Hairdresser Reacts To Long Hair To Pixie Cut Transformations

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hi beautiful today we're watching some girls do some drastic haircuts from really long hair actually i don't know how long it is i lied to pixie cuts they're gonna have hair and then not hair is basically what's gonna happen today should be interesting pixie cuts are not easy to do they can go very very wrong and if the wrong type of pixie cut is on the wrong face shape it's just going to look all wack so i'm quite nervous especially because they're doing a pixie cut on themselves and it's a pretty technical haircut we should see a lot of interesting things happen today let's do it [Music] one thing before we get into everything they were about to watch you guys know i just released all these brand new shampoos and conditioners i wanted to spread the love and just thank you guys for all the support by doing a giant giveaway i will be giving 10 of you guys a set of shampoo and conditioner each my giveaways are just so easy to enter so all you have to do is follow me on instagram at bretmanmyc and follow x-monohair at x-men oh hair on instagram and just show your love i mean like go off and i'll be picking 10 of you guys to be the winners of this giveaway on october 31st you'll be notified through dm and on my story so be on the lookout for that and i can't wait for you guys to get your hands on these beautiful gems right here all right our first video is by toefl and the title says i cut all my hair off my big chop curly pixie cut experience phew let's see what happens my hair i've got a lot of it yes you do you have a ton of hair it's very thick very curly oh i'm kind of sad to see this go i think i've been a curly girl for like over five years your hair is super freaking cute i love the color i love the link and i'm sad to see it go however i'm excited for the change she has such positive uplifting energy hopefully she does it good it's not easy to cut curly hair especially really really short like that i wonder if she's gonna straighten it or what she's gonna do after let's see let's just watch i've been wanting to actually shave my head chop it off girl i have these fancy scissors these fancy cutting scissors oh she is using real hair cutting scissors we love that so she doesn't end up with a bunch of crazy split ends because she used kitchen scissors i also have a razor she's going to go short short with the clippers i have no idea what i'm doing oh no that's not what i want to hear i definitely know i want the bottom to be super short the top i'm not sure about yet so okay section good idea sectioning that out i don't however like that you're using just your fingers to section it where's the comb well she's going for it oh she didn't even flinch she's like i want this off of my head immediately i can't even imagine the sense of relief she's feeling right now that's a lot of hair oh my god that's weird she's going so short oh my god i've got like this little rat tip my i don't know i've got like a little letting me know it's looking very rachet right now and i hope that she just pulls it together for me she's gonna have to really slay this somehow do you know how hard it is to do layers in the back of your head with that short hair all around and like maybe not be even a hairstylist trying to do it period it's not gonna happen she's cutting she keeps going she's going for it and she is not holding back at all i'm interested to see how she pulls this all together that's the biggest thing that i'm worried about also what's she gonna do with the top half just leave it like that call it quits here [Music] oh now she has a like a very cute mullet not very cute it's actually so bad but it's fun remember when i used to say like i wanted a mullet so bad and now we're almost there guys i just need cool color now okay hopefully she uses the clippers now and shaves the sides and blends the top oh and she missed some pieces it's still looking so awful oh and now we're just pulling up each section on the top and just cutting straight across we need some like layering going on here girl we need to over direct we need some directional pulling going on oh it's just random pieces being grabbed and cut girl it's not good she does however look really cute even though her haircut is completely jacked she's gonna cut it shorter isn't she yeah here we go i mean she needs to taper the back up the length just doesn't make any sense she needs to go like pretty shorts on the side and the back in order to pull it all together and then just blend in the top pull the sections out and cut them and blend them we're thinning the hair out you have to be careful with thinning because sometimes if you go too close to the root it just adds thickness onto your hair actually because the hairs are cut so short they end up poking up keeping the other hairs around them sticking straight up so it makes it look thicker so i think we're just gonna leave it we're gonna leave it like this that's it i'm gonna shower and style it and see how i feel and then if i need to cut more cup more sometimes you do need to wash it though in order for it to all take form i'm hopeful what wait she looks so beautiful okay so that last clip you saw was the 9th of january and today is the 9th of march the makeup the styling it all came together she looks beautiful oh my god i love this look i think this is not even better than her curly hair but just a totally different look that she completely rocks it's already been two months since i cut my hair my hair grows incredibly fast oh that was good she clearly got a haircut from somebody else later on but we'll pretend she did that at home it looks fabulous congratulations on your new haircut you look beyond great you look unbelievable scrumptious our next video is by a girl named mars and this says i chopped off my hair and actually made myself bald you accidentally moved herself her hand just slipped you know you just slip it in there's what you slip it in what it slipped in side oh another beautiful head of hair so thick so beautiful wavy curly oh i love it as you can see my hair is decently long ish oh it's long for some reason every year on around this time i always decide i'm going to cut my hair and then i always regret it but this time i'm not gonna regret it we're gonna regret it it's kidding you won't around here okay we're gonna do shoulder length why do i feel like that's gonna change i'm not gonna say this is gonna go bad because i do watch brad mondo and all the girls that say this is gonna go bad it always ends up going bad so this is not gonna go bad we'll see about that i cut my hair previously it's uneven as you can tell kind of it looks okay this time i'm gonna do it like on the back so hopefully it won't be as uneven sounds like that's not gonna happen um but i've been like watching a ton of like brad mondo like reacting to bad haircuts and i'm like i wanna have fun i don't care right now like yeah i like my hair long but life is too short to not cut your hair that's the teeth yes it's a tea you hear that i love this girl you're amazing i love you watch my videos and i inspired you to go up your hair that's what i love to hear and i love that you recorded it thank you okay so we have started sectioning the hair and she's doing ponytails which i love i'm glad she's sectioning i wonder how many she's going to do hopefully a lot because she has very very thick hair and the more you do i feel like the easier it is to cut your own hair because you get smaller sections and smaller pieces to cut and you can really take your time with it we're doing two sections that's not what i want so i'm a little worried about her pulling her hair forward i thought you'd watch my videos girl what happened you're over directing it forward you're gonna end up with a lot more length in the back and a lot shorter in the front you need to pull like to here you know like good in between not the front not the back like over the shoulders it's gonna be very uneven horribly i need but you do have curly hair so it can just be concealed by the curls i'm gonna cut it here we go yes and she's using hair scissors hair cutting shears which i'm so happy about once again today i have so much hair what yeah maybe take more sections next time this is so much hair to cut at once you're gonna break your scissors in half or use clippers to cut through it oh my god how much hair do i have way too much for one head of hair snip snip snip snip i kind of like this look oh my god i'm so happy it's so uneven it's so long in the back happy like it's obvious but i'm glad she's happy this meant so much to her and you can tell and she's so relieved and getting rid of the hair is like so liberating and exciting and oh my god is it uneven why are we going down which was going up not down up this way or we can keep going down that's okay too um yeah so this is my little hair girl that's a lot of hair you just cut off your head this is gonna look really cute styled and with a real haircut she also said in the title that she made herself bald when is this happening when's the bald thing happening i feel like she's gonna keep cutting so now we're cutting bangs she is fully like we're here we might as well play around let's just keep going and now we have bangs she definitely needs to style her hair so i can get the full-on vibe i'm realizing that there's some longer pieces in the back some the whole thing back is 12 inches longer than the front do it i'm not looking you need like a handheld mirror and another mirror you need to look at yourself while you do it because this isn't going to work like this and yeah now i'm just going to like chill and wait for it to dry then i'll be back to do an outro when's the bold part coming okay so what what happened my hair was um what happened okay it was like a bob and then i had bangs okay i was like no i want shorter you had a bobbin bangs this side was shorter this side's longer so i was like evening it out and then it was like oh so yeah i was trying to even it out and all of a sudden i went oh that's how it always happens for hairstyles too it's like you're trying even one side out and the other one goes up and down and up and you're like what before you know it you cut five more inches off you're like this looks bad i wet it so i could cut it better but that's not the problem what's the problem i was cutting it and like i can't see it so i was like i thought it was fine then i was like okay i want to take a picture to see how it looks and then like like this side was like perfect it looked really bad didn't it and then in this side i had like random bolts no so i was like okay i have to cut it more so i like tried to cut it more and then i gave myself more bond spots have you not learned anything from me anything i'm trying really hard to not freak out basically i'm pretty much just gonna like wear um this like headband that pretty much covers like the entirety of the back of my head show it to us show us the back what are we working with i'm laughing so i don't cry so yeah um okay so that's pretty much where it ends oh my god it does look really cute from the front but just maybe just don't show people the back of your head and i'm only saying that because this was from the year ago and i'm sure you're fine now so i can make fun of you just a little bit you know the back was really bad hopefully it's fixed now what happened also you guys i'm distracted because my dog is being so cute right now i need to show you what's going on with her distracted by me like that never oh raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by brad mondo yeah let's not do this again loved your long hair loved your medium length hair and loved your short hair the medium long hair was beautiful i don't know it just really worked for your face shape i loved it it just needed like layering and some texture in it and some good styling it would look perfect perfect we definitely went for it and it's definitely a change and that was what you were looking for but um we kind of missed the mark a little just thanks for sharing that video with us i could not sit on my lap right now so she's gonna join us for the outro those are really cool and the girls looked so different and i'm so happy for all of them if you guys ever feel like cutting your hair really short and just well do it but know that it might go really bad and wrong and of course if you guys didn't see my intro already which while you skipping that i do have a giveaway going on where i'm getting 10 people a set of my shampoo and conditioner so if you want to see what that's about go back to the intro and that'll explain it all make sure you guys follow me everywhere else these are all my handles all around me right now make sure you subscribe right down below you know where it is click the like button if you enjoyed today's video and the bell icon to stay notified when i post new videos this is my phone number yes this is my real number yes you can text me and yes i do see all your messages so text away and i'll be picking a few of you to respond to so get on it make sure you guys check out x model hair at and make sure you guys check out all four of our new shampoos and conditioners now available yay i'm so excited about it and i hope you guys love them as much as i do uh you can also check us out at x amount of hair on instagram which is right here and if you guys aren't sure what shampoo and conditioner you would like from my line you can take our quiz linked below and it'll tell you everything you need to know about which products are best for you today's instagram shout out goes to kylo and this is i recently had my friend cut my hair into a mullet lol i was curious what fun color you'd recommend i dye it i'm naturally blonde and honey let me tell you it ain't virgin hair no more definitely is not virgin hair i can tell you that it looks so cute i love this blue color honestly what you already have is superb i don't know why are you changing it because you just want to change i guess i really like what you have going on and if you want to do anything maybe do like a deeper blue i think like a cobalt blue like a really dark blue would look so good on you and your skin tone if you do it let me know i would love to see a picture that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,369,187
Rating: 4.9604664 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Long Hair To Pixie Cut Transformations, pixie cut, long to short hair, long to short hair, long to short haircut, long to short haircut women, long to short hair transformation, hair, long hair, short hair, hair transformation, haircut, short haircut for women, hairstyle, salon, makeover, beauty, pixie, extreme haircuts, before and after, cutting hair at home, how to do a home haircut, how to cut your own hair, layers
Id: ujqwUEmpS9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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