The Tampa Transition! Single Pilot IFR Flight in Busy Airspace

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long flights and then you have short flights today we're gonna do a short flight in the TBM from Tampa Executive down to st. Pete Clearwater let's get this started [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody here at amp executive TBM 850 we'll start it up put the auxilary boost pump on for the fuel turn the starter on first two things we look at make sure the starter light is blinking and the additional a design we don't have one of those you deport let's start immediately winding up the ng and the stabilize as high as it needs to go we introduce the field a little idle now of course we're gonna be watching for the hot start on the ITT and the hung starred on the ng and she is rising and the ITT starting to drop down as the engine spools up faster looking good and a good start starting hums huh Hado feel selector bottom separator turn HSI with the air conditioning to disobey only dampe the executive airport automated weather observation one six two Niner Zulu weather wind zero five zero at for visibility one zero ceiling 1,800 broken 3,600 overcast temperature 1 5 Celsius dewpoint Niner altimeter three zero two zero all right we got the weather here at executive we're gonna pull away from the ramp here and we're gonna go over to Tampa departure clearance on the ground here we use Skype or aviation that's our fuel of choice basically it's the only idea but so good that Bo this looks like a good spot to me how are you guys alright a 5-1 tanker brother they've got one tank of Robert Emma we're on the ground tamp executive I'd like to pick a bra far over to Saint Pete hey if I want tanker brother I don't have your clearance right now what time did you file for we file the parting in 25 minutes you can pick up your ifr clearance 30 minutes prior to your departure time and we are right inside of st. Pete Airport the radar vectors after departure fly heading of zero-niner-zero 19 1600 expect four thousand one tremendous after departure departure frequency one-one-niner point nine are squawk zero zero six six holds really sure cleared over to st. Pierre aid our vectors zero nine zero in the heading one thousand six nine two partial expect four thousand ten minutes after thank you nine and departure frequency squawking zero zero six six in all the whole fairy story I want a brother you want to take it wherever read back correct about number one ready to go which runway Roger we are ready to go number one and only five forever if I want a row hopefully we got a clearance so we're gonna be holding short everybody on board [Applause] Parcher planning zero five zero maintain 1600 there's traffic see one mile west of Tampa Tech 900 feet to miles northeast 900 feet and three miles the camp exact west on that thousand spirit Louise for departure report everyone quarters not everyone is five minutes he'll be airborne within five minutes and on departure zero five zero 1,600 feet another F I want a Bravo zero five zero on our heading assignment I'll go over to you to cop will go t gonna calm and start communicating with all these airplanes here at the airport app executive TV imma hold sugar high five we're waiting for the traffic on final two Landon will be depart to have exact it looks like this guy might be our honor this first solos because I got some people over here watching them take off the land we'll see how he does oh good good glad to hear if you guys are good I'm good one more take as many as you want still got a bad point all right this guy's doing touching goes hey steve-o you got a bet oh thanks I'm actually filming this fight so you got in the video hey we got a fan here we've got a couple fans here oh good nice so I was just watching them good job congratulations what that and those do you thank y'all big fan have fun enjoy each step all right so as soon as he gets out of the way we'll take off cuz we're gonna run him over because we're going significantly faster than he is yep executive TVM taking the actor Oliver and it will be to the east exit crosswind runway five miles clear Eastern District Crossman so he'll be out of our way but within our five minute time frame line up that way okay ready to go to st. Pete all right here we go ease the and take up looking for a rotation speed withholding satire with our rudder pedals and there's a rotation speed the gear up that breaks we got interstate 75 right off the end of the runway here there's bird you gotta watch out for all these birds around here I'll go flaps up you'll have damper on that exact TV and we just took out for only five climbing out of 500 feet now zero fighters your heading partner can fix it put that have some fun now go over to Tampa Tampa I verified one thing a brother just stuff executive climbing out of 1000 for 1600 he didn't want anger brother turn right heading 180 radar contact amount north you the PAMP executive decision checks right the one eight zero eight five one thing row or one tango brother call and maintain 4,000 - reading 1a0 1a0 up to 4,000 a try one thing even though this is a short flight this is a routing memory expect usually they'll bring it right over Tampa International into the st. Pete area 3 transitioning through airspace where I am see right now we have a very busy airspace to contend with here as we gotta get by Tampa internationals airspace into st. Pete I'm in out at 25 feet a minute there's $1,000 altitude alert 3,000 climb into 4,000 all right two six zero one tango Bravo what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over to the airport tab here and put it in st. Pete and put it the ADA's and the ground frequency over on our second calm you're flying single pilot the workload is very high two seven zero one tango Bravo usually if you'd be able to help you out with this frequencies here st. Petersburg clear routes our information echo 1 5 5 s reasonable probably win 0 to 0 at 7:31 0 roma 1800 kappa b or clear dewpoint in Winterhaven an hour three zero two zero divisor favorite IRS only three six approaching use any party these ground control frequency one buys and let's contact your information echo echo for only three six pm one tango Bravo turn ten degrees right contact approach one is five point three ten right twenty-five three you want a brother three seven four alpha t have an approach request to let her have it be to zero why don't you have a TBM 850 one thing around four thousand two eight zero we have that good Sam p85 one tango Bravo TURN RIGHT heading two niner zero by two nine zero one zero h n1 six Niner whiskey Bravo champ if everyone tango Bravo TURN RIGHT heading three zero zero weight three zero zero one thing up rather normally when you're visually can see the airport you feel down there you'll see Tampa International Airport you'll but let you fly the east-west runway just over fly that runway transition over the top since today kind of cloudy they got us I'm heading assignments we briefed the approach for iOS three six [Applause] with that so this point is very challenging it's short which makes the workload on single pilot transitioning very busy airspace and half international you gotta go through all the phases of flight and basically set for the approach immediately to me flying longer flights is actually easier because it gives you a lot more time to stay ahead of the flight compared to these short flights reduce P 2 1 5 0 it is 2 1 5 0 1 take a brother so he wants this speed of 1 5 0 knots this airplane doesn't have an auto throttle so I got to manually adjust the speed with the power here go back and get the speed to 150 knots right now we're currently doing 180 270 right like to put the i/os the clutch for the iOS 3 6 I'm begging for that that's what they're advertising your number 4 for the approach thank you so we're on the same page over $150 my fuel gauges right think it's significantly lower than the route left put them to do a manual shift right now we're burning out of the right I do a manual shift that will burn out of the left so we'll get those tanks evened up a little better it really gives you a lot more versatility of the days you want to fly compared to having just wait for nice non cloudy days you guys are thinking about becoming a pilot either for fun or professionally be sure to check out my friend Jason Sheppard's channel m0a calm has a good online crime school to help guide you through get your rings in the description below also any of the music I using these videos and all their social medias is all down there in the description below so click show more and go follow up we have some fun coming up here the first week of April very excited for that a great meetup schedule planned go over to Steve on kinivo calm and sign up register to join you get all kinds of cool piles squared away so to go a hundred and fifty knots with this plane at cruise altitude at 3,000 feet here I am back around 28% on the torque so we had our talk significantly pulled back give him one tango Bravo turn left heading two two zero two two zero one thing up ahead and set the two to zero airplane is turn turds out of it actually with the speed reduction it actually is it benefits the pilot on this flight as it gives you PBM a 5-1 tango Bravo just trying to maintain treat now pain treat does one thing a brother 3000 I'll to pre-selector very mindful and the descent the airplanes gonna want to speed up a little bit more to keep our iron 50 knots so your job today guys is to keep that on that airspeed indicator I break any speed limits let me now you don't have to be absolutely perfect on the speed but you should try to keep as close as you can maybe I'm one tango Bravo turn left heading 180 zero left one zero one thing ever ever buy whiskey Mike I don't what ain't your heading I have everything set up over there so you guys could follow in this iOS the localizer and the glide slope our decision altitude is 210 feet to maintain 2,000 if you keep an eye on the - yes can see that your turn 10 feet is only have to go around if you don't have the runway environment in sight you'll look down here at the approach plate and see you're a little airplane blinking over there and the left side of the approach also we have our notice up here we get six notice that we've I've already briefed before I took off can scroll through the no domes offer rightly be the Gulf of Mexico out there I know if you guys can see that just off our right wing finger Bravo just kind of maintained to be found I'm a fan too does the one thing ever my cup I wish she doesn't set up next frequency is the power frequency eighteen three say I have that already set up to stay ahead of the fight just about to go enter into this little I am see you later here my cup I wish can I continue turning left hitting zero three zero you're four miles earlier a little bit this is a perfect day to practice approaches because you know you're gonna bust up before our minimums PBM one thing the Bravo for spacing with a knife around Alber we did turn right heading two seven zero be just short vectors you seven zero one thing a problem all right so we got some spacing issues here look down there you can see the nice waters vectors are to have a runway for option back to Ritter u BM one tango Bravo turn right heading three six Harrell weight three six zero one thing a brother all right looks like we're doing a 360 degree turn here we're going back north take a look down there guys maybe you'll see some sharks you guys I want the scenic route anyway right IMC time book which is always good finger Rama turn right heading one six-year-old weight 160 or one thing abroad and we basically did a 360 here now we're gonna be back basically going back again 2001 take a brother we've completed our 360 degree turn basically I'm a little holding pattern here but he being one tango brownlow turn left heading zero-niner-zero you may resume normal speed series normal speed one thing ever all right we get to speed it back up so we're gonna advance the power will go back to a hundred percent of the speed torque we were doing up to 200 knots so that's up you being one thing of Bravo traffic once you're eastbound is off your one o'clock six miles west bound indicating 1000 type unknown for the traffic one thing about of imc hitting zero a girl your age zero just follow the coastline IMC just to get that you're one we may not see him at st. Pete out there in front of us actually we have two guys on our tasks right now I got one guy right over here hundred feet below us won't go out here at three miles 1,200 feet also Veloz will keep it good for all this traffic I thought the road copilot come in handy he could be looking more for the traffic and I could be paying attention to actually flying the airplane beautiful view down there over there got some golf courses got the big bridge out there that crosses Tampa Bay at 2,000 feet that's where we're gonna intercept the glide slope over students and then we'd go right on down to 210 feet hopefully gives us a turn here pretty quick to intercept this localizer five miles of the left turn heading zero three five you are four miles from some maintain 2,000 folks compass on the localizer cleared ILS runway three three right do a three five in the heading 2000 till established on the localizer cleared for the ILS runway three six approach no 35 on table row approach well I'm the approach zero you'll see that localizer coming and the airplane will turn on to localize you're gonna follow the approach in their approach is armed right now it's not captured yet once it captures the little white on light will go off and I'll just be all green there we go localizer is coming in airplanes turning on and has captured it heading bug their runway heading so we're two miles from Stu's that's when we're gonna capture the localizer good tower a bro enjoy your day flaps selected look over there on the wing you'll see him under coming down and indicating for the glide slope to come in down from the top and uh right over here on the right side Thank You Tara good morning 2:35 one tango Bravo on the ILS three six one tango Bravo every car on my tree sticker put your land right there delight only three six November if I want a Greta so you'll see now you can see the glide slope coming in gear down I usually like to keep my finger on the gear handle until I see all three green there we go three two green indicating now the airplane is following on the glide slope and the localizer as you can see it's all lined up and the glide slope is perfectly on seven copies of my airplane is doing a good job on that downwind for runway we got the runway in sight out there in front of us let's just pretend what you don't see the wrong way we'll go all the way down to 210 feet that's where you're gonna watch your altimeter right now we're at 1210 feet so we got 1,000 feet to go but really we won't even have to be looking out the windows right now if we're IMC we'd be down here in the what kind of dance front panel since I can't see out the phone I'll keep an eye out cuz you know you hit any birds or anything else up here I'll usually do call-outs to even all by myself all the same out loud even if I am sitting here all by myself just for social awareness I'll do a 500-foot so preparing mentally of where I am on this approach Terri's every time I fix the call traffic of conflict but am i coming up right here 400 that's a 500 feet to go to minimums usually get prepared all of my seat gary tool and get comfortable 500 feet to the ground my next call I usually do they'll do 200 feet to go it's just something I like to do I'll do a 500 foot then a two-hour foot then my eyes would be going in and out of the cockpit if we're in the clouds looking for that runway and Roy I ran and got 100 feet we'll have to go you're looking out to find here this is how low we go could still be in the clouds right there there's our chime we just connect the auto and we'll continue to fly the iOS right on it to a touchdown point I dipped a little bit below there but we're pretty we're still looking good back to idle going to the flare and every good touchdown saralyn stop there and to reverse I'll slow it up got a signature one tango brother tango Bravo right to turn left that's the closed runway two-niner better turn left on the closer only hearing over the ground thanks for help on Tam brother this is the old clothes runway this is we're gonna go left right here clean up the plane Hank over the ground that's the hold short bars here and check on the ground st. Pete ground good morning to verify one thing a rover clear three six on the closed runway need to go down a signature give me a 905 one angle Bravo 90 ground the Airbus traffic on the toe of your left once he passes text yourself the Alpha you're behind the Airbus will go left on alpha into the signature ramp if I want to cover other thanks Darren web on here I'm saying that okay Roger thank you okay so we got this Airbus here Allegiant airlines over here just waiting for him to turn left onto tango over there and then we'll go behind him welcome to st. Pete Florida guys got the Gir Tampa International do a circle right over the Gulf of Mexico sure nice iOS approach him there the airport here there's that Airbus right there Allegiant this Airport is really popular with Allegiant airlines they look off are right here you'll see them all over there sitting there well if you did like that video be sure to smash that thumbs up subscribe to the channel always greatly appreciated go to steve-o on kinivo calm I got a swag store over there you can pick up some merchandise and support the channel you guys are going to Sun upon coming up I look forward to seeing you guys there be sure to sign up for the meet ups you got a lot of cool stuff away the right offer right here this is the signature flight support ramp that's the FPL we're going to use since we're based at a signature it give you a good pricing on your feeling fees that's what we're going to be using alright comes their Marshall Oh we'll just follow the instructions and once he crosses his batons this flight is finished all right Thanks for writing along guys and we'll talk again someday soon [Music] that's a wrap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 631,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM850, Career in aviation, pilot life, pilot, becomng a pilot, Flying, IFR, ATC audio, Aviation, airplane, aircraft, Taking off, Landing an airplane, Travel, Florida, Tampa Bay, MzeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, IFR flying, Single pilot, Jobs in aviation, Vehicles, S1K, Boosted Board
Id: Z5AenW7cBYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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