FOUND JEWELRY HOARDER STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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but i could tie it up here with jesus jesus could save me jesus take the wheel you think we can finally finish this up today the gold versus silver versus jewelry challenge i'm pretty sure there is no verses because my winds were stolen from me how i don't know but i have a feeling i'm gonna be calling the cops they're on their way is this my prize for winning that is your prize for winning i got robbed it doesn't matter for once for once four once and look at this we still have all of this left what do you say best out of three oh that's definitely gold look at this gold and silver this competition's over what are you talking about it's over why because you're gonna lose 26 27 almost oh my gosh i beat you by one you cheated you cheated and the box isn't done one handful that's wrong words escape you all the sudden rule number one whoever can find the most jewelry real jewelry wins i didn't know it was real jewelry i thought it was gold and i thought it was silver why are you changing real gold real silver nobody knows what you mean unless you say the actual words okay so that's one handful already look at her she's going in again to steal more she's trying to rob me of the win oh wait you're following the rules this time i am a real follower you're the rule breaker since when uh if my memory serves me correctly everywhere you go a new rule is established because of you name one in florida no filming it hasn't happened yet all right we got this beautiful beaded piece and it's definitely a vintage piece i doubt that this is gold there is a marking right there that says verdammo verdamo i think that's what it says it smells like my grandma it does it does have that vintagey smell which is i love that smell and then here's a so you love the smalls you love the smell of mothballs it doesn't smell like mothballs to me and then this one is labeled cora so this is most likely this is high-end costume jewelry which can bring in big money but unfortunately they don't count your turn i don't want to get blinded like george gets blinded it does get blinding the flash on your camera okay very smart all right there he goes your hands are twice the size of my hands um i just follow the rules i am a rule follower nobody i mean rule breaker oh that would be you okay this has got to be they don't call you jeremy jeremy for nothing who calls me jeremy jeremy her body everyone and their mother look at this and nada okay by the way i'm still blinded by the light okay well i'm glad you're on the other end of the camera this should be interesting editing let's see what we got here wait what is it you usually make it say open me do it again open me oh a fancy pen i can't even see i let you see everything okay we have a cross we have a cross pen or is it a pencil let's see what we have oh wow and there's definitely writing on there a pen and a pouch and a pouch and a 14k i see it right there right there huh well would you look at that 14k first point already okay let's see is it it's a pen and there is gold nice fancy fancy is right look at that you get you get the little it's a pouch in a pouch in a pouch and then come on it says gold filled right there you didn't already see that remember i just reminded you i am still blinded by the flash on this camera [Laughter] is that what i look like in your head that's what you look like all the time all right here we go we've got made in the u.s the competition it knows it knows how does it know how could it not know okay here we have ourselves there's a tie clip and that one's definitely not gold but but there's a bot big old butt but this doesn't look to be gold either no nothing there okay but i still have a point i'm still yeah you are in the lead right now this looks like it's going to be money but before i open it i'm going to hear man i smell that grandma smell again you smell it that vintagey smell no it's baby powder instead of a shower it's baby powder shower all right we've got fashion earrings some costume jewelry made in korea fashion earrings there made in korea let's just take one of these i don't think the others are going to have any silver or gold on them oh now you're a singer oh was i singing out loud well ever since i got those uh voice changing microphones all of a sudden you want to sing all the time those are a lot of fun okay so three sets of earrings we that looks like silver the backing it looks like a backing it's just a random look there there you go oh i'm missing a backing to my earring is that mine already trying to steal my points aren't you george already trying to steal the points no for real i'm missing the backing of my earring you ain't a gold digger you're a gold and silver digger stealing my points that's what you is and i think that's silver but i don't see a marking anywhere it definitely looks silver you think so how are my cuticles um you need a manicure i thought they were maybe cute all right let's see what we have here i still have one point george has none unless she starts claiming all my points and my okay i don't remember is this uh i remember finding this in a storage unit yeah we actually have a buyer for that already what like this was lipstick or something it's probably a compact that how do we have a buyer for this already because they saw it in a video video why am i too dumb to open it right now what am i doing oh my goodness [Laughter] i thought this was part of the it's the pouch and it was holding it from oh my goodness it's okay you're a male males don't know these things about all right here's what it is apparently george says it's a compact so i see usa i see vol lupte volupte might be maybe french let's see if i can get the knife here okay i'll get the knife out and see what we got in here we're busting out the multi tool huh sometimes you got to not when you're in a storage unit but sometimes do you know how this is we don't need no stinking canife i don't think it opens it does and definitely does so that's where the powder was and then that's the i don't think there was ever any powder it's usually right there but look brand new no powder and then that's the uh the dabber so then it's nice it's got double mirrors so then that's a mirror huh very interesting no points but i still have one and you have none you're feeling the pressure right now aren't you i'm gonna use your idea by covering my eyes and not looking at you did you just say you're gonna use my eye dia oh okay all right all right why are you looking i found something that's priceless look at that perfect that was your hand nope that was your handful don't you dare don't you dare go back in there again that is your handful no points no points my turn again do you look like you're in pain do you have gas let's see if i can find some priceless stuff like george yes i think there's some uh hairs down there no i'm pretty sure i picked all the hairs all right there we go that counts as one that counts oh look at this i definitely have gold look at that piece remember finding that piece in a storage unit no i i'd be lying if i said yes i do remember but i don't remember which storage you buy so many and i remember we needed we think we think it's silver but we needed to double check it okay i think i i might see us maybe a spot down here you see that do you want to use your handy dandy uh yeah i'm gonna look right now jewelry tool okay and what's the perfect if it did say 925 which it probably did i i'm pretty confident that it probably did it's so where worn away that it's undistinguishable so that's a big word can you say that undistinguished coca bowl yeah that was perfect nailed it okay so since it's undistinguishable then i can't count this one so we're going to set that one aside even though it's a really cool piece this one here is just oh that's weird it's hand painted it looks like it could be some type of santa definitely a cloak clothing pen definitely not not gold or silver that's for sure we've got some of this stuff you can get on the road with us oh we got a choker here so you want to try it on can't see it your third chin is covering it you want me to put it under your fork so we've got that's probably not real silver probably not at all no i don't think that is at all but and it's a big old butt that probably isn't either that is a really cool piece though feels like plastic oh no i guess that would would that be plaster or chalk wear some type of paint yes chalkwear with paint on it that's what it is actually so chalkwear is actually uh pretty collectible anything chalk wear always go after it i've sold plenty of chalkware statues but unfortunately chocolate does not count no no it doesn't but look at this there's another hair of mine yep it doesn't count and let's see here we go now we could we could find 925 here here there could be and okay now you see this here right there what's that look like to you that looks like copper say copper brass copper has more of an orange that looks more like brown george just basically wants to say the exact opposite of what i tell her to say so well you're color blind so all right well there you go there's george's brass so that's copper and this this piece is not is not going to be silver or gold now this this is just a hodgepodge mess of little crystal beads someone started to make a piece there oh i'm gonna make a piece right here you're going to have to make a peace offering when i'm done with this a little bell it doesn't ring it does not jingle it doesn't know it's missing its jingle jangle the jingle is done jangled out of that okay look at this here that says something usa it's baseball definitely baseball like a baseball truck say usa you see here that doesn't really nick off usa the baseball okay i don't even think i don't think there's anything there but here what is that in here it's like a it's like a clip-on earring leaf that's not real either i mean some of these pieces are cool but they're just they're not they're not oh yes look at that wait you see that there it says pick off yeah this what does that say that says hickoff we have to check this again for silver this is 10 karat gold that's two poison points for me js which means jeremy is super so that is my second point just silly no jeremy is super so that's my second point i have to look at this under because that's made by the same company kickoff definitely hit off and i feel like it's too shiny to be silver all right maybe maybe not maybe not but here here look at that so it comes down it comes down like it comes down to a point that's really pretty and then what does it do here it does it puts the lotion onto skin it does nothing there's nothing there so what what metal oh look at that i had it upside down what metal do you think that is george where's the magnet you want to try the magnet test ready yep are you fighting it or so here up on the clasp and that's a with a lot of jewelry the clasp will actually be magnetic but the rest no that's a little bit that's not bad okay so definitely magnetic sticking to the magnet that means it's some type of metal not gold not or silver i was waiting for george to tell us brass again now this here looks maybe i'm the colorblind one this one here looks like pearls what we would want to do see if you can peek in there can you peek in there i know it's not going to be easy taking a peek what we want to do is count is it knotted is it not knotted if it's got knots usually reinforcing the pearls that that gives us a pretty good sign that it could be real pearls these i don't think are real unfortunately because i would love to find some more pearls but we already have thousands of dollars in pearls don't we yes look at that is that mother mary yes it is on a bow tie with a pearl let it be okay very cool but very cool but no markings no markings at all okay so since we're on mother mary i think this is supposed to be a cross ring like what's the manual i don't know you're supposed to punch jesus into him or something but there it is some kind of they made it into some kind of ring definitely not silver all right oh look at that what does that say right there right there says tiffany and co know what that means ma to the a that it's most likely real money no it's tiffany it is real it's going to be marked here somewhere right there flip it over and what does it say nine two five this entire thing is silver now it's that's probably a good troy ounce of silver right there that's pretty heavy it being silver has its value and with it being uh complete with it being tiffany it will sell for well well over any price for regular silver you're paying for the quality of the brand and for the name that's an expensive piece right there just because it says tiffany and company that piece i mean i've taken little pendants little earrings no back no match those are hundred dollars a piece only because they say tiffany this is probably going to be for i would guess anywhere between three and four hundred dollars if not more just because it says oh wait three points three points for you and one more two more things here so happy for you i hope you win you're so such a liar have you been practicing that have you been practicing that for on camera oh jordan i hope you win happy for you dramatic pause i hope you win okay so k of c you know what that is right kentucky yeah exactly kentucky of chicken it's knights of columbus kfc is knights of columbus kentucky fried chicken so we've got oh there's there's the other one right there kfc you got your cufflinks and your tie clip knights of columbus but no gold there okay so we do have that and we have this nice little brooch pin little flower thing going on there it would look good on your gray hoodie thanks and that's what i got i got three points you got none my turn i'm gonna see how much i can grab with my tiny hands my strong hands oh i got a pretty pretty good uh handful there you didn't you didn't go for the egyptian hair this time as badly as i wanted to because there was one more strand of hair that's priceless i chose to opt out here's a nice bangle bracelet which definitely is not real so we're gonna set that aside i know where you can find about 500 of those bears right now where just in the drain on the floor no i try and catch them before they go down the drain this is what is this about maybe a part of a belt that broke off it's got a zebra to the zebra another zebra another zebra definitely is not real this almost feels like plastic so we're gonna put this on the losing side ah what is this you tell me some type of pen fancy it's got a football ball are those supposed to be flags i don't know but i know touchdown fly steven browns are in the playoffs shout out to the cleveland browns o h huh help me out o h i can't i'm blind oh h blind you're supposed to say i o this doesn't have any markings doesn't look real so we're gonna set this aside on the losing side and oh this looks familiar that looks like the bracelet i just had this looks like three times the length of the bracelet you just had lee cow what does that say right there tiffany and cole oh my god this must be the necklace we have the bracelets why are you always trying to one-up me look at that flip it over and what do you have always trying to one-up bam nine to five so if you're if your bracelet is worth three to four hundred this is double that then six to eight hundred it's it's got some weight to it one point for me but it's an awesome awesome point oh he's trying to one-up me always always there's that face again you look like a llama i look like michael jordan when he's going in for the shot the winning shot all right jeremy's going in for a huge handful oh my goodness you're having an advantage because you've got some oh wait wait i have the advantage now yes sir that's what i said you've cheated me out of so much what are you talking about you know what here you go here i have no idea that's yours priceless priceless right there to be priceless it has to be rare those are not rare those are so those are everywhere if you want to say it's rare it's everywhere i'm not the only female that did you know the the average hair loss is a thousand strands of hair a day seriously you're asking me me of all people you're asking if i know better if your hair was longer i think i know that all right shedding all over the place too i only shed in the in the toilet i was better potty trained i told you how my mom potty trained all of us boys right we weren't allowed to stand yeah mama raised a sitter ain't no quitter all right that may have been tmi brooch but jeremy it is not silver here is so no that probably goes with the brooch don't you think could be part of the size uh i think that's probably part of the set yeah it could be maybe maybe okay let's see what we have here that reminds me of the peacock the colors of a peacock oh i'm a peacock you gotta let me fly so this yeah i don't think we're gonna find any markings here mm-hmm it's pretty it's a brute yeah it's a broach that ain't gonna help me win here is another oh this one's gold and it's by that same one that had gold before where are we at right now we're at three points me and there's 120 for you yeah surprised you didn't try and claim three points for that necklace well i already told you i hope you win yeah you rehearsed that line all night do you think they'll believe it does it sound believable one more time i hope you win no that's not believable okay let me look in the mirror again i hope tell me more tell me more you were so ridiculous the religious tie clip that's we just oh we just saw another we saw that we saw i really don't want to actually take it off of there i don't think i think it's stainless steel yeah it's too shiny to be silver is that supposed to be mother mary yes mother mary there and then we've got the jc collection so that would be the the jeremy that's lead and nickel free it says well that's got to count for something lead free nickel free maybe point no jc that's got to stand for jeremy's killing it if you spawn killing with the c and we all know you can't read all right well this one's going to count for something check out that ring there you and your zebras and you're getting in on my jersey some gold some silver no markings no nice no markings doesn't very nice this i think that one might be silver look at that do you see where this actually chipped away there's writing under there yeah i'm just okay i'm extremely curious now r-a-g-u-e i'm curious if somebody actually painted over i don't know if i should do that or not i wouldn't let's see what's on my back there's a nice little scene on the back wait there's writing there's writing hold a second hold a second let it be you know what it says let it be no it says sterling right there no it says sterling right there see that says sterling look at you i wonder okay i'm not even going to touch it anymore since it's sterling so that's a point i have four points now that is a point come on let's have another and this one do you see that right there nine two five yeah nine two five i bet you that's silver gold-plated nice gold-plated silver let's see the uh nine two five missing one of the gems it almost looks the same style which this is probably probably probably pop one of these gems in and replace it yeah that's really pretty i wonder if the 925 wore off on this could have been could very well have worn off all right so 925 what's that that gives me five points right let's see five on your hand he's struggling and you have struggling five two one oh here's the other clip on yeah that earring okay there's the clip on but we already know from the other one we've already established that ain't real that ain't nothing something from lane bryant here and there's writing on it finest quality earrings those are clip-on what does the back elaine bryant say 605. you see there's writing up here i gotta look at it under the okay japan japan japan all right doesn't count still five to one this one is gonna get me some moody what is it a pendant it's something the pope looks like the pope is probably copper though mother mary okay it's mother mary is that writing right there all right it's time to check going in made in okay italy made in italy okay you know i've been to italy right yes and you were banned from that country i remember very clearly italy is just one of the countries i've been banned from not a point i'm surprised you haven't been banned from the usn day yet they keep trying but i got right they can't hold you down i'm a citizen i got rights all right it would be un-american to kick an american citizen out of their own country that looks like porcelain yeah so that's not going to count let's see what we got here maybe they're oh look some other mother mary but missing a gem mm-hmm it's missing a stone i am not seeing anything that doesn't look real no check this here i got some other cool stuff there is a horse and a horseshoe which is what do you call those cufflinks yeah cufflink why do you think it's called a cufflink cosmic links the cough come on george i knew that okay what's this here that says something that right there says thank you thank you thank you okay this does not look like gold although it's a fairly decent tie clip there's a backing to something okay now for this look how crazy awesome this is what is that that uh it's like an ornate knife [Music] so you put her on your neck crazy or maybe it was part of a dress or yeah and and then here is another swank which that a lot of times that was a little diamond in there uh-huh just a little diamond swank no simmons not swank let me see simmons you know i can't read the right way i'm even worse reading upside down still five to one high five no i hope you win no the last time you high-fived you took points away from me george look made in japan do you think those are japanese pearls i think yeah i actually do and then look this was probably went around definitely some type of choker it probably went around a little girl's neck and boom there it is it's beautiful those are probably japanese pearls i'm i'm almost i'm almost 100 sure i really hope you win i really hope you win there's not much in the box so i'm just gonna dump it there's a what are you talking about there's a lot in the box what are you doing there was a lot in the box well i just dumped it there's no way you could have gotten that as a full handful well your hands are like three times the size of my hand so it was only fair right your hair is ten times the size of my hair if not times three more of that that makes you happy empty i'm happy now if it makes you happy not empty what is it this right here looks like another fancy brooch this one definitely looks like a handmade one out of uh porcelain that's beautiful that's a beautiful piece but unfortunately it does not count and if it makes you happy you'll never guess what's in this box then a chair empty oh wait that's the box that they keep the priceless hairs in should we start collecting my hairs in there no all i have to do is go to the drain in the shower and there's plenty there we don't need little boxes all right here's a half box empty no i bet you this it doesn't only say sterling right there it says sterling right there right there on the backing are you gonna flip the cross over i'm proud of your eyes well you know i did have lasik really well do you remember when lasik surgery uh happened to my eyes uh-huh that was pretty that was a life changer for you and we were able to give away lasik eye surgery to a viewer lucky winner we gave away a 5 000 package to one of our viewers but something bigger than that is happening yes so one point for me so it's five two i'm up to two points all right let's see ready boom empty empty nothing under there that piece of paper the piece of paper oh look at these fancy pearls it's like a collar i bet you that's another japanese piece this is really pretty i'm gonna set that aside this does not have any markings it does say japan though japan right there so yeah these could very well be japanese pearl how does it look very japanese you know you fit in with the japanese the hispanics the italians for asian i could pass for hispanic i can pass for filipino hawaiian eskimo no one ever guesses egyptian all right what is this little guy a little angel sterling it's a sterling right there i pull the pin out it says turling the s and the g is missing does that count no it does not it does not no no this says sterling right here at what point did we say sterling on boxes and not on jewelry all right no point for me three points for you all right five to three to three this right here definitely looks like real i'm a little concerned about that you checked that i found a marking right here 10k something would just be underneath there for me to get 10k right there on the band i can't see any of that you have too many things in the view how about that nope still can't see it okay but if i can't see it it doesn't count no it's in there 10k nope doesn't count so i'm at how many points four does not count does not count we've oh we've got 20 matching pieces five to four oh this is a pretty piece but i doubt that it's real it's too it has like a weird tone so that's definitely not gold wish it was i mean i'm glad it's not because i hope you win you've been practicing so we'll set this aside because we know it's not real here is oh it says right there sterling you gotta be kidding me hand engraved look at that right there it's sterling on the back because it's sterling right there dump the whole thing out i wanna see what it looks like no the front oh you cheated huh so you're trying to claim it's five to five right now we're we're tied aren't we since when was this ever a 50 50. all right here we go a bf goodrich 100th anniversary from 80 from 1871 to 1971. this has got to be worth something right there 10k how does it feel to cheat and win six was excuse me once for me five points for you how does it feel all right so i'm claiming the rest of this okay i'm claiming the rest of this for me because george cheadin dumped out the whole box have i told you lately that i really hope you win uh have i told you i finally learned your tactics you just take everything and claim it as your own like i just did and six to five george there is a dolphin ring nothing here is i'm gonna i'm gonna pull that as a get out of jail free card if i need it it says sterling silver but a piece of paper don't care porcelain uh did i tell you about naming that i i no longer call my bathroom the john i call it the gym so every morning i get up and go to the gym first thing yeah dad joke yeah that's pretty good [Laughter] john right there joe hey that is nothing come on that's broken it is cracked and chipped on the back remember remember when we found another one of these we did we found an orange one yeah i think it's bakelite okay and the pictures that are in there are probably just advertisements yeah those are those those are advertising pictures but we pulled the back out and another one and there is no space back here and there is no markings but we do think this is bakelite which would very well be that would be it'd be valuable okay then we have would be valuable and but unfortunately no points it's a clip-on earring here's one of these this might be my only saving grace right what does that count let's see what's in that's definitely a compact yeah but there could be gold in there yep that smells like a grandma you think that compacts powder smell i could tie it up here i may not be able to win but i could tie it up here with jesus jesus could save me jesus take the wheel anymore see jesus could save me for the second time because he already did and anything please let it be silver please let it be silver and nine two five nine two five i'm claiming this i'm claiming this six to six tie tie breaker what are we doing for a tiebreaker i don't know you tell me i don't even want to know what you're thinking right now [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 29,629
Rating: 4.882298 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 3AlZFnk9CC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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