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I got my mom Lotte heed my hands I got my macho lactate in my pants I got my monster fly teh in my hand and I got you and you and you and you and you beautiful I'm so happy to see you today you look so good today oh wait you literally look good every day now really look beautiful YUM okay so YouTube is known for DIY is hacks all kinds of things and a lot of it is centered around hair then people love to cut their own hair color their own hair and that is why I have the job that I do so thank you so much today I thought we do a little exploration of DIY haircuts how they work what people are doing these days for DIY haircuts how people cut layers in their hair at home how people cut their own bangs how people do a blunt haircut and I want to just get in their minds and see what the hell they're doing because whenever somebody comes into the salon with that DIY haircut it's not cute and I want to know where the hell they're getting this advice from so today I'm gonna do a little YouTube search find some DIY haircuts and I'm gonna follow them for you guys on my good friend miss Manny Kwan all right guys she's my best friend yes she is and she's back for more aren't you yes you thanks for being here love I'm so glad you could make it again if you guys um realized yes I did come out her hair since the last video I did with her following a 19th century hair tutorial video she had quite a few knots in there didn't ya didn't ya and no she does not have arms and so she could not brush her own hair out to be honest with you I had my assistant do most the work so thanks Joe are you guys so let's oh I know stuff looking at the camera you can people get creeped out babe I'm sorry but so is mine so that's why we get along alright so let's pull up the first tutorial which is gonna be a layered of Terra Cotta tutorial because these ends need to go real bad so we're gonna give her a nice layered haircut hopefully sort of nice I don't know I'm gonna be following these tutorials to the exact even the types of tools they use I think and we're just gonna do exactly what they say if they don't use a comb I'm not gonna use a coma if they use thinning shears I'm using sure you get it alright great well we're set before ok great I'm ready so our first video is by what a shame Mary Jane oh what a name that it is Miss Mary Jane it's called how I cut my hair long traveling DIY layered hair this actually has only a thousand views so hey I'm Brad thank you [Music] I have to disagree so you do it yourself you're a New York City girl you're in the best city for hair in the world are you doing the same tools as her I definitely don't have children's scissors on me I'm sorry this is worse than I thought get rid of this show us show us that mean that is a lot of paragraph' oh my god she's so pretty though hello Miss Mary Jane Wow girl needs a haircut all right so my girl's hair is already brushed out so we good we done oh my god that is so long and luscious and okay so we're putting the head upside down oh my god hold on why why why is that the thing that you don't care about Miss Mary James all right so first step we're gonna flip her so she didn't use a brush at all there's me so many bumps in this hair and it's gonna be so uneven oh my god I want to use a brush so bad already God she really doesn't care that doesn't mean and we're not going for perfect like Mary Jane said great step one is complete I'm really excited about it this is very so that was actually quite a good explanation at least she knows what's going on because you're over directing all of this hair from the back this hair when it falls down just visualize this it's gonna be the longest hair because you're over directing all the way over and then this hair from the front it's gonna be the shortest because you're cutting it here and then when it falls back down it's gonna be way shorter than the back because the back is over directed so much so at least Miss Mary Jane knows the hell is going on values the first step like yes bro okay I'm actually not hating this yet but um this is definitely not a very precise way of doing it I have never ever cut hair like this so we're gonna see what exactly happens when we um let the hair out after we cut it okay great okay so now she's just using her head what are we doing now don't get scared [Music] what Mary Jane what are you doing stop put down the knife let it go don't do this to me uh-uh get out no thank you but you guys like I said I'm gonna be using the same tools as she does so I'm gonna stick to what I said and go grab a sharp knife from my kitchen so this is happening yeah yeah yeah cool cool okay next step okay now she puts on her hair BAM where she wants to cut the hair and also she's directing the hair downwards and then putting elastic here she's not actually holding it up which she should be doing because now this is gonna give her more layering which is fine if that's what she was going for but I don't think she realized what's happening okay okay yeah that's what we're gonna do that's great okay okay the oddest part about this right now is that it's working really well that was some fun listen it really did cut the hair about you gonna shocked but it definitely didn't give with a very even edge now did it mm-hmm okay was the one we just laid this right here let's keep watching what she does okay now she's eating it all evening it off without using a comb BAM done Oh shake it now can I can I brush it um okay oh no this is why you don't do this to be honest with you I didn't think it was gonna be this bad oh oh oh shoot that is not it oh my god what the hell happened can we look at these layers what even is that I honestly didn't think it was me this bad Oh baby girl no this ain't it like look at the back maybe I'm judging too soon maybe we can leave is disable let's keep watching Oh what's the next step no don't do this to me where the hair god okay so she's sexually off to this part but their fingers not with the coma awesome I don't know to call me I have fingers these phalanges can section alright okay we're over it we're acting upwards which is actually good idea you have a brush why don't you just use it all right she like did that brought it back down part I hate the most about this is not using the comb I don't even know what your hand is which now like I don't even what can I cut with and look what is that what am I supposed to do with this I there's no like connection whatsoever my sister cut all this off like I mean I guess I would just even this out if I was really cutting hair so point cut if she said we're gonna try to make something out of this make it not look so bad okay so now let's let this down okay once again what do you guys think okay looks a little bit better still we have a shelf on this side oh I'm sorry baby okay so now I don't even know she's taking it like this and just kind of like bringing it down and point cutting we're just kind of like fixing this I don't even know what to do with my life right now I actually am legitimately trying but like we already have this awful base that we're starting with like she has literally a blonde hair cut there's no blending this in oh really doctor this the outcome of Mary Jane's haircut and this is mine and as you guys could see I followed exactly what she did and let's just say this does not look good so don't be following it at home because wow this is a mess what can we do to fix you I know just the thing the worst part is these like short short pieces that have no connection to the rest of the haircut okay so why don't we just give her bangs and why don't we just follow something else's DIY tutorial to cut her bangs because seems like the right thing to do in this raishin okay so we're gonna follow this DIY cutting my own bangs thing by Johanna Spicer okay so let's watch this okay thank you I've actually never been here but thank you already relatable Thank You Joanna usually here how every girl they're like I don't want to cut my length I don't want to do anything so why don't I just get back this is one of the most commitment full things you can do to your hair because once you cut your bangs it takes like three years to grow back out and it is not fun and I've seen a lot of people struggle to get their bangs back to the length of the rest of their hair so cool perfect join us do it dot and I said that I would use the same tools so let me go and grab some scissors I don't know you guys I don't know if this is gonna happen these are really small cuticle scissors but I'm gonna stick to my word and use whatever she uses so okay section Oh what is that section so basically she has a really short forehead so she wants to bring the hair all the way from back here so her bangs look more full to be honest with you I don't want to do that but we're gonna do it anyways okay but what's gonna happen if you do this is that it's gonna give you a bowl cut because the hair naturally falls to the side so she's gonna have like some bang on the side of her head over here and over here you'll see I'm sure to look like so let's keep going great great thank God because you have no freaking idea okay the eyebrow not bad Oh God Oh which was stained we're doing the twist we're doing the twist she's twisting and that is because she's trying to over direct the hair so that it's longer on each side and goes shorter in the middle when you let it go it's gonna be longer on the sides and it is in the middle and that's how it works that's not a bad way of doing it okay with my cuticle scissors hey there she was gonna happen Tina's are actually working Oh Joanna Oh Joanna these mushroom bangs oh no I don't know whose are worse Joanna's are like Miss Minnie Wayne here Oh BBG this ain't it what is this okay I'm gonna do a little oopsie and just cut a little bit of like this length off this side I'm gonna use my cuticle scissors and I'm gonna cut it and I'm gonna keep cutting for three hours we're having new toy day what are we raising now so she uses this kind of razor me every day I'm just literally doing stuff oh my god these are the most fun games I've ever seen in my life what are those oh yeah I'm sure she pull that I'm gonna blow dry hair real quick just so this like part isn't here and I'm gonna try and like okay so I just blow-dried the bangs situation with the blow dryer and I Ram rush and to be honest with you they don't look terrible but as you can see there's still a quite in a thing going here so I'm gonna even it out because that is what miss joanna is doing she is kind of just like going in and like fixing it okay so these are some full bangs honey it's not like the worst thing I've ever seen it's kind of like bull cut cheek especially with these like layer and going on from the last video it's kind of retro and like shaggy not totally hating it let's see what else she does look horrible on her like so what I'm gonna say mojo Anna's bangs is that they actually don't look that bad the only thing she needs to do is like not cut them back so far like I get that she wants a fuller like fringe and like she wanted to come back really really far but like she went literally on the back of her head and I would recommend I'm not doing that or else you're gonna get like that bowl cut and it's giving her a very very like rounded helmet head thing so just be careful with that Joanna I mean unless that's your style and it seems like Joanna really likes that so miss Joanna Spicer it's not the worst tutorial I've ever seen it's not so that is the finished outcome of the DIY haircuts that I followed one was layering one with bangs and I could see where they were going with the whole thing but the execution wasn't quite there for me if you can notice on these ends it needs a lot of work if this is what you're going for just a little bee haircut at home I'd highly recommend following one of these tutorials thank you guys so much for sharing your tutorials and hopefully nobody follows it at home thank you yeah that's the back what do you think Eric that's the haircut all right so I learned a lot how to do a terrible haircut with a knife and with some cuticle scissors and will I ever be doing that again know if you're gonna cut your hair this bad at home you might as well just go to like a really cheap place they would do a decently better job for you and I'll probably cost you $25 so that's my little piece of advice and that's all thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to check out glitterati and pollux Mon on Instagram for new product releases wing-wang follow me on instagram at Brad mondo NYC and Twitter because I like to say things on there don't forget to live your extra life and never cut your hair at home and I will see you uh-huh next time peace [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,222,543
Rating: 4.8246822 out of 5
Keywords: PRO HAIRDRESSER FOLLOWS A DIY HAIRCUT TUTORIAL, brad mondo, hairdresser reacts, amazing hair transformations, hairstyles for long hair, bradmondonyc, how to cut your own hair, hair tutorial, how to, diy haircut, haircut tutorial, cut your own hair, hair stylist, at home, diy hair, jenna marbles, hair dresser, fall off, gone wrong, video react, hair transformations by professional, haircut tutorial compilation, hair cut, haircut for your face shape, bangs for your face
Id: ihusmXfbdqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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