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then one quick block well come on time to get to work love us and marine walk faster oh my oh me oh my the captain lifter that taking his new sword uh-oh we paid right yeah let's just say he lost it he he's gone off on armed lucky you instead of getting an earful you've got an errand low fuss take that sword and hurry after the captain I beat hybrid hey waiter you got the sword now deliver it I'm gonna deliver it into the [ __ ] heart of this blacksmith good hurry run after the captain what now don't know where to go you're so Stu max you across and then you accidentally stab them and it's like oh there's this whole [ __ ] the wheels start turning Tori totally where else he's gotta be headed back to Hyrule Castle you still groggy fine look I marked it on your Maps and get a move on it's the castle it's over it's over yeah it's the guy in the blue egg please let me stop hammering there's nothing here I haven't seen my son in five days okay pamorah it's a long shift they call it the night shift and the day shift is the week shift I am having the damnedest time with this controller and my thumbs really oh yeah oh is it - is it too small yeah Scrabble Scrabble still I will come on good talk so my day is going good that's another pants again it looks wet tougher than Hyrule thought oh [ __ ] don't let him hear you say that damn yo I heard what that [ __ ] said yo you got a sword right you take him down for me you tell that painter he's a booth that 50 rupees in it for you ask how good that fan brush is going to do in battle oh look who's here welcome to the sanctuary now purchase a woman I'm a woman either as ever aren't you is enough something I can help you with do a girl voice I see I see you're looking for the cabinet we are the wrong places come to see my father the captain forgot a sword oh I like every be so careless just a moment I'll fetch it for you boy yes she's not I don't even know it's insane out the time all right you voice damn pay okay uh coming and going coming the cabbage starts right here more than anyone you think you want the Jag with the breathe no sir just make an excuse entity therethe there oh damn she hasn't got a clue either but I got my eyes on can't free the bar poor old FA sees more people think like those babies on the castle wall this morning I favor bloom oh [ __ ] like everybody's looking at them what's going on with happening oh no shovel activate like changing a suit of armor the doors is done what can we do that we service that they don't have a key that man did you two gave the round around where we don't be remembered the OP a went toward the pre talking about a thief grew into the sanctuary right hidden right in my graveyard but look Dom P needs to take a dump worst luck going on the ground for you you doing if you get scared you swing that threw it around Oh what great options I'm scared forget that get the swing in the thorn you're right you got a sword sort of anywhere it is again the captain won't mind if you borrow it yeah you that thought you was in trouble I've got me over here reading a magazine don't ask me which one its playboy though yeah he did your art there are boobs I assure you in the moose I cut out Faris's face from pictures and paste them on the models don't tell her though way twist see how easily you can pay a change my name is Eugene add completely committing nested protection can you please take my braces out and you been here and it's a shame okay that's weird hey gives 10 B - never imagined by DTC poo imma put you any page - I made you a present oh okay that's way super creepy yeah that's not healthy in a relationship it's actually all right now she's a painting well I didn't do anything to stop that yeah what if this whole game just happens out of your power yeah I would suck oh oh my face that's a person you're even never getting your painting I think they're great food we may please why are you looking at me man do you accept to you he will you be here a little webcam ring again looking at my breath I see how did you get in the sanctuary Louis run John why do you stand there run Jesus son even the captain stood a chance against him maybe it's because he didn't have a source at me if only someone it delivered it to a pastor I mean if he misses you terribly commemorate make a big boom in sparkling Wiggles whoa damn Oh snaps [ __ ] told you Jesus you can tell me where I'm a pear tree and protected me many people think wiggle baby I do you bend my eyes still I believe the juggler to be with you damn yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever take my parachute pants and swear that if you dare carefully I could stand my man bone somewhere where people appreciate style first getting pricey mimicry dude around the world waiting my medic farewell Buddha mouth require you to protect me I could find you got it with you somehow that's a perfect voice for the things that he's saying I know it's amazing oh don't take my saris we must warn Princess Zelda oh hey wait a minute tell me the truth I've been looking for a place to stay I'll sleep on the table isn't that weird is that a weird coincidence that I showed up your house mmm uh this is awkward yeah mind if I stay here for a while just a couple of days no way course no way whoa oh oh I see thanks a million I wonder what he looks like without the mask I don't know I'm scared too now hey man panty simmer should hang out yeah I know it looks like oh [ __ ] D really yeah here take this not gonna spoil over I can't pay rent yet but it's something at least it's a piece of paper with an IOU written on it reveals pleaselet pretty gold but it's a gift forget to give give give give if you want to try that again yeah I know it looks like a hunk of junk but it's older than old a real treasure that thing duh what okay great I can't understand you you need to say words what odor you don't want it because it smells funny so I got [ __ ] sweaty wrists bro you're gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] on me it's a gift yeah I'm staying here I'm gonna [ __ ] rub my wrists all over your goddamn house smell history buddy musty leather moldy aromas the rich fragrance of a relic new sexy okay fine I'll admit that it smells like a wet dog but you got a no that's a good smell besides it's a gift so the least you could do is wear it buddy you know this guy Canadian yeah I'm um I'm actually gonna ask you to leave now pronto buddy to the castle I made you smell weird it's time to leave your house yeah i'ma make you dinner you like step out immediately and it's on fire by now see you mister you you walk out it's like well I might meet another place to stay next time on game groom oh [ __ ] oh let's save our progress our adventure actually starts [ __ ] yeah shave shaved progress peace national power you yang yes higher game groves let it read up 38 years old and I Borbon worship ladies my name's Samuel I have a clam a pet clam his name is clam ull Jackson I am single and freedom mingle hue ladies later in my Hana Oh Oh dip she's beautiful insects I [Music] bet you fondest welcome to Hyrule Castle stranger my boners like [ __ ] yo my Bona be like one of those door stoppers you know loaf is Lofa scram well oh that's a name for ya that is technically name seeing your face in my dreams of late for a trend - the hero locked in battle with a terrible evil and he's like uh I just showed up to tell you about some paintings yeah I've seen your face in my dreams - surely fantasy you hear please then tell me what you saw at the sanctuary all right check it yo there was this crazy clown so here's a little story go all about the chance for me to a painting the captain as well and it was like are you seriously believe in this man oh my god that's terrible we have to save them zabba okay Oh ever feel the evil is awakening once more in a finland frat not princess i advise them it consults a hotshot recession Hofstra shush girl is he's in this bless you for her elders knowledge of the past well it's more than past I didn't last listen to my rap it sounds like rap yes of course that's where we were to start that's just where to start so lovest the cheap leads finds a hostel Cyrilla the other should be at home in Kakariko village those are real words but that's what I was told to say I am certain he would be able to help just one more thing I would like to send you off with mammoth treasured possession like [ __ ] undoes her bra and takes it out without removing your shirt and link is like whoa it's another special Chun IO shop at Tesla royal family has kept that safe for until generations shut up I'm sorry lady this has been in my safekeeping since [ __ ] dead wrap the beds of your face is killing her eyes cry he's taking care of this chump you will need it soon you will have need of it you need to have Wilson listen Samuel we all have needs does it suck how girls like hippie we first hear Mike teavee Tony please go faster everything they saw Yoshi [ __ ] took off a bra all right you don't know it wasn't like this it was like BAM it just came right off her titties when eyebrow damn you shoulda seen it's a hospital table I wish I could yeah I'm very old thanks for reminding me of the bygone days where I could [ __ ] like Briggs or pet it brings him back food yo yo yo do that thing you do with the bra for him she's like know what yeah right yo you don't believe me and [ __ ] yo you got to do it again no for real Ferreira oh it's Gulley's mom uh-huh everything mobile go ahead girl office uh I'll thank you not to ask me I'm a child I'm sure he just playing somewhere nearby but people have been talking about monsters if you happen to find him tell him to free him right in in yeah it's been a while since he's been back here like I haven't seen for like days did like seriously look Monday it was the last time I saw him and it's like a Thursday night that's it I'll be a man in trouble I'll get the patient back Oregon village yeah all right [ __ ] the little drummer boy I'm real scared of you yeah hey everything just throws mud in your face there's ants in it oh let me save this goodness aw sweet [ __ ] I'll just hang out here and read why are you going into my study you don't talk to my wife she knows father and I do wonder like do you know I'm here are you just talking yeah yeah Oh a little green man he's probably out somewhere trying to prove himself a great heroine awful princess out to say to a miss I I wasn't I was followed be my hero I suppose just wasn't meant to be I'm sorry I just buried this bomb what yeah how dare you talk about me don't listen to a goddamn thing she says get in the dungeon woman answered the dungeon oh [ __ ] whoa goddamn hey which girl I'll get you my pretty remember her she's cute yeah all right break city wish I see her do you know what she likes i totes like her do you think she's into the birthday massacre does she like Olive Garden money twenty dollar gift card yeah well it's like 18 I bought breadsticks yeah yeah but like I could get her more breadsticks Oh No what do you think she and I we've I took her to Benihana you girls like Benihana I know um what's her face I forgot her name where that go up Oh Stephanie's dream palace one of those and to the right there's a dam there was some actress I forgot who was it was one of those like you know d-list actress Lee but she like supposedly slipped and fell on a hot Benihana table and she is like she's like burn scars oh no yeah but I'm pretty sure that she just got drunk and like slander yeah so that's a well that sounds right hey Lucy Julie close your eyes provide other [ __ ] seriously like what I have to do is close your eyes and concentrate on not getting a boner it never works I know you really don't want to see this [ __ ] I have to do I just just think about puppies or something yeah you close your eyes and she's like ah you just you're like hmm okay being scared I'll get to the bottom of this yoga nonsense not very well here loves it just slowly walks away yeah right swish swish swish hate to see me go but loved ones is this what is this Indiana Jones [Music] when I was both going are they getting deposited back into the floor then what reused wow that's an efficient system look look it was important oh right you were oh look who was right why are you being such an [ __ ] dad right right right oh hey whenever you get upset you make some [ __ ] upset voice oh oh it's really upsetting okay Zelda gave her you bra right her bra yeah oh that's right all right she was she must have sensed the evil was coming well she sensed it then why didn't she [ __ ] they leave the building yeah she looks at her to-do list you capsule before [ __ ] goes down she looks at the window it's all I'm ready for the right bra okay just like the right bras the people who invented the right process they invented planes y'all I was gonna say y'all they invented booby support yeah the right bras mmm damn I bet you can oh [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] you see that [ __ ] well that's cool yeah you're just saying what now what now it's all casually was about it you think oh that's a really cool ability yeah it's special oh yeah yeah I know pretty amazing I'm basically a god thanks for noticing pretty much my friend and I were in uh CVS um no a Kentucky Fried Chicken God it's been a while I can't remember the story clearly uh-huh but we were in a fast food restaurant and whoa and this woman this large woman was it was a bit of a ghetto restaurant if you can catch my drift activate that thing oh yeah nice and there was a huge woman ordering like two giant like family meals like enough food for eight people and the little girl behind the counter was like is this for here to go and the giant woman was like Bush scuse me you think I can eat all this by myself and the girl behind the counter was like [ __ ] I don't know your life that would skew okay looking bouquet gives me everything that's that's another that's a that was from when uh same neighborhood a woman walked into a CVS I believe she was a peruse er of crack um because she had like the wig and everything like that and um and she just came in and yelled like eyewear to push it products at and the person buying the counter was like um aisle 8 and she's like bug-eyed what a [ __ ] product that it is amazing y'all talking about my cat whiskers ain't talking about my budge on my 17 is the girls out of China you got a dirty mom placing two items flute inditing pressing why doing the stuff whoa how's your cute this guy deserted world uh welcome back to game rooms everybody welcome to the house of game you and your games my name is Gayle ironically enough yet that I rather get to coincidence leveraging Anna how it happened bro what what item did you just use the tornado ride and it's green we okay duh you can just fall down there look at that yeah yeah man it's like you got special powers squink one now you can all oh boy was I not supposed to if you look up squandered in the diction time sample this how do I get anywhere ooh yeah thank I'm thanking Trevor you do oh there we go this one okay hi chica can't blow pain away it only dries it what everybody have you got a dump it you didn't foresee this [ __ ] crackin appealing then you come back out and you're all like pieces of you missing and you're like ah I'm appealing and it's not a peel and [ __ ] you here we go we want us to do though just merge you get over here you guys think does something I'm super helpful it is not then you just gotta exit and go around through the door fine okay okay poof yeah you're back here bro you're practically already 100 they like it goofy for a second like it was like [Music] yay link you did it and guy floats in her save like the normal fairy of the day off it's just like a half naked dude like all unshaven like you got a marketeer the kingdom is forever it's got like a miller lite ah this pattern is now yours take it put it around your neck pocket I don't care keep your mind sharp kiddo alright do you need anything if you're going out can you make a run for me I need lots of [ __ ] there's a guy named Rosso who lives up here also yeah hey my my my rules oh yeah yeah yeah yeah she all my sure is it who you even talking to Rosso Yeah right righty-o yeah coming in oh this guy looks skin lift some [ __ ] rocks over your garage real pain in the neck and the back he doesn't even have a neck and the [ __ ] and the crack her one he turns you like with that faces like yeah you see that [ __ ] for me I got a thank you I go thank you for all that come on in okay give you a proper Australian rogering Roger you know he only speaks in name's not Josh on you I it's not in the treasure chest don't don't no don't over that [ __ ] like Pandora's box demons off wire and I hope you're proud you see you just Anish to hell on earth right great what a nice fella don't mix four little smart fella what a fine feller you are smart oh yeah one for oh damn it one smart fellow he felt smart damn it what smart bellies no part no one for Bobby wait smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart deal holy [ __ ] I do it once more fully he smelt for what's right fellow you folks for it one smart fellow he's felt felt one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fella he smelt yeah yeah yeah you're like I got it one fart smeller captain motorcycles yeah eyes on the scene to give you quick and fuel efficient transportation hmm hey captain motorcycle you girls go to high school I don't really think captain motorcycle can't hear you because he's revving his engines this is more cool ladies now it's just kind of like Captain motorcycle wears a lot of denim on denim yes you know that's what the ladies love a guy with like a Prius every every economical cruise he'll make a good husband captain motorcycle thinks Priuses are for [ __ ] captain motorcycle thinks he's awesome you can tell because captain motorcycle talks about himself in the third person I'm gonna go just gonna get you know I don't want to look at you anymore see ya captain motorcycles gonna play it off like you were a [ __ ] okay the motorcycles gonna swipe left oh my god it's the squirrels and bunnies and rabbits that indicate the master sword is near yeah is there like is the master sword sort of like a river like it just brings life yeah hey yeah I'm gonna get two masters okay oh you're back huh [ __ ] okay oh really [ __ ] there's gotta be like a way to just interact with themselves okay do it I can do it what am I [ __ ] meant to do here today here the a this is pull out Jesus now the swords more than better than ever okay hurry up Here I am oh yeah nice a pullout Master Sword oh my a to pull out mmm if only were that easy hey you go into the keys so cool office no sachets just hit it off in that direction here you like suddenly think the kids gonna join you so you're like no I'm going I'm going to the mall yeah oh that's okay yeah I wanted somebody to walk with my couches whoa cool his voice gets work tested as you're writing like turd but you like look back you turn back around he's like hey Jesus oh yeah it's upper his first whoops ha ha no doubt that is the very blade of Evil's Bane you found the Master Sword well done NOFA scan him now there's no time to waste strike down this nefarious barrier well he's real only you can do he is really into not wasting time yeah your mustn't waste time oh sweet bushes one two three bushes slow fish what the [ __ ] are you doing it's over here boobies I want to see some boobies searching for some for ya you will find it soon all you have to do is go on google and type in some [ __ ] [ __ ] pretty much anything like slobbing on my novel some girls boobies movable boobies boobies just type in Jennifer's sucks Queen and you'll find something that's how you find the unique points in the famous second wing uh how to say like Sandra sucks is it you'll find something cool you never seen before I like how the music gets all like uh to beat when you go on the wall really yeah you never noticed I mean here oh wow yeah it gets like super distant it sounds like you're on like an AM clock radio like when you wake up a [ __ ] Savage Garden is blaring never get Savage Garden it yeah then you could never get that out of your head ever oh my god it's just a true story oh it was the first time I ever use did they sing well I'll tell you in a second okay the first time I ever used an alarm radio alarm clocks I usually use just the beeping so I was like oh you can make it like wake you up to radio that's cool so I set it to that in the very first morning I woke up to it I woke up to some dead over the mountain and a dead seal and i just never been able to get that tune out of my head that's right yeah didn't they have like a sunset yep yeah so did me 800 other are his yeah absolutely oh I Love You Man midair explode you know you got them that's right bad you gotta be slim that's right back you got him I can't now you're gonna have to be the one to go to its rambling story mr. and mrs. Baum hooker yeah I mean mrs. Baum hooker yeah I don't want to give away spoilers I hate to say it but miss Baum huh actually it's your maiden name all the bomb hug family Schwartz I wish you knew the German word for it for like explode or bomb I believe it's a snipe you have to say it like that oh this is off it's like I'm gonna get you painting ooh get you I'm gonna scrape you off as a would she go into the black gooey wall [Music] I'm debating having a serious crisis right now okay Susie just sent me a hilarious text she immediately said please don't read this on drums oh damn it what it was it I think I will respect your wishes but it is hilarious okay and embarrassing just take our word for it everybody can do although I feel like if I just if I just lay that out there that people will come up with even more embarrassing than what it actually is it's about pooping I'm sure I will neither confirm nor deny whether it is about pooping Horst about pooping what else would it be would you even talk about after ten years of being respected sure yeah just talk about like ah dude I just let the wicked met the boss of our little village here yeah yeah he wouldn't waste a mad Sam and let you cool well good thing you're selling out [ __ ] Madison Square Garden better so important yourself busy stashing away that new paintings GAD thing must be worth a fortune man that deep girl knows where it is she push deeper trap shut and that she wants to tell me where it is part sucks let me sing a little ditty one here my ladies day that was amazing oh jeez okay wrong place wrong time and the boss will be glad to put you back in line a smart thief fears the boss's wrath I'd rather be on a cliff walking a narrow path you you don't quit your day job yeah go ahead and sing your heart out baby uh whoa dude there's a [ __ ] store you get a shield I said you'd stop with your [ __ ] this guy's like every shield but you weren't you how do awesome right we're gonna pretty cool [Music] you just like smell what is that because she's had a lot of trouble with the stairs and basic reading comprehension oh my god just stand right here and not stealing all your [ __ ] yeah no separate just tell Jesus why don't girls ever know when to separate I'm just kidding I'm totally kidding ladies okay grab it oh nice cool whoa oh yeah what did that do oh really said treasure no baby whoa damn ten $100 cuz I've been I wanted to new pants no no it said it looked like a silver rupee but it was a zillion yeah there's actually a green roof because it's actually a baseball bat weird right that it looked like there's just a ice cream cone I ate it on welcome back to little OVAs you're in the area where the skull would strike fear into the hearts of the living not that there are many who live here for long within the woods are beat but brave them you must if you were to recover a sage she was pure of heart gap so see I Hillel oh okay cool yeah you got [ __ ] to do yeah I guess I guess we lost connection or something I mean hip CPP Bam Bam Bam I did it again I pooped in my hand I'm gonna what am I gonna do about my little situation I can slap down Cooper boomer what am I gonna do with this big errand this elite it Hey oh it's gonna be a problem all master rice not as good as the poopy I'm in still good stop usually I produce delicious poopy but today it hasn't been a good pooping office yeah well give him up we ever deleted a comment I don't think we have that's a good question I'll think so pretty sure the guy who told me to die in a barn fire we didn't delete that one so what really would be our level the of line that we don't cross you know you first of all rightly so yeah we're so affected by that comment but that is such a cliche [ __ ] thing what to die in a barn fire yeah it was cuz he called me a [ __ ] oh that's true that was really that was the part that that I would say got my attention yeah but you know what when you explained it like a year ago you were like you you were like I don't care about the [ __ ] part I care about the barbed fire part oh wow no like the [ __ ] part was what like stung initially like with the shock and then the barn fire part was what I thought was funny oh yeah cuz I mean who dies in a barn fire except for the Amish rest in peace I'm sorry for mocking you okay hi here we go I'll comment right my uncle died in a barn fire it's gotta be someone and I apologize in advance to them God you really can't say anything can you know you can't they could be like oh man that crystal just exploded my wife was killed by exploring crystal my dad was a crystal this is you seriously still Pepsi my uncle choked on Crystal Pepsi in 1991 I have footage let's watch it's viral on you um I see my little friend from the sanctuary nice [ __ ] voice don't put yourself out our really finally stretched out wings try to be as feminine as possible alright hard it's hard cuz I've an Adam's apple alright yea-ah I see my little friend from the sanctuary Wow you've come to my rescue have you it's really good actually Thanks bless your goodness how strong you must have gotten that well I'm actually like watching you do this voice it's really fascinating kind of fun I'm trying to push my Adam's apple in wow cuz he can sort of do that but it seems you have further yet to go you must save all seven of the seven sages you can feel it too here well I do want to touch you I feel feel my neck how could I do it please oh my god if you save all of us or peace will never return to Hyrule it's super weird Alec goes up and in dude I'm I'm uh I'm using my dick silently to listen so why'd you put your hand on that head maybe like recreate the vibrations with your head cuz that's how sound works okay did I do the thing yeah we did the thing yeah bro okay we beat a boss I beat a boss we're gonna play another [ __ ] dungeon Andy baby gray yeah look at Zelda she's got a big old honker Zelda yeah I remember cuz she had like that's a rough nose from the profile side it just looks like like a bit it just like flicking dick with left oh yeah it looks like the Roman soldier helmet alright next time it look okay so yeah it looks like that part in space balls where uh dark helmet has like princess Vespa held up and he's like he's torturing her and he's like we'll give you back your old nose and she has the big crooked Jewish nose it's like hey Dan yes Erin have you ever appeared on the pen15 thing and for pen15 club yeah where you tell someone would you like to join the pen15 club and then you write penis on their hands yes as a matter of fact I have [Music] are you really that tickled by a joke from 1986 that's a year before I was born oh that's genius that [ __ ] is yeah it around for ages of time-honored joke still makes me less sick pen island which actually translates to penis led oh here oh no no I'm sorry oh I [ __ ] it go back up gas down oh [ __ ] I screwed it up Oh God Jesus where oh [ __ ] me right up the [ __ ] oh no this is all wrong go right oh Jesus oh no oh ho key with this try dance I see it gonna dent you with this tried end that's why they call it a tried em when you can hope the three different someone tries they den you is it there no way out here I can't [ __ ] fly dude alright you have a bird friend or a broom or what he's man alright stop yelling everything whatever one you want to go to is up to you it's your choice and go wherever you want because you're the man I'm sorry I'm feeling a little like not smart today yeah I feel that every day welcome to my world yeah do you know what I mean there oh yeah obviously we're all stupid uh and yeah have you not looked at my [ __ ] face alright some self harshness right there you could leave a dumb face now your face is beautiful yeah some people think that like my wife and my parents but that's because they're family and they're required yeah they're contractually obligated but literally like behind closed doors they're just like yeah she's like I could've done better wow that's exactly kind of forward-thinking we like over at fast crab hide an avid on fast crab market imma shoot y'all fresh crab are international I'm 22 except I just graduated out of business school and well I'm losing money fast crab we're losing money we have no products fast crab what's our plan oh boy what the hell's going on with this guy what am I meant to do with him don't worry about that guy when I hit him with the hook shot he is silly I gotta say he is like I need to do something with him oh yeah there we go oh man hit him into the Narwhal okay was alright Aaron you just stay with the pretty boy yeah pedda bun yo gotta open the dope that did open without now you gotta go up dust day huh and you've got we merge into the wall take her upstairs show her dog washing dungeon oh boy up close they are ridiculous looking so his show her what it means to be scale war all right this one's it's one have you ever like put something in your mouth and then it just like goes down your throat and you're like whoa it's like an ice cube or something I believe I've been on the other end of it okay sweet beans finally the Sand River that we've all been begging for wheat [ __ ] beans the town but fifty hydrate and uh die of drought anymore for I have brought a delicious sand river it's just like what you see a heaven your palms and you're like lifting it up you're like based upon this glorious golden sad the children are like and you're here oh of course god forbid we have a hero and if the hero of Hyrule fails me oh but I must have courage he will succeed or all is lost okay Spago she comes out of the painting like a bigmouth Billy bass what if you what if you were like whatever you were like in the women's bathroom and you're like so here's like merchantability but it would have to be like Oh No yeah mm-hmm even it was like ah like movie - no no no oh it's so good oh man okay whoa crabby the Duke Duke how to do this to the pig he's got a pitchfork and a shield too he's also big his pain he truly does appear let me get on you okay what uh that's what she said I guess I guess that's what she said you know the who oh yeah who is she get a lab tell me who's on top of me I must know can't have people climbing on me all willy-nilly especially during sex you will intercourse I'm already having sex with a lady blasphemy a warm welcome to you mr. hero thank you give me your [ __ ] I don't know why I give him like a British are you interested in the ice road the rental price is well hot 100 watch ah yes Christ dude raising your price it better unleash one [ __ ] of an icy blast inflation is not that fast forget it all right yeah well cool get it I get it and get it I don't know anything no no it's because make sure you take good make sure you take good care of my order all right all right yeah are you leaving so soon yeah I'm trying to add this new accent I think it might work on the ladies because God knows my rabbit costume has not been getting the job done they said getting a pet will get you mad puss but they were wrong so wrong the repulsed by my strange alien bred and rightfully so they should be as they should that's for true there's bird friends like hey man come on what are we talking about yeah baby like you owe me 250 furnish you can we make a boy band we're [ __ ] rich all Swedish Chef from the Muppets oh it has the spins whoa dude I told you you're doing great yeah that was a lot easier than that [ __ ] nightmare flower from the desert yeah give him a [ __ ] from the ceiling drop [ __ ] down on me Thank You Aaron you give me the [ __ ] smash brothers clap did a great job it's just like two seconds of looking at each other like now now we're like all right yay [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Tal Rimoni
Views: 219,694
Rating: 4.8488836 out of 5
Keywords: Best, of, game, grumps
Id: K2K3Op1jLWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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