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but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and abraham said i love his response my son god will provide himself not like the new bibles that change the text to say god will provide for himself no no no god's going to provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together and they came to the place which god had told him of and abraham built an altar there laid the wood in order bound isaac his son laid him on the altar upon the wood abraham stretched forth his hand took the knife to slay his son and the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here am i he said lay not thy hand upon the land neither do thou anything unto him for now i know that thou fierced god seeing that has not withheld thy son not only son for me and abraham i want you to notice verse 13 14 with me real carefully because it is kind of the crux for the message tonight abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns and abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for an offering in the stead of his son abraham has already said back in verse number uh verse number 6 or 7 down through there somewhere we just read it abraham has already said that god what verse eight he said god would provide that god would provide and because god provided this is what abraham says about this place in verse 14. abraham called the name of that place jehovah jireh which literally means the lord provided or the lord has seen to the matter the lord has seen to it and he gives the interpretation he says jehovah jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen here we find that abraham is climbing up one of the toughest heels that anybody will ever climb up in all of their life or in all of the bible he's climbing up the tough heel of surrender and sacrifice there is no greater surrender or sacrifice outside of the other hill of mount calvary that is than this hill that abraham is climbing up uh i was reading here just a little while back back in 1953 a man named edmund hillary a new zealander uh was a mountain climber he had climbed different scales and heights in the himalayas and he got his mind and his heart set on the fact that he wanted to be the first man to scale the highest point on planet earth which is mount everest twenty nine thousand and three feet mount everest stands above uh the floor above the ground twenty nine thousand feet to the summit they said this man edward hillary he began to train he began to climb other mountains learn how to work oxygen learn how to scale even parts of mountains and cliffs that would be straight up learn how to deal with the elements and the cold and finally in the month of may of 1953 this man several other men began to make that trip up to the top of everest they finally made base camp in several different spots along the way they stopped at twenty thousand twenty five thousand twenty seven thousand feet and then on may 29 1953 this man edmund hillary and one of his guides finally took the plunge and worked their way though arduous and though hard and though tough work their way all the way to the top of mount everest and stood on the place where a man's foot had never touched before he had to climb a lot of smaller mountains before he ever got to this great big mountain and can i say here we find a man in our bible that he's climbing one of the biggest mountains that a mortal man has ever climbed this mountain that abraham's about to stand on i'm not talking about his high as in uh physical height i'm talking about as in spiritual emotional height he's about to get to a high place a place where man has never been at this point in the scripture he's about to get to a place where he's going to surrender the best he's got to god he's going to sacrifice the most precious thing he has to the lord abraham has been in training for this climb right here he's been in training for this climb ever since genesis chapter 12. god come to abraham and god said abraham i want you to leave your daddy i want you to leave your homeland get out of the ear of the counties and take off walking and i'm going to show you a land that i want you to settle in has abraham's first mountain to climb it wasn't that big but it's big to abraham and he climbed it it wasn't long after that abraham messed up you know the story had a son named ishmael and god finally says i want you to cast out the bond woman and ishmael and he has to obey and he kicks them out and that's another hurdle in his life that he had to climb even though it hurt and then finally there come a day when the bible said he looked and saw all the well-watered planes of sodom and gomorrah and he said god i'd rather give all that up so that i could have you and lot took the well-watered planes of sodom and abraham went the other way has another mountain he had to climb all of those mountains are just preparatory all of those mountains are simply training exercises to get him to this one tonight and here we find the lord is about to try this man who is called the friend of god he's about to try him and test him by asking for his only son isaac tonight now let me say this to you at the onset of the message god only tries those he can trust god only tests those he can trust you say i don't feel like i'm ever getting tested or tried that might be because god figures he can't trust you and if you are sitting here tonight and you say i feel like god is putting me through the ringer i feel like god is testing me and trying me that's because god knows there's something of value in your life and god believes that you can handle it this evening you don't find where god ever attempted tried or tested lot that's abraham's nephew you know why god didn't try or test lot cause lot was a carnal backslidden brother milk toast a calloused christian and god did god already knew what he was but abraham he's something else tonight and god said i can try he alma because i believe he's got something precious in his life and here we find abraham is trotting this path to mount moriah and then up mount moriah and the path that he is trotting it's a hard one tonight uh he is he has been told this god has said i want you to take that promised seed that precious seed and i want you to kill him brother i don't know any father in here that can think of anything more devastating than to think that you would have to lay your own hand upon one of your children and end their life but this was the task that god put abraham up to can i say the trip to this place and the trip up this place it's a rough one tonight it's a trip of proving it's a trip of pain it's a trip of personal sacrifice it takes three days to get there do you all realize three days of abraham riding on that donkey three days of abraham going on that trip can y'all imagine what the nights must have been like to that old daddy he had prayed for this boy god had promised this boy and now god said i want you to kill this boy can y'all imagine what the nights must have been like at one and two o'clock in the morning as that boy would wake up and that boy would look across the fire over there and everybody else is asleep but there sets this old wrinkled up face white beard and white hair and he ain't sleeping his eyes is looking off into the fire tears are streaming down his face and even though he ain't making a word or a peep his lips are moving in prayer to god and isaac says daddy what's wrong with you daddy what's the matter with you is something okay are you feeling all right he says i'm fine son go back to sleep i'm just talking to the lord i can see the second night brother keith as they're making that trip oh abraham's got his face buried down in the dirt and crying out to god and saying god why god i don't understand this god you told me this was the one that was going to give me seed as the stars of heaven as the sand on the sea shore god i don't understand this i'm telling you the trip to this place of sacrifice and the trip up this hill of surrender it's a real tough trip this evening can you imagine when they finally got there it said this brother randy and said abraham looked and he saw the place so far off don't you know his heart finally sunk down to his stomach and he thought oh god there it is oh god i was hoping we wouldn't ever even get here i was hoping god would stop us before we got here but he didn't there he is there's the place god told me of no abraham gets all fat donkey he says you boys stay here me and isaac's going to the top worship and we're coming back and brother listen to me don't miss this tonight don't miss this as abraham is going up this side of the hill it's a rough goal i mean brother every step he takes it's like a dagger shoving in his heart he sees that boy carrying that wood and he thinks i'm fixing to have to do it i'm gonna have to do it then i'm gonna have to burn him like the burnt offering is and can you imagine how rough it was when isaac turned around and looked at his daddy on the way up that side of the hill he looked and he said daddy here's the wood here's the fire but where's the lamb where's that lamb from an old friend abraham had to say by faith son god's going to provide i don't know how he i don't know how he's going to provide i don't know how he's going to make a way but i'm trusting there's a god in heaven he's gonna make a way where there is no way god's gonna provide there's a jehovah jairus sitting in the glory world that he's gonna provide y'all listen to me going up this side of the hill it's a tough walk going up this side of the hill it's a painful walk going up this side of the hill brother look here it's a walk that's some surrender and sacrifice but little does abraham know they something already coming up the other side of the hill [Applause] see brother joe abraham's walking up this side and all he sees is the pain and all he feels is the pain and all he knows is i'm walking by faith but little does he know little does he know there's a little furry goat coming up the other side there's a little furry rama coming up god had already set something in motion that while he's coming up that side the provision is making its way up this side and though abraham can't see it and abraham don't know about it god's already worked it out the fix is already in the plan was already made the promise was already done the provision was already in place look at here i look friend i'm telling you when god told abraham get that boy and go to the land of moriah and go to that mountain i believe when god leaned over and said abraham get to the land of moriah to this here mountain i believe god also walked off in the wilderness somewhere walked up to a ram and said hey mr wham i want you to start walking to that same mountain abraham's going but don't go up the side he's going go up the other side and i want you to meet him at the top abraham has no idea god's got a plan and a purpose but god's got a plan and a purpose and tonight listen to me tonight some of y'all walking up one side of the hill and you don't know what god's doing and you're wondering why god's putting you through what you're going through and you're wondering and you're waiting and you're worrying and you're saying lord where are you at and god what are you doing in my life but honey you mark this down god's got something coming up the other side of the hill god knows where you are god sees where you at it hasn't caught him by surprise and when you get to the place where you're going you'll see that god had already set things in motion to bring his purpose and his plan to pass tonight i want to preach tonight on the thought i'm preaching on the other side of the hill amen the other side of the hill you may be facing a mountain that's hard and painful to climb ripping your heart out tonight but you can rest assured out of your sight god is already working things for your good and for his glory tonight can i say this god let me say this to you i don't say much profound stuff you might want to write this one down god has already worked out what you're worried about god's already worked out what you're worrying about tonight you all tore up in your mind and tore up in your heart trying to walk with god and wondering how god's gonna come through and what god's gonna do there's something already coming up the other side of the hill there's already a plan in place don't give up now don't throw the towel in now god's got a plan tonight friend the other side of the hill i want to one i'm going to preach to you this evening about this other side of the hill how does abraham see the purpose and provision of god take place when he gets to this hill when he gets to the top i mean there was something coming up the other side opposite the hill where abraham was at how does abraham get into a place where he can see this provision of god that's what this was abraham said god shall provide and then he says i'm going to call the name of the lord jehovah jireh he'll see to it he'll provide for it how do we find uh in our life how do we see god's provision come to pass there are some steps see this is what a lot of people don't want to talk about when you preach stuff like this they just want to preach on the provision and that's it and i'm preaching on that tonight too but we cannot overlook the fact that there were steps in abraham's life that led him up this hill to this place so that he might see the provision of god tonight so i want to give you three things real quick and we're going to get out of here it's 8 o'clock we'll give you some three things real fast and we're going to be done how do we see this provision on the other side of the hill number one the first thing you must do is follow directions there must be a following of directions look what your bible said in verse number two verse number two the lord is speaking to abraham and he said take now thy son that only son isaac whom thou lovest get thee into the land of moriah offer him there for a burnt offering watch it upon one of the mountains which i will tell thee of look at the last part of verse 3. the last part of verse 3 said that he rose up and went unto the place of which god had told him do you see here over and over i think there's even another place in here there it is look at verse 9 verse 9 and they came to the place which god had told him of three times in the text it said god told him about a specific particular place brother skip he said if you're going to see my provision if you're going to see my purpose you got to go where i'm telling you to go now y'all listen to me just any old mountain wouldn't do tonight just any old mountain won't do abraham cannot be on the way to mount moriah and all of a sudden see another mountain over here and say well there's a mountain the man we're going to is a mountain this is close enough let's just stop here boys let's just go up this mountain no no no you know what would have happened he'd got up that mountain and there would have been absolutely no provision from the lord why because the lord put the provision on the mountain that he had picked out god don't put the provision on the mountain you pick out god puts the provision on the mountain and the place he picks out this evening too many christians too many christians want to do their own thing live their own life have their own plan have their own purpose and then when they get there say all right god provide yo it don't work like that you want to see the jehovah girl you want to see the lord will see to it you want to see that god will provide okay follow the directions i mean look here a whole lot of christians are standing in places in their life that they've gotten to and they're looking around saying all right lord where's the provision at well it's on the other mountain you didn't want to go to because that mountain you didn't want to go to that's the mountain of surrender and sacrifice you know while a lot of christians won't see the provision that's coming up the other side of the hill to take care of the issue because it's a mountain of surrender and sacrifice and we want to live a life of no sacrifice and no surrender we want god to surrender his will to ours not us surrender our will to his but brother i have found this out i have found out if i'll surrender myself to him brother brother travis i don't always do it right i make a lot of mistakes i fall and i fail but i have found this out the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he delighteth in his way and though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down for the lord upholdeth him with his hand i have been young and now i'm old yet i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread what that verse is saying is this if you'll trust in the lord with all thy heart and lean on him to thy own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him he shall direct thy paths i'm not saying you'll do it all the right way but if you'll keep acknowledging him and walking with him and surrendering to him god will providentially lead you to a place where you see the provision of god come up the other side of the hill a whole lot of people a whole lot of people want the right kind of mate in life all you young people i want you all to listen to me all y'all are getting to this age to where you are looking for a husband or a wife that's a wonderful thing that's a wonderful thing and in your mind you have this criteria that i want this good christian girl or i want this good christian boy i want somebody to live for god with me i want somebody to raise our children for god i want somebody to serve the lord okay okay that's wonderful but are you putting yourself in the right position to be able to have that this evening you don't you don't find stuff like that living outside of the mountain of surrender and sacrifice do you know where you find that out you found it in total surrender and sacrifice some people got this mind i want that good christian this and that good christian that without living that good christian this and that themself you know it don't work you don't work apart from that this evening y'all the other side of the hill god's got a provision you just can't see it i'm telling you young people listen to me i got a word for y'all tonight on this listen to me young people you can't see what god's got on the other side of the hill but boys i promise you if you'll keep yourself pure and you keep yourself clean and you keep yourself this world tells you that you got the test drive every old jalopy on the car lot this world tells you that you've got to milk every old cow that comes across your path but you ain't this evening you keep yourself pure keep yourself right keep walking in the path of god and somewhere out there god's got a girl somewhere out there god's got a provision and god will bring her in your life and the same way with you girls tonight you keep walking the right path with god and god's got a young man somewhere out there that he is setting in motion already he set an emotion we all come together y'all i'm i am not just preaching bible tonight even though i'm preaching bible i'm preaching from a well of experience this evening brother marty what i am preaching tonight right now i have seen in my life i'm not just talking about i'm not about relationships i'm talking about the whole overall thing because of god you keep walking the right way and god will bring some other i've seen this replicated over and over and over in my life brother mitch i i look at my wife and how god providentially brought us together from a young age in our teenage years brother when we were smaller separated hadn't seen each other a long time brought us back together and god knew what i needed as a help me in my ministry god knew what she needed as a husband and i'm not saying either one has been perfect but it has been a perfect match it was god's match this evening i look i look at my years in evangelism and how god directed me here shut a door there open the door here walk me through there and now i look back and i say who but god could have done such things as these i look even where i stand tonight preaching to the people i'm preaching to tonight and the only way that i can even fathom brother roger of how i have become the pastor of the greatest church in america is that i was just walking up my way and on the other side god had something in motion coming the other way this evening i'm telling y'all it works this evening but the problem is too many people don't want to follow directions you know what people we know what too many of us are like as christians we're like i am when it comes to a gps stop laughing brother keith bro ivy my wife routinely asks me when i need directions and i pull my phone out and i start my gps my wife routinely asks me she says zorn why don't you turn that woman's voice on so you can hear what she says i say because i don't like having some woman tell me what to do [Music] she she's muted she is i have heard that you can get a man's voice on that but i don't maybe that would make it more palatable to me i don't know but i've got it muted on my phone and you want to know how many times brother tiger that i have missed turns and wasting time because i did not turn the speaker on and let her give me directions you know what i end up doing that's what i end up doing brother mike i just look at it when i think i need it i'll i'll glance i'll glance down there on it and i'll glance down and say all right you know in five miles turn left on this drive five miles and i'll just start driving and i think i can kind of estimate five miles and about you know four and a half i'll look down there at it again and check it out you know what happens to me a lot of times at about 4.999 miles i glance at it and it says in 200 feet turn left well at that point i'm rolling 65 miles an hour it's too late to lock the brakes up now i don't miss my turn whereas whereas if i'd have had that thing turned up i'm confessing my fault do y'all now don't use this against me that bible said confess your faults one to another i'm confessing a fault to you here all right being honest brother kevin whereas if i had that thing turned up she could have given me advance warning a mile because what she does is she'll say it's so irritating i hate him in one mile turn left shut up her voice is irritating maybe if i could get my wife's voice on there i would enjoy it would be better i don't know you know but if it would talk to me say hey zorn turn left up here all right i'm down with that that thing's voice is annoying so what i end up doing is i waste a lot of time and miss a lot of turns because i won't follow you directions a problem with a lot of god's people this is what we do this is what we do we we mute i'll tell you how we say i got god muted yeah you do you got god muted by doing this and when all of a sudden you make mistakes and wrong turns and you're about to blast by where you're supposed to be in your wall with god then it's hold on now hold on where's that you done blasted by it you know what i find we need we need routine regular in one mile you need a turn in a half a mile you need to turn in 500 feet make a turn how do you get that kind of thing i'll tell you how to get that you get that by daily putting your nose in that and then and then you get it by not only putting your nose in that then assembling with god's people and hearing preaching and teaching of the word of god that will highlight what god's already put in that book and give you direction on your life tonight follow the directions follow the directions can i say this following the direction y'all listen this don't mean following the direction will not only help you it will help future generations down the road for seeing the provision for seeing the provision of god you say what do you mean you know this is mount moriah i preached this in a message called i surrender all out of the first chronicles do you all know what this turns into mount moriah ends up being the place of ornan the jebusite ornan sells the field to david who then turns around and gives the field to solomon who then turns around and builds the temple on this piece of dirt you see what i'm saying i'm saying coming to the right place following the right directions ends up getting god to put the right stuff on your life that's a blessing then to your children and your children's children and your children's children follow directions how do we see this provision on the other side of the hill you follow directions it's it's real simple it's sort of not hard follow directions not only that can i say not only you got to follow directions but secondly i'm hurrying you got to have faith in the director have faith in the one that's directing would you do me a favor would you take your bible holds place in chapter 22 would you run with me all the way to the book of hebrews flip all the way over to the book of hebrews way back there in the back end of the new testament and look at the book of hebrews and look at the hall of faith hebrews chapter 11. look at hebrews chapter 11 with me this is this is one of the greatest chapters in the word of god bar none it's fantastic chapter and watch what it says in hebrews chapter 11 about this man abraham as a matter of fact in hebrews chapter 11 abraham takes up the majority of the chapter he goes from verse 8 all the way down uh to verse number 19. he takes up a lot of this chapter but but we're going to we're just going to come down to verse number 17. hebrews 11 17. watch i'm talking about you also got to have faith in the director not just listen to me it's hard for me to follow directions if i don't have no faith in the one that's given me the directions it's hard for me to really take serious directions if i don't got no faith in the one that's given them to me i don't know i don't know about up here in north carolina but i'm telling you there's some fellas back down there in georgia this is the kind of directions you get you pull up next road and here's some old country bumpkin that sounds and looks a lot like me and and he'll be sitting there you know and say hey do you know how to get to you know so and so yeah tell you what you go off down here down there well that building that down the under used to be that store you're gonna turn left and then you're gonna go up and down around a couple of curves and they're gonna be a big old tree over here got struck by lightning and then you're gonna take a ride and by this time you don't lost me friend you don't lost me it's like okay god bless you have a nice day i'll see you later i got no faith that you know where i'm going i can't follow what you're saying i'll tell you if you're going to get to the provision you've got to have faith in the one given the directions abraham's got faith in him how do you know look at chapter 11 verse 17 of hebrews by faith abraham when he was tried that's what we're reading about by faith abraham when he was tried offered up isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom it was said that in isaac shall thy seed be called watch verse 19 watch how much faith he's got in the director accounting that god was able to raise him up even from the dead from which also he received him in a figure you see what that said it said abraham accounted it's an accounting term it hasn't happened yet but he reckons it to be so even though it ain't in there he says i believe i got faith enough to believe that even if i kill this boy god can get him back up again in other words he says this he said i don't know what i don't know what god's doing but i know this much he's never failed me i don't know what god's doing but i climbed enough little hills in my life i left her of the counties and he didn't fail me i separated from lord and he didn't fail me i run hagar and ismail out and he didn't fail me i gave up the riches of sodom and he didn't fail me and if he didn't fail me back then he won't fail me today i've got enough faith to know that what he did back yonder he can do it again you want to know how to get to the place you see the provision have faith in the one given the directions you say preacher what's god doing i don't know but i know he didn't let you down yesterday and he won't let you down today you just keep trusting what he says this evening you might be walking around you might be walking around tonight and you say well preacher maybe like abraham i don't know maybe in the back of abraham's mind the devil was on him and the devil told him maybe the devil told abraham hey abraham god don't really care and god don't really know what you're going through god doesn't care what you're going through abraham and god can't relate to what you're going through that's a sorry good for nothing lie do you realize in this text right here nobody understands what abraham is going through any better than god say what do you mean by that oh it is god that one day had to watch his boy walk up a hill with a load of wood on his back and god himself the bible said it pleased the lord to bruise um it was god that put the knife brother of judgment on his own son on the cross of calvary if there was anybody that understand what abraham was going through it was god and you sitting here tonight walking up the rough side over here and you wonder what god's doing and if god cares and does god know yes he's touched with the feelings of your infirmities he knows what you're going through your husband may not understand your wife may not understand the pastor may not understand the membership may not understand but you mark this down there's a god in the glory world that sits on the throne and he knows and he understands where you had tonight you can have faith in the director the other side of the heel how do we get there how do we see this provision follow directions have faith in the director and i'm through lastly fulfill his demands go back to genesis 22 you've got to continue to fulfill or be faithful with the demands that he's laid on you look at chapter 22. watch how he's going to fulfill the demand of god god's given the direction he's got faith in the one that gave the directions and now watch how he's going to fulfill what god said chapter 22 and verse number nine they came to the place which god told him of abraham built an altar there laid the wooden order bound isaac his son laid him on the altar upon the wood and abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son y'all abraham's going all the way this ain't no joke right he's going brother troy he's going all the way with this thing this ain't no this ain't no fake you know where he's half-hearted in it oh no he's got the big bowie knife up and brother he's coming down with it he's figuring to do it he's faithful fulfilling the demand of god to the end watch what happens in verse number 13 and abra or verse number 12 excuse me or verse 11 the angel of the lord verse 11 called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here am ah can i pause right here and say this if abraham would have got halfway up that hill on the side he was coming if he would have gotten halfway up that hill and said i can't fulfill this this just too much no come on isaac we're going back home you know what he would not have seen he would not have seen the provision of god because the only way to get to see the provision coming up the other side of the hill is you've got to go all the way the only way to see that coming up that side what god's got planned you got to go all the way with it turn around halfway and go back down and go and cut it you got to go all the way and be willing to be all in with this thing y'all faithfulness was rewarded with provision faithfulness rewarded with provision do you see that faithfulness meets god's provision no faithfulness you're gonna miss the provision but because he comes all the way up something else is coming all the way up too you be faithful and you watch god be faithful to provide yeah you'll be faithful got to be faithful and i love this i love this did y'all notice this go back to chapter 22 and verse 1. look at what it said in verse 1. it said in verse 1 it came to pass after these things god attempted abraham and said unto him abraham and he said behold here i am now go down to verse 11. we just looked at it verse 11 the angel of the lord called him out of heaven and said abraham abraham do y'all see something that's interesting there i'm talking about how he fulfilled the demand he was all in he was faithful all the way to the end god had to call him only one time to get him started but he was so all in god had to call him two times to get him to stop god only had to say one time abraham he said yes sir i'll do it but brother he was so all in he was so i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back that for god to get him to stop he had to say abraham abraham oh boy had to call him twice you see abraham wasn't just in it half-heartedly abraham was all in say preacher how can i see that coming up the other side of the hill what god's got going on what god's gonna do down the road preach right my heart's tore up man on this side it just looks awful what i'm trying to lift for god walk with god preacher what what do i do just keep on walking with him what the sister saying a minute ago you just keep going down getting up going down and getting you just keep on doing it and watch what god does at any point if you decide to turn around and quit you're going to miss the provision there's a woman named rosie ruiz she ran in the boston marathon in 1980 rosie ruiz i'd never heard over till here just a little while back rosie ruiz won the boston marathon in the female category by like a 25-minute margin blew them away in 1980. she actually set the record for a female boston marathon runner in 1980. i mean she just she come across brother 25 minutes ahead of the nearest competitor blew everybody away they started thinking something was fishy about it and they investigated and sure enough rosie ruiz started the race but brother kit about a quarter or three quarters of about a quarter to half the way through the race she conveniently kind of slide slid out of the race ran to the subway rode the subway about 15 16 miles got off the subway jumped back in the race and crossed the finish line first it was an incredible record but she had help from the subway finished 25 minutes i had everybody else i mean blew him away but the problem was she cheated she missed all the steps it got hard it got tough you know they said when she crossed the finish line people started looking at her kind of weird and immediately started questioning because she just didn't look like she was totally exerted like all the other runners they said she wasn't just totally drenched in sweat she wasn't totally exhausted near about dehydrated they was like man there's something wrong with that because normally those runners meant all them miles it wears you out i thought about that's the way a lot of christians are you know what a lot of christians want they want the provision coming up god i want the provision but to stay in the race of faith when it gets hard and when it gets tough and when it about wears me out to get there no lord let me ride the subway there is no subway to the provision of god you got to walk up the hard side of the hill to get to where the provision's coming to you can't cheat to get there you got to walk with god by faith and say lord i'm going to keep walking with you till i see what you're bringing up the other side of my heel god miss kayla help me again you can sing that song if you don't mind god i i don't know what you're bringing up the other side of the hill but i can tell you this i ain't gonna miss it i'm gonna keep walking my side as tough as it may be and i'm going to make sure i see what you're bringing up the other side oh oh oh abraham got to the end he said this is the name this is the name of my god he said his name's jehovah's ira he's the lord my provider oh he provided for me now i'm telling you i can say the same thing with abraham i can look back in my life and over and over and over again he is my jehovah gyra he has provided time and time and time and time again but you're going to miss it you're going to miss it if you quit early if you stop at the mountain of your choosing follow the directions put faith in the director keep on walking with him fulfill the demands he's got a plan tonight he's got a plan don't bounce before you see it let's all stand tonight if you need to come you come father i pray you bless the simple message from the word of god thank you so much for good liberty to preach thank you for this little simple word you put on my heart i pray you'd bless it to help your people in jesus name amen say to us sis [Music] um [Music] go down seven and made times way into the jordan river that day i can't help but think what was on his mind as he slowly reached the water's edge he rushes in over his head he looks to see if the purse is i keep going down and getting back up but i see no change i feel no touch from you lord where could you be [Music] this water's dirty and it's cold but there's healing in it so i'm told a miracle but i've yet to see but i'm staying here until you're through until i get ahold of you i'm gonna keep believing but until then i'm gonna go down again [Music] i know what i feel deep inside a thousand times but now that seems so long ago oh and i'm still trying to believe that somehow you're listening but i would like a sign so i could know oh surely there's hope left yet cause you wouldn't just forget i'm fighting on my knees to get to you so this is what i'm going to do [Music] i know you're hearing me this place is lonely and it's cold but it's holy ground so i'm told the secret place where you will meet with me so i'm staying here until you're through until i get a hold of you i'm gonna keep believing but until then i'm gonna go down again down again keep going down and getting back up till i see a change or feel a touch from you cause i know you're hearing me oh this place is lonely and it's cold but it's holy ground so i'm told the secret place where you will meet with me so i'm staying here until you're through until i'm gonna keep [Music] today again good advice praise the lord you have no idea what god is doing behind the scenes no idea no idea but i promise you this he's doing something he's always up to something playing some music to walk out with esther in just a second [Music] hey man it was a tough walk up that's right it wasn't tough we not got to the top of crosstalk provision [Music] four years ago what was just a few in here we didn't know what god was up to what it's going to be right but we just kept where's brother mike's dog we just kept struggling get going up get president amen amen it's true y'all i'm telling you it's true i think sometimes y'all hear this y'all think that's just preaching it ain't just preaching man i'm telling you that stuff works that's bible it works i have watched it over and over and over and over again yes sir all right god bless you i love you um they got saturday who's um for prep for sunday y'all doing if they do any sort of prep for sunday i thought somebody said something about the people helping in the kitchen was supposed to come over is that is that not so what time you want them here sunday for pr who's cooking i'm all confused i ain't got no hand in none of this no more praise god uh those that are gonna be here oh they already know oh never mind all right about two o'clock tomorrow saturday yeah a bunch of us will be here but then all right okay we'll have plenty of help these boys we got plenty of free child labor praise god no excuses oh thank you brother joe yes you got your truck here did you get it fixed your truck here yeah okay do me a favor some of you boys uh help help he's got his truck all them tables and chairs that are down there in the school the white tables and chairs that we use up here if you all don't mind fellas the civil servants are going down there and get them and bring them up here you ain't got to put them out just bring them in here and just stack them so brother joe miss trish can set them up tomorrow if you don't mind grabbing those okay any young fellows that want that would help brother clay and some of y'all and these fellas down here if y'all don't mind just running over and uh grabbing them there's not that many down there none of me if you don't mind just throwing the back of brother zach's truck y'all bring him up here and dump him off in there okay yeah don't stack them against the wall don't stack them up against the wall all right god bless you sunrise service eight o'clock looking forward to it amen it's gonna be good i'll see you then let's pray lord thank you so much for your provision for your blessings god you're better to us than we deserve we sure do thank you for folk that are faithful appreciate these that are here on thursday night they could have been doing any other number of things that chose to come to church i appreciate it bless them we pray jesus name we ask it amen all right
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,066
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: CqqMEQ0pSjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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