Game Grumps - Best of SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2

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super mario galaxy yeah there's a thing going on maybe you've heard of it and this is the first episode we're recording since that happened so anyway obviously i'm talking about the backstreet boys reunion tour um everybody's talking about it it's i mean it's affecting everyone's lives and we will not miss any episodes even though the backstreet boys reunion tour can be extremely dangerous to some people yes and even if you are not susceptible to going to the backstreet boys liking backstreet boys music you could you could still end up at the tour and in the front row you could know that you're not even carrying tickets to it and they could be you're accidentally scalping them to your entire family backstreet's back all right i'm way too huge for this beauty planet damn are these just all like i'm talking about my wiener yes of course oh i deserve an empire that's more me size like like four inches and i'll put it in the center of the universe but like as thick as i am yeah like a dirty four just imagine that shody delight yeah i got a squeeness what about it see believe it or not we're on a spaceship right now took some real elbow grease to convert this little planetoid into a ship but we lubers pulled it off may not look like much but it's home bathroom's over there just kidding the bathroom's right here it's called my pants you just [ __ ] into space you just have to push hard enough and it'll exit the atmosphere it'll float off into the galaxy and you won't have to deal with it until mario galaxy three when it locks into orbit it's like it's like saturn this is a ring of [ __ ] i was trying to save my friends but then i got turned into an egg you can talk oh my god when was that a thing i don't know he's like oh yeah sorry i mean [Laughter] russell he likes his speaking voices all normal like oh sorry man i meant yoshi's got a lot of fetishes man a lot of things he's into oh my god don't suck on my toes what oh [ __ ] yeah oh god he's dead he's actually dead yeah looks like you found out wait am i giving it to him hungry luma getting tasty stuff oh whoops my bad wow he just stole all your stars what the heck what you know like next time i steal some money out of someone's wallet i'm gonna be like uh oh looks like you've encountered a hungry luma you gotta feed me 300 bucks uh yeah oh i'm so full but that was only 250 bucks for the transverse now i'll transform into someone that has three hundred dollars you know what i like save the environment anthropomorphic animal characters there i said it yeah yeah wow oh come on dude run a little farther head him off at the pass there you go yes that's the one baby the shot yup and now walk into his cavernous bowel and retrieve the star that you desire my little guy's in the back i was wondering what happened to the little fella after he fell off yeah i mean didn't care i didn't look for him oh how you [ __ ] um um excuse me sir excuse me he's impeccable hmm then what oh the gravity switches and then like he flies up and then i can get him now he's all he's like oh i'm so horrible oh you're in trouble aaron not anymore bro thank god i got coins i am a genius i'm a gamer i put on my big boy gamer pants samantha you will be mad [Laughter] sorry with my gamer prowess you'll be impressed don't fall down are you wet aaron because of my gamer skills we were on the same sidewalk so i was like oh well you know we'll walk out in the street to get that like six feet thing going because we're susie and i are adhering very very strictly to these rules of course um and uh so we did that and then and then she was like you know she was like six feet hahaha just kidding and i was like just kidding yeah no don't kid we're not kidding around here this is [ __ ] serious this is the back street they closed disneyland because they knew that they couldn't compete with the ticket count that the backstreet boys shows would sell is he [ __ ] a star bit don't uh don't put the camera on me right now what are you doing man yeah what what are those are you shooting sparkles right now why is that he started collecting star bits for safe keeping oh is that what the kids are calling it thinks he's some sort of happy bank or something yeah well he's making a deposit for sure i don't even know how long we've been doing game grumps anymore uh it's like it's like a marriage that you just you're just tired of oh geez aaron what are you talking about 15 years i don't know i could be 30. just said like two hours ago how happy you were to be doing this um it's a joke dan god can't take a joke this marriage is in the [ __ ] oh god oh right when the [ __ ] thing did that happens gotti do you just have to pop them all and then he'll die immediately i guess so this seems like his final form right now is all upset yeah he's oh boy he's got some things to say to you dude bro bro here comes oh yes yeah oh god oh jeez yeah he would have made an amazing [ __ ] ring it's it's it's sick and dope it's dick it's dicks sticks so dope and sick oh man that's awesome yay dick soap we learned something today we've stumbled upon yet another wonderful moment my god i'm sorry to see him die he was a cutie i know that's a problem with mario man sometimes their enemies are too cute yeah and kirby yeah it's true now it's like you sort of have to be like okay well we should play something that people are definitely gonna watch yeah otherwise people are going to be out of a job yeah algorithm stuff it uh it blows it for everybody but i mean what like it doesn't really matter like the only thing that matters to me is that i get to hang out with my boy oh bro yeah his name's thomas and he's my illegitimate child okay i thought you were talking about me but oh no i can't breathe in water oh thank god space always waiting judging watching judging judging watching waiting oh schnapp i think i oh schnapp i think she's on fire i think it's what i did wrong okay i think i just did something wrong really i gotta restart the level no why yeah cause i did something wrong what'd you do i told you i turned the map i had to get that other and then run up the side i think i think so there's that one the start one and then they show that one okay so i'm thinking you have to get that one in order to get to the top of here and that's where the star is i think it's the end of the level i don't know man check it because you got it you can do it though okay i know you can do it damn it i don't know if you can do it dude but why would they put it there if you couldn't do it ah okay maybe i can make a wide turn okay dude what if you oh yes yes see and then you can go all the way to the top hey there's a one man just a just a penguin stop stop please stop please stop please stop your skill has brought you very far quite a view from here it's clear how important every coin truly is that's it oh i thought that was the objective nope it was just a nice little lookout all right fine okay look it's that board you reset unless don't oh yeah he automatically eats it i'm into that yeah sort of ingested that one anally but you know who am i to judge whoa oh this is bizarre yeah oh oh [ __ ] yoshi no where'd he go oh stop it yoshi stop yoshi dude where are you going man no oh did he die i think he died oh [ __ ] well now you got a problem son that's okay i gotta just go back oh there's there's an egg oh what the hell what this level is bizarre yeah there's a lot going on here hey bro everyone left me behind what the [ __ ] else is no uh hey everybody welcome back wait hold on hold on i'm playing a different you can't say that that you're early we both said it you said it did i yeah let's just start over okay [Laughter] don't go to the reunion tour it sucks and people are like i'm going they're lining up man they're like you can't tell me what to do yeah cause they hear the food's good there and the in the music is sometimes good i guess yeah and there's like one there's tickets available on the beach i love the beach so i'll go to the beach everybody goes to the beach yep great great idea yeah cause they think you know it's like when you're at the beach it's so interesting you won't get the tickets like why would you even think about going to a reunion tour but lo and behold you end up with tickets oh those irresistible backstreet boys oh man no matter where you are in life yeah they'll find you you could be at the happiest place on earth especially at the happiest place on earth yeah and those tickets are just there's even trace elements of tickets on stainless steel and plastic for three days and when you smell them tickets granted that's the hardest way to get tickets but they're still available you could play as luigi oh my god you want to switch yes okay wow everybody loves me really okay you gotta be s in my d this is awesome don't take it back now did you um fly over a one man did i i think so on that hill hush your dang mouth oh there it is yeah man oh you gotta be boo no you know what the [ __ ] are you doing i just can't control myself when i'm in that mode there's too much happening wait the the mode of like being a boulder the mode of getting too excited about the potential one man you know both boy there was something about you being like there it is and like dying not two seconds later you know i can't multitask multitask that was your one task you know it's interesting i guess when you think about it like um yes it really makes you think you know [Laughter] dude dan check this out you just gotta spin i've been doing it wrong this whole time i've been trying to jump and do all this [ __ ] you just gotta spin that's what i was saying i learned in the el camentos can you believe that it's like it's like i'm an idiot and all the comments are always right about how dumb i am don't you say that oh [ __ ] don't you ever say that you idiot you miss the coins you know what else is strange that like wait could you go back yeah back around back around back around back around back around and to the left to the left this guy you kind of look at him straight on i can't change the camera he looks like the most adorable ku klux klan member hello how i hate people that don't look like me i mean i don't want to it's just it's just what i do oh a symbol of courage thanks wow dang for dedicating yourself to okay um yeah good save i don't know what the question mark one is but i'm gonna do it sure yeah there's a question mark in here i don't know what the question mark is oh really [Music] like this whole point oh man what's in this mystery box no one told me i guess i'll never know yeah i guess it'll have to remain some kind of i don't know i don't know if there's a word for it oh shut your [ __ ] mouth oh man i i fudged up yo i could have got how am i supposed to get that many coins hurry by that point though okay oh no whatever god if only someone had told you to hurry you did and i heard you but you know what i opted not to sometimes it's just hard i've already done this part though if i do it with luigi does that give me a okay i guess that's just how it's going to go that was a choice and you made it this is a waste what what's a waste that me doing this stage just as i did before but as luigi i don't think that was the goal was that the goal was that the secret star did i just ruin all of my progress why not just look it up online because it takes a long time and there's an ipad right in front of me and i can easily do that yeah just pause the episode for god's sake then i gotta write down what it pauses and what was the name of this hidden block puzzle plank got it oh what a triumph of the human spirit the surgeon general warns that go [ __ ] yourself go [ __ ] shut up and suck my ass it looks like you have a small white poo on your head [Laughter] they said a thousand generations and then in this one they said a thousand years which is wrong so which one is it star wars but then you have the people that are like that was fun [Music] you know what i mean aaron i'm gonna be one million percent honest with you yeah i just fell asleep for a second yes gotcha you [ __ ] child yes die i murdered a child today what about it great job aaron thanks man [Laughter] well then hello hello you're disgusting oh dude rude i'm going to just do something incredibly rude to you oh yeah mario's ass like he's an ass like she was just she's just sleeping there like a pastry no she's mean well she's mean because i woke her up dude i mean when i get woken up i'm like stop i was sleeping oh fake so you still feel bad for her she's kicking the ass out well i still woke her up dude why are you challenging me on this [ __ ] that son of a stupid [ __ ] he killed me aaron you're incredible why don't you come over to my house and wrap those hairy meat hooks around me oh man nicely done oops that was not nicely done in fact what you just said was nicely done was probably the worst thing i could have done you don't understand me dad you're you're so 2000 and late slam door i really wish i knew if there was um during the height of that song's popularity if there was a kid somewhere who tried to yell at his parents in a fit of rage you know and then after the door slammed the dad was like but i thought i was 3008. yeah it goes to like a counselor what can i do to get my son to think that i'm 3008 well first you got to stop being so 2000 and late it's who i am doctor doris slam and scene man anyway welcome back to mario galaxy 2. so stupid that's the stupidest [ __ ] i've ever heard do you get that i think do you get that i'm thinking of getting that do you get that can we get that can we keep this going for the entirety of the next three episodes just i think everyone would hate us if we did two straight hours of boom boom pouch [Laughter] what would you say like that it sounds like a bad idea what is oh it's spring mario that's right i forgot about this oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what i mentioned the whole time he's just like oh god [ __ ] this new nightmare body is not what i wanted whoa whoa geez whoa jeez oh there wasn't even a reward to that i just [ __ ] did that for no reason well the reward is the good feeling of a job well done shut up [Laughter] do the bowser voice i haven't heard it in a long time yeah well i'd expect as much from that god damn it no no no three oh man there's three left you're so close you're so close i give it four more times before you start getting very frustrated yeah i'm not like feeling particularly super frustrated right now so no you're still in a good place [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you know what i think we have to do i think this is what we have to do no i did i did exactly what i thought i wasn't gonna do all right [Music] everywhere yeah if that if that earlier one had been on target you would have had it oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] it's all [ __ ] up now oh i ruined it all thomas the tank engine oh one box you would have had it no five boxes i'm sorry i forgot i completely forgot about that cluster i think i might have had something going there for a second okay okay sure this is the 20th time that you've done this on a show where we're trying to entertain people [Music] [Laughter] oh yes yes oh come on that was perfect oh yes yes gorgeous clean clean clean yes yeah oh my god great job dude you missed the star and fall off the side of the platform classic luigi luigi does it again guess i'm flying through space for the rest of eternity [ __ ] shame [Laughter] oh i'm gonna vomit on you do you want me to please please don't it's important that you don't coins [ __ ] why am i collecting my pockets are only so big you know it's like these are huge if it's a bitcoin call me but if not you know get out of my [ __ ] face with that [ __ ] she's like a [ __ ] billionaire yeah mario's like collected more coins during the game but luigi is the one who's made a series of wise investments mario's like working his ass off collecting all these [ __ ] coins why are you doing this [ __ ] mario you should have just invested in facebook [ __ ] ass [ __ ] you know what i'm talking about i do why is it just one of those weird things you used to yell yeah i mean those kill me taco bass oh yeah oh [ __ ] boy oh boy [ __ ] helmet ass [ __ ] [ __ ] it's success all right yes [Laughter] aaron stop going for those star bits it kills you every time i know dan i know i feel like i'm in a time oh i'm sorry we're just talking so fiercely about grace anatomy hey bro let me i'm wearing a bra and it doesn't feel great yeah but it's also like i don't know branch out victoria's secret is a shitty company there's other good there's other good undergarment creators out there who's talking about victoria c saying [ __ ] there's better there's better bras out there now okay you know just wanted people to know oh i thought you were talking specifically to me no i don't alright yeah you wear whatever you want i'm not into drag aaron i'm a furry it's different all right yes but if you want to get me three bras for all of my wolf nipples [Music] that's a different story [Laughter] couldn't even get that one out i've got an entire litter to feed all right everybody tune in next week when we'll kiss what it looks like he's [ __ ] the star bit and there's like goo coming off like yeah and the worst part is he's just carrying it on a conversation with you like nothing's happening look at him welcome back to game grubs we're here at mario galaxy 2 so next time on game grumps we'll continue this oh there's a different part all right we're done loaded up with ads give me the star thank you daddy [Laughter] yeah go ahead make your negative youtube comments like it's going to make you [ __ ] live a second longer yeah oh [ __ ] yeah did it [ __ ] did it you [ __ ] know i did it in my face i did it yeah oh great job aaron thank you brother i didn't need a walk through for that i'm a-okay i did it welcome back to episode 45 000. [Laughter] [Music] she is that's a grant freaking job aaron thanks bro thanks bro thanks bro thanks bro you're always supporting me and being my friend okay i missed the story i missed they've broken a thousand times it's my nightmare if my head was twisting around with me it'd be one thing but [ __ ] oh boy oh boy wow that's that went from good to bad real fast help mario mario's watching with a coffee [Laughter] oh i know he's out there hi [ __ ] i think you farted no something else happened it's a big surprise would you get that star dude i'm trying luigi's having such a hard time like why didn't i do this oh my [ __ ] is burning hot suck on me what oh shut up oh [ __ ] [ __ ] did you just say you've been through a lot lately why don't you take a break yes he did what is he speaking to all of us in our real lives yes of course i mean my god don't break these video games are my break yeah have you walked outside lately boy looks like you've been through a lot and you could use a break oh do i every time i go to the grocery store i might die does it look like i've been through some [ __ ] whoa [ __ ] whoa oh you're supposed to bounce off the thing bounce yeah it's rubber bands oh man this is uh i guess i should practice every day up whoa is that queen there to tell you like oh my god let me make it easy for your stupid ass i even need a helping hand would you like me to catch you to the start no and then bounce oh [ __ ] and then bounce oh [ __ ] and then oh [ __ ] oh so close boy you really have died at every single point of progression oh welcome back i didn't expect you to be here so soon yeah oh geez just letting you know that offer still stands all right see you in 30 seconds [ __ ] oh boy oh boy aaron and welcome back here we go big jump yeah baby yeah oh aaron oh aaron come on man this is embarrassing you got a star yay [ __ ] oh i made it nice you did it that was [ __ ] awesome dude now you just have to not blow it here [ __ ] [Laughter] god damn england is my city that's a really bold thing to name yourself when you criticize movies ralph the movie maker i i never really thought about it because like it's catchy though you know it's one thing to be like a movie critic and just be a movie critic and then people like like watching your movie critics critiques but like to also proclaim like i am myself a movie maker it's like oh okay well then let's see what you do i think uh you can i think he does have movies out there that you can see oh i don't know [ __ ] man you call yourself a gamer look i don't call myself a game maker i produce the making of games but i don't make the games so i can criticize him all day and nobody gives a [ __ ] i died [Music] oh the sweet embrace of crushing death there you go just gonna look at you riding that wild stallion huh what the [ __ ] is happening with luigi haven't i beaten hey big brother check me out am i supposed to be here what the [ __ ] what the f i don't know that might be a glitch dude am i a floating spirit from another dimension bro what i'm sorry what is happening yeah i don't think that's correct i don't think that's supposed to well anyway witness me watch what i do he just glitches what i do now you do it oh my god take a long look at the thing i am about to do what the boy oh i'm so scared i've just got the worst like rotting veggie farts today they're just terrible please stop nice oh [ __ ] aaron i mean essentially what you said was i'd like a slower more painful death from the hammers oh boy no no no no oh i just want the [ __ ] one up i don't need it but i want it no ignore it who cares what do you mean who cares i got it baby [ __ ] you're dead if only i could have foreseen such a situation oh aaron beep beep beep easier one is it though i'm like almost done with this i mean i'm [ __ ] it up tremendously but like look at how easy this was oh yeah yeah but you can still do it send it ah he's like what the [ __ ] that was the easier one i'm sorry does that box look like nothing no it looks like a [ __ ] box which means you [ __ ] up i'm such a stupid [ __ ] i do wish i was dead though anyway [Music] ah my spine oh my god can i play you he's he's gonna be like dude i told you not to but i have to wear like a new voicemail yeah one of the things he and my mom clearly bonded over in their now 40 plus year marriage was that um they you know his grasp on the english language isn't always the greatest and she's an english major so so whenever he they just endlessly get a kick out of that together um the classic example i always give is uh when he called extremism extrinsism and then they had a 20 minute left yeah and then they had a 20 minute laughing fit he he just said yeah come come home and relax he meant to say decompress but he was like you can decompose i hope i won't father i got this one from him nothing interesting to say just calling to check out love you bye you can already hear my mom starting to crack up and then i got this follow-up one from the both of them [Music] are they the best i love them so much did he say check out yeah just calling to check out but and then he then he came back it's checking not checkout wow shoving stuff in your b-hole is cool i said it aaron will you glide with fluzzard oh of course i will okay and i will use that that's all of the wiimote that i'm using good good good good happy to hear it oh what the [ __ ] the controls didn't change oh god no no no oh no oh right into the bounce of the beast that was one of the set all right let's pause the episode and get calibrated no no it's fine everything's fine it's just you know is everything fine it's weird everything doesn't seem that fine no it's just no i don't want to stop the current emulation i mean i don't know what you're talking what the hell i [ __ ] loaded up the point i mean uh i'm using the right controller it's strange that it would then we'll be right back you don't know what you're talking about dan you need to just pause the [ __ ] episode we're not pausing [Music] all right we're we're we're back and everything with the controller is totally fixed this wiimote was acting up this genuine wiimote that i'm using to control literally i mean it's been a couple minutes for us but to the lovelies you literally just said emulation like 10 seconds ago well that's because i'm emulating a perfect run of this game dan um [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that why did i run face first into the ground that's ridiculous oh boy look man it's not as [ __ ] easy as it sounds you say hoo boy like you're all frustrated i'm more frustrated than you are freak i said hoo boy because you're starting to get that edge to your voice that battle kid edge well you're hoo boy and me all right it's a [ __ ] vicious cycle you think that's you think that's what the reason is yeah break the cycle dude all right [ __ ] [ __ ] i won't say anything [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm not going for that [ __ ] ring anymore that's ridiculous it's stupid it's a waste of time the camera sucks because the camera sucks take this thanks take this you [ __ ] take this take this take this take this take this 47 cat blips to make your day number 16 will have sex with your dad they're sorry oh that was very ambitious wow you almost made it i know i know i know i know i know [ __ ] you're so impatient i'm not impatient i'm i'm i don't know man i just like doing things now exactly when i want to do them and i don't want to wait for them yeah if that makes me impatient well then color me [ __ ] uh it's time for next time oh wait no do this do this let's see what it gets here what no yes you do you've got seventeen hundred i need eighteen hundred oh my god that's an eight i thought it was a five i'm sorry i don't have my glasses on all right we'll get it at the very beginning of next time on game is this enough this is enough oh my god i need one more oh my god put this in please oh the agony oh hit it do it yeah get that bit the one time anybody ever in the world wanted that to happen yeah we're psyched about the bit i'm pretty burnt out too man i i think we've hit uh month eight of backstreet boys action one for us and uh yeah everything is rapidly blending into one giant hangout in my kitchen i have spent a exorbitant amount of time in my kitchen more so than i usually do [ __ ] oh hey hey good job mine saved me savory save me yeah i uh i am amazed i used to think my house was pretty cool and now if i never spent another day and it it would be too soon it would be too soon to pass the time i have been shaving off all my body hair and making a life-sized recreation of the yeti i really need to find some new hobbies yeah seriously well you know it's having i've been i've been playing the [ __ ] go for a walk game pretty frequently i've been playing the game where i try to summon the ancient powers of the flying spaghetti monster so i can carry out his earthly wishes in exchange for a third nipple have you been playing this game too uh no you're lost my friend once i am granted my nipple i will join the legion of the all-powerful tri-mammary teeth squad and my powers will be more vast than you can possibly imagine i will say though um this this whole situation with the backstreet boys has really um has reawakened like an old fat you remember in the 50s people would like they'd be like let's just let's go for a family drive like yes i remember it quite well i just say hoo boy is an exclamation in general it's not it's not like who boy you suck or anything like that well uh i take it personally i really do it digs deep into my soul and uh really hurts me i'm gonna i'm gonna give you a heartfelt apology right now yeah i'm sorry you're my special being thanks man yeah that means a lot now why don't you [ __ ] off here we go here we go here we go one nothing wrong with me two nothing wrong with me something's got to give [Music] [Laughter] all right let's do this we're doing the last stage you're gonna fly right into bowser's freaking mouth i'm excited i'm excited let's do it yeah he just burns up no i wasn't fast enough oh what a fool i was i believed that i was the speed it's a signature of producer dj mustard oh was he who produced l song that's correct aaron it was he who produced el song one of my favorite things to do is listen to rack city alone in my bedroom while twerking in the mirror i love to turn around and watch in delight as my butt cheeks go doing a doing doing boy and that is why every time i hear the words mustard on the beat huh i have no choice but to get completely naked immediately mustard on the beat yo i have now unbuckled my belt and will proceed to remove my pants god damn it this boss sucks you have to do everything so fast i don't like it you must defeat bowser aaron i know but it's hard it's hard i know it is hard but i believe in you my friend you are a great man and an epic gamer i know in my heart that when you put your mind to it there is nothing in this world you can't accomplish come on i'm serious what it bounced off of his head yes aaron it does appear to have bounced off his head but do not let your resolve waver princess peach is counting on you we are all counting on you the fate of the universe is in your hands oh freaking frackity-frick he he made the same bulldog joke twice in one episode like like not even it wasn't pointed out or anything it was just like he just did it and did you just get him did you just kill bowser what what we're talking about beetlejuice the cartoon what thank you you just run off the side and fall into space oh god let's see what's happening my purpose is done goodbye i have to go back to my home planet now poochie died on the way to his home planet [Music] oh man ha hoo baby you got a grin you got a grand star i always thought we would meet again oh yes oh my [ __ ] wife i am rose leader i watch over and protect the cosmos i think you should do rosalina's voice and it's gentle poor exactly aaron congratulations you did it you beat super mario galaxy too cross it off the list
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 52,056
Rating: 4.9371729 out of 5
Keywords: super mario galaxy 2, arin, dan, danny, compilation, best moments, laughter moments, rage, fail, yoshi, toad, bank, star bits, stars, 121, bowser, best of, funny, gameplay, nintendo
Id: t7JaBgk9o8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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