Game Grumps | Best of Link Between Worlds (2015)

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that sword and hurry after the cap I baited you got the sword now deliver it I'm gonna deliver it into the [ __ ] heart of this blacksmith hurry run after the captain but now don't know where to go you're so stab them and it's like there's this whole [ __ ] the wheels start turning glory totally where else he's gotta be headed back to Hyrule Castle he's still groggy fine look it marked it on your Maps and get a move on it's the castle it's over yeah it's the guy in the blues like please let me stop hammering there's nothing here I haven't seen my son in five days grape am i right it's a long shift that's another pan circuit it looks wet time for a little Hyrule so oh [ __ ] don't let him hear you say that damn yo I heard what that [ __ ] said yo you got a sword right you take him down for me you tell that painter he's a booth that's 50 rupees in it for you do a girl [Laughter] voices come to see by far the captain forgot a sword I like abyssal careless just above it I'll fetch it for you boy I don't even know what Saint at the time all right you voice damn pay okay the cat did stands by here more than anyone you think you want this Jack with the breeze no sir just make an excuse to see service there oh damn she hasn't got a clue either but I got my eyes on can't freeze the bird world damn Pacey's more people think like those paintings on the castle this morning I favor blue [ __ ] like everybody's looking at them you got the lamp a stairs hey you know what what it's set for next time on game girl sighs [ __ ] yeah welcome to a link between worlds everybody I don't know what I'm doing here we go I wish I could play this damn pay I know I wish I could play a dump pay this crappy brother use it use it on those little-little I say bro have you even played a Link to the Past I haven't wait a second wait you lied to me you lied to me Kratz knowing the Zelda naming scheme it's probably they're called they're called pots and the pots are called rats take it with me kappa 'break big a big baby baby I made you smell weird it's time to leave your house yeah i'ma make you dinner you like step out immediately and it's on fire bad now see it mister you you walk out it's like next time on game groom oh [ __ ] oh let's save our program enter actually starts [ __ ] yeah shave shaved progress you yang left I write game grubs let it read on 38 years old and I Borbon worship ladies my name's Samuel I have a clam a pet clam his name is clam ull Jackson I am Hinkle and Frieda mingle hue ladies later in my hey welcome back yeah that's right what just remembering I can't remember what the [ __ ] that guy was saying but it was like something like gotta believe in Jesus 420 blaze it more like 420 praise it [Laughter] hi I'm Jesus oh yeah yeah Jesus I'm sorry lady a bomb what's up not hot Princess Zelda oh damn it's good for 20 bleep wait here while I announce you to the princess feel free to take a close look at our gallery here that's the maid no hey what's up Nintendo this is the game grumps yeah it's us what's going on we were wandering in a link between worlds if you were to paint giant tits on one of the guards when they came out of the painting would they have giant it or or dick or giant dick hello hello hello did they hang up no that we must have gotten disconnected oh okay well coming into Oh Deb she's beautiful insects [Music] I bet you fondest welcome to Hyrule Castle stranger my boners like yo my Bona be like one of those door he's like I just showed up the paintings I've seen your face in my dreams all right there was this crazy clown so here's the [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] village [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] undoes her bra and takes it out without removing your shirt and let's kept that safer until generations [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] it's a girls like hip you first here like to veto everything she [ __ ] took off her bra all right no it wouldn't like this it was like BAM her titties when I rang in trouble okay Pepe some tackle right over lunch yeah all right [ __ ] the little drummer boy I'm real scared just throws mud in your new weather vane has been added to the map oh that's nice great hell yeah save your progress [ __ ] they've been complete nice work yeah I did you've been playing for a while know why that sick Jesus Nintendo [ __ ] wine just come out and say it you don't seem like you have much going on in your life maybe get out there meet a girl I don't know [ __ ] you want to be a lo fast your whole life it's an office all right let's take a break next time I gave okay see you later Jesus Rob my pen nice oh [ __ ] yes later should be a hard second here just like that one pop song heart attack that one Billy Joel son you giving me a heart attack I got gang out well go that way you idiot you sure I don't know what was in the bottom just another [ __ ] face row where does that lead you oh here look look it was important oh right you were oh look who was right why are you being such an [ __ ] dad right right right Hey whenever you get upset you make someone get upset voice oh oh that's crazy - congratulations thank you you missed the treasure chest but that's a crock I'm a big [ __ ] deal has this been going on a while this looks terribly pain yeah oh [ __ ] finally I am non-plus yeah fade out the end yeah you fail shits radios bracelet Oh dip damn does this mean - Ayesha exit what should I do I need to do all men oh my god it is used so brilliantly dude this is awesome nice twist Zelda and the why this game is awesome yeah wow that's really cool now if you just want to get out of there just yeah I guess next time I guess I start thinking with paintings now oh okay cool next time on game grumps I'm gonna do way more of that that's cool as [ __ ] hell yeah baby does it tickle your tiny toes it does you're wearing that's the pendant of courage what an eye roll they are doing where that love us Oh creepy rabbit man gave it to you yeah it just snatches it from you that's a she what no he's talking about Zelda oh okay Zelda gave her you bra right her bra oh that's right all right she was she must have sensed the evil was coming well she sensed it then why didn't you [ __ ] they leave the building yeah before [ __ ] goes that she looks out the window yeah oh wait yeah wait yeah guys wait yeah it's [ __ ] right whoa that's a snake ooh and some adorable snake keys keys no just snake ease just makes him way more cute and I know if every snake in the world was called a snakey from now on I'd be like Oh in the woods and I'm not worried who has clearly injected me with a lethal toxin so cure that beau there belongs to Murray yeah glad to lend it cheese what a [ __ ] power move keep it [ __ ] are you enjoying that beau that's mine mine it's cool that I lent it to you I own you frankly it's neato it has my ears on it go to the right bra okay just like the right bras the people who invented Pross they invented plays y'all say yo they invented boobie support yeah the right bra sweep just ring the bell normally I don't take passengers but I'd rather haul you all oh so she serves the function of the bird from yeah I think the past but she's way cuter she is and more legal to have intercourse with by state yeah it's sure one other thing my grams a world-class potion brewing looking at you Arkansas sure I visit Arkansas frequently no relation to what we were just talking about of course man there's three things I love about Arkansas barbecue church-going and dumb [ __ ] necessarily in that order no actually it's more like duck [ __ ] duck [ __ ] duck some guys just dash by and jumped it though me I could never do that that wouldn't be me suppose there's nothing to do but swim Azores domain yeah unless you can [ __ ] mold into a wall bro swim las' friend hmm damn I bet you can oh [ __ ] yeah you see that [ __ ] wow that's cool yeah casually was about it special oh yeah yeah I know pretty amazing I'm basically a god thanks for noticing pretty much Queen the Queen oh no I'll kill him what queen I know like all the zora Queen better get in their times auras she's probably cute oh hell yeah she is [Laughter] squeezing a sea of trouble we've got to do something but what the guy doesn't even know all the trouble he just caused oh thank you come back soon um what are you doing okay um can I get back to it well you know what next time on game grumps I'll get back to that Queen and we'll help her just we'll help her get things moving again and I will I will goofily play trombone I'd like that [Music] here comes I real [ __ ] yes come on my friend and I were in uh CBS know a Kentucky Fried Chicken God it's been a while I can't remember the story clearly uh-huh but we were in a fast food restaurant and whoa and this woman this large woman always it was a bit of a ghetto restaurant if you can catch my drift activate that thing oh yeah nice and there was a huge woman ordering like two giant like family meals like enough food for eight people and the little girl behind the counter it's like is this for here to go and the giant woman was like excuse me do you think I can eat all this by myself and the girl behind the counter was like that's that's another that's a that was from when same neighborhood a woman walked into a CVS I believe she was a peruse er of crack because she had like the wig and everything like that and and she just came in and yelled like I where to push it products at and the person buying the counter was like um aisle 8 and she was like buh-bye it is amazing yo talk about my cat whiskers ain't talking about my budge on the new school newsletters out and there's a little crossword puzzle in the back she has a tiny hint for you all the answers have to do with things at the fuel what is that that's the weird I mean he has to be a homosexual but it's the dude from Family Guy [ __ ] Ripoff whatever garbled yeah use them any suspicious-looking areas maybe we will next time on game grumps oh maybe yeah now that you have the rod you can do the [ __ ] so we'll do the temple my filling it's awesome yeah if I die I'm gonna light a bomb real fast so when his bird friend comes in to collect it'll just be [Music] that's how I roll I give me the lantern baby I'm gonna die I'm gonna load it push it's more fun oxygen to burn it's just a good thing it is last leg like curled up in change of rock did you ever get in supplements in samba like insult compliments you mean like you you're not as fat as you were yesterday oh thanks did you see that thing where people came up with like what with the creepiest thing you can possibly tell someone is what's up I think the thing that came up with was like the single sentence yeah it's like you smell different when you're awake that is good yeah it's [ __ ] says a lot oh [ __ ] out there bro how will I know I guess I better do this now or this no next time I gamers see you then a giant treasure chest I don't I need the big key for that oh I guess not this was the big key well then huh you're thinking old school how are you gonna put out that fire I don't know I know how did you ever come up with that concept I don't know oh wait I know okay cool Wow squink one now you can oh boy was I not supposed to if you look up squandered it's a magic throw it off the cliff yeah I need your [ __ ] magic [ __ ] I need your [ __ ] magic don't hold it up man you're about to catch on fire [Laughter] alright next time I give us goes to the door I did it herbs oh god what's happening no God okay oh did you kill I didn't know I thought that was just go back in it oh that struck me as really me yeah that's okay didn't even register with me how could I have called the other day yeah you are uh you're close to the death my friend huh you better either not suck Wow cool iron - I'm more solid advice yeah you're like my own walkthrough oh sweet they can go stop [ __ ] socket okay sorry we're step one I just go back well how do I get anywhere oh yeah thank I'm thanking Trevor you're doing over there again this okay hi chica can't blow paint away it only dries it didn't foresee this [ __ ] for cracking the peeling then you come back out and you know like pieces of you missing and you're like I'm appealing and it's not a peel and here we go yeah this thing does something look at me super helpful it is not you just gotta exit and go around through the door okay yeah yeah right you are errant more level goddamnit looking over here I need and uh I need a new yeah need a new what thumb yeah I need like I specially made D s oh oh we split into two little guys yeah did he what would you do without me all right next time one game oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh my god okay is that the boss [Music] mean meanie meanie we read you a link you did it and guy floats in her normal just like a half naked dude like all unshaven like you got a hard core to the kingdom this pattern is now yours take it put it around your neck pocket I don't care keep your mind sharp you know there's a guy named Rosso who lives up here also yeah hey my my my oh sorry yeah yeah yeah she all my sure who you even talking to Ross oh yeah right righty-o yeah coming in oh this guy looks good lift some [ __ ] orc orcs real pain in the neck and the back he doesn't even have a neck and the [ __ ] and the crack one he turns you like with that faces like yeah you see that [ __ ] today's feel cast a hundred percent chance and no girlfriend but that's just me a I I'm gonna update my facebook now back to it Lytton rocks 5001 yeah and they can look rocks rock yay am i doing it right we'll find out next time I gaming rooms won't we oh I guess we will see then everybody come on in arc I give you a proper Australian rogering you know the key only speaks and name's not Josh in UI it's not in the treasure chest don't [ __ ] like Pandora's box demons on fire and I hope you're proud of yourself you just didn't each to hell on earth I guess it's a mountain so it just falls down the Nami meanwhile there's a temple of rocks just keep crashing as if people are like why specifically these shaped rocks don't hit why actually says don't spend it all oh really alright really you guys are just silly [ __ ] cheeky bastards yeah ah they are the cheekiest let's head back to Irene for you oh [ __ ] I get to use a new item BAM feels good Donkey Kong style damn well I guess we'll check out the tower hair or next time on game oh my god will we really yep but how I get past these smiling faces well oh they're happy again okay yeah yeah just do that and do that and you'll be fine you'll be fine go ahead yeah no big [ __ ] deal but this dungeons pretty cool because it has a lot of jumpy things that get really sad when you hit them and it's sad for me because I don't like watching things haha what a nice fella what makes me a smart fella what a fine feller you are oh yeah one damnit one smart fellow he felt smart smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart deal holy [ __ ] yeah I do it once more freely he smell four smart fella he's felt felt one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fella he smelt yeah yeah you're like I got it one fart smell it told here's where I died and then died and then died again good at what he do I always huh I'm sorry what Aaron I'm in the middle of telling everyone how good I am at this [ __ ] yeah well thank you not to like you're like Suzy giving like driving directions yeah Suzy can you just give me like a little time a little advance notice that's all I need and she's like of course we're like six inches from the exit and I'm in like the left lane and have to get to the right lane and she's like oh it's a nightmare and then there's that platform that comes down oh okay got it that was just my thumb hitting the thing accident yeah was it yeah purely because I was like yes I want to die of course I do [Music] okay the magic is way cooler in this uh sorry everybody pulley replenish now so you're good so that's nice you know how it is pretty interesting to me that those bands there's a legacy bands yeah next time on the main room oh you son of a [ __ ] I'm all interested now I'll tell you next time one game grows okay I'll be waiting with bated breath please please keep breathing I won't take responsibility for this Jesus breathe this is the longest in slate of all time yeah so when I was 23 I used to work at a Harley Davidson shop in Bloomfield New Jersey mhm and it was it was because my friend's dad owned the Harley shop it wasn't because I was [ __ ] captain motorcycle and oh cap didn't know the cycle yeah I've got the scene to give you quick and fuel-efficient transportation hey captain motorcycle you girls go to high school [Laughter] captain motorcycle can't hear you because revving his engine denim captain motorcycle thinks Priuses are for [ __ ] captain motorcycle thinks he's awesome you could tell because captain motorcycle talks about himself in the third person captain motorcycles gonna play it off like you were a [ __ ] okay the motorcycles gonna swipe left what you got to tell me fortune teller [ __ ] don't go in the goat see your arrow / / / up three four three and you're like - one very good [ __ ] oh you gotta be [ __ ] me that's a great yeah - oh well you can't go in there right now you don't have the superpower Bank can you live the regular power glove which is so bad but agreed alright I'll tell my Harley stories next time my game grumps alright see you then everybody get into clubs in the tip see you are tired Danny walking in the door you're like he's like Danny hey how are you oh my god it's the squirrels and bunnies and rabbits that indicate the master sword is near yeah is there like is the master sword sort of like a river like it just brings life [Laughter] hey yeah I'm gonna get two masters Oh Oh your back - [ __ ] you okay oh really [ __ ] there's gotta be like a way to just interact with them today here they this is pull out Jesus now the swords more than ever Master Sword a to pull out if only were that easy strike down this nefarious barrier man he's real only you could he's really into not wasting time yeah you mustn't waste time oh sweet bushes three bushes slow first what the [ __ ] are you doing it's over here bring this rocket socialism low fish what the [ __ ] is that it's a rock lovers you can't be playing with right princess down is going to be killed [Music] alright I'll do it next time on game ground oh [ __ ] you know praise her sure you [ __ ] had me dude you [ __ ] had me you've had me since day one Oh [Music] if I strike it down with your sword damn it you walk into it you just like melt and then the Master Sword Falls and he just kinda like like you've cut through the walls around my heart and fries and what does it do these Tomatoes my god my lovely masterpiece have already scrumptious you're not gonna eat it with gross yeah dare I say it's my best work ever Oh Who am I even talking to at this point I don't know low precision speaking of which no fits great job standing there and about that egv super job hey next time on game Grim's maybe Lofa still do something about this [ __ ] yeah maybe probably not though judging by his track record also also the organist in the corner yeah moment to shine this is very dramatic you did take me to church baby man but who is it wide open for you you got him that's right [ __ ] you gotta be slay them that's right you got him I can't now you're gonna have to be the one to go it's family story mr. mrs. Baum hooker mrs. Baum hooker I don't want to give spoilers I hate to say it but miss Baum actually it's amazing name all the BOM hug family Schwartz I wish I knew the German word for it for like explode or bomb I believe it's a to say it like that I'm gonna get you painting I'm gonna get you I'm gonna sweep you off damn it that looks safe yeah you should go in with your painting form you're doing the black a gooey wall me doing okay yeah slow dramatic turn her out Hey oh here over here okay they're all gonna have that voice I can hold the beast at bay for only so long especially when it's time for next time oh [ __ ] I know we'll see you then everybody he loves you what a man you know cool [ __ ] don't make promises you can't keep buddy you mean I can't keep I can keep it to one of them yeah but who's it gonna be now fight fine fight for my amusement bring me a goblet of your finest wine what do you bring me a decanter of the blood of all of your children not too cold but not too lukewarm so help me God if you bring me lukewarm children blood see I must see you I love him I cannot hold them back much longer so I must see you deceived let me collect my thoughts meanwhile I'm totally unconscious I am NOT absorbing any of this hey hey here I guess like a little twitch say some blood drips out of his mouth you're in the blacksmith's remember they were previously so nice to you can't expect to survive two seconds of law rule if he's - I'm sorry did I wake you what a [ __ ] hey yeah you're [ __ ] rapping at a sword behind the blacks just like no I just ignoring y'all scoot it's been 50 right after this goes in your oh my god wow thank you for that I haven't seen a good chiropractor in four years nice dude check this out watch this what's up go to the right side of their house okay merge into their [ __ ] house what oh stop haha uh uh huh Here I am oh yeah oh well you go into the light world that's there there's a there's a heart piece there oh no [ __ ] but this is a wired low rule so there's nothing here yeah thanks Alan game bros everybody here we go yeah here we go out life's waiting to begin yay one thing no one seems to want to open or eat oh hey yeah you think it in there you need the [ __ ] power of magic II the power of love bent bent the power of love okay I'll save my progress I'm debating having a serious crisis right now okay Susie just sent me a hilarious text she immediately said please don't read this on grubs damn it what is it I think I'll respect your wishes but it is hilarious okay and embarrassing just take our word for it everybody can go on sweet you got a little vagina figure here go inside the good side the mouldy disease vagina wall maybe nah dude if this was what it was like it actually it looks in here how vaginas feel yeah hey buddy no matter I'm just glad to see you alive and well it looks like a clam hopefully if still as long as you hold that so what are we a fusion now and your courage will surely see us through what the hell's going I could start trying to see [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] nice nice all right next time game goes yeah hey hey Ravi Oh trying to take my [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't because you got bought him you know it's like thumbing through his [ __ ] like hundred-dollar bills you think you give your all and then we cut down nothing harder than the hero's life well anyway I have $1,200 what the did you just like spawn back here right away yeah that's weird super weird catch you later bye bye bye met the boss of our little village here yeah he wouldn't waste a mad summon that year cool well good thing you're selling out [ __ ] Madison Square Garden that are so important yourself it's busy stashing away that new paintings gat thing must be worth a fortune bed if that deep girl knows where it is she keep your trap shut and that she wants to tell me where it is this part sucks let me sing a little ditty jeez okay monsters can keep you strong their only salvation son you must dawn the mask Don the mask we are corrupt corrupt do not be deceived only monsters will save us now mumbo-jumbo my Malcolm I've really undercut myself oh nice let's go into the light world bro yeah give me some haratz over there it's probably in a secret area right Oh finally oh wait oh damn it nice job brah I can't believe this leads to Jenny's underwear drawer get out of here before Jenny comes back Oh can you come out oh yeah how did you get in here my door is locked office oh she knows you yeah never you mind I'll never mind I'm actually glad you pumped in was just admiring my new dress cool I like ladies with a little extra and I was thinking about taking it off mm-hmm oh you're too kind very sweet of you so here take this it's thanks for breaking into my home oh yeah nice work I'll leave the door open so you're welcome to pop in and that is boy this never happens when I creep into woman's have this nice Kakariko village brah yeah that worked out better than I could have hoped well uh whoa dude there's a [ __ ] store you get a shield I stop with your [ __ ] schedule it was you who are you so awesome right smoke what is that what is Turner look I don't know nothing about the Steve Kerr okay it's just a song just a normal dude with a bag over his head boss sucked her up somewhere through the way the key why'd you have to do and do that why just part of the song me the bad guy is so sad that the my thief girl ran away I stand here in the shop and selling shields and fairies and bees it's just a song I don't know where yeah it's weird it's weird let's be yeah who are you supposed to be no goddammit how'd you get in here hey you got a second you wouldn't happen to be looking for some kind of painting would you I know that thing must be pretty valuable if the boss what's all that trouble and now folks are searching for it well I may have accidentally learned with a bus hey bee eater that's why the great believe that say hey you know each other out here if you could help me out here then maybe I could help you find what you're looking for baby so get going I don't want to spend any more talking okay whoa look at you mr. secret finder um baby don't don't worry about her really don't want to worry about her she's fine [Music] all right oh god girls oh you can know that's what it is and it would've been much easier for her to get over here but whatever okay who gives a [ __ ] I don't care it's fine book oh my god I swear to Jesus hey you want to come with me great [Laughter] she still stays behind a little bit chicken I'll take a quarter yeah what a shitty date come darling come my lady come my lady you're my butterfly learn how to use the stairs butterfly oh god she's had a lot of trouble with the stairs and basic reading comprehension oh my god just stand right here and not stealing all your [ __ ] ya know Jesus why don't girls ever know when to separate I'm just kidding okay grab it okay cool whoa oh yeah what did that do oh really said treasure no baby whoa damn I wanted some new pants no no it said it looked like a silver rupee but it was uh yeah there's actually a good green roof because it's actually a baseball bat weird right that it looked like it was just an ice-cream cone I ate it yeah what gives whoo-ha silly girl did you actually think I'd let you escape with Yuri they got your little hero actually throws into hahahaha yeah looks like you got him good riddance so it looks like you got let's go that darling it's out of this black Bader Beta Beta Beta Beta buccinator so what's a [ __ ] that's how children awesome but you'll have to return to raviolis then you can find in this shop so you just [ __ ] steal it yeah right cheese like he like he's gonna no no [ __ ] you I've been playing for like eight minutes alright the game things you've been playing for like five hours straight that's sure we do oh geez I'm looking at the bottom of it stop with your shields oh so annoying [Music] [Laughter] welcome back to little movers you're in the area where the skull would strike fear into the hearts of the living not that there are many who live here for long within the woods are beat but brave them you must if you were to recover a sage she was pure of heart yeah so say I love lo ok cool [ __ ] to do if it don't grab you then [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] you're in it here in the skull wouldn't blow they did it Oh God that is a completely different wall master than when I'm from [ __ ] used to oh I don't [ __ ] you just showed up huh wall master is always annoying dude yeah he is yeah you liked me Oh [ __ ] Zelda game where the wall masters in like Oh even winwaker oh my god it is everything irritating here yes Jesus stop everybody stop stop slow down oh wow God we have a fairy soo good and I [ __ ] didn't want to use it though well what do you do man yeah strap it down I think I'll just shimmy under here they look cute in this yeah they're kind of adorable you look kind of like a stuffed animal or something I wouldn't kill anyone my gosh you got it my monster guns congratulations thanks babes I tried to get you with my fingers but it don't work kaboosh I can say yay take that treasure Jesus this would look like yeah you see that got it you see that now I recall sorry way to do it first time you play the guitar on that MTV is that from from I want my MTV it is money for nothing is the name of the song money for nothing but I do that all the time oh is this him pissed off what get money for nothing no no no he's just a like a little more purple I feel like we're talking about like four different things we are Oh God stakes got raised as [ __ ] no they got lowered okay cuz the floor fell out from under you riding a bike is one of the things that you would get ridiculed for if you couldn't do it and you were like 30 mm-hmm oh yes and they'd be like with it when what kind of childhood did you have there they would mock your childhood yes they would because it's like well my childhood was mine I liked it yeah that's why people get upset when you'd say I've had a wonderful bike free childhood that's why people get upset when you when you talk [ __ ] on like the games that they grew up with mm-hmm and they're like you hurt my childhood it's like not just just talk about a game and you like yeah like it's all felt like it makes you dumb I'll make you smarter for liking more things Wow because enjoying things is definitely much more it's better than not enjoying things are enhancing 2015 it's not better than enjoy not enjoy uncool wow I learned a lot today yeah dude was that it yeah you got him that was so much more wildly easy now I have sympathy for all the quotes being like Dan you're an idiot that I can guarantee are currently in the comment section yeah whatever I'll go in and delete them Oh will you really yeah before you even get a chance to look at them I'll delete them have we ever deleted a comment I don't think we have that's a good question I don't think so pretty sure the guy who told me to die in a barn fire we didn't delete that one so what really would be our level the of line that we don't cross you know you first of all rightly so yeah we're so affected by that comment but that is such a cliche [ __ ] thing what to die in a barn fire yeah it was cuz he called me a [ __ ] oh that's true that was really that was the part that that I would say got my attention yeah but you know what when you explained it like a year ago you were like you you were like I don't care about the [ __ ] part I care about the barbed fire part oh wow no like the cake part was what like stung initially like with the shock and then the barn fire part was what I thought was funny oh yeah cuz I mean who dies in a barn fire except for the Amish rest in peace I'm sorry for mocking you okay I'll comment oh darn it up barf are yours gotta be someone and I apologize in advance to them God you really can't say anything no you can't it could be like oh man that crystal just exploded my wife was killed by exploring crystal my dad was a crystal this is you seriously Pepsi in 1991 I have footage let's watch it's viral on you bless your goodness how strong you must have gotten it what I'm actually like watching you do this voice it's really fascinating of fun I'm trying to push my Adam's apple in wow cuz you can sort of do that but it seems you have further yet to go you must save all seven of the seven sages you can feel it you feel my neck how can I do it hey save all of us or peace will never return to Hyrule it's super weird and like goes up and in dude I'm I'm I'm using my dick silently to listen so why don't you put your hand on that maybe like recreate the vibrations with your head cuz that's how sound works okay she's got a big old honker yeah I remember cuz she had like that's a rough nose from the profile side it just looks like yeah it looks like the Roman soldier helmet next time it looked okay so yeah it looks like that part in space balls wear dark helmet has like princess Vespa held up and he's like he's torturing her and he's like we'll give you back your old nose and she has the big crooked Jewish nose hey Dan yes all right we were done the pen15 thing and pen15 club yeah where you tell someone would you like to join the pen15 club and then you write penis on their hands yes as a matter of fact I have are you really that tickled by a joke from 1986 that's a year before I was born Oh genius that [ __ ] is yeah it around for ages a time-honored joke it still makes me less sick pen island which actually translates to penis leg give me some roofies I'm saying how we get out there bro all right chill out oh yeah here's how you do it go down I think go left and then go up that door yeah and then go upstair yeah over here oh no no I'm sorry oh I [ __ ] it go back up yes down [ __ ] I screwed it up oh Jesus where oh [ __ ] me right up [ __ ] no this is all wrong right oh Jesus oh no I don't even know it's fine don't worry about are you sure yeah don't worry you sure okay whatever one you choose let me know because I'm gonna talk about it okay in great detail from memory whoops hold on I'm screwing this thing out at all looking through a walk through a white walk through a [ __ ] nice day for where I was I stick at the Game of Thrones like my god the kingdoms been overrun with white boxers [ __ ] don't let it hit that guy and explode if I was that guy okay don't let it alright dude you are on thin ice mister Oh nice nice work look you look like a rock great good rock impression what are you gonna go you go to the Apollo with that act oh no Sandman Sims he's got the hook look here at cowboys and cowgirls this here's Ruby rush I'm gonna sell you on it I'll say this though it's not a bad way to make some good loot I'll give you 30 seconds to grab as many rupees as you can this is Ruby rush and my name's Ruby rich guy you come back and talk to me before I leave time's up get to keep all your reapeat yeah it's not that easy though because there's no timer oh [ __ ] yeah it says what is the 30 seconds but yeah set your timer on your watch oh [ __ ] yeah you ain't got a [ __ ] cell phone over there you'd come up like Cooper look nice like ice cream ah all right go back up into that forest just like you were with the baseball's everybody go in that cave first you [ __ ] ruined it for everybody told me to go in the far but then I said but but but I don't know if I ever thanked you can't lose my manners sometimes really got me at so thanks for whatever Joe's just yours gonna take it as soon as we work got it from severed human head how about we just keep Oh a secret to everybody I like that I just wanted to see if perhaps a meme from 2003 might retain its magic and hilariousness where they even called memes back then they were not no Danny I think it was just called a trend that's what I was trying to avoid by the way Dan it's pronounced may may not pronounce me I don't think you know anything about dank maymays I am a king about mamie's ask me anything about a dank man what is a dank maymay it's a man I don't [ __ ] know will you take me for some kind of [ __ ] genius on dank maymays you [ __ ] crab pizza you [ __ ] fast crab you [ __ ] fast crab over here yeah I show me what's what I'll show him what's what fast crab definitely sounds like an Internet company we are fast crab we've got a no-bullshit either wow that's exactly kind of forward forward thinking we like over it fast crab hi Dan Avedon fast crab market I'll shoot your fresh crab international I'm 22 I just graduated out of business school and well I'm losing money fast crab we're losing money we have no products bass crab what's our plan oh boy dude this morning I had the hiccups like nobody's business really yeah I was I was kind of thinking that maybe that [ __ ] would get [ __ ] up and I would have hiccups through the whole to be a game grumps I say that because I think they're coming back you all know that's terribly okay oh yeah here we go yeah well it's the end of an episode oh sweet every [ __ ] tie every comic is gonna be somebody some [ __ ] smartass going there's just how you cure a guy just hold your breath there's no way to cure hiccups and just happen it just comes to the goodness drink water next time he goes drink from the far end of a glass that's my favorite it's race from the far end of a glass yeah well you've been hiccuping for a while why not take a break man [ __ ] you you [ __ ] badass bird we with your [ __ ] propeller ask tail and your [ __ ] red a sighs you're [ __ ] sick Laz head what are you like a hammerhead shark with Cyclops after you finish saying that you just had like a big big smile on your face like yes I nailed it what the hell's going on with this guy what am I meant to do with him don't worry about that guy we hit him with the hook shot he is silly I need to do something with him oh yeah there we go oh man hit him into the Narwhal okay was he a bad guy that's for me to know and you to find Aaron stop with this try not to I'm just trying to kill this [ __ ] water bug but man this should get the trigger just where's the treasure chest I don't know I'm preoccupied with my friend who's in great distress over here well I'll do me ok oh there's the treasure chest it's up a level it's awfully high up you gotta raise the water level somehow I say that's how you are in terrible shape blam there now there's less water yeah get ready for $5.00 that's actually awesome holy [ __ ] dude that's a lot I'm a rich man oh my goodness gracious [Laughter] [Music] okay how do I get up here again is there access to that yeah you just walk right up just go my god you're right Wow not my proudest moment everybody let's all pray listen there's a couple hundred thousand you and Aaron who just saw that let's all make a deal just let that one slide and no one has to be any of the wiser don't spread it around on the Internet right yeah no one talked about this Oh God you got press wasn't done there what is even floating on all right button open the dough yeah now you gotta go up that's data and you've got we merge into the wall take her upstairs Oh ha done washing dungeon Oh way up close they are ridiculous [ __ ] so his show her what it means to be scalable all right that's it yeah okay yeah you did it yay and you'll go through you'll see what's in this room next time on game I mean this is the room we've been in another time just you'll see what happens next okay I'm on game yay good good bye good bye it's what I do you want to say Oh Aaron so you got it the immune absolutely that's I mean depending specifically on what you feel locked down to be a hundred percent if you mean of your bodily if I lock down you mean meandering wildly as a hundred thousand people grow in agony yeah and yeah [ __ ] lockdown city breath that's what happens when you take the lock down it Brett read to say bro and [ __ ] at the same time right what up brat how do I get over there get a hook shot to the thing that just moved bottom I was looking at the waterfall I like the way [Laughter] no dude my thumbs and this controller are a [ __ ] nightmare combination it is so brutal I've never considered my thumb's to be like a [ __ ] disability until I started playing on a DS man it's brutal I'm sorry that's all right you want me to you know I'll call up some guy I'll call up a Richard rigger whoa easy there too much [ __ ] yeah to rig up a controller system for this DS okay just for you yeah stop rigor do you think he'd respond well to that yes cool do you think he gets that a lot I think he probably gets it literally every day okay cool I think when he goes to Starbucks and he doesn't even give them his last name he's just like Richard and then they write dick on his cup and he's like they like do something about a dick rigor well you didn't layer here about the New Year's body why not take a break you've been playing for 12 minutes you can end your game from the pause menu great then tune is the only company that's like just stop yes tapas stop this is all time that you could be using to purchase more of our products jump in the water again oh there we go go to the light world somehow find a crevasse find a little sneaky vagina to going whoa easy now once they are I like some sneaky their wall vaginas my god yep it's my gut too you can't lay claim to [ __ ] a deity sorry that's my gut you can't borrow him that's one of my favorite [ __ ] Futurama quotes when benders like oh your god I'm the great fairy don't question it yeah you [ __ ] questioning it I swear to God I am actually great no it's true yeah didn't you read the signs like written in crayon great very it's gr8 so now you're on the other side of that bridge but that was my thumbs dude that is once again my [ __ ] thumbs alright pause the episode Kevin okay we did it you did it oui baby oui gether and I watched the palace is here in the white world Wow yeah that's weird I forgot about dad so it's one have you ever like put something in your mouth and then it just like goes down your throat and you're like woah it's like an ice cube or something I believe I've been on the other end of it [Laughter] take off give doze get nari I'm not gonna wanna go there what say I've you I've made the give doze mommy's a piece of your mind and it's funny every time every single time oh no okay that's smart actually I know don't feel a little perpendicular today oh boy okay that'll just stay right it'll deteriorate after a while but if you use another one it'll disappear oh it does deteriorate you were absolutely right on mmm you never trust anyone I'm always giving you the proper advice dang it I do this is I mean like this has never been harder for me than it is right now in any video games oh my god oh my god why don't you just let someone with no hands play oh my god it's so frustrating bro you can Disney [ __ ] dude so came in well what if I okay it doesn't I can't I can't it's part of the process oh god I've dropped out and I can't I mean you're seeing what happens with my thumb right we do like it just alright maybe if I just like walk super slow trying to watch your thumb No No Oh God you have to you have to I can't oh my god okay I understand it's not okay I have a problem okay that was probably better that's probably the smart way go thank you oh okay next time I'm Graham sent me normal kinda live baby baby I want something you're not gonna sing it with me in the back don't actor back down to near mountains dude we should step back from that ledge my frond well um yeah there we'll get that rest short rest just rest now that's what I was thinking of doing yeah you were thinking it and I was thinking it dang it I see a different button let's see what happen and then you gotta you just got him so now I know how Navi feels yeah it's not that I don't want to do it it's like a big janky awful thumbs oh god the desert palace just creme brulee comes flying at you do I need to be doing this I guess I do yeah to get cute with it sure this is the most exciting part of this game the legend zelda link between ones damage oh [ __ ] I really pulled that one out thanks man I wasn't expecting to be enough words oh I worked on it Rick Rick Rick the Richter hello Aaron we're the beatboxing duo we get we get paid for this called a flat and the dumps all right oh why are all of the dumps it's like a it's like a morning DJ radio show a flat in the dorms ah all right well this is going well actually that's guy you got it right though I did I did have it right excuse me as you can tell by those things the spinny rate spiked deaths yeah you love it okay now all right now I'm mentally prepared for ya [ __ ] Oh can I raise him [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] that ain't no birds around them so smart smart oh my god the size of a rupee dude what you gonna do with all that money I can't believe you have that much money bust a hot has you're gonna hang in the yard alright just think of something a harmless what do you do with all that money I'll probably [ __ ] in your yard oh I mean it seems seems like an odd thing to spend your wares on but that's cool how do you even spend money on [ __ ] in someone's yard yes that's your problem to figure out cap and [ __ ] yard everyone's yards kept and [ __ ] you don't you tell me sand water sand is the worst to get anywhere oh yeah especially like in your car okay dude those [ __ ] got fudged oh my god I'm gonna [ __ ] you so hard you're gonna get so fudge today oh look at this five-dollar party whoa secret 20 on me and God Wow it's like the best day in Brooklyn oh it's a trail of fives or the 20 at the end oh my God look at this do you know how many New York I was gonna say is this just a door outside yep the boss is in the dark world oh that's that's neato they don't know each other the light world castle on the dark world boss they don't know each other yeah but still it's his castle they party oh shiz oh look at this thing it looks like your nightmare Jennifer dumped me very long plea its life force policy you go away no heart taken you know the scene in Lord of the Rings oh my god you don't never mind you did that on purpose no they make you look like a fool whoa easy now there's a scene in Lord of the Rings we're Gandalf's about to fall off at the edge of a cliff and he's telling everyone to run away he's like fly you fools and I bring wrote a tweet that was like attributed to sex Gandalf and it was like unzip my fly you fool [Laughter] you took your sweet time getting here didn't you I was in big trouble and I've got to get back to my gram you shouldn't do cocaine that's alright I forgive you just don't take that long to rescue me next time and don't make any of the other sages wait that long either come on get saving the road push this [ __ ] off the [ __ ] side sorry I should just kind of walk up you're like give me a big hug oh no oh no she fell I hugged her too hard with the palms of my hands forward Oh Oh lovelies Nova can you begin to comprehend alecky are such legends such heroes hmm we had legends we had heroes lorule I had a hoe mmm but all that is gone Laurel has only me now and you're here oh of course god forbid we have a hero and if the hero of Hyrule fails me oh but I must have courage he will succeed or all is lost okay like a bigmouth Billy bass [Laughter] [Music] skip it to be skinny Oh God it's The Legend of Zelda and it's really rad those creatures from Ganon are pretty bad boy that's really good remember that I do know my god oh my god [Music] you're like oh it's so good that pig he's got a pitchfork and a shield too he's also pig well [ __ ] baby then [ __ ] next time on game grumps I will continue that quest as well as my main quests and all my side quests that's the best get that off my chest yeah you better be paying attention they're going to be your test can you go into that little slit like world kept going through the light here I go um I never noticed his arms or like I did not mean to go back he's just like peach out so I'm sorry wrong dimension do you notice that uh they actually kept the the arm that has the bracelet consistent when he's on the wall no [ __ ] yeah nice nice nice yeah thank you I'm so terrified you know it's good at too well off to get any more [ __ ] struggles geez man get your life together turtle oh man that's sweet that there's a hair blow dryer water my portable radio in the water oh yeah let me get on you okay well that's what she said I guess I guess that's what she said you know yeah who is she laughs tell me who's on top of me I must know can't have people climbing on me all willy-nilly especially during sex you will intercourse okay oh that's great oh you know what my gram says it's good to walk stop to smell the roses pick up monster parts what that helped wonder how she's doing miss my gram Thanks nice depressing note in that I know a dead grandma I used to say well she wouldn't she would say that yeah yeah yeah I mean super dead now anyway you want to ride to your house god I miss her everyday anyway all right all right yeah well cool get it I get it you get it I don't know it's because make sure take good make sure you take good care of my or or alright yeah I'm trying to add this new accent I think it might work on the ladies because God knows my rabbit costume has not been getting the job done they said getting a pet will get you mad puss but they were wrong so wrong the repulsed bomb are strange alien bred and rightfully so they should be as they should that's for true there's bird friends like hey man come on no cool I've got a turtle rock whoa oh it is whoa it is Chara that's weird yeah here we go [ __ ] turtle drawing I met you'd love that key up there wouldn't you yeah yeah oh yeah boy this is unsettling I can feel the victory and it is hot and then sometimes cold it's steaming up my glasses defending here's my list I can't see a thing without my glasses oh Jesus should I take that okay I'll come back to it you don't have to it's just there for you [Laughter] hold on I've got a really I've got a really bad eyelash in my eye oh dude I had a stop for three days it was a sty what is that it's a pimple on the inside of your eyelid oh that's gross yeah you've never had one no that sounds terrible dude it's the worst because you think something's in your eye for like like a whole day and then when it's there the next day you're like oh that's a sty and then you just now that you know that you can't get rid of it it drives you insane oh when did that happen to you like three days ago and you didn't mention this to me it's gone now bro I could have been there for you and your time of need what would you have done I don't know made love to you can we make a boyband or Swedish Chef from the Muppets already continues it'll continue for days oh god it burns like the [ __ ] fires of Allah keep your eye closed for a little bit ah it was the bottom right yeah yeah yeah definitely damn I know damn yo [ __ ] talking about walking all over Turtles bodies and [ __ ] talk about chest hair talking about crazy cool medallions what holy [ __ ] dude you're a [ __ ] genius thank you good god I never even thought about that boy oh you could [ __ ] yeah I made it to hallways damn bro okay I think you can pretty much do the same thing that you did yeah yeah yeah check it check it go back up hit that thing and then there's two little donut offstage stay on the center yes yeah no the center of the between the two seesaws oh yeah well maybe I'll freeze it the wrong way first okay see those pillars oh yeah I can walk across there and then wall urghhh sweet dude a nice piece of a heart it feels like I've collected like five pieces of heart and yet never actually gotten an extra heart piece I mean that sounds like your problem [ __ ] you whoo Wow well then I'm sorry for your [ __ ] heart loss do you think he feels when I was in painting form I think we all feel bro yes do you think that didn't work at all I think what he thinks about is his puppy he's like are you gonna get across here maybe I'll show you by not doing goddammit welcome to Dan complains about the size of his thumbs episode 55 wow this is totally the turtle from turtle rock and the yeah passed since he looks really cool yeah well he's pretty cool now and tail looked exactly the same as this he's like the first unchanged boss I mean design wise he's different but like aesthetic I mean he's different but he's you know the same apart from them being different I just mean he looks the same but the way his your combat whatever what shop it's not important everybody shop you wouldn't understand anyway my dad works at Nintendo whoa dude I told you you're doing great right yeah that was a lot easier than that [ __ ] nightmare flower from the desert yeah give them a [ __ ] from the CD drop [ __ ] down on me thank you alright you give me the [ __ ] smash brothers clap did a great job it's just like two seconds of looking at each other like now alright yeah the Tyrone's faces the same threat isn't the legend too much once we have been denied that we will help you do what that hero of legend did so long ago better than what you're doing so please rescue the rest of his lovers please do it go on go through that portal I promise we won't talk [ __ ] on you after you leave he looks terrible did you see his stumpy legs sure is taking his time sorry I was gross did you do it right into the mic I did it close to the mic so cool definitely show though it's definitely on the capture whoo look at that my am I so cute oh yeah can't get her though I get to you you gotta get the Pegasus boots oh dang it which you'd still haven't gotten yeah what would it be this world that they show up yeah it's the way to the right yes that wall that's where you get the Pegasus boots there's a painting of them and line up your painting with that one there we are gets a CREP right up on that [ __ ] cuz he wasn't myself music oh what a beautiful pink I'll have the rooty tooty fresh and free music oh my oh my am i we're up there so adorable why do I always do this yeah BAM there's Murray's leave it kick it on its feet I can't breathe upside down well Oh mother my a my she does not take very good care of her babies does she she does not every single one is gone I lost a hundred forty children okay get them all it's like mmm how about instead I just called child service yeah maybe okay you need to use the bomb [Laughter] nice okay cool eyeball where's that other eyeball at hmm oh right oh and these jim-jams where's the other eyeball at I don't know you don't know I don't know you don't know where is it so you don't know I set my game rafts some girls might tell me where it is what are you trying to pray I told you I don't know okay sorry sorry I was pretty yeah I got a tangle okay oh I gotta stop playing bombs sorry you can get around here that's super interesting boy this game yeah dude keeps throwing [ __ ] at you it's really impressing me keeps throwing some smart ker ever [ __ ] at you so so delicious [ __ ] for me is always fun yeah you love it bro not gonna make it I made it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make an unofficial endorsement right now uh-huh I bought I just bought it for [ __ ] yes I just bought a product the other day mm-hmm called the squatty potty oh you're telling me about this uh listen up uh-huh this [ __ ] uh-huh literally okay he's gonna change your life get the [ __ ] out of here I'm getting out of here I'm going [ __ ] weirdos good left left yeah okay came from the right you dingus oh you're right you're absolutely right it's thinking about eat about toilets because here so the squatty potty super simple it's just a platform that you put your feet on while you're taking a dump to put you in the squat position which is the natural position for pooping reason it's the natural position for pooping is because there's a muscle that contracts when you get into a squatting position that takes tension off of your colon so when you're taking a [ __ ] you getting down on the toilet you're it's slightly restricted well you could absolutely like go to conventions of new of new products and whoops and sell this thing with the exception of the fact that you use terms like taking a [ __ ] this is going to change your life when you rip a [ __ ] just like a cram well first of all they're called lovelies second of all whoops I do like hanging out them so shut up why don't you shut up why don't you shut up maybe should I maybe you should shut up what did you just do did it bro what a [ __ ] did you just do I accomplished oh dude there was a [ __ ] go well nevermind there was a little wall that you blew oh yeah yeah there we go look at that hey fairy world what's up ladies oh just bite her head off okay you know what this seems like a nice safe place to rock next time on games yeah we'll see you then everybody see boobs yay did I just call our fans boobs I don't think I'll have a problem with being called the greatest thing in the world [Music]
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 4,176
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: applesauce, 2.0, 3.0, compilations, asauce, game, grumps, best, of, moments, zelda, link, between, worlds, 3ds, nintendo
Id: JqPOtQ_rP8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 4sec (6064 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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