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psalm 78 verse number 19. i read a verse to you here this morning the bible says yay they spake against god they said and here's the question can god furnish a table in the wilderness now there are many questions in the bible and the devil asks questions god asks man questions in your bible you study the word of god you'll find that man asks questions even the lord jesus christ asked questions in the word of god and many of his disciples asked the lord questions many of those questions when you read them you'll find them where some of those questions were good questions some of those questions were not so good questions they would what we would be considered dumb questions now some questions when they're asked to you according to the word of god they don't deserve an answer a lot of people think you have to answer every question that comes your way but the bible says to answer not a fool according to his folly but then the next verse says that there are some questions that do deserve an answer because he says to answer a fool according to his folly it almost seems like the bible has contradictions in it because he says answer not and then he said to answer he say what's the difference you gotta have wisdom that's right you cannot stoop to the level of somebody that's asking a question because sometimes you just uh people like to walk away and get puffed up about these questions and the heart of the questioner is really what makes the difference is he or she a cynic or are they a skeptic rather are they asking a question or are they questioning and a fool can ask more questions this morning than you can give an answer to you ought to know that uh you don't have to answer every question you say i don't know the answer to that question sometimes even if you do know the answer to the question sometimes you don't need to answer the question that's asked you know the lord can handle our questions this morning can god furnish a table in the wilderness in john chapter 20 verse 27 the lord's made a special trip back for the one who had a question and here in our text this morning uh we see this question comes from a point of view of unbelief it's more of a criticism than a question it's coming from the point of view of a cynic can god can god furnish a table in the wilderness aren't you glad this morning that even in our unbelief we serve a god that is full of mercy we serve a god that is full of grace we serve a god amen that can look past us this morning amen and answer our questions and life is going to produce questions for the child of god this morning somewhere along the way you might ask some questions that are asked here in our text here and i want to get right to some of these questions this is sunday school so we'll treat a little bit this morning that's a combination of preaching and teaching amen all right turn your bible to job chapter number 25 job chapter number 25 very quickly this morning here's the first question that's asked here and i want to preach this morning on can god yeah can god yeah here's the first question job chapter 25 and in verse number 4 the question is asked here in the book of job how then can man be justified with god or how can he be clean that is born of a woman the first question that's asked is this can god pardon iniquity can i just stop right here and say this morning yes he can we serve a god that can pardon iniquity jeremiah said it this way in jeremiah 33 verse number 8 he said and i will cleanse them from all their iniquity not some of it amen but all of their iniquity whereby they have sinned against me and i will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sinned and whereby they have transgressed against me i can tell you this morning yes god can pardon iniquity i'm thankful this morning and that god can take a drunk and make a daddy out of them man i'm thankful that god can take an old mama and make a mama out of it i'm thankful this morning how that god can take a rebellious child and make them righteous in the sight of god i say yes he can this morning i've been in church services where i've seen a god save the vilest of sinners i'm glad that he can reach down deeper than the stains of him he can pull the center out of the replay he can set their feet upon a solid rod he can establish their voice this morning he said can god have pardoned iniquity yes he can you say you don't know what my last name is but you don't know where i've been you don't know what i'm done you're right [Applause] this [Applause] you might morning that of yourself this morning you might ask that of a family member this morning you might ask that of a neighbor this morning i got good news for you yes he can this morning question number two ezekiel ezekiel chapter number 37 here's another question that you might ask this morning and can god can god pardon iniquity yes he can ezekiel 37 and verse number 3 the question is asked this and he said unto me son of man can these bones live and i answered oh lord god thou knowest yeah the question is this can god produce life can god produce life can i stop right here and say yes he can we serve a god this morning that can produce life jesus said i've come and that they might have what life not only that you might have life but that you might have it more abundantly this morning you say what produces life how can god produce life when our text here in verse number four we find that preaching uh produces life in verse four again he said unto me prophesy upon these bones and say unto them all your dry bones hear the word of the lord he said preaching produces life you know what will produce life in your family will produce life in your life i'll tell you what i'll do it coming to church sunday school sunday morning sunday night wednesday night every time the wars are open you want to know why your lives are erect this morning i'll tell you why and there's some people but they only come to church when it's convenient listen you all got to revolve amen church around your life but rather you ought to revolve your life around church this is what produces life this is what put your family together and listen to churches where i found my wife amen churches where i got born again how churches were i got called to preach how churches were i got right with god churches were with my all my friends had churches where god put his hands on me amen limited sin i got right with god i'll tell you what to produce life is getting under old-time preaching [Applause] god who can produce life this morning and preaching a producer's life and then he said the pure word of god produces life he said hear the word of the lord amen we're not preaching our opinion this time thank god that's right amen it'd get awful glory if we only had to preach what we knew i'm thankful for the word of god that produces life preaching in the pure word of god he said here in verse number five the precious holy ghost then said the word of the lord said the lord god unto these bones behold i will cause breath to enter into you and he shall live you know what we need this morning in this church we need the breath of god we need that [Applause] listen if the [Applause] [Applause] we don't have enough wisdom but we don't have enough intellect this morning to try to drum up something has happened but listen that's what they're doing down the road friend with the healing services how about what makes us different is we believe god can produce life but we fight he's the one that does it and he does it through the christ then in verse number nine he said that praying does it this morning you know how we're gonna get the wind praying verse nine then he said unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy son of man and say to me where that's what we're doing lord will come back lord when we invite you to come holy come and fall upon us he said wind have come from the four winds of the breath and the breath upon these slains that they may live listen they're dry they're dead they're plugged up by the roots there's no flesh on them listen there's no blood there's no breath there's no life and i'll tell you what'll produce life is god can produce life but we gotta pray it down this morning friend i tell you can these bows live can god produce life i say this more than yes he can god he can part iniquity he can produce life here's another question back to our text psalm 78 this morning psalm chapter number 78 can god back in our text i like hearing the pages of the bible term [Music] psalm 78 verse 19 yay our texts we read it they spake against god they said can god furnish the table in the wilderness here's the question can god provide our needs behold he smoked the rock and the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed verse 20 can god give bread also can he provide flesh for his people can god provide our needs you know what we have this morning we have a bunch of people i'm looking at this you've got some needs this morning some of you have spiritual needs some of you have physical needs some of you have marital needs abraham some of you this morning i need god to touch you this morning and i say you came in here to say i just don't know if god can do it can god help me that god helps them and god helps him and god helps her and god can help the preacher i tell you this morning god can help you god can do it sometimes we wonder if god can even see our needs and we talk to god we talk to other people like he can he can't even hear us and he can't even provide us but i tell you this morning he can provide spiritually emotionally physically financial marital psychological listen when god when jesus rolled up there on the shores of the banks of that uh the shore there and the gang plank of that ship went down and the son of god stepped out uh there were those tombs were however that maniac of gadara was uh listen my friend a man how that no man could tame him had no man combined and he was bound in fears and chains when jesus stepped on the scene of my friend god the bible said that when jesus got through with that maniac of gadara the bible says he was sitting and he was clothed and he was in his right mind you know what god did god provided his needs that god provided his emotional and his spiritual needs he's no longer running around cutting himself the bible said now he's sitting emotionally and spiritually god met his needs the bible says he was clothed no longer is he running around naked god provided for him physically and god provided for him financially mr matt sucker didn't have no money to buy nothing somehow another son of god and provided for him and my friend the bible says he was in his right mind you know what's wrong with people today how they don't believe god can put them in the right mind i tell you god can put you in your right mind and meet your psychological needs this morning look around here i don't know a whole lot of you but i do know some of you have been here enough to know yeah listen i tell you i look around here and i see some people that jesus passed by your way yes sir hey because he was out there in the slums and in the gutters of seeing and jesus passed by your way and now you're set on a sunday morning at the bible missionary baptist church jesus provided your needs this morning i tell you god can come by and he can this morning even though you question god and you say can god i say he can this morning god amen you know what else i like about tennis job chapter 11. here's another question well there's a lot of them in the bible they all just fire me up yeah job chapter number 11. because listen the answer is always the same we never come by one of these questions and say well you know this is one that's real hard for god but i tell you every single one of these questions the answer is exactly the same job chapter number 11 verse number seven the bible says this cast thou by searching find out god can still find out the almighty unto perfection here's the question can god be personal to me he's not just a person on the brother's skip that's right right he's not just personal to brother cody yeah or sister tristan or brother gary or brother jack but listen god can be personal to you listen he can be your god he's not just daddy's god and mama's god and grandma's god and grandpa's god and the preacher's god and the missionaries god he can be your god this morning jeremiah said it this way am i god at hand said the lord and not a god for all james said it this way draw night of god and he'll draw it out of you this i know david said for god is for me amen he calleth his own sheep by name and he leadeth them out for there is one god and one mediator between god and men the man christ jesus i tell you this morning one of the greatest things you'll learn in your life is that god can be personal to you i remember when i first moved to shady acres baptist church i didn't know much about god being personal to me i've been the bible because i don't teach you stuff in bible college amen you know what you have to do when you go to bible college for four years when you graduate you have to go and unlearn a whole bunch of stuff you learn a whole lot more in the local new testament bible believe in church amen preaches and teaches the word of god amen i found out most bible colleges or the teachers are just a bunch of washout missionaries evangelists and baptists they mean pastors that couldn't do any of those amen and they needed a job where they could still be in the ministry amen so they didn't have to go out and get a job and make this work amen not all of them there's some good ones in there amen but you know one of the greatest things i learned one of the greatest things i've learned since moving to the shady acres baptist church is that i don't have to ask brother danny farley amen every question i have in my own spiritual life i told the church this the other day and if y'all know our past we all know brother farley he's preached here and brother farley is he's he is a god's man and he helped me went and said under him and i had i just went i've resigned my church in new mexico and moved there to set and to learn i didn't know how long i was going to be there i've been there eight years and god's done some other things opened some doors and allowed me to to help and be a blessing but when i first moved there i had a big question i mean i had this big question it was burden on my heart we was out there at the youth camp or at the church camp and we had a men's retreat and i was sitting next to pastor farley pulled up my chair there he popped you know someone popped him some popcorn he said they're eating popcorn they're sitting there eating that popcorn and i looked over at him and man i began to pour out my heart to him and tell brother danny all the burdens of my heart and things that that was going on in my life and he just sat there and didn't look at me he just listened just sitting there eating his popcorn just chewing in popcorn you know and this helped me brother cody finally he stopped and just kept eating his popcorn and he looked over at me he said it's not my problem they just kept me oh wow now some of you couldn't handle that i almost couldn't it took me about three or four years and i it finally clicked what he was doing he was trying to teach me he didn't tell me what he was trying to teach me he left me alone which it takes an old man to do that young preacher we want to tell everything we know man i mean we're going to figure it out we're going to tell them exactly what to do do this this this and this go here don't go here not that man he left this young preacher alone and he was teaching me that god can be personal to me yeah because my answer didn't come from my pastor it made me have to go to god and say bob i need an answer lord i need to know what your will is or if you don't do it my person is not going to answer for me and i went to god god became my god [Applause] and stop asking everybody else what you should do in life and get on your knees at an old-fashioned altar and go to god and say god [Applause] yeah yes you can then there's the next question here genesis chapter number 41 genesis chapter number 41. i love these questions isn't the bible awesome yes sir nothing like this book man nothing like it genesis 41 verse number 38 and pharaoh said unto his servants here's the question can we find such a one as this a man in whom the spirit of god is here's the question can god post a man can god post a man you know god still calls men i still believe that the call of god is still out there the bible says there was a man sent from god yes sir too many times we try to send a man we try to post a man we try to do it but i'm telling you there's a god in heaven that knows where his man is he knows how to talk to his man he knows how to send his man and you might ask can god post a man can i say to you yes he can yes i've been churches all over the country how they don't have a man at the post at the helm of their ship i know some in oklahoma i know one in kentucky there's one in alabama there's one in canada in texas i'm telling you how i'm getting word about it and you say man can we go and listen every time i hear about it i say hear my lord send me amen i'm willing to go i'll go to the mission field i'll go to evangelism i'll pastor a church well listen i believe god's gotten up this morning he can you better stay out of the way let god do it right he's the one that can do it amen the bible says he changed at the times and the seasons that god removeth kings and setteth up kings he giveth wisdom under the wise and knowledge to them that no understanding george whitefield in february of 1738 left england for america and that ship stopped in gibraltar for two weeks george whitefield used that opportunity to preach the gospel there in gibraltar and many of those english soldiers were stationed there at the fort george whitfield began to preach and minister under those soldiers and whitfield wrote in his journal on march the 6th of 1738 he said i had near if not more than a hundred men at morning exposition and it being my last day at my sojourning in gibraltar many came to me that morning weeping telling me what god had done for their souls desiring my prayers and promising me theirs in return others both gave and sent me tokens of their love they sent me cakes and figs and wine and eggs and other necessities for my voyage and seemed to want words to express their affection you know what god did god took a ship and put it there on an island in gibraltar and sent a man to that place because he knew there were some english soldiers there that needed to hear a word from god i say god can still proceed bible missionary baptist church needed a man in the middle of a storm and i'm thankful amen but god went out on the evangelism trail he reached out and picked up a young man and i look out here this morning and i see a church full of people because god is oh don't you doubt god this morning post a man wherever he wants that man he sends that man whether so ever he will he posted brother jack wood in houston texas after breaking his back down in paraguay south america posted him there in houston texas to take a dying church in the heights area of shady acres baptist church to resurrect it up and then it wasn't too long after that uh just a few years after a god went to the countryside in a little small town in comanche county texas and found an old farm boy by the name of danny farley of pastor danny farley to be the successor of brother jack wood and now he's got the helm of that mighty ship my friend giving a million dollars a year to missions you say what can god do i say god can steal posting [Applause] god took a man by the name of preacher dan meadors he said a man that was raised at an orphan's home in weatherford texas to houston texas he was down in pasadena texas and his home and life was in a wreck went down there and said a man by that had a gospel track with brother jack's information on it and said you need to go call this man right here and he called for the jack brother jack said come over to our bible institute we have monday night tuesday night bible institute come on over there he went to that bible institute god began to work in his heart eventually a few months later he moved over january of 1979 just a few years after that he was reading this bible brother dan meadors the book of luke in chapter 14 and verse number 21 preacher dan came across this verse it said this go out quickly into the streets and the lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor and the my main and the halt and the blind and god sent preacher dad to the streets of houston for 15 years and to go preach the gospel and win those hopeless people to god i'm telling you did it work you know what god god posted a man yes he did amen amen 1978 there was a louisiana redneck from the state of louisiana whose life was in iraq he's sending to houston on the back of it an old motorcycle didn't have nothing life is torn apart set there for 16 17 years in the shady acres baptist church and then finally god put his hand on brother gary lutrick and send him out into full-time evangelism he's been preaching there and evangelism for almost 30 years has sent him around the world and this morning that god's going to let his whole family get up and sing i tell you god took a broken guy sent him to the house of god give him a good wife just 80 miles from here god gave him a good wife uh my mother-in-law ms stephanie lutrick they started having children had got in the church i just rooted their life in the church and i'm telling you god's gonna let our whole family i try to be a blessing today i'm telling you why because god still knows how to post something [Applause] well i could go on and on this morning but god composed a man job chapter 22 here's another question we're almost done it's 10 42 we're almost done this morning job chapter number 22 here's the next question verse number two can a man be profitable unto god is he that is wise may be profitable until himself here's the question not only can god post a man he can't but here's the question can god put me to yours you see it's one thing to believe that god can do it with somebody else right but here's the question men ladies yeah listen young men can god put me to can i be the man you need not this morning only believe that god will send a man or a woman but you also must believe that that man or that woman just might that's exactly right why not why don't you yeah see my life's a wreck did you not just listen to my illustrations god specializes in wrecks yes matter of fact probably god won't use you if you're not a wreck that's right amen you've got to come to god and say god i can't i'm a wreck there's no way and god said all right you're the man yeah you the man as they say yes the god that's big enough to save you is big enough to change you he's big enough to train you he's big enough to send you and he's big enough to keep you god does not call the qualified he qualifies the call this morning that's right pass before you is never greater than the power behind you god's the one that does it if anything gets done faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it he's the faithful one man listen when i was a just a 9 10 years old i was scared to death to get behind the pulpit we'd go to team camp and they said all right everybody come up here and testify man i couldn't do it shine timid our pastor brother danny farley was not an extrovert he was not one of those that would say man that guy can get it done but god put his hand on him god can use you this morning he can put you to you that's why i've never doubted my call to preach i've doubted my salvation in life i have when i first got saved i never did get doubt my call to preach i don't know why that is maybe because you know more now you have more knowledge of the truth but boy i'm thankful that god called me anybody you want to least get on an altar and ask god lord yes sir does it mean yes you want to use me lord hear my send me god i'm willing for you to call me yeah now don't call yourself amen amen we've got too many mama called paul graham preachers amen and if god does call you not only will you know it but everybody else will know it yes sir what's bad is when you think you're called amen and everybody else knows you're not and you're the only one that don't know it right there'll be a witness on it sure amen people will know that the hand of god is upon you can god put me to use i say yes he can god can put you to use and last question i'm done romans chapter eight romans chapter eight here's the question romans 8 verse number 31 what shall we say then what shall we then say to these things if god be for us who can be against us and he goes through this list here and talks about all of these things i'm persuaded that neither death nor life angels principalities powers things present things to come height depth any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord here's the question can god protect us we live in crazy days yeah man i'm telling you the world's gone mad it's gone mad this morning can god protect us the l moody said this if god cannot be trusted whom if if god cannot be trusted whom can we trust he said unbelief is more than a misfortune it is a dreadful sin i'll close with this illustration there was a man by the name of john dick in march of 1684 he was arrested and he was brought to trial and ordered to be hanged in edinburgh on march the 5th of 1684. the night before his execution he wrote this letter to his father he penned these words he said dear sir this has been of the most pleasant nights i've had in my lifetime this is a man about to get executed he said the competition is only betwixt this night and that that i got 11 years ago when the lord firmly laid the foundation stone of grace in my heart by making me with my whole soul close to him upon his own terms as also to give myself entirely without reserve and soul body heart affliction in the whole faculties of my soul and powers of my body to be by him disposed at his pleasure for the advancement of his glory your affection son and christ prisoner john dick then he wrote a ps under his letter there to his dad he said p.s dad i hope air i go home to get another sight of you he said let none of this till i be in my grave be read the lord gave me to you freely as i entreat you be frank in giving me to god again amen they said the next day from the scaffold john dick proclaimed he said as he was there getting ready to be hanged lose his life for christ he said i've come here this day it would not change my lot with the greatest in the world i lay down my life willingly and cheerfully for christ and his cause and i heartily forgive all of my enemies i forgive all them who gave me my sentence in them who were the chief cause of my taking and i forgive him who is behind me the executioner i advise you who are the lord's people to be sincere in the way of godliness and you who know little or nothing of the power of god to come to god and trust him he will not disappoint you i say trust in the lord and he will support you he will strengthen you in whatever trouble or whatever affliction you may meet with he said i remember when abraham was about to sacrifice his son isaac said to his daddy here's the wood and here's the fire but where is the sacrifice and then john dick looked up at the gallows then he looked up and looked out at the crowd and he continued and he said now blessed be the lord here is the sacrifice here is the free will offering farewell friends farewell goodbye world goodbye can god can god protect us i say even on the scaffolds getting ready to lose your life for christ god will give you the grace to go on home and wave good god amen can god i say this morning church yes yes he came father bless this day breathe upon us today the singing the preaching all that takes place we'll thank you for it in jesus name amen
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 316
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: lilq80DUuuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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