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you take your bibles with us and turn the book of john john's gospel in chapter number 20 this morning the next to the last chapter of the gospel of john john's gospel in chapter number 20 this morning and if you're able and you'd like to this morning i'd invite you to stand with us just for a moment so you might stretch your legs and i want to read the first 10 verses of this precious chapter john chapter 20 and verse number one the fourth book of the new testament and we'll read the first ten chapters or ten excuse me praise god you don't wanna read ten chapters y'all up for ten chapters this morning praise well some of y'all ain't read your bible in a while i'm gonna get you this morning while you're here first 10 verses of john chapter 20. verse number one the bible said the first day of the week cometh mary magdalene early when it was yet dark unto the sepulcher and sit the stone taken away from the sepulcher then she runeth and cometh to simon peter and to the other disciple whom jesus loved that is the author of the book of john john the beloved himself and saith unto them they have taken away the lord out of the sepulchre and we know not where they've laid him peter therefore went forth and that other disciple and came to the sepulcher so they ran both together and the other disciple which is john did outrun peter and came first to the sepulcher and he's stooping down and looking in saw the linen clothes lying yet went he not in then cometh simon peter following him and went into the sepulchre and see it the linen clothes lie that's just like peter isn't it peter's always the one to really jump into action he's the one that speaks up many times and has to put his foot in his mouth he's the one that yanks the sword out cuts a man's ear off he's he's always quick to take action we can all identify with peter said he went in he sees the linen clothes lie verse 7 and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen clothes were wrapped together in a place by itself then went in also that other disciple now john's going to go in for himself which came first to the sepulcher and he saw and believed for as yet they knew not the scripture that he must rise again from the dead then the disciples went away again unto their own home thank you you may be seated this morning here in our text we find two of our lord's very closest friends are in a foot race to run to see if what mary magdalene has told them is true she comes to where they are gathered and she says the lord's not there he's gone he's risen and they both take off running toward the tomb toward the sepulcher to see if what she says is the truth john the bible said outruns peter he makes it there first i have heard many commentators say that the reason why john made it there before peter even though they both struck out at the same time is because john was a younger man john was in better physical condition and was swifter afoot than peter can i say that could be true can i also say this to you when you're not right with god you don't run as fast toward the things of god [Music] see at this point peter ain't right with god y'all remember what he had just done three days prior to this he had cussed denied the lord and i'm not so sure he's so anxious to stare the lord down face to face if indeed he does run into the lord that's a good message for you young preacher boys you ought to write that one down preach that sometime listen here anytime you ain't right with god you're a lot less likely to run to church real excited you're a lot less likely when you ain't right with god to run to the bible and read it you're a lot less likely to run to your prayer calls and get down on your knees why because you know there's something between your soul and the savior this morning amen we find john makes it there first but i want you to notice this is the crux of the message please don't miss this this morning when he gets there first he does not brother bill go in the bible says he makes it to the doorway of the tomb and it said he went not in he just stooped down and took a peek inside and because he only looks in and doesn't go in his viewpoint his his perspective of the empty tomb is skewed if you will it's jaded if you will because he's on the outside looking in can i say when you on the outside looking in it looks different than when you on inside looking out i'll prove it in the text watch what your bible says john finally goes in peter pushes past him finally runs up there half out of breath about to have a heart attack sweating pushes him says get out my way and he ducks and pops in there and i'm sure he probably said john you got to see this and watch what happens to john when he gets in verse number eight then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulcher now watch what happens when he gets in and he saw watch it and believed see brother jimmy on the outside looking in on the outside he is skeptical but when he gets on the inside he's certain and he's sure on the outside he is doubting but on the inside he gets determined on the outside of the tomb he is blinded not knowing what's going on but getting on the inside he is believing even though he may not understand all of it say what you're trying to tell us this morning preacher i'm trying to tell you when you get in when you get on the inside it makes all the difference in the world you see i remember a day when i was lost without god and i stood on the outside of the resurrection story and i looked on the inside i just didn't understand what it was all about you see i remember a day when i stood on the outside wondering what the preaching was about and wondering what the crying was about and wondering what the shouting was about and wondering what the faithfulness was all about and wondering how in god's name can then people really enjoy going down there and listen that fellow rant and rave and hollering screaming spit about a book called the bible how in the world can they get so worked up and excited about a man named jesus that they never seen with their eyes how in the world can they enjoy going sunday school sunday morning sunday night thursday night i just don't understand how they can enjoy that more than they can enjoy sitting at home and watching the national football communist league association i just don't know how they could enjoy that more than watching them dudes turn left for about four hours i just don't know how they can enjoy that more than sitting on the boat and fishing all day we're up the deer stand hunting all day we're out at the mall shopping all day but friend there came a day hallelujah there came a day in my life where i didn't just look in but brother i went in and brother when i got in it changed my perspective i got in christ i got in the church i got in my bible i got in my prayer closet and it made a difference in my life this morning i want to preach to you for just a few minutes on this thought i'm preaching on it's different on the inside it's different on the inside see old john's standing on the outside to begin with and it just he ain't getting it but as soon as he walks on the inside brother carl when he steps foot on the inside it says he starts believing see this morning if you're not in then you don't understand what all this is all about if you never got in you say what do you mean god i mean god in christ you say how do i get in christ you get in by faith you get in the same way john got in you get in by believing this morning you don't get in by church membership you don't get in by baptism you get in by faith in what jesus has done on the cross and through the empty tomb this morning are you in are you in i wouldn't dare embarrass none of you i wouldn't i wouldn't do it well i might but i ain't going through this morning but i wouldn't dare do it but i'm just curious if i was to start walking up and down here and out of months the aisles i think that somebody told me we got around 250 people this morning if i started to walk around these 250 people sitting here and i started pointing you out one by one one by one and say tell me about the day you got in tell me about the day you got in i'm not talking about the day you got into baptismal pool i'm not talking about the day you shook the preacher's hand i'm not talking about the day you joined the church i mean tell me about the day when you got out of adam and you got in christ the day you got out of your sin and you got into salvation tell me about that day i wonder do you got one i wonder you got a place a moment i wonder is there a spot back yonder in your past somewhere you can say yes sir preacher i know that there was a day where the bible said if any man if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things passed away all things become new i remember the day when i stopped looking in and i got in by faith this morning do you have a place like that i got one i got one i've told you often and i've told you time and again i'm telling you i i can't get over it i'll never believe i ever get over it brother look at here on a cold january nine pembroke georgia as a teenage boy after brother daryl weaver got done preaching out acts uh ezekiel 37 and preached on that valley of dry bones and told me i didn't have no breath in me i looked good but didn't have no breath in me so i'm telling you i had all i could stand god had been dealing with my heart brother kevin for months leading up to that and i just stood on the outside looking in but on that night brother when i let go of the pew and stepped in the aisle brother there was something started taking place in my life i scooted around the back of the church run down here and the piano was on this side i slid up in the altar on that side called on the big god of heaven how to save me and forgive me of my sins and i got on the inside brother i no longer was on the outside now i knew what mama's testimony was about now i knew what daddy's testimony was about cause i got in this morning it's different on the inside it's different on the inside you say what's different what what are some things that happened in this story that got him on the inside and changed him once he got on the inside can i say three things real quick and we'll be done can i say number one we find that there was a person that he followed there was a person he followed to get in now the bible said that peter follows john to the tomb because john outruns him but you'll find that it's john that follows peter into the tomb the bible says this in verse number watch your text in verse number six then cometh simon peter following him but he went into the sepulcher and see if the linen clothes lie napkin about his head not lying in the living clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself and after peter gets in then went in also john that other disciple do you see what i believe i believe this brother steve i believe what got john in is somebody else went in first he followed somebody else in before him you say what do you believe i believe old peter got in there and he got to look around and he said john there's some things in here that i'm going to show you in a minute i'm going to show you in a second there's some things you can't see from the outside you have to get on the inside before you can see them and peter said john you got to come in here and see this man come on over here on the inside you see what really brother keith what got john in was he followed somebody else in now listen to me i know you can't go to heaven holding on to mama's coattail and i know you can't go to heaven holding on to daddy's belt loops but i will tell you this listen what i'm saying listen here daddy let me say this to every daddy in the building y'all listen to me i'm a daddy i got four babies from 15 down to 10 years old 15 14 soon to be 13 and one gonna be 11 for long listen to me this is what i know i know that them babies are watching me and then babies know if it's real or not and then babies are following me listen to me daddy maybe if you'd get all the way in maybe if you get right with god maybe if you'd start serving the lord maybe your babies would say there's something real to that i believe i'll follow daddy where daddy's going hey mama hey mama if you'd get some guts and quit trying to quit trying to act like days of our lives and desperate housewives and soccer moms maybe if you'd get some guts and start acting like a christian and start living for god maybe your babies should start looking at you and saying hey something real about what mama's god mama got in touch with god mama prays mama reads your bible mom don't hey hey hey mama ain't just living for god on sunday and easter at church mama's got something that makes her live for god monday and tuesday and wednesday and thursday and if you'll get in somebody else will get all the way in [Applause] you know what i believe one of the most damaging things in this society i'm talking about a church society is i'm telling you why we're losing another generation listen why we lose another generation we're not losing another generation because of legalism we're not losing another generation because of liberalism i'm telling you why we're losing this age group in this generation because they've seen too many mamas and daddies that live one way at church and live the opposite way at home they ain't really in oh they put on a good show and act like they in when they had church but when they get home their life betrays the fact that they even know who god is this morning some of y'all wondering why your kids gonna turn out to be infidels maybe it's because they've watched your life and said they ain't nothing real about what they got why do i want what they got this morning come on now i'm talking about he followed somebody on the way in this morning boy everybody in the bill in order to shout for a minute and thank god that there was somebody in your life that led you in i'm telling you i want to say thank god almighty this morning that there were some people that i watched with my eyes that i got in because i followed them in they had a faith worth following they had a faith that was real and i watched their life and look i they didn't save me they couldn't save me but their consistent christian walk drew me god used it to convict me son i was just thinking this morning hallelujah somebody while i was out there at sunrise service earlier i got to the end of my message and i got to praying over the food and so i ended up enjoying myself it got a little misty up there when i was praying brother john i got to thinking about how i'm even here today and it doesn't start because of me i'm going to tell you where it starts at way back outshonder brother i'm talking about 30 40 years ago the entire zorn family what nothing but a bunch of dope smoking beer guzzling river running rednecks from south georgia i mean brother they all come from toombs county back in the 70s and 80s when they run around like wild indians they called it bloody tombs if you want to get shot or cut stabbed or by dope that's where you went to what nothing in toombs county but onions vidalia onions and liquor joints that's all it was down there to get into brother i'm telling you they didn't do nothing but live for the weekend and live for the high life but bless the lord one day my uncle one of my dad's older brothers my dad's the youngest of five boys one day my uncle got under the preaching of the gospel got under sound conviction hit the altar got borned again by the grace of god and my uncle got to telling all his brothers he got trying to get them in too he wasn't happy for him to be on the outside looking in he wanted them to get in on what he got one by one through prayer and begging god god started saving them one by one my daddy and my mama tell the story hallelujah they tell the story before i was ever even born they delivered a little old shotgun of a trailer the old trailers nearby you could reach out in the end and touch the walls them old little small ones you know like you're 12 14 foot wide something like that you know like 20 30 40 feet long a little bitty trailer in petrol georgia right outside of idaho there he said my brother he'd come home he was in bible college at that time he said he'd come home and i'd see him coming in the yard he said i knew what he wanted to talk about he said it didn't matter where the conversation started i know where it's going to end brother jacob said i didn't want to hear that i didn't want to hear it i was living my life he said he'd come in he'd sit down on the sofa and he'd just shoot the breeze for a while and talk about stuff but he'd always turn that thing to the lord jesus and always turn that thing and start telling my daddy about jesus telling me the lord how god had changed his life he didn't drink smoked cuss and party no more he got saved my daddy didn't listen to none of it he said i didn't want to hear it little did my daddy know mama she was over in the kitchen mama'd be in the kitchen cooking supper and wild my preacher who's my preacher now just my uncle he'd be preaching to my daddy my mama was in the kitchen listening to every word and the holy ghost started convicting her and dealing with her heart it wasn't too long after that my mama got saved at the liberty baptist church in lines george didn't have no church upbringing she was a military brand grew up all over the world in in england and las vegas and okinawa with my grandpa in the air force didn't have no church background none neither one of them did she walked in that little baptist church down there in lines jordan and got born again started going back home and she talked different and looked different wouldn't party with daddy no more god got on him so strong one day in the back of the little insurance office that he worked at fell on his knees and he called on god and he got saved you don't know why i'm here today because somebody led them in and i grew up and watched mom and daddy live for god and they led me in this morning i'm curious i'm just curious here this morning i'm curious are you are you an obstruction for people getting in are you an obstacle for people getting in i'm just curious mama daddy sir ma'am young person when people get around you are you a hindrance in them getting in are you a help and trying to get them in oh i want to be a help and getting other people in ain't nothing better than seeing people get in oh i wish i could get everybody in the building here if you're not in i wish i could get you in this morning ain't nothing like it friend i say there the difference on the inside here there was a person that he followed can also say no i was a person he followed there was a promise for the future oh he got this when he got on the inside it was a promise for the future watch your bible watch your bible the bible said here that john in verse five is just stooping down looking in and watch what he sees when he looks in verse five said he's stooping down looking in watch what he sees saw the linen clothes lying that's all john can see bro jesse that's all john can see he can't see nothing else until he gets in what does he see when he gets in keep reading watch watch verse number six then come with simon peter following him and went into the sepulchre and he sees the same thing see the linen clothesline but watch there's something that you can only see once you're on the inside a promise for the future verse 7 and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself now evidently if i'm reading this right if i'm reading this right brother zeke the linen clothes are on one end of the tomb the napkin is folded and put on another place of the tomb one's at the head one's at the feet but they're at opposite ends so evidently from the outside looking in all you can see is the linen clothes you can't see the napkin you can't see that until you get in you say so what it's a napkin fold it up can i say can i say one thing about that napkin real fast one thing that gives validity to the resurrection of jesus christ you know the lie that the jews told the lie brother ivy that the jews told was this they said tell everybody that his disciples stole him in the middle of the night a grave robbery now here's my problem with that if some fellows come to rob a grave at night guarded by special forces roman soldiers the centurions that's the special forces of the roman soldiers the creme de la creme if they're going to rob the grave then they're going to have to do it quickly because them soldiers are out there guarding the grave who in the world when you robbing a grave takes time to take a napkin yank it off the face and takes the time when you're trying to fight your way out and fold it and lay it in another spot nobody nobody he did get up the story the jews told was a lie but here's the here's the promise for the future that you only see when you get on the inside he saw this promise of the future it was a napkin folded by itself say so what it's a napkin folding in these days that's what the last piece they would put when they would mummify the body they would take that napkin they would lay it on the face of an individual to cover it up say so what does that mean to me well here we find the bible said that napkin had been taken off of the face and then somebody took the personal time to fold it and to put it in its own spot you say that don't mean nothing to me it's because you don't live in those days but it meant a whole because it said when john saw that he believed what is it about that folded napkin made him believe it was a promise of the future this morning brother mitch what kind of promise is that they say this they say if you were invited to eat at a jewish supper in these days you sat down at the table they would give you a napkin when you had eaten till you were full and you were done you would take that napkin you would wad it up and you would throw it in your plate signifying that when you pushed away from the table you was gone and you wasn't coming back you're through i'm through but in these days if you had something come up in the middle of supper and you was planning on coming back if you wasn't finished you would take your napkin you would fold it and you would place it not in the plate but next to the plate in a place by itself so when the servant came to clean your spot up they would look and say oh that individual's coming back that individual is not through that individual is not done with what he's got going on that individual still got something left to do at this table can i say when jesus got up on resurrection morning he didn't just wad the napkin up throw it down saying i'm done no sir he wanted them to know hey hey hey y'all on the cross he didn't say i am finished he said it is finished this morning and he wanted peter and john the ladies to know i'm coming back i'm not done i'm still alive hold you forward the best is yet to come you say preacher what's that mean for us this morning i say when i got in on the day i got in there was a promise i grabbed a hold of that let me know he's not done he's still coming back he's still alive he's still working in my life he's still working in your life and one day he's coming to get us the napkin has been folded this morning it's a promise for the future this morning y'all realize something look look what your bible said it said that when he saw this he believed now i'm going to give you something here that i personally believe after studying all the passages of when jesus finally shows up to these disciples later in the day i personally believe that when jesus showed up to the 11 disciples later on the day john was not surprised you see listen to me john was the only one at the last supper that when jesus said one of you gonna betray me every one of them said lord is it i accept john john did not say lord is it i john said lord who is it john knew somebody was going to betray him brother brandon but he knew it wasn't going to be him he loved jesus too much and i believe when the bible said it's he's the only one that it says about these 11 disciples that he believed when he saw this he's the only one said peter left just wondering but john believed i believe when jesus showed up later on that day john said boys that ain't surprised me none i knew he was coming i i know he was coming and they surprised me a bit i told you i knew it i knew it i knew he's alive y'all when the when the trumpet sounds and my savior comes back i'm not gonna sit there and say well wait man that's really surprising no i'm gonna say i told y'all i knew he was coming i knew he was coming he gave me a promise some of y'all have heard some of y'all heard of the great preacher uh one of the late great southern baptist preachers then gone to heaven now pastor the bellevue baptist church out in tennessee his name was adrian rogers how many of y'all heard of adrian rogers before raise your hand a bunch of you have some of you haven't great great man of god well the fellow that pastored the bellevue baptist church that really made it famous before adrian rogers his name was r.g lee r.j lee used to preach a signature message called payday sunday r.g lee was born in the early 1900s his mother lived as a child through the days of the civil war brother craig i was reading the story one time r g lee said i was sitting on the front porch with mama and i looked at mama and she was sitting there knitting the crochet into some on the front porch and i looked at her and you know how a child's mind you can't ever tell brother dwayne what kind of questions they're going to throw out and r.j lee said i looked at mama and i said mama what was the happiest day of your life what was the happiest day of your life said she put down what she was working on and she looked off into the distance and she said oh son i guess the happiest day of my life was the day your father your uh my father your grandfather came home from war he said tell me about it mama she said my son your grandfather my daddy went off to fight for the confederacy in the civil war not long after he was gone into the war he left me and my siblings and your grandmother my mother at the house all alone to take care of things said and one day we got a telegram telling us that my daddy was dead he had been killed in combat he had been killed in action he said she said even though my mother your grandmother never did let on to us we could hear a crying in a room at night but it seemed like every day she held out hope she had never seen the body was never shipped home they said it was not recovered and every day she held out hope that maybe just maybe she'd seem she said the happiest day of my life was the day that we were sitting on the front porch my mother and i my siblings much like you and i are now argy and said my mother your grandmother looked down that dusty road in that picket fence leaving our house and said there was a gaunt-looking figure walking down the fence row said and my mother looked up and fixed her gaze upon that individual this true story and said my mother looked at me and said honey that man looks a lot like your daddy she said i looked at my mother and said mama you know daddy's not coming back they told us he was dead daddy's gone she said but mama never took her eyes off of him she said in about 30 more seconds my mama let out a whoop like a comanche indian said she come flying off the doorstep of that house and went running down that road hollering he's alive he's alive he's alive and dove off into the one arm of your grandfather said he had just lost his arm he didn't die he was still alive she said the happiest day of my life was when daddy come back home and can i tell y'all the happiest day that's gonna be for the christian it's one of these days everybody's told us our savior's dead everybody told us he ain't coming back but you mark this down honey he's still coming and i'm going out to meet him one day he's alive he's alive he's alive this morning it's different on the inside what was different it was a person to follow there was a promise for the future and lastly i'm done there was a perspective that got flipped a perspective got flipped his perspective changed what's watch how it changes verse eight and nine verse eight nine then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulcher and he saw and believed now watch verse nine though for as yet they knew not the scripture that he must rise again from the dead once he get on the once he got on the inside that's when he believed this morning see earlier in the text if he was to go back and read you'll find mary runs to them telling them he's alive but he just don't understand it why sh if used to read the companion passage which is over in luke chapter 24 you know what you find in luke 24 mary had already went in before she ever ran over there and told them about it she had already been in she was excited to tell him he's alive because she'd already been in but john hadn't been in yet he don't understand all the excitement see somebody that's been in they'll try and tell you about it but you just can't understand it until you go in for yourself and here the bible says when he went in he believed but verse 9 said he knew not the scripture that said he must rise again from the dead see john doesn't know all the scriptures but he doesn't have to he still believes esther help me over here if you would i'm here to tell you this morning you you say preacher you said a lot of things that i don't understand you ain't got to understand all of it god's not asking you to understand it he's asking you to believe it if your weight if you're waiting until you're a bible scholar to come to god and understand all the ins and outs of the death bound resurrection you might as well just go ahead and assign yourself to hell well i'm gonna wait till i get my life figured out and i get god figured out and i get all this stuff figured out and then i'm gonna get saved no you won't no you want the devil to keep enough bait on the hook to keep you right on going your way to hell say what should i do i don't understand all of it you don't have to i'll tell you what you need to understand here's what you need to understand i make it real simple especially out on the street preaching you need to understand that you are a sinner and you need to understand that he is the savior and if you can understand he's a savior and you're a sinner you're in business because every sinner needs a savior and if you'll just come to him in faith lord i'm a sinner but the preacher said the bible said you're the savior if i just come to you you take me so here i am lord i'm a i'm a sinner lord i i don't know anything to do but just come to you and ask you to save me say what will he do he'll do just what he said he'd do whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord not maybe not my shall be saved say well i just don't understand it all i just don't understand it all you ain't got to can you call can you reach out and grab something for free because that's what's being offered this morning the wages of sin is death but the gift of god's eternal life through jesus christ our lord you know what salvation is salvation is this ma'am i have this wonderful gift that will change your life you you you can't go to heaven without this you're going to stay in your sins without this you will end up in lake of fire for all eternity without this gift ma'am would you take that gift it's that simple it's that simple it's as simple as i realize i'm going to that hell the bible talks about and the only way out is if i reach out and grab by faith that free gift that he paid for on the cross and he sealed it by getting up three days later john didn't understand all of it either but it said he believed anyways it's all kind of stuff about the christian life that when i got saved i didn't understand it i didn't understand it i didn't have to he just had to believe him and i did i wonder would you be willing to believe him this morning would you be willing to stop standing on the outside looking in would you be willing this morning to step on the inside so you can look out let's all stand this morning heads of bow and eyes are closed sister esther is going to sing something for us here just second let me say this to every christian christian if you are not being a help to people getting in then you are being a hindrance to people getting in i wonder if when people look at your life if your life helps them get in you say preacher my life has been hindering people why don't you come get that right this morning say lord help me to be a help to folk trying to get in not an obstruction now i want to ask you this heads are bowed and eyes are closed ms esther's going to sing nobody look around i want to ask you a question you say preacher you preached this morning and i'm gonna be honest with you i'm not in i'm not in i don't have a place where i got here in a time where i got in preacher i'm not in i'm lost i wish you'd pray for me would there be one that would slip their hand up this morning right there where you sit and say preacher pray for me i'm not in god bless you would there be another one that would join this one say i'm not in pray for me not saved but i'd like to be god bless you honey god seize your hand thank you would it be somebody else like that [Music] say preacher i'm not ian but pray for me i'd like to be i don't understand all of it but i'm willing to believe it are you willing this morning slip your hand up slip it right back down thank you ma'am there'll be somebody else like these that have raised their hand i'm gonna tell you something i'm gonna pray for you me praying for you will not save you boy i wish i could believe for you peter couldn't believe for john mary couldn't believe for john john had to get in and believe for himself and this morning i wonder if you'd be willing to come believe for yourself ms sheila would you come down here with your bible brother skip would you be already if somebody comes with the bible ma'am if you need to come sir if you need to come we'll have these folk down here to meet you show you how to meet god they'll pray with you won't you come now is your opportunity father i pray that you'd bless these dear ones in the valley of decision they need to make a move and trust jesus they need to get on the inside i pray this morning they'd come in trust and faith jesus name we pray amen esther is saying if you need to respond this is your time won't you come won't you come i don't know where i have come from and you don't know where i have been oh yes the burden i carry are you carrying the word this morning you can get rid of a gun and no peace left got no peace [Music] satan would whisper there's no way out and he told me this is [Music] cleansed all my sins he broke the chains that once sent me down he set me free and i'm no longer bound i was past hope but that was before jesus stepped in she's gonna say one more verse he's got two verses to the song i don't belabor invitations i will not close the invitation down you will this morning by not responding i'm giving you an opportunity to get in to see things differently she gonna sing the last verse in the chorus if you need to come now be a real good time to come you admitted that you need the lord won't you come take him by faith take him by faith won't you come all right sing that letter first friend do you find yourself hopeless does doubt and despair seem your god remember that jesus still loves you and he wants to walk by your side his love and his grace reaches deeper than the pit of despair you are [Music] that was before jesus stepped in he raised all my past and cleansed all my sins he broke the chains and once held me down he set me free and i'm no longer bound i was past hope but that was before jesus stepped in yes i was past hope but that was before jesus stepped in [Music] listen to me we don't feed breakfast just to eat breakfast we don't have easter egg hunts just have easter egg hunts bro that all is peripheral stuff you say why do you do everything you're doing for this things of eternal value christians getting their life right sinners receiving eternal life that's why we do what we do the church does not exist just to give out food and to give out clothes the church exists to give out the gospel you know what i just gave out to you for 30 minutes the gospel preaching the gospel to you you need the gospel jesus said ye must be born again why did jesus say you must be born again because you must be born again your first birth's rotten it's no good you need a second birth from above have you ever been birthed by the spirit of god this morning repentance and faith toward god have you done that have you got on the inside sing another verse miss esther we're going to let these be dealt with down here so sing another verse sister esther friend do you find yourself hopeless just doubt and despair seem your guide remember that jesus still loves you yes he knows and he wants to walk by your side his love and his grace reaches deeper than the pit of despair you are in and i know cause i've been where you are now when i've questioned if there wasn't an end but that was new babies getting born down yonder friend hallelujah [Music] they got more guns than some of these guys but that was before jesus stepped in you don't know where i have come from and you don't know where i have been the burden i carried was heavy and i had no peace left within the path that i traveled was hopeless and many times i just lost my way and satan would whisper there's no way out and he told me that too far a tree he raised all my past and cleansed all my scent he broke that chain little ones held me down he set me free and i'm no longer bound i was past hope but that was before jesus stepped in [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on over here girls walk over here real fast trinity and brooklyn come this morning with miss courtney and brother mitch they friends of yours this is your daughter's praise god this miss courtney's daughters [Music] trinity and brooklyn come this morning and both of them trusted the lord jesus christ as their savior is that wonderful they got in they got here how about some of you girls some of you young girls come hug their neck come tell them you're gonna be praying for them you young girls that are in come shake their hand hug their neck tell them you glad they got in there's nothing better than seeing young people get in hey i thank god for saving folk out of drugs and alcohol and failed marriages i thank god for that he does that and i thank god for it i'll tell you what i really like brother travis i like it when god saves not just their soul but he gets an opportunity to save their life save their life from a lot of scars that they won't have to walk through man y'all pray for them the devil's going to fight them tooth and nail man that's great glory got on the inside keep playing over there it's good to be on the inside if you're still lost this morning uh man i've said all i can say to you saying i'll say no more i said all i can say to you if the holy spirit of god does not convince you and convict you then me you keep talking will be nothing more than just blowing hot air but i'm glad the spirit of god spoke to these two little girls i don't know them have i ever met your daughters before i've met them before i thought they looked familiar been a long time since i've seen them though girls i'm so glad you got saved this morning miss courtney do me a favor would you and brother mitch stand with them in the back let folk come by and shake their hands hug your neck and their neck tell them they're glad they got saved i'm so glad you came and trusted the lord it's the greatest day of your life it's a great day your life y'all go this way if you don't mind just step back here in the back and let them let them shake your hand please stop by there and tell them you're glad they got saved that's what it's all about man people trust in jesus christ having a new life that's what it's all about praise the lord if you need the lord please don't leave don't leave lost don't leave the property lost come talk to me come talk brother skip come grab somebody by the hand that knows the lord and we'd be glad we'd be glad to come back down here to this altar and pray with you okay thank you so much for choosing to worship with us on easter you could have went anywhere else and and i i realize i realize we i'm certainly not the best preacher we do have wonderful singers i'm not one of them but i realize you could have went somewhere that may be more polished things of that nature but i'm glad you came to worship with us means the world to us that you would please come see us again worship with us again thursday nights at seven o'clock sunday mornings at 10 11 sunday nights at six no sunday night tonight go enjoy your family and the good blessings of god all right miss amanda would you and brother john go out there and kind of direct where they gonna go for the egg hunt brother cliff or miss amy maybe would y'all go help them as well just we need some people to kind of direct where they're going for this egg hunt if your child is 11 and down please take them out go this way and they'd be glad to hunt eggs with you i failed to mention this and i'm turning you loose if you would like a family picture made if you would like a family picture made we have a banner in the fellowship hall and um and first-class picture-taking ability so if you would like that abigail where'd you go out that way i'll tell her to go that way so uh she'll be over there if you'd like a family picture mate our family got some some people got some made during uh the breakfast if you'd like one just go out this door into the fellowship hall over here and they'll direct you into there where you can go get a family picture you got your new easter suit or easter dress go get you a picture mate okay all right let's pray and we'll turn you loose all right brother skip come pray for us and ask the lord to bless dismiss in his blessings heavenly father lord we come to you this morning god we just want to thank you lord god that you arose god to give us eternal life and we thank you lord for the precious souls god that you saved this morning lord we ask you god to go with us as we go this week god we share the gospel god wherever we go lord you'd meet with us again on thursday night we do love you this morning jesus name amen
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 832
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: 7q8zU79dHWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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