DISABLED VETERAN I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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see if fatigues are find out what's inside whatever it is it's fluffy i don't feel wait wait there's something hard in here 375 that's it that's all for this huge epic unit look at all this look at this is everything we've loaded so far and we've got so much more to go we have found a thousand dollar box we have found silver we have found safes we have found you name it we've probably found it thousands upon thousands of dollars in dental gift cards who the hails knows what we're gonna find today [Music] last load ready here we go she's already working she's already working it so here's here's what we've done we've gone down the side through the back and we we got the big stuff because we had to get that big furniture stuff in the actual trailer first and what we uncovered there's like military bags so you know what military bags typically mean so let's hope before we get to them though let's take a peek up here because we've neglected this whole area thus far okay let's take a look like here's diapers there's a diaper bag box there's definitely okay here we go we've got more jewelry costume jewelry or some nuts some bolts we've got come on give me some gold give me some gold pagoda pagoda whatever it was it was 55 pagoda the case sometimes is worth money look here there's a watch not not exactly what i'm looking for we found an awesome awesome watch a volvo early earlier in this unit gold watch it's gonna be amazing let's see we've got some good stuff good stuff down there right there you know what that is nope it's an inhaler right there that's an inhaler for if you get allergies in here and all this dust boom we're set we are set okay uh let's just let's set this one aside patience can grab that what do you think this is holy cow look at that look at that right there so it's unlocked here we go wait before we go in there christian give me your guess what do you think's in here um cassettes cassettes all right i'm gonna guess gold here we go whoa that is neither a cassette nor gold that's a little uh a little mixer set right there okay not sure the value on that no clue on that never been much of a drinker but here there you go imperial is that what it says yep okay imperial there we go right there we've got oh my goodness look at this smile labs teeth whitening gel applicator teeth whitening gel applicator teeth whitening gel effort dude we could have ten thousand dollars just in teeth whitening look at this whole box how much do you think that i mean i don't i don't know obviously you know you know what we do when i when i get my appointment over at the smile labs then i try and sell them that's what we do we should try and sell them the smile lab stuff at a discounted rate i mean you know like 99 instead of 100 we'll just we'll cut it we'll cut a one percent rate off of it i mean a saving is a saving right all right patience here you go over here we're gonna hand that one off to patients and we're gonna see what we got here we got united states do you think he's a congressman i think that's all paperwork okay here we go here we go come on guy booked uh biblical literature windows xp that's brand new windows xp this one that's brand new too god's not dead okay we got what two two windows xp oh look at this we got schoolhouse rock the broadway junior that's gotta be worth something i would think okay patience is getting cold so we'll give her another box here there's another box oops sorry patience all right what do we have here we got a bucket dude we could have used this when we found the safe and we went to open it yeah although my way was kind of epic i'm just saying all right patience these tools these can all go to biomeds don't know what that is okay that can go with the stapler christian watch out got him all right let's see what do you think if there's anything in here we'll move it down here and we'll find out huh come on big money big money big money or big weights feel that burn oh that's burning burning right now we got here kiss this mail oh here's some money look at that we just got a buffalo nickel look at that i knew there was going to be collectible coins in here can you see a date on it or is it worn no it's worn out all right put that in the kangaroo pouch you think there's more in here what's this arp life insurance calculator okay okay well that's a start i wonder if why would that one random coin be in there come on big money you know what we really want to see we want to see what's in this tow face those are directv systems okay baby right there and what do we got here there we go here we go i think that's a that's a medical cup that you pee in feeling christian right here are you feeling it yep okay here we go wait what are you feeling using the rain yep it's freezing it is freezing here we go and no not what i wanted it's a toy box but still kind of perfect for this time of year don't you think it looks pretty good there's a heap of stuff here but there's a heap of stuff here that actually we got to be a little bit careful with this that's a thousand plus dollar machine right there man if we can sell this that's epic we have the brand new one that we already found there's a first aid kit okay we saw those earlier usually within this stuff it's where you find jewelry especially if you can find like jewelry that's coconut oil jewelry cleaner a lot of times there's a gold or diamond ring in there okay you've got straight line iphone come on is it in here it is not in there well i guess i should look underneath huh yeah not in there iphone not in there this stuff did somebody wrap a phone they did they wrapped the phone in newspaper i'm not sure why you need to wrap up that kind of phone in newspaper but calculator wrapping the smoke detector all right candle hold it let's see what's underneath pass that off oh my goodness this looks like oh look how bad that is down there oh that looks like that looks like a tote that came from the basement whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh man here we go we're on to something now do you know what this is no idea no clue patience do you know what this is all right i'm already i can't believe you're getting an education right now here we go this is yes silver proof nice all right here we go oh it's not i can't believe it there's the 19 the elusive 1943 penny but that's the steel one we want the copper one this was supposed to be the 1998 silver proof set but they obviously opened it it's not in there they put other coins in there still money is money i i gotta see i gotta see if there's any more i'm putting that in the kangaroo pouch see if there's anything else in here michigan a bunch of hats there's a nike hat man then destroyed those come on anything else okay there's some shells you know the earliest form of currency that we know of was actually shells you know that right i do now that the earliest form of currency of money money which people would exchange was shells yeah oh here we go here we go this was at the bottom this was at the bottom i think maybe someone else is down here this tote looked like garbage but now i'm starting to be able starting to be a believer because here we go is it silver please be silver please be silver and what is it ibh ibh any idea no clue once upon a privilege thank you for the privilege international brotherhood home ibh is in a road ibh the interval brotherhood home okay i don't know but i'm going in in the coins kangaroo pouch okay there's there's something else that could be down here too that's beeswax patience yeah mind the beeswax and all right let's just we'll give this whole thing patience try this on for size you'll weave for patience okay all right what do you think about this spam for you guys in the warehouse i think we already have one all right scrap that one that one's really rough okay this is part of that smile system we got more toys this is car part man toys toys toys thomas the tank here's some hot wheels if we have some old hot wheels we have some old hot wheels pieces we're looking at some cash that was ring pops and we've got dude what do you think it is i i don't even know this might be the i wouldn't open that this probably smells terrible this might be quite possibly the grossest thing we have ever does that look like intestinal that's what i was just about to say this doesn't look like after birth does it alright all right i'll put that back in just the thought of it is making me gag okay i'm not sure what that is but i don't want to know either and let's oh look here here we got some money there we go realistic portable amplified speaker system not a lot of money but still some money let's set that aside let's peek in here wait wait check this out here's something here's something look at that that's a nice heater that looks almost brand new that would be good in the warehouse right now yeah there you go that would be good in the warehouse that's that's actually some money there's the controls right there you guys can use that in the warehouse we've got we've got the adventure kids bible man we got a lot of this is a deep box what do we have in here are these oh my goodness i found the hidden valentines these are hidden valentines wwf wow okay this might be his toys i mean there could be anything in here so dr seuss books like where i just see one right here dr seuss book believe it or not the dr seuss books go for a pretty penny so anytime we get a dr seuss book well any time we get a handful of dr seuss books all these dr seuss books are going in a lot for our sunday night live auctions look at this this looks like a jewelry box is it this is a jewelry box there's a wallet in it holy cow oh patience look what i just found you want some candy yes okay snack time for patience while i look into the wallet all right all right let's just just uh let me see and go ahead empty there let me see what we got here let's see if we have any we might have gift cards we have no no we don't we got a credit card and a ymca card and put that back in there that's a nice wallet though look at this you know what that is gamecube yeah how did you know that i had a gamecube you did yeah have we talked about this before no that's a shame because we should talk about those things oh man here we go here we go we're getting to some money now okay there's mario kart on the wii there's indiana jones uh check this out this is oh there's xbox 60 360 let's find out there is this is a deep box it's in there yes it's in there okay watch this watch this i think there's change falling everywhere now too but if i get a handful down here yeah ds we're getting ds now too okay so this is great there's super mario 3d lamp oh mario brothers two so that hurt all right but maybe the actual maybe the games and the system i bet you it's in here i bet you it's actually in here what do you think probably somewhere whether it's in this box or what's this [Applause] houses and hotels oh i think that's a an old game i just found the piggy bank and there is something in it oh here we go here we go this is how you get the bacon people this is how you get the bacon let's see what we got in here whatever it doesn't want to come out that's for sure come on bacon i don't know what it's doing it doesn't want to come out well we'll let it stay in there when we get to the warehouse we'll get it out look at this silver streak oh that one's broken i mean this this looks like an awesome box i mean we probably we gotta get out of here eventually so we can't go through everything but just the fact that we're seeing the signs of video games that makes me excited and crayons that makes patience excited [Applause] and all right let's let's move this one over because we gotta find those systems now that's a that's a big box you think anything's in the ice cream i hope not there's something in here there's something in here take a guess tell me what you guessed it's just a bunch of pop that's just been sitting there for okay i'm gonna go alcohol i'm gonna go alcohol here we go and looks like we were both wrong it does stink though fire coolers always gross i don't know because nobody cleans them cleveland cavs right there lebron this is actually worth money not bad let's load this stuff up and let's dig into some more time of year is kind of off for this sale but this frigidaire right here this air conditioner you never want to store them on their back like that you always want to store them like this but we'll get easily this one's in great condition we'll get a hundred dollars for this easily but we have to hold on to it until next summer the very first hot day in ohio next summer people will be begging for this so i'm gonna set that aside it's already been sitting on its back so patients will be able to take care of that and look at that you need to blow all that nice cold air somewhere we got this fan must just kind of go back and forth let's see dusty in here we've got whatever this thing may be what do you think just home decor paintings and clothing this looks like clothing and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa here we go here we go this is starting to get us to the story now what does it say disabled servicemen need assistance to save my family save my home and family god is able there's the service okay there's the service bags what else is here this might this might be this might be the story we might have we might have a disabled vets unit here if we could get this all back to them that would be a hails of a restoration to the love okay let's let's hold on to that here patience you can take that right there uh we're gonna need we're gonna try to do that we're gonna have to try and we're gonna have to try and find out who or what or you know what happened christian i am not your father this is true okay enough of the not dad jokes all right and look at this we got all kinds of crafting supplies we got crafting crafting crafting crafting balloons something to pop the balloons when you're done something that something to give you major daddy issues boy if darth vader didn't mess up luke i don't know i don't know who did okay we got pantene this is just look at all this crazy stuff combat all right i'll tell you what this one i'm just gonna say this is random household everything now we know there could be something hidden there we go hedge trimmers as a matter of fact your apartment right now needs this really bad yeah really bad really bad you should talk to the landlord about that you should talk to the landlord jeremy yeah you're you're the landlord um well as your landlord i could probably just tell you to go and do it right yeah and you get paid for it i get paid for it and you get paid for it so that's a bonus okay so i've tried actually i've tried i was talking to the to you guys the other day i was like i'm actually i'm technically not your landlord anymore right because you're not renting your housing as part of your your your payment package so i may be the home owner but i'm not your landlord because because you're not renting but then again i'm probably still your landlord all right we'll do something about the bushes something especially if we find rosanna's bush again we'll we'll know exactly what to do with it okay all right we'll set that aside for patience can't wait to get in these bags we have here we got mathematics what's this is that a good jean brand never heard of it uh rock revival i don't know i don't know clothing it's one thing i don't get into is the clothing but i do get into good dental hygiene okay patience that can go right there danny phantom what is this those are football pants these look to be about my size don't you think yeah should i try their pants though oh i thought it was like superman muscles like a costume all right let's see what we got in here we've got our daily bread those are those are witnessing tracks leaf blower and would be great to find some more we got we got a bunch of toys in here okay so let's let's set that aside man i'm still stuck on this i want to know the story you know what i mean yeah that's the only thing that you've seen of that though it's the only thing i've seen anything like that i i wonder if that has something to do with them losing the actual story them or him or her or especially when you we know there were multiple businesses there absolutely were multiple business there was the tax business there was the smile labs business what's this do you know what that is no primer samples oh it's a sample for something caregiver stuff it looks like probably sanitizer okay hand sanitizer and there's more oh my goodness there's more okay that's going to my place in florida unless we can find the person and give it back we can restore the love but that's kind of crazy there all right headed your way there's some perel and we're not ready i'm not ready for this yet i'm gonna set it aside over here find out what's inside you know what let's come back here for sure let's see what's in this luggage see what we got let's see come on baby we got some stuff we definitely have some stuff file tabs this thing here save a lot bang let there be light what are these what are these bbn what's that i have no idea me either nope no clue on bbn but oh my goodness look at that chicago bulls snapback fussy cleaners underwear this isn't too bad that's that's good money right there there's a lot of a lot of pet head freaks you know what that is no that's uh that's the security camera oh you know what we should do with this you know what we should do with this warehouse warehouse let's go set it up right now there's stuff over here too look we have a whole desk drawer not sure cisco that's gonna be a router thermal paper rolls now here here's the crazy part if they were begging for money they had a tax business they had a dental business i mean look at all this these are these are point of sales these are pos running your credit card i mean how do you go and seriously how do you go from multiple successful businesses to you know now you're on the side of the road with a cardboard sign so i know some people are going to go well that's a scam the oldest it's one of the oldest professions in the world is begging the other would be prostitution let's take a peek here that's not to say that's what was happening look this looks like silverware combo 360 pack of cutlery oh that's plastic this looks like clothing look at this like we have to go through everything with a fine-tooth comb which we can't do on-site we do that at the warehouse but in a box filled with clothing now well it's not in here you've got jewelry but the jewelry could be in there and and you know out of the box so that's gonna be a toughy man look at that one the bottom or the side is split out but i gotta i gotta know what's underneath patience be careful with that one because i probably just jammed it everywhere i did didn't i yeah nice shoes right there all right look at here we've got another directv box she just did that all right another direct tv oh personal paperwork all right get that one out of there and it's so odd it's so odd trying to figure out this story piece of the desk i mean what what do you think what do you think christian you find multiple businesses and then you find a sign in here i don't know it's it's hard to say it is hard to say more more smile labs i mean at a bare minimum you should have been giving out smile lab gift cards with every donation right it's a fair point 25 so i wonder okay you guys are you're either going to love this idea i hate it if smile labs is still in operation as patient says her family goes to if we sell 25 gift cards say for 15 bucks 10 bucks off i mean we're gonna make some serious bank there you go or we use them look here's all the food food food dinner food all right that one's let's put that one right on out giant tv right here let's um let's see what kind of what kind of tv is that can you tell right there uh toshiba or how you pronounce that i don't know there's we found a ton of monitors a ton of printers a ton of everything see what we have got oh sweet we need these all the time all the time so normally this will cost me 10 to 15 another lock for storage units now when we go to the auctions i typically i let people use these a lot you know not everybody remembers to bring a lock and i'm kind of like that too at times so the more i can have on hand to give out to friends at the auction the better i'm gonna set that in the kangaroo pouch too weird that that was in here but they didn't have it they didn't have it anywhere else this is part of the air conditioning system that we found which is worth a ton of money the right toys in here will be worth bank too there's a green hornet but he's missing missing something there probably or that's not the green hornet that is um who is it green goblin green goblin there you go yep all right there's a bunch of toys in there those all over the patients as well now i'm i'm extremely curious what's in those bags those army duffels after being a disabled service man there was an air force hat was there earlier when you run through the hats in that one place there was an air force hat yeah okay there's curtains underwear i don't know this looks like a ton of personal all right i gotta get in this one because it looks like another bathroom box and then the bathroom boxes there always seems to be there always seems to be jewelry or coins or something numb what do you see dumb where oh right here okay now i see it that's that's nickname gum no oh nick that's a let's see i'm looking for anything of value this one there's a penny there's a couple pennies dog tags oh it's not actual military dog tag warriors journey home just listen to speak heal maybe oh you know what it could be it could be drug rehab even disabled service man drugs to take away the pain yeah but how does that explain the businesses though how do you put all that together disabled serviceman uh you know addiction goes to rehab and then the businesses maybe maybe son maybe those two coins you found might have been like that brotherhood brotherhood home yep okay see all this this is all toiletries again some leaves for patients all right i'll tell you what let's load this stuff up and we got a few more things to clean up and get through and then let's get into those bags and let's figure this out i envisioned it must have been something like that waffle hat sign veteran bags i don't know i mean i just it could be anything and everything let's uh we got two military bags this one is usually your standard duffel that you get there's a cord patience let's see if fatigues are find out what's inside whatever it is it's fluffy i i don't feel wait wait there's something hard in here i was gonna say i don't feel anything hard but no now i do yep there's the is it in here okay there's a sleeping bag i did feel something oh maybe it was the raincoat looks like we got a standard issue raincoat here [Applause] maybe that was what i yeah i felt it over there that's gonna be what it was and then all right so that was the inner liner this must be the outer liner for yeah this government issue right there individual sleeping bag uh intermediate cold does do you see the do you see the ranges of intermediate cold i don't know usually it gives you temperature ranges all right patients i'm gonna slide that over to you so rain jacket sleeping bag waffle hat with the hail's nose let's see what's in this one this is another military issue matter of fact t-a-z taz i'm not sure what taz stands for so we have here we have we have more cashier checks you know there's a real possibility somebody could have been writing and forging fake cashier's checks got caught what else we have there's a bag down here what is this we have a okay we got some kind of device let's see if i can turn it on here's the power button up here anything happening christian nope okay we'll get this charged we found so many flash drives so many memory cards already uh this is going to be this is going to be a hails of a fine we'll find the story we definitely will find the story but oh look at this couple more things in here uh a 20 and a twenty dollar busy racers yeah erasers a wrist watch what kind is that is that an iron man it's probably the old infrared or indigo in the back and then we've got what this is no this looks like this looks like a beanie baby collection right there look at that here that's not high but let's just dump it out real quick see what we got we definitely that's cool kind of looks like me doesn't it yeah we have we definitely we have a collection we've got a plush collection all right here's what we got to do we got to clean this mess up and we got to get online and we got to solve this mystery what the hails what the hails prompted this after all these businesses what happened [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 81,845
Rating: 4.9123821 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: PiPn9OSj62E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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