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amen well it's a blessing to be here yes yes and uh i'd rather be here and in jail amen my children be here in hell uh i appreciate the lord i appreciate uh y'all being so kind and gracious to our family and it's our prayer to the lord let us be a blessing and uh we we love y'all love his church turn with me to the book of first corinthians chapter number six doc and then we also gonna look over in the book of micah chapter number seven i appreciate the goodness of the lord this morning you know then my wife was talking about the other day i said it's amazing thing i said who would ever thought 41 and a half years ago we'd be riding up the road being you and our grandchildren and our children be tagging along behind us and we're going to make a be making a cd here and preaching here uh and then just about made a full circle all the way back to white plains baptist church in mount airy north carolina and uh i met her at nine o'clock on tuesday morning and proposed to her nine o'clock at night that tuesday night 12 hours back back she knew that deal better not she better not let it slip away i'm tearing on no i'm i'm the blessed one i'll tell you that right now but uh yeah man i'll tell you the lord was good i'm glad she's just dumb enough to say amen first corinthians chapter number six verse number nine now don't have a heart attack on him we haven't preached dawg i'm going to preach a little bit he said no you're not verse number nine first corinthians i'll just wait till i quit hearing them bible pages turn i love to hear bible pages coming don't you amen he said know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god he said be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves or mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god i believe that cover about everybody don't you sure verse number 11 and such were some of you but you're washed but you're sanctified but you're justified in the name of the lord jesus by the spirit of our god and then in micah chapter 7 verse number 18. amen if you got a scofield of old school fields paid 951. just thought i'd help you out a little bit he said who is a god in verse number 18. like unto thee that pardon of iniquity and passes by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger forever because he delighteth in mercy he will turn again and have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities thank god thou will cast all their sins in the depths of the sea father help us now we pray for just a little bit god will thank you in jesus name amen thought about psalm 89 verse 6 said for who in heaven can be compared unto the lord and who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the lord psalm 19 said the heavens declare the glory of god and the firmament showeth his handiwork i thought about amen he said day on the day under speech and night on the night showeth knowledge there's no speech nor language where their voice is not heard and then david gets so carried away he said what is mine amen i don't want to just talk to you tonight this morning for a little bit don't amen the wreck fixer amen who is a god lack under the name fix wrecked lives yeah he's a rec fixture yeah you know man rex is live amen women wrecked their life they wind up in the junkyard of sin yes sir amen you you will be gone amen i'm just telling you tonight it don't matter boy i'm telling you we didn't all start out i mean doing the things that we did amen we wasn't born to drunk we wasn't born to feed payments but it was in our nature because we had to sit and i had them down in us we needed somebody to fix us savion i've heard people say i'm going to hell cause i was drunk no you going to hell because the nature that's in you out now adam when adam sinned he plunged the whole world into sin and no sin that you hung on this morning that is a fruit of the nature that is within you and that's what jesus died to correct amen boy i thought about but we in that junk yard yeah baby and i take and i give you you know can i just say this some of them some of them right get in the junkyard because their brakes failed amen they been uh they they're not paying attention the brakes fail and boom the next thing you know they hit i mean that flashy shiny car it ain't too flashy it ain't too shiny now all crinkled up busted the pieces totaled out amen that's the way sin does oh i'm telling it'll disfigure you it'll scar you it'll mark your life it'll mess your life all up it'll destroy your dreams it'll break the glass of your life all the pieces and just leave you like humpty dumpty oh that was shattered and when nobody could ever put him back together again exactly right that's the way sin will do you yeah well i'll tell you brakes failed brake lines broke maybe the master cylinder went out maybe you're just following too close amen you know a lot of people getting bad wrecks cause they're just following too close kind of reminds me amy and all these people don't leave on time and they're always stressed out gotta get there and they run up on somebody's area and amen the next thing you know that person has to hit the brakes and then you hit them then you want to jump out and say what he stopped for no you was following too close you destroyed your own life maybe in that bible sentence when sinners entice thee to consent down not you don't have to do everything everybody else tells you to do you can't say no amen you can't help oh i'm just trying to tell you but you wound up in the junkyard this morning why because it's falling too close amen amen you listen to me i mean that's something they some wound up in a junkyard because of failure to yield you wasn't going to yield to nobody you're going to get up there before everybody else you didn't care what the yield sign i know most people nowadays most people just look at the stop sign they just go right through it and say that's the suggestion no that means stop when you get blessed upside amen you get t-boned and you cartor all the pieces you can't blame nobody but yourself amen you're there because amen you didn't pay attention to the sign you're there because you didn't yield you're there because you're just gonna be a bonehead and do it your way i'm gonna tell you something you gonna wind up in the junkyard you're not gonna listen to nobody you're not gonna listen to your mama you're not gonna listen to your daddy no you never did listen to them and you're in a mess this morning you know why your life's in a junkyard this morning you know why because of failure to yield and that's right amen can i just say this to you i mean you wound up in the junkyard because of not only faith maybe the road poor road conditions huh yeah you got on the wrong road hey man it's got big old holes and you ain't paying attention come on preacher amen i i watch some of my kids i say hey y'all need i i well didn't say nothing and boom all of a sudden they hit this big hole in front of you is doing this number eight amen hey that's the way some of y'all are you're not paying attention you'll be out looking out a little bit forward you're gonna be looking a little fast but you don't because sins got's too preoccupied and the next thing you know you're on a poor road somewhere you're in four road conditions and you destroy your life and your car and everything else that goes here [Music] i'm just saying i'm just trying to just want you to understand i mean some of you there because you got on poor roads amen and uh maybe you got traveling too fast not paying attention you're on your cell phone amen you're texting going down the road when the law tells you not to but you smarter than lawyers maybe that's good preaching right there brother luther give you all doing it amen the next thing you know you have a wreck kill 15 people and you that's and then they put you in prison for vehicular homicide yeah quick quick quick meddling hey can i just tell we got no boy just got time in prison 15 counts of vehicular homicide protection on the telephone kill 15 seniors out of one baptist church hey man you better listen to me wind up in the junkyard wind up because you're not paying attention you just pray me and listen it ain't that used to me they used to fuss about women putting makeup on but i'm telling you man on the cell phone now's a lot worse moving everyone put it make that vote i'm telling you you'll destroy your life it's somebody else's are you with me this morning not paying attention to what you're doing the next thing you know boom you didn't intend to get there amen i got a friend of mine he he he got all mad at god wasn't paying attention road signs said turn his 20 mile an hour he tried to do it 120. well they found out amy and that kind of physics don't work he went straight and stood a curve and hit a tree he's mad at god blame god for putting him in a wheelchair i finally said charlie that's foolish man you put your own self there yes sir man put your amen are we all right some wind up amen because listen they got they get ice and snow i had an old boy one time he'd come by me there's about four inches of black ice on the road and i said man you better slow down oh i'm from colorado about about mile up the road i don't know he was in a cooler's beer trail came in and all of a sudden i seen cooler beer littering the highway on either side then that truck turned upside down he's getting on the top i said look like you could handle it huh poor roads you know we all right hey man wrecks his life amen are you listening to me well i'm telling i'm telling you that you know what simon is there some are there because they just would not listen to the mechanic amen amen and so you just wouldn't listen to your mechanic mechanic says you need to put some oil in it i'll do it later you need to change oil in it you need to fix this you need to fix that but you know better than the mechanic came in so you just go on driving next thing you know the engines locked up everything else locked up and that car that was worth something's worth nothing and they hauled it off to a junkyard it ain't nobody's fault but yours but that's the same way it is in life god gives you a preacher amen's a mechanic to tell you hey let's say the lord you better do this you better do that but you know better than a preacher does you ain't never listen to nobody else and you're not fixing start now but look at your life you've wrecked yourself you've marked yourself you've torn your life all the pieces and you're in the mess you're in because of your furnishings and not listening nor paying attention that's right that's right can i say this to you the other day man i had i had water leaking boy i thought man live what in the world and i bought this little truck out in washington state and i drove it all the way home never had to add no antifreeze never had to do anything i drove it to arkansas big old puddle of water amen it looked like a river underneath and i said what in the world's going on thank god that i went to a mechanic in there he said oh i ain't nothing he said it's been so hot he said that thing it gets up here and it freezes underneath that conditioner on that he said all my vehicles on my lots doing that right now said ain't nothing to it oh i did a hail mary full of grace lord thank you for being in this place if you you know what they had done their mechanics some of my mechanics would charge me eight nine hundred dollars but that god saved me because i listened to him amen amen that's good that's good to wind up can i say this to you one day you know junk yard i don't know if you ever been around ain't nothing don't stink here and smell her in the junkyard that old rust and metal they eat men and that old just nasty them animals crawl in now there and it stinks and i mean it's filthy filthy but i'm telling you there's certain people they look there's there's restorers they're looking for certain vehicles they hit me under you listed me send them junk yards amen i'm glad one day praise god to restore came in hey they're looking for something peculiar amen well i'm thinking about this old boy i seen it here a while back was reading about it he had one old car he's looking for and he looked all over the northeast he looked all over the south he still couldn't find it finally one day he got to look and said i believe i found one in in phoenix arizona i'm gonna go there he was in kentucky he got his rollback record and he took three men with him and they drove all the way down there got there on a friday about 12 o'clock one o'clock would say we're here to look for a particular car and a guy on that junkyard said hey it's out there somewhere i think he said you go ahead and look they look look look finally they look for hours and just about ready to close down finally said man i guess it's not here i guess we just amen oh but i'm telling you that one of them boys said sir said there's a stack way over in that corner said to thank the order maybe go over and look short enough before they went over and got to looking and on the bottom of that stack about 10 cars tall above it he could just see two little emblems that said it says only on the rear of the right corner of that car he said that's it right there that's the one i want he said pick all them cars get all that stuff off of it well they went to ram they went to getting them cars off from about the time that old boy was gonna ram in forks through that went through that little car he'd come to look for he said no more he said go underneath it and pick it up son they went underneath that thing picked it up they pulled it out there it looked the tires was froze the wheels was froze on it the motor was locked up the convertible top was all rotted off and gone the seats was all out of it amen and they said what in the world oh he said this is a wall i've been looking for i've searched all over and all over florida i've had my eye looking for this car a long time and i finally found it amen and i'm not leaving without it don't matter what the price is praise god oh i'm telling you and that old boy said uh what do you what he said what do you want for that voice i take sixty five hundred dollars he just shelled it out then three boys with that old guy said boss are you crazy he said now son you just hadn't seen what i can do with that i am the restorer amen thank god almighty and the lamb forevermore hey let's they want to ram that thing you're gonna put them forks through that door again he said no i bought it this car's been abused for the last time in his life you ever see it again you won't believe it's ever the same call that's right huh son they took that thing up hey man he picked it up see that bro that that that amen tow motor that he brought with him he brought his own that's kind of like the holy ghost picked us that bible said he brought me a paul's soul out of a horrible pit and he set my feet on a rock yes sir son he brought him up out of there they pulled that roll back record there amen and they took off for a long journey to the body shop now if you ain't familiar with what a body's chop is i'll give you the right spelling for it c-h-u-r-c-h amen that's church amen you got this amen today ain't the right spelling it's close amen lord just tell me this hey amen buddy they got that all them guys was messing with him said you paid too much then people at that junkyard would laugh and say boy did we get that sucker right there amen oh i'm telling you they said he said you wait he said i'm the restorer he told him boys he said you're not going to see this card i get done with he put it back and he's in a special spot he would go out there about two three hours a day and work on it two years pass he wouldn't let nobody he'd go in there he developed a relationship that little he'd rub on that i don't know if you know anything much about car restores but they'll get to talking in the little cars and they'll say i know you've been abused and i know you've been you oh but i'm gonna cut some things off for you and it may hurt a little bit right now but i'll tell you when i get through you you'll be better than you are before you ever come out first i'm telling you thank god almighty you just get my they don't tell them what the lord do son i mean son he got talking that little thing finally after two years he walked out and he said boys i'm going to unveil that card y'all there five o'clock they said you're crazy ain't no way you've done anything to that car if you've done anything you wouldn't got another car he said no it's that car he said you just never seen work to restore he said i oh son i'm gonna tell you praise god son about five o'clock hey many more boys was all lined up and all that all that body shop nobody worked on this guy he done all the painting he done all the fixing amen he didn't let nobody else do anything he re buddy i'm gonna tell you all of a sudden they opened him doors and he fired that car up and they said i can't be that same old car that thing got to running he rolling out there that's right at 600 horsepower sitting under the hood in that car oh they look near that pearl white with that sunburst as that sun began to hit i mean it about knocked the eyes out and they said boss ain't no way it she has the same car he pulled that vin number out he said look this is where about it thank god almighty hey you remember today that the lord brought you you as a wreck yours in sin oh you was without god you was without her your life is all in this way i'll tell you reach down and restore of all restores he took nothing and he began to make something out of it child i'm telling you praise god he knocked all the dents out i mean that thing was just as slick as it could be then my boy's mouth dropped and they said but it can't be he said don't ever underestimate the work of the devil's store buddy i'm going to tell you something amen we made so many wrecks in our life we've made so many blunders and i know i said what i said while ago and i'm telling you but i'm i listen you're looking at the mr wreck amen it seemed like wreck upon wreck amen here a little very little there was a red cave in my life without god it was just trouble upon trouble phone trouble and sorrow from the trial that bible says the way the transgressor is hard i'm telling you just kept wrecking just but one day the restorer come by when it looked like all hope was gold looked like i was getting fixed to get put in sins pressure to get destroyed in the fire forever but the great restorer came back oh christ alone and he picked me up out of there he began to he began to take off what needed to be took off and began to put on what needed to be put on amen and i'm telling you son i mean i mean that thing got to rumbling amen boy now you let a little wind get the blow and you let the lord come by hey man that motor starts running hey man son i'm gonna tell you it sounds good huh son i mean him oh boys he said load it back on the roll back he said well that boy said set you three that wouldn't want me to get it y'all come on we're going to we're going to arizona they laughed at me like i some kind of fool he said i'm taking it back down here so they put that thing on there and took it back down there they got in there about about on that on the late afternoon and that boy wrote they wrapped that the cover off that thing and man i mean that son hit it and it was just glistening them guys began to come out and say where in the world did you find that out yeah oh i'm gonna tell you finally finally that owner come out and said my lord have mercy where in the world did you find that he said you don't remember me do you he said no he said this come out of your junkyard he said ain't no way that came out of my that thing did not nothing that beautiful has ever been he said you remember two years ago when i pulled in here and gave you six he said that ain't no way that's that car he said here's the vin here's the numbers here the receipt i paid you oh i'm telling you he said that old boy said how could this be that restore satay how it could be it got in my hands when it got in my hands i transformed it i made it all new i fixed it i changed its life to be better than it ever was before and i'm telling you tonight and this morning he'd do the same thing son you listening to me i remember you know i got lord's been good to me my garage this morning lord keep my garage safe i don't care if the house burns down but god keep your grass i got a 1965. fully restored gto sitting in that garage lord let the car burn down but i know god don't let the car burn down but you know what somebody died said i could enjoy that car huh you listening to me i drive that car around you get it in people you'd be surprised you guys i had police officers stop me they said can we just look at it you ain't doing nothing wrong we just won't look at it now i charge dollar piece for pictures if you want to see they have people they'll just stop and look at that thing and they'll say i can't believe it so when i hit that thing that old 389 that big old four barrel it just starts rumbling you can pat it just a little bit and it lights them tires up and jacks say daddy you're spinning tires i said they're too expensive that's the truth but anyhow boy i took the preacher for a ride in it it uh it's something to say 20 7 000 action miles on it hadn't god been so good i mean that thing but you know what it was in a barn and all the interior been eat out of it rats everything all the wires ate the motors all that all that junk but they got it in the hands of a restorer when he got through with it it's a masterpiece you listen to me i'm telling the truth it's show car that you show it in any car show in america and it probably win but i'm just saying to you tonight but it wasn't always that wasn't always that they got it out of no barn they got it they was covered in filth it was covered amen the rats and rodents and all kinds of varmints from this world had been through it eat the seat side are you listening to me one day the restorer come in and said i will put you all um he began he took the complete body off the thing done a full off of frame restoration powder coated everything put it all back together son you right i mean that's that's terrible a car 55 years old rides better than anything i got in you yes sir it just floats down the road people come by me taking videos of it but i'm serious i'm sure but they don't know the history of where it comes from yeah right you know what god does man here a while back my wife was in service and i was moderating and that bro my son-in-law was there son the glory got a little thick in there that morning and i could see her she's sitting back there boy her old motor was starting to crank so i finally said honey you won't testify son she got she got fired up and got testifying tore and hold me you listening to me son it's something you getting them car shows them old boys they have to pop that thing off and they'll fire that thing up oh that's just the sweet sound of the hip amen you listen to me there ain't nothing like hearing a bunch of gods people start testifying talk about all that filth and the degradation is in but but but but he said but he said and such were some [Music] and he brought you out look at you now your homes together your family's together the churches together yes i mean god and his glory amen is coming by and visiting you man we got a lot to thank him for amazing father i pray lord that this morning heavenly father that you'd save somebody thank you god for already saving somebody god would you do it again heavenly father i pray that god that you so work so move father we be eternally grateful lord i pray now that thy will be done forever in jesus name amen amen let's understand this morning let's all stand heads about knives are closed miss esther's gonna play something it doesn't it doesn't do you too bad matter of fact it's a blessing every once in a while just to be reminded how messed up you truly were when jesus got a hold of you you say oh i wasn't that bad oh yeah you as a wreck going to hell without god and the lord restored your life this first day of camp mean i think it'd be a great great thing for us just to get in this altar and just say lord thank you or thank you for what you've done for me where would i be where would my family be if it wasn't for the good grace of god if it wasn't for that john 3 16 they spoke about sung about earlier this morning my heart is burdened because i know beyond shadow of a doubt there are people standing among us this morning you're a wreck you've never met the restorer by the way his name's he's the only one that can restore religion will not restore your life turning over a new leaf will not restore your life get baptized will not restore your life it takes a relationship with the lord jesus christ realizing you're a sinner repenting of your sins and putting your faith and trust in what jesus did on calvary i wonder do you know him this morning he'll change you man brother keith i was looking around this congregation and thinking this morning while he was preaching of life after life after life [Music] brother ken was the such were some of you crushed up mangled up by this world brother mike hi look at us now here we see it jesus in her heart bible's in her life save going to heaven god's been so good if you need the lord this morning if you're lost now be a good time to move ms esther's going to sing if you just want to say thank you won't you come get in this altar if you need the lord come on this morning we'll pray with you we'll pray for you you come on [Music] the burden i carried [Music] was hopeless and many times i just lost my way [Music] and satan would whisper there's no way out and he told me that too far a trade but that was before jesus stepped in he raised all my past and cleansed all my sins he brought their chains that once sailed me down he set me free and i'm no longer bound i was passed up but that was before jesus stepped in friend do you find yourself hopeless there's doubt and despair seem your god remember that jesus still loves you and he wants to walk by your side his love and his grace reaches deeper than the pit of despair you are in and i know cause i've been where you are now and i've questioned if there wasn't an end but that was before jesus stepped in he raised all my past and cleansed all my sins he broke the chains that once held me down he set me free but that was before jesus stepped in have you enjoyed kept meeting sunday so far he's gone man what what a time it's been a good morning this morning i know it's just a little bit later than normal but we we plan on that at camp meeting sunday we plan to go a little longer we've only went about 25 minutes longer than we normally do so that ain't that big a deal it's good to go to overtime sometimes yeah he was watching the ball game yesterday they went to overtime you'd say yeah let's go man you'd be glued in shouting it on we come to church it goes 25 minutes over time we say oh god the great tribulation has started [Music] keep him awake miss bobby i seen him over there nodding off praise god punch him in the ribs thank you for coming this morning i want you all to come back tonight if at all possible i want you to come back tonight we're going to do it all again uh the lutrix are going to sing some more songs to put on their album they didn't sing all of them this morning they're going to sing some more tonight uh for the jason fuller brother rick parker will be here with us tonight preaching and so it's gonna be a great night i'm excited this this man just gets us i mean pointed in the right direction and excited heading into camp meeting week so please go get you something to eat go home take you about hour and a half nap crawl in the bed lay on the sofa let that drool run down your face or whatever then get up get up about five o'clock ladies fix your face again men straighten your tie back out or whatever and take your pajamas off put your clothes back on you can come in your pajamas praise god just as long as you're here long you're here i'll let you get pray god just come in your pajamas you won't look no different half the folk at walmart look when you're down there just i want you to come back tonight you need you need this i need this i'll be honest sometimes you get meetings like this you didn't realize how much you needed it and especially myself as the pastor i'll say this as pastor when when you're all the time the one moderating the service uh preaching in the service and trying to help it's just a blessing to be able to sit down over there and get ministered unto i've been helped today and i thank the lord for what he's done it's good to see you today all right don't don't miss tonight men's prayer room at 5 45 church at 6 and so you come back tonight and be a part of this all right brother john culp if you don't mind my brother close us in a word of prayer this morning [Music]
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 474
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: EQft4H2_8HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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