonna be that easy with this iron we tried it on this hair it gives a pretty nice bend to the hair again I think the best part about this iron is that it's cordless I mean we've seen what its capabilities are when you want to straighten the hair also been noticing there has been creasing going on and now I'm trying to go as smooth as possible well flat ironing this is how I flat iron I don't ever get creasing with other irons I don't know what that is I don't know why that's happening I just keep seeing creasing happening you can probably see it on camera here there's one right there there's one right there and there's one right there I don't know what that is I notice if I do not go like kind of fast and very very precisely down the hair you get creasing now I am sort of willing to sacrifice a little tiny bit of creasing for a cordless iron the thing is the cordless part of this is really what's getting me is it incredible with what it's doing right now I don't think so now we've tried flat ironing let's try and do some curls with this I'm gonna take about an inch wide section we are gonna take this thing and just twist it around and we're gonna get some curls hopefully okay okay that's a nice curl did it glide as much as I'm used to no again it didn't I'm sorry Dyson it just didn't maybe I'm going crazy I don't know but to me it does pull the hair I keep feeling it pulling the hair now nothing's gonna be perfect the first time around this is Dyson's first flatiron it's only gonna get better let's do a bit of a wave now get up to the root as much as possible even though it's kind of difficult I'm going to wave her hair we are getting again creasing from the iron everywhere you guys if you see me do waves before I don't ever get creasing this does have a bit of weird tension like you really have to pull down on the hair in order to get a wave going the more I use this I have to say I am getting a little bit less impressed than when I started you guys are seeing me really analyze this for the first time I have used it for a few days prior but I wasn't really like looking too deep into it I was kind of just using it just to get a feel for it but now that I'm really experimenting with this I'm like not crazy impressed some of its good some of its not that good I don't know if it needs to be perfect and the reason for that is because it's cordless right so I mean we did a few different waves on this side does it look pretty yeah is it great no does it definitely do the job hell yeah I mean come on this is a bad flattered by any means we're gonna bring this back up to 410 and just put a few more curls in here now I don't have any holding products in here either so that's definitely contributing to the curls falling out see look it keeps getting stuck though I don't know if that's the product or what but usually that doesn't happen to me now let me curl this entire section and get back to you in a second now here is my battery power at this point I feel like I've actually been using it for quite a long time it's actually I think it's been over 30 minutes it's still charged about halfway and I've done quite a bit of work and I have not recharged it once I have not taken a break this is just me doing the hair on one charge that charging I feel like is fine I have no complaints with the charging capabilities and it only being available for use for 30 minutes before it dies it's fine I can do hair in 30 minutes believe me now if you guys struggle with flat ironing your hair within 30 minutes please try and prep your hair better blow drying it straight or just straighter than what it naturally is is really gonna help your Flatiron glide through your hair and it's gonna make that flat ironing process a lot easier and a lot faster prepping your hair is very important for their flat ironing process because if you blow dry your hair first you're adding that essential amount of heat into your hair and then after when you apply the Flatiron it's just gonna really seal that cuticle and make it very flat and very smooth I always find that if I blow dry before I Flatiron the Flatiron results last twice as long please try it at home do one side with just flat ironing and air drying and one side with a pre blow dry and then a flat iron it'll last you so much longer I promise also use the proper products please and so this is cooled down the hair feels very nice it doesn't feel fried I have no real complaints over this besides the 10 complaints I gave you already why don't we conclude what we found out today and wrap this up miss Amanda Quinn you got to go you got to get out of here girl you can go anywhere but you can't stay here so the Dyson Corral is it worth the five hundred dollar price tag now let me just remind you of that most flat irons are about 150 to 250 maximum really I don't usually see anything more than 250 maybe in the 300 but 500 is a lot now if you are a hairdresser you do get $100 off when you use your hairdresser license to purchase this item so that is what I did I did pay for it myself and I paid $400 for this iron but the general public the iron is $500 I personally would have to say if you're a hairdresser I think this is a wonderful tool to have especially if you are a freelance hairdresser and you do photo shoots or you're on movie sets or anything like that or you do hair at people's homes the maneuverability of this iron the fact that you don't have to plug it in the fact that I can go anywhere in any small tight space you can do it in the car you can do on the airplane you can do it in the bathroom you can do it in somebody's house that doesn't have outlets that's pretty hard to beat even though I think that iron needs a few adjustments with snagging on the hair the creasing and adds to the hair just sheer fact that this is Wireless is a huge selling point for me I don't think it needs to be perfect because it's wireless it really brings it up ten notches for me as a hairdresser yes I do think this is a great tool to have in your kits I think it's really awesome and I think it really does the job maybe not perfect perfect perfect but really really great and for four hundred dollars yeah I believe it's a great tool that you'll have for a very long time and it's worth the investment now for my people out there that are not hairdressers if you have the money to just spend and it's whatever to you hell yeah it's a fun thing to have it makes me happy it's fun to have at home is it better than your regular flat iron if you have a nice one no I have so many flat irons that are quite nice and are like 250 dollars and they work amazingly and even better than this and they're a lot lighter and faster but if you're really looking for something that's Wireless yes of course go for this however do you need this no I don't think it's going to change your life again it's a fun tool to have but it's not life changing for somebody who is a hairdresser who is not trying to do clients in weird locations it's just not necessary but it is cute and it's kind of like fun to have and be like oh yeah I actually have the Dyson Corral so yeah I'm kind of cool and with that all said that for you is my comprehensive non sponsor review of the Dyson Corral Dyson keep up the amazing work I think you're doing amazing things and maybe everything for me wasn't perfect but I think it's a great great tool and I will be keeping mine for sure and I love all the Dyson things that I've purchased over the years and I think it's a great company to stand behind and I'm excited for the future of what Dyson has to bring the hair industry I'm so glad finally somebody is innovating hair tools it's been way too long with the same damn tools that suck it's time for a wireless future and that is all for today guys don't forget to follow me on instagram facebook tik-tok twitter at Bronto NYC and check out my hair care brand X mondo hair for beautiful fabulous amazing hair products let make your hair feel beautiful fabulous amazing and that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for being here don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys this is VIPRE smoothing oil this oil is a combination of all of my favorites it has Bo bap oil argan oil carrot seed oil now what sets its oil apart is it really penetrates the hair cuticle it goes deep inside instead of just laying on top of the hair and adding a greasy film it's gonna actually go inside help supply nutrition hydrate and add a lot of shine
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,962,484
Rating: 4.9144363 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, dear dyson $500 for this?, dyson corrall, dyson flat iron, dyson flat iron for hair, dyson flat iron review, dyson flat iron natural hair, dyson flat iron corral, best flat iron, cordless flat iron, curl hair with flat iron, wave hair with flatiron, how to flat iron, hair fail, curly hair, long hair, hair color, at home, natural hair, box dye, hair transformation, hair stylist, best curling iron, hair tools, new product review
Id: yTEWpjWlR8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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