Flying Single Pilot into VERY BUSY AIRSPACE!

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I've seen a lot of cool FBOs throughout my career well today we're at fernandina beach in bent wing has to take the winning prize it's a big Corsair we're gonna be flying the TBM for Fernandina Beach down to Miami opa-locka here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome board everybody we will start up the TBM here at Fernandina Beach for a field boost pump on and we'll start the starter we've got the ignition light on and the starter ladies blinking there's first two things you wanna look at if you didn't have both of those lights on you need to put the skirt immediately button the ng wind up so it goes as high as it is gonna stabilize right there and reduce the field of low idle looking further laid off watching the itt's rising up and that fit for a hot start and she continued to not the rise for a hunt start get either one of those just shut down the stirred procedure there's a hot start you'd leave the engine motoring it's turn look at the airport information here Beach Municipal Airport automatic weather observation one eight five Niner Zulu weather wind zero eight zero at one for visibility one zero six thousand scattered temperature - 5 Celsius 2.15 altimeter three zero zero one density altitude one two zero zero all right we got the airport information here at fernandina beach this is an uncontrolled airfield ordina beach TBM here on fo Tech's drawing iron fernandina beach I don't hear anybody else around the area right now I'd like to welcome everybody on board I hope you guys are all doing well you look off a right wing that is defense wing flight services the inspiration for that F Gill is modeled after f4u Corsair world war ii fighter bomber for the Navy really cool FBO you guys do like these videos be sure to smash that like button also subscribe to the channel ring the little bell to notify when I upload the videos a lot goes into making these videos and there's a lot of work so I'd like to really give a shout out to all my patrons the s1k patreon crew over there on patreon your support is greatly appreciated so this is gonna be an IFR flight that we are on today we're gonna take off out of Fernandina Beach which is uncontrolled airfield VFR and we'll pick up our IFR in the air there's a lot of runways here you got nine and two seven three one one three and four and two two we're gonna cross the end of 3 1 here so we'll make that announcement Ernie a beach TVM we're crossing to the end of 3 1 to take off throwing nine in front of each final looks clear I hear everybody coming in to land anywhere looking all around the other surrounding area of this airport to make sure there's somebody that could to be fine that it would be not on the radios and kind of appears roaming diner looking to their right vine 11 Niners clear and on it always clear Indiana Beach TV and we're taking off are only 900 far southeastern gbg the departure frequency out of here when you're VFR because we're got a class charlie airspace of Jacksonville International is we're going to take off on a one tree zero heading climb on to a VFR altitude which we have set up 5500 so here we go Miami Florida here we come he's the power up take power is set glancing down with pressures or temperatures all look good the green Bowl center line here we've got a stiff wind right out of the east so I'll give this a lot better rotation time here already coming up on rotation speed there is pull back on the yoke up the sky we go tap the brakes the stop the wheels from spinning but as it goes up into the wheel well and gear is selected up I can get good views of the Atlantic Ocean right off our nose here they dedicate him and we'll go flaps up you got a damper on we'll start right turn to one-30 heading our task looks clear over here nobody know your traffic around the area beautiful views down Amelia Island here alright so there's one tree zero heading I'm gonna put the autopilot on our workload here is gonna get pretty high so go an IAS mode autopilot on climbing and heading mode and indicator speed mode up to 5500 earned a beach TBM we're two miles southeast afield southeast Falcon are thousands are gonna beat you we're doing well be our last call I need to come there I'll go to Jack's pickup arrive fire good afternoon Jax I've already 5-1 tango Bravo raped by one tango Bravo Jack supporter squawk two six one two two six one two and five one zero so he was ready for us though safe by one thing a roller at a contact three miles east of the fern team each airport the altitude position checks currently passed through two thousand are 85 Montana brother the one thing I brought your clears it opa-locka Airport via direct ormond beach then is filed on the maintain one 4000 X but final to a Tier one German sever departure cleared and opa-locka direct Worman as filed will maintain one four thousand expect two eight zero time etcetera if I want to Bravo one thing I brought read back correct alright so gonna put one four thousand our altitude selector we got a direct warm and Beach and we'll go into that mode this is where the workload gets a little higher that's why I put the autopilot and we are on our way I'm paying over AMA contact approach one to 4.9 our steve steevo twenty four Niner thanks have a good date once a brother yeah it looks like Jax is a fan of the channel how cool for the tribe and put it together Jax bills five frequency good afternoon Jax I've already won tango Bravo 4300 client one four thousand director Armand I've one thing a project for Roger climb and maintain one five thousand by ten one five thousand one thing brother there's a video flight hey tested today we're filming all right like all the jacks guys our viewers and fans of the channel that's really cool they do a really good job around here so I'm at just my pressurization and we're gonna go into 850 mode so I'm gonna pull a tornado one bravo bravo daf enemy just under five percent up and over the gate I can turn off the inertial separator also what you saw the light go off the torque is gonna climb up above a hundred percent now that we right now we're I turned it on we're at 155 knots I actually want to climb a little slower than 130 so we get higher quicker there's a little button here my yoke right here control control wheel steering I'm gonna push that and that's gonna do manually give me control of the airplane or one here November with the autopilot still on so control this there but pushing fold come on try crackin up oh just the airplane up till we hit 130 knots November 1 Bravo Bravo kind of a tower 132 point 1 airspeed is bleeding off got my five by Boeing traffic's not a bag you're still holding a control wheel steering but helping 500 we're coming up to 130 okay we'll call it good right there now I release the control wheel steering and now the airplane with the autopilot I feel protes still continuing with a blue 4000 on well the headset outer one for I didn't do anything with the autopilot control the steering button just being silly gives you manual control 231 Jersey released a lot of power goes right back to whatever you have set up in the in the airplane that's a little handy little feature power to about a hundred a little about 115 percent on the torque down low here we're torque limited once we get iron will be at ITT limited with the turboprops there we go we got a good climb rate it's a hot day uh broke I'm about 2,000 feet so if you look down here at for flight on the iPad see that's where we just took off for only nine well sue them out a little bit this will be our routing or direct doorman Beach at this time I'll go direct do and there you go and then we're gonna continue on down and for the blue fee for arrival into Miami we do have some rain showers that you can see on there down around South Florida so we'll navigate that as needed as we get a little lower down Florida coast I'm tango Bravo contact Jack Center 1q 6.35 PD 2635 one thing abroad I could a definite jex I'm a rate by one tango Bravo oh and i-15 does a thought winding up brother Jackson a comment a follow-up a one-eighth Bureau climate a foil one eight zero one tango brother alright one eight zero so to set up an our altitude pre-selector since we're gonna be climbing and leveling off at a flight level 180 0 we're gonna push the standard but here that's gonna put two nine nine two in our altimeter seven anyway three won't be using up in the local I'll be thinner setting if it'll flight levels okay one thousand ago at seventeen thousand and we're gonna level up at little one eight zero waiting can go Bravo very great flavor Trek believer want take a breath oh I don't go to our flight plan here scroll down to Lieber correct enter enter sensor at nav mode your plane is automatically turned eight five one tango Bravo after labor doing the briefing for arrival Hydra after Lieber will join the Bluth before arrival a by one thing a brother all right so your plan is now navigating your torch we prefer one picks up there a babbling finger Bravo humming painful intervals two three zero two three zero one thing a brother all right we had a little technical difficulty with the old GoPro Hero seven over there but it's back up and running we begin up to two eight zero to a zero climbing out of two five ever barely three like this airplane is what I do is my full-time job as many of you know I do not own these airplanes I fly them as my job it is a really fun career to have you guys or to think about becoming a pilot whether it's for fun or you want to do it for career sure check out my friend jason shepherd he runs m0 a calm and online ground school for you guys and it'll basically he'll be able to guide you along and give you good tips on getting on through get your ratings all linked in the description below once again level two eight zero will let the airplane clean out one thousand go and we'll set our cruise power here eight five one came to Bravo contact mommy center Moen honor for eight to one Niner point eight two one thing a brother every day all right there we are we love Lanaya vital to eight zero we'll check on with Miami I have a good afternoon about rape I want hang a Rafael two eight zero never a pub one pickup Robbo might be federal but we are on a cruise altitude here for what we filed on this flight but little two eight zero which is twenty eight thousand fifipapa it's gonna be okay we're gonna let the airplane do this build up a little speed here gain momentum and we'll Secretary's power may be going by Orlando off for a right wing won't really get a very good view of it though because of the clouds gave the airplane some time to build up some speed now we'll set our cruise power our ITT is looking good right where we need to have it and geez look good father what we're gonna do is we're gonna pull the prop rpm back with the blue lever heretofore there's no going to bring it back to 1900 rpms and just gonna do it real nice and slow now your prop rpm is dropping everyone now it's just a little bit better noise level on the cabin here for comfort and that's it yeah sure pressure is all look good we'll continue on down and I'll get you guys down to the arrival a little bit or company night later here in during the flight number [Music] all right a little farther down the route here we're on the blue key for arrival take a look down here door iPad you can see this is where we're at just past the blue few intersection come on towards heat pass Palm Beach and by Cannes and we'll get broke off the arrival right around the Cannes and we're that's a little bit of storms on their actual if you look down you're gonna see there's two TFRs the one coming up if you tap on the yellow one that's the Miami Beach air show coming up and the one left to it that's actually red it's the Marlins game baseball game to maintain 7,000 7,000 want anger brother open 7,000 the other two pre-selector and BS down and if you look down here gives y'all look at the Rays versus the Marlins the Tampa Bay Rays it's the for tomorrow's because you all the notes on that let's go over to the ATIS they're at opa-locka and we'll pick up the dakar natus Oakland Airport information of every time and temperature to a two point one Niner helps you in a presenter 5 expect the Alex a visual approach from winter flip thank the project only minute left term we want to you and where we Niner right peptide you get November all right we have affirmation of ever that way when we check on with the approach controllers I like it closer to blocka we let up now we have November you know we have the current airport information number one tango Bravo kind of Miami center I'm sorry my me approach one three three point seven seven 33:37 377 one tango breath every day yeah sure Isis where we're going I want to check on alien around boy good afternoon I verify one takeover over 7000 with know that the only one thing about my post pic runway Niner left I do expect nine left wanting a rebel it's open expect nine left down here we've got the airport tab we can hit that and then also over here get the plates tab right there's the ILS for nine left I've got the airplane all set up okay so get the ILS UK for dump it's all set up and ready to go I'll go 50 44 that's a real nice quick tap of the button you're right at what you need to look at we do have some storms around the area there is a really big storm just to the southwest of Miami not one tango Bravo defendant maintained six about six thousand wanting a brother 6000 our altitude pre-selector vs it down my mother the only one I always say it's better to be lucky to good I'm glad that big storm with all that lightning and all that is what we're going you doing Boca Raton over there number two currently passing by it came off on him I've never when I first started flying didn't we've 91 got a Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport I thought one to Boca was a long way other types of change for ten eleven and one I drew no one can go Bravo 585 girl to 5-0 want to take a Beretta all right so we're breaking off the blue sea for arrival two fives you're on the heading bug will go into heady mode a good view down there like we're right by Pompano Beach airplanes going to turn over there to the two-five-zero head I'm A three Julia echo de Sena maintain six tough julinux one tango Bravo TURN RIGHT in 2005 275 wanting a brother a tango with fear kind of writing after a little bit of light precip there you can see the windshield your right contact pull out a car went to 0.24 out executive right over there directly to fly on an American teams everybody look off the left wing over there you'll see there's Fort Lauderdale International Airport don't want to angle robbed it kind of maintain four thousand four thousand four two thousand one take a breath all right four thousand seven out the two pre-selected will be s it down or now out of six doesn't this thing before had a little rain storm out there dead ahead twelve o'clock a preset coming down a little bit that's the one that's Sean up his dream Breen is no prob to fly through that's just like precip I've even noticed like yellow Souter are already in pain you look at these x-rays and stuff good work I try to avoid oranges and the Reds and the Pink's those are the ones you definitely don't want to fly through don't want tango Bravo bite at you eight bill two eight zero wanting a brother just get these slight Eddy changes because all the arrivals coming into Fort Lauderdale's rob overdue to be for one hundred girl what night is you gonna speed one thing a row River there eleven o'clock is where all the arrivals are coming into Fort Lauderdale International all right so be given introduction here running three five zero to 190 knots off all the power back does not have an auto throttle on it can't give you a free one every Potter over here one night Neil point that be right over there you'll see it that's what we're gonna be manually adjusted the throttle order to maintain a hundred ninety dots right and there's 190 knots so adjust the power to maintain that you guys keep good eye on that 15 number one tango Bravo contact mommy approach on one to eight point six eight six one tango brother oh good day I'm a good afternoon over a five one thing I'll bribe a four thousand two eight zero and one ninety other speed memory if I won tangled on my Mia ProCharger why you want to know why all these vectors look down here at the iPad look at all the airplanes around us right now all those different airplanes there's a storm down there and you can see all very busy our number one thing about what we do speed one phone zero one seven zero one thing a brother all right we'll get another speed reduction well the power back go back to hire 30 knots this is because of all these airplanes right here we're getting secretly everything here the 1,000 try the inertial separator on sense one or two hundred knots that was the limitation of turning that on so flipping a switch down here by my left knee hotels out of 1000 head around thirty seconds or so we're gonna see the light come on departure when it comes by train turning three throws and now in the intake we're bypassing a lot more of the type of if we were to ingest anything all right so the rate around there is 170 knots so that's what we're now gonna maintain over 110 kilometers for the maintain 3000 3000 over 3,000 set up resonator don't forget one do it descent so maintain that there's a reversal separate golf though those still maintain that one seventy you don't maintain hold the power back even farther so easier to get a descent there one forward when you're given a speed restriction never looked really tangled your manual that you try you throw all the second your speed their number one tangle double ending to five zero two five zero one thing a brother remember to Charlie Tango maintain 2500 2500 number 5 5 Charlie feathers from sounds for anyone to slow it down there that's the Everglades guys when you're not one have an issue right here 3,000 feet maintain 170 knots of finding a rate around 50 percent of the torque is where this airplane likes to have the power setting to maintain that speed from the one tango Bravo anyone a general maintain 2,000 won 8-0 2001 take a brother 2007 hit with the heading bug and de-essing down to 2011 I don't know Nicole traffic 11 I left turn here about 2400 defending marathon Meridian you guys look up for the left wing here real good view down there different airboat rails to the North Everglades 500 is a k34 I know our next frequencies would be the tower frequency 3467 so I have been set up so we're staying ahead of the flake we ought to worry about adjusting it for a sec cover Milan tango Bravo this interview Kristin defender maintain 1600 1600 watt tank brother 1600 that's where we would intercept the localizer their vision when we have the trap we're gonna actually put the approach in case it goes so untangle double heading 1 4 0 1 4 0 on take a breath oh there's the localizer a line right there with your 5.5 we're getting a good intercept angle here if we get the approach we haven't been told yet to do the ILS but you never enough sometimes they spring it on you you just want to be prepared for it all we've been told so far is just expect nine left what ain't there I'll do that we'll see if they give us the ILS here I've had times where I didn't have it all set up and they give it to you and you're scrambling so I bet that's happened I always like to make sure it's also I've been ready to go get ready to go to work here Arum rest up what do you think they're gonna do guys give us the visual or do you think they're gonna make you do as X to the ILS look down here to approach plate consider a little airplane coming in that's really cool cool feature tango level six from sampled by adding one through zero maintain 1600 so establish on a little cleared all this not a left approach one to zero in the heading 1,000 to 600 till established on the localizer cleared for the ILS night left approach 8 by 2000 well now that we've been cleared for the approach we're gonna arm the approach and we are not scrambling around trying to get set up right now we're watching the localizer could have come in it should be approaching hair is pretty soon what do you mean there it is so now the airplane as captured approach I had at iron primary search without us capture in a constant climb maintain 3000 I'll put the heavy bug to our approach course which is a zero nine three if I'm a one Kangal dog will crack open or that I went three four point six seven so long or it's our one tango Bravo every day lenok our good afternoon of every 5-1 tang of revenue ls9 what if I went to another level and clearly a 9 left 85 Montana brother will put her pulsating landing lights on we've been given our landing clearance for 1.2 from Sasebo where we're gonna intercept the glide slope go back to 25% on the torque is what I like to put it we're within our five-speed flap selected look out there on the wing you can see the floods coming down and indicating and we're just after one dot above on the glide slope is where I usually it was a little late on that but we're gonna go gear down selected and indicate now we're just gonna let the airplane follow the glide slope a localized or right on into a mere five five Charlie think that I left right left on that ground will feature that'll pull the power back here a little bit more background noise on the fan other dude get down to our approach speed right now we're still pretty fast third plane is doing a real good job currently right on the glide slope and a little left of the localizer know if you guys can see that over there it's doing a pretty good job and it's correcting go right on down to 258 if we were in the clouds 358 feet right now we could just be relying off our instruments I have it set up in our radar altimeter 500 there's 500 feet to the ground well let the airplane look fly it on the autopilot although we don't if I don't know that other time 100 feet to go now but to our house look at the front window we could still be in the clouds until we hear the little chime really fix record by the crowd apart from please roll pitch there we go there's a decision altitude and we can now continue to hand fly it and we'll disconnect the autopilot bill follow the glide slope prayed on it to our touchdown point I'll start to ease the power back and there you go centreline bring down the nose power lever up and over the gate backwards a little bit we'll go into beta a pocket albert has a date to try that go away about Iowa I don't know to Charlie Tango plug that's I'm gonna exit farther down the runway there's no point going into full reverse I'm tango Bravo turn right at charlie contact ground one two zero two okay Charlie I'm gonna ground thanks want a brother all right welcome to the longest opa-locka Miami Florida Stadium like to go straight south bottom again hope you guys enjoyed that you didn't smash that thumbs up button subscribe to channel we go here's our Charlie intersection we'll get off on this taxiway well follow that yellow line in these yellow lines come in very handy especially at night trying to find these taxiways off the runway Mitch please fix traffic clipping ions on a three-mile final runway 911 finding out of one day well across these hold short bars right up here and we'll go over to grab Charlie Tango traffic one o'clock three miles left phones can be felt for the final well the ground I verify one tango Bravo clear 9 left on Charlie need to go out the signature November each have one thing a Bravo opa-locka ground path behind the Condor two per opposite direction on charlie taxi via Papa kind of convey or pop it into the ramp a 5-1 tango Bravo all right there's the convair and say it up there behind him we'll go pop it into the ramp here is signature right over here go onto the ramp there there's our Marshall er follows his hands instructions in those bonds cross we're done alright guys hope all is well and I'll talk to you in Sunday Stan [Music] [Music] [Music] all misty mountains where the spirits go [Music] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 246,447
Rating: 4.9699612 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM850, Career in aviation, Pilot life, Pilot, Pilot career, Becoming a pilot, Flying IFR, ATC, ATC audio, Aviation, Airplane, Aircraft, taking off, landing an airplane, Travel, Amelia Island, Miami, MZeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviaton, Jobs in aviation, S1K
Id: 1ZprU8yzOIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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