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son good job amen you can't you can't improve on old song like that amen grace ain't no other better word for grace than amazing thank god for his grace i want you to take your bibles tonight and go with me to two different passages of scripture if we could the book of the psalms and chapter number 37 tonight and the book of proverbs and chapter number 16. there is a word that i would like to highlight in both of these uh chapters one written by david and one written by david's son solomon you'll find our text tonight in psalm 37 and in proverbs chapter 16. psalm 37 and proverbs chapter 16. we'll begin reading in psalm 37 tonight we'll read verses 3 4 and 5 in this chapter and then we'll go straight over to proverbs chapter 16. psalm 37 and verse number 3 tonight if you found your place with me in your bible say amen david said trust in the lord and do good that's great advice so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed delight thyself also in the lord and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart i think too many people are wanting the lord to give them the desires of their heart but they have never delighted themself in the lord i have found personally that if i will delight myself in the lord he will change the desires of my heart if i will throw my heart my life into being delighted in the word of god and the things of god then god will transform the desires of my heart not into what i want but into what he wants tonight verse number five i'm interested in this first word in verse five david said commit commit thy way unto the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass come with me if you would to proverbs chapter 16 and look at verse number three proverbs 16 and verse number three we find this word that david mentioned in psalm 37 5 we find it mentioned again in solomon's writing in verse 3 of chapter 16 of proverbs solomon said commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established david uses a word in psalm 37 5 that solomon uses in proverbs 16 3 and it's the word that i want to preach on tonight it is the thought or the word commit or i'm preaching tonight on this thought commitment i'm preaching on the word commitment tonight this word commitment seems to be a thought and a word that not only do very few people in the world know anything about anymore but even fewer of god's people know anything about this word tonight commitment you see commitment is something that is is not just an idea or an attribute that you uh invoke or you try and hang on to when everything's going good but commitment is something that will keep you going when you don't feel like it commitment is something that keeps you pressing on and doing what you should do when you don't want to but somewhere in your past you have made a commitment that you absolutely will not break in your past somewhere you have committed yourself to something that you absolutely refuse to go back on you refuse to change your mind or your heart on you settled something in your life by way of commitment tonight that you're absolutely unwilling to change on uh 17 years ago almost now come november the 6th 17 years ago i made a commitment to that woman that sits over there at the emanuel baptist church in lyons georgia i made a commitment to her that i would love her and be faithful to her i would forsake all others and in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer till death do us part now i want y'all to understand something in the almost 17 years that that woman and i have been marrying all the miles we've traveled and the four children uh that we have nurtured into this world i'll be real honest with you tonight uh the fault and the idea of of separating or breaking that has never once crossed my mind has she got on my nerves absolutely have i absolutely irritated her to the point where she'd like to take a butcher knife and stab me through my jugular show enough yes [Applause] murder has come up many times however divorce has not ah and i'm saying this tonight i'm saying this tonight listen what i'm saying about commitment on that there are days there are days where my my desire toward her her desire toward me or our love or affection may not be what it should be you say what gets you through those days commitment i want y'all young people really understand something listen to me you understand especially we talk about marriage where you get to a place and i understand sometimes they're extenuating circumstances where things happen i understand that but i'm not talking about those things i'm just talking about life's gonna happen for all of us at a certain point of time and we're living in a generation that when things just get hard they'll just break their commitments they'll just uh break what they promised and just they're out peace out no big deal but tonight what will get you through when everything crumbles is i have committed not just to somebody but i've committed to the lord that i'm not quitting tonight now i'm not just talking about marriage that's not even what i'm dealing with it's simply an illustration of our relationship with the lord tonight make you some commitments between you and god that you are unwilling to go back home you are unwilling to break it is non-negotiable you've drawn that line in the sand you've crossed over and on days when you don't feel like serving on days when you don't feel like praying on days when you don't feel like reading on days when you don't feel like going to church on days when you don't feel like being a christian you're going to anyways because of commitment come here uh here we find that david and solomon both these two verses that i just quoted to you and we read psalm 37 5 and proverbs 16 3 did you notice they almost directly mirror one another they are very very similar david said commit thy way unto the lord trust also in him he shall bring it to pass solomon said commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established they mirror each other real closely you say why is it they mirror each other real closely because solomon says even in proverbs that david taught him most of what he knows many of the things solomon writes down yes he got him under inspiration the holy ghost but a lot of it was things that his father told him let me pause and say this to all of our uh all of our daddies and mamas and people that are raising children you'll never teach your child anything greater than teaching them to commit to something y'all i believe one of the biggest damages we are doing to our children today is mothers and daddies are raising a generation of children that if they come whining to mom and daddy about something they don't like come lying to mom and daddy about something they don't want to do anymore but they've already made a commitment to do it mom and daddy will just break it for him mom and daddy will let them out of it you're not teaching that child anything teach them their word is their bond teach them if they've made a commitment to do something then they need to keep that commitment they don't need to break that commitment because if you teach them at an early age that they can just up and back out on any commitment they've made they will turn into an adult that will never commit to anything or anyone tonight david obviously had taught solomon something about this word commitment this evening i find through my bible the people of god are always committed paul was committed paul said in second timothy chapter number one and verse number 12 paul said i know who i believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that wish i have committed unto him against that day peter said in first peter chapter 1 4 and verse number 19 that we should commit the keeping of our souls into the hand of the lord as the faithful creator paul and peter both affirm what david and solomon did and that is you need to commit some things to god tonight david david as a child of god david as a man of god we find he was committed to several things david was committed to a calling david was committed to a calling you'll find if you read first samuel 16 and first samuel 17 you'll find david's calling was he was a shepherd david kept sheep tonight and david was so committed to his calling that the bible said when a lion walked up and tried to get his sheep he fought a lion when a bear walked up tried to get his sheep he was so committed to what he was doing he didn't let a bear run him off he didn't let a lion run him off he said i'm doing what i'm doing cause daddy asks me to do it and i'm committed to this calling of leading and feeding a sheep finds you a calling doing something for god that you are so committed to that there ain't no line of the devil there ain't no bear of this world that can run you off of it tonight amen david was committed to his call and david was committed to a cause first samuel 17. i love this verse one of the greatest verses in the bible david said this he walked out there saw that big joker goliath cussing god and the bible said everybody was tuck tailing and running and brother ken the bible said david looked at them fellers and he said this he said is there not a cause yes sir in other words he said ain't they something we're fighting for ain't there cause worth living for and dying for why y'all letting him talk like that yo get committed to the calls you say what caused the cause of the bloodstained banner of the cross get committed to a bible get committed to the church get committed to the gospel there is a cause we just sang a minute ago stand up stand up for jesus ye soldiers of the cross what is that we're committed tonight amen we said we sung uh two songs tonight i don't know if y'all noticed this we sung two songs tonight that had a militaristic flavor to it anybody else noticed this with me we sang that stand up stand up for jesus ye soldiers of the cross and then we sang if you're in the battle for the lord and right keep on the firing line amen y'all we're living in a church world today there are very few churches you walk into that ever sing anything with a militaristic feel anymore yes sir it's it's all this milk toast watered down you know we we adore thee and you love us and we love you and i mean it just got such a sensual girly limp-wristed feel to it yeah that ain't christening bible christianity bible christianity is we are soldiers in a war yes sir they used to call the church old-timers used to call the church they called him the church militant right yes we was militaristic we are what happened to that what happened to that that's gone the church we used to sing songs like what you're not you know what that sounds like sounds like fighting it's a military cadence stand up stand up for jesus yes soldiers you see how that goes right now it's got a military cadence to it in the march and a lot of your hymns have that they don't write hymns like that no more because the fight has been taken out of the church they ain't committed to anything but themselves whose god paul said is their belly they are the laodicean church we've been preaching about on sunday nights commitment he was committed to a calling he's committed to a cause he was committed to his king and i'm not talking about he was committed to saul even though saul was his king and he was committed to it but brother mike stockner david says in the book of psalms that god was his king david acknowledged and there ain't no doubt everybody knew who david was committed to [Music] y'all listen to even when david messes up with bathsheba even when david messes up numbers the people like he shouldn't and god killed seventy thousand of them even every time david messes up there was never a doubt who david was committed to david's committed to the lord i ain't saying that just because you commit you don't mess up what i'm saying is don't ever let anything or anyone be able to question who your commitment is to amen even when you fall it should be known beyond shadow of a doubt yeah he might have messed up yes he might have messed up but i know they're still committed to the lord jesus he's still king in their life commit i want to say several things about commitment from proverbs chapter 16. i've had this in my heart for a long time i've had a rough skeleton outline written in in this preaching bible of mine now for i don't know a couple of years and i i've just kind of been sitting on it and chewing on it and felt like the lord had me preach on it tonight so i want to say several things about commitment real quick and i'm going to let you go tonight several things about commitment out of proverbs chapter 16 and psalm 37 and we'll be done let me say number one commitment is something that is lacking commitment is something today that is lacking uh i like i like i like what david said and what solomon said did you notice in both these verses they said commit david said commit thy way watch it unto the lord solomon said commit thy works unto the lord can i say this to you really and truly uh in america we're not at a lack of commitment we're at a lack of commitment toward the right things see i'm sitting here looking at a crowd of people uh and there's a crowd of people that ain't here tonight that should be and the fact is we're all committed to something see david said commit your ways to the lord it's the lord you need to commit to solomon said commit your words to the lord it's the lord you commit to that's the problem that's where commitment is lacking at commitment's not lacking toward our job we're committed to our job commitment's not lacking toward education man education's a god in this country i can't tell y'all growing up how many times down through the years we'd have revival at church and and as an evangelist and such as that and people say well i can't make it revival tonight i got to get kids in bed they got to go to school in the morning i'll tell you this one of these days they stand before god preaching the word of god but a whole lot more important to you uh than them listening to some atheists teach them signs amen amen we're we're committed to we're committed to sports i mean y'all i'm committed i'm committed to the georgia bulldogs say amen right there bill whoa bill got so ripped off the clemson lost he didn't come to church sunday praise god don't run off to the mountains and head i'm glad you're back bill i had to mess with you i'm committed y'all i got home last night three o'clock in the morning god bless today he was over here getting ready for bible institute and church tonight and about four o'clock i knocked off and went to the house sat down on the sofa and ate a bowl of peach ice cream for 30 minutes and while i was sitting there eating that little bowl of peach ice cream getting ready to come back over here and get dressed i'm so committed to the dogs that two days away i skipped my dvr forward to 3 30 on espn2 for saturday afternoon and went ahead and hit the dvr two days away i'm gonna make sure zorn ain't missing the dogs playing saturday you know why i'm committed amen i'm all in we're committed to our sports we we'll we'll commit to we'll commit to entertainment we'll commit to our hobbies we're committed to that stuff but i wonder how come are we as committed to the lord as we are all the rest because the fact is that's what we're talking about tonight i'm talking about what david talked about what solomon talked about being committed to god and the things of god like we are the things of this world tonight our problem in our country there's a lack of commitment when it comes to christian things i mean has anybody else seen this with covenant folk that claim no god claim to be christians and claim to be saved they ain't got a problem one in the world going to walmart and running around going the ball game run around but church church oh we get covered in church okay see you you all you've done is you just tell me what you're committed to does it does you're telling me what you're committed to they ain't no doubt where i was sitting at saturday down in charlotte with 80 000 people at charlotte panthers stadium ain't a doubt in my mind brother joe that there was people in that stadium that literally would look you in your eyeball and say i can't go to church i might get covered and yet there was elbow to elbow with people screaming and hollering and blowing fumes everywhere see what you tell is you just tell what you're really committed to see we make time for facebook and we'll make time for social media we'll make time for our favorite television program but i wonder i'm talking about there's something that's a lack of in our christian life do we make that much time to be able to give to reading our bible have we got any time left for praying for the church and praying for the ministries of this church i mean are we really all-in and committed commitment commitment commitment i was reading the other day about julius caesar julius caesar 2 000 years ago sailed his ships and they landed on the shore i believe it was of england if i'm not mistaken they were fighting the celts the celts however you want to say it c-e-e-c-e-l-t they found the kills in england and they said when they landed on the shore uh they were outnumbered the celts had them outnumbered by thousands and when they landed on that shore uh they said that julius caesar knew that some of his men brother carl would be tempted in the face of battle to run back to the shore jump in their boats and hightail it back to where they come from and they said after they landed on that shore julius caesar took him up on top of a ridge overlooking where they landed at and he had instructed some of his other men to go back to the boats and burn them they said when he brought his army up on top of that ridge he said look yonder at our boats and all the boats were on fire there would be no surrender there would be no retreat there was nothing to go back to basically he was letting them know we are totally committed in this thing there ain't no boat to jump in and roll back to where we come from the boats have been burned and child of god here's some good advice in your life burn your boats where you can't go back and make your mind know you are committed in this thing our country i love the founding of art we're so i love the founding and reading about the early days of our country were so far from those days i really i can't read them but read them with a broken heart for a couple of reasons one we don't have men that govern our country like we had them two those great patriots that governed our country and made us what we are they are all demonized today as racists and feminists and called all kinds of names those men were god fearing god loving men and you better thank god for where you wouldn't have jack squat today friend i ain't demonizing none matter of fact i'm right ripped off and they pulled robert e lee statue down just yesterday [Music] [Applause] we don't delete history we defied history and thank god for our history regardless of what size you fall on and history is just history it ain't there for you to approve or disapprove of it it just is who we are by tearing it all down and getting rid of it you turn into fascists you turn into nazis and you're turning to communism and we have no history anymore all we have now is propagandy that they want you to believe this is who we are and the propaganda they give you by who we are that's not where we come from and who we are anyways anyway the 56 men that signed our declaration of independence i've been to independence hall aw inspiring thing the 56 men that signed the declaration of independence did so at the peril of their life but they were committed they knew when they put their name on that document they were some of them signing their death warrant some of them knew when they signed that they were signing the end of their fortunes their lands and their homes they would forfeit them when they signed it knew it we got commitment like that no more yeah like that no more if it's going to cost us a dollar it's going to cost us some problems and sometimes we out peace out yeah these men willing to give it all up for liberty yes sir they said the 56 men that signed the declaration of independence their conviction to sign resulted in untold suffering for themselves and their families listen what i'm about to read to you of the 56 men who signed five were captured by the british and tortured before they died twelve had their homes ransacked and burned two lost their sons in the revolutionary army another had two sons captured nine of the 56 fought and died from their wounds or hardships of the war carter braxton of virginia a wealthy planter and traitor saw his ships sunk by the british navy he sold his home and properties to pay his debts and he died in poverty at the battle of yorktown the british general cornwallis had taken over thomas nelson's home for his headquarters nelson ordered general washington to open fire on his own home the home was destroyed and nelson died bankrupt john hart was driven from his wife's bedside while she was dying their 13 children fled for their lives his fields and his meal were destroyed for over a year he lived in a forest and caves returning home only to find his wife dead and his children had vanished a few weeks later he died from exhaustion i could read you more so on and so forth you say what is that that's commitment amen amen oh that's why we still say today put your john hancock on this have you ever looked at a a copy of the declaration of independence there's one name that stands out above all others it's bold and it's big john hancock john hancock said when i sign i want to make sure they know i signed yes sir he knew the british was going to get a copy of it he said i want to make sure they know old john hancock sign yeah say what is that that's commitment man put my name down on some where i can't back out i'm all the way in tonight child of god make your mind up you gonna sign your name on being a committed christian to the lord jesus committed to the church committed to the ministries of the church committed to the bible and the devil can do what he will but we are not backing up we are not going to be uncommitted we're [Applause] commitment's something that's lacking if there's one thing the church of jesus christ should not be lacking in it is commitment we should not be lacking in commitment commitment something that is lacking can i say secondly not only this commitment something that's lacking commitment is something that is labored in and labored for did you notice chapter 16 of proverbs and verse number three watch what it said it said commit thy works unto the lord works got to commit works it's something that's labored for you know it won't be easy to commit all your endeavors to the lord i like i like how both verses balance each other out david says commit thy ways solomon says commit thy works so all the things you do and all the work you put your hand to make sure god's got all that make sure you're committed all to god to where god can bless all of it because you've committed it into his hands tonight you realize that will not be an easy endeavor to commit everything you say sure that ain't that big a deal no i'll tell you why it's not easy to commit your ways and your works to the lord listen why it's not easy because the world and even your family and your friends will look at you like you are some sort of religious fanatic and say what is wrong with you yes sir you see christians that are truly committed i'm not i'm not talking about this half in half out riding the fence of commitment no no no i'm talking about christians that are all in on this commitment thing mark this down they're going to be some of your acquaintances and some of your family they're gonna thank you nuts and can i tell you this there will be christians that will that will shoot at you and think you're crazy you know why your lifestyle of commitment bothers them because they have a lack of commitment a lifestyle of consistent commitment will reprove and bother and guilt-trip those that have absolutely no commitment in their life amen listen you don't got to do anything but just be absolutely committed to jesus christ for people who want to shoot at you and talk bad about you you know why they do it bothers them because your life of commitment highlights they have no commitment that's right that's right that's good i mean isn't it funny isn't it funny we i've talked about this with some of y'all before isn't it funny that before you got right with god even before you got saved before you really got sold out and got all the way in here at bible missionary baptist church uh some of you y'all before you got right your family was like man we need to pray for that girl man when you pray for that guy man they man i wish they'd turn their life around i wish they could get some things straightened out man they really all messed up then all of a sudden you got all the way in and now they're saying my god you didn't have to you ain't gotta do all that oh yeah that's what they're saying not now they flipped the other side and said now you're doing went crazy let's not get carried away with this thing now i mean let's not don't throw all your beer out your refrigerator you know don't don't fall in cds don't don't start going to church sunday morning sunday night thursday night you just got too much religion i got too much relationship that's right yes that's good amen good stuff thank you lord you you know you know why i don't sleep around and flirt around and mess around with other women because i'm committed to that one that's exactly right because i love that take away my relationship with the lord and my commitment to him i'm a one-woman man i'm committed to her i don't lie another woman i don't want another woman i don't flirt with another woman i got one so you know what that means i'm all in on that one amen make your mind if that's the way you are with jesus i want what the world's got i ain't trying to flirt and play patty cake with me and a half in half out i am all in on jesus [Applause] and sure you know what people say they say you're crazy that's like this is what they said about mike pence when he was in office mike pence said when he was in office this was great advice for anybody mike pence said that he wouldn't have private meetings or private dinners or whatever with people of the opposite sex especially those that were anywhere near his age or younger than him that was great advice and you know what the news media come out and saying all them liberals they excoriated him for it yes sir they ripped him and said all right you're some sort of you're some sort of chauvinist and you're some sort of this and i don't know and then it comes out on all of them that they all been sleeping on their husbands sleeping around on their wives and all of them got sex scandals and all of them just as messed up as i mean just as fouled up as a termite and a wooden yo-yo i mean that comes out there you know why they missed that because they got no commitment that's exactly right thank god for somebody who's got commitments let them say let them say what they want to about you let them laugh let them talk let them point at least you committed to something amen amen do you realize do you realize to be committed to one thing don't miss this to be committed to one thing means disconnection from other things i keep going back to marriage because it's like unto the relationship with the lord but when you got married you remember what they said when you got married it said forsaking all others for this cause shall a man leave his father mother and cleave to his wife and they should be one flesh you know what that is to be committed to her i gotta disconnect from something else you're gonna be committed to him you gotta disconnect from something else my beloved bulldogs they got a slogan and the slogan is commit to the g commit to the g in other words we all in with dogs for life and we in we're going to commit to the g that's what the lord needs he needs some people that'll commit to him amen all in i'm committed amen amen commitment commitment there's a lack of commitment commitment something there's a lack of commitment something that must be labored for and lastly i love this commitment is something that is lasting commitment is something that lasts it it says it in both passages i told you there are mirror passages chapter 16 of proverbs he says this commit thy works unto the lord watch it and thy thoughts shall be watched watch out last established david said it like this in chapter 37 verse 5 commit thy way to the lord trust also in him and here's the establishment here's the last thing and he shall bring it to pass i have watched god perform psalm 37 5 in my life that's exactly right i got it marked in my in my study bible in my personal bible that i read out of a study out of i got this passage marked with uh first thessalonians 5 24 5 first thessalonians 5 24 said faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it amen amen i got them two verses mark i marked them a long time ago and i claimed them and i watched god perform amen but do you see where it starts at it doesn't start with god establishing you it doesn't start with god bringing it to pass no it starts with you got to commit yes sir i've never watched god establish or bring something to pass in an uncommitted christian's life people want an established christian life without any commitment to anything it does not work that way if you're sitting here tonight you say man i want i want god to give something lasting in my life use my life do something with my life touch my life make my life a blessing use me to be a help to somebody else okay okay that's wonderful that's a great thing that's a great desire to have i think that's a godly desire to have but listen to me it starts with commitment i want to say thank god for those of you that are here tonight you know what that shows that shows a level of commitment i really probably should have preached this on sunday morning to you know half that crowd that won't be back on sunday night i'll be honest there's something wrong with that i'm just i'm just going to be blunt with you and i tell them that they're sitting here i might tell them sunday morning because that's the message i got it probably going to line up somewhere along in there but i'll be honest with you i don't understand that kind of christianity because i never lived that kind of christianity i don't understand the christianity that has absolutely no problem i'm i y'all know where i'm at on this i understand if your job keeps you out if you're sick if you're on vacation i get all that but brother just just that you decide i'm gonna go to church this morning i'm just going back tonight or thursday night i'll watch it on livestream i'll do something like that i don't understand that never had that kind of christianity before i was ever preaching meeting in baptist churches i'd done committed myself to the local church i was going to be there every time the door's open i committed and god did something in and through my life because of commitment you commit and watch god start blessing and doing and working in your life i promise it happens you say why because i've lived it ain't talking about something i read in a book and talk about something i read somewhere else i'm talking about things i've experienced tonight personally amen there is no substitute for commitment help me esther there is no substitute for commitment in the christian life basically what i'm preaching on tonight commitment it's just another word for faithfulness and god places a really high priority on being faithful so find out what it is that god has for your life and then dive in on it head first commit to it and say hey i'm in man amen amen commitment burn burn your boats sign your name down big and dark don't let there be no question where you at i'm committed i'm all in committed i promise you you will not regret it young people get a hold of this this will absolutely change your life commit now and watch god do something in your life down the road let's all stand tonight father i pray you bless a simple little message from the word of god lord it helped my heart it challenged my soul one more time and lord i pray that it would do the same to your people help us to commit i thank you for the committed people that you have allowed me to shepherd and to pastor and to preach and teach the word of god to thank you so much for committed faithful people that i am lord just absolutely thrilled and honored to get to serve with bless them each and every one thank you for them being here help us to constantly see the value in commitment to the lord in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 701
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: 41KGEYhaHLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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