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in chapter number three the book of titus in chapter three is where we'll be at this morning uh we have arrived at our fourth and final faithful saying for the last three sundays prior to this we have looked at paul's faithful sayings he mentions that phrase four times from first timothy to titus he mentions the phrase this is a faithful saying those very words he mentions that four times two times in first timothy once in second timothy of which we have already looked at and this morning we've arrived at our last one the last stop on this journey of faithful saiyans is found in titus in chapter number three and i'd like to read several verses of scripture here uh with you and to you if we could let's start in verse number three of titus chapter three if you found your place with me say amen paul said for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lust and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another but after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost which he shed on us abundantly through jesus christ our savior that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life verse number eight this is a faithful saiyan and these things i will that thou affirm constantly and here's what the faithful saying is here's what he wants uh titus to affirm constantly to his congregation that they which have believed in god might be careful to maintain good works these things are good and profitable unto men but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain a man that isn't heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing that he that is such is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself we've looked at the faithful saying of salvation first timothy chapter number one there's a faithful saint worthy of all acceptation christ jesus came in the world to save sinners of whom i am chief we moved a step further and looked at the faithful saying of uh what was the faithful saying the salvation i'm forgetting my own notes this morning that's a sure sign of getting old brother travis did you cut any gray hair out of my head when i preached that the other day or when you getting my hair cut i'm freaking slipping and forgetting what's that second people saying same vacation thank you them preachers to help me in here i'll let them preach my message here in just a minute faithful say the sacrification a couple weeks ago i've been three weeks ago i can't remember what i eat for breakfast this morning praise god then we found the faithful saying of suffering last week out of second timothy chapter two this morning we are dealing in titus chapter three with the faithful saying of service faithful saying of service i thought it to be appropriate that this morning we are giving homage to those that served and remembering those who lost their life and this morning we are dealing with our service as soldiers of jesus christ and the people of the living god this morning here in titus chapter three verse number eight we have a reminder to you and i to continue serving god now let me pause and say this this morning before i dive off into this subject you can't just serve god however you want to and wherever you want to god has a particular way and a particular place and a particular purpose for everybody in here to serve him he is not just interested in saving you he is also interested in you serving him after he saves you this morning we'll look later on but we find the bible does teach us that the reason why god called us out of darkness the reason why i saved this was not just to give us fire insurance but it was so we might turn around and show forth the praises of the one that called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light today the bible says this in the book of hebrews in chapter number 12 it said that we ought to serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear in other words he said we're to serve god acceptably so that must mean to me if we are to serve god acceptably then there also is an uns acceptable way to serve god if there is a way of serving god that god looks at and says i like that i'll accept that and there's a way of serving god that god looks at and says that's unacceptable i don't want it like that then you and i this morning or to figure out exactly what it is that god wants out of our life and do that to the dead level best of our ability this morning i'll tell you this friend i am a sorry christian but i have never been sorry that i am a christian this morning i have been a faithless christian many times an unfaithful servant but brother thank god he's always been faithful to me this morning and i'd like to say this this morning friend i've messed up a whole lot in the service of the lord if the service of the lord could be looked at like somebody working for somebody else i've messed up in the employment of jesus many times i've tripped i've stumped my toe i broke stuff i've messed up but i'm glad i'm not looking to quit i'm not looking to throw the table in i'm looking to stay in the service of the lord jesus christ this morning and i love how paul says this look at verse 8 and how he says this about serving he said he wants to affirm constantly that they which have believed in god titus 3 8 might be careful to watch this word i love this word maintain maintain good works paul says he wants all of us to maintain where it maintains means to keep something up keep it from falling into a state of disrepair you got a car this morning you know what you got to do to keep that car running like it should you got to do maintenance you got to change the all you got to change the brakes out every once in a while you got to do a tune-up on it you got to rotate the tires you got to get new tires if you don't do maintenance on the thing you're driving after a while it's going to fall apart brother if you don't pull maintenance on the house you live in it nothing is worse for a car or a house or nearby anything else nothing's worse on things like that than just leaving them to sit down brother you shut a house up and just leave it to set don't cut the grass around it don't fix the roof don't let the air conditioner cycle on and off and heat on and off you just leave something to set and shut it up for a year or two years that thing will dilapidate it will fall in on itself you just leave your car parked out there in the yard don't fire it up i mean brother take a brand new car take a brand spanking new car off the showroom and park it out yonder in the yard don't crank it up just leave it to set out there you know what's going to happen after a year that car's sitting there the battery is going to be dead when you come back the tires are going to be dry rotted you're going to try and crank it up and ain't going to start the paint's gonna be faded from the sun just beating down on it every day the worst thing you can do is leave it there and not maintain it and i'm afraid that a lot of christians have done that to their salvation and their walk with god yes we've been saved nothing can change that if you've been born again but after you get saved there should be routine regular maintenance that goes along with your christian life i'm afraid we got christians by the droves that the tires has gone dry rotted their battery has gone dead they got water in their gas tank and they ain't nothing moves them and nothing stirs them and nothing changes them because they have ceased to pull maintenance on their christian life serving god this morning paul said you got to maintain these good works it's something you got to keep up you can't slack off on you start slacking off a little bit and before long you won't be doing any of them you start slacking on your bible reading before long you won't be reading it you start slacking on your prayer clause before long you won't be praying you start slacking on your church attendance before long you'll just be an internet christian sitting on the sofa eating doritos and watching on live stream you start slacking off on your walk with god and you gonna end up a damn christian this morning got to maintain your service to the lord it's not something you just set down on i've had people tell me down through the years brother keith i've had them tell me boy you better slow down you gonna burn out well can i tell you i'd rather burn out than rust out this morning i know a lot of christians they some of y'all ain't got to worry about burning out you just go rust out you ain't standing on the promises you're just sitting on the premises this morning i ain't looking to rust now for jesus i'm looking to burn out on both ears to the glory of god for all i got this morning amen servant service is the faithful saying of service this morning do y'all realize maintenance is not always fun but it is necessary i've never enjoyed pulling maintenance on anything i've ever had never enjoyed doing maintenance didn't i don't enjoy it i enjoy i i don't enjoy pulling maintenance from the my flying times with the airplanes that i've messed with down through the years i never have enjoyed doing the maintenance on it i don't enjoy it but i know i better do it so it don't kill me when i'm up here flying it's necessary i'll always enjoy working on my son's motorcycle and changing the oil and doing things that he's done on that little dirt bike you know i do it because if i don't it won't work for him to use it right now i found out if you don't it ain't always fun to do some of the maintenance of the christian life but it is absolutely essential for you to keep on rolling down the road with the lord this morning amen so what are some of the things that we can maintain how do we maintain and keep our service for the lord going how do we maintain our service for the lord individually how do we maintain our service for the lord corporately as a church brother i don't want to lose what we have here i don't know i don't think i don't think some of you realize what god's doing at bible missionary baptist church but i very rarely have a guest preacher in or or somebody in the sing or whatever they don't they don't say either something from the pulpit or come talk to me personally afterwards and say preacher god's doing something around here i said i know they said preacher it feels like revival i said bro we've been living in a state of revival for a while now i don't think some of y'all realize that we are this morning and it's dangerous if you don't realize it that we don't maintain it this morning this stuff don't just happen by accident worship don't just happen by accident people's lives don't you just change by accident it happens by a product of people getting involved and people selling out and people living for jesus and people serving in different ministries at the church so that we might see our horizons expand and more people help and more lives change and the ministries grow in this church how do we maintain this how do we maintain these good works this service if you will well paul gives us three ways i believe that we are to maintain our service let me show them to you real quickly and we're going to be done number one the first way we can maintain or keep up our service number one is constant affirmation constant affirmation look it's right here in the text i'm gonna preach right out of the text this morning verse number eight verse eight is what he said this is a faithful saying and these things i will watch what paul wants from this pastor named titus i will that thou affirm constantly keep on saying it keep on constantly affirming it y'all wonder why sometimes i'm constantly hitting on certain things i was commanded to i am to constantly affirm in your hearing and your heart that we are to maintain good works if we have believed and trusted christ it just said it in the text what paul is telling titus in the text is he's telling him this brother udi he's telling him don't let them people forget you know why he's saying that brother jimmy he says that because he knows this we're all so forgetful did i not just give you a good illustration of that right at the start of the message i couldn't even remember what point two was that i preached three weeks ago i spent hours working on that message of sanctification it was my favorite one out of all four and i'm up here and i'm drawing blanks i can't even remember what to preach three weeks ago you know what that tells me we forgetful we are so easy to forget so paul says if you're going to maintain the level and the standard of walking with god and serving the lord you have got to constantly be affirmed you have constantly got to be reminded so you don't slip into a state of lethargy and lack sedaticalness and comfort you got to be reminded bro that's why i i found it amazing i found amazing that every year i i guess it's been every year i know it's been at least the last 10 years or so since 9 11 that this is what they say brother kent they say this on 9 11 they say never forget i watched football yesterday and they had all kind of fans that was painted up had had their shirts pulled off and them dudes had had painted on their on their backs all lined up across the football game after football game never forget never forget and you know i agree with the sentiment we are not to forgive the problem is as america we forgot we have forgotten can i be real politically incorrect and couldn't care less if i am not this morning do you know why then 13 americans are dead and why them several thousand americans was dead on 2001. i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you two i'm gonna give you two words terrorism mohammed ism islam it ain't a religion of peace it's a religion of infiltrate and conquer and kill so that you wind up on top you know what we've done in our country brother butch we forgot you know how i know we forgot because we got straight up sharia law believing muslims in our places of government we haven't lost our mind the people that hate us want to kill us we put them in place of leadership in the government just the other day your president got on television and instead of talking about the terrorists and what was behind the terrorism that invoked those men to do that instead of talking about that you know what he said he said on 9 11 we also saw seeds of hate and seeds of discord where people lashed out against the religion of peace we got a good reason to lash out against the religion of peace there's not been a terrorist act in this world that didn't somehow shape former fashion have the religion of peace at its root at its core yes sir every terrorist act we've had on american soul in the last however many years has all been muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim brother if them guys have been baptists and christians you'd heard about we'd already be locked up this morning if the last 25 acts of terrorism had been bible token king james believing christians they just said there's some christians again there's some christians again but you can't talk about this stuff you know what that is we forgot yep stuck our head and holding the sand out like oh we have forgotten you know how marriage that's how countries die we forget you know what they're trying to do i'm going somewhere with this i ain't just talking about patriotism i'm getting to my text i'm using this as an illustration to set you up just here for our service but you you know we can tell our country's dying because they're taking all our monuments out i mean brother they're defacing monuments of george washington and thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin and robert e lee and so what they've taken all our history gone you know what do we forget where we come from yes sir a nation that forgets where they come from they're destined for doom that's how nations die you know how marriages die marriages die because people get forgetful sister you forget why you fell in love with him all him things he used to do before you got married that made you laugh and cackle and you thought was the cutest thing that anyone had ever done 20 years of living with that rascal it ain't funny no more will you stop you used to like it when i did this i don't like it no more i ain't me i can't help myself i can't help myself my daddy taught me this i can't help myself my daddy told me how to whistle at an early age and i just walk around with them that's one thing i hate about masks i hate that they can't see a smile on your face and i hate that i can't whistle when i walk around try whistling with a mask on it don't work suck a mask down your throat hey amen as soon as i walk in the hospital and i get past the front desk i'm yanking my mask off and walking around and everybody else got them only looking at me like oh my god i ain't worried i'm all right anyway that's why they was tracking me down at the hospital the other day ms tanya praise god that 9-1-1 call for that dangerous criminal name zorn out there trying to pray with somebody yeah i like to whistle my wife used to like my whistling when i was 17 and 18. now i come in the house and i go to whistle and my wife says i i love your whistling in that tone i mean brother some things she used to do just i mean ain't she just cute and now she full-blown ain't cute no more i mean he used to look awesome remember when you first married him had that full head of dark hair had them washboard abs son he was a hunk of hunk of burning love he was smoking now his his six-pack turned into a keg his hairline has receded clear on back to where it's in the back of his head got this fence going on around here and nothing up here you know in the old gray mare she ain't what she used to be she ain't what she used to be and if you're not careful you'll forget why you fell in love to begin with you'll forget all about it you'll start turning on each other and you'll just get stuck in here now forget all about where you come from and what god's done you'll just forget all about it and just absolutely go to turning on each other see what you told my preacher i'm saying there's some things you've got to constantly affirm and here paul shows us that did you notice before paul said to constantly affirm and this is a faithful saying did you notice he took us all the way back before we ever met jesus and he reminded us where god got us from you know the best remedy for continuing your service and maintaining your service you need to go back and remember where it was when god found your sorry soul look what he said in chapter three verse three i read it to you but look what he said he's constantly affirming he's reminding us look he reminds us verse three for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish disobedient deceived servant divers lust and pleasures living in malice and envy we was hateful and hating one another oh paul waltzes hallelujah paul said don't you don't get so high and mighty don't get so holy and forget where you was when i found you paul said let's walk down memory lane remember when you lived out there didn't have no hope and didn't have no peace and just living for a bottle on the weekend and living for a high and living for another bed to jump in and living for a dollar bill oh but watch verse number four he said but thank god for that but after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us the bible said brother look at here he says y'all was gone lost going to hell but one day jesus come by your way invested the grace of god in your life picked you up washed you off and put you in his family don't never forgive me don't ever forget [Applause] you know the reason why some christians don't serve god anymore they forgot why they started serving to begin with you know why you started serving god to begin with you was madly in love with him he was just so happy that you had peace you never had before you were just so thrilled you had a joy that you never experienced before you was thrilled when you started reading your bible and finding out all the promises in the book that god had given to you and you couldn't get enough of it oh but now you've been saved a few years up oh now now now you don't figure it all out you don't you don't got to a place where it don't move you no more and it don't affect you no more god help us this morning god take us grab our hand holy ghost walk us back down in the cesspool of hell where we was at and remind us again how good it is to be yanked out and to be on a solid rock and have our steps established and have god as our savior and jesus as our lord and heaven as our home and the holy ghost on the inside i tell you what'll keep you servant you need to be constantly reminded of your past [Applause] remember where you come from this morning god help us we've forgotten we've forgotten that's how churches die that's how christians die we just forget we lose the wonder of it all isn't it wonderful to be saved we lose the awesomeness of it all and awesome to be saved yes it is we sing them songs and we start taking them for granted we hear that preaching and we take it for granted and no longer does it do anything for us oh you know what my job is i'll tell you what my job is it's what i'm doing this morning my job as your pastor according to paul talking to this pastor he said i will that thou constantly affirm these things said titus you tell them often and regularly affirm it over and over and over and over again why they'll forget if you don't paul knows how easy it is to forget how we keep serving god preacher we need constant affirmation don't forget some some of y'all when you walked in here and the first time i laid eyes on some of y'all i thought oh if god could do something with that person that'd be awesome and i wasn't really sure if he could now i'm watching what god's done in your life and how you're ministering and living for god and serving the lord with your families and watching what god's doing now saying my lord look what god has done hey hey hey you ain't supposed to live in your past you can't live there but it ain't bad every once in a while just to let the holy ghost remind you of it so that he can remind you where you are now and why he's worth serving now there must be constant affirmation not only constant affirmation but they're also if we're going to keep our service and maintain our service there must be careful activity not just constant affirmation careful activity look what he said in verse 8 he said this is a faithful saying these things i will thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in god might be his careful activity might be careful to maintain good works he said you need to be careful to keep up your good works i like that word careful the word careful doesn't it it doesn't necessarily mean careful as in hey watch out for that hey be careful for that even though it implies that really the word careful in the text means more like you've given thought to this you have put in careful thought you're really paying attention to this you've put a lot of thoughtful time into this you realize as a christian please understand what i'm fixing to tell you as a christian as a believer you can't live a carefree life a carefree christian life will become a casualty in the christian life a christian life is just just skipping through life and tiptoeing through the tulips and the roses and just man got absolutely no thought about what they're doing or what's going on you're going to end up a dead christian be sober be vigilant your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour you you better you better be careful in your activities this morning do you know why paul told this boy this i tell you why paul tells this boy this because it is an evil society that titus is living in brother doug it's an evil society where paul has left this boy i i read about the life of titus and i'm just be honest with you i told y'all uh this morning that that paul's got three sons after the faith titus timothy onesimus those are the three boys that he calls his sons after the faith and and old timothy i read this stuff and oh timothy he gets the cushy job paul leaves timothy to pastor the church of ephesus six chapters of ephesus that's like a good church it's like a good job to have pastor in the church ephesus but you read chapter one of titus you know what chapter one says paul said for this cause left i thee in crete that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting oh titus he gets the cushy job on the mainland working with the ephesians the good established church paul says not you titus i'm leaving you on this little bitty old island out in the mediterranean this little island called crete and i'm leaving you here and this is a wicked decadent society you're gonna have to plow every step away son i imagine oh titus thought well god bless you too preacher thank you for this assignment timothy getting a good job over yonder pastor in the ephesians you left me here with the christians that's what they're called look at chapter one watch the society titus is left in look at the society titus gets left in watch what it says in verse 12 of chapter 1 chapter 12 verse 1. i'm talking about he got to have careful activity chapter 2 chapter 1 verse 12 chapter 1 verse 12 said one of them sails even a prophet of their own said the christians are always liars evil beasts slow billies verse 13 this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith look at verse 16 watch what he says about this crowd titus has got a pastor too look at verse 16. they profess that they know god but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate what a congregation you left me with a crowd of folk paul that you say they are liars always evil beasts slow bellies a vulnerable disobedient bunch of reformates that's my job yeah so because because you are dealing with the people in that kind of society you have to constantly affirm careful activity because they're in such a wicked decadent society they have to live a clean life so that they don't fall back into what they came out of listen you say what's that got to do with us we're living in a society like crete we're living in the filthy ungodly wicked society that thinks it's all right to parade up and down the street making a mock of god's holy rainbow while perverts hold hands we are living in a society that is more upset more upset over you not taking a vaccine than they are killing the unborn in their mother's womb [Applause] [Music] we are living in a society that flips out more about me not wearing a mask in a public place than they are about babies being aborted by the millions in our country we have lost our minds we are living in a society that is drunk on entertainment they are they are drunk on education they are drunk on money they are drunk on sex they are drunk on power they have gone crazy yes sir and that's the society you're living in just like titus so you know what you got to do you got to have careful activity before before you jump in on something and yoke up with it you better look at it and say should i be a part of this should i say that should i hang out with him hey hey be careful about the activity that you allow your life to be yoked up in today because you bear the stamp in the image of jesus christ in this society today and that's why paul if you read the book of titus in its entirety that's why paul gives great attention gives great attention brother robbie to every aspect of everybody's life in chapter one he gives five verses dealing with the elders the pastors and talks about how they're supposed to act and treat people in chapter two he talks about the elder women and the younger women and how they're supposed to act he talks about elder men and younger men and how they're supposed to act he leaves no stone unturned he deals with all of them and you know what he tells them they ought to be doing this is what he tells them they ought to be doing look at chapter 2. look at chapter two and watch what the bible said here in chapter two he says this is what god saved us for chapter two and verse number fourteen i'm talking about careful activity look at why god saved us chapter 2 verse 14 says who gave himself for us how about jesus gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify himself a peculiar people zealous of good works do you see why god saved you verse 14 he redeemed us from all iniquity why that he might purify himself a people zealous of good works verse 15 this is what i'm doing this morning these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority let no man despise thee he said titus you are to speak it rebuke it and exhort it with all authority because you've got god's authority on it and don't worry what nobody says about it this morning i'm to give you what god's put in this book and not worry about it this morning i'm to remind you to have careful activity in a wicked society that we live in this morning we've come so far brother rogers we don't got way out from where even paul was this morning paul didn't have social media instagram snapchat tick tock twitter facebook my lord you wanna talk about careful activity you got internet you really gotta be careful now you gotta be careful how you present yourself on social media why because the world's watching i want to make sure the way i pray i want to make sure that if somebody scrolled back 10 posts and read 10 posts on my twitter or my facebook they know whose side i'm on they ain't looking at a bunch of a bunch of half-naked selfies of myself and wondering whose side they really are i don't want them to have to scroll through a bunch of profanity field pictures and profanity-filled pictures of me sucking on bud light and drinking a beer sitting out back with my shirt off wondering who sighed this cat on i want to be able to say i lose how that cats on come on now that felt that little whoa that's all right i've said it before i say it again to you if if you would be ashamed for us to take your facebook twitter instagram tick tock snapchat whatever post and be ashamed of us to put them on a screen in front of this entire church body for the last month then you need to change what you got yourself involved in [Applause] yeah oh yeah if we used to roll the screen in here this morning and flop it all up there i wonder would you be able to say yeah that's mine and i ain't ashamed of it or would you be outed as the hypocrite that you are oh my god oh my god yes sir good preacher i see a poster the other day i see the post somebody showed me the other day i ain't calling no names but if they hear they know exactly what i'm talking about i said post the other day teenage girl in this church hanging out with her friends and had a picture i heard her buddies and all three of them flipping the middle bird up to the camera with some lyrics to some godless heathen song i'm talking about in our congregation there's something wrong with that garbage this morning you can't spout i love jesus in the choir on sunday and spout that kind of garbage monday through saturday [Applause] i don't know i'm really wondering is this bothering anybody because that's right here i got to bother nobody that right there so black and white that's so black and white that this art is right here i'll be okay yeah preacher's right clean that garbage up yes sir and mom and daddy can i say this it is your responsibility if they live at your house you'll be checking that job you'll be checking it out see what they're posting seeing who they're friends with and see what they're putting on there cause they living at your house they under your authority that's gonna come back on you come back careful activity careful about this stuff man careful activity i don't want our church to get a bad rep and a bad name i don't want people to say oh yeah you gonna yeah you gonna buy a missionary yeah yeah you know that crowd over there they holler on sunday morning but then they live like hey old monday through saturday yeah no no i'd rather cut the crowd in half and go back to 50 on sunday morning than i had had a house full that [Applause] constant affirmation careful activity that's the last thing we find is cautious awareness cautious awareness watch what he says here and i'm done verse number nine cautious awareness titus 3 9 titus 3 now watch the cautious awareness that paul tells to this young man titus he says this but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable in vain man that's a heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing that he did such subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself you see what paul says in verse nine he gives he gives a litany list of some things that can really get service to god sidetracked i'm talking about for me and for you look at what could get us sidetracked in our service to the lord verse nine foolish questions he says genealogies obviously he's talking about these people here they wanted to argue was they of this tribe are they of that tribe and because i'm of this tribe i'm better than you or i'm with that child i'm better than you can i say they know big eyes are little used in this church we all center saved by the grace of god we we all born again blood wash in the family and going to the same heaven and the least we are esteemed to be just like anybody else amen he said avoid the foolish questions genealogies and contentions this right here is what a wreck your service and striving's about the law for their unprofitable veins so on and so forth did you see paul knows some of the main things that will kill your service you know what is getting to a place where you get sidetracked off the main thing and you start focusing on little pity things that don't make a hillary means difference yes sir you're exactly right you know what i've seen kill more people's service than anything i tell you what i've seen kill more people's service to god than liquor or running off with a man or a woman or getting doped up or anything you know what i've seen kill more people's service to god than any of that what we found right there in verse number nine foolish questions contention strivings in the church just got to a place where it was just all knit people i don't like this and i like that and you don't know they've done this and you know what happens when you start doing that you lose sight of what your service is you forget what god has called you to do what you're supposed to be doing yes sir i'll tell you what also happens when you start getting into a place like verse 9 you lose sight of the place that changed you helps you feeds you you end up attacking the thing that is supposed to be what we love it's like the woman i heard the woman i heard she walked into a department store and when she walked into the department store lights started flashing all over the place and confetti fell out the air and a band come walking up to the side and playing some big old music and and brother carl uh the manager of the store walked out and the band's playing the lights are shining and a confetti's falling and they walked up that woman they shook her hand said congratulations ma'am you are the one millionth shopper in our store we got a gift certificate here for you we want to take a picture with you we want to give you a shopping spree through the store and i mean they just lavishing on and all that and they said by the way what did you come into our store for today she said uh well actually i was on my way to the complaint department and they already don't play the music they don't give her to confetti and they don't give her the shopping spree and all that and all she wants to do is walk in and complain that's like a baby shirt praise god here i go to shout and worship and live for god and try and exhort people and then they suddenly don't matter they're going to walk in and complain that will kill your service get your eyes off each other get them on jesus say lord by the grace of god i'm going to try and walk with god and serve you with everything i got amen esther help me over here this morning this is our last installment of our faithful sayings this is a faithful saying the faithful saying literally means this is reliable this is trustworthy you can take this to the bank this morning we can take that to the bank constant affirmation careful activity cautious awareness of what's going on this morning i wonder how's your service to the lord how's your service do you have something personally that you are called to do or are doing maybe this morning what god has asked you to do you have slipped on what the lord's asked you to do maybe this morning you have let your focus get into the contentions and strivings and it has robbed you of what is important maybe you just forgot where you was god from maybe this morning he just needed an affirmation a reminder man god got me from way off out there i was so lost i mean i was miserably lost lord you saved me now i want to give you the best of god [Music] serving the greatest joy of the christian life is servant god serving god let's all stand this morning father i pray that you bless the message speak to the hearts of your people draw us near to thee god i pray today that you would help us to have a heart that wants to serve you a heart that desires to serve you put the want to in us lord i know there's been some times i just didn't feel like i had to want to and i had to pray and say lord give me the right desire give me the want to help us thank you for your church we pray you'd bless them got them and lead them and direct them help us to be obedient to all the holy ghost as you lead us in jesus name amen if you need to come won't you come now be a good day to start serving the lord
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 433
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: SlR2Bnsa_Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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