Hairdresser Reacts To People Coloring Their Hair With Sharpies

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hi beautiful today we're watching people color their hair with sharpies i've done that before and it actually did work i know probably just as shocked as i was when i did it i don't know if this is terrible for your hair or not and that makes me nervous regular sewing permanent hair color is probably better for your hair that's just me but for all the diy things you can do to your hair with at-home supplies in the realm of hair color i think using sharpies is like one of the best things because it actually works but let's see if it works for these people today let's see what they do with their hair color with some sharpies and let me judge the out of it let's do it [Music] up first we have a video by yep it is still tori uh and this is called dyeing my hair black with sharpies hair hacks let's check it out today i'm going to be doing something very very stupid don't do this kids somebody said that they were thinking about dyeing their hair with sharpies this sounded like a great idea so i am going to be doing that today got some sharpies and some hair conditioner i don't even know how to really open the sharpies we're doing black sharpies that sounds intense i feel like it's just never gonna come out of her hair ever she's just always been stuck with black hair black why are we doing black you look beautiful with this bright colored hair i'm scared step one is to fill your hair dye bulb with enough conditioner to cover half your head or your full head if that's what you're doing but i'm only going to be doing half my head today because if this fails i want to at least be able to have half my hair that is my thought process so your thought process is to do half of your head black because then you'll still have half your hair you need two halves to make a hole like what are you gonna do like just shave one side of your head i mean i guess that's what you're into but like i'm not getting a visual of what you're talking about or like what you're trying to say um it would be unfortunate actually if one half of your head was a really awful ugly color and the other half was cute i feel like would make the whole thing look ugly you know what i mean that's just me just my opinion now we have to figure out how to open these break it i'm getting ptsd this is the hardest part of this whole process getting these mother markers open is a it's hard to do it hurts your hands hurts everything in my life and i don't ever want to do it again i don't know where that went so i went ahead and mixed just one sharpie in there and it looks like it made this really cool like light purple color i can't wait for that to be on your hair so this is the second sharpie added to it i ended up going ahead and splitting my hair in half so i'm gonna dye this half with the sharpie and i'm gonna leave this half orange so it ended up being kind of a really really dark blue i did end up adding like a lot of sharpie to it just to try to make it as black as i could however it kind of just stayed as a dark blue so i'm going to go ahead and say a quick prayer to the hair god and then just start putting this on my head hair gods please help her please let my hair be on my head when i wash this out please let it be a dark black hopefully fingers crossed i guess oh she's going for it already she's just putting that right on there oh it just seems like a bad idea like just all around just scary uh it's definitely black it's dark and it's horrifying i don't know if this is going to be like horrible for anybody's hair or make their hair fall out like i'm pretty sure that's highly highly high highly unlikely or i'm pretty impossible because it is just ink mixed with conditioner you know i don't think it's gonna make your hair fall off like you know i just think that seems very unlikely unless there was some kind of crazy chemical reaction going on i don't think it's going to turn out a solid black i think it's probably going to be more like a dark blue but this color is interesting that's for sure definitely blue-ish blackish and there's no sectioning going on we're just putting that stuff all over the head just how i like it you know guys you know me i just love it like that i love when people don't take their time and when they just put red on there oh no so i think now i'm it's finally hitting me that my hair is actually going to be black for a good long while ah no i feel bad so i'm going to go ahead and leave this in my hair roughly half an hour and then wash it out so comment down below what color do you think is gonna turn out i predict a darker blue one hundo percent oh so i just got out of the shower show us you see what my hair looks like oh being more of a blue than a black but i really like it when i used to dye my hair black when i was younger i dyed it more of a blue black which is kind of like what it is now i really like it i am going to go ahead and re-dye it black black just because i feel like it looks a little weird to have like dark blue hair and then orange but i really like it she hates it she hates it i mean girl i've been there it actually doesn't look that bad though um i do wish her entire head was black or this blue black thing going on i don't love the two colors mixed together like the orange on one side and the blue on the other not really my vibe not really my style not really like loving it but i think the whole thing like a blue black would look pretty however it's just not gonna come out for like a long time so that's the only thing i would say is like be cautious you're gonna stick with this for a very long time i don't know how long sharpie hair color lasts for but it seems like it would last for forever and ever and ever because if i know one thing about sharpies that does not come off anything well tori thank you for that that was scary and i feel really bad for your hair but i'm sure you'll be fine let's move on to the next video up next week a video by sebastian bales and this is called dyeing my hair with sharpie's permanent marker today we are going to be dying my hair with sharpie what the hell what in the was that by the looks of this week's thumbnail you guys can see that there is going to be a lot of regrets and mistakes and terrible decisions why is he screaming at me what did i do you're scaring me i don't need this today i don't need the screaming first things first products definitely sharpies 40 volume developer bowls cups a dirty hair brush from last time i dyed my hair last but not least scissors these are the shades that i chose to dye my hair wait a second why are we doing 40 volume developer what is that your friend mckenzie murray did not use 40 bomb delivery 40 volume developer for what for who for when for why it just needs to be mixed with conditioner not developer that's concerning and now we're using every different blue color of sharpie in the pack which is going to result in you know maybe just a nice shade of light blue hopefully fingers crossed that maybe will be okay for him i'm into it i could do that will i die from this i hope not okay i'm so scared okay here we go oh my god my lips are numb don't do this at home oh my god oh my god that's not what you're supposed to do yourself just dip one side in and then you blow on the side you just dipped in he definitely did the wrong side and got it all over his mouth ah that's really scary no thanks oh my gosh i don't even know okay well i really don't know what i'm doing here we're just gonna add oh wow that's a lot of ink we are now mixing everything together i legit added all the developer that i had left now we have like this glue type consistency i don't know what this is again this is the first time i'm dyeing my hair color i've never dyed my hair color i've only done blonde one thing i do know is damage happens especially when bleach your hair so i have this olaplex i don't know if you should add it but i'm not trying to yeah not only did he use 40 volume which is going to damage the out of his hair for no reason you're supposed to just use conditioner but then he added olaplex step three i believe which is not supposed to be added to things like this you're supposed to use a different kind of olaplex for things like this this is just not it this is the hair color that we got where do i even start i can't even take myself seriously considering the fact that it stained my lips let's just say yellow and let's just go straight in you're really going for it you can wash it off rinse it off go back do not do this oh my god this is gonna be so patchy i can't believe i'm doing this i'm just going to rub it in like shampoo i just want to make sure it's like really in there like everywhere i don't even know how long to leave this in it's burning oh my god it literally is burning right now every time i touch my hair oh my god this seems highly highly unlikely that this is really what happened it literally is this this is my hair oh my god oh my god my hair is green i don't mean to laugh i just don't know what's going on i don't know what to do guys i hate this my hair is just so dry now i literally look like a carrot i think you're gonna be okay i don't see any breakage therefore i really don't think your hair actually fell out someone please explain to me how this color turns into this i don't get it i can explain it to you your hair was yellow before especially your roots and you put a light blue over it which turned it green because yellow and blue make green that's what happened to your hair and i'm so sorry it does look quite crazy super dry like my hair is legit falling out and i don't know if you guys can tell but it is like super thin right here compared to this side i literally hate this collar this has to be the most dramatic thing i've ever seen in my entire existence alive on this planet of earth the green is really not the worst thing in the entire world i actually don't mind it now that i'm seeing it it's actually not that bad but i don't think his hair fell out could be wrong but i doubt it and i think it's going to be okay it's just hair you know shave your head if you need to whoa okay work okay sebastian up next we've a video by torreshu [Music] because i'm finally famous i'm going to be dyeing my hair with sharpies for some unknown reason people are blowing out marker ink and mixing it with a bunch of stuff before putting it on their head instead of just buying something designed for your hair she seems skeptical which makes sense and she seems like this is a stupid idea why don't i just buy color that does the same thing but it does it the right way and i agree with you girl one for blue and one for pink even though it's purple it's the closest color of cup i have to pink so that's the color blue first i am now kneeling and we're doing it we're cutting the sharpie we're getting the ink out you can do it girl we believe in you maybe not but some people might believe in you oh yeah bend it bending it helps a lot she's genius using plier things to rip the thing off the top why don't i think of that i was over there cutting those things it's scary when you cut them this is such a better idea that's a really good amount of color right there and it's a really good amount of color in my mouth people say mix white hair dye with the color but white hair dye isn't a thing it's just kind of a base color sort of like this this will keep my hair from getting dry she's using swab conditioner mixing with the color that seems like a better technique than 40 volume okay that looks like a pretty blue though oh i'm excited i'm gonna start putting it on you know so i'm gonna start with the pink side and i'm using my hands okay we're just going for it like everybody else um no sectioning and we're just putting right on there it doesn't seem to be like dark enough i don't know if that's really gonna show up it looks a very light pastel pink but it could be really cute i never really have too neat of an application i kind of always just throw the um color onto my hair i can see that you definitely just threw it on there girl it does look like it's covering very nicely i will say that much and it seems to be working so far oh wow that is dark that's a dark blue this feels like it's gonna work actually i'm kind of excited about the outcome of this i don't know if that's the chemicals or how rough i was with my hair but that doesn't usually happen when i dye my hair well maybe the last guy wasn't lying why is her hair falling out it could be a reaction i don't know but it probably just because she's raking her hand through her hair with conditioner and she probably hasn't washed her hair recently so it's probably just naturally coming out that is great because like no matter what you stain it with it still looks normal because it's tight eye it's a bunch of stains i'll be back in one hour to show you the results okay all right guys so i just got out of the shower to try and get all the ink off my body no it actually worked what the blue turned out way darker than i thought it was gonna turn out wait why does it actually look pretty good this side is actually a really hot pink it's a little orangish at the roots like it didn't take entirely but it's just a really nice pink i think i'm just shocked it even works she's like picking apart each little detail about it i'm like it somehow actually worked in a way and i'm really confused are you kidding i like it it worked this pink is pretty bright in person like the blue came out a lot darker than i thought it would it's not dark like bad dark but it is darker than i prefer okay girl you did this with sharpies let's give it some credit this looks dope it's definitely not perfect but this looks so good on you oh my god i love this color combo your hair is so pretty this looks really really gorgeous and i'm just happy it somehow sort of worked kind of impressed kind of like wow sharpies work i guess well it's been confirmed you can color your hair with sharpies and you can actually get some pretty decent color with them as opposed to like kool-aid which is like annoying and like too much work sharpies actually work like if you're 16 and you're wanting to go behind your parents bag and do some of your hair you didn't get the information here but sharpies do work i do not condone that don't do that make sure you guys subscribe down below if you haven't already hit the like button and the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media handles go for it here's my phone number yes it's really connected to my phone you simply see some of your messages and yes i'll be texting back a few guys if you text me right now this will also keep you notified every time i post a new video make sure to check out my haircare line x mondo hair on instagram and linked below if you want to shop and x-men of color my color line if you want to check us out on instagram it's x mono color if you want hair inspo go to the instagram if you want to buy go to the website check out my live your actual life merch here it all is so cute if you like the shop you can also shop it right down below with the link go for it today's instagram shout out goes to katie she says i'm 19 and ready for a huge change in my hair i have naturally brown hair but i have highlights i want a big change instead of getting the same color over and over what should i do she says i want a big change go platinum your skin would look beautiful with platinum gorgeous blonde hair and i would cut it maybe just like a couple inches trim nothing too much i'm loving a good side fringe curtain bang moment so definitely try that too give it a shot if you end up doing it i would love to see a photo and good luck that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,377,188
Rating: 4.9690661 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To People Coloring Their Hair With Sharpies, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, sharpie hair coloring brad mondo, sharpie hair color, sharpie hair dye, sharpie hair coloring, how to color your hair with shapies, kool-aid hair dye, how to color hair with kool-aid, hair fail, bleach fail, haircut, DIY hair color, haircut at home, hair disaster, ruining hair, funny, entertaining, 40 vol, at home, blue hair, pink hair, purple hair, xmondo color, Xmondo
Id: 2w9iAKmIZ3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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