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turn with me the first samuel chapter 16. uh what ms susan was saying is miss uh cindy is sick and there will be no soaring solos tomorrow night okay so all of you ladies that come to soren solos uh you if you had your schedule cleared off for tomorrow night uh don't worry about coming tomorrow night at 6 30 like normal there will be no soaring solos tomorrow night first samuel chapter number 16. here we find samuel is on a mission from the lord first samuel 16 samuel has been called and commissioned from god to go anoint god's king the people's choice has already been anointed that was saul that wasn't god's choice though god had a man after his own heart already planned out set apart and this man outside of joseph in genesis this man is one of the greatest pictures and types of jesus christ in all the old testament you know him the giant slayer the shepherd boy david this king that he's about to anoint uh will be such a great type of the lord jesus he'll be so connected with the lord in the lineage of jesus the bible say over and over that jesus will set upon the throne of his father david that he'll give him the throne of his father david you you know even in the story here that david is a lot like jesus here in the story we find that david is a shepherd and he's keeping the sheep he's out seeking and searching for his father's sheep that's the job of the lord jesus jesus showed up and said the son of man has come to seek and save that which was lost he he came and he said i am the good shepherd and the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep we find in the text that he was even rejected by his own and the next chapter his own didn't even believe that he could bring deliverance to the um jesus came to his own his own received him not this evening he is the man after god's own heart and no doubt jesus christ is the man of god's own choosing he is the son of god and i love what happens when samuel shows up to jesse's place shows up to jesse's town you know the story well he begins to pass all these boys in front of samuel looking for the king and god speaks to his heart and says don't don't look on the outward appearance it's not the one that's the biggest or the tallest or the strongest or the oldest man looks on the outward appearance i'm looking on the heart i'm not looking for the most muscular i'm not looking for the most intelligent i'm not looking for the oldest or the wisest i'm looking for the one that's heart is towards me and i'm interested i love what samuel says in verse number 11. please don't miss this this is the message tonight i'm gonna preach hard and fast i want you to listen close tonight and i believe you'll get something from the lord that'll help us tonight as the church first samuel 16 verse number 11. if you found your place with me say amen and samuel said unto jesse are here all thy children and he said there remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep and samuel said unto jesse sinned and fetching watch the last part of the verse i love what he says for we will not sit down till he come hither samuel says until the king shows up we are not going to sit down until this king that is to be anointed shows up where we are yeah we are not going to sit down we are not going to phone up shop we are not going to rush out or burn out until the king shows up we will not ever sit down tonight i want to preach on that for a few minutes tonight to your heart i'm preaching on the fault we're not going to sit down until he shows up we're not gonna sit down until he shows up you say who the lord jesus christ the king that's coming you realize when he left he left us a command he said occupy till i come that don't mean sit down that means get busy he said look here until i come you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea and the uttermost parts of the earth acts chapter number one our job is not to sit down till he comes our job is to keep standing till he comes our job is to keep singing until he comes our job is to keep shouting until he comes our job is to keep telling until he comes our job is to keep looking until he comes and brother i just want to echo with samuel tonight i have no intention to sit down until he shows up tonight you know the problem a lot of churches they sat down and he ain't showed up yet brother we're not living in the sweet by and by yet even though all of us sing about the sweet vine life we're living in the nasty now now we haven't arrived to the place where we can set our sword down and we can take our armor off and unharness and set by the river of life no sir we're in a battleground we're on a battlefield and our job is not to sit down and take it easy our job is to charge the gates of hell be sober and be vigilant keep all the offense not the defense and not sit down until he comes problem with a lot of christians is they just got comfortable and at ease in their christian life and they've set down on the lord they used to run well but they got sidetracked they used to be on fire but a wet breaker put it out they used to enjoy the things of god but it got old hat to him our job is just to keep standing until he comes tonight let me say this to bible missionary baptist church we're in a real dangerous area as a church you realize that don't you you say what do you mean dangerous everything's going good preacher i mean everything's wonderful i know that's why we're in a dangerous area as a church when the building gets paid off and there's a little bit of money in the bank and the pews are starting to fill up you know you know the danger there is to get complacent and to get likes the days ago and stop doing the things that we did that brought us to this point start looking around and say well things isn't going good well we've seen folks saying the baptismal water stirred well the building's paid off and the fellowship halls paid off and things are going yeah that's when it gets dangerous right there that's when people start getting comfortable and we stopped doing what we used to do that saw god move our job ain't to get comfortable at this thing i'm not satisfied with where i am i sing with the songwriter i'm pressing on the upper hand new hearts [Applause] and longing for jesus to show up but until he shows up don't sit down we sit down for goodness sake don't sit down until he shows up some of god's people there some of god's people didn't burn out they rushed it out yes sir you don't have to ask out because you don't get used you don't do nothing look here don't rust out do something for the lord be busy about the father's business do something as you prepare for is coming tonight it's something to me i'll i'll give you my outline in a minute but it's something to me that the king is coming in the text and he is coming do you notice what happens when he shows up this is just introduction you know what happens when he shows up when he shows up they anoint him king yeah well the bible said down here in verse number 12 the bible said that when they brought him in he was ready and with all of the beautiful cabinets and goodly to look to well asked jesus and the lord said arise anoint him for this he is he you see what happens when he shows up they anoint him they crown him they say this is the king that should come you know what's gonna happen when he shows up it tells us in revelation four and five we're gonna get around that throne we're gonna cast crowns and we're gonna say worthy art thou lord jesus christ to receive glory and honor and power but he ain't come yet that's what happens when he comes he not only gets anointed king when he comes he defeats the enemy when he shows up [Applause] chapter 17 the very next verse the very next chapter he's just showed up you know what happens in chapter 17 that big picture of the devil gets his head bruised you remember what your bible said the bible said in genesis chapter 3 that the savior would show up and he would bruise the seed of the serpent you realize that the full bruising of the devil is not done at calvary there's more to come brother he's still loose he's still a roaring lion but thank god one of these days my king's gonna show up on the battlefield and when my king shows up revelation 19 on the battlefield he's gonna whack that sucker in her head for the last time forever thank god he's coming to win a battle and to win a fight tonight he doesn't just get anointed king when he shows up he doesn't just defeat the enemy when he shows up he he gets some ride when he shows up do you know what saul said in chapter 17 verse 25 he said this whoever kills that big sucker goliath he said i'll give him my daughter to wife if you'll kill that guy i'll give you bride y'all can i tell you the next time he comes he's coming to rescue a bride thank god we talked about it in bible christ tonight that's me and that's you and your saint he's coming back for his bride [Applause] y'all realize that ain't happened yet no that's when we get to set down brother john the bible said in the book of luke it said many shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of god but you know what that is that's when the king comes and sets down on the throne of his father david king showed up here but he's coming the time for sitting ain't now the time to take it easy ain't now the time to get comfortable ain't now child of god let's not put it in neutral and just start coasting let's not put it in park and stop for goodness sake let's not put it in reverse and go backwards let's chunk this thing down into overdrive drop the hammer on this thing put the pedal to the metal and say whatever time we've got left and i don't know how much we got left we may have a year we may have 20 years we may not have a week i don't know how much time we got left but for whatever we got left i have made my mind up i am not going to sit down on god i am not going to be a has-been or i used to be i'm not going to be a washed-up christian but i am going to run the last smile of this journey in a full blessed sprint given everything i've got so that when i cross the finish line i don't ever have no regrets and no remorse and say i wish god had done this [Applause] [Applause] i did my best [Applause] tonight we'll all just wrap our hearts together on this thought we're not going to sit down until he shows up all right talk about physically sitting down i'm not i'm talking about spiritually sitting down where we just quit we're not going to sit down until he shows up it don't matter to me what other churches in this area do it don't matter to me what they're doing in my business that's their business but as far as for us brother i want us to keep pressing i want us to keep moving paul said i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus he said i have not attained i have not arrived we have not yet why because he ain't showed up i'm going to say several things we're going to be done we'll get you out of here just after 8 o'clock there's several things we shouldn't set down on tonight what's the things we should not set down on as god's people until he shows up number one we should not sit down on our purpose don't sit down on your purpose you know why samuel couldn't sit down in the text you know why samuel said i'm not gonna say that do you know why he could not sit down in the text because his purpose for being there had not yet been fulfilled he had a purpose samuel wasn't just living his quote-unquote christian life he wasn't just living his walk with god with no aim and no direction just walk around saying well i don't really know what god wants me to do and i don't really know what god no no i tell you why he didn't sit down brother cliff he knew he had a purpose he knew what his purpose was and he said my i love this my purpose will not be fulfilled until the king shows up amen listen to me your your purpose that god has for your life may shift it may change but god always gives you a purpose until it comes some of you grey-headed saints of god in here you're not physically able to be able to do some of the things that maybe you used to do there's no dishonor in that that's life there's nothing wrong with that your purpose may shift from this ministry to that ministry but make sure you constantly have purpose in the ministry of god amen some of you young people in here you're not yet equipped nor old enough or wise enough to be in certain ministry one day you will but until then walk in the purpose that god has given you until you get to the purpose god's going to give you one day just keep walking in your don't sit down on your purpose you say preacher what's your purpose in life i'm doing it right now i'm a poor excuse of a preacher i'm a poor excuse of a pastor i'm a poor excuse of an evangelist but i'm trying my best i'm dead level trying to do my best to be the best that i can be for the glory of god brother i have no intention brother brother john was talking to me tonight brother john and uh he was joking with me and he was joking about some of him and somebody else was talking about and somebody was joking and saying tell him just to take it easy down there he was joking naturally and he was joking said he'd just tell him just to take it easy down there and don't get so wowed up you're getting a little too wound up but he was joking about it brother you say why you stay wound up like that because i'm enjoying my purpose i know what god's called me to do and brother until i die i don't want to lose my purpose i hope to goodness i tell old people this all the time when i meet people that are 80 and 85 years old and some still able to get around and still got their sound mind i tell them this and i mean this with all my heart i tell this i say i hope when i'm as old as you that i'm in as good of health as you and this is what i tell them without fail i say this is why i said i hope i'm as good as healthy you and can get around like you because i want to still be preaching when i'm 85. no i ain't looking for a place of retirement i'm looking for a place of refirement this evening i'm not looking to quit i i i'm sitting here trying to write it out saying man when i get 65 i'm gonna quit preaching now i may have to get to a place where i'm not able to pastor and do the ability of a pastor when i get older but i'm never looking to get out of preaching there ain't no discharge in this war i'm looking to stay in my purpose until jesus comes i hope i hope in jesus tears if jesus don't come back soon and i live to be 90. i hope i can get up and spit my dentures out at people and stick my tongue out at the devil and preach with everything i got [Applause] if you are serving living in your purpose and serve if you are a prayer lord you're living your purpose in prayer if you're a witness or living your purpose and witness but for god's sake don't give up on your purpose somebody needs what you do somebody's listening for what you got to say don't sit down on your purpose god give you a god-given purpose that nobody can do but you yes sir stop for goodness sake stop feeling like you are inadequate stop feeling like you god just can't use me because of this or because of that if god can use me he can use anybody if hey hey i'm going to tell you this stop let the devil tell you well if some of them people out of the church really knew your past if some of the people down there really knew how many times this had happened to you and that happened to you you couldn't we we don't subscribe that garbage around here we believe blood jesus christ covers from all sin you're gonna give you purpose tonight that's right i'll never forget a couple of years ago a few years ago there was somebody talking to me and i was criticizing a member in this church and and right after they were talking to me and and they looked right at me and they brought up brought up that individual's past before they got saved and was fixed to start badmouthing about it and i brother i cut down just as fast as i could i said stop right there don't you say another word i said just like it don't you say another word i don't want to hear that that's under the blood that's been forgiven and they're trying their best to live in their purpose are they perfect no but god's forgiven and forgotten and i sure ain't gonna bring it back i want you to find your purpose i want to help you find us your purpose and i want you to get all fit in that deep and watch god bless your purpose find your purpose do something in your purpose and don't quit on your purpose don't sit down on your purpose don't sit down on it man i'll tell you i i told this years ago i'll tell you guys it's worth telling 1992 the barcelona olympics 1992 the barcelona olympics there was a fella that was running into some 100 400 meters some sort of dash she had there his name was derrick redmon no derek redmond had uh had been predicted that he might win brother randy that he might win the olympics that year in that particular running discipline they said oh derek raymond got down in the blocks and they fired the gun and derek raymond took off out of there about halfway through the race he was up near the front and they said brother marty you could watch it on youtube and see it they they said something's wrong with redmond redmond has pulled up and they throw the camera on him and all the runners just blasting past him and leaving him behind and derek was running like this holding him pumped to pull the hamstring there under the pain and tripped up he fell down on that course it would have been real easy for derek just to say well food with it i messed up i can't make it it's just over with but that derek didn't sit down say what did he do you watched the video old derry got up and derek didn't quit he didn't walk off to the side and sulk darren started doing this down the course and about that time there was this fella come running out of the stands toward derek and when he got run out there security was trying to stop him but he wouldn't be denied it was derek's daddy derek's daddy ran out there and got up beside him when derek saw who it was derek stopped and grabbed his daddy and they cried this is what derek's daddy said dave raymond's daddy said son you don't have to prove anything to anyone you've given your best just quit derrick redmond said this he said daddy i want to finish yeah yeah i mean i may not win but i sure want to finish well he didn't just walk up and sit down said i want to keep on going i may have to live and i'm gonna finish him he did he limped all the way across the finish line and listen to what i'm telling you boys it'll never be recorded that derek redmond won a medal because he didn't he'll never be recorded that derek redmond finished first because he didn't but what is recorded and can't ever be taken from him he's let there have read my feelings it will not say the emf on derek's record he might not have finished with the best time but he didn't finish child of god you may have had all kinds of things in your life that's hobbled you but don't let it stop you there's a father in heaven that'll come along beside you and say we'll finish together get up get right going for god and let your record show you didn't set down on your purpose not going to set down on my purpose tell you what else i'm not going to sit down on i'm not going to set down all my prayers i'm not gonna sit down on my prayers you know what's happening in this text samuel's been praying talking to god you know what david is dave is an answer in prayer look at your bible look at chapter 16 verse number one chapter 16 verse 1 the lord said unto samuel how long will thou mourn for saul saying i've rejected him from reigning over israel fill that horn with all go i'll send thee to jesse to bethlehemite for i provided me a kingdom of his sons verse two and samuel said how can i go if saul hear it he'll kill me you say what's going on here they're he's praying he's talking to the lord the lord said take him heifer with thee and say i'm come to sacrifice to the lord so and so forth watch he keeps on talking to the lord come down to verse number six verse six and it came to pass when they were come that he looked on a lab and said he don't say this out loud he's praying this surely the lord's anointed is before him he's praying he said lord is this him is this the answer to the prayer verse 7 but the lord said unto samuel look not on his countenance from the height of his stature because i've refused him for the lord to see if not as man saith for man look on the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart you see what's going on here he got a prayer that needs answer god has spoke to his heart he's got something on his heart and he says this i'm not sitting down until that answer prayer comes some of y'all sitting here tonight you know what i found out god don't always answer like i want him to samuel thought the answer to prayer was a liable but god said samuel i'm not going to answer this prayer like you think it needs answering i'm going to answer it according to my way i don't understand god's ways and the way god answers prayer i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do i'm not going to give up on praying just because god don't do things like i want him to do it i'm going to pray in faith trusting god does something and if god decides to do something different i'm going to trust that god knows best and i don't amen just just this afternoon i got word a friend of mine that i've known for 20-plus years brother joe down here my friends in this week uh to spend a few days with us brother joe went to church with this man for years brother troy wimpy brother troy is a picture of health gym rat bulked up builds cabinets for a living got a bunch of kids a wife brother troy caught this coveted stuff down there in georgia both of his lungs ended up collapsing on him staying in the hospital they've been praying on a 24-hour chain a good bible believing church praying for this fellow that god had healing just got word today about one o'clock that brother troy went off into the glory world but on in intubated and all that and he didn't make it well i don't understand that well i don't understand this how world how in the world you let them you know gang bangers and that bunch of killers and thugs on the street and taliban over there live how come you let this guy die and leave behind these kids in this wild i don't understand that but travis i can't figure that out why didn't you answer this prayer i don't know but i sure ain't gonna get better at god and get mad about it it's not gonna help anything you know what i'm gonna do i'm not gonna sit down on praying yes sir i'm not going to sit down on praying because prayer changes things and prayer changes me [Music] so i'm going to keep on praying some of y'all sitting here tonight you got wayward children rebellious children lost children don't stop praying for them don't stop bringing them to the throne just about just about every prayer service that we have back there in the men's prayer room brother keith messing brother roger go forth just about every prayer service we have says pray for my children their loss pray for my daughter pray for my children you say what is that somebody ain't giving up on prayer that's somebody that believes god is still listening and god still moves some of y'all got a little spouse got a lost husband got a lost wife keep on praying don't give up on man keep praying in faith and watch what god does [Applause] i draw strength and encouragement from luke chapter 11. you say what's luke chapter 11. it's a great prayer chapter luke chapter 11 said what if one of you have a friend come to him at midnight and say uh friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine is it his journey and i have nothing to set before him he said that fella won't get up and give him no bread because it's not it's midnight it says but because of his importunity because the man just keeps on knocking and keeps on asking he finally gets up and gives him what he wants he don't sit down on his petition on his prayers you know what the moral of the story is in luke 11 the moral of the story is if you being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more should your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them and ask him ask and you shall receive seeking you shall find knocking it shall be opened unto you for anyone that asks you i received them that seeketh findeth and he'll knock if it shall be open the problem is we stopped asking we'd stop seeking we'd stop knocking enough brother keep on praying don't sit down on your prayer life i watch god answer enough prayers that it keeps me coming back to see him and some more prayers brother yes sir yes sir let me ask you a question let me ask you a question how many off sure enough how many are showing off without doubt no beyond shattered down 100 that god at some point in your life has heard a prayer that you prayed and he has answered it raise your hand praise god you know what you've done tonight you have encouraged me if this many people have talked to the lord and know beyond shadow of a doubt that god has answered some prayer that encourages me that there's more prayers i don't get answered there's more petitions god's listening so until he shows i want to go to heaven with a prayer still on my lips i want to go to heaven still begging god for something i don't want to lose my desire to pray and seek god's face i'll tell you this don't lose your desire to pray and ask god to use your life and do something with you amen amen i remember when i was just getting started like some of these young fellows in here i was a young preacher and i begged god plead with the lord god used me god feel me god anoint me god touch me god open doors of ministry opportunities so i do something for you you say have you quit praying them prayers absolutely not that's right i still pray them just like i was a brand new preacher boy that just got started preaching his first message you say why because i still want god to hear you said and i still want god to touch me and i see oh god i am not gonna sit down on them prayers until we chose up and i'm gonna sit down on my purpose i'm gonna sit down with prayers i'm done lastly not only should we not sit down on our purpose on our prayers we shouldn't sit down on people shouldn't sit down for people say what do you mean preacher our text verse 11 chapter 16 watch what he says i like this he says for not i not i for we will not sit down till he come to the ring why he's saying brother robert right why he said we will not sit down right why he said that i can tell you why because if samuel would have sat down personally he knew the rest of them would sit down corporately samuel knows if i sit down they will sit down you know why you should keep on standing and not sit down till he comes because if you sit down these people around you might sit down hey mama hey daddy that's good listen to me you know why you don't have to sit down on your purpose and on your prayers and on your walk with god cause your children if they see mama sit down they might just sit down too you know it's just god's honest truth i wish i could say i wish i could say that the only reason why i always do the things that i do for the lord i wish i could say that 100 of the time i do them because i love him so much but i can't claim that because brother chad my love for him sometimes is not what it should be his love for me is always saying it fluctuates always saying but i'll be honest with you my love for him is not always what it should be i'm such a weak christian sinful christian my love for him i'll tell you what sometimes keeps me going and doing even when i don't feel like it you know what it is it's that little girl over there and it's that little boy right there yes sir it's them two little girls right there you say what what are you talking about if if if sunday morning they get up and they all start getting ready for church and they come in there and daddy's still laying in the bed they say hey that you're going to church this morning no i'm done with it i'm done preaching i'm done hanging out i'm done going i'm finished with it i'm fed up with it and you get there from time to time if you hadn't hang on you will if i do that what in the world will that do brother mike stogner to their faith what in the world if the daddy that told them all this time that it's all real and it's all true and it's all worth it brother mike what is that going to do to their faith if they see daddy just absolutely drop and quit say what's gonna do it's gonna destroy him i'll tell you not one reason why he's sitting down until he shows up because people are watching me and people are watching you you're saying nobody watching me oh yes that bible said no man lives on himself and no man dies on himself somebody's watching you i don't care how long you've been saved or how short you've been saved somebody knows your testimony and they need you to stand you know what paul said paul said for we live if ye stand in other words he said what keeps us going what keeps us surviving is that some people are still standing shout out to god i just want to say the bible missionary man just help me over here esther yes have a go come come help your sister y'all singing i want y'all some minute ago he's never failed me i'll tell you why we ought to keep on standing because he has not showed up yet our purpose has not fulfilled you if you don't have a purpose find you a purpose tonight get you one find somebody to minister to pick somebody out and say that's my project yeah get a purpose say that's my project that's my purpose that person that that person i'm gonna pour prayers into them i'm gonna pour purpose into them say i ain't got a purpose find one and don't sit down till it comes yo he's coming i'm assured brother mike that he's coming and my name's cody zorn i'm standing here preaching y'all i'm sure he's coming but he ain't showed up yet so until he shows up i will feel concerned my missionary listen let's make a mind that we sit down we said now we're going we're going to do more that's why i love what we just had this missions month we took on four or five new missionaries what we're doing we're not sitting down we want to take on more missionaries we want to send the gospel more let's all stand tonight we're not going to sit down until he comes father thank you for your word help me as not only a christian and a preacher of the gospel but as the pastor of bible missionary baptist church helped me not to get comfortable and sit down help our church not to get comfortable and set down lord i have been so totally encouraged tonight by the sweet presence of god in earth thank you for coming by let this once again be a wake-up call for us to keep on stepping until you come in jesus name girls y'all you
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 903
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: A_34qUn6Yic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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