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bibles this morning we're going to go to a book of the bible maybe some of you have not frequented in a while that is the book of hosea you say preacher where in the world is the book of hosea well if you'll go to your old testament go to the right of the book of psalms you'll find what they call major prophets you'll find isaiah you'll find jeremiah you'll find ezekiel and just to the right of ezekiel you find the book of daniel and then hosea just to the right of ezekiel and daniel is the book of hosea this morning i'm going to give you a couple of seconds to find it i want to begin reading in chapter number one our message today is going to come out of chapters 1 two and leading up to chapter three but we'll start the narrative in chapter number one this morning one of the most beautiful little stories in all of the word of god is found in the first three chapters of the book of hosea one of the most beautiful little love stories a story of love but then rejected love betrayal but then restoration back to love is found in the first three chapters of the book of hosea i want to read the first three verses of chapter number one this morning and give you our title and then dive off into the message hosea chapter one verse number one the word of the lord that came unto hosea the son of burial in the days of uzziah jotham ahaz and hezekiah kings of judah and in the days of jeroboam the son of joash king of israel verse 2 the beginning of the word of the lord by hosea and the lord said to hosea go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms for the land hath committed great whoredom departing from the lord so he went and took gomer the daughter of diblam which conceived and bear him a son now the title will come into focus as we move on in the message this morning but i simply have entitled our message come home simply entitled our message this morning come home the book of hosea especially the first three chapters is a picture of god's righteous dealings with the nation of israel with his chosen people the jew but can i say it's not just a picture of god's dealing and drawing and pleading with the nation of israel it is also a very precious picture of god's dealings god's drawing and god's love towards fallen mankind this morning i love the name hosea you say preacher i'm not familiar with this name what does the name hosea mean many bible names all carry uh meanings with them they named these children and it meant something when they named them the word hosea literally means salvation it is tied to the old testament name joshua which name is also tied to the new testament name jesus this morning hosea is a picture he is a type of the lord jesus christ reaching out to fallen mankind to redeem them to restore them to reconcile them and to bring them back to himself hosea means salvation this book especially these first three chapters is a running narrative of god trying to give his great salvation to people that think they don't need it this morning can i pause and say god delights in giving his salvation to people god loves nothing more than to find some dirty filthy undeserving wicked sinner and then just absolutely lavish his grace and lavish his mercy and lavish his salvation on that individual this morning god loves nothing more than to find some sinner that the world and the flesh and the devil has used abused and thrown away and finds some life that the world says can be of no value to god or the kingdom of god he loves finding people that have been used up and thrown to the side that looks like there's no hope for he loves finding such cases extending his arm of salvation picking them up cleaning them off and using them as a trophy of his grace this morning and naturally he does this so that he gets all of the glory and we get none of it we just get to bask in what he has done can i give you some background on the story as we move into the message this morning preaching on come home the first thing we find in chapter one is we see the tragic story we see there is a tragic story here in chapter one verses two and three the bible said god tells hosea to go and marry a prostitute if you will marry a woman who will be a woman of whoredoms and have children illegitimately from whoredoms this morning as a matter of fact if you was to look at chapter 2 look at chapter 2 and verse number 5 with me look what the bible says about this woman that hosea sets his heart on and hosea gives his love to chapter 2 verse 5 said for their mother hath played the harlot she that conceived them have done shamefully for she said i will go after my lovers that give me my bread and my water and my wool and my flax and my oil and my drink this morning here we find hosea loves someone it's a tragic story it really is terribly sad here we find hosea loves somebody who will not return that love back listen to what i'm going to tell you my daddy said this years ago i'll never forget it long as i live daddy said son there is nothing that hurts worse than to love someone that won't love you back he said son there's nothing worse than to love someone who will not love you back and though you try and love them and though you try and be close to them be sweet to them they reject your love they mock your love they ridicule your love and they throw your love back in your face there is nothing that hurts worse than a rejected love towards someone that you'd like to give love to that's what's happening to hosea hosea goes that he loves this woman and has children by this woman and yet this woman mocks his love yet this woman rejects his love and says i don't want anything to do with your love you say what's that got to do with us this morning well god is giving hosea a little sneak peek on what he feels like this morning god gives hosea a little insight into how our savior feels why the bible said god so loved not just love but god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and the bible said that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life but directly after that verse it says this but men didn't love god like god loved men but men loved darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil the bible said but god commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us the bible said herein is love first john 4 8 not that we loved god but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sin and nothing must hurt the heart of god any more than to reach out an arm of salvation see unto heavenly hosea the lord jesus christ our way and extend his love and say look i love you this much the cross proves it the empty tomb proves it i gave heaven's best for earth's worst only to watch fallen man that he loves reject him mock him turn their back on him and say i don't want anything to do with your life i don't want anything to do with your salvation that's tragic this morning some of you sitting here this morning god loves you and he died for you and he wants to save you and all you're doing this morning is rejecting that great love rejecting that wonderful love that wants you and that would do anything and obviously proved he would do anything for you and yet you reject it and you live your own way look at chapter two she didn't even realize that that hosea had been good to her watch what the bible said in chapter two verse eight look at verse eight it said for she did not know that i gave her corn and wine and oil and multiplied her silver and gold but look what she does with it which they prepared for baal here we find hosea had been good to gomer gave her these things blast her with food and wine and oil and instead all she did was take all the goodness of hosea and use it for wicked pleasures and for wicked things let me tell you something this morning honey let me tell you something this morning sir the bible said every good and every perfect gift comes down from above from the father of lights and whom there's no shadow neither variable does turn him you might not realize it you might not recognize it but god has been good to you this morning the air you breathe in your lungs the blood beating through your veins the clothes on your back the shoes on your feet and the money in your pocket and the food in your belly and the job you get to work and the car you wrote here today in it's just the good mercy of god it's just the good grace of god this morning and you don't even realize it using up everything god gave you on the world rejecting god's love instead of looking at all of your blessings and saying i know where this came from it come from you i know where all this came from it's not me that did it it was you instead of doing that you bucked your chest out toward god and said i'm a self-made woman i'm a self-made man god didn't give me this i did this not knowing all the time that the merciful hand of an unseen god has been so good to you what a tragic story we see the tragic story we also find there is a tearful suggestion look at the tearful suggestion watch what your bible says in chapter two verses one and two this is what hosea says to his children watch chapter two verse one look at the tearful suggestion say ye unto your brethren and me and to your sisters through hama plead with your mother plead the word plea literally means to to grapple or to wrangle it's it's the new testament word where jesus said go out highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house made me feel it's a compelling it's to go and say come with me you've got to come with me please come with me but yet the more they plead and the more they beg she rejects the love that has been extended look at what it said plead with your mother plead for she's not my wife neither am i her husband but her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight repent he says and her adulteries from between her breasts here we find he tells his children do whatever you can do to get her back home do whatever you can do to get your mother to come home what a heartbreaking scene what heartbreak is brother keith these these children walk down to the woman that bore them the woman that cradled them and now they're grown and they their wood says she has ripped this daddy's heart out and he says go plead with her beg her to come back home and they go and they look at this woman say mama please daddy misses you and we miss you and we want you to come home please come back home only for this woman's face to be stoic in her heart to be made of stone and for her to reject the gracious invitation given through the children of hosea you know what the picture is here hosea a picture of god his children going to reconcile people that's a picture of the new testament you know what that's a picture of what i just read to you is a picture of what i'm doing right now this morning you know what i'm doing the bible says i am in christ's dead beseeching you to be reconciled unto god your relationship with god was severed in the garden of eden and yet god has come and sent you some children of his that have accepted and been saved and now i'm pleading with you and i'm saying please come to god oh if i can make you get saved this morning if i can make you come home this morning if i can make you get right with god this morning i'd do it i'd do it but i came all i can do is plead with you all i can do is beg you all i can do is try and pull on you but i'm telling you the sad fact is i preach all over this country and i preach here many many times and i watch as those that sit in the pew that reject the love of god also reject the message of god as i plead and beg and plead and beg you sit there and say i'm not coming stop talking to me stop asking me about it i'm not coming preacher it's not only just a tragic story it's a tearful suggestion the suggestion is please come home and she rejects it she says no i'm not coming with you i'm not coming back home i can stand up here and holler and scream and cry and tell you how much god loves you and wants to save you and how much he wishes you'd come home but listen to me as much as i could try i can't get you back home like he can what's it going to take to get her home we see the tragic storm the tearful suggestion but thank god we come to chapter three and we find the triumphant search oh we find the triumphant church it's gonna take more than tears from a preacher to get them to come home what's it take it takes salvation himself brother roger brother danny hosea himself says if you want something done right you got to do it yourself i'm going to go myself after i'm gonna go myself searching and seeking i'm gonna go where she's at because she can't get to me and i'm gonna bring her home look at chapter three verses one two and three look at what the bible said then said the lord unto me go yet love a woman oh he still says love her he lost his love for beloved of her friend yet an adulteress according to the love of the lord told the children of israel who looked to other gods and loved flagons of wine so i bought her to me for 15 pieces of silver for a homer of barley and half home were barley and i said unto her thou shalt abide for me many days thou shalt not play the harlot thou shalt not be for another man so will i also be for the preaching this morning on the subject come home or maybe i'd beg you a little more and plead with you maybe i'd say please come home this morning this ain't just a message for lost people even though i'm preaching to lost people telling you there are people sitting here this morning that's been saved by the grace of god and you know we all shadow of a doubt you're not where you should be in your walk with god you have wandered far from the lord that saved you that song said prone to wonder lord i feel it prone to leave the god i love we're like sheep always like sheep have gone astray and turned everyone to his own way and this morning there's a pleading coming saying come home come home come home how long you gonna stay running around out there just come home this morning say well you don't know what i've done preacher you don't know where i've been you ain't done no more than gomer did to hosea this morning she committed adultery on him she ran away from him started living for other gods and yet god said still love her go tell her you want her steal tell her you'll forgive her and wipe the slave clean if she'll just come home this morning what's it going to take to get somebody home it takes three things here in the text i want to show you three things in chapter three and we're going to be none the first thing i find that it takes to get her home is we find number one she was sought out she was sought out somebody went seeking and searching she was sought out look at chapter three verse one the bible said then said the lord unto me watch the seeking watch him seeking her out go yet go yet in spite of her rejection in spite of her rebellion in spite of everything she's done go get her anyways you know the excuse that some people use as to why they won't get saved they say things like this well i'm too bad a sinner for god to save this morning oh no if he was too bad a sinner for god to save then god would have never sent his son into this world to die for sinners like you this morning they ain't never been a sinner so bad that jesus couldn't save them they ain't never been a stain so nasty that the red blood of god couldn't wash a black stain white as snow i'm telling you this morning god has come to seek us out here we find she was sought out said go yet go looking for her i don't care where she is i don't care what dive she's in i don't care how far you got to go you go seeking i love what the bible said this is what jesus said about himself this morning brother foster jesus said the son of man is come here's why i came here's the mission of heaven the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost this morning the whole reason he came was not to establish a kingdom on this earth that's the next coming the whole reason he came the first time was to seek somebody out he was seeking and looking and searching for people like me and people like you may i say just because he's sitting at the right hand of the father the search is not over he's still seeking he's still searching you say where is he seeking ad he's searching in here the bible said in the book of the revelation the bible said that jesus walks in the midst of the churches brother kenny walks in the midst of the churches the golden candlesticks you know that tells me in here this morning there's a savior called jesus and he's walking all around in here while he's walking over here and he's walking over there and he's walking over here i mean brother he's from the front he's to the back he's on the left and he's on the right he's all the way back down to the front and you know what he's saying this morning he's saying come home come home cause i love you you've not gone too far i want you this morning i was on the mountain i was wandering from god's fountain hallelujah that's when i heard my savior speak to me and he said come to me relenting of all your sins repenting and i will bring you out where you can see i like this and i'm so glad he found me friend i'm glad one day mercy and salvation came walking where i was and he sought me out in my sinful condition this morning until you come home somebody's looking for you i've i've seen things before of children that's run away from home or they thought they was not abducted the parents thought that they had just run away and i've heard them say things like this brother randy they've said things like this they they get on tv and they send a broadcast out and they say please come home your mama loves you and your daddy loves you just just please come home just want you back can i say there's a merciful father in heaven this morning that's what he's saying that's what he's saying he's saying please come home stop running stop running in this world there's no fulfillment there's no joy there's no peace come home i'm seeking you out this morning you say how's what's going to take to get her home well somebody had to seek her out she was sought out can i say not only what she saw down i love this she was bought out she wasn't just sought out she was bought out said what do you mean she just bought out well look at what your bible said in verse two look at chapter three and verse two watch this i love this he said he went looking for her in verse one and he finds her and watch what he does in verse two so i bought her she got to get bought out i bought her to me for 15 pieces of silver and a homer and a half of barley that's what it says there he'll hear you say what what's that what's that talking about there preacher i tell exactly what it's talking about this woman has gotten so messed up bro butch this woman got so messed up that what once was a woman that enjoyed freedom her life has degradated so low that now she is literally a slave she's in bondage he has to buy her she has she has gone her way and i can see as this woman leaves behind that everlasting love that just adores her she runs off into the big city to live her life her own way live her life in wine and song and filthy living oh but you know what happens after a while after a while and living like that you can't keep up with the outgo the income's nev the income is never enough to pay for the outgo of sin so you know what she has to turn to she has to turn to selling herself to the highest bidder and when that finally runs out and she doesn't have enough money brother john to pay this and that she finally had to sell herself into the slave traffic business to be the lustful desire of any filthy carnal wicked ungodly man that would walk by and buy her for hour from its money that they would sell her for this woman once had freedom now she got bondage i want everybody in here to understand something sin is not liberating sin leads to bondage this morning sin always leads to captivity all you young people better look up in here and understand something this morning sian promises you that if you'll walk contrary to the preacher and the word of god and what mom and daddy says and do your own thing and live your own life it'll be a life of freedom but it is not this morning there's enough people in here that can testify to the fact that when they got out there and thinking living the highlight it wasn't a high life it was the low life and it ensnared them into vices it ensnared them into addictions until they could not break the chains on their own this morning brother jimmy here's this woman she bound up she there she stands oh my what a story here she stands i mean here she stands she's on the auction block brother skip and she stands there in the dirty slave market this woman that was once free and had a husband that loved her and children that loved her now she stands there and her clothes are all dirty and tattered and her hair is mad and it's down in her face and she covers her face with her hair standing there trying to hide from the shame but there's no hiding from it they all see it the auctioneer says who'll start the bidding on this woman who'll give me who give me some money for this woman do i hear do i hear ten pieces of silver and then she hears somebody holler ten pieces of silver i give you ten four he says ten going once and ten going twice who give me eleven and somebody says eleven pieces of silver i'll give you eleven and she said sir thanks oh god what awaits me i wish i'd never left home i wish i'd never left jose there was somebody that loved me and i rejected him and i kicked him away i wish i'd never left him now this is where the choices of my own consequences have wound me up ah who give me 12. who give me 13 13 anyone anyone give me 13. somebody said 13 and the bid goes up to 14. and the auctioneer says all right 14 that's a good price 14 going once 14 going twice but just before he slams the gavel down she hears the unmistakable voice oh just before he slams the gavel down for the last time there was a voice that she'd recognize anywhere that said i'll give you 15 pieces of silver and a homer and a half a barley when she hears that voice her heart skips a beat she knows that voice that's the voice of redeeming love that's the voice of salvation i can see as that woman yanks her head up trains her eye where the voice came from and up to the front steps of broken-hearted husband that had been rejected time and time and time again she watches as he walks up and pays every last penny 15 pieces of silver every dime that he had in his pocket he give it up and all the barley he had on his person he gives it all up and when he says come home with me your mind i imagine she thought oh he has every right to stone me i've played the harlot and the law said those that play the harlot there to stone them and burn them i ain't got no hope and thank god god almighty thank god hosea throws his arms around her and said honey i love you and i've come to buy you and to bring you home can i tell you this morning friend you may not know it but this morning you sat on the auction block of sin and the world and the devil is bidding you out and using you over this morning somebody already paid a price somebody already paid every time they had somebody paid for your blood and gave his everything so that you might have life and having more abundantly you've been involved this morning she's mauled out i imagine she thinks to herself she thinks brother gary why would he still want me why would he want anything to do with me i'm so dirty i'm so vile i've broke his heart why would he want anything to do with me can i tell you this morning i often wonder the same thing brother matthew i'm so dirty and i'm so vile i'm so filthy brother why would god want anything to do with me i'm such a messed up wretch of a sinner why the god of heaven would have came down robed himself in flesh and paid the price of my sin i don't know but i sure am enjoying it i sure am glad about it this morning redeeming love searched us out come home just come home price has already been paid for to come it's already been paid for you've been sold out bought out not only was she sought out and bought out but lastly we find she was brought out she was brought out look at verse number three watch verse three watch what he tells her i love what he tells her verse three and i said unto her thou shalt abide for me many days thou shalt not play the harlot and thou shalt not be for another man and he didn't just i love this brother zach he does not just commit her to himself oh no he does he doesn't just commit her to him he doesn't just say no i'm going to tell you something honey you ain't even running off again you're going to stay for me and it's just going gonna be the way it no he he doesn't just commit her to him he commits him to her look at the last part of the verse he said not only do i not want you to go be for another man and then he said this is the last part of verse three so will i also be for thee i'm not just asking you to hang out with me i'm telling you i'm going to hang out with you too aren't you glad there's a god in heaven that he doesn't repay us like we deserve this morning can you say it like this aren't you glad there's a god in heaven brother zeke that he don't treat us like we treated him the way she treated him he said i won't treat you that way i won't do you like you did me i'll be with you till the very end i mean till the very end honey it's you and me till the very end she was brought out i like this i'm done girls how about y'all come seeing goodness of god one more time if y'all come help me up here you know come on up and get ready to do that thing one more time he doesn't just brother skip seek her out and buy her out just to leave her out in the cold no no no no when he sought her out and bought her out he brought her out he said you're coming with me i'm not leaving you down here this filthy hell hole i'm not leaving you down here these bunch of dirty-minded filthy rascals down here tell you what i'm doing i'm taking you home with me i'm taking you home to the house you coming home brother don't you know don't you know don't you know this morning she was only too happy to go home after all this she was only too happy to say yes take me home please take me home i'm tired of this tired of being out here all morning the goodness of god tracked her down runner down clear off down yonder on the slave market saw her out bought her out brought her out this morning child of god listen to me listen to me child of god if you've been sought out and bought out god is interested in bringing you out too you don't have to stay addicted you don't have to stay uh in bondage if the son shall make you free you shall be free indeed won't you come home sinner friends softly and tenderly jesus is calling calling all sinners come home come home say just like that just like that just come like you are come just like you are you can't clean up enough to come you can't fix up enough to come bring him all the mess he'll take you just like you are but he won't leave you like he found you just come this morning come home come on let's all stand heads are bound eyes are closed these young ladies are about to sing father i pray that you'd take the message from the life of hosea and gomer and oh god i pray this morning for those of us that have been saved you'd help us to stay near the cross lord what a price you paid what a search you went on what love you've demonstrated help us never god to get to the place where we forget how good you've been you didn't come to get righteous people you come to call sinners to repentance he said for a good man some were dying for a righteous man some would dare to die those aren't the people you died for god commendeth his love toward us well yet sinners christ died for us god this morning i pray some center in the building would remember where it was you got them from and come say thank you maybe there's somebody that's never been saved they've never submitted themselves to the purchase that was made on the cross they're still rejecting your love kicking your grates and goodness in your face this morning may they stop running may they stop acting like the wife of hosea and may they come running to you and come home come home jesus name we pray heads about knives are closed i want to ask you a question before they begin singing say preacher i'll be honest with you this morning i know i'm not where i need to be preach as a matter of fact i'm just lost not saved this morning i'd like to be reconciled to god i'd like to come home i'm lost pray for me preacher i'd like to come home would it be one of the building that slipped her hand up right where are you and say preacher pray for me i'm not sure i'm saved and i'd like to come home would there be somebody like that that would have heard the message and say that's me pray for me right there where you sit let me ask you this you say preacher i know i'm saved no i'm saved the truth is preacher i i walked a long way away from the lord i remember when i got salt and bald but preacher i'm i'm so far from the lord right now richard would you pray for me would it be one like that that slip their hand up and say pray for me i'm not where i need to be i don't know i'm saved but i'm just not where i need to be yet god bless you sir god bless you ma'am won't you come home thank you hands all over the building over here won't you come home just come they're going to sing won't you come father help these right now to come back to the love of god lord not to run from it any longer but to come running to it in jesus name amen
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 875
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: AbWQ8aGrCw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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