Hairdresser Reacts To Life Changing Haircuts

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hi beautiful how are you sorry I'm not feeling too well today but you know I thought the only thing that might make me feel better today is wearing a Balenciaga hot pink velvet turtleneck with matching gloves and I will let you know something I do feel a bit better so thank you for caring welcome how are we today oh my god when you thought I couldn't get any more extra I did it today you're here for some amazing haircut transformations and we're gonna see some we have some girls that had extremely extremely long hair that must have took them years and years and years to grow out and today they're chopping it off they're breaking out those arts and crafts scissors and they're gonna chop off her head sorry that was a lot but I think it was appropriate with that all said let's watch some girls completely transform their looks with a life changing haircuts and probably a few mental breakdowns along the way let's do it but wait before we watch these videos I have a giveaway going on you guys asked for it I haven't done one in a while and you know when I do giveaways they're expensive honey so firstly we have all the X mondo hair products for you to try even the two brand new ones I just got released we have video Sam and yes it's called BDSM it's our bomb this is great for taming flyaways timming edges slicking back those ponytails and adding beautiful separation to your blowout or your waves also for you men out there it is so amazing to style with I use it on my hair every single day along with basically all my products we have electric rain prismatic glue brush X we have a new one also we have Viper Viper will literally cure your dry or damaged hair and smooth the out of your hair you're gonna love it so much can wait for whoever gets their hands on these to enjoy and live their extra life and then of course we have a bunch of other stuff is it Christmas or is it just Brad's giveaway just breads giveaway we have bliss products we have a turbine because we don't like to rough up our cuticle we have much aerosol dry shampoo our teeth brush sets very expensive a bunch of lipsticks from miss L'Oreal we also this amazing curling wand set we have plenty of things for you and brushes and all other kinds of stuff that'll be in the giveaway and we have some beautiful eyeshadow palettes and to enter my giveaways it's so damn easy I should make it harder next time all you have to do to enter is follow me on instagram at brahmanda and y-c follow my hair care brand ex mondo hair and just show your love the person who shows the most love wins and the giveaway will close on March 1st so you have a week from today to enter do your thing show me some love and I'll show you some love back good luck and may the best of the best win anyways let's get back to what I was doing okay so I'm not gonna lie not the most practical outfit I know I know you're thinking wow that must be really practical it's not I actually can't use my computer with the gloves on we'll just pretend our first video is by discover Sarah and this is just called cutting my hair Sarah we love a simple title let's see what goes on here I can't wait Sarah [Music] cut it listen hair gets to a certain point where you I'm just like that does not need to be that long when it sound to hear I'm like okay we can cut that it gets to the point where it's not really like a hairstyle anymore it's just like hair oh my god I'm scared I'm excited also i match her doors imagine dealing with all of that hair every day of your life tell me how you do it cuz I can't even deal with this really cos classical music going on it's really relaxing me while I watch this music selection is killing me at Kenya [ __ ] oh she's going for it Oh cut through that it's gonna blow dude she's cutting it short oh oh my god this is actually a mess but you know I just wanted to show you guys but I'm cutting my hair it's just so sad it's fine do you like my first time actually cutting right here it's so all oh my god you guys it's so short ah yeah you just couldn't see your damn shoulders we regret this no no no you don't regret this this is the best thing you ever decided to do in your life this is good really good for you I don't know if you guys can tell but I'm actually I'm kind of digging it okay there's one more piece of it left I'm gonna cut it longer because it's such an uneven cut because my hair I'm so close what do you think I love it oh my god sorry she wasn't asking me I just can't get this part okay don't cut your hands off that's it that's it it's done it's like hanging on my trip up here I'm actually digging it oh I'm so happy for her yeah literally come on I'm actually getting stressed out by you saying it that's it and then you keep cutting yeah [Music] okay it's really oh my god it feels like so fresh okay look at it Oh Shh it's so uneven let me tell you yo she has so much hair that is amazing that is gonna go and make probably several wigs for people this is such a better look for her I'm beyond here for it except however I was so distracted by that whole cutting experience that I just watched that I forgot that she totally just hacked her hair and it is totally uneven she's gonna need somebody to really fix that in order to make it look presentable okay it's so uneven me in the background if I was your brother yes asymmetrical bob let's get it oh she's gonna try and keep going great okay she's gonna be so sassy when she's older I already know it I already know it [Music] yo yo I love Sarah she just took there and choked herself with it and said I could choke up with this me yeah in what world tell me she went to a hairdresser and got that fix though please tell me that you you look amazing look I think I like it and I thought it was gonna be so much harder to cut it like no she's living she said wake up tomorrow I'd be like but it's gonna be great anyway it's really uneven I know my mom is going to I kind of put my like along street ponytail on her bed I just wanted to like fix it up how it longer in the front for sure I want to personally talk to whoever doesn't like her hair like this I would like to have a discussion with you and ask you what is wrong with you okay and no we can't have differing opinions on this this is a one-sided thing we can only like this haircut because she just looks so much more styled and like she cares and like just the long hair not a fan I'm sorry or I'm not sorry let's move on to the next life-changing haircut let's see what we got up next we have Victoria Amero and this is cutting my long hair short where is your hair damaged I want to know where because I don't see it and I did it myself so duh I expected it will confuse dry with damage they're totally different damaged is like when your hair is color treated and it's like fried your hair just absorbs moisture away too much you can't get it dry your hair is damaged right dry means it's just you know we've got a few more split ends than you should your hair's a little frizzy you know I think our hair is more dry than damaged I feel like I've been procrastinating all day so yeah I'm gonna cut it myself as short as I want it oh look at that length though show us it stand up spin a prick up my mom goes in she doesn't trim it too too short but I'm actually scared I'm not nervous I'm not these girls are troopers there's no mental breakdowns yet just curly and all these moms who double as a hair stylist like what what's that about the last girl to my mom will fix it will she though or will she make it worse that is the question and Karen keeps well I know that when you cut your hair you definitely get a bit of a pick-me-up so maybe you're getting rid of a bad energy I'm gonna start telling people that when they don't want to cut their hair I'll just be like you want to keep all that bad stuff in your hair you don't wanna like all of it okay okay we won't cut it that's on you but don't come crying to me and something bad happens and they're like that's right she cause her hair short like this and it looks so good and she actually cut it perfectly okay she's cutting it really short [Music] it's not even because I don't want to have short hairs because I'm scared I will not do it right there's no chance you're gonna do right okay so she changed your mind and now she's doing two pieces instead of four the four pieces would have been better she said she didn't trust herself with the four pieces you should trust yourself more with the four pieces because it was just a better idea now you're cutting through a huge chunk of hair and you're gonna get all unevenness when you could have gotten pretty good with the four different sections but um whatever okay so we're going for a shoulder length bob yes I can't wait for that I wish should we show us how long her hair is like can I can I see it how long is your hair show me oh she's going short hurry up I ain't got no patience cut cut cut cut it cut it out whoa yo she's got a lot of hair too I want to make a paintbrush out of that hair it definitely feels like the right thing to do am I the only one yes okay great oh so look how long her hair was dude it that is years of growth years her hair's gonna feel so good and so healthy though after this Oh can I imagine okay hold up it was down to her waist and she went up to her shoulder that is a brave girl I love that I love the commitment she killed it I can't wait to see how uneven it is but nonetheless she killed it it's not gonna save your hair grow it it's gonna be hella crazy when you take those out cut it got it got it got it got it got it got it got it got it got it about this similar about this some other things yo you have a lot of hair a lot of it I love it whoa that is a beautiful hair though hope she's donating it so getting a cut and stuff or whatever [Music] not looking good well I mean it looks good but oh actually she looks so good what was I talking about I mean the back probably looks so Jagr she looked amazing with short hair let's just talk about that for a moment greasy but it has so much volume the truth let's see the bag I don't want to see the bag can we just keep it like I said it's in a v-shape because every single girl that cuts their own hair is in a few shape yeah because you're over attracting forward give you the V in the back you see that I love it I freaking love it I still want it shorter because I want a tiny bit shorter yes barely touching mine I think that's a great idea that way it doesn't flip going inside but for right now she looks so cute and she loves it that's the best part time to get his reaction [Music] I love all the moms cutting it okay good with the trash bag we love liked it even shorter honestly but this this is cute I would have liked her to get some more layering in there some more shredded nest to spice it up a little bit make it look a little more punky instead of so pretty you know get a razor in there and just shred that [ __ ] up sorry I'm very aggressive today I don't know what's gotten into me Thank You Victoria for that video you look stunning I am very happy for you and you cut your hair it is so good it looks amazing let's move on to the next video alright our next video is by Sophia galava and it's called I cut my hair at 2:00 a.m. my mom was mad doesn't sound like a good idea I don't blame your mom for getting mad but we'll see what happens I mean it could be could be fine highly doubt it though I've been wanting short hair for a really long time I think like anybody who knows me knows that I think that'd be so good for you I am ready for it I don't know I I'm not wearing any makeup so that if it does look bad how do you think she's very sure of her decision to cut it but these are the kinds of decisions you make at 3 a.m. and then just like go for it and hope for the best well typically it doesn't work out the way you wanted to and then you wake up the next day you're like was that a dream or did I actually do it to myself and then usually it's um yeah it was real life and then you go down a spiral of hating yourself and then you get over it and yeah I watched her hair is so pretty cutting videos and they all are basically the ones that like are like gone wrong a great place to learn how to do a haircut with gone wrong haircutting videos my mom is asleep right now what they're just everyday scissors yes we love kitchen scissors there the scissors offices whatever you wanna call them oh she's got waist-length hair also girl this is gonna be a big change I think she's gonna love it okay let me just think about what I'm doing or don't I just go for it I've been thinking about this for literally the longest time hello she's doing just do it Oh every time man it gets me I'm like oh what am i doing this is so good for you this is exactly what you should be doing I want to make a paintbrush about hair or makeup brush am I the only one her hair is so healthy and beautiful and it's about to be even more healthy and beautiful and I just want to stare at oh my god what did I do like this is so good for you you just cut your hair and it looks dope I love with make on it it's so satisfying so I'm excited and I love it oh we're cutting it more yes we're good at your board this is exactly what you should be doing I think it'll look better shorter oh okay yeah that was a lot that looks a lot better wait go shorter go shorter wait I actually really like it she goes from I really regret that cuts another in job I look good I love it listen sometimes another inch is all it takes I'll get it fixed right really crazy yeah oh my god and I was just pretending on short hair and look at me darling like yes wanted short hair but I never could it this shirt you look so stunning I try to face having some friends and see if it answer it I love the reaction did you cut your hair [Music] before her mom sees it let's just go over something really quick listen I love the haircut I think it looks amazing on her I do however think she should go and see your hairdresser get some layering put in there some texture just to really spice it up instead of having a one length haircut styling that is gonna be a little bit difficult it's gonna flip a lot it's gonna go all sorts of different directions you don't want to go in and having a really good haircut to work with your hair texture is really gonna help your hair lay well when it air dries makes your life a lot easier when you have a good haircut so definitely go and see somebody to fix that but definitely is not perfect at all by no means but you always why our family's always so mean like my brothers my mom would do the same I was like dissing my hair and they'd be like wha what the hell did you meteors uh you look crazy like why'd you do that like you're gross it's like but it's all love you know oh my god she looks so I don't know if I'm gonna go get it fixed because it looks fine like I don't think you're cooking it Thanks go get a fix why is to maybe thin out the ends yes really big until she looks so much more her age now that she has the haircut the longer hair was making her look a little bit childish I think it was a great change another thing I wanted to touch on was when she said my hair feels so much thicker and now that I have this haircut often like people don't realize if you cut your hair it feels it looks so much thicker people with fine hair will come into the salon and be like what do you recommend for me to do to make it thicker and make it healthier and make it more volume miss I'm always like well would you cut your hair because that will help your situation a lot it will make your hair appear fuller and be fuller those straggly ends can contribute a lot to making your hair look really fine and fragile and we want to stay away from that so cutting your hair is just such a great thing all around it's so good on so many levels so if you're feeling like you're stuck in a rut and you feel like your hair is fine or thinner fragile get a damn haircut you won't regret it I promise or maybe you will that's okay it all grows back Sophia my darlin you look fabulous change it up once in a while maybe color next would be fun but this looks great and congratulations on the huge hair change it's amazing well those haircuts we're definitely changing very satisfying I'm so happy for all those girls there was absolutely no girls that weren't ready for it and they seemed so happy with the outcome which is so cool because most people when they get their hair cut when they get like an inch cut off they're like these girls are cutting off like 20 inches and they're like yeah whatever goodbye we're done with you and I loved it they all look so stunning after and before it they looked great but I definitely prefer the shorter hair on all of them great job girls and with Val said don't forget to enter my giveaway it ends on March 1st you can win the entire line of X mondo and a bunch of other amazing products all you're gonna do is follow me on instagram at brandman oh my see and fo x mono hair & instagram @ x mono hair and just show your love like a bunch of stuff vomit a bunch of stuff just show me you want to win and you will probably win and the winner will be announced on my Instagram story and I will notify you if you want and thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to live your extra diet I don't see you next time bye hi beautiful this is Project X our everyday shampoo Project X shampoo is perfect for those of you with normal hair who need to a normal cleanse this is not a heavy-duty cleanser this is not a lightweight one is perfectly right in the middle it is going to get rid of all the dirt and debris in your hair without over-drying it she is your best friend
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,337,834
Rating: 4.9218817 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Life Changing Haircuts, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hairdresser reacts, how to cut layers at home, how to, brad mondo, fall off, hair fail, hair stylist, how to color hair at home, jenna marbles, at home, diy hair, hair dresser, long hair to pixie, girls shaving their hair, long hair to shave, long hair to pixie cut, long hair to pixie cut transformation, long to short hair, how to cut hair at home, haircut compilations, Bleach hair
Id: UWwYChuG2ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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