FOUND GOLD IN TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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I'm big money big money big money big money and let's just go to the $500 hails low if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for we do all kinds of treasure hunting and we try and show you every aspect of the treasure hunting life part of that is camping so this morning we got to get the camper ready but don't worry I'm not gonna take you through all that we're gonna go through the four hundred dollar unit that George and I bought this past Saturday and our little friendly competition to see who had a more profitable unit I can't wait to dig in I also can't wait to go camping this weekend back at the warehouse time to open this bad boy up because we got two units in there George is $175 unit which I don't want to go through that because I know mine won the $400 unit so we're gonna dig past all her stuff get to that stuff and somehow we got to get this thing empty because there are two if not three maybe even four more options we're going through this week let's hope for some good treasure George's at her normal 9 to 5 so she couldn't be here today and since these units were competitive Hertz at 175 and mine at 400 I had to go through her unit first so I spent a few hours and I'm just gonna show you the highlights I mean this is the best of her unit therefore I have to be declared the winner I found this natural spring water and it's the greenest water I've ever seen in my life now me I would dig into this kind of thing into a storage unit but with it being this green and George's unit I'm gonna save that for her I also found this very very unusual sign I don't know I might put that in the back of the truck what the Hales do you think I should do and I gotta say this this adaptive watch this is even bigger than the pimp and bling watch that we found the last week so I mean that's got to put her ahead maybe slightly but other than that we should say Hales somebody has got to teach these people how to spell found a stack of gift cards which this we're gonna save this and every six months we're gonna do a gift card reveal and so this is going to go in the gift card basket so she did get some good things there and I did find this little pocket change purse too and there is there's that so a couple copper pennies that one didn't come out so we'll let her know about that other than that two cellphones and if there was anything really really good in there do you think I would have showed it to you this is a competition to see who bought the better unit so if there was anything it'll be up to George later to show you but we're gonna dig into my unit now guess who's back I just got back from radiation treatment start a week for you ready to dig in now I am I'm ready to dig in to my unit see what's in there your unit was in the way of my unit and I want to find out what was in my unit your unit it means a double thumbs down I hit the thumbs down twice on your unit I have already worked on this morning while you were at work and I I boxed it up for dump and I boxed it up for Goodwill because there was nothing in it yes some green water I'll give you the green water you want the water is this man cheating or what this is it are you kidding I had the best unit hands down I had the best unit are you gonna help me with my unit or are you saying that I my units completely gone you sweetheart it's it's gone it's gone why do you say connive I'm glad you decided to actually help me on this unit well how about I give you this beautiful Wild West combo bird feeder look at it it's like brand-new it's never been used look it's in the box whoo she took the top right off look this has never been out of the box never been used obviously we already know there's a Wild West theme with this unit with the saddles and the horses so that's kind of cool there this would be a really neat bird bird feeder for a a Wild West horse loving person look there's the barber shop that's where I just went yesterday but it's starting to look like your kind of box are you really you go for those first did you see what's in your box what connives my goodness it's like connive for days one two three four five six seven eight there's at least nine where do they look like oh they're frost brands nope there's nine of them at least in this green box that's your kind of box for sure hair I'll take it aside where you keep going there's some cute farm Depar this one says cluck-cluck remember when you're looking at me the other night we had that one lady come into our house who loves all about chicken stuff this is rising so tons of farm decor and that's an install squirrel had an explosive had an explosive nut apparently so chicken who's but stuck in the bucket this stuff is all good but you know what I really want to get him to what I think everybody wants to see what was in that wooden crate free yeah horse trailer wait wait here's the truck that goes with it what kind is it made in China I got you there its fifth wheel this is what you want me to get for the camper she wants me get a fifth wheel instead I think it'd be easier for traveling definitely in the mountains when we head west till we get in the trunk now I want to know I want to see that junk in the trunk this is the wooden trunk that we found hidden back in the I would say was would you say midsection George it was it was it was blocked by box after box after box after box so this is what we've been dying to get into because we want to know what's in there now well we can tell you is it's heavy we also can tell you is no peeking we didn't peek and as hard as it is to keep away from peeking we do this so often that we know we just have to get to it when we get to it so we had to dig through all day today I've been at this what 8 plus hours maybe more maybe 10 and now we're finally or to it so George you ready to open it up well come on and not not exactly what we were hoping for it's a whole lot heavier than here wait wait let me put the tripod up before you do anything okay everybody get a look and then I'm gonna stop and I'm gonna put the tripod up all right George we're on the tripod now a lot of people were guessing a horse tack because of the saddle and okay so we got a Bicentennial flag okay that's horse belt holy cow wait what is that the deer anniversary of the Americas Pony of the Americas is it silver on the back you see any any marking number seven yeah it's a number seven really pretty belt whoa and heavy okay so people were thinking tack not exactly tack here's a put-in-bay captain hat there's a little baby there's some award P OAC okay it's just starting to make more sense oh wait this is the horse that we saw the you come yeah you found the monument for what was the other one the brown dish the brown dish no that's not it okay so now we know it's the horse the horse did pass away 2004 we know the previous owner of this unit as far as we can tell has no relatives whatsoever it seems like just we tried to find so that we could return things and we can't find anything it's like she completely and totally disappeared there is something in it look baby look at this you know what these are okay it's a horse but you know what kind of horse okay these are briars see that that's a briar this is I don't know if that one's a briar or not look there's a bunch of them this one's a briar this is a ton of briars here oh look look look look this for storage auction pirate yep unicorn right there okay so we got a bag of horses looks like a lot of them are briars that's cool oh this is okay so this definitely is not a tack trunk this is more but this is an equine trunk for sure so international champion 2004 cels I'm not sure what a CEOs equine like elight elites because you love your horses okay how many are those bumper stickers yeah it looks like it this is oh this is a train ticket this isn't monopoly this is the real deal this is B no the train ticket look at that I wonder how old this is I don't see a date on it anywhere but how cool is that I just checked the P to see if there's money in it nothing what was the book called wild run here put the put the train ticket in the actual pages I know we have a ton of horse lovers that watch us probably going going crazy over this probably not going crazy avoid mrs. fumble nuts just did did you guys just see that mrs. fumble nuts wait what were those horses was that a briar is that okay 1974 mares that's that's pottery is this a briar okay Hales yes belly Hales yes in the comments if you think this is a briar Hales no if you don't think it's all right I don't see it labeled briar oh okay so this is the trophy trunk is what it is six year old pakka halter I never did any this with competition we just did trail rides ran a ranch so this stuff is all foreign to me what are the okay we got a third place ribbon what's that eighth place is an eighth place like participation trophies they get seventh place you got any first places in there tenth place that's a lot of places third please okay here's the horse and mares older 51 54 that is an eighth place as well that's a lot of places High Point adult pleasure hungry that's what she said I didn't say that she said that so many words oh my gosh look do you see that what is it when did you uncover that huh when did you uncover that let's move the camera over was the was the horse blanket on it here okay now now you're back over there I can't keep up with you which is it gonna be babe oh my gosh she did she found a gun look at this I have my trigger on it my finger on the trigger that is that is sweet cap gun don't worry we didn't point it at anybody and it was extremely obvious that this wasn't real unless you're watching on YouTube and then you think it's real and here let me let me move the camera over we've moved the camera George and covered all right let's see what we got let's see what we have forget forget the trophies okay we've got a little we got a little away babe hold on okay we have yes this is sterling no this is that's 14 carat gold you guys see it 14k try and get it for you there right there 14k so we're gonna have to get this checked okay that's a good score nice okay we have one lady's yellow gold no gold stamp opal I pray s 14k here can you hold this this one's appraised oh my goodness I dropped it all right I'm getting too excited now all right I've dropped it I dropped it but we're still good I'll show you the ring oh my goodness that a diamond in it just find out what the appraisal value is remember when jebus and amber found 38 babe the appraisal value on this one is four hundred and twenty-five dollars all right there we go so this one is four hundred and twenty-five dollars we paid 400 for the unit you want us to see what this one fits to George George will you be my buddy for the rest of my life okay we got a four hundred and twenty-five dollar ring right here paid 400 for the unit you still want to go see what was in your unit George really you wanna go see what was in your unit I can't believe this okay this was from the same thing oh she's got another priest one no way okay all right come on big money big money big money big money and let's just go to the $500 with the diamond okay it's a European cut diamond yes well it's got 400 on the bag II see that they're appraised for 500 probably had them insured so there's the diamond George I can't believe this I cannot believe this we were bidding on each other we were bidding against each other on this okay just just pull the buffalo nickel pendant look well there's always a good sign if one thing is golden diamonds then usually most of the things are and you guys know most of you know where to check I can't see anything there okay what else do you got in that one safety first now I don't know if this one is worth any money there's no appraisal but I'm sure some collector will want that for ten bucks okay okay I don't know that one in itself was awesome I feel like Jason with thrift trader remember in his first he liked scored huge okay we have let's see here can babe can you hold this can you hold this okay she's gonna hold this so we can see what's in there all right here let me let me actually put the flash on okay we have the flash on we definitely see some foreign coin in there not sure what then okay here we go the Willyard United Bank you know this is public yes this is for a wok box in Willard Willard is about about an hour from us by Norwalk where we were what's this yeah I see some funny coins in there too these might be coin holders here's a pole National oh yeah we definitely we have okay here we go looks like there was some coin collecting too okay yeah go ahead and pull all the car keys out of there why are these quarters in this little baggie okay I'm gonna try and we always hold on to all of the keys in case we find something yeah no I'm looking for silver and the way to find silver on a quarter or any-any coinage like that is to see is that silver the whole way through but it's not so this has a different base metal so we know it's 92 okay if you love someone we definitely have foreign money look at this babe look at that some master key for okay I want to see more gold and silver oh this ring you see this is bakelite yeah that goes the boot scraper that when we found this yeah okay let's hold this up is that like a bottle cap opener or a handle okay so this is the coinage that's in there we'll go through all of this coinage separately where this chain can you check it I didn't see that look at this coin and wait babe that coins going off the edge that could be the 1943 penny we've been looking for she just sent a coin flying off the dock okay not sure what this is it's an old Canadian 1941 cent she literally just sent a coin flying one of the employees is helping her find it all right now silver silver wouldn't corrode like this but the class usually aren't silver there's a left in check the rest what was it all right you already dig into the two other here you grab another one let me clean this mess up over here of course I'm bumping everything oh but this looks more like costume jewelry what's in that what's that boy I want to know who's captain fumble nuts today because she just dropped this is this approach old she just dropped that drop the quarter this looks like it could be real silver that chain not that piece with the chain doesn't look like it to me maybe well it is tarnished I could keep it in the view costume jewelry you got to be kidding me look at how cool that is the all-seeing the all-seeing green eyes eye the color of my eyes yeah so just do something for you so I should ask you to marry me with this ring that's supposed to be that's supposed to keep the spirits the bad spirits away right the eyeball is that what our viewer said I have no idea I don't you know what I follow this looks like it could be real what was in here here I'll hold that nothing oh you already checked it yeah this looks like it could be a real silver see any markings just from looking at it yep nine-to-five sweet is that going down there yeah more custom jewelry for the nickel is it a World War 2 nickel 97 all right that was no silver look at that scared cat okay I want to know what's that one looks kind of broken here I'll hold it for you it's like a more costume jewelry holy cow they're lower down that one's big George can't see the actual viewfinder in the camera it's taller than she is and I can barely see it either especially when you get excited looking for gold and jewelry this is definitely not real this is just this is possibly do you think this is what they would have wore with showing horse yeah that'd probably be my guess you didn't lift the blanket on that yet did you here let me move let me move the camera over I didn't even see those chests when you lift the other thing let me move the camera over okay she let me move the camera over now she got overly excited I'm not the only one that gets excited is that a merry-go-round look at that here here's an off button Christmas carols year-round we got to put a cord in it that's cool Oh fanny pack did you know Annie packs are coming back they're coming back in style all I know is when peg legs come back peg legs come back I'm in and I'm ready gift card three you don't show the back internet trolls are gonna try and steal the money and what is this okay we'll send that to Jebus and amber because jesus loves checking them look at all the coins in there so we're gonna have to here hold up baby let me pour a little bit out in my hand the most kind oh look we got another we got another zip drive okay whoa look at this you guys see this is it a zebra or a horse it looks like it's a broken ring okay I'm just checking to see if any of this is old money I'm not seeing anything yeah we'll just we'll go through that at the house we'll go through all that at the house [Music] some kind of coca-cola monsters of the gridiron and that's it that's all the junk in the trunk well we got more junk in the trailer for tomorrow for sure [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 218,825
Rating: 4.8053479 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: ZC2ik-xW20M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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