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the first thessalonians in chapter number four book of first thessalonians in chapter number four this morning i want to give you what the lord has put in my heart since way back the first of the week to preach to you this morning this is all encompassing i'm preaching this morning not only to the lost if you don't know jesus but i'm also preaching to those of you that are saved and know the lord this morning the hour is so late and i'm not talking about it's almost noon i'm talking about we are real close to the event that i'm about to read to you at the end of first thessalonians chapter four and first thessalonians chapter five bears out the fact that we are real close to this event taking place if you don't believe it it is either because your eyes are blinded by the god of this world or you are a christian who has their head poked down in the sand and you are not watching waiting and looking at what is going on around us first thessalonians in chapter number four paul says in verse number 15 verse number 15 first thessalonians chapter 4 paul said for this we say unto you by the word of the lord paul's not just speaking for himself he's not just quoting something that he heard a preacher say he said i'm giving you the absolute word of the lord what is the word of the lord to bible missionary baptist church this morning brother paul he said that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them or hinder or stop them which are asleep for the lord himself i like that when he went up an angel said this same jesus shall so come he's not sending an ambassador he's not sending somebody he's coming himself the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words chapter five verse one he continues on but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that are right unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in darkness that that day the coming of the lord should overtake you as a thief you are all you that are saved you're all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunk and are drunken in the night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet the hope of salvation for god has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ i want to preach to your heart just for a few minutes this morning on the conditions of his coming what according to the bible will be the conditions the climate the the the circumstances on earth when jesus christ returns when we talk about the second coming as the child of god we're not just talking about our genre in the future to where he comes back on a white horse to ruin rain on planet earth when we talk about the second coming as a child of god we're talking about something that happens before that when he comes and raptures us out and we get out before the tribulation ever starts he is coming you say how do you know he's coming well because everything everything else he ever said came to pass so i figure if he said he's coming then he's coming this morning i i mean brother he he he said that he would die on a cross and he did he he said that he would rise again and he did and he said he'd come back and get us and if he said those other things and it came to pass then i just believe he told the truth on the fact that he's still coming to get us this morning and i want to say something to you i realize that the bible says that of that day and of that hour knows no man neither the son but the father i realize that we don't know the day he's coming we don't know the hour he's coming but according to first thessalonians 5 1 we can know the times and seasons i don't know the exact date i'd never predicted to you i don't know the hour you'd look like a fool and end up with egg in your face to try and predict one but i'll tell you what we can do according to the bible we can look at the times and the seasons and what's going on around us and look and say according to the bible jesus said and the bible said that it would be like this when jesus returned what would it be like what would be the conditions at his coming this morning can i say according to the bible it would be a disobedient day when jesus returns you read in your bible where jesus said as it was in the days of noah so would it be also in the days of the coming of the son of man y'all remember the days of noah the bible said that god's long suffering waited in the days of noah while the ark was being prepared now i don't know how long it took to prepare the ark somebody said 120 years but the bible doesn't say that it just said a man's life span in that day in noah's day was going to be 120 years i don't know how long it took him to build the ark but i would say this one man and his three boys working on that thing by theirself i'd say it took him a long time to get it done i'd say it took him at least 120 years probably more than that this morning and you know what noah was doing while he was building that ark the bible said noah was a preacher of righteousness this morning while noah was building that ark he was preaching his message of righteousness he was preaching his message of judgment oh noah they'd walk by and look at him and they'd say he's just one of them old intolerant bigoted narrow-minded bible-thumping hellfire and damn nation judgmental preachers we ain't got to listen to that we've got more smooth preachers down the street we can go listen to and they don't make us feel bad and they don't make us scared and they don't try and convict us let's just go find somewhere that they're not constantly talking about rain coming down and a flood happening and we need to get in this boat let's go somewhere where we can come as we are leave as we came act as we want and brother they listen to moses or noah preach for all them years and noah preached and noah preached and noah preached and didn't nobody get right at his preaching you say why is that it was a disobedient day people heard the preaching and didn't do nothing with the preaching this morning now y'all listen to me you look around and tell we're living in the days of noah once again people listen but they do don't know what they've heard this morning they just hear and they say well that right there is outdated we've moved on past that you ain't got a holler and you ain't got to spit and you ain't gonna tell us to get right you ain't gotta tell us it's in christ alone i got my way and you got your way and they got their way it's a disobedient day friend it not only will be a disobedient day the bible said it would be a decadent day it would be a decadent day the bible said as it was in the days of lot so would it also be in the days of the coming of the son of man y'all know what was happening in the days a lot according to the book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel said over there about the days of lot down there in sodom it said this was the iniquity of thy sister sodom pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness you know what led to homosexuality i know the first thing we think of when we think of sodom and gomorrah is homosexuality lesbianism homosexuality that's what we think about but do you know what led to those sins abundance of idleness and pride an idol mind is the devil's workshop you keep on tempting the devil to tempt you and he will you know you know the generation we're living in we're living in that generation that they're so full of pride and they're so full of bread and then they they're idle you know how i know they're idle because they sit like this all day long and the more you keep your brain kicked out of gear and let the devil entertain you he'll start throwing thoughts in your mind about do this try that ever done this ever thought about that look at this you young people better watch out for that stuff right there let me pause right here and say every young person in the building you better watch out laying around at one and two and three o'clock in the morning while everybody's going to bed and you just surfing through the internet and surfing through instagram and surfing through snapchat i promise you when you kick your mind out of gear the devil will jump behind the steering wheel and he'll start driving the ship this morning it's a decadent day can you all not see what a decadent day we're living in sin on every hand filth up in our face it's everywhere it's everywhere i ain't even was gonna talk about this until later but i'll go ahead and talk about it now might as well before i get off in the message i don't know if anybody else has seen what's going on right now that just came out this is why let me pause here and say this is why i hammer so much and preach to you mamas and daddies about being careful what kind of music you allow your children to listen to because it's not just about the music they listen to it's about the men and the women that sing and they influence your children's minds so here we've just come this this this song got real popular here six eight months ago a year ago something like that and it had you know achy breaky heart billy ray cyrus singing with this rapper called little noss and little nos they sung this song old town road don't act like you ain't heard it you have it's been on every instagram twitter snapchat and everybody thought well ain't no big deal you know it's just a little song about being on old town road and little noise has seen it yeah yeah but you know what little noss is doing now has anybody seen what little noss is doing now little nos just come out with a music video of him sitting under a tree just like in the garden of eden and the devil coming to him and committing homosexual acts with him little nos just come out the closet that he's queer and he's gay and then on top of that nike just yoked up with a little nose and i'm talking about this is for real i ain't even joking with you lil nosh just put out a shoe line of shoes that has luke 10 18 written on the side and luke 10 18 said i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven and on the inside of the shoe is a pentagram and on the box of the shoe the slogan on the box of the shoe is i would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven and they're only making 666 pairs of these shoes to give out the kids at a thousand dollars a piece now you think i'm joking go check me out see if i'm joking and on top of that it's been proven that every shoe they make they make no bombs about it it's right out in the open every shoe comes with a drop of human blood stained onto the shoe as well now listen to me listen what i'm telling you mamas and daddies all y'all let your kids listen to that garbage and that trash and old town road and now look what little noss is doing that's the way the devil does it he suckers you in he reels you in and then when you in then you hooked this morning now now some of y'all want to try and take a little notch away from your kids cause he's gay and he's a satanist but you done sold your kids down the road i'm saying that's the day we're living in this morning living in a decadent day we're living on a disobedient day but here in our text i wanted to show you this morning in our text we are living in a dark day it will be a day of darkness did you notice our text look at what paul said about the conditions of his coming look at the conditions the end of verse two the very end of verse two of chapter five he said in the night verse number four verse four but ye brethren are not in darkness verse five we are not of the night nor of darkness verse seven they that sleep sleep in the night they to be drunken or drunken in the night six different times paul warns us that the conditions at the coming of the lord it would be a dark day now i'm not talking about dark like it's nighttime outside i mean spiritually the climate would be total darkness this morning this gives us some very distinct pictures to be seen that i'd like to get everybody's heart wrapped up in here just for a few minutes on these conditions of his coming it's going to be a dark day say preacher what about night time what happens at night well we see some very potent illustrations of what our day is like according to the apostle paul as it relates to night time can i show you several things we're going to be done the first condition of his coming is we see number one people sleep at night people sleep at night in verse number 7 it said they that sleep sleep in the night but paul said this in verse 6 let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober you see what paul's saying paul is saying we are in the dark but we are not of the dark we are in the nighttime but we're not of the nighttime we are children of the day we are children of the light we have the light living on the inside of us and even though we live in a dark day we are not to crawl up and just close our eyes listen to the demonic lullaby that paul is trying to wake this church up he is saying don't go to sleep wake up you say what's going to be the conditions of the coming when jesus christ returns people are going to be going to sleep in the church is that not the spiritual climate of the church today spiritual slumber spiritual sleep how do you know that's the way it is in 2021 preacher because i preach all over this country and i preach about every day of my life and i find people say things like this they say well preacher i just don't see any i'm talking about save people preacher i just don't see anything wrong with preacher i just don't see anything wrong with that's your problem you don't see nothing that's just your problem you have you have gone to sleep you don't see anything this morning paul is trying to rouse them up paul is trying to stir them up paul is trying to remind the elf to not be asleep but to be sober and vigilant look at what's going on don't just become comfortable do you realize do you realize things there are certain conditions that have to happen to be able to go to sleep there has to be a certain level of comfort you know what causes christians to go to sleep and quit doing what they supposed to do for jesus christ in a dark day they just get comfortable they get comfortable then i'll tell you what else has to happen generally for somebody to sleep the climate has to be right some of y'all in here you can't sleep if you're too hot some of y'all can't sleep if you're too cold it has to be a lukewarm climate did y'all read revelation chapter 3 that last days church before jesus returned in revelation 4. he said the laodicean church was lukewarm what happened they just got good and comfortable settle down got good and comfortable in this world eat drink and be merry hey hey i can tell you jesus is coming back you say preacher surely you're not one of them hold out dated jesus is coming back preachers i sure am he is on his way you say how do you know that because i look at people sitting in our pews i look at people that claim to be christians and they have simply gone to sleep in their spiritual life this morning you know and so you sit there this morning and you say why is it that every time we come to that church you taking that bible and preaching out that bible and teaching out that bible and how come it is every time we come you are constantly screaming and hollering and spitting and sweating and causing ruckus and how come it is every time they start singing you up there shouting and you up here i'll tell you why it is hard to sleep with somebody hollering at you i didn't mean to spit on you i've i've had covered you all right but you had covert too [Applause] you know what else it's hard to do it's hard to sleep when somebody takes the light out and shines it in your eyes they're hard to sleep when somebody turns the light on any y'all ever been sleeping and somebody flips the light on you you know what most people do when it gets real loud when you're trying to sleep and somebody turns the light on you know what most people do they get ticked off about it you know why a lot of people don't like this brand of preaching because it rousts them out of their sleep and they do not like it i'm trying every service you come in i'm trying to make you uncomfortable i am i've told you this before i will tell you again i want everyone that walks through the double doors of bible missionary baptist church to feel welcome i don't care what color you are i don't care where you come from i don't care what you've done i don't care what sin you're involved in i don't care what you got on your back i don't care what you've got on your body i want you to feel welcome i want to shake your hand smile and say i'm glad to have you but listen to me i don't want everybody to feel comfortable i want everybody to feel welcome but i don't want everybody to feel comfortable if you can be living in sin as a christian and be backslid as hell and the devil or you can be lost without christ and going to hell i want you to feel so uncomfortable when you come in here that you either leave or you get right with god [Applause] say what you're trying to do i'm trying to shine light in your face light in your face and make it noisy enough where you have to make a decision one way or the other i read i read a story one time one of the first expeditions to the north pole was done in the 1800s i believe it is late 1800s early 1900s by the military they were i forget the captain's name that was over it i'd have to look it up again and saw my notes somewhere but he was taking a group of men trying to find the north pole sub-zero temperatures ice snow it was just frigid and freezing up there and they said they marched away from base camp and trying to look for it and they finally got so far out brother john it's time to turn around go back and on their way back they said those men began to tell that captain they said captain we are tired we are so wore out we just need to stop and rest our eyes for a minute we feel like we can't even hold our eyes open please just let us stop and rest and the captain capitulated brother danny he said okay let's just stop here let's rest for a minute we'll give you 10 minutes to rest and then we'll go and they had a doctor with them and that doctor looked at the captain he said this he said captain you do not let those men lay down and go to sleep he said but they're tired they need a little rest they've been going and gone and i understand let's just let them rest he said no captain they're not just tired hypothermia is setting in he said and if they lay down they will never get back up they'll die right where they lay at so captain whatever you've got to do if you have to pry them with the bayonet on your gun whatever you've got to do you keep them moving until they get back to base camp and sure enough that captain took his bayonet took every bit of encouragement he could muster up pushed them prodded them even though he was tired and they finally all of them made it back to base camp and survived to tell about it say what you're talking about i say that's what i'm trying to do when i preach i know we're tired but i know what that is that's the devil trying to get us to stop lay down and give up but if we do we'll die there so press on praise all press on this morning what are the conditions we know he's coming why people sleep at night what else do people do at night they don't just sleep at night they sin at night people sin at night look at verse number seven they sin in the night verse seven said they that sleep sleep in the night they that be drunken can i say it's still a sin to get drunk they that be drunken are drunken in the night you see what paul's trying to tell us that most sins happen at night do you know why people sin at night i'll tell you exactly why people commit murder fornication adultery drunkenness theft you know why they do that at night because they think nobody sees them because they know what they are doing is wrong and they want to hide so they do it in the night but listen listen listen don't miss this but we are living in the night so you know what that means the closer we get to the coming of the lord and the darker it gets they don't hide it anymore because the entire climate of this world closer to jesus returning brother ivy is darker and darker you know what that means they don't even try and hide it this little nos thing i was just talking about about these shoes they're not even hiding it this is nike just do it michael jordan my bulldogs wear nike clothes it's bothering me man they're not even hiding it anymore they don't hide it on tv anymore you all realize do y'all realize i'm talking about just hearing the recent past i'm talking about y'all's parents and grandparents remember when they would not allow let me say this if you remember this raise your hand do you remember a day when tv shows it was so taboo that they would not even let a man and a woman lay in the same bed together on television raise your hand look around at that now you kids don't know nothing about that but keep your hands up look at that i'm talking about in the recent past all of these people thank you put your hands down remember when it was not even accepted on television you watched lucy and ricky lucille ball and desi arnaz in the i love lucy show they had separate beds they wouldn't even sleep in the same bed it was so taboo brother now they have basically pornography on the television on regular tv for our kids to watch my god they're not even hiding it anymore and they've moved on from that now to saying homosexuality is fine and if you're not fine with it you're the weirdo and if you don't just go along to get along there's something wrong with you i'm telling y'all something i am not of this night i am not of this darkness i i'm in it but i ain't of it this morning brother keith it still bothers me and i feel it creeping in on me from all sides you say what you gonna do i'm gonna let my light shine i'm gonna keep my light burning i re i refuse i refuse to put a bushel basket over my line if it bothers them it bothers them if it offends them it offends them but i refuse to slide into the knife and be a closing christian my mind's made up to shine the light of jesus in my life oh people sin in the night be a light in this world paul says we're not of the darkness we're not of the night we're children of the day shine john you say what else happens in the night i'm closing here people sin at night people sleep at night can i say also people steal at night people steal at night look at verses 2 and verses 4 there's a word in there that lets you know that people steal in the night it said the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night verse 4 he said you're not in the darkness that that day should overtake you has a thief he said listen to me i'll tell you what the conditions will be like at the coming of the lord it'll be like when a thief steals things from you amen i'll tell you this i have more respect for somebody that brother just lives a decadent wicked lifestyle and sins oh no i got more respect for them than some dirty rotten lowdown thief i have no respect for a thief i can't stand the thought of somebody coming to my house while i'm asleep breaking in and taking what's mine can i just give fair warning i don't fire warning shots ammunition is too expensive and your life is not worth me having to buy another box ammunition yeah yeah i honestly honest to god i feel like if you break into my house i owe it to you to shoot you [Music] amen i mean i feel like it's my job it's my god-given duty to do so this morning you understand what i'm saying i mean i figure if you put yourself in this shoes then then you're asking for it okay you say you say would you are you willing to kill someone over your television or your wife's bracelet or whatever the question i want to ask is are they willing to die over it that's the question i got it's it's not the fact am i willing to kill you and said are you willing to die over it because when you break into my house i have no idea if what you're coming for is just my tv i got no idea what you're coming for is just some valuable i got in my house how do i know you're not coming for my youngins or my wife and i'm not calling out and asking you first to figure out which it is you forfeited your rights when you walked in the wrong house jack and so this morning they steal in the night and you notice when they steal let me say this first do you notice what they steal men steal what is valuable they only break in to steal something that they feel like brother can't it's worth something if they know you ain't got nothing worth stealing they don't break in your house but if they think they can get something from you that they can pawn or sell they'll get that and you notice not only what they come for but when they come they come when you sleep at night they want to make sure you're asleep you know how i know jesus is coming back because the devil is stealing from the church the most precious thing that god ever gave it say what's the most precious thing god ever gave the church the greatest thing god ever gave the church was his word the psalmist said i i love your word i love it like treasure that i find thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against god it's like treasure you know how i know jesus is coming back soon soon soon you know i know it's coming back soon because in the last hundred years there has been a ramped up attack with modern bible versions from corrupt manuscripts to steal your bible still acts 8 37 out of your bible where it said the that ethiopian eunuch that god saved said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god that's wicked as hell i got listen to steel steel first john 5 7 where it deals with the trinity out of my bible i got no respect for that still the word study out of second timothy 2 15 which is my only command to do so i have no use for that steal the lordship of christ out of countless places that i can take you to i have no respect for that steal the blood out of colossians 1 14. i have no respect for that steal the identity of jesus christ in daniel 3 25 walking in the midst of the fire i have no use for that listen to me i have more use for a sod drunk or a meth head or a prostitute than i do any preacher that would steal the words of god from me under the guise of education under the guise of it's just simpler to understand no sir the words of the lord are pure words and silver tried and the furnace of earth purified seven times thou will keep them o lord thou will preserve them from this generation and forever every word of god is pure he's a shield of them to put their trust in him and down on his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the lord arise rejoice in the heart the commandments of the lord are true and righteous all together more to be desired of they than gold gave him much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by him as thy servant worn and in keeping of them there is great reward where will all shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed there too according to thy word great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall defend them for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even the divine asunder of soul and spirit and joint scenario and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart i say thank god for a book i say thank god for the bible and you know jesus is coming because we're living in a day where they stole our books telling you you better wake up if you're lost you better get saved quick jesus is coming if you're saved you better start telling your family quick you better start getting people to church quick you better start trying to get folks safe quick because he's coming [Music] quit waiting around talking about what you gonna do what you gonna do what you gonna do what you better do is go ahead and do it you ain't got much time left i'm i'm through i'm preaching 30 minutes i'm done people sleep at night sin and i steal at night what's the last thing we find can i say to you people people the sun is coming up after the night y'all y'all know what happens after tonight the sun pops up can i give you a word of encouragement this morning don't worry about the dark night somebody said the darkest part of the night is just before the dawn i don't know if that's true or not but i sure do like the sound of that i sure do hope that's true because it's getting mighty dark around here brother travis it's getting mighty dark in this world and i believe with all my heart the darker that it gets all that signals is jesus is coming jesus is god jesus is coming and it might just be today that the sky parts clear and my savior steps out the trumpet blows he calls my name and i get out of this world what should we do preacher just keep going stay awake don't let the devil steal stuff from you wake up why he's coming he's coming there's glory in my soul since jesus took control he placed within my heart a happy song and the joy bell sweetly ring while have his love housing press on it won't be very long he fills my way with cheer with him i have no fear cause he guides my weary steps along the way and i know he promised me a mansionful handfree press on it won't be very long press on it won't be very long until we reach that land of song in heaven some sweet day i'm going there to stay press on it won't be very long i say the sun's coming up after the night i'm i'm done fellas would you all mind giving us something this morning man i like that it is finished thing would you mind singing that again i just didn't hear that one more time there's a fella named george tullock some of you may have heard of him some of you may not george tullock grew up reading stories about the titanic that sank in 1914. george tulik began he even joined up with the rms titanic that still owned the rights to it even though it was sunk out in the atlantic they started searching for it and they found it george tullock began to make expeditions where they sent things down all those thousands of feet down the bottom of the atlantic floor picking up artifacts and bringing them back up he finally hooked the big one as a matter of fact it's still on display and it's called the big piece it's a 20-ton piece of the titanic george tulik they hooked it grabbed it was pulling it up and on the way up weather started moving in that made the water very very rough when it got up near the ship their grappling uh uh equipment malfunctioned broke because of the violence of the waves dropped it back in the ocean and sunk all the way back to where they just got it from they were having to leave they they couldn't stay any longer george tullock did this before they left he took a small piece of metal and he inscribed these words on the piece of metal he said this i will come back george tullock i will come back george tullock they took that little piece of metal by submarine very quickly right back down to where that 20-ton piece of the titanic lay that they just dropped and they welded it to the side of it george tullock i will come back and left two years later two years later george tullock come back and they got that same piece brought it up still had his tag on it and it sits in a museum today with other artifacts of the titanic so what are you talking about preacher i say 2 000 years ago my savior left something for us he left the comfort of the holy ghost and everybody that gets saved you know what jesus does to those who get saved he wields his name to their soul and says i will come back jesus christ i will come back say how do you know he's coming because down inside of my soul something has been welded to my heart that even though i'm down here in the dark it says i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming you count on this friend he's coming he's coming he didn't pay all this price that they sing about to leave you here he didn't pay all that just to forget about you and leave you down here in the dark he's coming and if you're asleep this morning get to an altar wake up and if you're lost this morning i wish you'd hit this altar and trust jesus christ trust jesus christ it's finished it's paid for he's coming he's coming are you ready are you ready i'm ready i'm ready let's all stand this morning lord thank you so much for the precious truth and promise of the word of god that's your coming oh bless your holy name this morning that as an 18 year old boy you welled into my heart i will come back lord thank you for paying my price there might be somebody in here that doesn't know your savior i pray they'd get ready this morning in jesus name come on this morning sing it fellas do you know the lord are you saved this morning [Music] hey are you saved say preacher i'm not ready well come on you can get ready this morning [Music] with his blood yes [Music] is is [Music] [Music] they're is down there and i closed i want to ask you something real serious here for just a minute nobody look around clean go preacher i'm going to be honest with you i want to lie to you i admit i don't think i'm ready this morning if jesus came back today preacher i i don't have a place for a time where i trusted christ i'm still in my sin like they're singing about preacher i'm not saved would you pray for me i'm i'm not ready to meet god preacher pray for me would there be one in the building like that you'd slip your hand up right there where you are while nobody's looking around with me in the lord would you just slip your hand up and say preacher pray for me i'm not sure i'm saved would there be one like that preacher i'm not sure i'm saved pray for me pray for me praise the lord let me ask you this you say preacher i know i'm saved i know i'm saved but there's some areas of my life i've just kind of gone to sleep on preacher i need some prayer as well would you slip your hand up there's one two three four five six hands going up here there and yonder i want to pray with you and pray for you maybe you won't come to an altar get somebody to pray with you that'd be wonderful too but i'm sure i'm going to pray for you right now lord jesus god i've stood right where they stand and there's not one of us that couldn't stand to get a little closer to you god we constantly have to fight back the urge to go to sleep it's not hard to go to sleep lord it's real easy god i pray you'd help these their areas of their life help us all in areas of our life where we've just gotten comfortable at ease help us to shake ourselves this morning wake up this morning god this morning help us to take father the things we've heard and singing and preaching and applying to our life help them god to shine their light in this dark world so the lost can see it in jesus name if you need to come they're still singing y'all sing it fellas [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] is [Music] [Music] glory ain't that good praise god i'm tell you what it was worth coming out this morning just to hear that i'm telling you that's a wonderful song thank you fellas man that's great we're going to let y'all play us out this morning um we do want to do this listen i'm not going to belabor this if you're not ready to to meet jesus if somewhere in your soul there's fear and doubt and trepidation of jesus coming back please please come grab my wife come grab brother skip come grab me come grab one of these ladies that know god please we don't want you leaving unsure of your salvation we want you leaving knowing that heaven's your home jesus is your savior we we really do and child of god i i hope this morning that that you have rekindled flames of passion and first love amen all right brother do set would you and your dear wife mind standing in the back back there greet anybody that wants to uh buy cd from you or whatever that will y'all wave your hands them is the two you need to see right there to get a cd we've got their cds they're wonderful and it'll be a help to you tell you what some of you young fellas come help me here i need six of y'all we're going to take an offering up for them as an awful place there they are we're going to take an offering for these fellows this morning and their family god's using them and i like what brother craig said everybody needs to hear this he's exactly right and so we want to try and be a blessing to them like they've been a blessing to us so if you can help us with that if you want to just make it's easier to do it this way so we can just write them one check make checks payable to bible missionary baptist church but right on what it's for the doucet family and they'll get every dime that comes in every single dime church keeps none of it it will all go to this family so uh this offering is just for the due sets anything you put in here is going to them okay so if you'd like to give to be a participant and a supporter in their ministry obviously a very worthy one um that would be great okay all right let's close the word of prayer after the offering plate passes you you'll be at liberty to go come back tonight at six o'clock we'll be dealing with uh one of our final devices of the devil so you come back and get in on that and so let's close the word of prayer brother matthew hunter if you don't mind pray us out this morning my brother father yes sir yes sir yes yes help us lord your name [Applause] like [Music] uh
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 668
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: ZpU6I8LU1ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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