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i want you to take your bibles and go to the book of the acts with me this evening go to the book of the acts in chapter number 20 acts in chapter 20 in one hand and acts chapter 2 in the other hand acts chapter 20 in one hand is where we'll start in acts chapter 2 in the other hand i'm gonna preach a very specific message for the time to the church tonight about uh what's coming up and what we are excited about coming here in the next few and coming days acts chapter number 20 tonight we find that paul is nearing the end of one of his missionary journeys not only can you read about these missionary journeys naturally in the book of the acts written by the pen of dr luke the beloved physician but you can also find the path and the route of these missionary journeys many bibles have them in the back in your maps always kind of helps you to put some picture and idea of names and places with what you've read in the scripture those things are helpful to us here toward the end of one of paul's missionary journeys he's about to head back to jerusalem when he gets there he'll be arrested he'll be incarcerated and then he will go from many uh different prison situations until he finally winds up at rome and loses his head on nero's chopping block for preaching the gospel but i'm interested in verse number 16 one verse of scripture in acts chapter 20 uh acts chapter 20 verse number 16 is what i want to read in your hearing and i want you to get tonight before we jump to acts chapter 2. the bible said in acts chapter 20 verse 16 for paul had determined to sail by ephesus because he would not spend the time in asia now won't you notice the last part and the last cause of this verse because this is exactly what we're dealing with tonight said for he had he hasted if it were possible for him to be at jerusalem the day of pentecost let's pray together tonight and ask the lord to help us father thank you tonight for your people being in this place god we need a touch from you god i need some help to preach tonight god i pray that you embarrass up on eagle's wings and let us preach without fear without favor help us to preach with power and up on a demonstration of the holy ghost of god i realize without you i can't do nothing father i realize what i am i readily admit before you and these people tonight that i i'm nothing i'm not sufficient to be able to help them like they need help god i know if the holy ghost to come in here and help us tonight and not be by our mind or by our power but to be by your spirit so father meet the needs spiritually of these folk god i pray that you challenge us and get us looking forward uh to sunday and the week beyond we'll thank you for in jesus name amen here in verse 16 we find the bible said about the end of paul's missionary journey that he was in a hurry he had said that he hasted he's moving rapidly he's trying not to slow down too much he he's even determined that he would not spend the time in asia he's not even going to use much of his time because he ain't got much because there's a reason he wants to make sure if it's possible to be at jerusalem on the day of pentecost do you see that in verse 16. paul is in a hurry to get back from where he has been in the regions beyond preaching the gospel because he is wanting with everything in him to be back at jerusalem on the day this feast day of the jews 50 days after passover called pentecost i read that one day and i made note of it in my study bible have kind of held on to it until a time such as this and i wondered why is it tonight brother cliff that that paul is trying his best to get back to jerusalem on the day of pentecost and i believe it is for this reason and this reason only years before paul ever got saved in acts chapter number two the disciples were gathered together and the holy ghost showed up in a mighty big way y'all remember acts chapter 2 it's when the church got endued it's when the church got empowered it's when the church got breathed on by another world and god empowered the church to be witnesses unto him in jerusalem of judea samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth you remember what happened there they started speaking with tongues of other languages that the people started hearing god started saving and the church got birthed in acts chapter 2 to the tune of 3 000 people getting born again again saying paul has heard all about this paul has heard peter he's heard james he's heard john he's heard all them disciples tell the story of paul man you missed it you ought to have been saved i know he didn't get saved till a little while later but paul you ought to be insane when god come blowing through that meeting we had son you think you've had some meetings paul you ain't never seen a meeting like the meeting we had up yonder on that day at pentecost when god come in in such a mighty way paul you just had to have been there and i believe paul is in a hurry to get back because he's saying this when all them disciples get back together on pentecost when all them folk come from all different places to get to jerusalem pentecost if god decides he's gonna blow through like that again i ain't gonna miss it that's exactly right if god decides to come by in a mighty way and do something unusual i'm going to make sure i am present i am in my place and i'm going to be a part of what god does among his people tonight this is what i want to preach on i feel the same way as paul i know what this time of the year brings about this time this camp mean time it's when all of god's peoples get together from all different parts of the country folk come in from here from north and from south and out west and everybody gets in together and brothers sometimes unusual things happens and sometimes people get right sometimes things happen that you just can't explain unless you are there and i'm with paul i want to make sure i'm around if and we're god that does something amazing tonight so preach to your heart as the church on this thought tonight i'm preaching on i can't wait till kept me amen i'm preaching on i can't wait till i can't meet let me say this i don't know what god is gonna do but i believe i know god will do something tonight i don't know what god's gonna do but i believe there's enough god's people that's gonna show up looking for him and expecting him that i believe god is up to something and god's gonna do servant in our midst in the next few days i believe that you can't have that many people showing up looking for the lord and the lord not show up and do something in their midst tonight i'll say this just by way of introduction i find that paul i was going to make it to jerusalem we find that paul had effort to get there paul put some effort into getting to this camp meeting if you will here the bible said that he hasted if it were possible said he would not spend the time in asia he's putting effort into it he's determined not to miss it it says in verse 16 he's hasting to get there he's putting some effort in trying to get to this place to see what god's gonna do you know what i found out we put effort into things we think are worth wow amen we put effort into doing things and being at things and participating in things that we think are worth our time doing so tonight oh yeah yeah if you want to make sure that you're somewhere to participate in something they ain't nothing gonna hold you back you gonna make sure you get there for some of it tonight can i say this put some effort into trying to be there this week you say preacher i can't be there forever service i know you can't i'm not saying i know a lot of you got to work in the morning and you got to do this and that i understand that but brother if at all possible like paul said if it were at all possible try and make it for all that you can there may be something saying something done at one of these meetings that god's gonna use to speak to your life give you exactly what you need right where you need it right at the time you need it and if you ain't there you are just going to miss out on it tonight paul put effort into it paul had expectation and he had excitement for it he's looking forward to it he all jacked up he's sitting on the edge of his seat he is trying his best to get there because he's expecting and excited about god doing something at this time of pentecost and i feel the same way i am expecting that i am excited i ain't just talking about monday through friday i'm talking about sunday morning when we get started i am expecting and excited about the prospect of what god might start doing right here on sunday morning and sunday night they are going to tell them what god might do they ain't no telling who god might save they ain't gonna tell them what god might change they know tell them who god might reclaim and what life might get salvaged ain't no telling who god healthy how they don't tell him what god might say into your heart but you can't get it if you're not expecting it and you're not excited for it and you're not putting it into being here for it tonight yes i think the reason why some people don't ever get nothing from god is ain't looking for nothing from god some people don't get nothing because they ain't expecting nothing and they ain't excited about nothing tonight brother i'm showing up already my cup's turned up toward heaven if god drops anything from heaven i'm gonna catch part of it i'm going to get something this week i don't know what's going to happen but you can mark this down when the preaching starts and the singing starts it's every man for himself yes sir and jordan's one of them adam and for himself i hope you all get something but i'll mark this down i'm gonna get something i'm praying for you but i can't make you get nothing but i'm coming on sunday morning and you ain't gonna have to pump me up prime me up pick me up you ain't gonna have to clean the spiritual wax out my ears before i get here i'm going to already be prayed up i'm going to turn some music on on sunday morning and some preaching on early sunday morning my heart's already going to be tuned in to heaven's ethiopian station and when i show up i ain't gonna have to clear the static out the way i ain't gonna have to start clearing junk out of here i'm coming ready committing sunday morning amen i can't wait till kept me so what is it paul's looking forward to what is it paul's looking forward to here well let's go back to acts chapter 2 and see what paul is excited that god might do i got three things to say to you real quick we've got 20 minutes to say i got three things to say to you real quick and i'm gonna turn you loose and i'll let you go i can't wait till camp meet what is it that paul is excited about it's the same thing that i'm excited about over here at camp meeting at the church at an open door this week number one i think paul was looking forward to a wind paul was looking forward to a wind blowing look at chapter two of acts and verse number one it said when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place let me pause right there and say this there's a good recipe right there for getting something from god when we all get in one place and we all getting one accord yes sir that's exactly right you know why the modern church can't get much from god because half the church ain't in the same place and then when the whole church does get in the same place they fussing and fighting and mad at each other and bitter about this a bit if we'll all get in one accord and in one place there ain't no telling what god might do verse two watch it watch the chapter two verse two and suddenly and like that what god does sometimes he just does it suddenly he don't ask for permission he just does it wherever he wants to do it god doesn't keep the door open and come rolling in there and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting here we find there comes a wind from another world brother this wind was unexplained this wind was unexpected but this wind was not unexperienced somebody got in on the wind somebody experienced a move of god in their midst let me say this to you if one of these services sunday morning sunday night monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday or tuesday wednesday thursday friday morning if a wind blows through i want to make sure i'm in position to feel a little bit of the breeze blow in my life brother here that bible said the wind bloweth where it listeth and now here's the sound thereof but can't snot tail whence it cometh and wither go so is everyone that is born of the spirit that wind brother it's a picture of the holy ghost all through the bible there ain't nothing like feeling a wind blow i'm glad i know what that sounds like the bible said there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind it had a sound to it i'm glad i know what it sounds like when it gets windy you say preacher what does it sound like when it gets windy it starts sounding like people crying when it gets windy it starts to sound like people shouting when it gets winded it starts sounding like god when it gets oh yeah we've seen it get windy around here before we know what it's like when the wind starts blowing and somebody starts getting in the glory and somebody goes to the altar and somebody gets saved i like it when the wind blows it don't bother me it don't make me nervous i think the problem with the modern day church is we have manufactured or we end up and we ain't got no wind no more brother we've manufactured ways to make the wind blow we know just when to ooh and ah we know just when to applaud we know just when to do what we're supposed to do but i like it when suddenly out of nowhere all of a sudden god makes his mind up i'm gonna slide in and i'm gonna breathe on a congregation there ain't nothing like a wind from heaven tonight i think about them old ships back in the day them old ships brother all the way up till till the 17th 1800s before they had fossil fuels and and be able to steam engine power and such as that the only way they was able to make a ship move brother skip is it had to have wind they had to have wind if the wind wasn't blowing they weren't moving if the wind wasn't in the sails they'd just get to a place where they'd come to a stop but brother we finally got to the modern era of engines and steam and gasoline and power and you know what we was able to do we was able to make ships move without any wind at all now they can crank the engine up they ain't even got to run a sail up and bro they can just keep right on trucking that's the problem a lot of christians and the problem preaching had a problem with a lot of sin and the problem with a lot of worship services is we've got to the place we know how to manufacture something going on and i ain't in the business of manufacturing nothing i like it when god blows him i'm not looking to do something in our own power and our own ability i want god the holy ghost to show up so that when it's all over with we can point toward heaven and say look what god did not point a preacher and not point a singer and say look what they did but we can look toward god and say lord thank you for moving thank you for going thank you for showing up that's what i'm praying for god send the win yes you know what'll really help a child of god's life what'll really help the child of god's life is if the wind would blow on you a little bit oh yeah ain't nothing like ain't nothing like if you're hot getting a real hot time outside somewhere and all of a sudden a nice good cool breeze starts blowing boy you know what that good cool breeze does brother hoodie it gives refreshment it can revive your spirit all ain't nothing like a breeze blow up that's what we need this week that's what you'll be praying for lord it's like that song said sin the wind send the fire sin the rain send the holy ghost empire god let us feel something from heaven blow through that'll make a difference and achieve in our lives i read a story one time i'm trying to remember what famous missionary this was it wasn't an iron judson i'll think of it here after a while famous missionary he was sailing and bought passage on a boat sailing to his uh specific field of mission they said he was sailing around one uh one particular island and he was down on the deck of the ship and the wind started being a little bit contrary and then it just stopped blowing and the tide started brother marty washing them towards the shore this particular island's true story this particular island was inhabited by man eaten tribal cannibals they said on the shore of that island the cannibals saw the ship coming towards them and no way to get away from them and as that ship started getting closer and closer than cannibal sun they were lined up on the shore they was thinking dinner is served i mean they was let and then all the pilots of the ship and the captain thought man we in a mess and they want none of them saved the only same person on the ship was that missionary they said preacher we wish that you would pray that god would send some wind because if he know here in just a little bit we're gonna be washed up on the shore and the shallows and them cannibals gonna end up having their way with us preacher please pray for some wind this is what he said he said i'll pray for wind if you'll let out the sails they said but preacher there ain't no wind when the wind starts blowing we'll let the sails out he said that ain't the way this is gonna work he said if you'll unfurl every sale you got he said i need ever sail on this ship over up yeah throw the hankies out everything you got open it up and i'll start praying they started getting closer and closer and the captain finally said ah this looks stupid i'm gonna look like an idiot in front of a man ain't no wind blowing but i'll throw the sails out if you'll start praying he said good enough they throw every sale out they had and they said that preacher went in the bowel of the belly of that ship and got to praying in about 10 15 20 minutes later they said that captain come down and said preacher preacher would you mind stop praying he said why he said because we got more wind than we can handle it's about to rip the sails off this blessing boat please stop praying for so much wind you're gonna cause the sails to get ripped off you say what's that preacher had somebody expecting the wind to blow somebody praying for william you know how to get the wind to blow this week come expect it come pray and run your sails out and say god i'm a candidate for the wind to blow in my life and to do whatever it is you want to do yeah when you know what wind does when don't just give refreshment wind don't just give revival wind can radically change things down there where miss amy harkey is at tonight and we're uh at home in louisiana and down where these fellas go down uh uh fishing at they showed me pictures of that place down yonder brother joe in louisiana and and wind come through in hurricane island and when that wind came through brother i'm telling you there was just stuff everywhere it radically changed everything they were showing me pictures of it it blowed stuff over there was travel trailers flipped upside down boats flipped over houses i mean completely wrecked roofs took off side and gone they showed me one house and they said we was gonna stay in this house the next time we went i said it it don't look finished they said it was finished but because i it ain't finished no more every piece of siding was gone the roof had left i mean you say what does that wind radically transformed everything y'all know sometimes what god likes to do with the wind he likes to start blowing in your life and messing things up he likes to i'm gonna blow that actual life and blow that out your life and that's not pleasing to me and that's got to go and i'm not happy with that in your life and i'm going to blow that out of its place don't try and fight the wind that's the worst thing you can do just submit to whatever it is the holy spirit wants to do in your life this week so man it's a win i've been in some camp meeting services where it got windy brother randy so i've been in some meetings before where it got i mean i've heard people say this stuff but i'm telling you it's the truth where it got so thick you almost needed a cni dog to get out of the place i mean brother where it just i i you you say explain it to me i can't explain it all to you wind blow where listed thy here's the sound of you can't explain when that's exactly right somebody tonight somebody tonight uh tell me walk outside and tell me where the wind comes from tell me where the wind's going after it blows across you the bible said over in job said can you tell about the circuits of the wind look they they may be able to tell tell us you know through uh this and that which direction the wind's gonna blow or which direction the wind is blowing but they can't say here's the exact point where it started at there's the exact point where it stopped at here's the exact route it went like no no you can't you can't explain when i can't explain everything the holy spirit of god does but i know just like i feel just like i can feel the wind blow i know what it's like when the spirit of god moves tonight [Applause] and say what was he excited about same thing i'm excited about i can't wait until kept meeting because there was a wind secondly not only was there a wind he was excited about a word not just a wind he was excited to get a word say where do you see the word the word comes throughout the entire rest of the text nearby watch chapter 2 verse 3. the bible said chapter 2 verse 3 there appear to them cloven tongues like is a fire that set upon each of them some of y'all finna get real nervous right here you think preacher figures start advocating speaking in tongues i'm finna deal with this don't worry about that we already dealt with it in first corinthians 14 teaching through it verse 4 and they were all filled the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave the utterance and they were dwelling in jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noise to brawl the multitude came together and they were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another beholder not all these would speak galileans how here we ever met in our own tongue where we were born parthians means elomites dwellers in mesopotamian in judea and capped ocean ponchos and asian fergie and pamphilia in egypt and in the parts of libya about serene and strangers of rome jews and proselytes creeps and arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this others mocking said these men are full of new wine that peter's standing up so on and so forth we may catch them here in just a minute isn't this something i like this i like this they got a word listen what i'm fixing to say and i'm gonna make a clarification statement everyone understood the word that was getting said it isn't something it let me just pause here for me to give you a little doctoral dissertation talking about tongues there ain't never been a tongue in the bible that somebody didn't understand it when it was spoken there is no such thing as a gibberish language in the bible that nobody understands you say what about that tongue of men and angels yeah what about the tongue of angels you ever heard angels talk in the bible i have never one time when an angel talked in the bible did somebody say i don't understand what you're saying the angel talked in a language they could understand every time god talked he didn't talk in some foreign heavenly language and nobody understood he spoke in a language they understood in their own hearing here in the text we find everyone understands the word that gets spoken you know what's amazing to me about this this is what's awesome i mean i'm talking about i can't meet and i'm ready to get a word this is what's neat to me right here brother kent is that here's one man talking and about 25 people are hearing it differently yes sir really the the miracle in this is not in the speaking it's in the hearing this man this man is speaking galilean and about that time this one over here is hearing it look for like a better term this one over here is here in portuguese this is over here's here in spanish this one over here is hearing in chinese this one over here is hearing it in russian that over there is here and then swallow it swahili this one over here is hearing in tagalog i mean brother they all hearing it in their own language you know what's awesome about that this is what's awesome about preaching this is what's amazing i've never been i've never been able to understand this brother travis but in order to be so one man can get up and preach from that bible one way you can under explain this is the holy ghost of god one man gets some preachers out of that book right there and this person over here the holy ghost uses it to speak with them about one thing and i know they're the holy ghost usually to speak with them about a whole nother thing and somebody over here they going through something totally different to what they're going through and god used it to deal with them but i've heard of people getting saved before when the preacher preached on tithing my god if you can get saved when a preacher preached on tyler you get saved on anything tonight you say what's that that's the holy ghost taking what's said and between here and there god has done something with him say what are you excited about about camp meeting i'm ready for a preacher to mount the pope in and take that blessed old book and when he starts preaching i know this you say how do you know because i've watched god do it before brother roger i'm ready for god to take his word and start doing work in my heart ready for oh i need a word from heaven i need something from the glory world i know that god can take a word and take a feeble vessel and transmit it into my life tonight i love the first line of that song the girls sing from time to time the first line of that song says in the mess of this old world sometimes i need a word from heaven that everything's okay amen amen well i'm i am excited and looking forward to camp meeting because i know i'm going to get a word i'm listening for it like the story i heard one time they said this fella he thought his wife was hard of hearing he kept talking to his wife and she wouldn't answer him and he was getting ticked off about the fact that she wouldn't go to the doctor she wouldn't get hearing aid and she couldn't hear and he was upset about it and finally one day he went to the doctor himself and he said doc my wife is stone cold deaf and she's in denial and she wanted me to doc how how can i get her to see that this woman can't hear how we're going to fix this he said here's here's the way to do it this will help you and it'll let you know exactly how bad off she is said stand about 30 40 foot from her and say something if she don't hear it walk a little closer say it again she don't hear it walk a little closer and then just keep on getting closer till she finally hears you that lets you know how bad her hearing is and then when she finally hears you you can tell her i've been calling you from way back there and maybe then i'd do some good he said that sounds like a plan she was going over the sink washing dishes uh one afternoon and he stood away off into the end and there and he called her and he said honey what's for dinner tonight she didn't respond he walked a little closer and he walked to the edge of the kitchen he said honey what is for dinner tonight she didn't respond he walked a couple of feet closer and got over by uh the the the table there in this in the kitchen said honey what's for dinner tonight she still didn't answer him he thought man this woman deaf is all get out he walked right up behind her and he said woman what is for dinner tonight she turned on said for the fifth time we having fried chicken tonight see the problem was not with her the problem was it was his hearing see a lot of times we we come to church and we think well they they need help and lord you need to fix them and god didn't see them and lord doesn't need help but a lot of times today it ain't my brother in a sister it's me o lord stand in the need of prayer i'm the one that needs the word god don't pass me my god speak to me because i need to hear something from heaven would you come looking and listening for god to give you a word boy this word was something else you read the rest of this chapter this is a real word it was a plain word they all understood it when they heard it it wasn't somewhere when he spoken they said well we just ain't really sure what he's trying to get at no no y'all the preacher we're going to have at this thing this week from sunday morning to friday night it'll be play it'll be right at you it's going to be a plain word it was a powerful word good god what a powerful word three thousand people get saved after this word right here man i don't think three thousand folks gonna show up at the meeting but i'm i'm i'm all for god saving as many as as i get saved praise god i'm all for god saving just as many as i'll hear the word repent believe the gospel this this week who knows what god might do it's a plain word it's a powerful word it was a personal word i like what it said in uh chapter 2 verse 37 look what your bible said in chapter 2 verse 37 this personal word it's a personal word chapter 2 verse 37 said now when they heard this all this word that peter just got done preaching and i like this can i say this too real fast about preaching about getting a word about preaching if you'll read down through there when peter starts preaching he starts out in the book of joel we we went to joel sunday morning in our sunday school class that's one of minor prophet books he goes from joel he goes to david in the psalms and then he just talks about the lord jesus in the new testament there you know what i like about that i like the fact that preaching doesn't have to be exclusive to one book it doesn't have to be exclusive uh to one testament i like preaching brother from all over the place give me something from the old testament give me something from the new testament just i i found out i didn't find a word nearby anywhere bro i'm gonna be reading through leviticus i'm gonna be reading through chronicles i'll be reading about anywhere and give me a word if i need a word and i'm looking for a word and i'm listening for a word amen it was a personal word watch what they said in verse 37 now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart man that's what we need god practice god establish how they get pricked in the heart through preaching that's what this book is it's a two-edged sword it pokes you the preacher's job is to take that sharp sword and stab you in the heart it's the sword of the spirit the holy ghost takes what the preacher says and stabs you it should get uncomfortable it's personal watch what it said they were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do it's personal well lord i've heard the preaching what do i need to do about it man when you hear preaching this week sunday through friday say lord that's for me what do i need to do with what i just heard amen lord i know i know i don't been to the altar uh three messages ago lord i'm gonna go daughter again you don't spoke to someone else about in my heart that i need it pricked my heart what shall we do y'all we're gonna hear a lot of preaching this week you realize that right yes we are like i don't know how much you're planning on attending but let me just say this if you end up if you was to attend from sunday morning through friday night and everything in between you're gonna hear you're gonna hear around 24 to 25 messages give or take that's a lot of preaching 25 messages that's up from 25 different freaks that's a lot of preaching that's a lot of bible i don't know what that averages out if it was about a 30 minute message every one of them but that's a pile of preaching that's hours and hours worth of preaching at 12 and a half 13 hours worth preaching that's a lot that's a lot you know what that is that's a lot you're going to be accountable for yes sir oh my goodness i'll tell you this if you plan on showing up not doing anything that you hear preach you do better not to come at all because to hear that much preaching god will hold you accountable for what you hear and what you do with what you've heard anyways we find uh i can't wait to keep me because of a win because of a word then i can't wait until camp meeting because of the worship because of the worship look at what your bible said all the way down toward the end of the of the chapter look at the very last verse of chapter two this is what paul's looking for he's heard all about this he's heard all about the wind and the word and he's heard about the worship look at chapter 2 verse 47 it said about this crowd all of them all these three thousand got saved and watch what your bible said said they were praising god verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people and the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved you get brothers three thousand of them you get that many saved sold out individuals praising god son that's worship like it gets dangerous that's what i like about can't leave camp meeting is it it's it's it's the folks that are junkies don't know what a junkie is y'all ever see a dope junkie i mean it's showing up you can point them out that that right there that's a junkie but they they they jones they got to have something they in a mess i mean they they shaking they got to have it so bad these people show up for camp meeting a bunch of you know folks show up for camp meeting for the most part they're the junkies they need something from god and they're looking for it they'll shout at the drop of the hat and grow up they just look in the worship god they're excited about it you get that many people in one place like that about 300 of them brother i ain't no telling what happens i remember the very first time i ever run in church it was a camp meeting i was young we was in the camp meeting that brother sammy allen's brother said he didn't go to heaven now i don't even think nobody was preaching at the time i don't remember who was saying i just remember we were there for the thanksgiving meeting and this tabernacle is massively huge this tabernacle holds two three thousand people in it and it was never about packed out that night and that thing got on and when i say i didn't say got on i said it got old there's a difference and brother when he got on folks started taking laps and i remember there was one fellow with us he was in his mid to late 20s he now pastors a church near where i am from brother brian patrick and brother brian jumped up and took off running with some of them young fellows that was running and he started running and son i'm telling you i couldn't help myself i decided it's time for me to take a lab with them praise god i'll never forget i jumped up and i took a lap with them and they had a falling they had doors in the back kind of like this they had a set of doors on this side and i said the double doors on this side and a four-year out there and i was following one of these fellas and i only know who he was and we got way off to the back of that thing and that that dude he cut loose out through the failure and then kept on going out the door i don't know better i just following him i run out the sanctuary and got to the phone he realized he didn't stop he kept on going the rest of the whole train they were still inside running i just made myself i just did a little circle come right back through the door and jump right back in the congo line kept on going down i'd say that stuff's crazy it ain't when it gets windy oh that's exactly right anyway it's windy i'm telling you worship has never bothered me i like it it bothers me when we don't worship god likes our demonstrative praise tonight you may not do it just like me and i may not do it just like you but there is something that happens when god goes to movies something happens that is indeed a bible tonight i'm talking about it gets dangerous when worship starts and i'm telling you i've seen i've seen dangerous stuff happening one worship star that's the god's honest truth i'll never forget one time we was at camp meeting at brother jason fuller's church brother rick parker was standing up there waiting for his slot to preach i was sitting right over there in brother jason's little church there was a woman that was handicapped sitting in the aisle in a wheelchair right back over here some people say this is crazy it is crazy but it happened praise god about that time it got nuts god got blown around in there and if you've been to brother jason's it don't take much hard to get nuts say nuts as it is the platform ain't quite as high as ours it's about this high brother rick decided he gonna take off and run and brother rick took off running and when he got to the platform he didn't stop and hop off and keep running he just run off and you know when you run off of something that high with your momentum when you land you're still moving but your feet haven't been moving and when he landed his feet got this way his head got that way and he ended up going and about halfway down the aisle he couldn't he got over top heavy and he augered him and i was sitting over there and i seen feet and head feet and head feet and head he ended up coming to rest up against that woman in a wheelchair and ran up against her i won't tell you what she had she had a little form of dimension she was she said one night praise god but she basically said get off me i watched brother rick limp to the back of the church they got a door on the side over here that comes back down the hallway i was sitting over there and about that time i heard somebody behind me say i think i've hurt myself i turn around and look and brother rick's bald head had a big old red streak down the side of a carpet burn where he had augered into the floor turns out he had to go to hospital that night he'd separated his shoulder where he went in head first praise god worship god dangerous if you go wrong be careful don't separate nothing yeah watch out what you're doing if you're going to get going stay in your seat might be it might be more healthy for you say preacher you looking for that crazy stuff oh yeah oh yeah yeah everybody you know what they said about these guys over at pentecost he's they said these guys are nuts said they must be drunk and peter said andrew i'm like you supposed you may think they're acting drunk but i'm telling you they don't got filled up with something bro when god's people get filled up and get overjoyed it may look weird to the world and they may laugh and they may mock but brother let them laugh and walk on i'm telling you i'm excited about it yes sir i'm looking forward to it you say why because i've seen what god does help me over here esther i've watched what god can do i've watched god do stuff in my life it was at a camp meeting where god called me into evangelism i've watched god save people that i love at camp meet i've watched god help my family at camp meetings across the country as a matter of fact i'll tell you what i'm interested and excited about looking forward to it was camp meetings that god really used to propel me into the field of evangelism not just when he called me into it but god propelled me into it god put me in some places to where did nobody know who i was 21 22 23 year old boy god gave me opportunity to preach in some of them places and some of them preachers got to hearing me and said man where did this cat come from and started using me that's how i've watched god use them things and do stuff in my life if god can do it in my life god can do it in your life [Music] i can't wait till can't leave paul said he was hastened if at all possible he might be back for pentecost i wonder tonight on that we we're on the eve now we're getting close sunday starts can't meet i wanted to know if we wouldn't just get in the order together and say lord i'm a candidate for whatever i vote yes for whatever it is you want god i want a wind in my life i need a word and god if you want me to worship i will father i vote yes for whatever it is you're asking i'm not going to hinder nothing i'm not going to hold nothing back i want everything god's got for my life i'm meeting this week let's all stand esther's saying something for us let's pray tonight church ask god to show up god to move this week um
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 638
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: S7EFyz-FR4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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