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chapter 3 colossians and chapter number 3 tonight we will continue and resume in this study of finding correction from colossians correction from colossians now while you're turning to chapter number three let me once again remind you where we are remind you what we're dealing with reminds you why this is such an important uh study and piece of scriptural material tonight you remember that we looked at the fact that the laodicean church was that lukewarm church that lacking church that church that was locked up and locked jesus out of it and when we think of laodicea we always think of revelation chapter number three but you realize those of you that have been here for this study the word laodicea is only mentioned two times in the book of revelation but it's mentioned five times in the book of colossians matter of fact in chapter four paul said the things that he had written in these four chapters of colossians that he wanted them to read this letter to the church at laodicea they were only 10 miles apart the church at laodicea the church at colossae they were only 10 miles apart and so this letter was not just written for the colossians it was also written for the learning and the spiritual well-being of the church at laodicea this letter was written around a.d 60. and what john writes about that church at laodicea in revelation how they had gotten backslid apostate and cold on god was written 30 years after this and so the premise of our entire study about getting correction from colossians is this how do we as bible missionary baptist church not wind up like the last days laodicean lukewarm church and i believe those answers are found in the book of colossians if we will receive the instruction that paul was giving in the book of colossians to those laodicean believers we can keep ourself from becoming like that church i don't know about you but i don't want to be a part i don't want a pastor i don't want to be a member nor associated with a lukewarm laodicean church that kicks jesus out and has more use for the things of the world than the things of god i want to be a part of a local bible believing church that keeps jesus at the epicenter of all that they do lifts the scriptures up and brings on jesus with everything that they've got tonight and so tonight i want us to continue on our study on correction from colossians correction from colossians now we've examined in chapter one we we receive correction to continue paul said in chapter one that he wanted them to continue in some things continue walking and working and living for the lord in chapter one in chapter 2 we receive correction not to compromise correction not to compromise what was given to us but in chapter number three tonight we'll be dealing with this thought correction to change correction to change you say preacher i didn't think we were supposed to change well i want you to notice there are some things that paul wants us to change and we should continually be changing in our life as the children of god look with me colossians chapter three and let's start in verse number eight colossians three verse number eight now please keep your bible open tonight we're gonna preach through the whole chapter so i want you to keep your bibles open colossians chapter 3 verse 8. paul said but now he also what watch these two words put off put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth lie not one to another seeing that you have here's these two words again put off the old man with his deeds now watch it shift watch the change look at verse 10 and have now we're not putting something off we're putting something off so that we now can put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him where there's neither greek nor jew circumcision or uncircumcision barbarians gibby and bond are free but christ is all and in all here it is again verse 12 put on therefore as the elect of god holy and beloved bows and mercies kindness humbleness of mind weakness long suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as christ forgave you so also do ye verse 14 and above all these things here he says it again put all charity which is the bond of perfectness and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also you're called in one body and be thankful do you notice how five times in this text paul talks about either putting something off or putting something on it almost it carries the implication of changing clothes changing your garments paul says there are certain things practically spiritually in your daily walk that you should be taken off get rid of it put them on things in the closet of the past and let god shut the door on them and don't ever pull that back out the closet again and put it back on as a safe person you should put off these things and then three times he says put on these things as a child of god there's some things you ought to be putting off and then as a child of god there is a new wardrobe provided for every child of god there is a new closet that god has opened up and we are to take these spiritual things that god has given us now as the people of god and adorn ourself with them put them all so paul is saying here there are some things if we are to not wind up like that laodicean church who he writes this book to if we're to not wind up like them but there's some things we need to change as a child of god listen to what i'm going to tell you tonight as a child of god you should constantly be changing in your christian life you say well hang on preacher i thought we were supposed to stand fast and stand firm yeah there's a lot of things you're not to change the scriptures don't change our stand on our worship and on our walk with god it shouldn't change but okay what should change you and i should constantly be getting closer to the lord you and i should constantly be growing in grace in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ brother if listen what i'm telling you if you've been saved for five or ten years you should have done a lot of changing in that five or ten years if you ain't done no changing since you got saved then brother i've checked up faisal i'm saved or not because when jesus moves in there are changes that happen as a result of conversion tonight here paul is talking about changes in the christian life putting off some things so that we might put on some things i believe what got leo to see you in trouble the church we're trying not to wind up like that paul writes this this epistle to not just the colossian church he also writes to that laodicean church i believe what god lay into seeing in trouble is this they stopped changing they got to a place where they just said well they got to this they got to this you know 2021 mentality among christians where they got like this well it's this is just me well this is just who i am will change who you are if who you are does not line up with the scripture then chase let the holy ghost change you from glory to glory stop being who you are start being who god expects you to be this idea well i'm just me well i'm just who i am well that's not bible you're not supposed to be who you want to be you're supposed to be now created after the image of him that saved you and called you put off them old things and put on the new things tonight we want to change but paul even uh paul gives us this idea in philippians chapter three hold your place in colossians two go back just one book just a few chapters to philippians 3 and watch what paul says watch what paul says in philippians 3 about how he was even constantly changing this great christian he's laid in his ministry in philippians he's no newbie to the christian life in philippians he's lived for god for a while in philippians and watch what he said in verse number 13 of philippians 3 philippians 3 13 he said brethren i count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing i do for getting those things which are behind and reaching forth under those things which are before i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded and if anything uh if anything you'd be otherwise minded god shall reveal even this unto you back up to verse 12. i missed verse 12. look what paul said verse 12 he said not as though i had already attained either were already perfect but i follow after if that i may apprehend that which also i'm apprehended of christ jesus you see what paul is saying paul is saying i've not arrived yet i made it to heaven yet i am constantly daily pressing i am constantly daily reaching forth trying to change trying to be more like christ trying to learn more about him i am daily trying to get rid of some things so that i can put on some things and so paul tells us in the text back to colossians 3 to put off some things and put on some things so when i look at this chapter when i look at chapter 3 i find that if we're to receive correction from colossians that we are to seek receive correction to change there's all kinds of things in chapter three of colossians that paul wants us to change if we are to make sure we don't wind up like the church at laodicea what are we supposed to receive to change let me show you three things and some things under these points that i believe we should change can i say number one and firstly at the beginning of chapter three of colossians number one we are to change our affections we are to change our affections right off the topic we want to stay away from your legacy in church we've got to change our affections you say affection once that's things we love things we crave things we desire things we want and look at chapter three verse one watch chapter three and verse one watch what the bible says if you then be risen with christ seek those things which are above where christ sitteth on the right hand of god watch it verse 2 set your affection changing our affections set your affection on things above not on things on the earth for you are dead and your life is hid with christ in god when christ who is our lives shall appear then shall you also appear with him in glory paul pointedly says in chapter three that we are dead our affection should be not down here but what we love and what drives us to live should be set over there now listen what i'm telling you it is easy to get to a place in your christian life where your affections get sent down here it's easy to get to a place to where your affection becomes all about what you what you wear and what you drive and what you live in and who your friend is and who who you're going out with and who you're hanging with and what your sports team is doing and what your bank account looks like and we live in this world and because we live in this world so much of this world becomes all we go after and all we shoot for life but you mark this down if you want to stay with me in a later season church then we have got to shift our affections from here to yonder and what god likes is what we need to start liking and what god's interested in is what we got to start getting interested in and not the other way around we're living in a church world today that we want god to get interested in what we're interested in it don't work like that god wants us to conform what we affectionately desire into what he affectionately desires tonight i mean paul said you're to set your affection firmly entrench your affection on things above set your love over yonder what you desire over there you say preacher how can i get my affection over there well i'll tell you there's a reason why some of my affection is over there and i'll tell you how to get your affection over there you get your affection over there when your possessions are over there you get your affection over there when your possessions are over there you remember what jesus said over in matthew chapter number six jesus said in matthew chapter number 6 he said he said lay up yourselves treasure in heaven where neither moth nor us does corrupt and where thieves break through and steal and this is what jesus said matthew 6 21 don't miss what jesus said he said for where your treasure is there will your heart be also that's right your heart that's your affection where what your treasure that's what you put a high priority on where your treasure is the thing you value highly that's where your heart is that's i wonder where your treasure is what is it that you value highly if you're living not for this world but living for that world your affection begins to shift from here to over there because you are laying treasures up in that world not laying hey you know what cody zorton's retirement program is my retirement program is that world amen i am steadily working right now for my retirement program over yonder trust me trust me the ministry ain't about a big retirement program down here i'm looking for my retirement program over yonder this evening and trust me honey the benefits of my retirement program they are out of this world hallelujah i mean set your affection on things over there and nothing's over here if if you live your entire life chasing dollar bills with dead presidents heads on them if you spend your entire life trying to get more toys than your neighbor if you spend your entire life making about how much money you make and what kind of vehicle you can drive and the status symbol you've arrived to then brother your affection is going to land in a place where everything burns up because it's all going up in smoke but brother if you'll keep your eyes on this i know we got to live i know you got to provide for your family i get that i got a family too i have nothing wrong with that that's bible to do so and if you don't take care of your household you're worse than infidel but brother in the midst of all that don't let it get your heart in the midst of all that don't let it get all of your attention and all of your affection make sure at the end of the day your affection is not here it's younger amen that is that is the problem with the laodicean church this is what listen this is i'm talking about differences of how we've not lined up like laodicea correction from colossians do you remember what the laodicean church said they said this jesus said thou sayest because i'm rich increased with goods and have need of nothing you know what they did they set their affection down here that's right brought the kingdom in we are living in the kingdom of age no no no what they didn't realize jesus said is they was naked and poor and miserable and blind he said you don't even realize you've missed the point you've missed where your affection is to be sent out and god help us at bible missionary baptist church never get our affection said on how much money we got in the bank or how much stuff we got around here can i say this everything we do about the missionary baptist church should be with this soul go so that we can see more sinners saved and more lives changed and more missionaries sit onto a flower field with a bible and a gospel track in their hand and more children brought in to give them the gospel and more hurting people get help from the things of god god help us that everything we do that the motivational factor behind it is not so we can be looked at like we've arrived and we got more stuff than somebody else but so that we can make sure that we are giving god all the glory and that all our affection is about health [Applause] our changing our affections your affections will change if you've got more possessions over there can i just throw this into before i say something else not only possessions over there i'll tell you how your affections change when you get more people over there when you get more people over there you don't know something i didn't i didn't used to understand this brother eddie but the longer that i'm living you know what's starting to slowly happen to me last week before last week before last i had two pastors that i know personally that i preached for both of them left this world to go to heaven i used to hear brother john i used to hear all them old preachers talk about them pastors they used to preach for now they're dead in heaven i didn't have none of them stories all the preachers i preached for still alive but now i've been in the ministry for nearly 20 years now and been preaching for these men now and you know what i'm starting to see a lot of them men that i love and a lot of them men that helped me along the way and invested in me and give me a place to preach they're leaving this world and going to their award some of my family that i love and care about they're chicken out of here and they're checking in over there you know what that stuff you know what that's starting to do to me brother randy that's starting to detach me from this world it's starting to pull me away from this world and starting to put my affection more over there because i got more over there than i got over here i will be no stranger when i walk into that world i know people over [Applause] i will not there a stranger when i walk in there i know folk over there i'm friends with people over there [Applause] i got loved ones over there say when your affection starts changing when you get possessions over there when you get people over there i tell you how you can keep your affections over there your affection gets over there when your passion is over there your passion man look what the bible said i love verse 4 watch chapter three verse four this is awesome watch chapter three verse four it said when christ [Music] what's between the commas i love these next four words when christ who is our life shall appear then shall you also appear with him in glory paul said jesus christ is my life you know why some christians their affection ain't over there because jesus ain't your life your life your life does not revolve around jesus you are expecting jesus to revolve around your life exactly right oh no wonder you have no affection for things above and all your affections on things on the earth because jesus christ is nothing but an addendum on to your life he's just an add-on he's nothing more than a trinket that you added on to your life oh no no god for me jesus christ hallelujah i feel like preaching right here jesus christ is not just an add-on to my life jesus christ is not just an extra on to my already pretty good life no he is my life without him what is life about you take jesus out of my life and i ain't got no life i feel my life around jesus i built my family around jesus and you take jesus away from cody's horn and you might as well just kill me he is my life i'll tell you how to use your affection over there when he becomes your life yes sir amen when you think about him during the day when you read his word and you fellowship with him and you talk to him that that's how to keep your affection over there when this is jesus and this is your life yes not not when this is your life and this is jesus no no when this becomes jesus and your life revolves around him everything you do in your life it centers around jesus christ oh it said when christ who is our life is jesus your life see see when jesus is your life then like the friends you have jesus is their life yeah that's exactly right see when jesus is your life then the music that you listen to in your car revolves around him i'll get ahead of myself we'll bump that here in just a little bit because it's in the text see when jesus is your life your life revolves around jesus i like that that's how to keep your affections right the problem with laodicea is they let their affections get off course yes sir so how do we keep our affections right well you get possessions over there you get people over there and you know that your passion is over there your life revolves around him i love the line of that old song the very first line of that song i owe it all to you lord it says it says this you've been my life for so long you were right and i was wrong i can't convey all the love you've given me you were my friend and no one cared i was alone but you were there lord you're the best thing that's ever happened to me yeah he's the best thing that's ever happened to any of us to see amen i mean brother i love my wife i love my children there's great things that happened in my life they're gifts from god but they ain't the best thing that ever happened to me the best thing ever happened to me is jesus yes yes yes correction here we're we're seeing we're getting changed in our affections change our affection but that's not the only thing we should change not just change our affections can we move on here secondly we should change our actions not only should our affections change but our actions should change watch chapter three look at verse five look at verse five he continues on now he says mortify that means to kill make it dead mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection inordinate the things that are out of the ordinary affections evil concupiscence that's evil lusts and covetousness which is idolatry boy we're living if america could have been summed up it's summed up right there ma'am yeah we are uh what's verse six for which things say the wrath of god cometh on the children of disobedience in the weeks he also walked sometime when he lived in them see he said this is what you used to do you used to live in fornication you used to live in covetousness you used to live in uncleanness you used to live in idolatry but that's what you used to do when you lived in them but now verse say you also put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy feel communication out of your mouth why not want another sin that you put off the old man with his deeds paul shows us that there is a definite action change in the christian's life there should definitely be some things that change about the life of a child of god he said you used to walk in these you do not walk in these anymore uh here here he denotes how the actions should change there should be a change in action in how we talk did you notice the put off the the two times he says put off it's all associated with your lips look at verse eight nine i'm not i'm not just talking to you i mean i'm giving you a bible here verse 89 but now you also put off all these watch it's all associated with what comes out of your mouth anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth verse 9 lie not one to another with your mouth seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds there should be a change in action for how we talk one of the first ways that people should see a change in your life is they should hear something different about your conversation i've met people before in different areas and arenas and avenues of life and uh and when i walked up to them and started talking to them they um bro matthew they'd be just i mean cussing up a blue streak i mean you know using the lord's name in vain and and and i mean just filthy talk man you know make a saber blush and and uh this used to happen a lot when i was in the secular world on the job in in the car industry and such that are doing work for somebody we had in gospel tracks in our pocket i'd pull one out and i'd hand one to somebody and immediately that individual who had just been using the lord's name in vain and talking all that filthy talk and everything as soon as i'd hand them that gospel track they'd stop me and say oh yeah i'm a christian too yeah yeah i'm a cr that's right man i love the lord too well you could have fooled me by the way you was talking exactly exactly because you just let out that string a whole lot of words and you stuck my savior's name right in the middle of it man i mean it just you know people get real religious then but but but even they understand you know what would happen when you do that they'd change their talk yes sir see some people say well they just can't help but they know people can people help help it and we find out one of the first things that paul said that we ought to put off when we start trying to walk with the lord is we change the way we talk we change that wrath and malice and anger and blasphemy and filthy communication and lying one to another we're now to tell the truth we're not to be liars we're to be children of the day you know what there's a ver there's a piece of scripture that i absolutely love i think it's in matthew 27 it's when peter denies the lord and when peter denies the lord this is what your bible said the king james bible said that when peter was standing there by the enemy's fire and and he was denying the lord this is what that woman that caught him said this is what she said she said thou art also one of his disciples and it said for thy speech and it's an old english word i like his word thy speech berath thee no words he was saying the way you talk don't sound like you're one of us it sounds like you're somebody else we know that you're one of his disciples because your speech it's betraying you it's giving you away it doesn't lead us to believe that that you're one of us but you want to and that you know why peter cuss you know what peter cuss he was trying to remove all that he was trying to fit in so when they said your speech betrays you he said oh it's my speech that's giving me away well let me remove all doubt that i'm one of y'all blankety blank blank i don't know that blakety blank man and when the crew immediately and so you want to talk about one of the most heartbreaking passages in all the bible you put luke together with matthew and the bible said right after peter just got all that dirty talk out of his mouth and i can guarantee you this i believe it's been about three years since peter had any of that dirty talk in his mouth see he'd been walking with jesus for about three and a half years yeah it'd been about three and a half years since it was just him and his buddies on the boat and he was letting all them dirty sailor words go now that he's been walking with jesus he said nothing like that it'd been a while since he had that dirty taste of them dirty words come out of his mouth and brother when he let that strain come out of his mouth that crow that's what luke said luke said and the lord turned and looked upon peter and you count this you marked us down peter looked at him too and when peter's eyes locked eyes with a broken-hearted savior that peter had just let down the bible said peter ran out and he wept bitterly peter even he couldn't fake it you say how was his speech betraying him i think his speech was betrayed him something like this he'd be standing there and they'd say something he'd say amen amen we don't talk like that around here they'd be talking he said they're warming fire he said man thank god for fire i'm cold thank god we don't thank god for stuff around here praise the lord you ever notice if you start living for god long enough that stuff just becomes part of your speech you get where you can't hide it it comes out and you talk you can't hide it you have to really defile your conscience to betray what you are here he says we'll change actions and how we talk not only should we change actions and how we talk we change actions and how we treat each other talk about for the church we change action how we treat each other look at look at it verse number 10 verse 10 and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him skip to verse 12 verse 12 we're changing the way we treat each other verse 12 put on therefore as the elect of god holy and beloved this is what we're supposed to put on bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as christ forgave you so also do ye and above all these things put on charity which is the bond of perfectness do you see what he's saying he is saying as children of god we should treat each other different than the world treats their people how does the world treat their people it was just found in verse eight and nine they treat them with anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication and they lie one to another do you know what it's like out there it's dog eat dog out there in the world you know what it is it is the proverbial chicken that gets wounded in the chicken coop y'all know what happens to a chicken that gets a little wound in a chicken coop all the other chickens start running up to it and pecking on it until they kill that chicken a little bitty spot will get pecked on to death until that chicken dies paul says as the people of god in the church that it's not the way we act one toward another wow as bible missionary baptist church our job is to have kindness compassion when repentance is given forgiveness should be given should be given back amen amen the laodicean church missed all of this they sidetrack all of this this evening you know you say this no preacher that's the you know praise god everybody in the church wears a halo and got a heart and a crown already amen man nothing like that goes on in baptist churches you ain't been to enough baptist business meetings well i've been to samantha's business meeting yeah where they were standing up and one standing on this side another stand on that side they hollering back and forth at each other brother and they had to just about keep each other separated apart i know about baptist business meetings at bible believing baptist churches where they had to call the law before they got there because they knew there was going to be a fight amongst the church members let me say this that's a dirty run shame yes sir yes sir when you got to call the law to help settle stuff down the church house that is a black eye and a blight on the people of god we call the law to handle stuff down here we handle stuff in-house and brother if we can't handle things as brothers in christ and deal with it biblically then there is something wrong with our congregation [Applause] i want to say something not to the shame but i want to say something to the credit of this local assembly can i say something to the credit and the acknowledgement and the congratulations of this local assembly here just a few weeks ago when we voted to finish the kitchen out and to spend that money to do it it was one of the most joyful seamless things that i've ever seen in a baptist business being as far as buying something for the church can i say god bless you that's the way things ought to be done at the house of god amen in order not to get to where god's people become misers and penny pinchers and ticked off at each other and fussing and fighting and squabbling over stuff brother our our our our a banner ought to be that we're unified together and going forward for the faith of the gospel that's to the credit that there are spirit-filled people in the pews of the church [Applause] man these things ought not so to be when you hear about churches constantly fussing and fighting and flipping out on each other and blowing that's that's wrong man that's wrong you say what is that those that is people that have not had changes in actions i'm telling you you listen what i'm going to tell you there are people in leadership positions and a lot of these little old independent baptists and southern baptist churches in little old country churches out in here there in yonder and they don't give a flip about the bible they couldn't care less about living for god all they want is power and they'll keep it regardless of what they got to do that's wicked as hell yes sir yes sir amen we have one standard for truth around here our head is jesus christ we follow what the bible says in its pattern brother look here i i'm not a ruler i'm not a boss i'm the servant of this church i'm the under shepherd of this church i'm not i'm not here to boss to rule anybody around i'm here to make sure nobody else bosses or rulings that rules us around i'm here to be a helper of your joy and a helper of your faith and make sure we continue forward in unity for the glory of god yes sir that's good i'm telling you brothers which changes in actions if we're not to wind up like them thank god he said we change the way we talk we change the way we treat each other we love each other i love each other don't come to church hating each other come to church and cross arm looking so and so over and saying that's right come to church and look at the show and so i was like paul said this in philippians i believe that he said but if you bite and devour one another take heed that you be not consumed one of another so don't don't be biting on each other and devouring each other pray for each other love each other if there's sin deal with it yes but do it in a way where you love people amen amen changing our actions changing in our affections can i give you one more and we're going to go lastly we find that paul says we also if we're to continue changing we need to be changing in our attitudes changing in our attitudes look at that from verse number 16 all the way down well from verse 15 all the way through verse 25 to the end of the chapter paul just basically deals with attitudes it just deals with your attitude my attitude your attitude he just deals with how to keep our attitudes right the first thing he deals with is how to keep the attitude in our heart right he deals with individuals first just just your own heart how do we keep our heart right the attitude of our heart well it's in verse 15 16 look at verse 15. he said this in verse 15 and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also you're called in one body and be thankful that's a great thing uh let the peace of god rule in our hearts that's that that's wonderful it sounds great but how do we accomplish this well marty how are we to accomplish letting god's peace rule as a king in our heart is found in verse 16. you want the peace of god to rule in your heart surely everybody in here would want god's peace to have precedent rule be the king in your heart right well it's found in verse 16 this is how you do it here it is let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the lord you say preacher i want peace in my heart how do i keep the attitude of my heart right when my heart doesn't get cold when my heart doesn't get lukewarm where my heart doesn't get nasty and dirty and bitter and filthy how do i keep god's peace ruling in my heart keep that right there dwelling in you richly that's what he said he said let the word of christ dwell in you richly i'll tell you how to keep peace in your heart how to keep your heart's attitude correct here's how to keep your hearts attitude constantly correct get in the book and then get around the teaching and preaching of the book it's in there look at verse 16. not only that the word of christ dwell in you originally in all wisdom but then he says teaching and admonishing one another you know what i'm doing tonight i'm trying to impart some peace into your life i'm preaching and teaching i'm teaching and admonishing you with the scripture you know what i'm trying to do trying to give you some peace you say prisoner you up there around the raven hollering does don't sound like that's gonna know if you'll put into practice what i'm giving you it'll give you peace in your life he said let the word of christ blow you entrance and teaching and admonishing one another and then here also watch here's also how to get it in songs and heroes and spiritual songs sing with grace in your hearts to the lord get around the book get around teaching and preaching on the book and get around the singing of godly music i've told you this before i will tell you again but when saul had an evil spirit from the lord that was upon him the way he got it run off was not listening to the music of the world he called in david who was spirit filled spirit led and he began to sing them psalms and worship god and the evil spirit left and gave him peace you are never going to get peace like you need in your life if you are constantly pumping in the music of this world into your ears don't tell me you can you cannot you are not you are listen to me you are not gonna keep your mind on where it needs to be and out of the gutter when your music is constantly talking about fornication constantly talking about pre-marital sex constantly talk about drinking and one-night stands and partying and living life you will not do it that's exactly right you say how do i keep my heart having some peace get in that book get around the teaching and preaching of that book and then pump the right kind of music in your heart yes sir i i advise people all the time to keep the right kind of music playing in their home brother i'll be honest with you here's something that'll help you i believe it'll help you talk about keeping your attitude attitudes brother i'm telling you if we ever live in a day where people's attitude needs to be right all this stuff about well i wake up with a bad attitude then you've got a bad heart yeah don't nobody need to talk to me forever i've done this before i've done that you need to get your heart right yes sir that ain't right that ain't right subdue that that's just flash subdue that don't get up be kicked off soon as you get up i can't help it you can't help it get out and put a smile on and say god's been good to me i'm gonna live with jesus today you know how to help you do that here's how to help you do that when my feet hit the my wife's sitting over there she can bury me witness in the holy ghost and i lie not every day of my life barring none no matter where i'm at on the road at the house on vacation barring none every day of my life when i hit my feet hit the floor the first place i go is to the bathroom because i want to brush my teeth i can't stand walking around with a dirty mouth that's just me some of y'all can get up and walk to the breakfast table and eat without brushing your teeth i think you ain't right with god you need to get right with god brush your dirty teeth you stinky breast individual i can't stand that i can't stand it it's nasty anybody with me on that one i'll just be honest with you i was preference preaching right there had nothing to do with the bible but it's a blessedly good preference amen brush your teeth and then use mouthwash that helps too that's right if you ain't brush your teeth and use mouthwash don't walk up to me and say hey sweetie it's like that preacher said one time he said i was in a meeting somebody walked up to me and got up in my face and said smell like they had been eaten at a trash can for three days and ate rotten onions and they said hey do you remember me and that preacher said no i don't but i remember that breath i'll never forget that i know you from somewhere praise god anyhow anyhow back to what i say i lie not i'm telling you the truth every day my feet hit the floor when i walk into the bathroom i turn my phone on hook it up to my bluetooth speaker and something spiritual has started immediately i'm either listening to preaching or singing but something that points me out of this world to that world has started within five minutes of my feet hitting the floor you say why it helps my attitude it's hard for me to walk out and be ugly with my wife and kids after me and the holy ghost dumb and having meeting in the bathroom while i'm brushing my teeth yeah keeping your attitudes right in your heart your personal heart but then move on move on look at here i'm thinking be done attitude's only right in your hearts but then watch what he said also we ought to keep our attitudes right in our homes keeping the attitude right in the home come down to verse 18 verse 18. wives now don't don't get locked up on me here now verse 19 says husbands we give to them too wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the lord in other words it's fear in the lord to submit yourself to your husband it's in genesis chapter 3. genesis chapter 3 plainly says that part of the curse was this her desire would be towards him and he would rule over her that's part of the curse sorry he messed it up for all of you but just like you got to work in the sweat of your brow that's part of it and here's one thing that paul says if we're going to keep our attitudes right we got to keep our attitude right in the home you wanna know why sometimes i believe this with all my heart i believe with all my heart one reason why sometimes we walk in here and it's so free and it's so light and god moves is because your attitude with one another husbands and wives was right before you got here can i say conversely i believe sometimes the reason why it's locked down and why sometimes it feels like it's just a little bit off is i have no idea what some of y'all brought in here for you got here i'm telling you it's hard for the holy ghost to do something when y'all walk in all ticked off at each other hey amen when you don't walk there y'all been fussing and fighting and you squealed out the driveway and she didn't get her foot half in good and scraped the heel off her shoe and she walked in half walking sideways because her heels scraped off her shoe y'all tipped off it hard to see god moving places like that back to our text back to our text said wives here's how to the right attitude in the home wives your job is to submit yourself unto your husband now i know what i just said is absolutely positively politically incorrect ask me if i care i i'm not trying to be politically correct i'm trying to be biblically correct i don't care what women's lib says right i don't care what aoc says nancy pelosi says and all the rest of the wacko feminazis i don't care that bible said sister your job is to submit yourself unto your husband as it is fit in the lord listen to me your job is to follow him as he's following christ i just talked to our men in class the other night just taught our men about the mystery of the church and the bride of christ and ephesians chapter 5 lays out lays out the fact brother cliff in ephesians 5 that that husband and wife relationship is a picture of christ and the church do you know what our job as the church is you know what our job as the church is it is to submit to jesus christ he is the head we're to submit to him that he that in all things he might have the preeminence we're to make him look good we're to speak well of him we're to follow him we're to honor him we're to serve him that's our job as the church news update sister that's your job as a wife i mean i'm just spitting bible here to you and then it moves on from that it ain't just the wives the honest ain't just on the ladies god help you men if you think it's all about your life god help you if you're just sitting back here saying yet ever i bless god submit some it's amen yeah but our job is doubly important because we're supposed to be like christ we're supposed to give them something worth following amen stop expecting your wife to submit you a sorry excuse for a husband yes sir stop expecting your wife to submit to you and you ain't never in your bible you ain't never praying you ain't never trying to live for god and you expect her to submit you but you want her to be the spiritual leader you crazy jack yes sir that's good stuff verse 19 talk about getting right that's a hey boy this help our attitudes right here look at husbands verse 19 husbands love your wives he says over in ephesians husbands love you while even as christ also loved the church and gave himself forth if they're the picture of the church and we're the picture of christ you know our job is to love them sacrificially it's it's to love them even when they may be unlovable does jesus love you when you ain't lovable doesn't jesus care for you even though sometimes you don't deserve it yes sir yeah okay there you go friend that's a big onus on the husband you're the representation of jesus and it says this husband love you wives and be not bitter against them you say what's that about surely everybody in here in this building ain't so stupid that you would make statements like this that there's no difference between men and women ain't nobody that dump there's nobody that dumb in this building okay good all right make sure there's nobody so stupid they would say many women are the same there's no difference in men and women either you blind dumb or both and how many y'all know that not only are many women different but they don't think alike a man's center of rule is his head a woman's center of rulers at heart yes sir that's bible the bible says that the man was not deceived in the transgression talking about in genesis the woman was deceived you realize when adam sinned adam didn't get deceived adam knew what he was getting into he got tricked he listen to some sweet talk and she got her heart wrapped up in it she got tricked she was deceived adam didn't get tricked you know what adam did adam loved her so much she said i ain't gonna live without her i just die yeah give it to me i ain't living without you i die the the difference of a man and a woman is this right here when your little boy plays football and he gets knocked down flat of his back on the field you know what mama's first reaction is oh help him hold my baby oh my baby she that's heart you know what daddy's first response is get up boy get up it's the difference in heart and hand but god put them like that because they complete each other all head no heart no heart no head don't work god gave heart and head in one relationship to complete each other and he said this husbands love them and don't be bitter against them and say what do you mean bitter against them don't get bitter then because they think more with their heart than their head your job is to dwell with them according to knowledge you know that they're emotional and they're going to look at things like that don't get ticked off and get upset and get mad at them live with them according to the way god made them love them and dwell with them according to knowledge don't get mad about it isn't it something in it so listen what i'm fixing to tell you listen what i'm thinking to tell you we want don't don't don't miss this we want our women we want our wives to act like women physically but we want them to act like men mentally don't worry you don't want to you don't want to be married to a woman you want to be married to the figure of a woman in the mind of a man and then you get kicked off when they don't act like a man when they think they're women they don't think like you ain't nothing wrong with that keep your attitude right towards her keep your attitude right towards him he's gonna think like you we don't think alive but we gotta keep you say what if we're gonna have the right kind of church we got to keep our attitudes right toward each other before we ever even get here yes sir this y'all you realize the church is made up of people men and women that's what the church is made up of yep brother if we're going to keep the thing running right we got to keep our attitudes right i'm running the clothes and nobody says wives husbands hey youngins it don't leave y'all out neither yeah that's right i'll use zorin young look right up in here i'm going to skin y'all for a minute where's charity she asleep wake her hiding up she needs to hear this praise god throw some water on that she needs to hear this get a copy of the cd let her hear it later on verse 20 verse 20. children obey your parents in some things obey your parents in the things that you think they're right about and not the things that you think they're wrong about has anybody still got their bible open because you still got your bible on you know what that said yeah that's that's that's some other version that we ain't got tonight children obey your parents in all things why this is well pleasing unto the lord hey all you young people in here looking at me right now that still living at home you want to please the lord this is yes this is no do y'all want to please the lord that okay you wanna please the lord here's how you do it mind your mom and dad i'm just telling what the bible said did i not just say what the bible says children obey your parents and all things this is well pleasing unto the lord you want to displease the lord you want to take the lord off and make you mad bring the curse of god on your life disregard everything mom and daddy says i'm talking about there's people in this room tonight there are adults and some of the hard knocks they went through you know while they went through them they wouldn't listen to their mom and dad [Applause] you want to bring the curse of god on your life then when your mom and daddy tells you something just yeah go ahead you bring the curse of god down on you you want the blessing of god to be on you got to be pleased with you mind what they say amen that's what verse 20 said matter of fact bible said this is the first commandment of promise yeah that long length of days if you obey your mom and dad i could say so much more there but i ain't got time and i'm done we're gonna close right here we not only see uh keeping our attitudes changing attitudes in our heart changing our attitudes in our home in the last four or five verses he says we're to change uh keep our attitudes right or changing our attitudes when it comes to our hard work look at verse 22 well we could hear verse 21 about this thing about children he said father now he talks to me us me and again he leaves the women out of this when it says fathers provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged hey do you realize there's a appropriate way daddy to administer uh correction reproof and rebuke and there's a wrong way to do it now just look look this this ain't saying don't spank them don't administer reproof no that ain't what i'm saying but i watched some parents the way that they constantly dealt uh with their children there was never any positive affirmation of any sort it was always you want to raise a rebel hey daddy you want to raise a rebel that hates you and hates god constantly beat them up and never tell them they've done anything that's worth having worth doing i'll raise a rebel real fast never put your arm around them saying that's son i love you man i'm proud of you you've done that right or done this right here let me give you some help on how to fix that that's how you raise a rebel never do stuff like that just always just constantly you ain't worth nothing and you do that that's the way to raise the rebel right there but then he talks about our hard work look at the last uh four verses here we're done verse 22 servants obeying all things your masters accord of the flesh not with eye services men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing god and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the lord and not unto men knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong what you have done and there is no respect of persons you say what's the last thing here about attitude keeping your attitude right when you're working he's talking about people that work for somebody else everybody works for somebody and he says here if you're going to work in your job don't do what you're doing just as a men pleaser but do what you do as to the lord verse 23 when you're on your job system when you're on your job brother work it like you're working for jesus and the bible said if you'll do it like that the lord will give you a reward for doing it what about that that sounds like a pretty good deal to me the lord will watch you and if you got a boss that's a lost man who constantly uh trying to make life hard for you on the job and putting you down and messing you up and this and that and constantly trying to do that just because you're a christian or because they're just hard to get along with you keep on being a christian and serve them as unto the lord and you watch god will bless you for it [Music] i've seen that happen god will give you a reward for doing what's right am i keeping our attitudes right i'm telling you esther helped me over here i'm telling you if the church at laodicea had received this correction on continually changing continually changing their affection to get it more up yonder and less down here continually changing their actions to get acting less like themselves and more like jesus continually changing their attitudes to have their attitude right in their heart and in their homes and on their job i'm telling you laodicea would have never wound up like they wound up now tonight you've got a choice you can say i like my affections where they are i like my actions where they are i like my attitude where it is i ain't looking to change well i can't make you god could but he won't that's your business i'm talking about how to have the right kind of church and the right kind of christian life is to constantly stay changing constantly keep updating your christian life when's the last time you had a little bit of an update a little bit of change in your christian life to walk on a little different plane than you presently walked on correction to change let's all stand tonight can you become the altar uh you go ahead and make move
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 563
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: TpHSU5bA9s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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