Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Cutting Their Own Bangs And Regretting It

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hi beautiful are you doing we're talking about banks today listen every girl at some point in their life I'm pretty sure has thought about getting bangs so I get bangs with a face for bangs like her bangs good for me it's just a question a lot of girls ask themselves okay at some point it's like I don't want to cut my hair I don't want to color it maybe I should get bangs which is arguably a lot more difficult to fix and getting a different color or getting a different haircut because you know you get into furan haircut you get extensions if you don't like the haircut if you get a bad color you can always fix it usually bangs it's like dude those things are cut it takes years to grow bangs back out so they're a commitment but a lot of people get it done a lot of people stick with them forever you know if you're a bang girl you're a bang girl if you're not a bang girl you're just not bang girls and non bang girls it's a different species and we're gonna investigate the world of bangs today we're gonna watch a bunch of girls cut their own bangs at home see if they come out good see if it conferenced their face shape their attitude their vibe I just give you my opinion and listen this is only my opinion and my opinion only you may like the way the girls look in these bangs I may not or vice versa and that is okay we can all have our own opinions and the world will still be all good and the world will still revolve so let's watch a bunch of girls cut their bangs for the first time let's do it our first video is called cutting my own bangs gone very bad by Verena we're you know let's see what you got here let's see what happens and don't get me wrong Breton Rock is beautiful I would love to look like Breton rock but when I first got bangs I was try to look like this one is your model right okay so here we go okay okay that's definitely a lot of a lot of bang you can cut bangs all different ways you can do the whole triangle thing you can do the whole straight across thing you can do a lot of bang from back here forward you can do a little bit of it just depends what kind of bang you are looking for I think she's gone for a full bang here who doesn't like a full bang you know I mean I know this is a good idea I mean at least she knows it's a terrible idea just do it no cut your bangs you can have to you have to now you're screwed let him blame and Jacqueline more cuz she said no balls do it if I look at least Jacqueline's wrong god I shouldn't do this give me a sign right now I guess I'm so I think I should do it we start like short right I mean wha can you start like wrong yeah okay wait I'm not ready literally just one I'm fully ready oh shoot okay no no I would definitely recommend she fully straighten them I fully recommend when you're cutting your bangs cut them in this style you're gonna wear them so if you're gonna wear your hair straight all the time cut them fully straighten fully blown out fully straightened if you're gonna wear your hair curly cut them curly otherwise you're gonna have issues and her hair looks like half straight half curly right now what do you know cut him wet or straightened however she's gonna wear them I don't know but this doesn't seem like the best idea I mean what do I know you know you got banged girl Oh trying to fit him out now listen they're not that bad straighten em out right I'm literally gone from YouTube for three weeks I come back in this and why do I make myself up there you are not ugly you are a beautiful young girl okay so stop it love yourself you can't love yourself who the hell is gonna love you those rewards once spoken by Queen RuPaul isn't the quote you can't love yourself with the help I don't listen I don't know my brother sister my brother would be like you terrible [Music] if I walked into Eric's room when I was younger and did something like that he'd be like what did you do you know get oh you look disgusting something like that probably a little more aggressive though and then he probably would have like kicked me and then locks his door on me my childhood was a little rough which is like two years so um no I actually think they look really cute I don't think those are the most optimal bangs for her face shape also if you guys want a whole video about I don't know if you should get bangs or if there would work for your face or what type of bangs you should get I was gonna make that video a long time ago but I decided not to but now I think I should just let me know if you want that I really don't even know if people find that interesting or not but I would so I let me know I like her bangs I however wish they were shorter like I wish they were kind of like above the eyebrow I think that would make her look very like you I don't know it's more like artsy and fun because I feel like she is kind of artsy and fun and you know just styled a little bit better but otherwise they're not the worst things I've ever seen they're not those are Farina's bangs she got bangs and she looks cute listen Verena I think you are a little bit too mean to yourself give yourself more credit for how beautiful you are and love your bangs for what they are period um look at my bangs today like Hollow next to do is buy little Crowley and it is bangs on curly hair of course I needed to include some curly bang videos when people who cut their curly hair like really curly hair into bangs if it's not done correctly it goes really wrong so let's see what happens here the plan for today is for me to get straight across things right short neither do i okay as you can see my hair is really yes it is 3/8 year 3 be tight ok I forget because that's what happens about these scissors from Sally's okay using real Assessors how much money on like doesn't those are fine for what you're doing I mean you don't need like amazing scissors you're just cutting bangs once like it's not that big of a deal but like okay so you're supposed to do eyebrow - that's definitely one way of doing it usually you know when I cut bangs on people I kind of let their hair fall naturally down and just see where that natural bangs section lands so like you kind of tilt their head forward and whatever kind of falls in this sort of section you usually cut them as bangs because otherwise when you kind of just section it out without doing that technique I just said it you end up cutting these bangs and then the moment your head falls forward after cutting them you end up with a bunch of long pieces going through your bangs because of how your hair naturally falls forward so definitely make sure you're kind of cutting you know with the roundness of your head and how your hair naturally Falls when you cut bangs that's a whole lot of bang your dry cutting because I'm going to be making sure the length of my hair well look at that this is like a preview because that's a lie I'm just gonna go ahead and say that is way too much baggage right there whoa that is going to be a lot okay so she's cutting her curly and so she's gonna wear her bangs curly and yes no going back now okay we're going shorter and shorter and shorter and eight you think trendy yet 11 a little bit what do you think so far people are so funny how scare people get layer cutting their hair it's funny I guess I just never really liked Gabe well I like my hair but you know whenever I used to change the color a lot I would just do it put it on let's just go for it everybody with their bangs are like scariest thing in their life like anything okay they look cute kind of I don't get this whole straight across Fang moment she did on her hair yeah I mean her curls are just gonna like fall over not what she matches okay technique come through with the with the hairdresser techniques this is good to go a little by little though because once you go to be short there's no going back until it grows out in a month okay see how her hair is falling over it awesome I feel like nothing's on I think she really liked that I was like do I like these are they good for her what's going on here but then I was like yeah she actually looks really cute much more like artistic much more like not your mainstream like girl kind of like there's something cool going on with her I really like them and I love that she did them like pretty short I love a good baby bang they're so cute and I like the way she straightened it with that little bevel in it I love it good job little Crowley kind of killed that he kind of did that thing and it kind of looks amazing and I'm super happy for you and she got bangs who was getting banged next let's move on to the next girl here we have hair by Pierre my bangs epic fail I love a good film okay let's see what happens her hair so pretty I thought my have you notice the back we aren't very full very dense very thick I see the fun going more towards the ends if you see here has been very sparse that's interesting wonder why goddess I decided to cut my babies I was like why not so she had a ton of heat damage and the front was thinning bad you know what maybe this time for some bangs for you what's going on hold on hold on cutting the entire front of our hair into a bang the entire front section like ear to ear somebody explain this to me what is going on oh no no no no no no no no no what's up girl what in the world is that oh no this is her realizing she just made the biggest mistake okay so I think what she was going for is like a face frame plus a bang that's not exactly how that works hmm I mean if she wanted to get this whole face frame look I mean her hair is very curly I'm not an expert in curly hair cutting but I do know you probably shouldn't you know got it all at once like that with curly hair you kind of need to sculpt it if she's gonna wear her hair curly all the time I would have just pulled pieces out would cut them pull pieces out cut them have them cut them cut them cut them until you get into the shape you want you just cut it and you're the architect of your own curls with straight hair cutting you usually do it more in a structural way with curly hair it's more freehand more artsy however you can do that with straight hair too but really hair definitely you don't want to cut it to structural because they don't weigh the same every time it's kind of like a very natural look so what she just did ooh I would not have done that let's just say that now we know as it's called epic fail now we know the definition is not the chain oh okay the bangs would have been really cute if it wasn't for that whole like face frame like bull cut moment situation I think she agrees with that yeah but the cute little like short curly bangs would have been so good oh they're just correctly wanna see bang trims are not expensive so I would have just went to this Lana broadly just got a bang trim but I would definitely go to a curly salon but hey again that is just me let's move on to the next video the next video is by loopsy and it's cutting my bangs oMG I've watched these videos before at leoch see I still don't not a say her name still don't know but we're gonna watch her videos she's getting bangs girl if you've seen last week's video about my hair journey where I talked about how my hair looked throughout my life at the end mention that I was thinking about getting some bangs I love how people say there's thinking about getting bangs like it's a handbag I just want to get my bangs I'm gonna go shopping and I'm gonna get bangs I'm only gonna purchase some bangs no you're gonna cut your bangs gonna cut them for five years [Music] really cute for all my winter she's very pretty hair that's her natural hair color and it's quite gorgeous so much Jeff and so much life to it this is what I say about you know brown hair when it has so much life like this and it just looks so vibrant and shiny and lustrous I love it I think her hair is so nice in its natural form she's beautiful hair I'm going to separate out a small triangle AHA in the front here okay oh that's a very small triangle yes these are gonna be little micro bangs little tiny micro bangs trying to get this even here the actual fringe or bangs the word fringe is so much better than bangs can we just change that and everybody in America I just started saying fringe instead of bangs things is the ugliest word I've ever heard ever [Music] and many some kind of like framing bit so that it looks cute well okay not as well not the worst plan like me and this is the first time I'm actually getting nervous sound like okay it's time for a change guys it's time for a change do it I'm gonna quit wait too long at first okay it's only this much hair like I mean what was even about this is nothing okay okay yeah they look so nervous they look really cute I do I don't know how girls deals like bangs that are in their eyes on their eyelashes I would get so pissed I had a full-on fight with my bangs every day if they were in my eyes like that Oh shorter maybe I'm so cute Erick because I just had a much a lot day you guys know I love my mosh a lot days should have another one today I think I should have out there okay I think I'm just going to take the center now make that a little bit shorter okay artiste this is where I start improvising by the way I mean I'm pretty much just waiting the whole thing anyway every good hairdresser improvises it's going to annoy me so much all right so it's time to make my oh they look really cute it's framing in little pieces I need to make this triangle largerr okay she's giving me full-on hairdresser moment right now with this side angle cut hello yes this shouldn't be a problem to hide this why are we hiding this I love them - I think she did an awesome job with this cut so far she did the best job on it everybody and she kind of nailed that I love this they look really cute on her I don't know they just give her such like a cute girl little vibe you know what I mean like they're just fun they're just like a little bit different it's still like kind of same her but it's like a little bit more like stylized oopsie I love it you look great let's watch one last video and then we'll be done with bangs our last and final video is by jewel IV and it's called cutting my own bangs Betty bangs so these are gonna be short bangs and this girl looks very artsy and very cool very my style so she's starting off with taking out her braids that she has in um so let's see how long her hair is very curious to see what's going on underneath these braids oh okay I wasn't expecting that now she's going in and cutting those bangs and doing the triangle section like everybody else did we're doing more triangles guys oh and she is going in with some clippers which is a great technique to use a lot of hairstyles love using clippers for bangs because you can get that really precise straight bang look when you're going for their really blunt really thick straight structural line Clippers are awesome to use it also just gets the job done way faster uh so it's going in nude oh these are gonna be cool cuz they're like half colored blonde half color black - I love how short she gonna go though is the real question oh that was quick [Music] so that's what I'm doing here I think I went in about two more times to just get the shape that I really was going for like corrected it and I would kind of like this light it's definitely not like the length I want it but it's like this is like something I could deal with for now I want it to be a little longer no no this short looks so good on her even shorter would look even better I think she needs like little centimeter long bangs that just go across like oh those who look so good on her and so artsy and so fresh okay yeah that would look cute too but it'd look good like that you should do that I'm living everybody keeps saying that I don't make she looks younger I mean that was really quick I wasn't expecting her to literally just cut like a little bit and then come back with bangs done but there you go her bangs look cute I love them a little bit different than everybody else she kind of did a little bit shorter I love the half blonde half dark um super fun I love those bangs I think she killed it good place to end this oh I'm all banged out for today we had some really good bangs we had some really bad bangs but nonetheless they were banged I wonder how many people are gonna see this video today and go cut their bangs be careful look up a good tutorial on how to do it if you're gonna do it yourself I know you're probably gonna do it yourself just be careful okay start from long and go shorter I didn't tell you to do it but if you're gonna do it just do it right thank you or record it and your video if you screw it up and don't forget tomorrow is Cyber Monday so if you would like to get you know a little bit of a coupon if you're looking for a little bit of a sale on X mondo there may just be one tomorrow on X mondo hair calm link below check that out sign up for the newsletter will notify you what's going on and just make sure you you know get on the site on Monday if you're trying to get some products and you're trying to get beautiful glowing fabulous hair which I know you probably are also if you want to stay up to date with all kinds of new product releases please fo x mono hair on Instagram I'm so proud of my baby I love my next mondo and follow grandma doe NYC which is me on Twitter and Instagram and that guy's is all for today thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life I'll see you next [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 6,828,251
Rating: 4.9523373 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser, reacts, brad&eric, Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Cutting Their Own Bangs And Regretting It, diy bangs, cutting bangs, bangs, how to cut bangs, side bangs, betty bangs, short bangs, long bangs, getting bangs, fringe, cutting fringe, hairdresser reacts, how to, brad mondo, fall off, hair fail, diy hair, hair stylist, at home, jenna marbles, hair dresser, video react, ruining hair, hair cut, leopsie, vereena, diy bangs without cutting
Id: ruKRnFws0gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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