Interior Stillness | Damon Thompson | Carolina Revival

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as they were playing pastor Johnson and I were just kind of dialoguing back and forth and and some one of the things that was interesting that came up in my heart is is dum spiro spero is the state motto of South Carolina dum spiro spero and it literally means while I breathe I hope as long as there's breath in meat there's hope in me so from the hope state we say to you today wherever you may be watching this all over the world we send hope to you that hopelessness and the seeds of guilt and shame that feed the sense of hopelessness are not gonna have any voice into you whatsoever only the voice of hope only the voice of Jeremiah 29:11 that I have a hope and a future plan for you so we bless you with that thank you to the to the musicians today to the singers those led us into the presence of the Lord we're just really stirred by what the Lord is doing I've been so moved by the reports that we've been getting from all over the place of how these streams are impacting people and every time that happens I go back to it was interesting because when we were in the Gulf Coast experiencing a great revival of Wright at six years ago this time during this March April May and even into June season right at six years ago we were experiencing this incredible move of the spirit and one of the things that kept coming into my heart during that time I was really those that know me know I'm technologically illiterate so I was really clueless about the whole live stream and they're poor like we should live stream this my way whatever if y'all want to I'm just having a good time in the building but God began to speak to me that it is a live stream and it was through that stream that we saw many people healed we saw renewal and revival begin to be experienced in other churches and congregations that we're gathering together to watch this so I have great hope that there is life in this stream there's a reason it's called live streaming and so we just speak to you today wherever you're watching this engage your heart as if you're here engage your heart as if you're in the room with us and we know we've got friends watching this from Ireland we've got friends watching it from Italy we got friends watching from Spain from Africa just really literally all over the world either watching it now or watch it sometime in the days to come so from the hope state we say made the breath of fresh hope come into your home come into your vehicle wherever you're watching this just don't be driving and watching it but if you're riding and watching it so we just believe that we're releasing hope to you you're gonna see great breakthrough let's let's go ahead and prepare to give this morning if you're watching us by way of Facebook there's an opportunity for you to give there if you're watching YouTube there's an opportunity to give there and we just want to thank you for how faithful people have been to really join in there'll be a text to give option for you also so giving you a lot of opportunities and outlets to be able to so one of the things that I really feel like the Lord has been solidifying in my heart is that we come out of this season of rest more at rest and more committed to rest many are going to make the mistake of wanting to return to business as usual on the other side of this and I really think it's supposed to do more than cause us to look back on a season where we were at rest and some are going to want to as soon as this is as soon as they let you you're gonna kick the tires and light the fires and go back to business as usual and I think Y always wanting to do something different there one of the ways that he's going to do this is he's going to be give us the ability to prosper in a season where we won't be able to connect it to our performance so I'm really believing that people are gonna financially prosper during this season I'm believing that people are gonna increase in the area of authority I think I've said that all the three weeks that I've stood here expect financial increase and increase in the area of authority I have found out that when you and I come into a state of maturation as it relates to authority the result of that is Yahweh will begin to release finances to enable us to be able to do what that authority is requiring of us so just expect increased Joseph went through a great promotion in a season where he was not able to be productive in a season where he was not able to connect the might or the power to the breakthrough the Lord did a supernatural thing in his heart and in his life and gave him a great sense in state of promotion so we're really stirred about that stirred about what the Lord's doing there so just join with us keep giving during this hour understand that that the scripture probably has not been more relevant to some of us than it is right now that you so in tears and you reap in joy the reason why that is so significant is because someone is sowing something that they could be eating because they are believing in what Yahweh has designed for the future so the long path revelation says I can go into a state of self consumption right now I can live in fear I can be paralyzed by hopelessness and so I have to hold on to everything I have and that paralyzing fault process of it's a buckle and a paralyzing paradigm can keep people from really being positioned for the increase that you always design going forward so continue to so continue to be faithful to your local church your local congregation wherever the storehouse is according to Malachi that you're feeding from just keep being faithful there just keep continuing to sow and be faithful people say well I can't afford to do that right now I just think it's a season where you don't want to stop that process from being able to bring increase into your life and and and the other thing I would say to you is look for opportunities to be generous to other people there are people who are waiting on you at grocery stores people waiting on us at pharmacies people may be walking food out to our car let's let's be overly generous as the Lord has blessed us to be able to really help people during this time in this season if you know somebody who's lost a job or they've been laid off or they're struggling and you're able to look for opportunities to do good and then for the sake of the King and his kingdom so bless you with that thank you for your giving I want you to go back with me to mark for today I don't have necessarily an Easter message but then I tried to think back I've been in the ministry this year for 24 years and I don't think I've ever done an Easter message on Easter some years ago I'm gonna tell on Johnson is sitting over here I tried to get him to get up here and say something today but it didn't work out so maybe I'll get him up here at some point but I'll tell on him Johnson spoke on Mother's Day one year on the spirit of Jezebel yes he did and he did I said this is the man I can run with for the rest of my life so anyway so he's figured if he could speak on the spirit of Jezebel on Mother's Day then I probably don't have to have an Easter message this morning so that's how I'm justifying not this not necessarily being I guess every message is about resurrection and you know it's funny this time of year I probably shouldn't say what I'm about to say but I'm gonna say it anyway it's funny this time of year everybody gets real cross oriented you see crosses everywhere crosses crosses crosses crosses cross into and listen we're huge on the cross here I mean we say you know chosen nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified love the cross however easter is not about the cross Easter is about the empty tomb and do you know that there were several people in history on either side of Christ that claim to be divine claimed to be the Messiah that died on crosses the difference is one was resurrected and I want to drive by somebody's house one day and there be a large stone out in the yard where the stone has been rolled away so you know that you know the stone being rolled away from the tomb was not to let Jesus out because later on he's gonna walk through a wall the stone was rolled away from the tomb so that you and I could begin to look into the place of resurrection wasn't because he was trapped by the stone it's because you and I needed to have the witness of an empty tomb that anything is possible and that when Yahweh shows up on the scene he takes something no matter how dead it may seem and he brings it back into a place of resurrection that works for your marriage works for your finances works for your health it works for children who have strayed away from the Lord we're believing that this is a great hour and season of resurrection so mark chapter four and I'm gonna review a little bit of what I talked about last week I never want to presuppose that you know everybody's watching every one of these and so I'm gonna do a short review and then I'm going to come back and and Judah Judah my youngest son turned 12 here just two days ago and he said to me last night he said dad you need to go longer you're taking it easy on them so so I said okay Judah that's what I'm gonna do is I said it's funny how when your at home in your pajamas you want me to go longer you know so we're gonna we're gonna dive in and just take our time this morning and just share some things that are really really really really been stirring in me I'm really stirred right now that there is a prophetic repositioning happening and I'm very very thankful that we're about five years into the message of rest and I know now that one of the reasons that message of rest has been so important to us as a family is because Yahweh is now wanting us to be able to help people that are in a state of restlessness and I'm telling you an hour like this will reveal how at rest you are and it will also as it did in me when this first begin to happen it will also show you the last vestiges of restlessness where there's still some seeds in there where you need to be going and you need to be producing and and now we can we can depend on nothing but identity and communion and that's a strong statement we depend on the identity that he's given us the communion that he's invited us to walk in and from there's an incredible thing happening and that is many of us are much of the distraction has been taken away and to whom much is given much is required there's an incredible opportunity for us to grow in the secret place during this process of my prayer is that you're taking advantage of that experiencing all the father has for you there anyway mark chapter 4 and beginning in verse 35 and this is the story where Jesus is on the boat in the storm with the disciples and I got I got about a third of the way into this last week and the Lord really began to breathe on us after the cameras were shut down and the streaming was turned off we stayed in here for I don't know how long and just wept in the presence of the Lord that little handful in the room just had an amazing encounter with the Lord even after the cameras were turned off when the music they kept playing we kept crying it was glorious but I want to kind of dive into some next pieces of this but I don't I don't want anybody who hasn't seen the previous live stream or listen to the podcast and miss out on the front part of this so Matthew 4 verse 35 says later that day after it grew dark jesus said to his disciples let's cross over to the other side of the lake we're gonna really focus on the idea of crossing over let's cross over to the other side of the lake after they had sent the crowd away they shoved off from the shore with him as he had been teaching from the boat there were other boats that sailed with him notice there were sailboats there were other boats that sailed with them suddenly as they were crossing the lake a ferocious tempest arose with violent winds and waves that were crashing into the boat until it was all but swamped but Jesus was calmly sleeping in the stern resting on a cushion your Bible may say pillow there he's calmly sleeping in the stern resting on a cushion so they shook him awake he couldn't even get him awake vocally it couldn't even say hey wake up they actually had to go and shake him which is similar to what happened in acts 12 when Peter is chained up in prison and the angel of the Lord comes into the room a light shines into the prison and the angel has to shake Peter to get him to awaken he is on the eve in acts 12 he's on the eve of his scheduled execution they had just killed James the brother of John with the sword because Herod saw that it pleased the Jews to kill James the brother of John with the sword he decided to kill Peter also so Peter in the morning is going to be executed while he's asleep he's sleeping between what the Bible calls for Court earnings of guards it's 16 soldiers guarding one man here's Peter asleep his his wrists are chained to each to a guard his ankles are chained each to a guard so he's chained to four different men okay it's as wild he's surrounded by twelve other men watching the four men that he's chained to and the the security seems a little bit excessive for fisherman who has no criminal history whatsoever that we know of so he's got sixteen soldiers guarding him in acts 12 they had just put James the brother of John to death with the sword they're gonna bring Peter out and kill him in the morning and Peter on the eve of his scheduled execution is not wringing his hands he's not worried he's not in stress he's so at rest that not only does the angel coming not wake him up not only does the like carried by the angel not wake him up but he's so asleep that the angel has to shake him awake and later on the Bible's gonna say he thought what was happening to him was a dream Peter has found REM sleep in the middle of the eve of his scheduled execution this is a type of rest this is not the type of rest that I'm talking about it's not circumstantial rest this is not rest because your IRA and your 401ks prospering right now this is not rest because of what's going on economically this is not rest because of what's going on socially there's a there's a pandemic global pandemic yet the call for you and I is not to conduct ourselves as those who have no hope the call is for you and I to see this differently to respond differently listen and to not be reactionary but to come into a deep seeded posture of rest this is the Hebrews for affirmation probably finish this up today in the weeks to come I'm going to talk more and more about Hebrews for about the rest that a group of people missed out on they saw the supernatural they saw signs and wonders they experienced great breakthroughs but they never entered into rest therefore there was a promise reserved for you and I to enter into that promise is that we wouldn't just see the works of God we would come into a place of rest while we were experiencing the works of God and so Pierce Peter again acts 12 chained like this ankles chained wrist chained surrounded by sixteen soldiers four of which he's chained to okay he's so asleep that the angel of the Lord has to shake him to wake him up now why such excessive security for Peter because they knew he served an escape artist Jesus got out after he was dead and they had no idea what was going on there they tried to propagate a lie that the they had come and stolen his body so maybe they've got Peter secured because they his boys are gonna roll up in here and set him free we're gonna have 16 soldiers or maybe they know something supernatural happened at the tomb and the reason why they were giving such attention and they were being so aggressive at trying to keep the Apostolic chained up Salah trying to keep the apostolic chained up is because they knew he had the ability to find access to a measure of breakthrough that was absolutely going to be historic so some of you that may feel like you're receiving excessive attention from the kingdom of darkness it may actually be a prophecy of the potential you have to have apostolic influence on the culture so that that's he served one who was resurrected the your adversary knows that there is the seed of Resurrection within you however to activate the seed of Resurrection you're going to have to get fully disconnected from the last seeds of restlessness that really can if they're not dealt with manifest and hopelessness restlessness can end up bringing you into hopelessness if you don't deal with it while it while it's still in seed form so the other thing I think calls Peter to be so at rest in acts 12 is this story he watched how Yeshua dealt with the storm and he made the decision the next time I find myself in a situation where it looks like my life could be lost is that something familiar to anybody right now rather than being paralyzed by fear I'm gonna follow the model of the Christ and I'm gonna come into a more significant state of rest than I ever have been before so your deliverance doesn't come my way of might or power Zechariah four but it comes to my way of the Ruach the breath the Spirit of the Lord we're gonna talk about that some more in a minute so Jesus is asleep he's not just kind of asleep he hasn't just dozed off he's not just taking a nap he is sleeping in the stern he is resting on a cushion they shake him awake saying teacher don't you even care that we are all about to die first sometime now I tried to go back and think I think it's been about an 18-month period now where I begin to talk a lot about the care of God it really began to amplify for me about September of this past year with some personal health challenges that I was going through we're never in the midst of a challenge did I question the capability of God but somewhere in the deepest part of Who I am I didn't never question if God could but I did question if God cared now had you asked me you know you've spent all these years in theological training and you've spent years studying the scripture does God care of course God cares but however when you find yourself in a situation where you know he could turn it around and he hasn't yet turned it around uh-oh this is the kind of stuff that your your you're not gonna get with your Bible bookstore preachers that are live-streaming their services right now they're gonna give you a lot of real generic encouragement and I'm not going to do that I'm going to tell you that what this storm is supposed to do what the global pandemic is supposed to do is cause people to come into a place where they are forced to deal with the restlessness that is a result of them actually believing they serve a God who may be distant who may be disconnected and listen who may actually be disinterested and that stuff gets dealt with in us so that we can carry the testimony that says I know that he can and I know equally that he cares what if God's care is equal to God's capability and this is not in my notes so I'm just sharing from the heart of where I believe we're at right now it is hermeneutical II illegal to say that God has a capability that is higher than his care let me say it like this we if I ask you if I was sitting in the theology class and I asked you to name the three principal attributes of God we've been trained to say God is omnipotent he has all power God is omniscient he knows all God is omnipresent he is everywhere first of all I don't even think that's the three correct answers to the questions of how we should principally identify God however none of those three identify kindness right none of those three identified that he's tender none of those three listen to me identify that he's ABBA and if you ask me now to principally say to you who God is I can't say that without saying ABBA I can't say that without saying he's loved and we've got to be cautious in an hour like this that we don't want to say well God is a God of love and God is also a god of Wrath and what we're experiencing right now is the god of Wrath I think here I go I'm gonna get in trouble saying this let me says I think that the wrath is love because God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah or God saved the world from the infection called Sodom and Gomorrah see we look at it and say God destroyed this city he said if I could find five righteous I won't bring destruction God would have spared a city with five righteous while under an inferior covenant don't see this as the wrath of God being poured out globally on humanity somebody said I said if this is the judgment of God he misses the target because this is mostly affecting elderly people with underlying conditions not wicked people this is not a plague that's beginning to hit human traffickers hello so I think somebody said if you took the the the love of God away you'd have nothing left but wrath so mercy keeps us in the love of God so we don't only have wrath I don't think there would be any wrath if you took the love of God away because I think God is love and he that loveth not knoweth not God God is love so beloved let us love one another hello first John so so you and I are beginning to come into an understanding in an hour like this you conduct yourself differently not just because you serve a God who has all power but you also serve a God who says five sparrows are sold for one penny and it does not go unnoticed by me I've numbered the hairs on your head his eye is on the sparrow and I know that he watches me which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his own stature take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take fault for itself consider the lilies of the field how they neither toil nor spin Soloman and all of his glory was not a raid as one of these if I can take care of the grass that is here today and tomorrow is cast into the fire how much more will I care for you the care of the Lord is going to be a predominant message on the tongue of the believer as they come out on the other side of a challenging season every time every time we see it correctly we receive a promotion in our understanding not just of God's capability but of his kindness and of his care and remember it's the kindness of God it's to Christ us of God that leads men to repentance if we're going to change the way that we think it's going to have to happen by way of his kindness so this is a season of repentance if I would have said that years ago every revival has been preceded by season of repentance if I would have said that years ago people would have thought I meant a bunch of people at the altar crying out asking forgiveness for their sin and my issue with that is we've got people going back and confessing things again that God tried to teach us he chose to forget so we are actually reinvigorating the sin consciousness instead of getting fully seated in the revelation of his kindness the more we get seated in the revelation of his kindness the less interested we are in participating in anything that's discordant with his nature we're sitting in that seat of kindness and it's bringing us into a grace to change the way that we think I actually don't think that's first an intellectual shift I think it's actually first a shift of the thought of the heart remember the scripture says as a man thinketh in his heart so easy in the Hebraic world they did not think of fault coming principally out of the mind or the intellect they thought of a thought process that was generated in what they would call the bowels or the belly or what we currently call the heart in the deepest part of who you are how you think about the care of God is very significant as it relates to how you respond in trying seasons amen is that helpful y'all got to say Amen loud from the livestream cuz I can't hear you can hear you from your house but I feel like we're really tracking into some awesome Under standing of what it is that the Lord's given us an opportunity to grow into during this time actually I'm I'm actually studying some things right now on the soul and I'm beginning to understand that the soul being the mind will and emotions is actually something that came by way of a platonic influence and I'm not even sure that anymore that that's a good definition of what the soul is inclusive of you had Plato who had a really significant impact on Aristotle you had one that followed Aristotle was a man by the name of Plotinus Plotinus then has a significant influence on st. Augustine who has a significant influence on Martin Luther remember Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk and then also during that season you have John Calvin who's being impacted by the Protestant Reformation that's coming out of Germany but it's impacting him in France and so you have some thought processes that were held on to that were really formed originally by a man named Plato who history believes was a pedophile who then impacts a man by the name of Aristotle who began to teach us about a dualistic world and appear him teaching on this stuff this morning but I want to I want to show you something teaching us on a dualistic world which made us create some illegal divisions in us between bodies soul and spirit and I actually think the Lord is does more than save your soul and take your spirit one day to heaven I think he saves the whole you I think he saves you spirit soul and body and I think your physical body is to be as saved as is your spirit because when Jesus comes back he did not come back as a ghost he actually needed the body that he came out of and if we won't talk about resurrection this morning then we have to talk about the idea that he didn't float around as a ghost he went and got back in his physical body so that when they came to the tomb the tomb did not have a dead body and there was a ghost like spirit traveling around Jerusalem he went got back in his body Yahweh wants to do some things in your body this could give us a new revelation of healing and a new hope that we're going to be free from this virus because we have not just experienced resurrection in our spirit our body has been transformed know you not that your body will be called the temple of the Holy Ghost not your spirit not your soul your body is the temple of the Holy this is a different thinking but if we can go down that road then we can begin to see the whole man as resurrected not don't segment that off and say the spirit part of me is resurrected and the soul part of me is saved and the body part of me is depraved no he saved the whole thing If any man be in Christ he's a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new you are a you are the totality of what it means to be new created new created alright anyway bad rabbit trail but it was a good bad rabbit trail so we're but we're back again and marked for I did tell you that the question of Jesus's care comes up from the disciples they question does he care and they say we are all about to die I don't I don't know where they got that from except they were studying the wind they were studying the waves they were studying the storm that's what the culture is doing right now they're studying the science they're studying the science instead of engaging the presence and there's a shift at some point that's supposed to happen by way of this and I I want to say globally there's a shift that I'm gonna I'm gonna ramble a lot too that can fill it but globally there's a shift that's supposed to take place I'm focusing on that shift taking place nationally but even regionally and where I feel like I have the highest sphere of influence I know this message this voice that God has given us here in Carolina revival goes all over the world and I want to see a global transformation begin to take place but I also want people to begin to understand even right now even as I'm sharing this word you and I were not designed to survive a storm you and I are actually sent as agents of transformation that are that are called to in moments of chaos not survive but leverage order by way of authority and where things are in disarray and they're in disorder God's given us a great opportunity to be able to just speak and to be able to believe and be able to come into the revelation that we have authority over this rather than that we're just supposed to just hope we're still here on the other side of it then then you can you've conducted yourself no differently than any other person wringing their hands and anxiety and I want you to see it differently I want you to recognize that this is an opportunity for the gospel of the kingdom to be advanced in a way that I has not seen and ear has not heard so so Jesus is now fully awake they've questioned his care they're concerned if they're about to die fully awake he rebuked the storm and he shouted to the sea I won't for 'ti locally regionally nationally and ultimately globally to take this as an opportunity to turn your attention toward those that are carrying a measure of presence and what we're doing right now and it's we're gonna we're gonna miss an opportunity here if we don't make this shift leaders are turning toward science and the answer is in presence no I'm not against science I've pointed this out last week my father is a scientist my father is a is a chemical engineer he taught physics and he taught chemistry taught me chemistry they wouldn't let me in physics but he taught me chemistry I have a sister who's an environmental engineer I have another sister who's a biologist and so my other sister went the law route and got away from the whole thing but and and I'm doing this so but but I love science I appreciate science however I would like to get clues and hints from science but I don't need answers to come from their clues and hints from science are awesome but science here this science is at the mercy of facts the man who carries presents is in position of truth they say to Jesus two things we question whether you care and we feel like we're about to die and both of those are an insult to the measure of presence they were carrying what it is it's a proper assessment of the state of the storm it's an inappropriate assessment of the measure of presence they're carrying and what you and I are going to do is we're going to take all of our attention focus and I'm going to teach you this a little while later today worship and we're gonna put it towards kovat 19 our attention our focus and which ultimately becomes worship or we're going to say we're going to pray for those that are in authority to make wise decisions and also for them to turn toward the men and women that carry presents to begin to find answers where the answers have been hidden amen it's God loves to hide the matter and conceal the matter and then he puts it in the heart of a king to pull the glory of God out of that mystery by way of searching it out that's what I'm doing during this season that's what other fathers in the faith are doing is they're beginning to say okay what can we do to see this from the realm of kingdom perspective by way of having the King present with us in the midst of a storm and so we're Jesus Jesus is so interesting in how he handles this fully awake he rebuked the storm and shouted to the sea hush calm down all at once the wind stopped howling and the water became perfectly calm now now other translations he says peace be still and the water responds by becoming exactly what he told the water to be which is still peace to the wind stillness to the water sit he says peace to the wind stillness to the water stillness comes to the water by way of peace being leveraged into the wind this is what many have wanted to do they have wanted to cause things on the surface to be calm while never really being willing to address the calls behind the turbulence this is why um oh why I don't believe that the soul is particularly inclusive of mind will and emotions because we can do something to your body by way of a chemical to affect your emotions right if you're struggling with depression we can give your body something that doesn't impact your soul it only impacts your body yet it still has yet it still has a measure of effectiveness as it relates to the emotion of depression you're right we get that we understand that what we're trying to do now is we're trying to treat the symptoms instead of dealing with the calls now I'm not talking about the virus at this point I'm talking about restlessness what I call interior duplicity many are saying I'll be glad when this is over with because then I'll have no more excuse for my education and I'm saying as a person filled with the spirit you have no excuse for your agitation right now you wringing your hands is a witness against you carrying the resurrected Christ Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves and as soon as he does he rebukes the wind he rebukes the storm he speaks stillness over the sea he then immediately begins to turn to the disciples and begins to rebuke the fact that they allowed themselves to respond so incorrectly to the storm here's the thing you cannot move the storm that's moving you Jesus cannot so what he's not in possession of so if he doesn't have peace and stillness inside of him he has no peace or stillness to give to the storm I think for many of us in our culture within our family we've been being prepared for this hour for years now don't think that you're going to sow chaos into chaos and call it faith and see a breakthrough you're gonna have to sow stillness you're gonna have to sew a peace that is present and alive on the inside of you in order for us to see the measure of breakthrough we've been designed for and so Jesus is able to release what he's in possession of he's able to release what he's in possession of you and I are called to release what we're in possession of however oftentimes these type of moments actually revealed to us what we're not in possession of so we then begin the process of saying I've got to get still on the inside I've got to come out of the place of restlessness and that's what I really want to talk to you about mostly this morning is this sense of restlessness it's what I call interior duplicity and and and I always want to say if there was another season in my life if you would have said there's interior duplicity I would have seen that maybe as as holiness versus sin or I would have seen that as consecration versus compromise but now when I talk about interior duplicity I'm dealing with the reality that there's a tension in me between coming fully into a place of rest which is a secondary consequence of trust fully into a place of rest that's a secondary consequence of trust that is a byproduct of being convinced that he cares he's present he cares that creates a trust that moves me into a realm of rest that is not listen it's not a place of inactivity it's a place of authority rest is the place of authority it's the king sitting on the throne that he's been given ruling and reigning on behalf of the king we are kings and priests unto God Most High so therefore you and I have got to come into that seat of being convinced that he cares being fully convinced that he's kind being fully convinced that our identity is beloved that the graduate level of beloved identity is Hephzibah the Lord takes delight in us we're being asked to sit with that thought process now to sit and allow the delight of the Lord to inspect every aspect of our interior world to identify what in me can cause a manifestation of restlessness and the rest is going to be the witness against the storm so the water becomes perfectly calm then he turned to his disciples and said to them why are you so afraid haven't you learned to trust yet but they were overwhelmed with fear and awe and said to one another who is this man who has such authority that even the wind and the waves obey Him the wind and the waves obey Him he turns to his disciples and said to them why are you so afraid haven't you learned to trust yet it's it's safe and legal to say all fear is a byproduct of failing to trust okay all Trust is a theological issue now when I say theological issue people immediately begin to think of you know it it was even Aristotle that termed the phrase academia and so we begin to take a real academic approach a real academic slant or mindset toward theology that's not what I mean I mean ain't a knowing of the nature of who y'all way is when you and I know who he is we cannot then question if he's going to behave in a way that's inconsistent with his character so one of the things that religion taught us is religion taught us that God had an interior duplicity that God was capricious that God was subject to mood swings that the Father had a real tendency to move into a state of agitation but that bad cop was counterbalance by Jesus as the good cop and every time his dad wanted to kill us all Jesus would hold up his nail-scarred hand and say don't don't do it dad don't do it dad then he's somehow talking and I'm telling you there are things that we have believed about God that are inconsistent with his nature they're inconsistent with his self declaration of who he is God is indefinable in that he's self defined in in that in that interesting he's indefinable in that he's self defined he's passed as the scripture said finding out so what you and I we have to lean into the attributes of his nature that we that we have proof and evidence concerning and we look back over our lives and we can see where he cared and he intervened his kindness came by way of care and there was an intervention you can't stop believing that now because the winds blowing and because the waves are starting to splash into your boat amen I just want people to go through this well so that they can get into the posture of rest they were designed for so so we can have peace during the storm no so we can stop the storm this is this is what I can't hear anybody saying I can't hear anybody saying we have the authority to do something about this they either believe it's God or the devil neither of which are in charge of the planet neither neither of which are in charge of the planet so how can you say God is not in charge of the planet because he has the heavens in which he rules from the earth he's given to us yeah you sure can't say the devil has authority to do this do you think the devil is behind it yeah I do but I don't think he has the authority to do whatever he wants to do in Matthew 28 Jesus said all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me how much can the devil have if Jesus has it all Matthew 28 all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me listen to this all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me go make disciples of nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit what's he sayin all the power and all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me and I'm now authorizing you to go make disciples of Nations because I am giving you by way of imputation not just my righteousness but the authority that comes with my righteousness so I need somebody who's willing to see this as an opportunity for breakthrough instead of getting the cancer diagnosis and believing it's a death sentence let's see it as an opportunity to see the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead quicken our mortal bodies mortal bodies so I'm really stirred about the opportunity that we have to just see tremendous break that I've got this big rainbow light right here on my paper I don't know with where that's refracting some but I'm gonna stop and celebrate I'm at least prophetic enough to do that so alright alright let's let's jump into some new stuff let's do that Jesus rebukes the wind or he rebukes the storm the the word wind is animus and it means wind but it means a violent agitation it means a tempestuous wind it's a violent agitation he's rebuking the wind epi Tamayo we learned this last week he's he's bringing an understanding to the wind that you're not operating the way that you were designed to operate now let me say like this if if what I said is just true and the all power in heaven and earth has been given unto Jesus go ye therefore and make disciples of nations baptizing them name of the Father Son the Holy Spirit all power and in heaven and earth has been given unto Jesus the enemy has no power except by way of abdication to abdicate to take what belongs to one and give it to another it's a picture of a king surrendering his throne to another king you and I have been given Authority religion has caused us to abdicate that authority and by way of abdication by way of let me set like this by way of forfeiting the authority we're supposed to operate in the wind is now susceptible to being controlled by someone other than the one who was designed to control it the globe is susceptible to being controlled by someone other than the enemy has no control over anything that I have not forfeited my authority concern it's the law of abdication and so that's important to say why because the enemy comes and looks for where there's a place where Authority has been advocated and if he can find that abdication he'll then have legal right that's why he tries to get Adam to forfeit Authority that's why he means Jesus into the Mount of Transfiguration I mean brings Jesus into the temptation brings him high up on the mountain and tries to get him to do what get what he came for through illegal means what did he come for Authority so what's the Last Temptation all the kingdoms of this world about and worship me they're mine and I can give them to whoever I want and Jesus said no you you will still have control of anything I got from you but if I can destroy the authority and the legal right you have to that by way of the failure of Adam then I can see a degree of reclamation restoration and ultimately a PO 'catastasis our return to original intent so this this this law of abdication is huge I believe I can legally say because the enemy has no power to create at best the devil is nothing more than a farmer how do you know that because he's the one that so stares into the wheat he doesn't have the ability to kill the wheat he doesn't have the ability to destroy the weak John 10 the thief cometh not but to steal kill and destroy but I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly the thief in that passage is not the devil it's not the devil the thief is a leader who is not using a legal means of leadership and is coming in through a window rather than the door it's a leader who's using other than Jesus to function in leadership it's a picture of sheep and wolves the whole look at the whole context it's never about the devil we've taken the devil and we've exalted him to one who has the ability to bring mass destruction to the globe and I'm telling you who he has no authority except by way of applications and I want to understand that Jesus took the keys and the only way the enemy has any keys as if I forfeited mine and religion told us that we were at the mercy of whatever comes our way and we've called that sovereignty and I'm telling you that is not a biblical definition of what sovereignty actually is it does not mean God is micromanaging every aspect of everything going on in the culture or it means he's in charge of the evil - what the sovereignty of God is is that God is ultimately in charge ruling over the planet but he's given us the ability to control how things play out based on the governmental authority we've been given as image-bearers sons of Almighty God therefore the best thing I can do to turn this around is bear the image it would cause me to be much more effective as it was related as relating to binding the devil many are trying to bind the devil but you're not in possession of an image that gives you any ability for God to say what he said to Peter which is whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven we're missing the impact that we were designed for because you and I are failing to stare at the face of the one who's looking to imprint upon us the image of his son amen - helping you is helping you six people in here is really helping them so as to meet me and then we're good I hope it's having the same impact on you so so so let's look at this let's look at this let's look at how this plays out when you and I have an appropriate enough degree of order the manifestation of this will be a peace that surpasses all understanding how do you know you've come into rest you have the ability to leverage peace in the midst of any situation I believe the overriding environment of heaven is an arena of peace remember the prophecy of Isaiah of the increase of his government and peace there be no end watch this of the increase of government say Authority the increase of government authority and peace there'll be no in you cannot disconnect peace from Authority you cannot disconnect authority from peace you don't have authority because you're panicked you don't have authority because you're agitated you don't have authority because you're anxious you have authority when you have a peace that is already speaking to the circumstance and saying you don't have the ability to move me it's not you that moves me it's me that moves you and I know that's a little - Dominion oriented for some people who will probably watch this and listen to that I'm okay with the feedback that I get from people who think I'm over board in the area of Dominion I I have been fathered well into the revelation and understanding that the promise of having Dominion and rule on the earth was not something God gave to Adam and then he changed his mind and decided he would destroy the earth later on hello you know I often say that the rainbow is the promise that God would not destroy the waters with the flood you've heard me say that but a lot of a lot of Christians believe he's going to destroy it with fire and he in the hill Hill he did what he said he was gonna do because he said he wouldn't destroy it with water I went back and studied that this week and found out that God says he will not destroy the earth with water and then he says he will not destroy the earth so not only does he say he'll not destroy it with water he says and I found other verses that said the earth will endure forever hello so you and I have to understand that there's some cosmic rule that we were designed for as image bears let's don't become the generation that calls that lets that cause us to beat on our chests and say we've got no we're not doing well here so let's not strut around act like we have an authority we don't have we are not doing well here but rest is going to be a prerequisite if we're going to be able to leverage the measure of authority that we're called in design for if if this storm is moving us we'll never move this storm if there's as much agitation in me is there is in the waves that I'm never going to be able to have an impact on the wind in the ways so more and more into a place of rest let's get on into the next piece of this the authority that flows through you is directly proportionate to the authority that rules over you you say it again the authority that flows through you is directly proportionate to the authority that rules over you remember the story of the Centurion Jesus is going to come to his house to heal his servant and he says you don't need to come to my house speak the word only and my servant will be made whole remember that story he says here's why I'm a man in authority and I'm a man under Authority I say to one go and he goes into another come and he comes and so his essence what he's saying is I am putting myself under your authority therefore all you have to do is speak a word from a distance and it'll have an impact on the situation based on the authority that you've been given this is this is what Jesus meant I believe when he said if you have faith as of the grain of a mustard seed and there's no mixture in you if you have faith is of the grain of a mustard seed and there's no doubt offsetting that mustard seed faith you can speak to a mountain you can cause itself to you can call it to cast itself into the sea if you look at the graphs of this it looks like a mountain this virus that we're dealing with and they're talking about flattening the curve not only can we flatten the curve we can cause the mountain to cast itself into the sea if there's not an interior duplicity where somehow we're questioning if all of this is God's will I don't believe this is God's I believe this is the picture of a people who have abdicated their authority because religion said you're supposed to survive and one day die and go to heaven and I believe we're supposed to see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ my goal is to see the knowledge of the glory of God cover the earth as the waters do cover the sea so the next piece of this is Jesus says peace be still I believe that is being said to the sons in this hour before it's being said to the storm Salah the first people hearing the words peace be still are the sons remember what Moses said when he was leading the children out of Egyptian captivity they're up against the red sea the Egyptians are gaining on them and this is the word of the Lord through Moses stand still and see the salvation of the Lord what we need to run for our lives need to jump in the water and swim and hope for the best and in the Red Sea he says note that this one's gonna come differently when you and I come into a place of rest we're gonna pitch our tent and we're gonna believe the God who brought us out watch this is also the God who brings us over the God who brought many have believed for God to get them out of captivity and never have believed for God to get them into the crossing over into the land of promise they were designed for I believe that's much of what we're walking in in this season so Jesus says peace be still I believe that word comes first to the sons the sons or the image-bearers that were designed to bring apple 'catastasis a restoration of original intent this is Jesus must be held in the heavens until the restoration that word Apple 'catastasis of all things a a return to original design or a return to original intent the sons the image bears were designed to bring apple 'catastasis to the created order however we cannot bring that order if we are in a place of internal restlessness I think I think we made the mistake over the over the years of making restlessness of virtue and we called it having a calls David said is there not a calls every good youth pastor in America has preached that ten times you know so is there isn't it on a cause and it's and it's also been yes there is a cause and David goes and he defeats the giant but but watch what happens in the story David kills a giant and as soon as he gets done killing a giant people begin to sing a song Saul has slain his thousands David is slain his ten thousand how many did David slay one but he's credited as if he slayed ten thousand just doing what you're supposed to do in an hour where it looks like you may only be seeing breakthrough in one area could be having global impact on what's going on in the rest of the world and a lot of times we want to do something grand and a lot of times we want to do something historic and there's still some hidden seeds of ambition on the inside of us that are really getting amplified in people who are saying okay I can't be productive right now yeah but you can't listen you may not be able to be productive in the realm of the scene but you can operate in more authority than you've ever operated in your life in the dimension where it actually counts you may not be getting more followers on your social media right now you may not be getting a lot of thumbs up from from from you know we'll get the feedback that we're a cut that's why that's why teaching to the empty room is so difficult for so many is because you don't get immediate tangible feedback so the only witness you have that you're doing well is in here that you've heard the word of the Lord and that you're being called in a sign to deliver what it is that you've heard and that's why we're seeing tremendous fruit be born out of these live streams out of people conducting services like this because we can no longer feed or respond to immediate tangible feedback it's what I call the long path you may be doing things now that are not seen until after you've left the planet you may be some I realize a lot of times I'm talking to people not here yet many prophetic words and people have said I see a vision one of my son's Bryn Waddell specifically said I see a young man in 80 years I believe was the number he gave from now he's gonna be trying to find out who he is in the earth and he can't find a sound inside of religion and he comes across a podcast and says that's what it is that I've been waiting to hear my DNA and my name is in that caller so you and I have to be okay with understanding that you coming into a place of rest listen and operating an authority instead of being agitated is absolutely crucial to be unable to see the increase of his government and peace be without end you and I are now agents of those two things on behalf of the king his government and his peace his government and his peace i I've been praying for the president and so much during this process I've been praying for the president the vice president governors doctors just really interceding and praying for them and lifting them up during this time just have the Lord bring their their face to me from time to time and making that declaration I heard the president say this week that I'm about to have to make the hardest decision I've ever made in my life and that decision is when to put America back to work again because you're gonna have this tension where you're gonna say there's still some people with this virus and there's still some people contracting this virus so that decision could cost people their lives and the flipside of that obviously as we know if you don't go back to work that's gonna cost people their lives too people are gonna lose their health insurance which is gonna cause them not to have medical care and medicine for something that they may contract in the future so there's this tremendous pressure on government and we need to be speaking peace in to those that have governmental influence so that they're not making a reactionary decision out of a place of panic out of the place of the ringing of the hands but out of the place of the open hand where we're operating in perfect peace taking the deep breath to know your design just let me just speak to the camera for a minute and say to governmental people who may come across this feed you were designed for this hour the exact way that Esther was designed to go before the king and to be able to see by way of King Ahaz Reversi the Jewish nation save your leading well and I say concerning you let the peace of God be your guide let the peace of God rule in your heart and yes listen to those that have been placed around you but may there be an interior witness on the inside of you that you know that you were designed for such a time as this and by way of that interior witness you're going to lead well you're gonna follow the path of peace and we're going to see not just a nation and nations thrive on the other side of this we're gonna see the kingdom of kingdoms of this world and of our God become the kingdoms of his Christ Jesus is gonna experience tremendous tremendous tremendous Fame on the other side of this global pandemic and I speak peace concerning you peace concerning your decision-making process thank you for agreeing with me on that those that are having to make tough decision so peace be still is being said first to the sons the enemy has no authority within creation except by way of abdication I'd say that boldly I've analyzed that before the Lord the enemy has no authority within creation except by way of abdication our us having forfeited our authority religion will try to convince you to survive where you are actually called to judge rather than surviving a pandemic you're called to rule on behalf of the king and to make a declaration of what is legal and what is illegal I don't believe that brother Wu is what he said to Peter is this whatever you bind on earth be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven you and I prophetically are giving permission to see what heaven is minding and what heaven is loosing and then we rule on behalf of that prophetic revelation that's the responsibility of the believer so then the next piece of this is really important to me and I'm gonna say it like this the storm I don't believe is principally there to sink the ship why do I believe that because I don't think Jesus can drown so I believe if Jesus had stayed in a place of rest they would have still made it to the other side that sounds fair I got got good Bible people in the room shaking their head at me I believe the storm was to interrupt rest I believe if Jesus had stayed asleep in the bow of the ship they would not have died because that would have mean Jesus had died and if the enemy could have killed Jesus at any point in time he'd have killed him a long time before he took those stripes on his back so that we could pray for healing by way of those stripes he once he realized Jesus is who he said he was the enemy gets in such a state of chaos he's in such a state of confusion that he ends up doing the worst possible thing that he can do he crucified the Lord of glory by way of that he ultimately gives us breakthrough by way of him writing the check the enemy has done this for years every plan he's ever had has backfired it will seem as if he's prospering for a season then the plan begins to backfire why is that important the storm is not simply or ultimately there to sink the boat the presence of Jesus is the guarantee that the boat won't sink the storm is there to interrupt rest why because without rest you'll never make it to the other side or the next dimension without rest you'll never make it to the next dimension fill it and I can fill it when I'm saying it peace be still is something that could have been leveraged from the disciples who would ultimately be the apostles had they had a revelation of the power they were carrying in their ship if you and I knew greater is He that lives in me than he that is in the world the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead has quickened our mortal bodies Christ in you the hope of glory what Christ in you the hope of glory when you and I know that we begin to believe that we begin to live that way something supernatural begins to happen and that is we begin to let the Christ in us create such a place of rest that were able to leverage his idea concerning what's going on around us it's awesome it's an awesome thing it's really important to understand how important it was for them to get to the other side of the ship the other thing it's important to understand is that these were sailing vessels no no powerboat and not a rowboat not a powerboat not a rowboat I think it was about five years ago maybe five and a half years ago the Lord began to give us a word here locally in Carolina revival to put our oars down and raise ourselves the issue with putting your oars down and raising yourselves as this there will be seasons where it will be still and it'll look like you're making no progress and it is in that hour that you'll have to trust the Ruach of God you'll have to trust the breath that is the wind the pneuma the Spirit of God for the Spirit is like the wind you don't know where it comes from and you don't know where it goes so is the man born of the Spirit like the wind you and I come into this place right now where it looks like we're not gaining ground we're not gaining territory we're not making progress I'm telling you what we're what's happening is bigger than making progress it's creating a rest and still I'm as quiet in my interior world as I ever remember being in any other time in my life and I'm telling you the first few days of when this went down it was where we're going and what are we gonna do and how what are we gonna do what are we gonna not with not with Church and not with a ministry I'm not that way at all about church or ministry I'm just that way with life you mean we're first have to homeschool our kids I paid to send my kids to school so I don't have to homeschool we face have to homeschool our kids you know and this is how's this gonna look what's this gonna look like what are we gonna do what are we gonna do with our time and you know what we immediately did as a family when we heard school was cancelled we went to the beach at that point in time we didn't know how that thing was going to unfold over the next few days so immediately once we saw how things were unfolding we packed up and we came back from the beach but when it's first happening my first reaction is well let's just go turn this into a vacation and the father wanted it to be more than a vacation the father wanted it to be a full commitment to receiving the grace to come into a place of rest and now I feel like I'm in a place of rest that I would normally have to be away from home too get now I'm beginning to experiment afire that now I'm beginning to experience a new rhythm and a new pace for life and I think the problem with this is we're gonna waste it if we're not careful and many are gonna go back to business as usual and they're going to fail to realize this was not just God holding you back for a minute so you could explosively be sent out to change the nations of the world there's there's still some ambition in there that he's wanting to say I'm gonna teach you to move things from your seat I'm gonna teach you the way of inheritance instead of the way of just pursuit instead of pursuing the call of God on your life you're gonna inherit the identity of God for your life let me say it like that and say it like this again instead of pursuing the call of God on your life many of us did that for years we're gonna actually inherit the identity from Yahweh that we were designed for and you're gonna hear beloved and you're gonna hear Hephzibah you're gonna hear the Lord takes delight in you you're going to hear that you're favored you're gonna hear that you're loved that way in the days to come we don't graduate or let me sit like this we don't digress back into a place of performance orientation we don't we don't behave in a reactionary manner but by way of the grace we've been given in this hour we get fully seated in our Thrones hello we get fully seated as kings and priests to God Most High and we're able to leverage breakthrough instead of instead of calling activity spiritual warfare instead of calling noise spiritual warfare we're actually going to see breakthrough in the spirit realm come because we've allowed ourselves to come fully into a place of re-identification that brings a rest so there's no interior duplicity there's no part of me that feels like I have to measure up and I'm balancing that with beloved identity does that make sense there's been a piece of me that says if I'm doing well then I'm beloved if I'm accomplishing a lot than I'm beloved if I'm getting soul saved and I'm beloved if I'm seeing churches set ablaze with a revival I'm beloved and now I'm getting to the place where I can't go do those things what what I can do is sit alone with the one whose other than and let his holiness penetrate me to the point that I believe I'm beloved because he first loved me I was his choice he sent his love toward me through Jesus in order that we might not just change the world but receive the restoration of the relationships that have been forfeited by way of atoms so next piece of this and I've said that several times we're gonna get to the to the end one day the next piece of this is this Yahweh begin to speak to us about abandoning our oars and raising ourselves there's another storm where the disciples row with all of their might against the storm you remember the story they row with all of their might against the storm they row with all of their might they're not in this position that you can't row your way out of this one therefore you're gonna have to depend on the peace that you're in possession of on the inside Zechariah 4:6 is not by might nor by power but by my rule by my spirit by my breath says the Lord no Moses tells the children visual I referenced this earlier to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord right I want to give you another one in it psalm 46 verse 10 which says be still and know that I am God what does Jesus say to the storm peace be still what did the storm know he was God the storm knew that he was God the storm knew that he was the image of the invisible God therefore the storm had to respond to the voice of one who knew who he was he knew he was beloved he knew he was favored by the father therefore he didn't wrestle with the storm he didn't spend hours binding the devil a matter of fact he never rebukes the devil he just speaks to the wind and the waves and he says if the enemy is stirring this thing he's only doing it by way of abdication and these other 12 men on the boat may have abdicated their authority but I've not abdicated mine and so I'm gonna say peace be still and stillness is gonna come so some 46:10 says be still and know that I am God could it be that there's some things you and I are meant to learn about who Abba is during this hour that we will never learn except by way of stillness and if you and I come out on the other side of this with a truer revelation and understanding of who Abba actually is that will have disastrous impacts on the kingdom of darkness that would ever try to stir the waters in the hour again the in this hour again so see this piece of this because I think it's important the passion translation Psalm 46:10 again says be still and know that I'm God then the B Clause of that verse says I will be exalted among the nations and I will be exalted in the earth watch this again be still and know that I'm God most of us can quote that I don't think I could have quoted the B Clause of that before this study be still and know that I'm God watch this I will be exalted among the nation's I will be exalted in the earth let me read those same verses from you out of the passion translation this is fascinating to thank God for this Bible translation it's just been such a gift the greatest thing that's ever happened to biblical translation in my lifetime is the passion translation I know people will argue I don't believe it's a inerrant whatever it's all a translation a transliteration and a transmission I'm very thankful for the lens and perspective sovereignly providentially given to dr. Simmons for the passion translation just so very thankful some 46 verse 10 which is be still and know that I'm God I want you to listen to this in the passion translation surrender your anxiety be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God let me read that again I hope this is hitting you the way it's hitting me while I'm reading it hitting those in the room surrender your anxiety be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God when will you see that he is God when you're silent when you stop your striving and when you surrender your anxiety let me look into these three faults silence stopping your striving and surrendering your anxiety those 3 s's stop okay surrender silence surrender your anxiety okay this is interesting surrender your anxiety stop your striving and embrace stillness and you'll know that I'm God the excellent part of this that's so big to me is the B clause again the part that I could say I was not able to quote and this is what he says I am the God above all the nations and I will be exalted through the whole earth when you can be still when you can surrender your anxiety and when you can stop your striving you know what's about to happen you are about to see I am about to see God be the God he is above all of the nations and we are about to see God be exalted through the whole earth does that make your faith jump on the inside of you how are we gonna see that come to pass we're gonna see the whole earth belong to God we're gonna see the fulfillment of all we must be neat we must need to go do something else we do we need to surrender our anxiety we need to stop our striving and we need to embrace stillness and by way of that we're not saying forget about the rest of the earth we're going to be lazy pacifistic apathetic Christians no we're saying we're gonna have a measure of authority and rule because of peace and the kingdom reigning within that's going to give us the ability to have tremendous impact on the culture I'm gonna start wrapping this up I could go on and on and on but I know that you had to cook for Easter because there's nowhere for you to get food otherwise so I just want to share this last part with you why must you make it to the other side why is it so important to get to the other side pastor Johnson God spoke to him 10 years ago I think it was when when you first came in contact with me speaking in an Arkansas some of these guys flew in to hear me we didn't even know each other at the time and in that meeting I began to talk about the great crossing over and the Lord spoke to pastor Johnson and I want to get your words right this is the season of the great crossing over ten years ago the Lord spoke that he now believes he was speaking in about the next 10 year period of time which Bob Jones prophet Bob Jones prophesied before he died about from the years 2020 to 2030 23 to 2040 2040 to 2050 what that season in space was going to look like for the kingdom he identified watch this 2020 to 2030 as the most significant period of rest in the history of the church one of my spiritual sons Bobby Lim Lee who pastors over in Summerville South Carolina they have incredible family of people there they just blow my mind they're absolutely incredible he sent me a message we message back and forth some this week and he had this thought what if the ten-year season of rest is so significant that God as a gift has given us this period where we've had to slow down because it's going to take that to initiate or inaugurate the next 10 years of rest could you see that don't don't see this as well as soon as this is over we're gonna get back to business as usual know this is gonna give us a new way of operating in a place of interior peace and rest that's going to give us a governmental influence we did not have before that is going to increase from generation to generation it's gonna start with one people stepping into what Hebrews four said that other generations missed out on and that is the inheritance of rest I bless you with the inheritance of rest today it wasn't really important to get to the other side well mark five is the story of the demoniac in the region of the gadarenes our Garrison's this is seen as like good nasara that they're sailing on here the region of the gadarenes this is where they're headed how important is it for you to get to the other side the word gadarene means the reward at the end i want to say to you if you can stay in a place of peace and you can trust the wind you can leverage your authority there is a reward on the other side of this I feel like I spoke all day to say to you you may be in a place of anxiety fear I know a lot of the future looks really uncertain not to the believer in the day of tribulation the righteous it shall be well with you I'm saying concerning you there's a reward on the other side of this I see the reward in in in several phases number one is the reward of us being rooted in a place of intimacy and devotion we never have been before to me that's the ultimate win to be more seeded and rooted in beloved identity than I was before I ever heard the word coronavirus to be more seeded and beloved identity than I was before to be more convinced that I have a governmental right to rule as long as I'm in an interior place of peace instead of a place of agitation that I have surrendered my anxiety that I have stopped my striving hello Psalm 46:10 I've surrendered my anxiety I've stopped my striving and I've said yes to stillness and it's announcement that the earth is about to see the knowledge of the glory of God cover her like the waters do the sea there's a reward on the other side it's very important for you not to turn and go back because you had to deal with a storm continue in the direction in which you're about to enter into a new realm you're about to encounter a new dimension you're about to receive a new grace I prophesy to you and new grace for breakthrough a new grace for you to operate an authority I believe a new grace for healing it's coming on the other side of this as we watch this global pandemic our response does not just need to be how do I keep from getting it our response needs to be how do I see breakthrough come to the individuals who have gotten this virus and how do I see breakthrough come so that others keep from getting this virus this has got to be the response of the believer and it cannot happen if we're fearful it cannot happen if we're agitated it cannot happen if we're Restless the word for anxiety is the same word that is used to describe what happens when you get this virus it's that people will say it's as if there was a belt around your lungs that constricted your air flow do you know what the word anxiety literally means means a constricting of the airway and there are people going to the emergency room thinking they have this what they actually have is anxiety this symptoms are so similar and I'm telling you we started with dum spiro spero that we started with while I breathe I hope may a new breath of communion new breath of intimacy may a new breath of nearness union to the father come to you on the other side of this that absolutely lets you take the deepest breath no short breaths here no panic breaths here no agitated anxiety here we're surrendering our anxiety I think we ought to put some 46:10 in the forefront of our heart and say we're gonna do the 3 s's during this period we're gonna surrender our anxiety we're gonna stop our striving and we're gonna embrace his stillness and during this hour you and I are gonna get to the other side we got to get to the other side what happens if we don't get to the other side I'm gonna close with this Matt I'd like for you just to come and one that all you guys come taller I'll lose my whole congregation if I call them up here I have two people left out here I've got them up here but but I want to say why I think it's so important and I just want to close again this week with some prayer why is it so important the region they went to what's called the gadarenes the reason the region was called the gadarenes is because that region was founded by the tribe of GAD this is the region the reason it's called the gadarenes is because governmentally this is part of the inheritance that belonged to the tribe of gad why is that important because in numbers 32 when the children of Israel are getting ready to cross the Jordan River and enter into the land of promise remember Reuben and GAD both came to Moses and asked for permission to stop on the other side if you and I stopped on the other side one generations compromise becomes the next generations captivity now GAD has a man so filled with demons that the number of demons is called a legion of demons they're trying to chain him up and put him in a graveyard you know the story he breaks the chains he cuts himself with stones Jesus is going listen I've got to say peace be still to this storm because I'm about to say peace be still to that man if I can make it through this storm I can have authority over what's ruling that man if I can get to the other side then I can take a whole region that is in compromise why because somewhere back there a father refused to make it to the other side somewhere back there a man by the name of GAD a tribe above the name of God ultimately Reuben GAD and half the tribe of manasseh stop on the wrong side of the river they developed a settlement on the wrong side of the river the consequence is now generations later not only do you have one man possessed with a legion of demons you have such a spirit of compromise ruling that region this is amazing that when that man gets set free the men of that city come to the Christ that set the man free and ask him to leave them they were more comfortable with that man having a legion of demons than they were with the fact that Jesus could come set one free but that one man set free actually became an apostolic leader over ten cities the region is called Decapolis deca ten there are ten cities there the man gets delivered from being filled with a legion of demons this is so fascinating to me he gets freed from being filled with a legion of demons and he asked jesus for permission to follow him and Jesus said no you stay here your deliverance is so complete because when I say peace be still all the restlessness goes this man may be the most restless person we find anywhere in scripture and Jesus said quieting the storm wasn't just about the storm it was about this man and it wasn't just about this man it was about this region of God and it wasn't just about GAD it was about nine other areas there in the capless that this man was designed to rule and I'm saying to you some of you that have been in a place of restlessness God wants to graduate you to the authority of rulership on the other side of this the reward is at the end so I say to you now's the time to focus here me family wherever you're watching this all over the world now's the time to come out of apathy now's the time to come out of compromise now's the time to not conduct ourselves as those who have no hope but to realize that entire regions of compromise are going to be impacted by ones who have come into a place of rest they've come into a place of surrender they have absolutely surrendered their anxiety they've allowed peace be still to come to the tumultuous waters on the inside of their own world and that interior garden is beginning to see the boundaries of the kingdom of God be expanded from nation to nation from nation to nation and from generation to generation the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ so I say to you crossing over is a big deal now I think literally what the Lord is doing is when this is over we are in new territory I believe that I believe that when this season passes and I'm giving a prophetic word that there's going to be a supernatural shift that's going to take place between now and Father's Day June the 21st will be a 90-day period from when we were not allowed to have church anymore until Father's Day that that first trimester there's going to be a new birth thing there's gonna be a new territory there's gonna be a new land Johnson pointed out to me that 9 months from when we weren't allowed to have church anymore it's Christmas and I believe a new revelation of the Christ is going to be born on the other side of this I believe you and I if we can come into a place of rest if we can come into a place of trusting as care listen if we can really get seated in this beloved identity revelation we can encounter this Hephzibah delight from the Lord and I think we're gonna come out on the other side of this and say this is new territory this is a new realm this is a new dimension this is a new governmental authority this is a new increase this is new permission this is a brand new inheritance so as they're playing I just want to bless you today I'm super thankful that you would sit with your family and watch this you would watch this on your iPad's your phones your computers your television ever you're watching man we love you we bless you you it's fascinating to me the impact that this is having and I feel such a stirring in my heart to say to you surrender your anxiety stop your striving and come into a place of interior stillness you and I are crossing over to the other side during this season and we're about to I just feel like we're about to take possession of some territory that we did not even know was available and regions and nations that have been a place of spiritual compromise are going to begin to be conquered by one man who came into such a place of rest by way of a devotional encounter with the Christ what I find so interesting about that man is when we find him in the story he's naked by the time the men of the city the region of the gadarenes find the man he's clothed in his right mind sitting at the feet of Jesus he's clothed where with if clothes have come from only the Apostolic he's apostolic Lee mantled he's in his right mind he's thinking correctly Metanoia he's come into a place of encounter and repentance and he found where he wanted to spend the rest of his life sitting at the feet of Jesus you and I come out of the other side of this with a new apostolic mantling we come out of this with a minute with a metanoia a repentance a new way of thinking and a fresh commitment to living at the feet of Jesus we get that we can't lose amen I want you guys just to sing whatever the Lord has placed in your heart play those instruments we're gonna pray for you today we're gonna bless you Father I speak to those that are dealing with anxiety those dealing with stress those dealing with worry and yet even fear and I declare your perfect love is coming to cast out all fear and I say Lord not just are we gonna not operate in fear but we are gonna operate in faith we're gonna operate in authority yeah we're gonna function in Dominion during this hour and we're gonna believe that there's enough rest in me there's enough peace in me and there's enough stillness in me to speak to the storm and say to the storm peace be still I've got to get to the other side there is a reward at the end and may the reward of a new measure of your presence a new authority a new governmental realm to rule from may that be the inheritance of the believer as we come out on the other side of this I thank you Father that you're teaching us who you are be still and know who you really are by way of stillness we're coming into a fresh encounter a fresh revelation that you are good you are good in your love I say to you I'm a father you are good and your love we bless you we honor you we thank you for how you're walking so closely with us I think that your presence is in this boat with us it's in this moment with us and we're about to experience the grace that's available as we cross over to the other side we bless you today we bless you today I'm here in an unusual word while I was praying I begin to hear this thought what was meant to sink you may actually send you as I was praying I just just that little phrase is rolling in my heart so what what looks like it might sink you financially is that actually going to send you into the greatest prosperity you've ever had what you thought would sink you emotionally may send you into the greatest place of emotional stability you've ever experienced what you thought may sink you in an area in the area of peace may send you into peace that surpasses all understanding may you be anxious for nothing I just feel bold I feel like I boldly need to say this like this today this is not gonna sink us this is going to send us [Music] may you and I opposite Allah CLE be sent into New Territories new intimacy new rounds new dimensions new places of governmental influence I bless you today you are designed for Dominion you are designed for authority you are designed to bring breakthrough I bless you and I declare your being sent into fresh waters of devotion and the awesome name of Yeshua the Christ we love you we bless you we're praying for you if you need us let us know we love you may as Kingdom commoners will be done on earth as it is in heaven you guys just lead us for a little while [Music] [Music] all I can [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh issue [Applause] nor you are my king [Applause] yes you are me Oh you may know all of my fear [Music] sorry [Music] sorry [Music] so ready you feel [Applause] me [Music] what's already done it's already done I will trust you [Music] I will trust you I will trust you I will trust you [Music] wonderful peace peace wonderful peace whoa peace wonderful coming down coming down I thought I was I thought I was done but Johnson again got a word he said earlier in the service I made the declaration that we were coming to you from the state of hope he said I think you named the state of South Carolina you said it's the hope state and then he began to share boy this just resonated me when he said it he said maybe it's an internal state of hope may you and I be in a state of hope and we have authority to release that hope because we are in an internal state of hope not just the hope state I believe that too but those that are in the hope state in an internal state of hope therefore you can be in a state of hope wherever you are in the world regardless of how many people are dealing with this virus in your region and your state in your city in your nation your country regardless of how many people may you receive the inheritance today of the breath of hope that causes you to live in a state of hope we bless you again today we love you we'll be coming to you we're going to do a Wilderness Society here real soon must shoot that too you just going to go over in the legacy center and take that and send it your way so we love you we bless you and we will look forward to talking to you real soon god bless you thank you
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 3,660
Rating: 4.8909092 out of 5
Id: 14HSv3WX7gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 42sec (5562 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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