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morning let's get us a seat and get your bible and we're gonna go to second corinthians and chapter number seven this morning second corinthians chapter seven appreciate you coming out and being here to get something out of the scripture this morning i really really do appreciate you being in your place for sunday school i believe and i've said before it's been a while since i've said it i will say it again i believe uh one of the best ways to learn your bible outside of reading it for yourself on a daily basis which everybody in here should do outside of that reading and studying for yourself being in a place where the word of god is taught systematically and faithfully verse by verse line upon line precept upon precept hear little and there a little much of what i understand and gleaned and learned from the scripture i learned from listening to my pastor teach me the scripture and there is no substitute for bible teaching and listening and getting a lot of it feeding yourself as much as you can so i appreciate you having a desire to just come here teaching about the book and trying to give you exactly what the bible says right where you are for your life this morning second corinthians chapter number seven uh let's begin reading in verse number five that's where we finished off last week and we'll read verse five and then pick back up in verse number six now we've been looking at what paul says uh in chapter seven he dealt with his summary of chapter six he was dealing now with his sacrifices for the church in verses four through six paul makes a lot of sacrifices for the churches that he ministers in uh even into bodily harm trying to get the gospel to them and get the word of god to them so second corinthians seven verse five paul said for when we were come into macedonia we looked at that last week macedonia is that acts 16 chapter when paul gets that vision that fellow says come over and help us and paul takes off to macedonia and philippi in acts chapter 16. what he's going to talk about here in verse 5 that's that acts 16 chapter where human silas gets locked up gets beat up and then the philippian jailer gets saved this is what he's talking about here in verse 5. he said when we were coming to macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were troubled on every side without were fightings within were fears here is a man that is in the perfect center of god's will the direct center of god's will it was god that told him in acts 16. when you read the first parts acts 16 we looked at last week god said don't go preach over there don't go preach over there then god opens the door for him to preach over here and hey hey uh just because you're in the perfect will of god does not mean trouble will not come if you think this morning praise god it brother fred aldridge glory to god good to see you my brother amen glad you're here this morning praise god make make yourself at home like always good to see brother fred glad he's back this morning but don't think just because you're in the perfect will of god trouble will not come in your life here this man is is doing exactly what god told him to do exactly where god told him to do it and he says right in the place where i'm supposed to be doing exactly what god has called me to do my flesh had no rest there was fightings without and fears within so you can't always take trouble in your life as a barometer of well i got trouble i got problems i must not be doing what god wants me to do that's not always a good barometer of whether you're living for god or not i realize god does chase it and god does use trouble sometime to try and get us back where we should be but you have to kind of try the spirits and search your own heart to make sure okay lord is what i'm going through because i'm outside of your will or what i'm going through is because i'm in your will and you realize this just because you start living for god the devil starts fighting hard as he can tooth and nail to get you to quit so this man's in the perfect will of god he's got troubles he's got fightings he's got fears and i love verse six love these first two words verse six nevertheless god in spite of my feeble flesh in spite of my fears in spite of the fightings he said nevertheless in spite of all that nevertheless regardless of all that god that's a blessing right there you can count on this in spite of it all god in spite of the fears in spite of the fightings in spite of your old flesh being weak you can count on god will never leave you and god will never forsake you nobody can speak to this truth any greater than paul here he is the bible says they beat him in acts 16 they've whipped him in acts 16 that's what he's talking about in the text the bible said they made his feet fast in the stalks i mean brother here they've clamped around his ankles in stalks of iron they've chained him to a wall in old dirty jail cell his back is bloodied and bruised and the blood has matted his back together to where it hurts and in the midnight hour oh paul says silas let's sing a song friend and old silas and paul got to give him god glory got to worship in the lord and sing in a song in the prison and he said in spite of it all god showed up and god rocked the jailhouse broke the bonds of suther popped doors open and got paul and silas out of the jail cell nevertheless god in spite of all the trouble god is faithful keep reading what he says nevertheless god that comforteth those that are cast down man i'm glad that he does he never promised that we would not be cast down what he did promise is that he would comfort us when we are cast down that phrase cast down uh it goes all the way back to uh like uh over in uh genesis where the lord said i think was the case why is thy countenance falling being cast down in other words to be sad uh to be to be drugged down because of your circumstances man there's times we all get a little cast down in our circumstances if you say you're not from time to time then you're even a greater christian than paul was now at times when circumstances of my life i just kind of get a little overwhelmed with them and i get a little cast doubt get a little pulled down by them but the promise is the promise is not i won't get cast down the promise is god comforts those that are cast down and watch one way that god comforts us when we're cast down look at the last part of verse 6 here it's a nevertheless god that comforted those that are cast down watch how god comforts comforted us by the coming of titus god comforted paul by bringing a brother in christ along and giving him some encouraging words we're fixing to find oh titus gives paul some words of encouragement about the ministry there at corinth and about what god had been doing one thing that lifted and brought this brother's spirits up and got him from being cast down and lifted up was another brother come to where he was and gave him a word of encouragement i'd like to be that kind of brother i hope you want to be that kind of brother or that kind of sister i would hate to know that that it said here that they were comforted by the coming of titus i would hate to know that my coming into people's lives did not help lift them up but instead it helped cast them down i've known people that that when they come along it don't lift you up it actually casts you down more we've all known folk like that i've been in some i've been in some businesses before and the the sign says in some of these businesses it says everyone brings joy to this business or to this office some bring joy when they show up and some bring joy when they leave amen i i don't want to be the kind of guy that i bring people joy because thank god he goes uh i would i would hate to know so for years i have preached revivals and preached meetings and gone preached the word of god and tried to do that to help people i i i strove mightily that when i got into the ministry and god started using me one of my life verses to use i had it on my prayer card for years was first corinthians in chapter 14 and it's a it's a part of a scripture in first corinthians 14 that says seek to accept to excel to the edifying of the church in other words he said this is what you ought to be trying to do try and edify the church and i want to make sure that everywhere i go preach whether it's here or anywhere else that i leave people in better shape than i found amen that when they hear brothers orange coming they say glory to god i know we're gonna get some help because that fellow gonna preach the bible to us i hope when you showed up this morning you said glory to god i know if i can just get on down there to church uh something's gonna be said uh by somebody whether it's the preacher or the singers or a testimony or a word of encouragement by a brother or sister in christ but somebody's gonna help lift my spirit up that's i wanna be a brother like titus when somebody's cast down you show up and say hey let me give you a good word from the lord let me help you you you ought to try to be that kind of encouragement to people you say why because people need encouragement people's hurting man i mean here this morning you know those of you you don't ever know what's on pews around you you ain't got a clue you know some you know we come in sometimes and everything's hunky door and we sit on pew and everything's good in our lives so that's just where we're at and everything's good in our life but there's people sitting on pews this morning in this building they're hurting man we got a couple ladies sitting back here this morning miss jackie miss tanya they their brother brother cantrell brother kenneth he's set right back here now for the last year or so right on the aisle every every sunday faithful and show up a lot on thursdays with miss tanya as well and they found him friday morning he had passed away in his house and i mean they they hurt me you know what they need they need a brother or sister like this you know why they came this morning in spite of hurting it'd been real easy for them just to sit at home you know why they came because this is what they knew i get down there to church i believe i'll get some help i believe i'll get something down there that i ain't gonna get just sitting at the house are they hurting yes absolutely cast down you bet you you bet you who wouldn't be but they showed up they said man i believe god that's what the church is about to help each other well man what get brother fred at the house this morning haven't used walker and been in the hospital now for two and a half three weeks or more what get him out of the house because he i believe he knew well if i get down there i'll give me some help i'll give me some help i know some people down there that can help me encourage me i love him folks what would bring brother gary out his house with his arm up in a sling all up traction and got that tumor that he's gonna have to have cut out later on and some of the rest of y'all problems in every pew i can just go on and on down through here what what would bring you out because you believe that if i'll get down there somebody's going to give a word that'll help me i i and man i i believe it happens over and over in this place god is gracious to us that somewhere in some shape some forming through sunday school through the choir singing through the special singing through a testimony through the preaching something's gonna get done before you leave you're gonna get a little bit of hell a little bit of hope a little bit of something that you can grab a hold of and hang on to as you get drugged through the rest of this week so he said this uh we were comforted by the coming of titus man what a blessing that is seek to be that kind of brother or sister so we not only see paul's sacrifices for the church and then earlier in the text he gave the summary of chapter six but now we move on and from verses 7 through 12 paul is going to show us the sorrow of the corinthians the sorrow of the corinthians now we're going to find this sorrow is for this purpose what they are sorrowing about in these verses we're about to read is they're sorrowing about the sin that they had allowed to be harbored in their assembly y'all remember when we talked through first corinthians chapter six y'all remember the sin that was going on in this church there was a man that had uh being with his father's wife there was a man that had been with his stepmother and the church wasn't doing nothing about it they weren't dealing with it they weren't preaching against it they wasn't requiring him to get right and this cesspool of sin was just hanging out in the church and paul rebukes them for it strongly in first corinthians and now paul is going to show us that they have sorrowed over the fact that they were not right with god and they sorrowed and got right so let's pick up the narrative here in verse seven on the sorrow of the corinthians watch verse seven it says this and not by his coming only in other words we were comforted by the coming of titus and not by his coming only but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you they said we we got blessed knowing that you corinthian believers blessed titus we're going to be preaching out of the book of titus this morning titus is very dear to the heart of the apostle paul he is one of three individuals that paul calls his son after the faith paul has three fellows that he calls his son after the faith they're all three gentiles one is timothy first and second timothy's written to that boy one is philemon he's a runaway slave i mean sorry not following him but onesimus he writes about one essence in the book of philemon the runaway slave and then he writes a book called titus to this fellow who was the pastor on the church at crete and he's one of paul's sons too he said this is what comforted us by the consolation where with he was comforted in you and this is what he was comforted about titus told them this when he told us your earnest desire in other words you're still desiring to live for the lord this is comforting paul by knowing that this congregation he had started years before they're not just dispersed to the wind they haven't just quit they still have an earnest sincere desire to serve god nothing will encourage the heart of a christian or a preacher of the gospel any more than knowing that the people he preaches to has an earnest desire to live for jesus nothing encourages the preacher any more than that and it says uh when he told us your earnest desire your mourning so they whipped about their sin they were mourning about this then they said your fervent mind toward me in other words they were always thinking about paul they love paul they want to see paul your fervent mind toward me he says so that i rejoiced the more one thing that's comforting paul about the sorrow of the corinthians paul we're going to read this in these next couple of verses paul was unsure when he wrote first corinthians paul was a little bit unsure how they was going to take it we're going to read these next few verses you'll find the mindset of paul paul was a little bit worried that after he rebuked them and scathed them so hard about their sin he was a little bit worried that maybe they'd just cut paul off and say well forget about you sucker we don't want nothing to do with you you're gonna preach hard at us like that just leave us alone he was tickled to death they didn't take that mindset that instead of getting mad about the preaching they got sad about the preaching and then they got right over the preaching uh i i i've said a little bit uh in in where paul's at before whether it be here pastoring or off on the road preaching evangelism and god lays a message on your heart but you know man this is lord this is tough god this is this is sharp this is going to cut it's going to hurt a little bit lord and and it's going to be very pointed and very direct and and but lord i i know beyond shadow of a doubt i want to please you i don't want to please them then get in it to be a man pleaser god and to be a god pleaser god wanted me to do this so i'm doing what god wants me to do and so there's always that trepidation in the heart of the preacher lord i sure do hope they take this from you and not for me lord i sure do hope they don't get ticked off and half the crowd walk out and leave and say well forget about you sucker i and i commend the chur generally i try and come in the church every time i have to preach something the lord's given me this of a hard nature i will say this to the credit of this local assembly to the credit of this body of christ i've never in the four years that i almost four years and i've been here pastor i have never preached anything that was of a hard sharp nature that god had me preach that that this crowd didn't respond to that's to your credit that that denotes spiritual maturity that that you hear the word of god you receive it as the word of god not as the word of man and then you respond to it and instead of getting mad you get right over it that's a sign of spiritual maturity and that is to a credit of a congregation that there's no greater credit of a congregation than a congregation loves preaching of the word of god and responds to preaching of the word of god greatest credit a congregation can have you say why is that a credit because there's a lot of congregations that don't y'all listen to me take it from somebody who knows there are many places i preach at that when i'm done preaching this is what i get when i'm done [Laughter] they they care about getting right they don't care about putting into practice what's been preached they just some of them just show up to see the show that's what i think it was was it it was either ezekiel or jeremiah one of them it said the lord told one of them preachers he said you talking to the preacher the lord said you are unto them the people you preach to you are unto them as one who can play on an instrument in other words they just sat and listened to the old boy preached because he had a gift to preach and they said man that's good preaching but they didn't do nothing with it they just listened and said okay bye and they walked off that man i i've preached in places like that they come just to see the show they come just because cody's orange is coming and he gonna rant and rain and hoop and holler and flip out and preach something and and that's all i ain't here just to make a show for a year to preach to you that i can't help that that's the way my preaching style is but it's not about stylistic ability or anything like that it's about hearing what's being said and then responding to what's being said and paul was overjoyed at the fact that what he had sent to them by letter the message he had sent to them by letter they responded to he was joy he it comforted him so look at verse eight he begins to talk about this sorrow of the corinthians look at verse eight he said for though i made you sorry with a letter that letter is first corinthians those 16 chapters of first corinthians he said for though i made you sorry with the letter i do not repent now watch this here's what i told you the two-sided nature of every preacher though i did repent in other words he said i'm not sorry that i wrote them things to you but right after i wrote them i was a little bit sorry after it after it sent and it got away from me i thought man and i hope they still love me after this i hope he ain't gonna be mad at me i mean i'm just trying to give him something that's gonna help him i i he said i did i don't repent that i wrote it but right after i wrote it i kind of repented about it i had second thoughts about it unless you've ever stood uh in a pulpit and been over a group of people and you that there are there are some times when i leave out the pulpit walk back over to that house and i sit down and i say lord man i sure thought i sort of miss it i showed him this at that time i wish i could go back and say it different that i said it god i wish i could go back change that point i changed how i said that i mean there's nobody more critical of a preacher than a preacher if he's honest go back watch some of my the youtube stuff and you know i had a preacher tell me one time he said every preacher should listen to his own preaching a little bit every week you say why is that so that you know what you are inflicting on the congregation it it'll keep you a little bit a little bit centered and realize okay change that update that if you had to listen to that you probably wouldn't like it you probably wouldn't want not not in a way of trying to tickle anybody's ears but just you get your get yourself out of the way so get jesus more in the way uh i know what paul's talking about lord i i didn't repent at the times i thought that's what you wanted and then now that i've got six hours later and i sit there i thought man maybe i maybe that wasn't there but then what confirmed and what has confirmed to me before afterwards is the same thing to have to pause somebody had come that he gets word back hey they they got right over it what helps me is sometime later brother john somebody will come up and they'll say preacher i want to let you know that message helped my heart you had no idea what i was going through where i was at or what was going on my life that was right what i needed ain't nothing will help a preacher any more than that he says for though i made you sorry with a letter i do not repent though i did repent watch verse 8 for i perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry though we're but for a season now watch what he says verse nine i like verse nine now i rejoice not that ye were made sorry but that ye sorrowed to repentance for you were made sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us in nothing uh what really brought joy to paul was not that he made the people feel bad any preacher who joys in making people feel bad is a good for nothing sorry low down scum you have to preach things sometimes that make people feel guilty and make them sorrow i don't like that stuff i don't like preaching on hell if you think preachers enjoy standing up and telling people they're going to hell gonna burn forever and all that you're crazy nothing joyful about a message like that if you think preachers enjoy getting them just hammering about sin and trying to keep people living clean right there's nothing joyful about that the sorrow get making people feel sorrowful or guilty that's not the joyful part of the ministry the joyful part is watching them turn that sorrow into repentance where it brings fruit in their life that's what paul is saying here that that blessed him he said you sorrowed up to repentance listen to what i'm fixing to tell y'all feeling bad ain't enough right you got to feel bad to the point where it changes you that's repentance amen see i know sinners sinners can hear a message about hell or hear a message about sin and they can start feeling bad feeling bad over the fact they're going to hell feeling bad over the fact they've treated their family wrong but that ain't repentance repentance is when they realize not just what they've done but who they are i am a sinner i'm going to hell i broke god's law and the only way to heaven is to accept jesus christ sometimes sorrow's not enough he said here you didn't just sorrow you sorrowed unto repentance look at look at this real fast turn women into the book of matthew watch what he says in matthew here about a fellow who had sorrow but he didn't have repentance boy i've watched people before cry big old crocodile tears and they saw her but they never got right i mean i i have literally brother keith watch people cry i mean big old tears cry makeup running all over the place and come to an altar and i think to myself when they come brother mark i think man amen we have turned the corner and then walk out the door and nothing has changed nothing amen nothing they don't get faithful to church they don't get faithful to god they just keep right on you know all that was they just got to feel a little bit bad while they was at church they got in an atmosphere where the holy ghost was moving right they felt conviction they ain't been feeling that because they've been out there watching the boob tube and living it up and walking in the world so they don't feel conviction of the holy ghost when they got all of a sudden an environment like this where it was conducive through singing and preaching where that conviction set down on them they sorrowed but they didn't change there was no real repentance watch what he said here this this rich young ruler matthew 19 and verse number 16 matthew 19 and look what he said in verse 16. watch this fella you can find this account in the book of mark as well and i even believe in the book of luke but mark chapter i'm sorry matthew 19 16 he said and behold one came and said unto him good master what good things shall i do that i may have eternal life and he said unto him why cost thou be good there's none good but one that is god but if thou enter into life keep the commandments he saith unto him which jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother and thou shalt love thy neighbors thyself the young man saith unto him all these things have i kept from my youth up what like i yet and jesus said unto him if thou wilt be perfect go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me watch it verse 22 but when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful the fellow's got sorrow he feels bad but he didn't get right he said he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions mark chapter 10 says it like this that he went away sad and i mean brother he felt bad just feeling bad about sin is not enough to get right there's got to be a true attitude of repentance you say what is a true attitude of repentance turn with me to the book of uh joel go to joel with me in chapter two here's a true attitude of repentance find joel there um you'll find daniel go to the right to hosea and then you'll find joel so you find ezekiel to the rights daniel to the rights hosea and then the little book of joel one of these what's called a minor prophet even though they call them minor prophets there's nothing minor about them chapter 2 of joel and verse number 12 joel 2 12. watch what he said here in john 2 12. he said therefore also now saith the lord turn even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning watch verse 13 job 2 13 here you go and rend your heart and not your garments and turn unto the lord your god for he's gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repentance of the evil you see what god told this crowd he said i'm tired of you ripping your garments i want you to rip up your heart so you read that old testament uh and even some in the new testament you'll find when somebody was in sorrow or somebody was in mourning they would take their clothes and they would rend them they would rip their clothes it was a symbol of i'm in mourning and a lot of times you'll read where they rip their clothes rend their clothes they put sackcloth and ashes on their head and sit down in the second house it was a symbol of i i'm remorseful i'm repented and god was saying this he's saying you guys over and over all you're doing is just ripping your clothes showing an outward show of remorse an outward show that you're sorry but nothing has happened to your heart and god said i'm tired of you just ripping your clothes how about you rip your heart see i've seen a lot of people they got i've watched a lot of altar services there's a lot of clothes written but they're very little heart-wrenching so how can you discern if an individual has ripped their heart and not just their clothes there'll be a change afterwards it's just me i'll just be real honest with you i'll be real honest with you i've never understood and never will understand i don't get this i don't get it i don't get it how we can have services like we've had before in sunday morning at 11 o'clock uh i mean from sunday school all the way through 11 o'clock where god just blows in god shows up there's liberty there's freedom people get help souls get saved people cry people hit the altar and them same people that was weeping and squalling and calling on god and slinging snot and mascara and tears all over the place won't even show up on sunday night i'm out are you telling me that all that big show we seen on sunday morning it wasn't even enough to get you back for the six o'clock service all that was was a lot of outward but i never done nothing here there is a difference there is a difference i can take you to job and show you the definition of repentance in job that's a great definition of repentance i don't got time job 33 27 if somebody wants to write that down job 33 27 is one of the greatest definitions of repentance in the scripture the bible said in job 33 27 god looketh upon men and if he seeth any that saith i have sinned and perverted that which was right then he will deliver his soul from going down into the pit and his light shall see the light it's a great definition of repentance anyway let's keep moving here here we find that paul says he wrote this letter they got sorrowful and they sorrowed unto repentance you know why a lot of preachers don't preach anything anymore that makes people feel bad because they don't want to be looked at like a bad guy amen is that not the symbol of the last day the the the proof in the pudding of the last days second timothy chapter four paul told timothy this he said timothy preach the word second timothy 4 2 be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all all suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but they will heap to themselves after their own lusts teachers having itching ears no words scratch my ear tell me what i want to hear don't make me feel bad see i mean we can we can you know god's blessed us and god's been good to us and we've seen growth in this place and so saved in this place and that's a wonderful blessing everybody wants to see that and it's a wonderful blessing that's not the end all of all of our ministry but it's a blessing to see but i'll tell you this we can make it happen a lot more rapidly see how can we make it happen a lot more rapidly i can lay off preaching oh yeah i mean i can just back up some of the things i'm going to say this morning in my message i could leave all that out and i could just scratch everybody's ears when they come in pat him on the back hit him on the butt and send him on out the door what good is that doing anybody i mean what good is that doing anybody i mean you know we could we could make everybody feel like you're some little g god that's what a lot of these mega churches are doing that's stephen ferdicat down there brother a lot of that preaching it's making people feel like they're little g gods ain't got nothing to do with feeling sorrow over sin and trying to walk right and live right and do right it's got to do with making you feel good if what i preach makes you feel good praise the lord if what i preach makes you feel bad i'm sorry trying to preach the bible to you uh isaiah chapter 30. this is a great verse i'll read it to you um isaiah chapter 30 look listen turn over there with me i want you to see this look at what they said in the old testament about these prophets in isaiah 30. watch what he said in isaiah 30 and verses 9 and 10. isaiah 30 verse 9 and 10. in isaiah 30. and verse number 9. the lord is speaking through isaiah and he says this that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the lord which say to the seers isaiah 30 verse 10 the seers those are the prophets the preachers which say to the seers watch what they said to the preachers see not and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits get you out of the way stop standing in my way preacher where i can't do what i want to do turn aside out of the path get out my life cause the holy one of israel to cease from before us stop making us feel like god is wanting us to do something we don't want to do speak smooth things to us man knock the rough edges off smooth it out clean some of that speech up a little bit there's not one preacher in your bible not one from jesus christ john the baptist ain't one not one genesis through revelation there's not one preacher in your bible that was a smooth cultured you know just real toned down preacher they were all against the world they were all criticized they they all had them rough edges and that that's preachers of the bible that is not preaching today amen we want we want a nice respectable we want a nice respectable preacher that can lead in prayer at the chamber of commerce and that way we can all feel good about who we are and what we are with all the high society people so start speaking kind and sweet and nice and cut all that stuff off any bible preaching a bible preacher brother a bible preacher is a i mean is a full-fledged raised cane peel to hide off that's bible preaching this stuff today is not bible preaching i challenge you to study bible preachers and look at them yeah they were rude crude and socially unacceptable all right back to our text here paul said i wrote you this letter i felt bad about it then i found out you got right so then i didn't feel bad about it no more because it was a blessing that you saw wrote under repentance now here's one of the greatest verses of the new testament this will conclude our sunday school time this morning watch what he said in the second corinthians two t or i'm sorry 7 10 back to our text second corinthians 7 and verse 10 this is a great verse for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death it says there's two kinds of sorrow in the text two kinds of sorrow there's a godly sorrow that works repentance and there's a sorrow of the world but it works death you say what's the difference in godly sorrow that works repentance and worldly sorrow that doesn't do anything worldly sorrow is this i'm sorry i got caught i'm not gonna change i i i've told you this four used to preach in the prison system a whole lot and was in a prison ministry back home for about three and a half years every monday night you know what i saw a lot of i saw a lot of worldly sorrow i saw some godly sorrow i saw some guys that actually got right and got out and changed but i saw a lot of worldly sorrow you say what was the worldly sorrow they come in there and cried a few tears and you know all they were sorrow about they were sorry that they was there they were sorry that they got caught stealing they got caught beating their wife they got caught doing drugs they got caught selling dope they they were just sorry they got caught and as soon as they got out they was right back in the same life again you know all that is it's worldly sorrow it works death it doesn't produce anything but i've watched some even in the penal system that it was godly sorrow when they got in there they wasn't matter of fact here's how here's how i knew some of those guys in the prison that it wasn't worldly sorry it was godly sorrow it was when they started saying things like this i thank god for letting me come to prison it was the best thing ever happened to me they stopped saying they stopped saying like a lot of women walk up to me right when i met him and said i want to let you know i'm innocent this didn't happen to me and this didn't blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah never everybody i never i never met one prisoner hardly in prison that was guilty y'all our justice system's messed up doesn't everybody everybody i met in prison they were all innocent and none of them should have been there i'll tell you what i knew it started being godly sorrow is when they started coming up to me and saying preacher i will let you know something thank god he sent me to prison i'd still be going to hell out there coming to prison the best thing ever happened to me because i realized i was a sinner and i was going to hell and jesus saved me and i'm going back out there to raise my family and raise my child that don't have a daddy and i'm going back to be a husband to my wife that's godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation not to be repented of that that's repentance unto fruit you can tell the difference in godly sorrow worldly sorrow because one produces and one does not produce it's the difference in judas and peter you want to see god with sorrow worldly sorrow oh judas judah sells the lord out thirty pieces of silver he realizes what he's done bad what he does is wrong and he walks in before the priest and he throws the money down he said i've sinned i betrayed the innocent blood but you know all he did he ended up going out and hanging himself didn't make a change in his life and old peter he sits by the enemy's fire and he's cussing up a storm and raising cane and all of a sudden he hears the crow and the bible says he goes out and he weeps bitterly and guess who's at the tomb come resurrection morning running to see if jesus is there or not judas done dead in hell it's peter you know what that is that's godly sorrow that has worked repentance in his life it's the difference between david and saul saul in first samuel 15 you read it for yourself first samuel 15 i believe it's verse 24 if i'm not mistaken but first samuel 15 we find that saul sacrifices without samuel being present he got ahead of the lord and god got mad at him this is when god rejects him from being king and gonna take the kingdom from him and the bible said in first samuel 15 when samuel shows up and rebukes saul this is what saul says verbatim he says i have sinned uh well i don't give and we'll give you a verbatim it's going to be a little uh paraphrase here i can't exactly quote it he said i've seen in that i have transgressed the commandment of the lord i broke the law and i got caught right but when david sinned with bathsheba ii samuel 9 you know what david says when nathan comes before him he doesn't say i've sinned and transgressed the commandment this is what david says david said i've sinned against the lord amen it wasn't just about him keeping rules and regulations that he had marked down okay i've got to keep that one and that without no that was what saul had what david had was he had a relationship and he was brokenhearted because he and god's relationship had been messed up amen that's the difference in godly sorrow and worldly sorrow and and paul says here godless our work with repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death all right so we'll continue on with the sorrow of the corinthians next uh we won't do it next sunday is camp meeting sunday we'll have a preacher during 11 o'clock or during 10 o'clock so we'll end up picking this back up in two weeks on the sorrow of the corinthians all right let's pray father thank you so much this morning for your word how it comforts us how it corrects us god it is the two-edged sword god it's such a it's such a double-edged sword on one side it it it gives us such comfort such healing and such hope on the other side of it it it chastises us it corrects us it deals with the shortcomings of our life and god we've seen both sides of it this morning god we saw both sides where we started off at was the comfort that god gives through the coming of a brother and through a message from the word of god and then we've seen the other side of the sword where the sword can chastise us but it's with a purpose to get us uh to repentance thank you lord for your word there's not a book like this on the planet we appreciate it god we pray that you'd help your people now give help and hope and healing to those in here that need it this morning in jesus name amen all right you just missed
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 144
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: MOzOs7gGjfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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