Hairdresser Reacts To Naomi Jon Coloring Her Hair 5 Different Colors, 5 Different Days

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hello beautiful are you doing here's a thing I forget who I actually put in my videos sometimes and like there's been a lot of people I've reacted to over the years I don't think I've ever put Naomi John in a video I could be wrong so call me out in the comment section below I did mention her if I did react to her before but I can't remember hmm okay over the past year I've been sent Naomi Johns videos numerous times but her videos never fit into the category that I needed her for at the time and I was never reacting to things she was doing with her hair but today the time has come for Naomi John to be I hate fester reacts Victor I went on her Channel and was just scrolling through and I was like okay Wow there are a lot of videos and she does a lot of things to her hair and there are a lot of things I could include her in but why not just make it into higher video about her and about every different color she's done with her hair I honestly don't think I've watched a full video of hers before but I seen the thumbnails and they look very interesting she has done a lot of colors to her hair why don't we just take a journey with Naomi John and check out every different hair color she's done and I'll let you guys know which color is my favorite when we're all done watching all of that so let's do it whoo i hi my watch the video how shall we I am we're starting off really strong we're gonna watch I dyed my hair with Halloween themed colors only we're gonna watch five videos of hers not the entire thing very short portions of them and we're gonna see all the different colors she's done out of these five and see which one is the dopest at all so we're already starting off with a sky blue of one side and a soft pastel yellow on the other side and it's already looking iconic so it can only go up from here down from here we'll see I only got my hair which is nothing new but I kind of thought of an amazing idea so as we all know it is do something spooky too what bad way to show my spookiness then through my hair color there's no better way to celebrate spooky season other than ice through the air color really I mean I mean but when I'm thinking about Halloween colors I'm thinking purple orange and green I guess someone's down my hair orange green purple today green and purple that's gonna be a tough one to pull off Naomi will see when I sneeze will see no me I feel like you might be able to pull it off you're already rocking some is some interesting hair coming when I might not I think you've rocket already so we'll see I do wonder what her placement will be though is the orange and ago on the front are we doing like all around different colors what's going on here put some conditioner in there and also some oh that's a pretty orange some of the purple in here this is Mixy Mixy looks really cool bring green which is like way too dark I want it like more like yeah that's all sea forest we you know Molly bell ringing my gloves right there actually gonna add this into the green because I wanted to just like brighten that grab right section my hair I'm gonna section the front the front is gonna be green the left side is gonna be orange and the right side is gonna meet bula so she's doing the back green yellow and the front strands purple oh that's a tough one to pull off a freaking Tuffy you know what I mean like that's uh I don't think I've ever seen that before very original I must say okay so apparently the front is going green I must have misheard something there I don't know what it was either me or her probably me I'm gonna blame myself on that one I don't really hear people speak usually just goes in and out the other side and I usually just don't remember anything is that I mean I don't is that should I work on that yeah I definitely should work on that yeah I should listen to people more often ha and finally it's a lot of a way to do it a little bit tomorrow yeah start at the bottom and go up that way you don't have to flip the colored hair over onto itself you can have to just lay it down where it's gonna go cover strand let it sit there and work your way up the head instead of going cover strand flip it over covers Trin flip it over that's annoying it's stupid and it took me a while to figure that out - you're gonna color your hair with it don't you permanent color or do something like this start at the bottom and go up holies it'll be much more organized and be a lot less messy for you so you're welcome oh I'm grateful just to be at home right now yeah ik speaking of being grateful I love my job and thank you for watching I'm so corny that's okay you know everybody speak corny once in a while thank you for watching my videos oh [Music] that's a pretty purple I like that very Halloweeny so we have the three colors it's not like one angle hard in Division I actually a little bit nervous it's gonna look a little not my style but it's hers go for it [Music] there's literally no color coming out of her hair her hair just sucked up all of that color like I fell into a pot full of hurt I wanna see if it weren't Halloween right now I would not know what to think about this hair color decisions but and it is Halloween season okay she definitely accomplished her goal of having a Halloween hair I will say that for that a round of applause but something's not working here I think it's more like the placement of the colors I don't think it's necessarily like colors even though I will probably not put those colors together other than for like Halloween vibes you know I'm gonna not lie here it's not my favorite at all now you see the purple in the orange and the green all that was okay now my favorite color I knew definitely you're not even up there with the top 20 favorite colors of mine in the world I don't like that alright moving on next video it's called my subscribers we're gonna hair color help ooh what are they gonna pick I am curious today is the color pink and purple on my head work I like that everybody loves a good pink and purple woman they do it's just like it's a classic you know as I got and when I did that what color do I love it the time I did it actually I loved it though just like a lot you know I'm not blogging Markos it kind of scary for me I ordered violet in my life when I got to Lila that's great I know Lila is like a little bit purplish but not like completely so I'm thinking maybe I'll put pink on my head and then purple on the tips of my hair oh I think I'm gonna make flamingo pink and wow that's pretty that's really really really triggered I am completely triggered right now I have triggered that's a pretty thing though it's a con candy bean oh we love a cotton candy probably don't even have to put purple into the ends of my hair because there yeah like when I already had like a blue ombre going on and I think it's automatically automatic and it's automatically gonna get I think maybe it will the existing blue pigment in your hair with the pink overlaid on it may make purple and I would still put a purple over it because like why not just make it more intense purple but we'll see what happens oh she is putting purple in what you lied to me Naomi with this let's go ahead dog this is gonna be freaking okay I'm excited for this one it's hella good I unicorn 500k know what I was expecting it kind of looks tie-dye and like a cool way you lose like tide add that go horizontal if I bent over here and I'm kind of digging it also kind of wish it was a little bit more vibrant but like you just can't get everything you want in life and I learned that the hard way but it looks good I'm into it let's see what she thinks about it I really love it it's such a nice change and look good curl glad not to have blue hair once you did well guys thank you I thought you would do me dirty I mean some of you probably said real or you can flash or something but I ignored it I like that still feel like we get a little bit better here I feel like feel like there's a better video coming we have three more we're gonna hustle through them we're working up to the good ones here I like that one but still not pay right let's move on to the next so this one is called dyeing my hair neon yellow and becoming the highlight of your life this is exactly what looking for this is exactly what I needed right now this I feel is going to be really good for her okay we show us how it's done sure with the highlighter yellow hair I have the same hair color it's just boring and I'm sad because I at some point in my life I'll have to keep the same hair color there forever and yes you can but right now I you can okay I've actually done a woman's hair that was like 80 years old pink and she was the most iconic woman I have ever met in my life I was like ah granny never grow up always keep doing this please this is everything so like my hair is damaged it's more like my scalp is damaged so Miss Darcy is so huge and so gross so please don't go too close to your screen because then you might see my sandals so let me give you a quick hair up diverse mix of different yellow hair dyes are you moving it from Arctic phone which is super super naeun looks like which is probably not gonna be in down so I'm gonna mix it with you directions right daffodil you know what just mix them all together why not you know Namie like when you're in doubt I really hope your hair color right [Music] I even stopped using purple shampoo because I was prepared with her for the yellow okay did y'all think my hair's white guy ovitch I was talking with my jig here Oh actually I think it's about the same but like Wallace snow-white ear stuff like my gig Naomi I just had the whitest hair in all of social media you can't take my crown Naomi oh this is all of the hair dye which I got out of the other bottle which is definitely not gonna be enough I mean I have short hair but if you like this is looking really nice hello oh my comments her skin so well big boy it's quite small unprofessional [Music] in my shoe writer but literally the same color literally the bright color [Music] teakettle this is I don't know if we're going to get better than this this is so good for Naomi Naomi hello yes this is your thing I'm obsessed yes please give me more I am hungry looking at your hair yeah I mean like it's quite magnificent and oh and the yellow works out so good for your skin yeah let's see what she thinks about it I I think it looks really cool in the mirror but what I just didn't like it get my shirt and I'll look into the other movie I was like oh I think I need to see that in some daylight okay I feel like it doesn't even look that vibrant in this camera but I swear it is okay she looks so good I live up this is the color she's unsure about a ohmy this is so good for you yes give us more and more and more and more and let's watch what other colors should this one's called destroying my hair again please don't destroy you have such beautiful logs they're looking so fabulous let's not destroy it destroy it straw yeah OOP now she is going a dark blue I believe she just bleeds Jay could be really good yeah I think this could be really good for her yeah oh well that's like cobalt supposed to mix it with something no squeezing puddle of color onto her head I have to say I don't think I've ever seen anybody use this application method before and I have seen a lot of application methods in this time of hair dresser reacts and this one I have never seen somebody use a squeeze bottle I just put never once okay my very professional it's gonna be so spotty you can do this I believe in you so Goodson tell something about your life someone's making me a little nervous oh I don't know about this I don't think this is gonna be very good actually I changed my puts the more color on there one tube is not enough for your entire head Naomi come on wash this out before it gets actually gets this color oh [ __ ] Oh God triggering a lot of people are alarm clocks if my brother hears a vat of alarm at all during the day he will freak out on me so looks like she didn't go out my dad I was kind of like an hombre from like dark blue to light blue a moment and I feel like that's not the best decision it went from like I thought it was gonna be good to know I don't think that this is going to be the best idea let's reveal I wanted to look like blue a movie a lot of yeah spray which is wait what happened why did not turn blue and now she's gonna spray it with some blue temporary hair color okay I guess that works why not [Music] I'm highly confused right now oh I'm mad not because this does look like a complete fail more like I bleached my hair I dyed my hair and then just to spray on this spray I could have just left my hair alone and just spray it with this and I would have literally just spray I mean I don't know what it looks like in the camera but my forehead is completely yeah okay wait though when she parts it like that over to this side it looks hot hot yes this color is up there with my favorite it's really really really nice I want to see it curled and I wanted to see it flip it over the side this is like some perfect ass Pinterest hair color mermaid situation moment going on and it is so healthy and good for her when I start saying it's healthy for people instead of good for them it feels like you left in spray which you should have walked out thank you guys so much for watching and thank you Vincent for doing basically everything for basically nothing I got why she's mad cuz it like didn't work but I liked it and it looks really good up there my favorites let's watch one last one and then we can finally decide which color is the best for miss Naomi this video is called I'm trying split hair dye and it happens to have the most views out of all the videos we just watch I'm expecting this most iconic this is also a hair thing I've never tried before I always wanted to try it though but I don't know why and it was scared that I'm not gonna be able to do it because I am NOT talented sorry I'm just trying your lips Wow hello lips there's my shiny and juicy girl as we all know I had like basically all of the colors of the rainbow on my head except except red well I had red hair before but like not in my YouTube times it was like before you don't know about it I was thinking maybe I could do one side and the other side orange okay so maybe the red bowl wasn't the best choice but can you see the orange not the orange now yellow so I can mix my own all right you know I'm saying let's get into it my hat we can man things like that again Wow a lot of excitement into so good to apply orange hair dye don't tell my head again it gives me 12 eggs mi don't stop starting at the top I know it's really exciting like see the color right away at the top but like start at the bottom I swear it's easier to layer the hair down when it starts at the bottom you go up and you can also like saturate more and make it less messy it's just easier that way this color technique she's doing quickly defeat okay so we have one side down let's see what the other side was like she looks like she properly saturated the hair for the first time in all these videos okay thank God make sure we're doing permanent color when you're putting it over blonde you are fully saturating that hair heavy duty with a lot of color because guess what platinum blonde hair this damn dry and you need to fill up all of a cuticle with plenty of color and it will just suck it in and suck it in suck it in okay they kind of look like the very similar color it's gonna be so staining else looks like magenta and red on the other side whoo what could be interesting though I feel like it we don't have a talent to dye hair maybe you should yeah hair is kind of disgusting it's like dead parts of your body just hanging off of your head it is really weird imagine aliens coming to Earth one day being like what the hell is that on your head why do you have dead skin cells growing out of your scalp and why do you color them and decorate them do you think about that if you haven't thought about it think about it it's very weird the whole thing makes no sense actually but I still love it you know that looks like a really don't color I think this might be my favorite I'm just oh I mean this is not really the red I wanted this is idle I knew it would be big I mean it doesn't really take it varies my person I know what but I still knew it I've still done new it I'm actually happier with this color than the color she wanted I am so glad I came out of pink and orange those colors together are just so beautiful magical I love it I love it yes yes yes yes yes yes then time is the charm girl and we got it right with this look that she's wearing - okay thank you this was so good I feel like she actually loves this color the most which makes me love this color than most this one's my favorite this one was so good the colors are just so also like original I don't think I've ever seen those shades put together like that I mean they're just like really beautiful shades of orange and pink I love it and she's glowy and I think she loves it which makes me love it more so this is iconic do this all the damn time do your hair this looks so good wow what a roller coaster of hair color is there we have seen it all today that was a lot of Naomi heard that we love the pink and orange the best keep going with that one well guys I finally watched Naomi's channel and I am so happy I did she is so pretty so funny and her channels link below obviously oh that was a lot for me that was a lot that's really all for today guys that was a lot of videos and that was a lot of reaction oh uh if you guys want to see more of me follow me on instagram and twitter at grand mondo NYC and follow my hair care brand x mono hair and my moisture cream and a hydrating mask are now officially available to purchase at ex mono hair calm the link is below enjoy them I am so excited about these if you guys have damaged or dry hair these call your friend and believe me your hair and dries out in the winter so you better hydrate that thing okay don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,688,775
Rating: 4.9465866 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Naomi Jon Coloring Her Hair 5 Different Colors, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hair stylist, hairdresser, reacts, brad&eric, 5 Different Days, naomi jon, naomi jon hair, naomi jon dying hair, naomi jon henna freckles, diy hair, hair dresser, at home, how to, brad mondo, hair fail, gone wrong, box dye, jenna marbles, fall off, 40 vol, video react, blue hair, manic panic, pink hair, hair tips, healthy hair, split hair color, naomi halloween
Id: 5OM7-4tcdNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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