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i'm glad i'm in a baptist church tonight [Applause] amen thank god i'm a baptist yes sir see us baptist we were worshiping like this long before the rest of that crowd came along yeah i thank god for it i'm telling you the lutrix y'all done fantastic i like it jack you used to sing gap when y'all first started coming down to our place years and years ago man that was great i like it i like it take your bible tonight turn to first samuel chapter number six first samuel chapter number six tonight in your bible i'm going to give you what the lord is laid on my heart get out of the way and let brother rick parker come and preach he can do a lot better job than i can anyhow and so brother cody i sure do appreciate the opportunity to be here again this year you are a blessing to me your family is a blessing to my family i lost everything you didn't have to cut me down because i said i was a baptist amen smile there now amen amen but i hope that we have been able to reciprocate the same blessing to your family as well uh this church i appreciate you and uh appreciate the good spirit of the lord that we feel when we walk into this place let's pray then we'll read our scripture and give you what the lord has given us tonight our father we sure do thank you god you're awful good to us when all we do is stumble and stutter around and make a mess of things i sure am glad you still love us now tonight god we are tasked with climbing in your pulpit one more time and opening up that precious bible that king james bible and preaching to your people and lord more now than ever in our life we take it serious god how we need your touch we need your power tonight god we need that wind from another world to blow across our soul and you to speak to our heart as we speak to theirs now god i pray you do that for us and i pray dear god you'd make preaching easy for just a little bit we'll thank you now in jesus name amen amen second samuel chapter number six tonight in your bible we'll begin reading at verse number one let's stand together as we read the word of god second samuel chapter number six verse number one again david gathered together all the chosen men of israel thirty thousand and david rose went with all the people that were with him uh from bell of judah uh to bring up from thence the ark of god whose name is called the name of the lord of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims and they set the ark of god upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of abinadab that was in gabor and uzza and ohio the sons of abinadab drave the new cart and they brought it out of the house of abinadab which was at gabor accompanying the ark of god and they howl went before the ark and david and all the house of israel played before the lord on all manner of instruments made of fur wood even on harps and on sultries and on timbrels and on cornets and on cymbals and when they came and when they came to threshing floor usa put forth his hand to the ark of god and took hold of it for the oxen shook it and the anger of the lord was kindled against us and god smote him there for his error and there he died by the ark of god and david was displeased because the lord had made a breach upon us and he called the name of the place perez us to this day and david was afraid of the lord that day and said how shall the ark of the lord come to me so david would not remove the ark of the lord unto him into the city of david but david carried it aside into the house of obedient the get out and the ark of the lord continued in the house of obed edom the get eye three months and the lord blessed obed edom and all his household and it was told king david saying the lord had blessed the house of obedient and all that pertaineth unto him because of the ark of god so david went up and uh went and brought up the ark of god from the house of obed edom into the city of david with gladness you can be seated tonight the passage that we have read to you is the culmination of the event that started in first samuel chapter number four where the philistines had come down and run russia to all over the israelites and took the ark of god and it's there in that chapter of where samuel said and the glory of god hath departed and uh there saul was so busy worried about david that he wasn't even worried about going and getting the ark of god the ark of god represented of the power of god to his people the ark of god was so powerful when the philistines got it they took it over there into the temple of daytime they set it beside their old stone god day god now they walked in and looked the next morning and dagon had fell flat on his face uh they propped they've gone back up they come in again the next day and they got that falling on his face again and they propped him back up how they come in the next day and take on it fell and his head and his hands were gone you see the power of god would not occupy of the temple with dagon hey listen and the philistines became afraid they began to move that ark up from city to city and seven months they moved the ark of god around it represented the power of god and everywhere the philistines took it a disaster and sickness followed up behind them it represented the presence of god everywhere that ark would go god was surely to follow i mean brother listen it was that ark that would be placed in the middle of the camp it was that ark that would be placed in the middle of the tabernacle it represented the power of god and the presence of god but then it represented the prosperity of god's people every time they had the ark god's people would prosper god's people would move forward the philistines finally get rid of the ark they built a cart got two cows set it on the back of the cart and sent them cows are walking here's a fella by the name of a benadab that winds up with the ark at his house now the long battle the long war between the house of saul and the house of david is over and david is setting some things in order he's getting some things back where they need to be and one of the first items on the list is the ark of god and it's got to be brought back where in the city of david he's wanting to bring it back to jerusalem and set it where it needs to be and so what do they do he gathers up 30 000 men and they take off after the ark they sing and they had the loot tricks out front of them making music i mean brother they were tickled to death brother hey they're going to get to heart and we're bringing heart back home with us they go down there and there's two sons one by the name of us and one by the name of a child of the sons of abinada and they build an a carpet a new car and they put the ark on it and david's tickled and david's happy and everybody shout they start down the road with that ark and the oxen begins to shake and uh reaches out to stay the ark of god i thought about this i want you to think about something tonight have you ever by impulse just reached out to keep something from falling usually what the ark represented it was the power the presence the prosperity for god's people and ooze just by instinct he didn't knock the ark off the cart the ox shook and knocked the ark off the cart uh just said oh man whoa whoa whoa and touched the ark just out of impulse he done something for the right reason he didn't want god's heart to be on the ground would you he didn't want god's heart to fall and break would you every one of us in here that are familiar with the lord would have probably done the exact same thing but yeah user studies the ark and god kills him i want to use that tonight and i want to preach on this thought some things you need to let fall some things that you need to let fall you know we're all the time trying to prop things up we're all the time trying to uh get in god's way and hold things up the way we think they need to be held up we're all the time doing things like that hey i thought about this man hey when you think about it hey god wants some things to fall right you ever think about that i mean there are some things that need to fall there's some people that need to fall out yeah you need to quit running after them and propping them up and there's some people that need to fall out oh look up here at me now they went out from among us because they were not of us had they been others they would have continued with us yeah there are some people that need to fall out you go over there in acts and paul preaches till midnight he's preaching long-windedly hey and there's no boy named uticus he's sitting in the window and he falls asleep and he falls out why'd he fall out because there's more of him out than there was here and you know what you keep propping up some of these people and more of them's out than seen [Applause] there's some folks that just need to fall out oh yeah hey listen to this there's some plans that need to fall apart yeah some of you got it all worked out and all detailed out but there's some plans to use just need to fall apart his ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts and you can't make it work out on your own planes there's some people need to fall out there's some plans that need to fall apart and then i thought about this there's some places that need to fall in yeah there's some places that people had built for themselves as as refuges some places that are hiding places where people go and what they they just need to fall in see when you let plans fall apart and people fall out and places fall in then god can let the pieces fall together [Applause] but as long as you keep putting your hands on it the pieces will never fall together i looked at this text and got to thinking about this text and got to thinking about some things you need to let fall first of all there's the person in this text his name is us you know what his name means her strength is what his name means her strength you know what a lot of people do they try to come up with some kind of new strength to keep things from falling apart to keep people from falling out they all the time want to operate in their strength not only does it mean i hate strength it means her strength people because of their namesake think they can help god you're right yeah yeah they try to get a new strength and then for their namesake brother let me just tell all of you something god don't need no help [Applause] god don't need no help and what you need to do grandma is quit propping that boy's drug habit up [Applause] what you need to do mama is quit propping that little girl up and let god knock the props out from under and let her fall because she ain't never gonna get no help till she gets to the bottom he ain't never gonna get no help till he gets to the box [Applause] oh but you don't want them to fall because that's your namesake [Music] look up here at me now look up here at me now hey i'm telling you listen to what i'm saying hey i got some good boys i've raised them to be men they got to start making their own choices i let them make their own choices i got one grew his hair out a little long now he wasn't wearing no ponytail it wasn't growing down his back he was but he let it grow out a little long you say what you do i said get a haircut until you do get off the platform see because the namesake don't mean anything oh yeah you say hey you're gonna hurt him and he's gonna know that boy can take preaching he knows the standard yeah hey i said get a haircut you know the standard around here you say what'd he do he wasn't able to get a haircut he said i don't have time i got this and this and this and this i said well when you get time get one then you get back on the platform say what was you willing to do i'm willing to let them go down to the bottom so god can bring them back up to the top and as long as mom and daddy keep and getting in the way and still letting them fall god ain't never going to do anything [Applause] yeah yeah he's probably watching tonight i love you j.c you know i do and i do stopped on the way up here yesterday downtown atlanta and watched him play football kickoff was at noon watched him play and then hopped in the car and came off absolutely ain't nothing i won't do for my children you mark that down there ain't nothing i won't do for my children but if god's got to teach them a lesson daddy needs to get out of the way yeah zach called me the other day and said daddy god told me to quit playing football i said boy you lost your mind god ain't told you quit playing football him coaches have took a chance on you this is game week you went through fall camp hey it's tuesday a game week got it told you no such thing boy he said daddy i prayed about it god told me quit football i said boy he said well i got to do what god tells me to do you know what i told him i said well i guess it'll fall out how to fall out hey you got to make your own decision i'm glad he knew who god was man he went and sat down with the coaches they were all shot he was starting on all special teams he was three votes shot from being voted captain as an underclassman i mean they all loved it they were all shocked he walked away he said he had priests in his heart peace in his mind his schooling's all paid for everything's taken care of and two weeks goes by and the head coach calls him up on the phone and he said daddy i got to go meet with coachell i said yeah he said i've gathered up all my stuff i'm taking to give it back i said didn't you pray for all that he said don't matter i quit they can have it all it's all right i'm gonna take it all back he walks in they got all the coaches sitting down at the table walks up he sits down he says hey zach we've all been talking and we need you to be part of this program we need you to find something so we've come up we want you to be a mentor to the young guys we want you to be a character coach on our team we want you to come to two practices a week show up during recruiting things and talk to mamas and daddies and best of all zach we're going to pay you to do it you see hey if i would have my way i'd have got involved and text the coach and done this and jumped over here and moved this and moved that and tried to spin that thing around like i wanted it but god said there's some things you just need to let fall out [Applause] just pray about it let them fall out some of you trying to be all strong and mighty think you're going to change things you ain't changing nothing some of you because it's your name's sake you're trying to fix it all the time won't you just let god fix it hey look at this there's the person in the store there's the problem in the story you notice the problem david gets mad because god kills us david gets bent out of shape god that just wasn't right i think god i'm just tired of this that just ain't right the way you doing things just ain't right in fact i don't even want the art no more you know there's a lot of people that same position tonight gods are trying to do something you won't take your hands off of it and you're sitting there all bitter and ill and ugly and you're like well i just don't even want it no more god oh man won't come to church that time won't pray won't read your bible cause god didn't make it fall out like you wanted it to fall out didn't heal that youngin god didn't save that one god didn't work out your medical bills god didn't give you a new car god didn't kill your husband so you get another one and you like david all been out of shape and upset you'd rather stay at the house and mope around in your own problems instead of come down to church and just thank god anyhow [Applause] it's the person there's the problem then there's the plan watch this david said i don't want the ark no more i don't want the ark he said there's a fellow where it used to be one of my bodyguards by the name of obed edom he said just take that thing just we had that ark in so long it don't matter anyhow i mean it ain't been there i've already got a bunch of victories without it and we're already blessed without it just take that thing and move it over there to old bed edam's house he's got a barn hey preachers young preachers here's your good message preach on no bed eat it preach on the man that lived with god yeah yeah space of three months they took out can't you see obedient as they first start coming down there he's like whoa dude hey i just heard this guy got killed over that thing man god doesn't kill them hey don't don't put that thing on my porch just take that thing take that thing out there put it in my ball say just i mean y'all really gotta leave it here everybody's scared to death no i mean y'all really gotta leave it here yeah david said leave it here obedient man oh god he's up all night wearing and praying over that thing he was like god please don't kill me don't kill my family he's like lord i don't want to do anything i mean brother hey he was worried to death all of a sudden one of his youngins walked in and said daddy hey you know what some guy bought a new set of chair wheels for my chair down there they were all messed up he came up and said let me buy you a new set of chair wheels said man why'd that happen daddy he said i don't know all of a sudden here come his boy he said daddy you ain't gonna believe this man hey i went out john to the field and i'm telling you hey our corn looks like it grew over in canaan and it's coming out of the land of kings oh man how don't you hear his wife hey oh baby oh baby come here old baby hey what's going on with our checking account all of a sudden we we got money in there we ain't never had before what's happening oh baby got the scratch in his head and said oh yeah yeah we got the ark of god out there in the barn as long as we got the heart of god we got the blessings of god and we prospered for god [Applause] yeah baby said keep that thing out there three months y'all hide that thing if david hears about he'll want it back we ain't giving it back yeah man the word started spreading ain't no telling what all was going on down there at overhead inside david said hey i heard something's going on funny down there at old bed eden's house one of your boys go down there and check it out runs down there sneaks up to the window peeks in starts watching there's so bad i'm saying oh count your blessings baby one by one yeah he's a singing there's a mama with a brand new pair of diamond earrings hey man i mean there's food abundance on the table hey he's got suitcases full of stuff and man the children are happy he's got the peace of god in his heart with a smile from here to here he runs back and says david all i know is when i looked in that window when i peeked in that window i really couldn't tell what was going on because it was so thick with god down there david said boys we headed to get the ark we're going to get the ark see god had a plan yes see this time david's going to do it right see god likes things to be done right he likes things to be done out of obedience that's right yeah do it right yeah and boy if you ever get a hold of the plan of god and do it right you'll find out god will be living over there at your house hey i couldn't tell you the times as a young preacher that me and tracy didn't know whether he was doing it right now we thought we was gonna starve to death we had a house payment truck payment insurance payment and was making 200 a month from a church somebody would show up at our door with some groceries say i heard you was trying to do something for god down here ah you know what i found out a long time ago hey i don't need the big men of this movement i don't need the approval of some big name hot shots i don't need the approval of the independent fundamental baptist brother i don't need the approval of this one or that one hey as long as i've got god over there in my house and jesus is showing up in the late midnight air and he's coming over there in my bedroom [Applause] [Music] there was a plan i thought about this and i'm done i'm done the fallen let some things fall so god can put the pieces back together again i thought about this the savior redeems the fallen god specializes in the fall you need to just let go and let it fall the saints are commissioned to restore the following yeah get you in a good church right there but then one day the sovereign is gonna roast the fallen god specializes in fallen things and what you need to do is get your hands off of it and let it fall i'm done preaching
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 575
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: yau1eCUWVAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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